From 93bfeef7148542e941a798c6605e4e7724bfc4cf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Translatewiki Date: Sun, 29 Nov 2009 19:10:43 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Localisation updates from (2009-11-29) --- config/locales/de.yml | 159 +++++++++++++ config/locales/es.yml | 311 ++++++++++++++++++++++++- config/locales/eu.yml | 509 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ config/locales/fr.yml | 379 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ config/locales/hr.yml | 4 +- config/locales/hsb.yml | 306 +++++++++++++++++++++++++ config/locales/hu.yml | 108 +++++++++ config/locales/is.yml | 99 ++++++++ config/locales/it.yml | 341 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++- config/locales/ja.yml | 15 +- config/locales/nl.yml | 113 +++++++++ config/locales/ru.yml | 20 ++ config/locales/uk.yml | 281 ++++++++++++++++++++++- config/locales/vi.yml | 164 +++++++++++++ 14 files changed, 2797 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/de.yml b/config/locales/de.yml index bed6e560b..8a76c10ae 100644 --- a/config/locales/de.yml +++ b/config/locales/de.yml @@ -407,6 +407,165 @@ de: search_osm_namefinder: suffix_parent: "{{suffix}} ({{parentdistance}} {{parentdirection}} von {{parentname}})" suffix_place: ", {{distance}} {{direction}} von {{placename}}" + search_osm_nominatim: + prefix: + amenity: + airport: Flughafen + bank: Bank + bar: Bar + bicycle_parking: Fahrrad-Stellplatz + brothel: Bordell + bureau_de_change: Wechselstube + bus_station: Busbahnhof + cafe: Café + car_rental: Autovermietung + car_sharing: Carsharing + car_wash: Autowaschanlage + casino: Casino + cinema: Kino + clinic: Krankenhaus + college: Hochschule + dentist: Zahnarzt + doctors: Arzt + driving_school: Fahrschule + emergency_phone: Notrufsäule + fire_hydrant: Hydrant + fire_station: Feuerwehr + fountain: Brunnen + grave_yard: Friedhof + gym: Fitness-Zentrum + hospital: Krankenhaus + hotel: Hotel + hunting_stand: Hochstand + ice_cream: Eisdiele + kindergarten: Kindergarten + library: Bücherei + park: Park + parking: Parkplatz + pharmacy: Apotheke + prison: Gefängnis + pub: Kneipe + restaurant: Restaurant + retirement_home: Altersheim + sauna: Sauna + school: Schule + supermarket: Supermarkt + telephone: Telefonzelle + theatre: Theater + toilets: WC + townhall: Rathaus + university: Universität + vending_machine: Automat + veterinary: Tierarzt + wifi: WLAN-Access-Point + youth_centre: Jugendhaus + building: + chapel: Kapelle + highway: + bus_stop: Bushaltestelle + cycleway: Radweg + footway: Fußweg + ford: Furt + living_street: Spielstraße + motorway: Autobahn + motorway_junction: Autobahnkreuz + steps: Treppe + track: Feldweg + historic: + archaeological_site: Ausgrabungsstätte + church: Kirche + ruins: Ruine + tower: Turm + wreck: Schiffswrack + landuse: + cemetery: Friedhof + construction: Baustelle + forest: Wald + industrial: Industriegebiet + meadow: Wiese + mountain: Berg + nature_reserve: Naturschutzgebiet + park: Park + residential: Siedlung + leisure: + fishing: Fischereigrund + golf_course: Golfplatz + miniature_golf: Minigolf + nature_reserve: Naturschutzgebiet + park: Park + playground: Spielplatz + sports_centre: Sportzentrum + stadium: Stadion + swimming_pool: Schwimmbad + track: Rennstrecke + natural: + beach: Strand + cave_entrance: Höhleneingang + geyser: Geysir + glacier: Gletscher + hill: Erhebung + island: Insel + peak: Gipfel + river: Fluss + tree: Baum + valley: Tal + volcano: Vulkan + place: + airport: Flughafen + country: Land + farm: Gehöft + hamlet: Weiler + house: Haus + island: Insel + postcode: Postleitzahl + region: Region + suburb: Stadtteil + town: Stadt + village: Dorf + shop: + bakery: Bäckerei + bicycle: Fahrradgeschäft + books: Buchgeschäft + butcher: Metzgerei + car: Autohaus + car_dealer: Autohaus + car_repair: Autowerkstatt + carpet: Teppichladen + copyshop: Copyshop + department_store: Kaufhaus + doityourself: Baumarkt + florist: Blumenladen + furniture: Möbelgeschäft + gift: Geschenkeladen + hairdresser: Frisörsalon + kiosk: Kiosk + mall: Einkaufszentrum + motorcycle: Motorradgeschäft + optician: Optiker + shoes: Schuhgeschäft + shopping_centre: Einkaufszentrum + supermarket: Supermarkt + toys: Spielwarengeschäft + travel_agency: Reisebüro + tourism: + alpine_hut: Berghütte + artwork: Kunstwerk + attraction: Attraktion + bed_and_breakfast: Bed and Breakfast + camp_site: Campingplatz + caravan_site: Wohnwagen-Stellplatz + hostel: Jugendherberge + hotel: Hotel + information: Touristen-Information + motel: Motel + museum: Museum + theme_park: Vergnügungspark + valley: Tal + viewpoint: Aussichtspunkt + zoo: Zoo + waterway: + mineral_spring: Mineralquelle + stream: Bach javascripts: map: base: diff --git a/config/locales/es.yml b/config/locales/es.yml index 0fcb9fbe7..72e045c18 100644 --- a/config/locales/es.yml +++ b/config/locales/es.yml @@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ es: types: cities: Ciudades places: Lugares - towns: Villas + towns: Municipios description_osm_namefinder: prefix: "{{distance}} {{direction}} de {{type}}" direction: @@ -400,13 +400,322 @@ es: suffix_place: ", {{distance}} {{direction}} de {{placename}}" search_osm_nominatim: prefix: + amenity: + airport: Aeropuerto + arts_centre: Centro artístico + atm: Cajero automático + auditorium: Auditorio + bank: Banco + bar: Bar + bench: Banco + bicycle_parking: Aparcamiento de bibicletas + bicycle_rental: Alquiler de bicicletas + brothel: Burdel + bureau_de_change: Casa de cambio + bus_station: Estación de autobuses + cafe: Café + car_rental: Alquiler de vehículos + car_wash: Autolavado + casino: Casino + cinema: Cine + clinic: Clínica + club: Club + college: Universidad o instituto + community_centre: Centro comunitario + courthouse: Juzgado + crematorium: Crematorio + dentist: Dentista + doctors: Doctores + dormitory: Dormitorio + drinking_water: Agua bebestible + driving_school: Autoescuela + embassy: Embajada + emergency_phone: Teléfono de emergencia + fast_food: Comida rápida + ferry_terminal: Terminal de ferrys + fire_hydrant: Hidrante + fire_station: Estación de bomberos + fountain: Fuente + fuel: Combustible + grave_yard: Cementerio + gym: Gimnasio + hall: Salón + health_centre: Centro de salud + hospital: Hospital + hotel: Hotel + hunting_stand: Stand de caza + ice_cream: Helados + kindergarten: Jardín de infancia + library: Biblioteca + market: Mercado + marketplace: Mercado + nightclub: Club nocturno + nursery: Enfermería + office: Oficina + park: Parque + parking: Aparcamiento + pharmacy: Farmacia + place_of_worship: Templo + police: Policía + post_box: Buzón de correos + post_office: Oficina de correos + preschool: Preescolar + prison: Prisión + pub: Pub + public_building: Edificio público + public_market: Mercado público + reception_area: Área de recepción + recycling: Punto de reciclaje + restaurant: Restaurante + retirement_home: Residencia de jubilados + sauna: Sauna + school: Escuela + shelter: Refugio + shop: Tienda + shopping: Compras + social_club: Club social + studio: Estudio + supermarket: Supermercado + taxi: Taxi + telephone: Teléfono público + theatre: Teatro + toilets: Aseos + townhall: Ayuntamiento + university: Universidad + vending_machine: Máquina expendedora + veterinary: Clínica veterinaria + waste_basket: Cesto de basura + wifi: Acceso a Internet inalámbrico + youth_centre: Centro juvenil + boundary: + administrative: Frontera administrativa + building: + chapel: Capilla + church: Iglesia + city_hall: Ayuntamiento + garage: Garaje + hospital: Edificio hospitalario + hotel: Hotel + house: Casa + industrial: Edificio industrial + public: Edificio público + school: Edificio escolar + shop: Tienda + stadium: Estadio + store: Almacén + tower: Torre + train_station: Estación de tren + highway: + bridleway: Camino prioritario para peatones y caballos + bus_guideway: Canal guiado de autobuses + bus_stop: Parada de autobuses + byway: Camino + cycleway: Ruta para bicicletas + distance_marker: Indicador kilométrico + emergency_access_point: Acceso de emergencia + footway: Sendero + ford: Vado + gate: Puerta + motorway: Autovía + motorway_junction: Cruce de autovías + pedestrian: Vía peatonal + primary_link: Carretera principal + secondary: Carretera secundaria + secondary_link: Carretera secundaria + service: Vía de servicio + services: Vía de servicio + steps: Escalones + stile: Escalera para atravesar verjas + tertiary: Carretera terciaria + track: Pista + trail: Sendero + historic: + archaeological_site: Yacimiento arqueológico + battlefield: Campo de batalla + building: Edificio + castle: Castillo + mine: Mina + monument: Monumento + museum: Museo + ruins: Ruinas + tower: Torre + landuse: + cemetery: Cementerio + farm: Granja + industrial: Zona industrial + meadow: Pradera + military: Zona militar + mine: Mina + plaza: Plaza + reservoir: Embalse + leisure: + beach_resort: Complejo en la playa + common: Terreno común + fishing: Área de pesca + garden: Jardín + golf_course: Campo de golf + ice_rink: Pista de patinaje sobre hielo + marina: Puerto deportivo + miniature_golf: Minigolf + nature_reserve: Reserva natural + park: Parque + pitch: Cancha deportiva + playground: Área de juegos + recreation_ground: Área recreativa + slipway: Grada + sports_centre: Centro deportivo + stadium: Estadio + swimming_pool: Piscina + track: Pista de carreras + water_park: Parque acuático + natural: + bay: Bahía + beach: Playa + cape: Cabo + cave_entrance: Entrada a cueva + channel: Canal + cliff: Acantilado + coastline: Costa + crater: Cráter + feature: Característica + fell: Monte + fjord: Fiordo + geyser: Géiser + glacier: Glaciar + heath: Brezal + hill: Colina + island: Isla + land: Tierra + marsh: Marisma + moor: Amarre + mud: Lodo + peak: Pico + point: Punto + reef: Arrecife + ridge: Cresta + river: Río + rock: Roca + scree: Pedregal + scrub: Matorrales + shoal: Banco de arena + spring: Manantial + strait: Estrecho + tree: Árbol + valley: Valle + volcano: Volcán + water: Agua + wetland: Pantano + wetlands: Pantano + wood: Bosque + place: + airport: Aeropuerto + city: Ciudad + country: País + county: Condado + farm: Granja + hamlet: Aldea + house: Casa + houses: Casas + island: Isla + islet: Isleta + locality: Localidad + moor: Amarre + municipality: Municipio + postcode: Código postal + region: Región + sea: Mar + state: Estado o provincia + subdivision: Subdivisión + suburb: Suburbio + town: Pueblo + unincorporated_area: Área no incorporada + village: Villa + railway: + abandoned: Vía de tren abandonada + level_crossing: Paso a nivel + monorail: Monorail + subway: Estación de metro + shop: + alcohol: Licorería + art: Tienda de artículos de arte + bakery: Panadería + bicycle: Tienda de bicicletas + books: Librería + butcher: Carnicería + car_dealer: Concesionario de automóviles + car_parts: Repuestos automotrices + car_repair: Taller mecánico + carpet: Tienda de alfombras + charity: Tienda benéfica + chemist: Farmacia + clothes: Tienda de ropa + computer: Tienda de computación + confectionery: Dulcería + department_store: Tienda por departamentos + drugstore: Parafarmacia + dry_cleaning: Limpieza en seco + estate_agent: Inmobiliaria + fish: Tienda de artículos de pesca + florist: Floristería + food: Tienda de alimentación + furniture: Mobiliario + gallery: Galería + garden_centre: Vivero + gift: Tienda de regalos + grocery: Tienda de alimentación + hairdresser: Peluquería + hardware: Ferretería + insurance: Aseguradora + jewelry: Joyería + kiosk: Kiosko + laundry: Lavandería + mall: Centro comercial + market: Mercado + music: Tienda de música + optician: Oftalmólogo + pet: Tienda de mascotas + photo: Tienda fotográfica + shoes: Zapatería + shopping_centre: Centro comercial + sports: Tienda de artículos deportivos + supermarket: Supermercado + toys: Juguetería + travel_agency: Agencia de viajes + video: Videotienda + wine: Licorería tourism: + alpine_hut: Cabaña alpina artwork: Ilustración attraction: Atracción + bed_and_breakfast: Cama y desayuno (B&B) + camp_site: Campamento + caravan_site: Camping para caravanas chalet: Chalet guest_house: Albergue + hostel: Hostel + hotel: Hotel + information: Información motel: Motel + museum: Museo + picnic_site: Área de picnic theme_park: Parque temático + valley: Valle + viewpoint: Mirador + zoo: Zoológico + waterway: + boatyard: Astillero + canal: Canal + dam: Presa + dock: Muelle + drain: Desagüe + lock_gate: Esclusa + mineral_spring: Fuente mineral + rapids: Rápidos + river: Río + riverbank: Ribera + stream: Arroyo + waterfall: Cascada + weir: Represa javascripts: map: base: diff --git a/config/locales/eu.yml b/config/locales/eu.yml index b787ae99c..0a934f414 100644 --- a/config/locales/eu.yml +++ b/config/locales/eu.yml @@ -1,25 +1,534 @@ # Messages for Basque (Euskara) # Exported from # Export driver: syck +# Author: An13sa # Author: Asieriko +# Author: MikelEH # Author: PerroVerd eu: + activerecord: + attributes: + diary_comment: + body: Testua + diary_entry: + language: Hizkuntza + latitude: Latitude + longitude: Longitude + friend: + friend: Lagun + message: + body: Testua + sender: Igorlea + trace: + description: Deskribapen + latitude: Latitude + longitude: Longitude + name: Izena + size: Tamaina + user: + description: Deskribapen + languages: Hizkuntzak + pass_crypt: Pasahitza + models: + country: Herrialde + friend: Laguna + language: Hizkuntza + message: Mezua + node: Nodo + node_tag: Nodoaren etiketa + old_node: Nodo zaharra + old_relation: Erlazio zaharra + old_way: Bide zaharra + relation: Erlazioa + way: Bidea + way_tag: Bidearen etiketa browse: + changeset: + download: "{{changeset_xml_link}} edo {{osmchange_xml_link}} jaitsi" + common_details: + changeset_comment: "Iruzkin:" + version: "Bertsio:" + containing_relation: + entry: "{{relation_name}} erlazioa" + map: + deleted: Ezabatua + loading: Kargatzen... node: + download: "{{download_xml_link}}, {{view_history_link}} edo {{edit_link}}" + download_xml: XML jaitsi + edit: aldatu + node: Nodo view_history: historia ikusi + node_details: + coordinates: "Koordenatuak:" + node_history: + download: "{{download_xml_link}} edo {{view_details_link}}" + download_xml: XML jaitsi + not_found: + type: + node: nodo + relation: erlazio + way: bide relation: + download: "{{download_xml_link}} edo {{view_history_link}}" + download_xml: XML jaitsi + relation: Erlazio view_history: historia ikusi + relation_history: + download: "{{download_xml_link}} edo {{view_details_link}}" + download_xml: XML jaitsi + relation_member: + type: + node: Nodo + relation: Erlazio + way: Bide start_rjs: + data_frame_title: Datuak + data_layer_name: Datuak + loading: Kargatzen... + object_list: + type: + node: Nodo + way: Bide + show_history: Historia Ikusi wait: Itxoin... + tag_details: + tags: "Etiketak:" way: + download: "{{download_xml_link}}, {{view_history_link}} edo {{edit_link}}" + download_xml: XML jaitsi + edit: aldatu view_history: historia ikusi + way: Bide + way_details: + nodes: "Nodoak:" + way_history: + download: "{{download_xml_link}} edo {{view_details_link}}" + download_xml: XML jaitsi + changeset: + changeset: + big_area: (handia) + changeset_paging_nav: + next: Hurrengoa » + previous: "« Aurrekoa" diary_entry: + diary_entry: + comment_count: + one: iruzkin bat + other: "{{count}} iruzkin" edit: + body: "Testua:" + language: "Hizkuntza:" + latitude: "Latitude:" + longitude: "Longitude:" save_button: Gorde + subject: "Gaia:" + use_map_link: mapa erabili view: save_button: Gorde + export: + start: + export_button: Esportatu + export_details: OpenStreetMap-eko datuak Creative Commons Aitortu-Partekatu baimen baten mende daude. + format: Formatua + format_to_export: Esportatzeko formatua + image_size: Irudiaren tamaina + latitude: "Lat:" + licence: Lizentzia + longitude: "Lon:" + mapnik_image: Mapnik irudia + options: Aukerak + osmarender_image: Osmarender irudia + scale: Eskala + zoom: Zooma + start_rjs: + export: Esportatu + geocoder: + description: + types: + cities: Hiriak + places: Lekuak + towns: Herriak + description_osm_namefinder: + prefix: "{{type}}tik {{distance}} {{direction}}ra" + direction: + east: ekialdea + north: iparra + north_east: ipar-ekialdea + north_west: ipar-mendebaldea + south: hegoa + south_east: hego-ekialdea + south_west: hego-mendebaldea + west: mendebaldea + distance: + one: km bat inguru + other: "{{count}}km inguru" + zero: km bat baino gutxiago + search_osm_namefinder: + suffix_place: ", {{placename}}tik {{distance}} {{direction}}ra" + search_osm_nominatim: + prefix: + amenity: + airport: Aireportu + bank: Banku + bar: Taberna + brothel: Putetxe + bus_station: Autobus-geltoki + cafe: Kafetegi + car_rental: Ibilgailu-alokairu + casino: Kasino + cinema: Zinema + clinic: Klinika + club: Diskoteka + crematorium: Errauste labe + dentist: Dentista + driving_school: Autoeskola + embassy: Enbaxada + ferry_terminal: Ferry terminal + grave_yard: Hilerri + hospital: Ospitalea + ice_cream: Izozkiak + library: Liburutegia + market: Merkatu + nightclub: Gau-klub + nursery: Haurtzaindegi + office: Bulego + park: Parke + pharmacy: Farmazia + police: Polizia + post_office: Postetxe + preschool: Eskolaurre + prison: Espetxe + public_building: Eraikin publiko + recycling: Birziklatze gune + restaurant: Jatetxe + sauna: Sauna + shop: Denda + shopping: Erosketak + studio: Estudio + supermarket: Supermerkatu + taxi: Taxi + theatre: Antzokia + toilets: Komunak + townhall: Udaletxe + university: Unibertsitate + vending_machine: Salmenta automatiko + building: + bunker: Bunker + chapel: Kapera + church: Eliza + city_hall: Udaletxea + house: Etxe + public: Eraikin publiko + shop: Denda + stadium: Estadio + tower: Dorre + highway: + bus_stop: Autobus-geraleku + footway: Oinezkoen bide + primary_link: Errepide nagusi + residential: Bizileku + road: Errepide + secondary: Bigarren mailako errepide + secondary_link: Bigarren mailako errepide + steps: Eskailera-mailak + tertiary: Hirugarren mailako errepide + historic: + archaeological_site: Aztarnategi arkeologiko + building: Eraikina + castle: Gaztelu + church: Eliza + mine: Meategi + monument: Monumentu + museum: Museo + tower: Dorre + landuse: + cemetery: Hilerri + forest: Baso + meadow: Larre + mine: Meategi + mountain: Mendi + nature_reserve: Natura-erreserba + park: Parke + plaza: Enparantza + quarry: Harrobi + railway: Trenbide + reservoir: Urtegi + leisure: + garden: Lorategi + golf_course: Golf-zelai + ice_rink: Izotz-pista + marina: Kirol-portu + park: Parkea + playground: Jolastoki + sports_centre: Kiroldegi + stadium: Estadio + swimming_pool: Igerilekua + natural: + bay: Badia + beach: Hondartza + cape: Lurmutur + channel: Kanal + coastline: Itsasertz + crater: Crater + geyser: Geiser + glacier: Glaziar + island: Irla + mud: Lohi + peak: Gailur + reef: Arrezife + river: Ibai + shoal: Hondar-banku + tree: Zuhaitza + valley: Haran + volcano: Sumendi + water: Ura + wood: Baso + place: + airport: Aireportu + city: Hiria + country: Herrialdea + county: Konderria + hamlet: Herrixka + house: Etxe + houses: Etxeak + island: Irla + locality: Lokalitate + municipality: Udalerri + postcode: Posta-kode + region: Eskualde + sea: Itsasoa + subdivision: Subdibisio + suburb: Aldiri + town: Herria + village: Herrixka + railway: + subway: Metro geltoki + tram: Tranbia + tram_stop: Tranbia geltoki + shop: + bakery: Okindegi + books: Liburudenda + butcher: Harategi + chemist: Farmazia + confectionery: Gozotegi + florist: Loradenda + furniture: Altzari + greengrocer: Barazki-saltzaile + grocery: Janaridenda + mall: Merkataritza-gunea + market: Merkatu + shoes: Zapatadenda + sports: Kirol denda + supermarket: Supermerkatu + travel_agency: Bidaia-agentzia + tourism: + alpine_hut: Aterpe alpinoa + attraction: Atrakzio + bed_and_breakfast: Ohe eta gosari (B&B) + camp_site: Kanpin + chalet: Txalet + guest_house: Aterpe + hostel: Ostatu + hotel: Hotel + information: Informazioa + motel: Motel + museum: Museoa + picnic_site: Piknik-gune + theme_park: Parke tematiko + valley: Haran + viewpoint: Behatoki + zoo: Zoologiko + waterway: + canal: Kanal + javascripts: + map: + base: + noname: Izenik gabe + layouts: + edit: Aldatu + edit_tooltip: Mapak aldatu + export: Esportatu + help_wiki: Laguntza eta Wiki + inbox: sarrera-ontzia ({{count}}) + make_a_donation: + text: Dohaintza egin + shop: Denda + sign_up: izena eman + view: Ikusi + view_tooltip: Mapak ikusi + welcome_user: Ongietorri, {{user_link}} + map: + coordinates: "Koordenatuak:" + edit: Aldatu + view: Ikusi + message: + delete: + deleted: Mezua ezabatuta + inbox: + date: Data + from: Igorlea + my_inbox: Nire sarrera-ontzia + subject: Gaia + title: Sarrera-ontzia + message_summary: + delete_button: Ezabatu + read_button: Markatu irakurrita gisa + reply_button: Erantzun + unread_button: Markatu irakurri gabe gisa + new: + back_to_inbox: Itzuli sarrera-ontzira + body: Testua + send_button: Bidali + subject: Gaia + outbox: + date: Data + inbox: Sarrera-ontzia + my_inbox: Nire {{inbox_link}} + subject: Gaia + to: Hartzailea + read: + back_to_inbox: Sarrera-ontzira itzuli + date: Data + from: Igorlea + reply_button: Erantzun + subject: Gaia + title: Mezua irakurri + to: Hartzailea + unread_button: Markatu irakurri gabe gisa + sent_message_summary: + delete_button: Ezabatu notifier: + diary_comment_notification: + hi: Kaixo {{to_user}}, email_confirm_html: greeting: Kaixo, + email_confirm_plain: + greeting: Kaixo, + gpx_notification: + greeting: Kaixo, + lost_password_html: + greeting: Kaixo, lost_password_plain: greeting: Kaixo, + message_notification: + hi: Kaixo {{to_user}}, + signup_confirm_html: + greeting: Kaixo! + introductory_video: "{{introductory_video_link}} ikus dezakezu." + more_videos: "{{more_videos_link}} daude." + more_videos_here: bideo gehiago hemen + signup_confirm_plain: + greeting: Kaixo! + oauth: + oauthorize: + allow_write_api: mapa aldatu. + oauth_clients: + edit: + submit: Aldatu + form: + name: Izena + site: + index: + license: + license_name: Creative Commons-en Aitortu-Partekatu 2.0 + project_name: OpenStreetMap proiektua + key: + table: + entry: + cemetery: Hilerri + centre: Kiroldegi + forest: Baso + golf: Golf-zelai + lake: + - Laku + park: Parke + school: + - Eskola + - unibertsitate + tram: + - tranbia + search: + search: Bilatu + submit_text: Joan + where_am_i: Non nago? + sidebar: + close: Itxi + trace: + edit: + download: jaitsi + edit: aldatu + map: mapa + tags: "Etiketak:" + trace: + ago: duela {{time_in_words_ago}} + count_points: "{{count}} puntu" + edit: aldatu + edit_map: Mapa aldatu + map: mapa + more: gehiago + public: PUBLIKOA + view_map: Mapa ikusi + trace_form: + description: Deskribapena + help: Laguntza + tags: "Etiketak:" + upload_button: Kargatu + visibility: Ikuspen + trace_optionals: + tags: Etiketak + view: + description: "Deskribapen:" + download: jaitsi + edit: aldatu + map: mapa + tags: "Etiketak:" + visibility: "Ikuspen:" + user: + account: + latitude: "Latitude:" + longitude: "Longitude:" + public editing: + disabled link text: Zergatik ezin dut aldatu? + enabled link: + enabled link text: zer da hau? + heading: "Aldaketa publikoak:" + public editing note: + heading: Aldaketa publikoa + save changes button: Aldaketak gorde + login: + password: "Pasahitza:" + lost_password: + new password button: Pasahitza berrezarri + new: + email address: "Helbide elektronikoa:" + password: "Pasahitza:" + signup: Izena eman + title: Kontua sortu + remove_friend: + not_a_friend: "{{name}} ez da zure laguna." + reset_password: + password: "Pasahitza:" + reset: Pasahitza berrezarri + title: Pasahitza berrezarri + view: + add image: Irudia gehitu + ago: (duela {{time_in_words_ago}}) + delete image: Irudia ezabatu + description: Deskribapen + edits: aldaketak + email address: "Helbide elektronikoa:" + km away: "{{count}} km-tara" + m away: "{{count}} m-tara" + send message: mezua bidali + your friends: Zure lagunak + user_block: + partial: + edit: Aldatu + show: Erakutsi + period: + one: ordu bat + other: "{{count}} ordu" + show: + confirm: Ziur zaude? + edit: Aldatu diff --git a/config/locales/fr.yml b/config/locales/fr.yml index 8f5a97cee..fc4183799 100644 --- a/config/locales/fr.yml +++ b/config/locales/fr.yml @@ -402,6 +402,385 @@ fr: search_osm_namefinder: suffix_parent: "{{suffix}} ({{parentdistance}} {{parentdirection}} de {{parentname}})" suffix_place: ", {{distance}} {{direction}} de {{placename}}" + search_osm_nominatim: + prefix: + amenity: + airport: Aéroport + arts_centre: Centre d'arts + atm: Distributeur automatique de billets + auditorium: Auditorium + bank: Banque + bar: Bar + bench: Banc + bicycle_parking: Parking à vélos + bicycle_rental: Location de vélos + brothel: Bordel + bureau_de_change: Bureau de change + bus_station: Arrêt de bus + cafe: Café + car_rental: Location de voiture + car_sharing: Partage de voiture + car_wash: Lavage de voiture + casino: Casino + cinema: Cinéma + clinic: Clinique + club: Club + college: Collège + community_centre: Centre communautaire + courthouse: Palais de justice + crematorium: Crématorium + dentist: Dentiste + doctors: Docteurs + dormitory: Dortoir + drinking_water: Eau potable + driving_school: École de conduite + embassy: Ambassade + emergency_phone: Téléphone d'urgence + fast_food: Restauration rapide + ferry_terminal: Terminal de ferry + fire_hydrant: Hydrant + fire_station: Caserne des pompiers + fountain: Fontaine + fuel: Carburant + grave_yard: Cimetière + gym: Fitness /gymnastique + hall: Salle + health_centre: Centre de santé + hospital: Hôpital + hotel: Hotel + hunting_stand: Stand de tir + ice_cream: Crème glacée + kindergarten: Jardin d'enfant + library: Bibliothèque + market: Marché + marketplace: Place de marché + mountain_rescue: Secours en montagne + nightclub: Boîte de nuit + nursery: Nurserie + nursing_home: Maison de santé + office: Bureau + park: Parc + parking: Parking + pharmacy: Pharmacie + place_of_worship: Lieu de culte + police: Police + post_box: Boîte postale + post_office: Office de poste + preschool: Préscolaire + prison: Prison + pub: Bar + public_building: Bâtiment public + public_market: Marché public + reception_area: Zone de réception + recycling: Point de recyclage + restaurant: Restaurant + retirement_home: Maison de retraite + sauna: Sauna + school: École + shelter: Refuge + shop: Magasin + shopping: Commerce + social_club: Club social + studio: Studio + supermarket: Supermarché + taxi: Taxi + telephone: Téléphone public + theatre: Théâtre + toilets: Toilettes + townhall: Hôtel de ville + university: Université + vending_machine: Distributeur automatique + veterinary: Chirurgie vétérinaire + village_hall: Salle communale + waste_basket: Benne à ordures + wifi: Accès WiFi + youth_centre: Centre pour la jeunesse + boundary: + administrative: Limite administrative + building: + bunker: Bunker + church: Église + dormitory: Dortoir + garage: Garage + hall: Salle + hospital: Bâtiment hospitalier + industrial: Bâtiment industriel + shop: Magasin + tower: Tour + highway: + bus_guideway: Voie de bus guidée + bus_stop: Arrêt de bus + byway: Route secondaire + construction: Autoroute en construction + cycleway: Piste cyclable + distance_marker: Borne kilométrique + emergency_access_point: Point d'accès d'urgence + footway: Chemin piéton + ford: Gué + gate: Porte + living_street: Rue résidentielle + minor: Route mineure + motorway: Autoroute + motorway_junction: Jonction d'autoroute + motorway_link: Route autoroutière + path: Chemin + pedestrian: Chemin piéton + platform: Plateforme + primary: Route principale + primary_link: Route principale + raceway: Circuit + residential: Résidentiel + road: Route + secondary: Route secondaire + secondary_link: Route secondaire + service: Route de service + services: Services autoroutiers + steps: Marches + stile: Échalier + tertiary: Route tertiaire + track: Piste + trail: Piste + trunk: Route principale + trunk_link: Route principale + unclassified: Route non classifiée + unsurfaced: Route non goudronnée + historic: + archaeological_site: Site archéologique + battlefield: Champ de bataille + boundary_stone: Borne kilométrique + building: Bâtiment + castle: Château + church: Église + house: Maison + manor: Manoir + memorial: Mémorial + mine: Mine + monument: Monument + museum: Musée + tower: Tour + landuse: + basin: Bassin + brownfield: Terrain contaminé + cemetery: Cimetière + commercial: Zone commerciale + construction: Construction + farm: Ferme + forest: Forêt + grass: Herbe + industrial: Zone industrielle + military: Zone militaire + mine: Mine + mountain: Montagne + nature_reserve: Réserve naturelle + park: Parc + piste: Piste + plaza: Plaza + railway: Voie ferrée + reservoir: Réservoir + residential: Zone résidentielle + vineyard: Vignoble + wetland: Zone humide + wood: Bois + leisure: + beach_resort: Lieu de vacances à la plage + common: Terrains communaux + fishing: Zone de pèche + garden: Jardin + golf_course: Terrain de golf + ice_rink: Patinoire + marina: Marina + miniature_golf: Golf miniature + nature_reserve: Réserve naturelle + park: Parc + pitch: Terrain de sport + playground: Aire de jeux + recreation_ground: Terrain de jeux + slipway: Pente douce + sports_centre: Centre sportif + stadium: Stade + swimming_pool: Piscine + track: Piste + water_park: Parc aquatique + natural: + bay: Baie + beach: Plage + cape: Cap + cave_entrance: Entrée de grotte + channel: Chenal + cliff: Falaise + coastline: Littoral + crater: Cratère + feature: Fonction + fjord: Fjord + geyser: Geyser + glacier: Glacier + heath: Bruyère + hill: Colline + island: Île + land: Terre + marsh: Marécage + moor: Maure + mud: Boue + peak: Pic + point: Pointe + reef: Récif + ridge: Crête + river: Rivière + rock: Roche + scree: Éboulis + scrub: Broussailles + shoal: Haut-fond + spring: Cascade + strait: Détroit + tree: Arbre + valley: Vallée + volcano: Volcan + water: Eau + wetland: Zone humide + wetlands: Zones humides + wood: Forêt + place: + airport: Aéroport + city: Ville + country: Pays + county: Pays + farm: Ferme + hamlet: Hameau + house: Maison + houses: Maisons + island: Île + islet: Îlot + locality: Localité + moor: Maure + municipality: Municipalité + postcode: Code postal + region: Région + sea: Mer + state: État + subdivision: Subdivision + suburb: Périphérie + town: Ville + unincorporated_area: Lieu non organisé + village: Village + railway: + abandoned: Voie ferrée abandonnée + disused: Voie ferrée désafectée + funicular: Voie de funiculaire + halt: Arrêt de train + historic_station: Arrêt de train historique + junction: Jonction ferroviaire + level_crossing: Passage à niveau + monorail: Monorail + narrow_gauge: Chemin de fer à voie étroite + platform: Plateforme ferroviaire + subway: Arrêt de métro + subway_entrance: Bouche de métro + switch: Voie ferrée en construction + tram_stop: Arrêt de tram + shop: + apparel: Magasin d'habillement + art: Boutique d'art + bakery: Boulangerie + beauty: Magasin de beauté + beverages: Magasin de boissons + bicycle: Magasin de vélos + books: Librairie + butcher: Boucher + car: Magasin de voitures + car_dealer: Vendeur de voitures + car_parts: Pièces d'automobile + car_repair: Réparation de voitures + carpet: Magasin de tapis + charity: Magasin de charité + chemist: Chimiste + clothes: Magasin de vêtement + computer: Magasin informatique + confectionery: Confiserie + copyshop: Magasin de photocopie + cosmetics: Magasin de cosmétiques + department_store: Grand magasin + discount: Magasin discount + doityourself: Bricolage + drugstore: Pharmacie + dry_cleaning: Nettoyage à sec + electronics: Magasin d'électronique + estate_agent: Marchand de biens + farm: Magasin de produits agricoles + fashion: Magasin de mode + fish: Poissonnerie + florist: Fleuriste + food: Magasin d'alimentation + funeral_directors: Pompes funèbres + furniture: Ameublement + gallery: Galerie + garden_centre: Centre de jardinage + general: Magasin généraliste + gift: Boutique de cadeaux + greengrocer: Marchand de fruits et légumes + grocery: Épicerie + hairdresser: Coiffeur + hardware: Magasin de matériel informatique + hifi: Magasin Hi-Fi + insurance: Assurance + jewelry: Bijouterie + kiosk: Kiosque + laundry: Blanchisserie + mall: Galerie marchande + market: Marché + mobile_phone: Magasin de téléphones mobiles + motorcycle: Magasin de moto + music: Magasin de musique + newsagent: Marchand de journaux + optician: Opticien + organic: Magasin d'alimentation biologique + outdoor: Magasin en plein air + pet: Magasin d'animaux + photo: Magasin de photos + salon: Salon + shoes: Magasin de chaussures + shopping_centre: Centre commercial + sports: Magasin de sport + stationery: Papeterie + supermarket: Supermarché + toys: Magasin de jouets + travel_agency: Agence de voyage + video: Magasin de vidéos + tourism: + alpine_hut: Refuge + artwork: Travail artistique + attraction: Attraction + bed_and_breakfast: Gîte + cabin: Hutte + camp_site: Site de camping + caravan_site: Site de caravane + chalet: Chalet + guest_house: Maison d'hôte + hostel: Auberge + hotel: Hotel + information: Informations + lean_to: Stand + motel: Motel + museum: Musée + picnic_site: Site de pique-nique + theme_park: Parc à thème + valley: Vallée + viewpoint: Point de vue + zoo: Zoo + waterway: + canal: Canal + dam: Digue + derelict_canal: Canal de délaissement + ditch: Fossé + dock: Dock + drain: Drain + lock: Écluse + lock_gate: Porte d'écluse + mooring: Mouillage + rapids: Rapides + river: Rivière + riverbank: Rive + waterfall: Chute d'eau + weir: Barrage javascripts: map: base: diff --git a/config/locales/hr.yml b/config/locales/hr.yml index 4f0f100d9..3fc13689d 100644 --- a/config/locales/hr.yml +++ b/config/locales/hr.yml @@ -247,8 +247,8 @@ hr: still_editing: (joÅ¡ uređuje) view_changeset_details: Prikaži detalje changeseta changeset_paging_nav: - next: Slijedeći » - previous: "« Prethodni" + next: Slijedeća » + previous: "« Prethodna" showing_page: Prikazujem stranicu {{page}} changesets: area: Područje diff --git a/config/locales/hsb.yml b/config/locales/hsb.yml index 858df1c07..001fac147 100644 --- a/config/locales/hsb.yml +++ b/config/locales/hsb.yml @@ -406,6 +406,312 @@ hsb: search_osm_namefinder: suffix_parent: "{{suffix}} ({{parentdistance}} {{parentdirection}} wot {{parentname}})" suffix_place: ", {{distance}} {{direction}} z {{placename}}" + search_osm_nominatim: + prefix: + amenity: + airport: Lětanišćo + arts_centre: Kulturny centrum + atm: Bankomat + auditorium: Awditorij + bank: Banka + bar: Bara + bench: Ławka + bicycle_parking: Wotstajenišćo za kolesa + bicycle_rental: Wupožcowarnja za kolesa + brothel: Bordel + bureau_de_change: Měnjernja + bus_station: Busowe dwórnišćo + cafe: Kofejownja + car_sharing: Centrala za sobujěducych + car_wash: Awtomyjernja + cinema: Kino + clinic: Klinika + club: Klub + college: Wysoka Å¡ula + courthouse: Sudnistwo + crematorium: Krematorij + dentist: Zubny lěkar + dormitory: Studentski internat + drinking_water: Pitna woda + driving_school: Jězbna Å¡ula + embassy: Wulkopósłanstwo + emergency_phone: Nuzowy telefon + fast_food: Přikuski + ferry_terminal: Přewozny přistaw + fire_station: Wohnjostraža + fountain: Studnja + fuel: Tankownja + grave_yard: Kěrchow + hall: Schadźowarnja + hospital: Chorownja + hotel: Hotel + hunting_stand: Łakańca + ice_cream: Jědźny lód + kindergarten: Pěstowarnja + library: Knihownja + market: Wiki + marketplace: Torhošćo + mountain_rescue: Hórska wuchowanska słužba + nightclub: Nócny klub + nursery: Pěstowarnja + nursing_home: Hladarnja + park: Park + parking: Parkowanišćo + place_of_worship: Boži dom + police: Policija + post_box: Listowy kašćik + post_office: Póstowy zarjad + preschool: PředÅ¡ula + prison: Jastwo + pub: Korčma + public_building: Zjawne twarjenje + reception_area: Přijimanski wobłuk + recycling: Přijimarnja starowiznow + restaurant: Hosćenc + retirement_home: Starownja + school: Å ula + shelter: Podstup + shop: Wobchod + shopping: Nakup + social_club: Towarstwo + studio: Studijo + supermarket: Superwiki + taxi: Taksijowe zastanišćo + telephone: Zjawny telefon + theatre: Dźiwadło + toilets: Nuzniki + townhall: Radnica + university: Uniwersita + vending_machine: Awtomat + veterinary: Zwěrjacy lěkar + village_hall: Gmejnski centrum + wifi: Bjezgrotowy internetny přistup + youth_centre: Centrum za młodostnych + boundary: + administrative: Zarjadniska hranica + building: + bunker: Bunker + chapel: Kapałka + church: Cyrkej + city_hall: Radnica + dormitory: Studentski internat + flats: Bydlenja + hotel: Hotel + industrial: Industrijowe twarjenje + public: Zjawne twarjenje + shop: Wobchod + tower: Wěža + train_station: Dwórnišćo + university: Uniwersitne twarjenje + highway: + bridleway: Jěchanski puć + bus_guideway: Trolejbusowy milinowód + bus_stop: Busowe zastanišćo + byway: Pódlanski puć + construction: Dróha so twari + cycleway: Kolesowarska šćežka + distance_marker: Kilometernik + emergency_access_point: Přijimarnja njezbožow + footway: Pućik + ford: Bród + gate: Wrota + living_street: Cona z pomjeńšenym wobchadom + minor: Pódlanska hasa + motorway: Awtodróha + motorway_junction: Awtodróhowe křižnišćo + motorway_link: Přijězd na awtodróhu + path: Šćežka + pedestrian: Chódnik + platform: Platforma + primary: Dróha prěnjeho rjada + primary_link: Dróha prěnjeho rjada + raceway: Pista + road: Dróha + secondary: Dróha druheho rjada + secondary_link: Dróha druheho rjada + service: Dróha za přidróžnych + services: Awtodróhowy wotpočny hosćenc + steps: Schodźenki + stile: Płótne stupadło + tertiary: Dróha třećeho rjada + track: Pólny puć + trail: Šćežka + trunk: Dalokodróha + trunk_link: Dalokodróha + unclassified: Njezarjadowana dróha + unsurfaced: Njewobtwjerdźena dróha + historic: + archaeological_site: Archeologiske wurywanišćo + battlefield: Bitwišćo + boundary_stone: Měznik + building: Twarjenje + castle: Hród + church: Cyrkej + house: Dom + icon: Ikona + manor: Knježi dwór + memorial: Wopomnišćo + mine: Podkopki + monument: Pomnik + museum: Muzej + ruins: Rozpadanki + tower: Wěža + wreck: Wrak + landuse: + basin: Basenk + brownfield: Industrijowe lado + cemetery: Kěrchow + construction: Twar + farm: Farma + forest: Wužitny lěs + grass: Trawa + greenfield: Njewobtwarjena zemja + industrial: Industrijowa kónčina + meadow: Łuka + mine: Podkopki + mountain: Hora + nature_reserve: PřirodoÅ¡kitne pasmo + park: Park + plaza: Naměsto + railway: Železnica + reservoir: Zběranski basenk + residential: Bydlenski wobwod + wood: Lěs + leisure: + beach_resort: Přibrjóžna kupjel + common: Gmejnski kraj + fishing: Rybnišćo + garden: Zahroda + golf_course: Golfownišćo + ice_rink: Smykanišćo + marina: Jachtowy přistaw + miniature_golf: Minigolf + nature_reserve: PřirodoÅ¡kitne pasmo + park: Park + pitch: Sportnišćo + playground: Hrajkanišćo + recreation_ground: Wočerstwjenišćo + slipway: Helling + sports_centre: Sportowy centrum + stadium: Stadion + swimming_pool: Swimmingpool + track: Běhanišćo + water_park: Wodowy park + natural: + bay: Zaliw + beach: Přibrjóh + cape: Kap + cave_entrance: Prózdnjeński zachod + channel: Kanal + cliff: Wuskała + coastline: Pobrjóžna linija + crater: Krater + feature: Funkcija + fell: Fjeld + fjord: Fjord + geyser: Geiser + glacier: Lodowc + heath: Hola + hill: Hórka + island: Kupa + land: Kraj + marsh: MarÅ¡a + moor: Bahno + mud: Błóto + peak: Å pica + point: Dypk + reef: Rif + ridge: Horinski hrjebjeń + river: Rěka + rock: Skała + scree: Walanki + scrub: Kerki + shoal: Niłčina, pěsčišćo + spring: Žórło + strait: Mórska wužina + tree: Å tom + valley: Doł + volcano: Wulkan + water: Wodźizny + wetland: Łučina + wetlands: Łučiny + wood: Lěs + place: + airport: Lětanišćo + city: Wulkoměsto + country: Kraj + county: Wobwod + farm: Farma + hamlet: Wjeska + house: Dom + houses: Domy + island: Kupa + islet: Kupka + locality: Sydlišćo + moor: Bahno + municipality: Gmejna + postcode: Postowe wodźenske čisło + region: Region + sea: Morjo + state: Zwjazkowy kraj + subdivision: Trabantowe město + suburb: Předměsto + town: Město + unincorporated_area: Bjezgmejnska kónčina + village: Wjes + railway: + abandoned: Rozpušćena železnica + construction: Železnica so twari + disused: Zastajena železnica + disused_station: Zawrjene dwórnišćo + halt: Železniske zastanišćo + light_rail: Měšćanska železnica + monorail: Jednokolijowa železnica + station: Dwórnišćo + subway: Metrowa stacija + tram: Tramwajka + tram_stop: Tramwajkowe zastanišćo + shop: + books: Kniharnja + butcher: Rěznik + car_dealer: Wikowar awtow + car_repair: Awtowa porjedźernja + carpet: Přestrjencowy wobchod + computer: Kompjuterowy wobchod + drugstore: Drogerija + fish: Rybowy wobchod + furniture: Meble + gallery: Galerija + garden_centre: Zahrodny centrum + grocery: Žiwidłowy wobchod + hifi: Hi-fi + jewelry: Debjenkowy wobchod + market: Wiki + optician: Optikar + photo: Fotograf + tourism: + alpine_hut: Hórska bawda + artwork: Wuměłska twórba + attraction: Atrakcija + bed_and_breakfast: Přenocowanje ze snědanju + cabin: Chěžka + camp_site: Stanowanišćo + caravan_site: Campingowanišćo za caravany + chalet: Chata + guest_house: Hóstny dom + hostel: Hospoda + hotel: Hotel + information: Informacija + lean_to: Kólnja + motel: Motel + museum: Muzej + picnic_site: Piknikowanišćo + theme_park: Temowy park + valley: Doł + viewpoint: Wuhladnišćo + zoo: Coo + waterway: + canal: Kanal javascripts: map: base: diff --git a/config/locales/hu.yml b/config/locales/hu.yml index 51039096a..b070d33e0 100644 --- a/config/locales/hu.yml +++ b/config/locales/hu.yml @@ -401,6 +401,114 @@ hu: suffix_parent: "{{suffix}} ({{parentdistance}}-re {{parentdirection}} innen: {{parentname}})" suffix_place: " {{distance}}-re {{direction}} innen: {{placename}}" suffix_suburb: "{{suffix}} ({{parentname}})" + search_osm_nominatim: + prefix: + amenity: + airport: Repülőtér + atm: Bankjegykiadó automata + bank: Bank + bench: Pad + bicycle_rental: Kerékpárkölcsönző + bus_station: Buszállomás + cafe: Kávézó + car_rental: Autókölcsönző + car_wash: Autómosó + casino: Kaszinó + cinema: Mozi + dentist: Fogorvos + drinking_water: Ivóvíz + driving_school: Autósiskola + embassy: Nagykövetség + fast_food: Gyorsétterem + fire_station: Tűzoltóság + fuel: Üzemanyag + hospital: Kórház + hotel: Szálloda + ice_cream: Jégkrém + library: Könyvtár + office: Iroda + park: Park + pharmacy: Gyógyszertár + police: Rendőrség + post_box: Postaláda + post_office: Posta + prison: Börtön + sauna: Szauna + school: Iskola + taxi: Taxi + theatre: Színház + toilets: WC + townhall: Városháza + university: Egyetem + waste_basket: Szemétgyűjtő kosár + wifi: WiFi hozzáférés + building: + commercial: Kereskedelmi épület + entrance: Épületbejárat + flats: Lakások + garage: Garázs + hospital: Kórházépület + hotel: Szálloda + industrial: Ipari épület + public: Nyilvános épület + school: Iskolaépület + university: Egyetemi épület + highway: + bus_stop: Buszmegálló + construction: Építés alatt álló autópálya + footway: Gyalogút + steps: Lépcső + leisure: + garden: Kert + park: Park + stadium: Stadion + swimming_pool: Úszómedence + natural: + cave_entrance: Barlangbejárat + fjord: Fjord + geyser: Gejzír + glacier: Gleccser + hill: Domb + island: Sziget + reef: Zátony + river: Folyó + rock: Szikla + spring: Forrás + tree: Fa + valley: Völgy + volcano: Vulkán + place: + airport: Repülőtér + city: Város + farm: Farm + house: Ház + houses: Házak + island: Sziget + region: Régió + sea: Tenger + town: Város + village: Falu + railway: + tram_stop: Villamosmegálló + shop: + bicycle: Kerékpárüzlet + books: Könyvesbolt + car_parts: Autóalkatrész + carpet: Szőnyegbolt + doityourself: Barkácsbolt + fish: Halbolt + furniture: Bútor + gift: Ajándékbolt + hifi: Hi-Fi + laundry: Mosoda + sports: Sportbolt + toys: Játékbolt + travel_agency: Utazási iroda + tourism: + guest_house: Vendégpark + hotel: Szálloda + museum: Múzeum + zoo: Állatkert javascripts: map: base: diff --git a/config/locales/is.yml b/config/locales/is.yml index 310229526..f4782290d 100644 --- a/config/locales/is.yml +++ b/config/locales/is.yml @@ -396,6 +396,105 @@ is: search_osm_namefinder: suffix_parent: "{{suffix}} ({{parentdistance}} {{parentdirection}} af {{parentname}})" suffix_place: ", {{distance}} {{direction}} af {{placename}}" + search_osm_nominatim: + prefix: + amenity: + airport: Flugvöllurinn + atm: Hraðbankinn + bar: Barinn + bicycle_rental: Reiðhjólaleigan + cafe: Kaffihúsið + car_wash: Bílaþvottastöðin + dentist: Tannlæknirinn + embassy: Sendiráðið + fast_food: Skyndibitastaðurinn + fire_hydrant: Brunahaninn + hospital: Sjúkrahúsið + hotel: Hótelið + library: Bókasafnið + post_box: Póstkassinn + prison: Fangelsið + pub: Pöbbinn + restaurant: Veitingastaðurinn + sauna: Gufubaðið + shop: Verslunin + theatre: Leikhúsið + building: + chapel: Kapellan + church: Kirkjan + highway: + ford: Vaðið + historic: + castle: Kastalinn + landuse: + military: Hersvæðið + leisure: + sports_centre: Íþróttamiðstöðin + swimming_pool: Sundlaugin + water_park: Vatnsleikjagarðurinn + natural: + beach: Ströndin + cave_entrance: Hellisop + crater: Gígurinn + fell: Fellið + fjord: Fjörðurinn + geyser: Goshverinn + glacier: Jökullinn + hill: Hæðin + island: Eyjan + peak: Fjallið eða tindurinn + reef: Rifið + river: Áin + tree: Tréð + valley: Dalurinn + volcano: Eldfjallið + water: Vatnið + place: + airport: Flugvöllurinn + city: Borgin + country: Landið + farm: Sveitabærinn + house: Húsið + islet: Smáeyjan + sea: Hafið + suburb: Hverfið + town: Bærinn + village: Þorpið + shop: + bakery: Bakaríið + bicycle: Hjólabúðin + books: Bókabúðin + butcher: Slátrarinn + car: Bílabúðin + carpet: Teppabúðin + clothes: Fatabúðin + computer: Tölvubúðin + electronics: Raftækjaverslunin + fish: Fiskbúðin + florist: Blómabúðin + food: Matbúðin + furniture: Húsgagnaverslunin + gift: Gjafabúðin + hardware: Verkfærabúðin + hifi: Hljómtækjabúðin + kiosk: Söluturninn + mobile_phone: Farsímaverslunin + outdoor: Útivistarbúðin + pet: Gæludýrabúðin + toys: Leikfangaverslunin + travel_agency: Ferðaskrifstofan + video: Videoleigan + tourism: + artwork: Listaverkið + hotel: Hótelið + museum: Safnið + valley: Dalurinn + zoo: Dýragarðurinn + waterway: + dam: Vatnsaflsvirkjunin + river: Áin + stream: Lækurinn + waterfall: Fossinn javascripts: map: base: diff --git a/config/locales/it.yml b/config/locales/it.yml index 3c42ac42d..56f359c83 100644 --- a/config/locales/it.yml +++ b/config/locales/it.yml @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ # Exported from # Export driver: syck # Author: Bellazambo +# Author: Davalv it: activerecord: attributes: @@ -76,6 +77,9 @@ it: changeset: "Gruppo di modifiche: {{id}}" changesetxml: gruppo di modifiche XML download: Scarica il {{changeset_xml_link}} oppure le {{osmchange_xml_link}} + feed: + title: Gruppo di modifiche {{id}} + title_comment: Gruppo di modifiche {{id}} - {{comment}} osmchangexml: modificheOsm XML title: Gruppo di modifiche changeset_details: @@ -89,7 +93,16 @@ it: has_ways: "Possiede i seguenti {{count}} percorsi:" no_bounding_box: Per questo gruppo di modifiche non è stato memorizzato alcun riquadro di selezione. show_area_box: Mostra il riquadro dell'area + changeset_navigation: + all: + next_tooltip: Gruppo di modifiche successivo + prev_tooltip: Gruppo di modifiche precedente + user: + name_tooltip: Visualizza le modifiche di {{user}} + next_tooltip: Modifica successiva di {{user}} + prev_tooltip: Modifica precedente di {{user}} common_details: + changeset_comment: "Commento:" edited_at: "Modificato il:" edited_by: "Modificato da:" in_changeset: "Nel gruppo di modifiche:" @@ -108,6 +121,7 @@ it: node: download: "{{download_xml_link}} oppure {{view_history_link}}" download_xml: Scarica XML + edit: modifica node: Nodo node_title: "Nodo: {{node_name}}" view_history: visualizza lo storico @@ -118,10 +132,12 @@ it: download: "{{download_xml_link}} oppure {{view_details_link}}" download_xml: Scarica XML node_history: Storico del nodo + node_history_title: "Storico del nodo: {{node_name}}" view_details: visualizza i dettagli not_found: sorry: Spiacenti, non è stato possibile trovare il {{type}} con l'identificativo {{id}}. type: + changeset: gruppo di modifiche node: nodo relation: relation way: way @@ -138,13 +154,23 @@ it: members: "Membri:" part_of: "Parte di:" relation_history: + download: "{{download_xml_link}} oppure {{view_details_link}}" + download_xml: Scarica XML relation_history: Storico della relazione relation_history_title: "Storico della relazione: {{relation_name}}" + view_details: visualizza dettagli + relation_member: + entry_role: "{{type}} {{name}} come {{role}}" + type: + node: Nodo + relation: Relazione + way: Percorso start: manually_select: Seleziona manualmente un'area differente view_data: Visualizza i dati per la visualizzazione corrente della mappa start_rjs: data_frame_title: Dati + data_layer_name: Dati details: Dettagli drag_a_box: Tracciare un riquadro sulla mappa per selezionare un'area edited_by_user_at_timestamp: Modificato da [[user]] il [[timestamp]] @@ -154,7 +180,21 @@ it: loading: Caricamento in corso... manually_select: Seleziona manualmente un'area differente object_list: + api: Ottieni quest'area dalle API + back: Visualizza la lista degli oggetti details: Dettagli + heading: Lista degli oggetti + history: + type: + node: Nodo [[id]] + way: Percorso [[id]] + selected: + type: + node: Nodo [[id]] + way: Percorso [[id]] + type: + node: Nodo + way: Percorso private_user: utente privato show_history: Visualizza storico unable_to_load_size: "Impossibile caricare: la dimensione del riquadro di selezione di [[bbox_size]] è troppo grande (deve essere minore di {{max_bbox_size}})" @@ -165,6 +205,7 @@ it: way: download: "{{download_xml_link}} oppure {{view_history_link}}" download_xml: Scarica XML + edit: modifica view_history: visualizza lo storico way: Percorso way_title: "Percorso: {{way_name}}" @@ -190,21 +231,35 @@ it: still_editing: (ancora in modifica) view_changeset_details: Visualizza i dettagli del gruppo di modifiche changeset_paging_nav: - showing_page: Visualizzata la pagina + showing_page: Visualizzata la pagina {{page}} changesets: area: Area comment: Commento id: ID saved_at: Salvato il user: Utente + list: + description: Modifiche recenti + description_bbox: Gruppi di modifiche all'interno di {{bbox}} + description_user: Modifiche dell'utente {{user}} + description_user_bbox: Gruppi di modifiche dell'utente {{user}} all'interno di {{bbox}} + heading_bbox: Gruppi di modifiche + heading_user: Gruppi di modifiche + heading_user_bbox: Gruppi di modifiche + title: Gruppi di modifiche + title_bbox: Modifiche all'interno di {{bbox}} + title_user_bbox: Modifiche dell'utente {{user}} all'interno di {{bbox}} diary_entry: diary_comment: comment_from: Commento di {{link_user}} il {{comment_created_at}} + confirm: Conferma + hide_link: Nascondi questo commento diary_entry: comment_count: one: 1 commento other: "{{count}} commenti" comment_link: Commento su questa voce + confirm: Conferma edit_link: Modifica questa voce posted_by: Inviato da {{link_user}} il {{created}} in {{language_link}} reply_link: Rispondi a questa voce @@ -235,8 +290,10 @@ it: heading: "Nessuna voce con l'identificativo: {{id}}" no_such_user: body: Spiacenti, non c'è alcun utente con il nome {{user}}. Controllare la digitazione, oppure potrebbe essere che il collegamento che si è seguito sia errato. + title: Nessun utente view: leave_a_comment: Lascia un commento + login: Login save_button: Salva title: Diari degli utenti | {{user}} user_title: Diario dell'utente {{user}} @@ -272,6 +329,19 @@ it: manually_select: Seleziona manualmente un'area differente view_larger_map: Visualizza una mappa più ampia geocoder: + direction: + east: est + north: nord + north_east: nord-est + north_west: nord-ovest + south: sud + south_east: sud-est + south_west: sud-ovest + west: ovest + distance: + one: circa 1km + other: circa {{count}}km + zero: meno di 1km results: no_results: Nessun risultato search: @@ -282,14 +352,113 @@ it: osm_namefinder: Risultati da OpenStreetMap Namefinder uk_postcode: Risultati da NPEMap / FreeThe Postcode us_postcode: Risultati da + search_osm_nominatim: + prefix: + amenity: + airport: Aeroporto + bank: Banca + bar: Bar + bicycle_parking: Parcheggio per biciclette + bicycle_rental: Noleggio biciclette + cafe: Cafe + car_rental: Autonoleggio + car_wash: Autolavaggio + casino: Casinò + cinema: Cinema + courthouse: Tribunale + crematorium: Crematorio + dentist: Dentista + dormitory: Dormitorio + embassy: Ambasciata + fast_food: Fast Food + fuel: Stazione di rifornimento + grave_yard: Cimitero + hospital: Ospedale + hotel: Hotel + ice_cream: Gelateria + library: Biblioteca + parking: Parcheggio + pharmacy: Farmacia + place_of_worship: Luogo di culto + police: Polizia + post_box: Cassetta delle lettere + post_office: Ufficio postale + prison: Prigione + pub: Pub + public_building: Edificio pubblico + restaurant: Ristorante + sauna: Sauna + supermarket: Supermercato + taxi: Taxi + telephone: Telefono pubblico + theatre: Teatro + townhall: Municipio + university: Università + vending_machine: Distributore automatico + veterinary: Veterinario + wifi: Punto di accesso WiFi + building: + church: Chiesa + dormitory: Dormitorio + highway: + bus_stop: Fermata autobus + steps: Scala + historic: + archaeological_site: Sito archeologico + castle: Castello + church: Chiesa + monument: Monumento + museum: Museo + leisure: + miniature_golf: Minigolf + natural: + bay: Baia + beach: Spiaggia + coastline: Linea di costa + geyser: Geyser + glacier: Ghiacciaio + island: Isola + volcano: Vulcano + place: + airport: Aeroporto + island: Isola + postcode: CAP + sea: Mare + shop: + bakery: Panetteria + books: Libreria + butcher: Macellaio + car: Concessionaria + dry_cleaning: Lavasecco + estate_agent: Agenzia immobiliare + florist: Fioraio + food: Alimentari + greengrocer: Fruttivendolo + grocery: Fruttivendolo + insurance: Assicurazioni + jewelry: Gioielleria + laundry: Lavanderia + optician: Ottico + supermarket: Supermercato + travel_agency: Agenzia di viaggi + tourism: + alpine_hut: Rifugio alpino + bed_and_breakfast: Bed and Breakfast + hostel: Ostello + hotel: Hotel + museum: Museo + zoo: Zoo layouts: donate: Supporta OpenStreetMap {{link}} al fondo destinato all'aggiornamento dell'hardware. donate_link_text: donando edit: Modifica export: Esporta + export_tooltip: Esporta i dati della mappa gps_traces: Tracciati GPS + gps_traces_tooltip: Gestione tracciati help_wiki: Aiuto & Wiki history: Storico + history_tooltip: Storico delle modifiche home: posizione iniziale inbox: in arrivo ({{count}}) intro_1: OpenStreetMap è una mappa liberamente modificabile dell'intero pianeta. E' fatta da persone come te. @@ -297,6 +466,7 @@ it: intro_3: L'hosting di OpenStreetMap è supportato gentilmente dalla {{ucl}} e {{bytemark}}. log_in: entra logout: esci + logout_tooltip: Esci make_a_donation: text: Fai una donazione news_blog: Blog delle notizie @@ -314,6 +484,8 @@ it: edit: Modifica view: Visualizza message: + delete: + deleted: Messaggio eliminato inbox: date: Data from: Da @@ -328,6 +500,7 @@ it: as_read: Messaggio marcato come letto as_unread: Messaggio marcato come non letto message_summary: + delete_button: Elimina read_button: Marca come letto reply_button: Rispondi unread_button: Marca come non letto @@ -365,14 +538,42 @@ it: title: Leggi messaggio to: A unread_button: Marca come non letto + sent_message_summary: + delete_button: Elimina notifier: diary_comment_notification: footer: Puoi anche leggere il commento su {{readurl}} e puoi commentare su {{commenturl}} oppure rispondere su {{replyurl}} header: "{{from_user}} ha commentato la tua recente voce del diario OpenStreetMap con l'oggetto {{subject}}:" hi: Salve {{to_user}}, + email_confirm: + subject: "[OpenStreetMap] Conferma il tuo indirizzo email" + email_confirm_html: + greeting: Ciao, + email_confirm_plain: + greeting: Ciao, friend_notification: had_added_you: "{{user}} ti ha aggiunto come suo amico su OpenStreetMap." see_their_profile: Puoi vedere il loro profilo su {{userurl}} e aggiungerli anche come amici, se lo si desidera. + gpx_notification: + and_no_tags: e nessuna etichetta. + and_the_tags: "e le seguenti etichette:" + failure: + failed_to_import: "fallito nell'importazione. Questo è l'errore:" + more_info_1: Ulteriori informazioni sulle importazioni GPX fallite e come evitarle + more_info_2: "possono essere trovate su:" + subject: "[OpenStreetMap] Importazione GPX fallita" + greeting: Ciao, + success: + loaded_successfully: caricato con successo con {{trace_points}} dei possibili {{possible_points}} punti. + subject: "[OpenStreetMap] Importazione GPX completata con successo" + with_description: con la descrizione + your_gpx_file: Assomiglia al tuo file GPX + lost_password_html: + greeting: Ciao, + lost_password_plain: + greeting: Ciao, + message_notification: + hi: Ciao {{to_user}}, signup_confirm_html: click_the_link: Se questo qualcuno sei tu, benvenuto! Clicca sul collegamento sottostante per confermare il tuo profilo ed avere ulteriori informazioni su OpenStreetMap. current_user: Una lista degli utenti attuali nelle categorie, basate sul luogo in cui essi operano, è disponibile su Category:Users_by_geographical_region. @@ -394,11 +595,28 @@ it: hopefully_you: Qualcuno (si spera tu) vuole creare un profilo introductory_video: "Puoi guardare un video introduttivo su OpenStreetMap qui:" more_videos: "Ci sono ulteriori video qui:" - opengeodata: " è il blog di OpenStreetMap, che mette a disposizione anche dei podcast:" + opengeodata: " è il blog del fondatore di OpenStreetMap, Steve Coast, che mette a disposizione anche dei podcast:" the_wiki: "Puoi avere altre informazioni su OpenStreetMap sul wiki:" user_wiki_1: E' consigliato creare una pagina utente sul wiki, che includa delle etichette di categoria user_wiki_2: che si riferiscano al luogo in si opera, come ad esempio [[Category:Users_in_Friuli-Venezia_Giulia]]. wiki_signup: "Ci si può anche iscrivere al wiki di OpenStreetMap a:" + oauth_clients: + edit: + submit: Modifica + form: + allow_read_prefs: leggi le sue preferenze utente. + allow_write_api: modifica la mappa. + allow_write_gpx: carica tracciati GPS. + name: Nome + required: Richiesto + index: + revoke: Revoca! + show: + allow_read_gpx: leggi i loro tracciati GPS privati. + allow_write_api: modifica la mappa. + allow_write_gpx: carica tracciati GPS. + allow_write_prefs: modifica le sue preferenze utente. + edit: Modifica dettagli site: edit: anon_edits_link_text: Leggi il perché. @@ -418,6 +636,9 @@ it: permalink: Permalink key: map_key: Legenda + table: + entry: + cemetery: Cimitero search: search: Cerca search_help: "esempi: 'Trieste', 'Via Dante Alighieri, Trieste', 'CB2 5AQ', oppure 'post offices near Trieste' altri esempi..." @@ -434,14 +655,21 @@ it: scheduled_for_deletion: Tracciato in attesa di essere eliminato edit: description: "Descrizione:" + download: scarica edit: modifica filename: "Nome file:" + heading: Modifica al tracciato {{name}} + map: mappa owner: "Proprietario:" points: "Punti:" save_button: Salva modifiche start_coord: "Coordinata iniziale:" tags: "Etichette:" + tags_help: delimitato da virgola + title: Modifica al tracciato {{name}} uploaded_at: "Caricato il:" + visibility: "Visibilità:" + visibility_help: che cosa significa questo? list: public_traces: Tracciati GPS pubblici public_traces_from: Tracciati GPS pubblici di {{user}} @@ -451,6 +679,8 @@ it: made_public: Tracciato reso pubblico no_such_user: body: Spiacenti, non c'è alcun utente con il nome {{user}}. Controllare la digitazione, oppure potrebbe essere che il collegamento che si è seguito sia errato. + heading: L'utente {{user}} non esiste + title: Nessun utente trace: ago: "{{time_in_words_ago}} fa" by: da @@ -469,8 +699,11 @@ it: description: Descrizione help: Aiuto tags: Etichette + tags_help: delimitato da virgola upload_button: Carica upload_gpx: Carica file GPX + visibility: Visibilità + visibility_help: che cosa significa questo? trace_header: see_all_traces: Vedi tutti i tracciati see_just_your_traces: Vedi solo i tuoi tracciati, o carica un tracciato @@ -496,8 +729,15 @@ it: points: "Punti:" start_coordinates: "Coordinata iniziale:" tags: Etichette + title: Visualizzazione tracciato {{name}} trace_not_found: Tracciato non trovato! uploaded: "Caricato il:" + visibility: "Visibilità:" + visibility: + identifiable: Identificabile (visualizzato nella lista dei tracciati come identificabile, punti ordinati con marcature temporali) + private: Privato (condiviso solamente come anonimo, punti non ordinati) + public: Pubblico (visualizzato nella lista dei tracciati come anonimo, punti non ordinati) + trackable: Tracciabile (soltanto condiviso come anonimo, punti ordinati con marcature temporali) user: account: email never displayed publicly: (mai visualizzato pubblicamente) @@ -518,6 +758,9 @@ it: enabled link: enabled link text: cos'è questo? heading: "Modifiche pubbliche:" + public editing note: + heading: Modifica pubblica + text: Al momento le tue modifiche sono anonime e le persone non possono inviarti messaggi o vedere la tua posizione. Per rendere visibili le tue modifiche e per permettere agli altri utenti di contattarti tramite il sito, clicca sul pulsante sotto. Dalla versione 0.6 delle API, soltanto gli utenti pubblici possono modificare i dati della mappa. (scopri perché). return to profile: Ritorna al profilo save changes button: Salva modifiche title: Modifica profilo @@ -534,6 +777,8 @@ it: heading: Conferma una variazione di indirizzo email press confirm button: Premere sul pulsante di conferma sottostante per confermare il nuovo indirizzo email. success: L'indirizzo email è stato confermato, grazie per l'iscrizione! + filter: + not_an_administrator: Bisogna essere amministratori per poter eseguire questa azione. friend_map: nearby mapper: "Mappatore vicino: [[nearby_user]]" your location: Propria posizione @@ -553,6 +798,7 @@ it: lost_password: email address: "Indirizzo email:" heading: Password dimenticata? + help_text: Inserire l'indirizzo email che si è utilizzato per l'iscrizione, a cui verrà inviato un collegamento che permetterà la reimpostazione della propria password. new password button: Spediscimi una nuova password notice email cannot find: Spiacenti, ma non è possibile trovare l'indirizzo email. notice email on way: Siamo spiacenti che tu l'abbia persa :-( ma una email ti è stata spedita in modo che tu la possa presto reimpostare. @@ -566,6 +812,7 @@ it: confirm password: "Conferma password:" contact_webmaster: Si prega di contattare il webmaster affinchè faccia in modo di creare un profilo. Tenteremo di soddisfare la richiesta il più rapidamente possibile. display name: "Nome visualizzato:" + display name description: Il proprio nome utente visualizzato pubblicamente. Può essere modificato più tardi nelle preferenze. email address: "Indirizzo email:" fill_form: Riempi il modulo e noi ti invieremo velocemente una email per attivare il tuo profilo. flash create success message: L'utente è stato creato con successo. Controllare la propria email per conferma, e si sarà in grado di mappare immediatamente :-)

Si ricorda che non si sarà in grado di effettuare l'accesso finché non si sarà ricevuta e confermata la propria email.

Se si utilizza un sistema antispam che spedisce richieste di conferma allora assicurarsi di accreditare l'indirizzo altrimenti non siamo in grado di rispondere ad alcuna richiesta di conferma. @@ -578,26 +825,46 @@ it: title: Crea profilo no_such_user: body: Spiacenti, non c'è alcun utente con il nome {{user}}. Controllare la digitazione, oppure potrebbe essere che il collegamento che si è seguito sia errato. + heading: L'utente {{user}} non esiste + title: Nessun utente remove_friend: not_a_friend: "{{name}} non è uno dei tuoi amici." success: "{{name}} è stato rimosso dai tuoi amici." reset_password: + confirm password: "Conferma password:" + flash changed: La propria password è stata modificata. flash token bad: Non è stato possibile trovare il codice. Controllare l'indirizzo URL. + heading: Reimposta password per {{user}} + password: "Password:" + reset: Reimposta password title: reimposta la password set_home: flash success: Posizione personale salvata con successo view: + activate_user: attiva questo utente add as friend: aggiungi come amico add image: Aggiungi immagine ago: ({{time_in_words_ago}} fa) + block_history: visualizza i blocchi ricevuti + blocks by me: blocchi applicati da me + blocks on me: blocchi su di me change your settings: modifica le impostazioni personali + confirm: Conferma + create_block: blocca questo utente + created from: "Creato da:" + deactivate_user: disattiva questo utente delete image: Elimina immagine + delete_user: elimina questo utente description: Descrizione diary: diario edits: modifiche + email address: "Indirizzo email:" + hide_user: nascondi questo utente if set location: Se si imposta una propria posizione, una bella mappa ed altre informazioni compariranno di seguito. E' possibile impostare la propria posizione sulla pagina delle {{settings_link}}. km away: distante {{count}} km + m away: "{{count}}m di distanza" mapper since: "Mappatore dal:" + moderator_history: visualizza i blocchi applicati my diary: diario personale my edits: modifiche personali my settings: impostazioni personali @@ -608,10 +875,80 @@ it: no home location: Non è stato impostato alcun luogo. no nearby users: Non c'è ancora alcun utente che ammette di mappare nelle vicinanze. remove as friend: rimuovi come amico + role: + administrator: Questo utente è un amministratore + grant: + administrator: Assegna l'accesso come amministratore + moderator: Assegna l'accesso come moderatore + moderator: Questo utente è un moderatore + revoke: + administrator: Revoca l'accesso come amministratore + moderator: Revoca l'accesso come moderatore send message: spedisci messaggio settings_link_text: impostazioni traces: tracciati + unhide_user: mostra questo utente upload an image: Carica una immagine user image heading: Immagine dell'utente user location: Luogo dell'utente your friends: Amici personali + user_block: + blocks_on: + title: Blocchi su {{name}} + edit: + back: Visualizza tutti i blocchi + heading: Modifica del blocco su {{name}} + submit: Aggiorna blocco + title: Modifica del blocco su {{name}} + index: + empty: Non è stato ancora applicato alcun blocco. + heading: Lista dei blocchi dell'utente + title: Blocchi dell'utente + new: + back: Visualizza tutti i blocchi + heading: Creazione del blocco su {{name}} + needs_view: L'utente deve entrare prima che questo blocco sia cancellato. + submit: Crea blocco + title: Creazione del blocco su {{name}} + tried_waiting: Ho dato una ragionevole quantità di tempo all'utente per rispondere a queste comunicazioni. + not_found: + back: Ritorna all'indice + partial: + confirm: Sei sicuro? + creator_name: Autore + display_name: Utente bloccato + edit: Modifica + not_revoked: (non revocato) + reason: Motivo del blocco + revoke: Revoca! + revoker_name: Revocato da + show: Mostra + status: Stato + revoke: + flash: Questo blocco è stato revocato. + revoke: Revoca! + time_future: Questo blocco terminerà in {{time}}. + show: + edit: Modifica + show: Mostra + status: Stato + update: + success: Blocco aggiornato. + user_role: + filter: + already_has_role: L'utente possiede già il ruolo {{role}}. + doesnt_have_role: L'utente non possiede il ruolo {{role}}. + not_a_role: La stringa `{{role}}' non è un ruolo valido. + not_an_administrator: Solo gli amministratori possono gestire i ruoli degli utenti, e tu non sei un amministratore. + grant: + are_you_sure: Si è sicuri di voler assegnare il ruolo `{{role}}' all'utente `{{name}}'? + confirm: Conferma + fail: Impossibile assegnare il ruolo `{{role}}' all'utente `{{name}}'. Si prega di controllare che l'utente ed il ruolo siano entrambi validi. + heading: Conferma l'assegnazione del ruolo + title: Conferma l'assegnazione del ruolo + revoke: + are_you_sure: Si è sicuri di voler revocare il ruolo `{{role}}' dall'utente `{{name}}'? + confirm: Conferma + fail: Impossibile revocare il ruolo `{{role}}' dall'utente `{{name}}'. Si prega di controllare che utente e ruolo siano entrambi validi. + heading: Conferma la revoca del ruolo + title: Conferma la revoca del ruolo diff --git a/config/locales/ja.yml b/config/locales/ja.yml index 526571664..753bfc568 100644 --- a/config/locales/ja.yml +++ b/config/locales/ja.yml @@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ ja: news_blog_tooltip: OpenStreetMap に関するニュースブログ。free geographical data, etc. osm_offline: OpenStreetMap のデータベースはメンテナンスのため一時的に停止しています。 osm_read_only: OpenStreetMap のデータベースはメンテナンスのため一時的に読み込み専用モードになっています。 - shop: 店 + shop: ショップ shop_tooltip: OpenStreetMap ブランドの店舗 sign_up: 登録 sign_up_tooltip: 編集できるアカウントを作成する @@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ ja: subject: "[OpenStreetMap] あなたのEメールアドレスを確認しました。" email_confirm_plain: click_the_link: この要求を出したのがあなたなら、下のリンクをクリックして、変更の認証をしてください。 - greeting: やあ、 + greeting: こんにちは。 hopefully_you_1: "(あなただとは思いますが、)誰かが彼らのEメールアドレスを変更したいようです。変更先:" hopefully_you_2: "{{server_url}}から{{new_address}}へ。" friend_notification: @@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ ja: lost_password: subject: "[OpenStreetMap] パスワードリセットの要求" lost_password_html: - greeting: やあ、 + greeting: こんにちは。 hopefully_you: (たぶんあなたがですが、)誰かがこのEメールアドレスの アカウントのパスワードをリセットするように頼みました。 message_notification: hi: やあ {{to_user}}、 @@ -548,6 +548,9 @@ ja: allow_write_api: 地図を修正する。 allow_write_gpx: GPSトレースをアップロードする。 name: 名前 + index: + application: アプリケーション + my_tokens: 認証を許可したアプリケーション new: submit: 登録 show: @@ -566,7 +569,7 @@ ja: index: js_1: JavaScriptをサポートしていないブラウザを使用しているか、JavaScriptを使用不可に設定しています。 js_2: OpenStreetMapは、地図表示にJavaScriptを使用しています。 - js_3: JavaScriptを使えない場合はTiles@Homeの静的な地図ブラウザを試してはいかがですか。 + js_3: JavaScriptを使えない場合はTiles@Homeの静的な地図ブラウザを試してみてはいかがでしょうか。 license: license_name: クリエイティブコモンズ 表示-継承 2.0 notice: " {{project_name}}とその貢献者により、{{license_name}} ライセンスの元提供されています。" @@ -639,7 +642,7 @@ ja: heading: z{{zoom_level}} 用凡例 search: search: 検索 - search_help: "例: 'Alkmaar'、'Regent Street, Cambridge'、'CB2 5AQ'、'post offices near Lünen' など 他の例…" + search_help: "例: '名古屋城'、'名寄市'、'New York'、'皇居' など 他の例…" submit_text: 行く where_am_i: いまどこ? where_am_i_title: サーチエンジンを使って現在の場所を記述する @@ -648,7 +651,7 @@ ja: search_results: 検索結果 trace: create: - trace_uploaded: あなたの GPX ファイルはアップロードされませいた。データベースへの登録に暫く時間がかかります。通常この作業は30分ほどで終了し、終了をお知らせするメールをあなたに送信します。 + trace_uploaded: GPX ファイルがアップロードされました。データベースへの登録にすこし時間がかかります。通常この作業は30分ほどで終了し、終了をお知らせするメールをあなたに送信します。 upload_trace: GPS トレースのアップロード delete: scheduled_for_deletion: 削除予定のトラック diff --git a/config/locales/nl.yml b/config/locales/nl.yml index fcf7dd489..8b9fb6dd5 100644 --- a/config/locales/nl.yml +++ b/config/locales/nl.yml @@ -403,6 +403,7 @@ nl: amenity: airport: Luchthaven atm: Geldautomaat + auditorium: Auditorium bank: Bank bar: Bar bench: Bankje @@ -418,14 +419,17 @@ nl: cinema: Bioscoop clinic: Kliniek club: Club + college: Middelbare school community_centre: Gemeenschapscentrum courthouse: Rechtbank crematorium: Crematorium dentist: Tandarts doctors: Dokter + dormitory: Studentenhuis drinking_water: Drinkwater driving_school: Rijschool embassy: Ambassade + emergency_phone: Noodtelefoon fast_food: Fast food ferry_terminal: Veerterminal fire_hydrant: Brandkraan @@ -434,14 +438,20 @@ nl: fuel: Brandstof grave_yard: Begraafplaats gym: Fitnesscentrum + hall: Hal health_centre: Gezondheidscentrum hospital: Ziekenhuis hotel: Hotel + hunting_stand: Jachttoren ice_cream: IJs kindergarten: Kleuterschool library: Bibliotheek market: Markt + marketplace: Marktplein + mountain_rescue: Reddingsdienst nightclub: Nachtclub + nursery: Peuterspeelzaal + nursing_home: Verpleeghuis office: Kantoor park: Park parking: Parkeren @@ -449,9 +459,11 @@ nl: police: Politie post_box: Brievenbus post_office: Postkantoor + preschool: Peuterspeelzaal of kleuterschool prison: Gevangenis pub: Café public_building: Openbaar gebouw + public_market: Openbare markt restaurant: Restaurant retirement_home: Bejaardenhuis sauna: Sauna @@ -459,6 +471,7 @@ nl: shelter: Beschutting shop: Winkel shopping: Winkelen + studio: Eenkamerappartement supermarket: Supermarkt taxi: Taxi telephone: Openbare telefoon @@ -468,36 +481,76 @@ nl: university: Universiteit vending_machine: Automaat veterinary: Dierenarts + village_hall: Gemeentehuis waste_basket: Prullenbak wifi: Wifi-toegang + youth_centre: Jeugdcentrum boundary: administrative: Administratieve grens building: + apartments: Appartementen bunker: Bunker chapel: Kapel church: Kerk city_hall: Gemeentehuis + commercial: Commercieel gebouw + dormitory: Studentenhuis + entrance: Ingang + faculty: Faculteitsgebouw + farm: Agrarisch gebouw flats: Flats garage: Garage + hall: Hal + hospital: Ziekenhuis hotel: Hotel house: Huis + industrial: Industrieel gebouw + office: Kantoorgebouw + public: Openbaar gebouw + residential: Woningen + retail: Winkelpand + school: Schoolgebouw shop: Winkel stadium: Stadion store: Winkel terrace: Terras tower: Toren + train_station: Spoorwegstation + university: Universiteitsgebouw highway: bridleway: Ruiterpad + bus_guideway: Vrijliggende busbaan bus_stop: Bushalte + byway: Onverharde weg + construction: Snelweg in aanbouw + cycleway: Fietspad + distance_marker: Afstandsmarkering footway: Voetpad + ford: Voorde gate: Slagboom + living_street: Woonerf + motorway: Autosnelweg motorway_junction: Autosnelwegknooppunt + motorway_link: Autosnelwegverbindingsweg path: Pad + primary: Primaire weg + primary_link: Primaire weg + raceway: Racecircuit + residential: Woonerf road: Weg + secondary: Secundaire weg secondary_link: Secundaire weg + service: Parallelweg steps: Trap + stile: Overstap + tertiary: Tertiaire weg + track: Pad trail: Pad + trunk_link: Autoweg + unclassified: Ongeclassificeerde weg + unsurfaced: Onverharde weg historic: + archaeological_site: Archeologische vindplaats battlefield: Slagveld building: Gebouw castle: Kasteel @@ -519,10 +572,15 @@ nl: basin: Waterbekken brownfield: Braakliggend terrein cemetery: Begraafplaats + commercial: Commercieel gebied construction: In aanbouw farm: Boerderij + farmland: Gecultiveerd areaal + farmyard: Boerenerf forest: Bos grass: Gras + greenfield: Stadsgroen + industrial: Industrieel gebied landfill: Stortplaats meadow: Weide military: Miltair gebied @@ -537,11 +595,15 @@ nl: recreation_ground: Recreatiegebied reservoir: Reservoir residential: Woonwijk + retail: Winkels village_green: Stadsgroen vineyard: Wijngaard wetland: Moeras wood: Hout leisure: + beach_resort: Badplaats + common: Meent + fishing: Visgrond garden: Tuin golf_course: Golfbaan ice_rink: IJsbaan @@ -549,11 +611,15 @@ nl: miniature_golf: Midgetgolf nature_reserve: Natuurreservaat park: Park + pitch: Sportveld playground: Speelplaats + recreation_ground: Recreatiegebied + slipway: Trailerhelling sports_centre: Sportcentrum stadium: Stadion swimming_pool: Zwembad track: Atletiekbaan + water_park: Waterspeelpark natural: bay: Baai beach: Strand @@ -563,6 +629,7 @@ nl: cliff: Klif coastline: Kustlijn crater: Krater + fell: Fjell fjord: Fjord geyser: Geiser glacier: Gletsjer @@ -576,6 +643,7 @@ nl: peak: Spits point: Punt reef: Rif + ridge: Bergkam river: Rivier rock: Rotsen scree: Puin @@ -596,6 +664,7 @@ nl: country: District county: District farm: Boerderij + hamlet: Gehucht house: Huis houses: Huizen island: Eiland @@ -607,19 +676,35 @@ nl: region: Regio sea: Zee state: Staat + subdivision: Deelgebied suburb: Buitenwijk town: Stad + unincorporated_area: Gemeentevrij gebied village: Dorp railway: + abandoned: Vervallen spoorweg + construction: Spoor in aanbouw + disused: Ongebruikte spoorweg + disused_station: Ongebruikt spoorwegstation funicular: Kabelspoorweg halt: Treinhalte + junction: Spoorwegkruising level_crossing: Gelijkvloerse kruising + light_rail: Lightrail monorail: Monorail + platform: Spoorwegplatform + spur: Parallelspoorweg + station: Spoorwegstation + subway: Metrostation subway_entrance: Metroingang + switch: Spoogwegpunten tram_stop: Tramhalte + yard: Rangeerterrein shop: + alcohol: Verkooppunt alcoholische dranken art: Kunstwinkel bakery: Bakkerij + beauty: Schoonheidssalon bicycle: Fietsenwinkel books: Boekenwinkel butcher: Slagerij @@ -627,11 +712,19 @@ nl: car_parts: Autoonderdelen car_repair: Autogarage chemist: Apotheek + clothes: Kledingwinkel computer: Computerwinkel + convenience: Gemakswinkel + copyshop: Copyshop + cosmetics: Cosmeticawinkel department_store: Warenhuis + discount: Discountwinkel + doityourself: Doe-het-zelf-winkel drugstore: Apotheek dry_cleaning: Stomerij + electronics: Elektronicawinkel estate_agent: Makelaar + farm: Boerenwinkel fashion: Kledingwinkel fish: Viswinkel florist: Bloemist @@ -642,6 +735,7 @@ nl: garden_centre: Tuincentrum general: Algemene winkel gift: Cadeauwinkel + greengrocer: Groenteboer grocery: Groentenwinkel hairdresser: Kapper hardware: Gereedschappenwinkel @@ -655,16 +749,22 @@ nl: mobile_phone: Mobiele telefoons motorcycle: Motorfietsenwinkel music: Muziekwinkel + newsagent: Straatkiosk optician: Opticien + organic: Organische winkel + outdoor: Buitensportwinkel pet: Dierenwinkel photo: Fotowinkel + salon: Schoonheidssalon shoes: Schoenenzaak shopping_centre: Winkelcentrum sports: Sportwinkel + stationery: Kantoorartikelenwinkel supermarket: Supermarkt toys: Speelgoedwinkel travel_agency: Reisbureau video: Videotheek + wine: Verkooppunt alcoholische dranken tourism: alpine_hut: Berghut artwork: Kunst @@ -674,25 +774,38 @@ nl: camp_site: Kampeerterrein caravan_site: Caravankampeerterrein chalet: Vakantiehuisje + guest_house: Gastenverblijf hostel: Jeugdherberg hotel: Hotel information: Informatie + lean_to: Open schutplaats motel: Motel museum: Museum picnic_site: Picknickplaats theme_park: Pretpark valley: Vallei + viewpoint: Bijzonder uitzicht zoo: Dierentuin waterway: boatyard: Scheepswerf canal: Kanaal + connector: Waterverbinding dam: Dam derelict_canal: Onbeheerd kanaal + ditch: Sloot + dock: Dock drain: Afvoerkanaal + lock: Sluis + lock_gate: Sluisdeur + mineral_spring: Bron + mooring: Aanlegplaats rapids: Stroomversnelling river: Rivier + riverbank: Rivierbedding stream: Stroom wadi: Beek + water_point: Waterpunt + waterfall: Waterval weir: Stuwdam javascripts: map: diff --git a/config/locales/ru.yml b/config/locales/ru.yml index e3b5694c2..c216cac87 100644 --- a/config/locales/ru.yml +++ b/config/locales/ru.yml @@ -398,6 +398,26 @@ ru: search_osm_namefinder: suffix_parent: "{{suffix}} ({{parentdistance}} {{parentdirection}} {{parentname}})" suffix_place: ", {{distance}} {{direction}} {{placename}}" + search_osm_nominatim: + prefix: + amenity: + parking: Стоянка + theatre: Театр + historic: + building: Здание + house: Дом + museum: Музей + landuse: + allotments: Сады-огороды + piste: Лыжня + railway: + subway_entrance: Вход в метро + tram: Трамвай + tourism: + museum: Музей + zoo: Зоопарк + waterway: + river: Река javascripts: map: base: diff --git a/config/locales/uk.yml b/config/locales/uk.yml index 9565c9002..ec9258a0b 100644 --- a/config/locales/uk.yml +++ b/config/locales/uk.yml @@ -402,6 +402,276 @@ uk: search_osm_namefinder: suffix_parent: "{{suffix}} ({{parentdistance}} {{parentdirection}} {{parentname}})" suffix_place: ", {{distance}} {{direction}} від {{placename}}" + search_osm_nominatim: + prefix: + amenity: + cafe: Кафе + car_sharing: Прокат авто + club: Клуб + crematorium: Крематорій + market: Ринок + post_office: Пошта + boundary: + administrative: Адміністративний кордон + building: + apartments: Житловий масив + block: Квартал + bunker: Бункер + chapel: Каплиця + church: Храм + city_hall: Мерія + commercial: Комерційна нерухомість + dormitory: Гуртожиток + farm: Ферма + garage: Гараж + hall: Зала + hospital: Лікарня + hotel: Готель + house: Будинок + industrial: Промислова споруда + office: Офісний будинок + residential: Житловий будинок + school: Школа + shop: Магазин + stadium: Стадіон + store: Склад + tower: Башта + train_station: Залізнична станція + university: Університет + highway: + bridleway: Дорога для їзди верхи + bus_stop: Автобусна зупинка + construction: Будівництво автомагітсралі + cycleway: Велосипедна доріжка + distance_marker: Верстовий камінь + emergency_access_point: Пункт швидкої допомоги + footway: Пішохідна доріжка + ford: Броди + gate: Ворота + living_street: Житлова зона + motorway: Автомагістраль + motorway_junction: В'їзд на автомагістраль + motorway_link: З’єднання з автомагістраллю + path: алея + pedestrian: Пішохідна дорога + platform: Платформа + primary: Головна дорога + primary_link: З’єднання з головною дорогою + road: Дорога + secondary: Другорядна дорога + secondary_link: З’єднання з другорядною дорогою + service: Службова дорога + steps: Стежка + stile: Турнікет + tertiary: Третьорядна дорога + trail: Стежка + unclassified: Дорога без класифікації + unsurfaced: Дорога без покриття + historic: + battlefield: Поле битви + church: Храм + ruins: Руїни + tower: Башта + landuse: + construction: Будівництво + landfill: Звалище + mountain: Гори + railway: Залізниця + recreation_ground: База відпочинку + reservoir: Водосховище + residential: Житловий квартал + leisure: + beach_resort: Пляжний курорт + common: Громадська земля + fishing: Район риболовлі + garden: Сад + golf_course: Поле для гольфу + ice_rink: Ковзанка + marina: Гавань для екскурсійних суден + miniature_golf: Міні-гольф + nature_reserve: Заповідник + park: Парк + pitch: Спортмайданчик + playground: Дитячий майданчик + recreation_ground: База відпочинку + sports_centre: Спортивний центр + stadium: Стадіон + swimming_pool: Басейн + track: Бігова доріжка + water_park: Аквапарку + natural: + bay: Затока + beach: Пляж + cape: Мис + cave_entrance: Входу в печеру + channel: Канал + cliff: Скеля + coastline: Узбережжя + crater: Кратер + fell: Вирубка + fjord: Фіорд + geyser: Гейзер + glacier: Льодовик + heath: Степ + hill: Пагорб + island: Острів + land: Земля + marsh: Болото + moor: Торф + mud: Грязюка + peak: Пік + point: Точка + reef: Риф + ridge: Гірський хребет + river: Ріка + rock: Скеля + scree: Щебінь + scrub: Чагарник + shoal: Мілина + spring: Джерело + strait: Перешийок + tree: Дерево + valley: Долина + volcano: Вулкан + water: Вода + wetland: Водно-болотні угіддя + wetlands: Водно-болотні угіддя + wood: Гай + place: + airport: Аеропорт + city: Місто + country: Країна + county: Район + farm: Ферма + hamlet: Хутір + house: Будинок + houses: Дома + island: Острів + islet: Острівець + locality: Населений пункт + moor: Мур + municipality: Муніципалітет + postcode: Індекс + sea: Море + subdivision: Підрозділ + suburb: Передмістя + town: Місто + unincorporated_area: Неприєднанні території + village: Село + railway: + abandoned: Кинуті колії + funicular: Фунікулер + halt: Зупинка поїзда + junction: Переїзд + monorail: Монорейка + narrow_gauge: Вузькоколійка + platform: Залізнична платформа + preserved: Законсервовані колії + spur: Залізнична гілка + station: Залізнична станція + subway: Станція метро + subway_entrance: Вхід в метро + switch: Стрілка + tram: Трамвайні колії + tram_stop: Трамвайна зупинка + yard: Депо + shop: + alcohol: Спритні напої + art: Художній салон + bakery: Хліб + beauty: Салон краси + bicycle: Веломагазин + books: Книгарня + butcher: М’ясо + car: Автомагазин + car_dealer: Автосалон + car_parts: Автозапчастини + car_repair: Авто майстерня + carpet: Килими + chemist: Хімтовари + clothes: Одяг + computer: Комп’ютерна крамниця + confectionery: Кондитерська + copyshop: Послуги копіювання + cosmetics: Магазин косметики + department_store: Універмаг + doityourself: Зроби сам + drugstore: Аптека + dry_cleaning: Хімчистка + electronics: Магазин електроніки + estate_agent: Агентство нерухомості + farm: Сільпо + fish: Риба + florist: Квіти + food: Продовольчі товари + funeral_directors: Ритуальні послуги + furniture: Меблі + gallery: Галерея + general: Універсам + gift: Подарунки + greengrocer: Овочі, фрукти + grocery: Бакалія + hairdresser: Перукар + hardware: Хозтовари + insurance: Страхування + jewelry: Ювелірний магазин + kiosk: Кіоск + laundry: Пральня + mall: Торгівельно-розважальний центр + market: Магазин + mobile_phone: Мобільні телефони + motorcycle: Мотоцикли + music: Музика + newsagent: Газетний кіоск + optician: Оптика + pet: Зоомагазин + photo: Фотомагазин + salon: Салон + shoes: Взуття + sports: Спортивні товари + stationery: Канцтовари + supermarket: Супермаркет + toys: Іграшки + travel_agency: Туристична агенція + video: Відео + wine: Вино + tourism: + artwork: Образотворче мистецтво + attraction: Цікаві місця + bed_and_breakfast: Ліжко та сніданок + cabin: Кабіна + camp_site: Турбаза + caravan_site: Майданчик для трейлерів + chalet: Шале + guest_house: Гостьовий будинок + hostel: Хостел + hotel: Готель + information: Інформація + lean_to: Навіс + motel: Мотель + museum: Музей + picnic_site: Місце для пікніків + theme_park: Тематичний парк + valley: Долина + viewpoint: Оглядовий майданчик + zoo: Зоопарк + waterway: + boatyard: Верф + canal: Канал + dam: Дамба + ditch: Рів + dock: Док + drain: Дренажний канал + lock: Шлюз + lock_gate: Шлюзові ворота + mineral_spring: Мінеральне джерело + mooring: Якірна стоянка + rapids: Пороги + river: Ріка + riverbank: Берег ріки + stream: Струмок + waterfall: Водоспад + weir: Ставок layouts: donate: Підтримайте OpenStreetMap {{link}} у фонді оновлення обладнання. donate_link_text: пожертвування @@ -413,6 +683,7 @@ uk: gps_traces_tooltip: Працювати з треками help_wiki: Довідка та Вікі help_wiki_tooltip: Довідка та Вікі проекту + help_wiki_url: history: Історія history_tooltip: Історія наборів змін home: додому @@ -516,6 +787,10 @@ uk: unread_button: Позначити як непрочитане sent_message_summary: delete_button: Вилучити + notifier: + signup_confirm_plain: + the_wiki_url: + wiki_signup_url: site: edit: anon_edits_link_text: З’ясувати в чому справа. @@ -558,6 +833,7 @@ uk: farm: Ферма footway: Пішохідна доріжка forest: Ліс + golf: Поле для гольфу heathland: Пустище industrial: Промисловий район lake: @@ -581,11 +857,14 @@ uk: - Школа - університет secondary: Другорядна дорога + station: Залізнична станція subway: Лінія метро summit: - Вершина - пік tourist: Визначні пам'ятки + tram: + - трамвай wood: Гай search: search: Пошук @@ -844,7 +1123,7 @@ uk: your friends: Ваші друзі user_role: filter: - already_has_role: Користувач вже маж роль — {{role}}. + already_has_role: Користувач вже має роль — {{role}}. doesnt_have_role: Користувач не маж ролі {{role}}. not_a_role: Рядок «{{role}}» не є припустимою роллю. not_an_administrator: Тільки адміністратори можуть керувати ролями користувачів, а ви не є адміністратором. diff --git a/config/locales/vi.yml b/config/locales/vi.yml index 2d3f550a7..54b942c64 100644 --- a/config/locales/vi.yml +++ b/config/locales/vi.yml @@ -396,6 +396,170 @@ vi: search_osm_namefinder: suffix_parent: "{{suffix}} ({{parentdistance}} về phía {{parentdirection}} của {{parentname}})" suffix_place: ", {{distance}} về phía {{direction}} của {{placename}}" + search_osm_nominatim: + prefix: + amenity: + airport: Sân bay + arts_centre: Trung tâm Nghệ thuật + atm: Máy Rút tiền Tự động + bank: Ngân hàng + bench: Ghế + bicycle_parking: Chỗ Đậu Xe đạp + bicycle_rental: Chỗ Mướn Xe đạp + cafe: Quán Cà phê + car_rental: Chỗ Mướn Xe + car_wash: Tiệm Rửa Xe + casino: Sòng bạc + cinema: Rạp phim + college: Trường Cao đẳng + community_centre: Trung tâm Cộng đồng + courthouse: Tòa + dentist: Nha sĩ + doctors: Bác sĩ + dormitory: Ký túc xá + drinking_water: Vòi Nước uống + driving_school: Trường Lái xe + embassy: Tòa Đại sứ + emergency_phone: Điện thoại Khẩn cấp + fast_food: Nhà hàng Ăn nhanh + ferry_terminal: Trạm Phà + fire_hydrant: Vòi nước Máy + fire_station: Trạm Cứu hỏa + fountain: Vòi nước + fuel: Cây xăng + grave_yard: Nghĩa địa + health_centre: Trung tâm Y tế + hospital: Bệnh viện + hotel: Khách sạn + ice_cream: Tiệm Kem + kindergarten: Tiểu học + library: Thư viện + market: Chợ + marketplace: Chợ phiên + nursery: Nhà trẻ + office: Văn phòng + park: Công viên + parking: Chỗ Đậu xe + pharmacy: Nhà thuốc + place_of_worship: Nơi Thờ phụng + police: Cảnh sát + post_box: Hòm thư + post_office: Bưu điện + preschool: Trường Mầm non + prison: Nhà tù + public_market: Chợ phiên + restaurant: Nhà hàng + sauna: Nhà Tắm hơi + school: Trường học + shop: Tiệm + shopping: Tiệm + supermarket: Siêu thị + taxi: Taxi + telephone: Điện thoại Công cộng + theatre: Nhà hát + toilets: Vệ sinh + university: Trường Đại học + waste_basket: Thùng rác + highway: + bridleway: Đường Cưỡi ngựa + bus_stop: Chỗ Đậu Xe buýt + construction: Đường Đang Xây + cycleway: Đường Xe đạp + footway: Đường bộ + gate: Cổng + minor: Đường Nhỏ + motorway: Đường Cao tốc + motorway_junction: Ngã tư Đường Cao tốc + pedestrian: Đường bộ Lớn + primary: Đường Chính + primary_link: Đường Chính + raceway: Đường đua + road: Đường + secondary_link: Đường Lớn + service: Đường phụ + steps: Cầu thang + trail: Đường mòn + trunk_link: Xa lộ + unsurfaced: Đường Không Lát + leisure: + fishing: Hồ Đánh cá + garden: Vườn + golf_course: Sân Golf + ice_rink: Sân băng + park: Công viên + pitch: Bãi Thể thao + sports_centre: Trung tâm Thể thao + stadium: Sân vận động + natural: + bay: Vịnh + beach: Bãi biển + cape: Mũi đất + cliff: Vách đá + coastline: Bờ biển + glacier: Sông băng + hill: Đồi + island: Đảo + land: Đất + moor: Truông + peak: Đỉnh + river: Sông + spring: Suối + strait: Eo biển + tree: Cây + valley: Thung lũng + volcano: Núi lửa + water: Nước + wood: Rừng + place: + airport: Sân bay + city: Thành phố + country: Quốc gia + county: Quận hạt + farm: Trại + house: Nhà ở + island: Đảo + locality: Địa phương + postcode: Mã Bưu điện + region: Miền + sea: Biển + state: Tỉnh bang + subdivision: Hàng xóm + suburb: Ngoại ô + town: Thị xã/trấn + village: Làng + shop: + bicycle: Tiệm Xe đạp + books: Tiệm Sách + car_dealer: Tiệm Xe hơi + car_repair: Tiệm Sửa Xe + carpet: Tiệm Thảm + chemist: Nhà thuốc + clothes: Tiệm Quần áo + computer: Tiệm Máy tính + confectionery: Tiệm Kẹo + convenience: Tiệm Tập hóa + drugstore: Nhà thuốc + fashion: Tiệm Thời trang + fish: Tiệm Cá + grocery: Tiệm Tạp phẩm + hairdresser: Tiệm Làm tóc + insurance: Bảo hiểm + market: Chợ + music: Tiệm Nhạc + optician: Tiệm Kính mắt + photo: Tiệm Rửa Hình + salon: Tiệm Làm tóc + supermarket: Siêu thị + toys: Tiệm Đồ chơi + travel_agency: Văn phòng Du lịch + video: Tiệm Phim + tourism: + attraction: Nơi Du lịch + hotel: Khách sạn + information: Thông tin + museum: Bảo tàng + valley: Thung lũng + zoo: Vườn thú javascripts: map: base: -- 2.39.5