2014-10-02 | Tom Hughes | Test that reserved usernames are not allowed | tree | commitdiff |
2014-07-23 | Tom Hughes | Fix error resolving relation parents | tree | commitdiff |
2014-07-21 | Tom Hughes | Merge branch 'rails41' | tree | commitdiff |
2014-07-04 | Tom Hughes | Rename Trace#public to Trace#visible_to_all | tree | commitdiff |
2014-07-04 | Tom Hughes | Rename User#public to User#identifiable | tree | commitdiff |
2014-06-18 | Tom Hughes | Improve blocking of characters not allowed in XML | tree | commitdiff |
2014-06-15 | Tom Hughes | Probit control characters in user names | tree | commitdiff |
2014-04-27 | Tom Hughes | Qualify SCALE in tests | tree | commitdiff |
2014-03-08 | Matt Amos | Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into... | tree | commitdiff |
2014-03-01 | Tom Hughes | Add more tests for BrowseHelper | tree | commitdiff |
2014-02-26 | Tom Hughes | Reorganise tests to match modern rails test layout | tree | commitdiff |