From d4dadf1fe2e1930d4d9e0eba72ac15b7be572405 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ""
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: شرÙØ· اÙÙ
+ agreed: ÙÙد ÙاÙÙت عÙ٠شرÙØ· اÙÙ
+ not yet agreed: ÙÙ
تÙاÙ٠بعد عÙ٠شرÙØ· اÙÙ
+ review link text: ÙÙرجÙ٠اتباع Ùذا اÙرابط Ù٠اÙÙÙت اÙØ°Ù ÙÙاسب٠ÙÙ
راجعة ÙÙبÙÙ
+ شرÙØ· اÙÙ
Ø© اÙجدÙدة.
+ agreed_with_pd: ÙÙد أعÙÙت Ø£ÙضÙا Ø£Ù٠تعتبر تعدÙÙات٠Ù
+ link:
+ link text: Ù
ا ÙذاØ
+ save changes button: ØÙظ اÙتغÙÙرات
+ make edits public button: اجع٠جÙ
Ùع تعدÙÙات٠عاÙ
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: تÙ
تØدÙØ« Ù
ات اÙÙ
+ ÙÙ
ÙاØظة تأÙÙد اÙعÙÙا٠اÙØ¥ÙÙترÙÙ٠اÙجدÙد.
+ success: تÙ
تØدÙØ« Ù
ات اÙÙ
created: تÙ
closed: تÙ
@@ -2348,43 +2387,6 @@ ar:
delete_user: اØØ°Ù Ùذا اÙÙ
confirm: تأÙÙد
report: أبÙغ ع٠Ùذا اÙÙ
- account:
- title: عد٠اÙØساب
- my settings: إعداداتÙ
- current email address: عÙÙا٠اÙبرÙد اÙØ¥ÙÙرترÙÙ٠اÙØاÙÙ
- external auth: Ù
صادÙØ© خارجÙØ©
- openid:
- link:
- link text: Ù
ا ÙذاØ
- public editing:
- heading: تعدÙ٠عاÙ
- enabled: Ù
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: Ù
ا ÙذاØ
- disabled: Ù
Ùعط٠ÙÙا ÙÙ
Ù٠تعدÙ٠اÙبÙاÙØ§ØªØ Ø¬Ù
Ùع اÙتعدÙÙات اÙسابÙØ© Ù
- disabled link text: ÙÙ
اذا Ùا أستطÙع اÙتعدÙÙØ
- public editing note:
- heading: تعدÙ٠عاÙ
- html: Ù٠اÙÙÙت اÙØاÙÙØ ØªØ¹Ø¯ÙÙات٠Ù
ÙÙ ÙÙأشخاص إرسا٠رسائÙ
- Ø¥ÙÙ٠أ٠اÙاطÙاع عÙÙ Ù
ÙÙعÙØ ÙإظÙار Ù
ا ÙÙ
ت بتØرÙر٠ÙاÙسÙ
Ø§Ø ÙÙأشخاص باÙاتصاÙ
- ب٠عبر Ù
ÙÙع اÙÙÙب; اÙÙر ÙÙ٠اÙزر أدÙاÙÙ
ÙØ° تغÙÙر ÙاجÙØ© برÙ
جة اÙتطبÙÙات
- 0.6Ø Ùا ÙÙ
ÙÙ٠تعدÙ٠بÙاÙات اÙخرÙطة. (اÙتشÙ
- اÙسبب).
- contributor terms:
- heading: شرÙØ· اÙÙ
- agreed: ÙÙد ÙاÙÙت عÙ٠شرÙØ· اÙÙ
- not yet agreed: ÙÙ
تÙاÙ٠بعد عÙ٠شرÙØ· اÙÙ
- review link text: ÙÙرجÙ٠اتباع Ùذا اÙرابط Ù٠اÙÙÙت اÙØ°Ù ÙÙاسب٠ÙÙ
راجعة ÙÙبÙÙ
- شرÙØ· اÙÙ
Ø© اÙجدÙدة.
- agreed_with_pd: ÙÙد أعÙÙت Ø£ÙضÙا Ø£Ù٠تعتبر تعدÙÙات٠Ù
- link:
- link text: Ù
ا ÙذاØ
- save changes button: ØÙظ اÙتغÙÙرات
- make edits public button: اجع٠جÙ
Ùع تعدÙÙات٠عاÙ
- flash update success confirm needed: تÙ
تØدÙØ« Ù
ات اÙÙ
- برÙد٠اÙØ¥ÙÙترÙÙÙ ÙÙ
ÙاØظة تأÙÙد اÙعÙÙا٠اÙØ¥ÙÙترÙÙ٠اÙجدÙد.
- flash update success: تÙ
تØدÙØ« Ù
ات اÙÙ
flash success: Ù
Ùز٠ØÙÙÙظ بÙجاØ
diff --git a/config/locales/arz.yml b/config/locales/arz.yml
index 6ec0bba6e..d7dffe437 100644
--- a/config/locales/arz.yml
+++ b/config/locales/arz.yml
@@ -106,6 +106,31 @@ arz:
needs_view: ÙÙ ÙØتاج اÙÙ
ÙتسجÙ٠اÙدخÙÙ Ùب٠أ٠ÙتÙ
Ø³Ø Ùذ٠اÙعرÙÙØ©Ø
new_email: (Ùا ÙظÙر عÙÙÙا)
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: عدÙ٠اÙØساب
+ my settings: إعداداتÙ
+ public editing:
+ heading: تعدÙ٠عاÙ
+ enabled: Ù
ÙعÙÙ. غÙر Ù
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: Ù
ا ÙذاØ
+ disabled: Ù
Ùعط٠ÙÙا ÙÙ
Ù٠تعدÙ٠اÙبÙاÙØ§ØªØ Ø¬Ù
Ùع اÙتعدÙÙات اÙسابÙÙ Ù
+ disabled link text: ÙÙ
اذا Ùا أستطÙع اÙتعدÙÙØ
+ public editing note:
+ heading: 'تعدÙ٠عاÙ
+ html: ØاÙÙÙا تعدÙÙات٠تظÙر بشÙÙ Ù
ÙÙ ÙÙÙاس إرسا٠رسائ٠Ù٠أ٠رؤÙÙ
+ Ù
ÙÙعÙ. ÙإظÙار Ù
ا ÙÙ
ت بتعدÙÙÙ ÙÙÙسÙ
Ø§Ø ÙÙÙاس باÙاتصا٠ب٠Ù
Ù Ø®Ùا٠اÙÙ
+ عÙ٠اÙزر أدÙاÙ. Ù
ÙØ° اÙتغÙÙر Ø¥Ù٠اÙأ٠ب٠أ٠0.6Ø ÙÙØ· اÙÙ
+ ÙÙ
ÙÙ٠تØرÙر بÙاÙات اÙخرÙطة. (ÙÙ
+ اÙسبب).
+ save changes button: ØÙظ اÙتغÙÙرات
+ make edits public button: اجع٠جÙ
Ùع تعدÙÙات٠عاÙ
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: تÙ
تØدÙØ« Ù
ات اÙÙ
بÙجاØ. تØÙÙ Ù
+ ÙÙ
Ø°Ùر٠تأÙÙد اÙعÙÙا٠اÙØ¥ÙÙترÙÙ٠اÙجدÙد.
+ success: تÙ
تØدÙØ« Ù
ات اÙÙ
title: 'ØزÙ
٠اÙتغÙÙرات: %{id}'
@@ -996,29 +1021,6 @@ arz:
unhide_user: أظÙر Ùذا اÙÙ
delete_user: اØØ°Ù Ùذا اÙÙ
confirm: Ø£ÙÙد
- account:
- title: عدÙ٠اÙØساب
- my settings: إعداداتÙ
- public editing:
- heading: 'تعدÙ٠عاÙ
- enabled: Ù
ÙعÙÙ. غÙر Ù
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: Ù
ا ÙذاØ
- disabled: Ù
Ùعط٠ÙÙا ÙÙ
Ù٠تعدÙ٠اÙبÙاÙØ§ØªØ Ø¬Ù
Ùع اÙتعدÙÙات اÙسابÙÙ Ù
- disabled link text: ÙÙ
اذا Ùا أستطÙع اÙتعدÙÙØ
- public editing note:
- heading: تعدÙ٠عاÙ
- html: ØاÙÙÙا تعدÙÙات٠تظÙر بشÙÙ Ù
ÙÙ ÙÙÙاس إرسا٠رسائ٠Ù٠أ٠رؤÙÙ
- Ù
ÙÙعÙ. ÙإظÙار Ù
ا ÙÙ
ت بتعدÙÙÙ ÙÙÙسÙ
Ø§Ø ÙÙÙاس باÙاتصا٠ب٠Ù
Ù Ø®Ùا٠اÙÙ
- عÙ٠اÙزر أدÙاÙ. Ù
ÙØ° اÙتغÙÙر Ø¥Ù٠اÙأ٠ب٠أ٠0.6Ø ÙÙØ· اÙÙ
- ÙÙ
ÙÙ٠تØرÙر بÙاÙات اÙخرÙطة. (ÙÙ
- اÙسبب).
- save changes button: ØÙظ اÙتغÙÙرات
- make edits public button: اجع٠جÙ
Ùع تعدÙÙات٠عاÙ
- flash update success confirm needed: تÙ
تØدÙØ« Ù
ات اÙÙ
بÙجاØ. تØÙÙ Ù
- برÙد٠اÙØ¥ÙÙترÙÙÙ ÙÙ
Ø°Ùر٠تأÙÙد اÙعÙÙا٠اÙØ¥ÙÙترÙÙ٠اÙجدÙد.
- flash update success: تÙ
تØدÙØ« Ù
ات اÙÙ
flash success: Ù
Ùز٠ØÙÙظ بÙجاØ
diff --git a/config/locales/ast.yml b/config/locales/ast.yml
index 4e45a2491..7bd583404 100644
--- a/config/locales/ast.yml
+++ b/config/locales/ast.yml
@@ -213,6 +213,50 @@ ast:
comment: Comentariu
full: Nota completa
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Editar la cuenta
+ my settings: Les mios preferencies
+ current email address: Direición de corréu electrónicu actual
+ external auth: Autenticación esterna
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: ¿qué ye esto?
+ public editing:
+ heading: Edición pública
+ enabled: Activaes. Nun yes anónimu y puedes editar los datos.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: ¿qué ye esto?
+ disabled: Desactivaes y nun puedes editar los datos; toles ediciones anteriores
+ son anónimes.
+ disabled link text: ¿por qué nun puedo editar?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: Ediciones públiques
+ html: Anguaño, les tos ediciones son anónimes y la xente nun puede unviate
+ mensaxes o ver la to llocalización. P'amosar lo qu'editasti y permitir que
+ la xente se ponga en contautu contigo pela páxina web, pulsia nel botón
+ qu'apaez abaxo. Dende'l cambiu al API 0.6, sólo los usuarios públicos
+ pueden editar los datos del mapa (por
+ estes razones).
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: Términos de collaboración
+ agreed: Aceutasti los nuevos términos de collaboración.
+ not yet agreed: Entá nun aceutasti los nuevos términos de collaboración.
+ review link text: Cuando quieras sigui esti enllaz pa revisar y aceutar los
+ nuevos términos de collaboración.
+ agreed_with_pd: Tamién declarasti que consideres que les tos ediciones pertenecen
+ al Dominiu Públicu.
+ link:
+ link text: ¿qué ye esto?
+ save changes button: Guardar los cambios
+ make edits public button: Facer públiques toles mios ediciones
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: La información del usuariu s'anovó correutamente. Nel
+ to corréu electrónicu alcontrarás una nota pa confirmar la to nueva direición
+ de corréu.
+ success: La información del usuariu s'anovó correutamente.
created: Creáu
closed: Zarráu
@@ -2235,48 +2279,6 @@ ast:
delete_user: Desaniciar esti usuariu
confirm: Confirmar
report: Informar d'esti usuariu
- account:
- title: Editar la cuenta
- my settings: Les mios preferencies
- current email address: Direición de corréu electrónicu actual
- external auth: Autenticación esterna
- openid:
- link:
- link text: ¿qué ye esto?
- public editing:
- heading: Ediciones públiques
- enabled: Activaes. Nun yes anónimu y puedes editar los datos.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: ¿qué ye esto?
- disabled: Desactivaes y nun puedes editar los datos; toles ediciones anteriores
- son anónimes.
- disabled link text: ¿por qué nun puedo editar?
- public editing note:
- heading: Edición pública
- html: Anguaño, les tos ediciones son anónimes y la xente nun puede unviate
- mensaxes o ver la to llocalización. P'amosar lo qu'editasti y permitir que
- la xente se ponga en contautu contigo pela páxina web, pulsia nel botón
- qu'apaez abaxo. Dende'l cambiu al API 0.6, sólo los usuarios públicos
- pueden editar los datos del mapa (por
- estes razones).
- contributor terms:
- heading: Términos de collaboración
- agreed: Aceutasti los nuevos términos de collaboración.
- not yet agreed: Entá nun aceutasti los nuevos términos de collaboración.
- review link text: Cuando quieras sigui esti enllaz pa revisar y aceutar los
- nuevos términos de collaboración.
- agreed_with_pd: Tamién declarasti que consideres que les tos ediciones pertenecen
- al Dominiu Públicu.
- link:
- link text: ¿qué ye esto?
- save changes button: Guardar los cambios
- make edits public button: Facer públiques toles mios ediciones
- flash update success confirm needed: La información del usuariu s'anovó correutamente.
- Nel to corréu electrónicu alcontrarás una nota pa confirmar la to nueva direición
- de corréu.
- flash update success: La información del usuariu s'anovó correutamente.
flash success: Llocalización d'aniciu guardada correutamente
diff --git a/config/locales/az.yml b/config/locales/az.yml
index 3365ca4b4..c552a55de 100644
--- a/config/locales/az.yml
+++ b/config/locales/az.yml
@@ -153,6 +153,17 @@ az:
comment: ÅÉrh
full: Tam qeydlÉr
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ current email address: 'Hazırki E-Poçt Ãnvanı:'
+ openid:
+ link text: bu nÉdir?
+ public editing:
+ enabled link text: Bu nÉdir?
+ disabled link text: NiyÉ mÉn redaktÉ edÉ bilmirÉm?
+ contributor terms:
+ link text: bu nÉdir?
+ save changes button: DÉyiÅikliklÉri yadda saxla
created: Yaradılıb
closed: BaÄlanıb
@@ -1101,16 +1112,6 @@ az:
hide_user: Bu istifadÉçini gizlÉt
delete_user: bu istifadÉçini sil
confirm: TÉsdiq et
- account:
- current email address: 'Hazırki E-Poçt Ãnvanı:'
- openid:
- link text: bu nÉdir?
- public editing:
- enabled link text: Bu nÉdir?
- disabled link text: NiyÉ mÉn redaktÉ edÉ bilmirÉm?
- contributor terms:
- link text: bu nÉdir?
- save changes button: DÉyiÅikliklÉri yadda saxla
title: Ä°stifadÉçilÉr
heading: Ä°stifadÉçilÉr
diff --git a/config/locales/be-Tarask.yml b/config/locales/be-Tarask.yml
index 35fcff6e2..fee78f778 100644
--- a/config/locales/be-Tarask.yml
+++ b/config/locales/be-Tarask.yml
@@ -241,6 +241,48 @@ be-Tarask:
comment: ÐамÑнÑаÑ
full: ÐоÑÐ½Ñ ÑÑкÑÑ
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Ð ÑдагаванÑне ÑаÑ
+ my settings: Ðае наладÑ
+ current email address: ЦÑпеÑаÑÐ½Ñ Ð°Ð´ÑÐ°Ñ ÑлекÑÑоннай поÑÑÑ
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: ÑÑо гÑÑа?
+ public editing:
+ heading: ÐÑблÑÑнае ÑÑдагаванÑне
+ enabled: УклÑÑана. ÐÑ Ð½Ðµ ананÑм Ñ Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶Ð°Ñе ÑÑдагаваÑÑ Ð·ÑвеÑÑкÑ.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: ÑÑо гÑÑа?
+ disabled: ÐабаÑÐ¾Ð½ÐµÐ½Ñ Ñ Ð½Ñ Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶Ð° ÑÑдагаваÑÑ Ð·ÑвеÑÑкÑ, ÑÑе папÑÑÑднÑÑ ÑÑдагаванÑнÑ
+ бÑÐ»Ñ Ð°Ð½Ð°Ð½ÑмнÑмÑ.
+ disabled link text: ÑÐ°Ð¼Ñ Ñ Ð½Ðµ Ð¼Ð°Ð³Ñ ÑÑдагаваÑÑ?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: ÐÑблÑÑнае ÑÑдагаванÑне
+ html: У ÑÑпеÑаÑÐ½Ñ Ð¼Ð¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ñ ÐаÑÑÑ ÑÑдагаванÑÐ½Ñ Ð·ÑÑÑлÑÑÑÑа ананÑмнÑÐ¼Ñ Ñ Ð»ÑдзÑ
+ Ð½Ñ Ð¼Ð¾Ð³ÑÑÑ Ð´Ð°ÑÑлаÑÑ Ðам паведамленÑнÑ, ÑÑ Ð±Ð°ÑÑÑÑ ÐаÑае меÑÑазнаÑ
+ Ðаб бÑÑ Ð±Ð°ÑÐ½Ñ ÐÐ°Ñ ÑнÑÑак Ñ Ð»ÑÐ´Ð·Ñ Ð¼Ð°Ð³Ð»Ñ ÐºÐ°Ð½ÑакÑаваÑÑ Ð· ÐÐ°Ð¼Ñ Ð¿Ñаз ÑÑб-ÑайÑ,
+ Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑÑвÑÐ·Ñ ÐºÐ°ÑÑÑÑалÑнÑÐºÑ Ð¼Ð¾Ð³ÑÑÑ ÑÑдагаваÑÑ Ð·ÑвеÑÑÐºÑ Ð½Ð° мапе. (даведаÑÑа
+ ÑамÑ).
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: Ð£Ð¼Ð¾Ð²Ñ ÑÑпÑаÑоÑнÑÑÑва
+ agreed: ÐÑ Ð¿Ð°Ð³Ð°Ð´Ð·ÑлÑÑÑ Ð· новÑÐ¼Ñ ÑÐ¼Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð¼Ñ ÑÑпÑаÑоÑнÑÑÑва.
+ not yet agreed: ÐÑ ÑÑÑÑ Ð½Ðµ пагадзÑлÑÑÑ Ð· новÑÐ¼Ñ ÑÐ¼Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð¼Ñ ÑÑпÑаÑоÑнÑÑÑва.
+ review link text: ÐÐ°Ð»Ñ Ð»Ð°Ñка, пеÑайдзÑÑе па гÑÑай ÑпаÑÑлÑÑ Ñ Ð·ÑÑÑÐ½Ñ Ð´Ð»Ñ ÐаÑ
+ ÑÐ°Ñ Ñ Ð¿Ð°ÑÑвеÑдзÑÑе Ð·Ð³Ð¾Ð´Ñ Ð· новÑÐ¼Ñ ÑÐ¼Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð¼Ñ ÑÑпÑаÑоÑнÑÑÑва.
+ agreed_with_pd: ÐÑ ÑакÑама заÑÑлÑеÑе, ÑÑо пеÑадаеÑе ÐаÑÑÑ ÑÑдагаванÑÐ½Ñ Ñ Ð³ÑамадзкÑ
+ набÑÑак.
+ link text: ÑÑо гÑÑа?
+ save changes button: ÐаÑ
аваÑÑ Ð·ÑменÑ
+ make edits public button: ÐÑабÑÑÑ ÑÑе мае ÑÑдагаванÑÐ½Ñ Ð¿ÑблÑÑнÑмÑ
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: ÐнÑаÑмаÑÑÑ ÐºÐ°ÑÑÑÑалÑнÑка бÑла абноÑÐ»ÐµÐ½Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð°ÑÑпÑÑ
+ ÐÑавеÑÑе ÐаÑÑÑ ÑлекÑÑоннÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾ÑÑÑ ÐºÐ°Ð± паÑÑвеÑдзÑÑÑ ÐÐ°Ñ Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ñ Ð°Ð´ÑÐ°Ñ ÑлекÑÑоннай
+ поÑÑÑ.
+ success: ÐÑвеÑÑÐºÑ Ð¿Ñа каÑÑÑÑалÑнÑка паÑÑпÑÑ
ова абноÑленÑÑ.
created: СÑвоÑана
closed: ÐакÑÑÑае
@@ -1502,46 +1544,6 @@ be-Tarask:
unhide_user: ÐаказаÑÑ Ð³ÑÑага ÑдзелÑнÑка
delete_user: ÐÑдалÑÑÑ Ð³ÑÑага ÑдзелÑнÑка
confirm: ÐаÑÑвеÑдзÑÑÑ
- account:
- title: Ð ÑдагаванÑне ÑаÑ
- my settings: Ðае наладÑ
- current email address: ЦÑпеÑаÑÐ½Ñ Ð°Ð´ÑÐ°Ñ ÑлекÑÑоннай поÑÑÑ
- openid:
- link:
- link text: ÑÑо гÑÑа?
- public editing:
- heading: ÐÑблÑÑнае ÑÑдагаванÑне
- enabled: УклÑÑана. ÐÑ Ð½Ðµ ананÑм Ñ Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶Ð°Ñе ÑÑдагаваÑÑ Ð·ÑвеÑÑкÑ.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: ÑÑо гÑÑа?
- disabled: ÐабаÑÐ¾Ð½ÐµÐ½Ñ Ñ Ð½Ñ Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶Ð° ÑÑдагаваÑÑ Ð·ÑвеÑÑкÑ, ÑÑе папÑÑÑднÑÑ ÑÑдагаванÑнÑ
- бÑÐ»Ñ Ð°Ð½Ð°Ð½ÑмнÑмÑ.
- disabled link text: ÑÐ°Ð¼Ñ Ñ Ð½Ðµ Ð¼Ð°Ð³Ñ ÑÑдагаваÑÑ?
- public editing note:
- heading: ÐÑблÑÑнае ÑÑдагаванÑне
- html: У ÑÑпеÑаÑÐ½Ñ Ð¼Ð¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ñ ÐаÑÑÑ ÑÑдагаванÑÐ½Ñ Ð·ÑÑÑлÑÑÑÑа ананÑмнÑÐ¼Ñ Ñ Ð»ÑдзÑ
- Ð½Ñ Ð¼Ð¾Ð³ÑÑÑ Ð´Ð°ÑÑлаÑÑ Ðам паведамленÑнÑ, ÑÑ Ð±Ð°ÑÑÑÑ ÐаÑае меÑÑазнаÑ
- Ðаб бÑÑ Ð±Ð°ÑÐ½Ñ ÐÐ°Ñ ÑнÑÑак Ñ Ð»ÑÐ´Ð·Ñ Ð¼Ð°Ð³Ð»Ñ ÐºÐ°Ð½ÑакÑаваÑÑ Ð· ÐÐ°Ð¼Ñ Ð¿Ñаз ÑÑб-ÑайÑ,
- Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑÑвÑÐ·Ñ ÐºÐ°ÑÑÑÑалÑнÑÐºÑ Ð¼Ð¾Ð³ÑÑÑ ÑÑдагаваÑÑ Ð·ÑвеÑÑÐºÑ Ð½Ð° мапе. (даведаÑÑа
- ÑамÑ).
- contributor terms:
- heading: Ð£Ð¼Ð¾Ð²Ñ ÑÑпÑаÑоÑнÑÑÑва
- agreed: ÐÑ Ð¿Ð°Ð³Ð°Ð´Ð·ÑлÑÑÑ Ð· новÑÐ¼Ñ ÑÐ¼Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð¼Ñ ÑÑпÑаÑоÑнÑÑÑва.
- not yet agreed: ÐÑ ÑÑÑÑ Ð½Ðµ пагадзÑлÑÑÑ Ð· новÑÐ¼Ñ ÑÐ¼Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð¼Ñ ÑÑпÑаÑоÑнÑÑÑва.
- review link text: ÐÐ°Ð»Ñ Ð»Ð°Ñка, пеÑайдзÑÑе па гÑÑай ÑпаÑÑлÑÑ Ñ Ð·ÑÑÑÐ½Ñ Ð´Ð»Ñ ÐаÑ
- ÑÐ°Ñ Ñ Ð¿Ð°ÑÑвеÑдзÑÑе Ð·Ð³Ð¾Ð´Ñ Ð· новÑÐ¼Ñ ÑÐ¼Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð¼Ñ ÑÑпÑаÑоÑнÑÑÑва.
- agreed_with_pd: ÐÑ ÑакÑама заÑÑлÑеÑе, ÑÑо пеÑадаеÑе ÐаÑÑÑ ÑÑдагаванÑÐ½Ñ Ñ Ð³ÑамадзкÑ
- набÑÑак.
- link text: ÑÑо гÑÑа?
- save changes button: ÐаÑ
аваÑÑ Ð·ÑменÑ
- make edits public button: ÐÑабÑÑÑ ÑÑе мае ÑÑдагаванÑÐ½Ñ Ð¿ÑблÑÑнÑмÑ
- flash update success confirm needed: ÐнÑаÑмаÑÑÑ ÐºÐ°ÑÑÑÑалÑнÑка бÑла абноÑленаÑ
- паÑÑпÑÑ
ова. ÐÑавеÑÑе ÐаÑÑÑ ÑлекÑÑоннÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾ÑÑÑ ÐºÐ°Ð± паÑÑвеÑдзÑÑÑ ÐÐ°Ñ Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ñ Ð°Ð´ÑаÑ
- ÑлекÑÑоннай поÑÑÑ.
- flash update success: ÐÑвеÑÑÐºÑ Ð¿Ñа каÑÑÑÑалÑнÑка паÑÑпÑÑ
ова абноÑленÑÑ.
flash success: ÐаÑае меÑÑазнаÑ
оджанÑне паÑÑпÑÑ
ова заÑ
diff --git a/config/locales/be.yml b/config/locales/be.yml
index 378962d14..057f7f929 100644
--- a/config/locales/be.yml
+++ b/config/locales/be.yml
@@ -246,6 +246,48 @@ be:
comment: ÐаменÑаÑ
full: ТлÑмаÑÑнне
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: ÐÑавÑÑÑ ÑаÑ
+ my settings: Ðае наÑÑÑойкÑ
+ current email address: 'ÐÑгÑÑÑ Ð°Ð´ÑÐ°Ñ ÑлекÑÑоннай поÑÑÑ:'
+ external auth: 'ÐнеÑнÑÑ ÐÑÑÑнÑÑÑÑкаÑÑÑ:'
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: ÑÑо гÑÑа?
+ public editing:
+ heading: ÐгÑлÑнае ÑÑдагаванне
+ enabled: УклÑÑана. ÐÑ - не ананÑÐ¼Ð½Ñ Ñ Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶Ð°Ñе ÑÑдагаваÑÑ Ð´Ð°Ð´Ð·ÐµÐ½ÑÑ.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: ÑÑо гÑÑа?
+ disabled: ÐдклÑÑана. ÐÑ Ð½Ðµ можаÑе болÑÑ ÑÑдагаваÑÑ, але ÑÑе ÑанейÑÑÑ Ð·Ð¼ÐµÐ½Ñ
+ ананÑмнÑÑ.
+ disabled link text: ÑÐ°Ð¼Ñ Ñ Ð½Ðµ Ð¼Ð°Ð³Ñ ÑÑдагаваÑÑ?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: 'ÐÑблÑÑнае ÑÑдагаванне:'
+ html: У ÑÑпеÑаÑÐ½Ñ Ð¼Ð¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ñ ÐаÑÑ ÑÑÐ´Ð°Ð³Ð°Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð·'ÑÑлÑÑÑÑа ананÑмнÑмÑ, Ñ Ð»ÑÐ´Ð·Ñ Ð½Ðµ
+ могÑÑÑ Ð´Ð°ÑÑлаÑÑ Ðам паведамленнÑ, ÑÑ Ð±Ð°ÑÑÑÑ ÐаÑа меÑÑазнаÑ
оджанне. Ðаб бÑÑ
+ баÑÐ½Ñ ÐÐ°Ñ Ñклад, Ñ Ð»ÑÐ´Ð·Ñ Ð¼Ð°Ð³Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð²ÑзаÑÑа з ÐÐ°Ð¼Ñ Ð¿Ñаз вÑб-ÑайÑ, наÑÑÑнÑÑе
+ ÐºÐ½Ð¾Ð¿ÐºÑ Ð½ÑжÑй. ÐаÑÐ»Ñ Ð¿ÐµÑаÑ
Ð¾Ð´Ñ Ð½Ð° API веÑÑÑÑ 0.6, ÑолÑÐºÑ Ð´Ð°ÑÑÑпнÑÑ Ð´Ð»Ñ
+ ÑÑвÑÐ·Ñ ÐºÐ°ÑÑÑÑалÑнÑÐºÑ Ð¼Ð¾Ð³ÑÑÑ ÑÑдагаваÑÑ Ð·Ð²ÐµÑÑÐºÑ Ð½Ð° каÑÑе. (даведаÑÑа,
+ ÑамÑ)
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: 'Ð£Ð¼Ð¾Ð²Ñ ÑдзелÑ:'
+ agreed: ÐÑ Ð¿Ð°Ð³Ð°Ð´Ð·ÑлÑÑÑ Ð½Ð° новÑÑ ÑÐ¼Ð¾Ð²Ñ ÑдзелÑ.
+ not yet agreed: ÐÑ ÑÑÑÑ Ð½Ðµ пагадзÑлÑÑÑ Ð½Ð° новÑÑ ÑÐ¼Ð¾Ð²Ñ ÑдзелÑ.
+ review link text: ÐÐ°Ð»Ñ Ð»Ð°Ñка, пÑайдзÑÑе па гÑÑай ÑпаÑÑлÑÑ Ð´Ð»Ñ ÐаÑай зÑÑÑнаÑÑÑ,
+ каб ÑазгледзеÑÑ Ñ Ð¿ÑÑнÑÑÑ Ð½Ð¾Ð²ÑÑ ÑÐ¼Ð¾Ð²Ñ ÑдзелÑ.
+ agreed_with_pd: ÐÑ ÑакÑама заÑвÑлÑ, ÑÑо лÑÑÑÑе, ÑÑо Ð·Ð¼ÐµÐ½Ñ Ð¿Ð°Ð²ÑÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ
+ Ñ Ð°Ð³ÑлÑнай ÑлаÑнаÑÑÑ.
+ link:
+ link text: ÑÑо гÑÑа?
+ save changes button: ÐапÑÑаÑÑ Ð·Ð¼ÐµÐ½Ñ
+ make edits public button: ÐÑабÑÑÑ ÑÑе мае Ð·Ð¼ÐµÐ½Ñ Ð¿ÑблÑÑнÑмÑ
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: ÐвеÑÑÐºÑ Ð°Ð± каÑÑÑÑалÑнÑÐºÑ Ð¿Ð°ÑпÑÑ
ова абноÑленÑÑ. ÐÑавеÑÑе
+ ÑÐ²Ð°Ñ Ñл.поÑÑÑ, вам павÑнен пÑÑйÑÑÑ Ð·Ð°Ð¿ÑÑ Ð½Ð° паÑвÑÑджÑнне ваÑага новага адÑаÑа.
+ success: ÐвеÑÑÐºÑ Ð°Ð± каÑÑÑÑалÑнÑÐºÑ Ð¿Ð°ÑпÑÑ
ова абноÑленÑÑ.
created: СÑвоÑанÑ
closed: ÐаÑÑненÑ
@@ -2254,47 +2296,6 @@ be:
delete_user: ÐÑдалÑÑÑ Ð³ÑÑага каÑÑÑÑалÑнÑка
confirm: ÐаÑвеÑдзÑÑÑ
report: ÐаÑкаÑдзÑÑÑа на гÑÑага каÑÑÑÑалÑнÑка
- account:
- title: ÐÑавÑÑÑ ÑаÑ
- my settings: Ðае наÑÑÑойкÑ
- current email address: 'ÐÑгÑÑÑ Ð°Ð´ÑÐ°Ñ ÑлекÑÑоннай поÑÑÑ:'
- external auth: 'ÐнеÑнÑÑ ÐÑÑÑнÑÑÑÑкаÑÑÑ:'
- openid:
- link:
- link text: ÑÑо гÑÑа?
- public editing:
- heading: 'ÐÑблÑÑнае ÑÑдагаванне:'
- enabled: УклÑÑана. ÐÑ - не ананÑÐ¼Ð½Ñ Ñ Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶Ð°Ñе ÑÑдагаваÑÑ Ð´Ð°Ð´Ð·ÐµÐ½ÑÑ.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: ÑÑо гÑÑа?
- disabled: ÐдклÑÑана. ÐÑ Ð½Ðµ можаÑе болÑÑ ÑÑдагаваÑÑ, але ÑÑе ÑанейÑÑÑ Ð·Ð¼ÐµÐ½Ñ
- ананÑмнÑÑ.
- disabled link text: ÑÐ°Ð¼Ñ Ñ Ð½Ðµ Ð¼Ð°Ð³Ñ ÑÑдагаваÑÑ?
- public editing note:
- heading: ÐгÑлÑнае ÑÑдагаванне
- html: У ÑÑпеÑаÑÐ½Ñ Ð¼Ð¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ñ ÐаÑÑ ÑÑÐ´Ð°Ð³Ð°Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ Ð·'ÑÑлÑÑÑÑа ананÑмнÑмÑ, Ñ Ð»ÑÐ´Ð·Ñ Ð½Ðµ
- могÑÑÑ Ð´Ð°ÑÑлаÑÑ Ðам паведамленнÑ, ÑÑ Ð±Ð°ÑÑÑÑ ÐаÑа меÑÑазнаÑ
оджанне. Ðаб бÑÑ
- баÑÐ½Ñ ÐÐ°Ñ Ñклад, Ñ Ð»ÑÐ´Ð·Ñ Ð¼Ð°Ð³Ð»Ñ Ð·Ð²ÑзаÑÑа з ÐÐ°Ð¼Ñ Ð¿Ñаз вÑб-ÑайÑ, наÑÑÑнÑÑе
- ÐºÐ½Ð¾Ð¿ÐºÑ Ð½ÑжÑй. ÐаÑÐ»Ñ Ð¿ÐµÑаÑ
Ð¾Ð´Ñ Ð½Ð° API веÑÑÑÑ 0.6, ÑолÑÐºÑ Ð´Ð°ÑÑÑпнÑÑ Ð´Ð»Ñ
- ÑÑвÑÐ·Ñ ÐºÐ°ÑÑÑÑалÑнÑÐºÑ Ð¼Ð¾Ð³ÑÑÑ ÑÑдагаваÑÑ Ð·Ð²ÐµÑÑÐºÑ Ð½Ð° каÑÑе. (даведаÑÑа,
- ÑамÑ)
- contributor terms:
- heading: 'Ð£Ð¼Ð¾Ð²Ñ ÑдзелÑ:'
- agreed: ÐÑ Ð¿Ð°Ð³Ð°Ð´Ð·ÑлÑÑÑ Ð½Ð° новÑÑ ÑÐ¼Ð¾Ð²Ñ ÑдзелÑ.
- not yet agreed: ÐÑ ÑÑÑÑ Ð½Ðµ пагадзÑлÑÑÑ Ð½Ð° новÑÑ ÑÐ¼Ð¾Ð²Ñ ÑдзелÑ.
- review link text: ÐÐ°Ð»Ñ Ð»Ð°Ñка, пÑайдзÑÑе па гÑÑай ÑпаÑÑлÑÑ Ð´Ð»Ñ ÐаÑай зÑÑÑнаÑÑÑ,
- каб ÑазгледзеÑÑ Ñ Ð¿ÑÑнÑÑÑ Ð½Ð¾Ð²ÑÑ ÑÐ¼Ð¾Ð²Ñ ÑдзелÑ.
- agreed_with_pd: ÐÑ ÑакÑама заÑвÑлÑ, ÑÑо лÑÑÑÑе, ÑÑо Ð·Ð¼ÐµÐ½Ñ Ð¿Ð°Ð²ÑÐ½Ð½Ñ Ð·Ð½Ð°Ñ
- Ñ Ð°Ð³ÑлÑнай ÑлаÑнаÑÑÑ.
- link:
- link text: ÑÑо гÑÑа?
- save changes button: ÐапÑÑаÑÑ Ð·Ð¼ÐµÐ½Ñ
- make edits public button: ÐÑабÑÑÑ ÑÑе мае Ð·Ð¼ÐµÐ½Ñ Ð¿ÑблÑÑнÑмÑ
- flash update success confirm needed: ÐвеÑÑÐºÑ Ð°Ð± каÑÑÑÑалÑнÑÐºÑ Ð¿Ð°ÑпÑÑ
ова абноÑленÑÑ.
- ÐÑавеÑÑе ÑÐ²Ð°Ñ Ñл.поÑÑÑ, вам павÑнен пÑÑйÑÑÑ Ð·Ð°Ð¿ÑÑ Ð½Ð° паÑвÑÑджÑнне ваÑага новага
- адÑаÑа.
- flash update success: ÐвеÑÑÐºÑ Ð°Ð± каÑÑÑÑалÑнÑÐºÑ Ð¿Ð°ÑпÑÑ
ова абноÑленÑÑ.
flash success: ÐамаÑнÑе меÑÑазнаÑ
оджанне паÑпÑÑ
ова запÑÑана
diff --git a/config/locales/bg.yml b/config/locales/bg.yml
index 5d710d98e..ae8eac2bb 100644
--- a/config/locales/bg.yml
+++ b/config/locales/bg.yml
@@ -230,6 +230,34 @@ bg:
comment: ÐоменÑаÑ
full: ЦÑлаÑа бележка
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: ÐÑомÑна на пÑоÑил
+ my settings: ÐоиÑе наÑÑÑойки
+ current email address: ТекÑÑа елекÑÑонна поÑа
+ external auth: УдоÑÑовеÑÑване Ð¾Ñ Ð²ÑнÑен изÑоÑник
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: Ðакво е Ñова?
+ public editing:
+ enabled: РазÑеÑено. Ðе е анонимно и можеÑе да пÑоменÑÑе данниÑе.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: Ðакво е Ñова?
+ disabled link text: заÑо не мога да ÑедакÑиÑам?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: ÐбÑеÑÑвено видимо ÑедакÑиÑане
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: УÑÐ»Ð¾Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð·Ð° ÑÑÑÑÑдниÑеÑÑво
+ agreed: ÐÑиели ÑÑе новиÑе ÑÑÐ»Ð¾Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð·Ð° ÑÑÑÑÑдниÑеÑÑво.
+ not yet agreed: ÐÑе оÑе не ÑÑе пÑиели новиÑе УÑÐ»Ð¾Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð·Ð° ÑÑаÑÑие.
+ link:
+ link text: Ðакво е Ñова?
+ save changes button: СÑÑ
ÑанÑване на пÑомениÑе
+ make edits public button: ÐÑиÑки мои пÑомени да Ñа пÑблиÑно доÑÑÑпни
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: СведениÑÑа за поÑÑебиÑÐµÐ»Ñ Ñа ÑÑпеÑно обновени. ÐÑовеÑеÑе
+ елекÑÑоннаÑа Ñи поÑа за пиÑмо, Ñ ÐºÐ¾ÐµÑо да поÑвÑÑдиÑе Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð°Ð´ÑеÑ.
+ success: СведениÑÑа за поÑÑебиÑÐµÐ»Ñ Ñа ÑÑпеÑно обновени.
created: СÑздадена
closed: ÐаÑвоÑена
@@ -1872,31 +1900,6 @@ bg:
delete_user: ÐзÑÑиване на Ñози поÑÑебиÑел
confirm: ÐоÑвÑÑдеÑе
report: Ðокладване на поÑÑебиÑелÑ
- account:
- title: ÐÑомÑна на пÑоÑил
- my settings: ÐоиÑе наÑÑÑойки
- current email address: ТекÑÑа елекÑÑонна поÑа
- external auth: УдоÑÑовеÑÑване Ð¾Ñ Ð²ÑнÑен изÑоÑник
- openid:
- link:
- link text: Ðакво е Ñова?
- public editing:
- heading: ÐбÑеÑÑвено видимо ÑедакÑиÑане
- enabled: РазÑеÑено. Ðе е анонимно и можеÑе да пÑоменÑÑе данниÑе.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: Ðакво е Ñова?
- disabled link text: заÑо не мога да ÑедакÑиÑам?
- contributor terms:
- heading: УÑÐ»Ð¾Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð·Ð° ÑÑÑÑÑдниÑеÑÑво
- agreed: ÐÑиели ÑÑе новиÑе ÑÑÐ»Ð¾Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð·Ð° ÑÑÑÑÑдниÑеÑÑво.
- not yet agreed: ÐÑе оÑе не ÑÑе пÑиели новиÑе УÑÐ»Ð¾Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð·Ð° ÑÑаÑÑие.
- link:
- link text: Ðакво е Ñова?
- save changes button: СÑÑ
ÑанÑване на пÑомениÑе
- make edits public button: ÐÑиÑки мои пÑомени да Ñа пÑблиÑно доÑÑÑпни
- flash update success confirm needed: СведениÑÑа за поÑÑебиÑÐµÐ»Ñ Ñа ÑÑпеÑно обновени.
- ÐÑовеÑеÑе елекÑÑоннаÑа Ñи поÑа за пиÑмо, Ñ ÐºÐ¾ÐµÑо да поÑвÑÑдиÑе Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð°Ð´ÑеÑ.
- flash update success: СведениÑÑа за поÑÑебиÑÐµÐ»Ñ Ñа ÑÑпеÑно обновени.
flash success: ÐаÑеÑо меÑÑоположение е ÑÑпеÑно запазено
diff --git a/config/locales/bn.yml b/config/locales/bn.yml
index 97da1e764..56064d3a5 100644
--- a/config/locales/bn.yml
+++ b/config/locales/bn.yml
@@ -233,6 +233,26 @@ bn:
title: à¦à¦ªà§à¦¨à¦¸à§à¦à§à¦°à¦¿à¦à¦®à§à¦¯à¦¾à¦ª à¦à§à¦à¦¾
comment: মনà§à¦¤à¦¬à§à¦¯
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: à¦
à§à¦¯à¦¾à¦à¦¾à¦à¦¨à§à¦ সমà§à¦ªà¦¾à¦¦à¦¨à¦¾ à¦à¦°à§à¦¨
+ my settings: à¦à¦®à¦¾à¦° সà§à¦à¦¿à¦à¦¸
+ current email address: বরà§à¦¤à¦®à¦¾à¦¨ à¦-মà§à¦à¦² ঠিà¦à¦¾à¦¨à¦¾
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: à¦à¦à¦¿ à¦à§?
+ public editing:
+ enabled: সà¦à§à¦°à¦¿à¦¯à¦¼à¥¤ বà§à¦¨à¦¾à¦®à§ নয় à¦à¦¬à¦ à¦à¦ªà¦¾à¦¤à§à¦¤ সমà§à¦ªà¦¾à¦¦à¦¨à¦¾ à¦à¦°à¦¤à§ পারবà§à¥¤
+ enabled link text: à¦à¦à¦¿ à¦à§?
+ disabled link text: à¦à¦®à¦¿ সমà§à¦ªà¦¾à¦¦à¦¨à¦¾ à¦à¦°à¦¤à§ পারà¦à¦¿ না à¦à§à¦¨?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: 'সমà§à¦ªà¦¾à¦¦à¦¨à¦¾ à¦à¦¨à§à¦®à§à¦à§à¦¤:'
+ contributor terms:
+ agreed: à¦à¦ªà¦¨à¦¿ নতà§à¦¨ à¦
বদানà¦à¦¾à¦°à§à¦° শরà§à¦¤à¦¾à¦¬à¦²à§à¦¤à§ সমà§à¦®à¦¤à¥¤
+ agreed_with_pd: à¦à¦ªà¦¨à¦¿ à¦à§à¦·à¦£à¦¾ à¦à¦°à§à¦à§à¦¨ যৠà¦à¦ªà¦¨à¦¿ à¦à¦ªà¦¨à¦¾à¦° সমà§à¦ªà¦¾à¦¦à¦¨à¦¾à¦à§à¦²à§ পাবলিঠডà§à¦®à§à¦à¦¨à§à¦°
+ à¦
ধà§à¦¨à§ পà§à¦°à¦à¦¾à¦¶ à¦à¦°à¦à§à¦¨à¥¤
+ link text: à¦à¦à¦¿ à¦à§?
+ save changes button: পরিবরà§à¦¤à¦¨ সà¦à¦°à¦à§à¦·à¦£
created: তà§à¦°à¦¿ হয়à§à¦à§
closed: বনà§à¦§ হয়à§à¦à§
@@ -1645,24 +1665,6 @@ bn:
unhide_user: à¦à¦ বà§à¦¯à¦¬à¦¹à¦¾à¦à¦¾à¦°à§à¦à§ দà§à¦à¦¾à¦¨
delete_user: à¦à¦ বà§à¦¯à¦¬à¦¹à¦¾à¦à¦¾à¦°à§à¦à§ à¦
পসারণ à¦à¦°à§à¦¨
confirm: নিশà§à¦à¦¿à¦¤ à¦à¦°à§à¦¨
- account:
- title: à¦
à§à¦¯à¦¾à¦à¦¾à¦à¦¨à§à¦ সমà§à¦ªà¦¾à¦¦à¦¨à¦¾ à¦à¦°à§à¦¨
- my settings: à¦à¦®à¦¾à¦° সà§à¦à¦¿à¦à¦¸
- current email address: বরà§à¦¤à¦®à¦¾à¦¨ à¦-মà§à¦à¦² ঠিà¦à¦¾à¦¨à¦¾
- openid:
- link:
- link text: à¦à¦à¦¿ à¦à§?
- public editing:
- heading: 'সমà§à¦ªà¦¾à¦¦à¦¨à¦¾ à¦à¦¨à§à¦®à§à¦à§à¦¤:'
- enabled: সà¦à§à¦°à¦¿à¦¯à¦¼à¥¤ বà§à¦¨à¦¾à¦®à§ নয় à¦à¦¬à¦ à¦à¦ªà¦¾à¦¤à§à¦¤ সমà§à¦ªà¦¾à¦¦à¦¨à¦¾ à¦à¦°à¦¤à§ পারবà§à¥¤
- enabled link text: à¦à¦à¦¿ à¦à§?
- disabled link text: à¦à¦®à¦¿ সমà§à¦ªà¦¾à¦¦à¦¨à¦¾ à¦à¦°à¦¤à§ পারà¦à¦¿ না à¦à§à¦¨?
- contributor terms:
- agreed: à¦à¦ªà¦¨à¦¿ নতà§à¦¨ à¦
বদানà¦à¦¾à¦°à§à¦° শরà§à¦¤à¦¾à¦¬à¦²à§à¦¤à§ সমà§à¦®à¦¤à¥¤
- agreed_with_pd: à¦à¦ªà¦¨à¦¿ à¦à§à¦·à¦£à¦¾ à¦à¦°à§à¦à§à¦¨ যৠà¦à¦ªà¦¨à¦¿ à¦à¦ªà¦¨à¦¾à¦° সমà§à¦ªà¦¾à¦¦à¦¨à¦¾à¦à§à¦²à§ পাবলিঠডà§à¦®à§à¦à¦¨à§à¦°
- à¦
ধà§à¦¨à§ পà§à¦°à¦à¦¾à¦¶ à¦à¦°à¦à§à¦¨à¥¤
- link text: à¦à¦à¦¿ à¦à§?
- save changes button: পরিবরà§à¦¤à¦¨ সà¦à¦°à¦à§à¦·à¦£
flash success: à¦à¦ªà¦¨à¦¾à¦° সà¦à¦² সমà§à¦ªà¦¾à¦¦à¦¨à¦¾ à¦à¦à¦¨ à¦à¦¨à§à¦®à§à¦à§à¦¤, à¦à¦¬à¦ à¦à¦à¦¨ à¦à¦ªà¦¨à¦¾à¦° সমà§à¦ªà¦¾à¦¦à¦¨à§à¦° à¦
diff --git a/config/locales/br.yml b/config/locales/br.yml
index 9812fd2dc..ee2d9bb7e 100644
--- a/config/locales/br.yml
+++ b/config/locales/br.yml
@@ -270,6 +270,49 @@ br:
comment: Evezhiadenn
full: Notenn glok
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Aozañ ar gont
+ my settings: Ma arventennoù
+ current email address: Chomlec'h postel a-vremañ
+ external auth: Dilesadur diavaez
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: petra eo se ?
+ public editing:
+ heading: Kemm foran
+ enabled: Gweredekaet. N'eo ket dizanv ha gallout a ra aozañ roadennoù.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: Petra eo se ?
+ disabled: Diweredekaet ha ne c'hall ket aozañ roadennoù ; diznav eo an holl
+ aozadennoù kent.
+ disabled link text: Perak n'on ket evit aozañ ?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: Aozañ foran
+ html: Evit poent ez eo dianv ho tegasadennoù ha den ne c'hall skrivañ deoc'h
+ pe gwelet ho lec'hiadur. Evit diskouez ar pezh hoc'h eus embannet ha reiñ
+ an tu d'an dud da vont e darempred ganeoc'h dre al lec'hienn, klikit war
+ al liamm da-heul. Abaoe ar c'hemm davet ar stumm API 0.6, n'eus nemet
+ an dud gant an doare "kemmoù foran" a c'hall kemmañ roadennoù ar c'hartennoù.
+ (gouzout hiroc'h).
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: Diferadennoù ar c'henlabourer
+ agreed: Degemeret hoc'h eus diferadennoù nevez ar c'henlabourer.
+ not yet agreed: N'hoc'h eus ket degemeret c'hoazh diferadennoù nevez ar c'henlabourer.
+ review link text: Heuilhit al liamm-mañ evel ma karot evit sellet ouzh diferadennoù
+ nevez ar c'henlabourer hag asantiñ dezho.
+ agreed_with_pd: Disklêriet hoc'h eus ivez emañ ho tegasadennoù en domani foran.
+ link:
+ link text: Petra eo se ?
+ save changes button: Enrollañ ar c'hemmoù
+ make edits public button: Lakaat ma holl aozadennoù da vezañ foran
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: Hizivaet eo bet titouroù an implijer. Gwiriit ho posteloù
+ evit kadarnaat ho chomlec'h postel nevez.
+ success: Hizivaet eo bet titouroù an implijer.
created: Krouet
closed: Serret
@@ -2480,47 +2523,6 @@ br:
delete_user: Dilemel an implijer-mañ
confirm: Kadarnaat
report: Disklêriañ an implijer-mañ
- account:
- title: Aozañ ar gont
- my settings: Ma arventennoù
- current email address: Chomlec'h postel a-vremañ
- external auth: Dilesadur diavaez
- openid:
- link:
- link text: petra eo se ?
- public editing:
- heading: Aozañ foran
- enabled: Gweredekaet. N'eo ket dizanv ha gallout a ra aozañ roadennoù.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: Petra eo se ?
- disabled: Diweredekaet ha ne c'hall ket aozañ roadennoù ; diznav eo an holl
- aozadennoù kent.
- disabled link text: Perak n'on ket evit aozañ ?
- public editing note:
- heading: Kemm foran
- html: Evit poent ez eo dianv ho tegasadennoù ha den ne c'hall skrivañ deoc'h
- pe gwelet ho lec'hiadur. Evit diskouez ar pezh hoc'h eus embannet ha reiñ
- an tu d'an dud da vont e darempred ganeoc'h dre al lec'hienn, klikit war
- al liamm da-heul. Abaoe ar c'hemm davet ar stumm API 0.6, n'eus nemet
- an dud gant an doare "kemmoù foran" a c'hall kemmañ roadennoù ar c'hartennoù.
- (gouzout hiroc'h).
- contributor terms:
- heading: Diferadennoù ar c'henlabourer
- agreed: Degemeret hoc'h eus diferadennoù nevez ar c'henlabourer.
- not yet agreed: N'hoc'h eus ket degemeret c'hoazh diferadennoù nevez ar c'henlabourer.
- review link text: Heuilhit al liamm-mañ evel ma karot evit sellet ouzh diferadennoù
- nevez ar c'henlabourer hag asantiñ dezho.
- agreed_with_pd: Disklêriet hoc'h eus ivez emañ ho tegasadennoù en domani foran.
- link:
- link text: Petra eo se ?
- save changes button: Enrollañ ar c'hemmoù
- make edits public button: Lakaat ma holl aozadennoù da vezañ foran
- flash update success confirm needed: Hizivaet eo bet titouroù an implijer. Gwiriit
- ho posteloù evit kadarnaat ho chomlec'h postel nevez.
- flash update success: Hizivaet eo bet titouroù an implijer.
flash success: Enrollet eo bet lec'hiadur ar gêr
diff --git a/config/locales/bs.yml b/config/locales/bs.yml
index 668ea1454..489920edf 100644
--- a/config/locales/bs.yml
+++ b/config/locales/bs.yml
@@ -137,6 +137,45 @@ bs:
opened_at_html: Kreirano prije %{when}
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Urediti korisniÄki raÄun
+ my settings: Moja podešavanja
+ current email address: 'Trenutna e-mail adresa:'
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: Å ta je ovo?
+ public editing:
+ heading: 'Javno ureÄivanje:'
+ enabled: OmoguÄeno. Nije anonimno i mogu se ureÄivati podaci.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: Å ta je ovo?
+ disabled: OnemoguÄno i ne mogu se ureÄivati podaci, sva prethodna ureÄivanja
+ su anonimna.
+ disabled link text: ZaÅ¡to ja ne mogu ureÄivati?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: 'Javno ureÄivanje:'
+ html: Trenutno su vaÅ¡a ureÄivanja anonimna i ljudi vam ne mogu poslati poruke
+ ili vidjeti vaÅ¡u lokaciju. Da bi pokazali vaÅ¡a ureÄivanja i dozvolili ljudima
+ da vas kontaktiraju preko website-a, kliknite na dugme ispod Od promjene
+ 0.6 API-a, samo javni korisnici mogu ureÄivati karte. (saznajte
+ zašto).
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: 'Uslovi za doprinosioce:'
+ agreed: Prihvatili ste nove uslove za doprinosioce.
+ not yet agreed: Niste još uvijek prihvatili nove uslove za doprinosioce.
+ review link text: Molimo Vas da slijedite ovaj link kada vam bude prikladno
+ da pregledate i prihvatite nove uslove za doprinosioce.
+ agreed_with_pd: TakoÄe ste proglasili da Äe vaÅ¡e izmjene biti u javnom vlasniÅ¡tvu.
+ link text: Å ta je ovo?
+ save changes button: SaÄuvati promjene
+ make edits public button: Napraviti sve moje promjene javnim
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: KorisniÄke informacije su uspjeÅ¡no osvježene. Provjerite
+ e-mail za porukom za potvrdu nove e-mail adrese.
+ success: KorisniÄke informacije su uspjeÅ¡no osvježene.
created: Napravljeno
closed: Zatvoreno
@@ -1538,43 +1577,6 @@ bs:
unhide_user: Otkrij ovog korisnika
delete_user: Obriši ovog korisnika
confirm: Potvrditi
- account:
- title: Urediti korisniÄki raÄun
- my settings: Moja podešavanja
- current email address: 'Trenutna e-mail adresa:'
- openid:
- link:
- link text: Å ta je ovo?
- public editing:
- heading: 'Javno ureÄivanje:'
- enabled: OmoguÄeno. Nije anonimno i mogu se ureÄivati podaci.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: Å ta je ovo?
- disabled: OnemoguÄno i ne mogu se ureÄivati podaci, sva prethodna ureÄivanja
- su anonimna.
- disabled link text: ZaÅ¡to ja ne mogu ureÄivati?
- public editing note:
- heading: 'Javno ureÄivanje:'
- html: Trenutno su vaÅ¡a ureÄivanja anonimna i ljudi vam ne mogu poslati poruke
- ili vidjeti vaÅ¡u lokaciju. Da bi pokazali vaÅ¡a ureÄivanja i dozvolili ljudima
- da vas kontaktiraju preko website-a, kliknite na dugme ispod Od promjene
- 0.6 API-a, samo javni korisnici mogu ureÄivati karte. (saznajte
- zašto).
- contributor terms:
- heading: 'Uslovi za doprinosioce:'
- agreed: Prihvatili ste nove uslove za doprinosioce.
- not yet agreed: Niste još uvijek prihvatili nove uslove za doprinosioce.
- review link text: Molimo Vas da slijedite ovaj link kada vam bude prikladno
- da pregledate i prihvatite nove uslove za doprinosioce.
- agreed_with_pd: TakoÄe ste proglasili da Äe vaÅ¡e izmjene biti u javnom vlasniÅ¡tvu.
- link text: Å ta je ovo?
- save changes button: SaÄuvati promjene
- make edits public button: Napraviti sve moje promjene javnim
- flash update success confirm needed: KorisniÄke informacije su uspjeÅ¡no osvježene.
- Provjerite e-mail za porukom za potvrdu nove e-mail adrese.
- flash update success: KorisniÄke informacije su uspjeÅ¡no osvježene.
flash success: MatiÄna lokacija uspjeÅ¡no snimljena.
diff --git a/config/locales/ca.yml b/config/locales/ca.yml
index 6a6c73a52..5cb0fa29b 100644
--- a/config/locales/ca.yml
+++ b/config/locales/ca.yml
@@ -289,6 +289,50 @@ ca:
comment: Comentari
full: Nota sencera
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Edita el compte
+ my settings: Preferències
+ current email address: Adreça electrònica actual
+ external auth: Autenticació externa
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: què és això?
+ public editing:
+ heading: Modificació pública
+ enabled: Activades. No anònim i amb permÃs per editar dades.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: què és això?
+ disabled: Desactivades i sense permÃs per a editar; les modificacions anteriors
+ són anònimes.
+ disabled link text: per què no puc editar?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: Edició pública
+ html: Actualment, les vostres modificacions són anònimes i la gent no us pot
+ enviar missatges o veure la vostra ubicació. Per mostrar el que heu editat
+ i permetre que la gent us pugui contactar a través del web, feu clic al
+ botó de sota. Des de canvi de l'API 0.6, només els usuaris públics poden
+ editar les dades de mapa. (sapigueu
+ per què).
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: Termes de col·laboració
+ agreed: Heu acceptat els nous termes de col·laboració.
+ not yet agreed: Encara no heu acceptat els nous termes de col·laboració.
+ review link text: Seguiu aquest enllaç per revisar i acceptar els nous termes
+ de col·laboració.
+ agreed_with_pd: També declareu que considereu que les vostres modificacions
+ són de domini públic.
+ link:
+ link text: què és això?
+ save changes button: Desa els canvis
+ make edits public button: Fes totes les meves modificacions públiques
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: Informació de l'usuari ha actualitzat correctament.
+ Comproveu el vostre correu per a confirmar la vostra adreça de correu electrònic
+ nova.
+ success: Informació de l'usuari ha actualitzat correctament.
created: Creat
closed: Tancat
@@ -2703,48 +2747,6 @@ ca:
delete_user: Suprimeix aquest usuari
confirm: Confirma
report: Denuncieu aquest usuari
- account:
- title: Edita el compte
- my settings: Preferències
- current email address: Adreça electrònica actual
- external auth: Autenticació externa
- openid:
- link:
- link text: què és això?
- public editing:
- heading: Edició pública
- enabled: Activades. No anònim i amb permÃs per editar dades.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: què és això?
- disabled: Desactivades i sense permÃs per a editar; les modificacions anteriors
- són anònimes.
- disabled link text: per què no puc editar?
- public editing note:
- heading: Modificació pública
- html: Actualment, les vostres modificacions són anònimes i la gent no us pot
- enviar missatges o veure la vostra ubicació. Per mostrar el que heu editat
- i permetre que la gent us pugui contactar a través del web, feu clic al
- botó de sota. Des de canvi de l'API 0.6, només els usuaris públics poden
- editar les dades de mapa. (sapigueu
- per què).
- contributor terms:
- heading: Termes de col·laboració
- agreed: Heu acceptat els nous termes de col·laboració.
- not yet agreed: Encara no heu acceptat els nous termes de col·laboració.
- review link text: Seguiu aquest enllaç per revisar i acceptar els nous termes
- de col·laboració.
- agreed_with_pd: També declareu que considereu que les vostres modificacions
- són de domini públic.
- link:
- link text: què és això?
- save changes button: Desa els canvis
- make edits public button: Fes totes les meves modificacions públiques
- flash update success confirm needed: Informació de l'usuari ha actualitzat correctament.
- Comproveu el vostre correu per a confirmar la vostra adreça de correu electrònic
- nova.
- flash update success: Informació de l'usuari ha actualitzat correctament.
flash success: La ubicació d'inici s'ha desat correctament
diff --git a/config/locales/ce.yml b/config/locales/ce.yml
index cc7a8d30c..b1339a54d 100644
--- a/config/locales/ce.yml
+++ b/config/locales/ce.yml
@@ -175,6 +175,14 @@ ce:
comment: ÐомменÑ
full: ÐÑÑззина йоза
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ current email address: 'ÐаÑаÑа ÑлекÑÑонан поÑÑан адÑеÑ:'
+ openid:
+ link text: Ñ
+ contributor terms:
+ link text: Ñ
+ save changes button: ÓалаÑбе Ñ
created: ÐÑ
closed: ÐÓаÑÓагÓа
@@ -960,13 +968,6 @@ ce:
description: ЦÑÑнаÑ
user location: ÐекÑаÑÑ
о волÑ/Ð¹Ð¾Ð»Ñ Ð¼ÐµÑÑиг
report: Хаамбе Ñ
- account:
- current email address: 'ÐаÑаÑа ÑлекÑÑонан поÑÑан адÑеÑ:'
- openid:
- link text: Ñ
- contributor terms:
- link text: Ñ
- save changes button: ÓалаÑбе Ñ
title: ÐекÑаÑÑ
heading: ÐекÑаÑÑ
diff --git a/config/locales/cs.yml b/config/locales/cs.yml
index 687cf0899..9a216deb8 100644
--- a/config/locales/cs.yml
+++ b/config/locales/cs.yml
@@ -289,6 +289,48 @@ cs:
comment: KomentáÅ
full: Celá poznámka
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Upravit úÄet
+ my settings: Moje nastavenÃ
+ current email address: StávajÃcà e-mailová adresa
+ external auth: Externà autentizace
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: co to znamená?
+ public editing:
+ heading: VeÅejné editace
+ enabled: AktivnÃ. Nenà anonym, smà editovat data.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: co to znamená?
+ disabled: Deaktivováno, nemůže editovat data, vÅ¡echny pÅedchozà editace jsou
+ anonymnÃ.
+ disabled link text: proÄ nemůžu editovat?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: VeÅejné editace
+ html: V souÄasné dobÄ jsou vaÅ¡e editace anonymnà a nikdo vám nemůže psát zprávy
+ ani vidÄt vaÅ¡i polohu. Pokud chcete ukázat, co jste editovali, a dovolit
+ lidem vás kontaktovat prostÅednictvÃm webu, kliknÄte na nÞe zobrazené tlaÄÃtko.
+ Od pÅechodu na API 0.6 mohou mapová data editovat jen veÅejnà uživatelé.
+ (PÅeÄtÄte
+ si důvody.)
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: PodmÃnky pro pÅispÄvatele
+ agreed: Odsouhlasili jste nové PodmÃnky pro pÅispÄvatele.
+ not yet agreed: Dosud jste neodsouhlasili nové PodmÃnky pro pÅispÄvatele.
+ review link text: Až se vám to bude hodit, pomocà tohoto odkazu si prosÃm
+ pÅeÄtÄte a odsouhlaste nové PodmÃnky pro pÅispÄvatele.
+ agreed_with_pd: Také jste prohlásili, že své editace považujete za volné dÃlo.
+ link:
+ link text: co to znamená?
+ save changes button: Uložit zmÄny
+ make edits public button: ZvÄÅejnit vÅ¡echny moje úpravy
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: Uživatelské údaje byly úspÄÅ¡nÄ aktualizovány. Zkontrolujte
+ si e-mail, mÄla by vám pÅijÃt výzva k potvrzenà nové e-mailové adresy.
+ success: Uživatelské údaje byly úspÄÅ¡nÄ aktualizovány.
created: VytvoÅeno
closed: UzavÅeno
@@ -2692,47 +2734,6 @@ cs:
delete_user: Odstranit tohoto uživatele
confirm: Potvrdit
report: Nahlásit tohoto uživatele
- account:
- title: Upravit úÄet
- my settings: Moje nastavenÃ
- current email address: StávajÃcà e-mailová adresa
- external auth: Externà autentizace
- openid:
- link:
- link text: co to znamená?
- public editing:
- heading: VeÅejné editace
- enabled: AktivnÃ. Nenà anonym, smà editovat data.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: co to znamená?
- disabled: Deaktivováno, nemůže editovat data, vÅ¡echny pÅedchozà editace jsou
- anonymnÃ.
- disabled link text: proÄ nemůžu editovat?
- public editing note:
- heading: VeÅejné editace
- html: V souÄasné dobÄ jsou vaÅ¡e editace anonymnà a nikdo vám nemůže psát zprávy
- ani vidÄt vaÅ¡i polohu. Pokud chcete ukázat, co jste editovali, a dovolit
- lidem vás kontaktovat prostÅednictvÃm webu, kliknÄte na nÞe zobrazené tlaÄÃtko.
- Od pÅechodu na API 0.6 mohou mapová data editovat jen veÅejnà uživatelé.
- (PÅeÄtÄte
- si důvody.)
- contributor terms:
- heading: PodmÃnky pro pÅispÄvatele
- agreed: Odsouhlasili jste nové PodmÃnky pro pÅispÄvatele.
- not yet agreed: Dosud jste neodsouhlasili nové PodmÃnky pro pÅispÄvatele.
- review link text: Až se vám to bude hodit, pomocà tohoto odkazu si prosÃm
- pÅeÄtÄte a odsouhlaste nové PodmÃnky pro pÅispÄvatele.
- agreed_with_pd: Také jste prohlásili, že své editace považujete za volné dÃlo.
- link:
- link text: co to znamená?
- save changes button: Uložit zmÄny
- make edits public button: ZvÄÅejnit vÅ¡echny moje úpravy
- flash update success confirm needed: Uživatelské údaje byly úspÄÅ¡nÄ aktualizovány.
- Zkontrolujte si e-mail, mÄla by vám pÅijÃt výzva k potvrzenà nové e-mailové
- adresy.
- flash update success: Uživatelské údaje byly úspÄÅ¡nÄ aktualizovány.
flash success: Pozice domova byla úspÄÅ¡nÄ uložena
diff --git a/config/locales/cy.yml b/config/locales/cy.yml
index 828b03583..152dd7bcc 100644
--- a/config/locales/cy.yml
+++ b/config/locales/cy.yml
@@ -152,6 +152,29 @@ cy:
comment: Sylw
full: Nodyn llawn
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Golygu'r cyfrif
+ my settings: Fy ngosodiadau
+ current email address: 'Cyfeiriad Ebost Presenol:'
+ openid:
+ link text: beth yw hwn?
+ public editing:
+ heading: Golygu cyhoeddus
+ enabled: Galluogwyd. Ddim yn anhysbys ac yn gallu golygu data.
+ enabled link text: beth yw hwn?
+ disabled link text: pam na allaf olygu?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: 'Golygu cyhoeddus:'
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: 'Telerau Cyfranwyr:'
+ agreed: Rydych wedi derbyn y telerau cyfranwyr newydd.
+ not yet agreed: Nid ydych eto wedi cytuno i'r telerau cyfranwyr newydd.
+ review link text: Dilynwch y ddolen hon i adolygu a derbyn y telerau cyfranwyr
+ newydd.
+ link text: beth yw hwn?
+ save changes button: Cadw'r Newidiadau
+ make edits public button: Gwneud fy holl olygiadau yn gyhoeddus
created: Crewyd
closed: Wedi cau
@@ -1481,28 +1504,6 @@ cy:
unhide_user: Datguddio'r Defnyddiwr
delete_user: Dileu'r Defnyddiwr
confirm: Cadarnhau
- account:
- title: Golygu'r cyfrif
- my settings: Fy ngosodiadau
- current email address: 'Cyfeiriad Ebost Presenol:'
- openid:
- link text: beth yw hwn?
- public editing:
- heading: 'Golygu cyhoeddus:'
- enabled: Galluogwyd. Ddim yn anhysbys ac yn gallu golygu data.
- enabled link text: beth yw hwn?
- disabled link text: pam na allaf olygu?
- public editing note:
- heading: Golygu cyhoeddus
- contributor terms:
- heading: 'Telerau Cyfranwyr:'
- agreed: Rydych wedi derbyn y telerau cyfranwyr newydd.
- not yet agreed: Nid ydych eto wedi cytuno i'r telerau cyfranwyr newydd.
- review link text: Dilynwch y ddolen hon i adolygu a derbyn y telerau cyfranwyr
- newydd.
- link text: beth yw hwn?
- save changes button: Cadw'r Newidiadau
- make edits public button: Gwneud fy holl olygiadau yn gyhoeddus
flash success: Wedi cadw'r lleoliad cartref
diff --git a/config/locales/da.yml b/config/locales/da.yml
index 5485dbad8..439fe3874 100644
--- a/config/locales/da.yml
+++ b/config/locales/da.yml
@@ -274,6 +274,48 @@ da:
comment: Kommentar
full: Fuld bemærkning
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Rediger konto
+ my settings: Mine indstillinger
+ current email address: Nuværende e-mailadresse
+ external auth: Ekstern godkendelse
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: hvad er dette?
+ public editing:
+ heading: Offentlig redigering
+ enabled: Aktiveret. Ikke anonym og kan ændre data.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: hvad er dette?
+ disabled: Deaktiveret og kan ikke ændre data, alle tidligere ændringer er
+ anonyme.
+ disabled link text: hvorfor kan jeg ikke redigere?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: Offentlig redigering
+ html: I øjeblikket er dine ændringer anonyme og andre kan ikke sende dig beskeder
+ eller se hvor du er. Klik på knappen nedenfor for at vise hvad du har ændret
+ og lade folk kontakte dig gennem siden. Siden 0.6 API blev sat i drift
+ kan kun offentlige brugere rette i kortdata. (se
+ hvorfor).
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: 'Vilkår for bidragsydere:'
+ agreed: Du har accepteret de nye vilkår for bidragsydere.
+ not yet agreed: Du har endnu ikke accepteret de nye vilkår for bidragsydere.
+ review link text: Følg dette link når det er bekvemt for dig for at gennemse
+ og acceptere de nye vilkår for bidragsydere.
+ agreed_with_pd: Du har også erklæret at du anser dine ændringer for at være
+ fælleseje/uden ophavsret.
+ link:
+ link text: hvad er dette?
+ save changes button: Gem ændringer
+ make edits public button: Gør alle mine rettelser offentlige
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: Brugeroplysningerne blev opdateret. Tjek din e-mail
+ for en besked om at bekræfte din nye e-mailadresse.
+ success: Brugerinformation opdateret.
created: Oprettet
closed: Lukket
@@ -2686,46 +2728,6 @@ da:
delete_user: Slet denne bruger
confirm: Bekræft
report: Rapporter denne bruger
- account:
- title: Rediger konto
- my settings: Mine indstillinger
- current email address: Nuværende e-mailadresse
- external auth: Ekstern godkendelse
- openid:
- link:
- link text: hvad er dette?
- public editing:
- heading: Offentlig redigering
- enabled: Aktiveret. Ikke anonym og kan ændre data.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: hvad er dette?
- disabled: Deaktiveret og kan ikke ændre data, alle tidligere ændringer er
- anonyme.
- disabled link text: hvorfor kan jeg ikke redigere?
- public editing note:
- heading: Offentlig redigering
- html: I øjeblikket er dine ændringer anonyme og andre kan ikke sende dig beskeder
- eller se hvor du er. Klik på knappen nedenfor for at vise hvad du har ændret
- og lade folk kontakte dig gennem siden. Siden 0.6 API blev sat i drift
- kan kun offentlige brugere rette i kortdata. (se
- hvorfor).
- contributor terms:
- heading: 'Vilkår for bidragsydere:'
- agreed: Du har accepteret de nye vilkår for bidragsydere.
- not yet agreed: Du har endnu ikke accepteret de nye vilkår for bidragsydere.
- review link text: Følg dette link når det er bekvemt for dig for at gennemse
- og acceptere de nye vilkår for bidragsydere.
- agreed_with_pd: Du har også erklæret at du anser dine ændringer for at være
- fælleseje/uden ophavsret.
- link:
- link text: hvad er dette?
- save changes button: Gem ændringer
- make edits public button: Gør alle mine rettelser offentlige
- flash update success confirm needed: Brugeroplysningerne blev opdateret. Tjek
- din e-mail for en besked om at bekræfte din nye e-mailadresse.
- flash update success: Brugerinformation opdateret.
flash success: Hjemmeposition gemt
diff --git a/config/locales/de.yml b/config/locales/de.yml
index d80bdb266..ff46ade76 100644
--- a/config/locales/de.yml
+++ b/config/locales/de.yml
@@ -330,6 +330,50 @@ de:
comment: Kommentar
full: Vollständiger Hinweis
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Benutzerkonto bearbeiten
+ my settings: Einstellungen
+ current email address: Aktuelle E-Mail-Adresse
+ external auth: Externe Authentifikation
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: Was ist das?
+ public editing:
+ heading: Ãffentliches Bearbeiten
+ enabled: Aktiviert. Normales Bearbeiten der Kartendaten ist möglich.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: Was bedeutet das?
+ disabled: Deaktiviert. Das Bearbeiten von Kartendaten NICHT möglich, alle
+ bisherigen Bearbeitungen sind anonym.
+ disabled link text: Warum kann ich nichts bearbeiten?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: Karte bearbeiten (public editing)
+ html: Im Moment sind deine Beiträge anonym und man kann dir weder Nachrichten
+ senden noch deinen Wohnort sehen. Um sichtbar zu machen, welche Arbeit von
+ dir stammt, und um kontaktierbar zu werden, klicke auf den Button unten.
+ Seit Version 0.6 der API aktiv ist, können unangemeldete Benutzer die
+ Karte nicht mehr bearbeiten (Warum?).
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: Bedingungen für Mitwirkende
+ agreed: Du hast den neuen Bedingungen für Mitwirkende zugestimmt.
+ not yet agreed: Du hast der neuen Bedingungen für Mitwirkende bislang noch
+ nicht zugestimmt.
+ review link text: Bitte folge diesem Link, um die neuen Bedingungen für Mitwirkende
+ durchzulesen sowie zu akzeptieren.
+ agreed_with_pd: Du hast zudem erklärt, dass du deine Beiträge gemeinfrei veröffentlichst
+ (unter Public Domain stellst).
+ link:
+ link text: Worum handelt es sich?
+ save changes button: Ãnderungen speichern
+ make edits public button: Alle meine Bearbeitungen öffentlich machen
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: Deine Ãnderungen wurden gespeichert. Du erhältst nun
+ eine E-Mail, um deine neue E-Mail-Adresse zu bestätigen.
+ success: Benutzerinformationen erfolgreich aktualisiert.
created: Erstellt
closed: Geschlossen
@@ -2787,48 +2831,6 @@ de:
delete_user: Benutzer löschen
confirm: Bestätigen
report: Diesen Benutzer melden
- account:
- title: Benutzerkonto bearbeiten
- my settings: Einstellungen
- current email address: Aktuelle E-Mail-Adresse
- external auth: Externe Authentifikation
- openid:
- link:
- link text: Was ist das?
- public editing:
- heading: Karte bearbeiten (public editing)
- enabled: Aktiviert. Normales Bearbeiten der Kartendaten ist möglich.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: Was bedeutet das?
- disabled: Deaktiviert. Das Bearbeiten von Kartendaten NICHT möglich, alle
- bisherigen Bearbeitungen sind anonym.
- disabled link text: Warum kann ich nichts bearbeiten?
- public editing note:
- heading: Ãffentliches Bearbeiten
- html: Im Moment sind deine Beiträge anonym und man kann dir weder Nachrichten
- senden noch deinen Wohnort sehen. Um sichtbar zu machen, welche Arbeit von
- dir stammt, und um kontaktierbar zu werden, klicke auf den Button unten.
- Seit Version 0.6 der API aktiv ist, können unangemeldete Benutzer die
- Karte nicht mehr bearbeiten (Warum?).
- contributor terms:
- heading: Bedingungen für Mitwirkende
- agreed: Du hast den neuen Bedingungen für Mitwirkende zugestimmt.
- not yet agreed: Du hast der neuen Bedingungen für Mitwirkende bislang noch
- nicht zugestimmt.
- review link text: Bitte folge diesem Link, um die neuen Bedingungen für Mitwirkende
- durchzulesen sowie zu akzeptieren.
- agreed_with_pd: Du hast zudem erklärt, dass du deine Beiträge gemeinfrei veröffentlichst
- (unter Public Domain stellst).
- link:
- link text: Worum handelt es sich?
- save changes button: Ãnderungen speichern
- make edits public button: Alle meine Bearbeitungen öffentlich machen
- flash update success confirm needed: Deine Ãnderungen wurden gespeichert. Du
- erhältst nun eine E-Mail, um deine neue E-Mail-Adresse zu bestätigen.
- flash update success: Benutzerinformationen erfolgreich aktualisiert.
flash success: Standort erfolgreich gespeichert
diff --git a/config/locales/diq.yml b/config/locales/diq.yml
index e5d2db786..9bea337da 100644
--- a/config/locales/diq.yml
+++ b/config/locales/diq.yml
@@ -163,6 +163,24 @@ diq:
comment: MıÅewre
full: Note pêro
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Hesabi bıvurne
+ my settings: Eyarê mı
+ current email address: 'E-postay Åımaya newki:'
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: no çıko?
+ public editing:
+ heading: 'Pêron rê akerde vurnayıÅ:'
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: no çıko?
+ disabled link text: Ezo çı nêÅena bıvurna?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: 'Pêron rê akerde vırnayıÅ:'
+ contributor terms:
+ link text: no çıko?
+ save changes button: VurnayıÅan qeyd ke
created: Vıraziya
closed: Kerd kip
@@ -1055,23 +1073,6 @@ diq:
unhide_user: nê karberi menımnê
delete_user: nê karberi esternê
confirm: Tesdiq ke
- account:
- title: Hesabi bıvurne
- my settings: Eyarê mı
- current email address: 'E-postay Åımaya newki:'
- openid:
- link:
- link text: no çıko?
- public editing:
- heading: 'Pêron rê akerde vırnayıÅ:'
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: no çıko?
- disabled link text: Ezo çı nêÅena bıvurna?
- public editing note:
- heading: 'Pêron rê akerde vurnayıÅ:'
- contributor terms:
- link text: no çıko?
- save changes button: VurnayıÅan qeyd ke
title: Karberi
heading: Karberi
diff --git a/config/locales/dsb.yml b/config/locales/dsb.yml
index da9b15829..b1ae2c00b 100644
--- a/config/locales/dsb.yml
+++ b/config/locales/dsb.yml
@@ -147,6 +147,45 @@ dsb:
comment: Komentar
full: DopoÅna pokazka
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Konto wobźÄÅaÅ
+ my settings: Móje nastajenja
+ current email address: 'Aktualna e-mailowa adresa:'
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: Co to jo?
+ public editing:
+ heading: Zjawne wobźÄÅowanje
+ enabled: Zmóžnjony. Nic anonymny, daty daju se wobźÄÅaÅ.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: Co to jo?
+ disabled: Znjemóžnjony, daty njedaju se wobźÄÅas, wÅ¡e pjerwjejÅ¡ne zmÄny su
+ anonymne.
+ disabled link text: Cogodla njamógu wobźÄÅas?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: 'Zjawne wobźÄÅowanje:'
+ html: Tuchylu twóje zmÄny su anonymne a luźe njamógu Åi powÄsÄi pósÅaÅ abo
+ twójo mÄstno wiźeÅ. Aby pokazaÅ, což sy wobźÄÅaÅ a luźam dowóliÅ, se z tobu
+ pÅez websedÅo do zwiska stajiÅ, klikni doÅojnce na tÅocaÅ¡k. Wót pÅeźenja
+ do API 0.6, jano zjawne wužywarje mógu kórtowe daty wobźÄÅaÅ. (glÄdaj
+ pÅicyny).
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: 'WumÄnjenja za sobustatkujucych:'
+ agreed: Sy nowe wumÄnjenja za sobuskutkujucych akceptÄrowaÅ.
+ not yet agreed: HyÅ¡Äi njejsy nowe wumÄnjenja za sobuskutkujucych akceptÄrowaÅ.
+ review link text: PÅ¡osym slÄduj toÅ tomu wótkazoju, aby pÅeglÄdaÅ a akceptÄrowaÅ
+ nowe wumÄnjenja za sobuskutkajucych.
+ agreed_with_pd: Sy teke deklarÄrowaÅ, až twóje zmÄny su zjawne.
+ link text: Co to jo?
+ save changes button: ZmÄny skÅadowaÅ
+ make edits public button: WÅ¡e móje zmÄny wózjawiÅ
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: Wužywarske informacije wuspÄÅ¡nje zaktualizÄrowane. DostanjoÅ¡
+ e-mail z napominanim, twóju e-mailowu adresu wobkÅ¡uÅiÅ.
+ success: Wužywarske informacije wuspÄÅ¡nje zaktualizÄrowane.
created: Napórany
closed: Zacynjony
@@ -1730,43 +1769,6 @@ dsb:
unhide_user: toÅ togo wužiwarja pokazaÅ
delete_user: toÅ togo wužywarja laÅ¡owaÅ
confirm: WobkÅ¡uÅiÅ
- account:
- title: Konto wobźÄÅaÅ
- my settings: Móje nastajenja
- current email address: 'Aktualna e-mailowa adresa:'
- openid:
- link:
- link text: Co to jo?
- public editing:
- heading: 'Zjawne wobźÄÅowanje:'
- enabled: Zmóžnjony. Nic anonymny, daty daju se wobźÄÅaÅ.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: Co to jo?
- disabled: Znjemóžnjony, daty njedaju se wobźÄÅas, wÅ¡e pjerwjejÅ¡ne zmÄny su
- anonymne.
- disabled link text: Cogodla njamógu wobźÄÅas?
- public editing note:
- heading: Zjawne wobźÄÅowanje
- html: Tuchylu twóje zmÄny su anonymne a luźe njamógu Åi powÄsÄi pósÅaÅ abo
- twójo mÄstno wiźeÅ. Aby pokazaÅ, což sy wobźÄÅaÅ a luźam dowóliÅ, se z tobu
- pÅez websedÅo do zwiska stajiÅ, klikni doÅojnce na tÅocaÅ¡k. Wót pÅeźenja
- do API 0.6, jano zjawne wužywarje mógu kórtowe daty wobźÄÅaÅ. (glÄdaj
- pÅicyny).
- contributor terms:
- heading: 'WumÄnjenja za sobustatkujucych:'
- agreed: Sy nowe wumÄnjenja za sobuskutkujucych akceptÄrowaÅ.
- not yet agreed: HyÅ¡Äi njejsy nowe wumÄnjenja za sobuskutkujucych akceptÄrowaÅ.
- review link text: PÅ¡osym slÄduj toÅ tomu wótkazoju, aby pÅeglÄdaÅ a akceptÄrowaÅ
- nowe wumÄnjenja za sobuskutkajucych.
- agreed_with_pd: Sy teke deklarÄrowaÅ, až twóje zmÄny su zjawne.
- link text: Co to jo?
- save changes button: ZmÄny skÅadowaÅ
- make edits public button: WÅ¡e móje zmÄny wózjawiÅ
- flash update success confirm needed: Wužywarske informacije wuspÄÅ¡nje zaktualizÄrowane.
- DostanjoÅ¡ e-mail z napominanim, twóju e-mailowu adresu wobkÅ¡uÅiÅ.
- flash update success: Wužywarske informacije wuspÄÅ¡nje zaktualizÄrowane.
flash success: BydliÅ¡Äo jo se wuspÄÅ¡nje skÅadÅo.
diff --git a/config/locales/el.yml b/config/locales/el.yml
index a2cf195be..e95a9f7eb 100644
--- a/config/locales/el.yml
+++ b/config/locales/el.yml
@@ -280,6 +280,52 @@ el:
comment: ΣÏÏλιο
full: ΠλήÏÎ·Ï ÏημείÏÏη
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: ÎÏεξεÏγαÏία λογαÏιαÏμοÏ
+ my settings: Îι ÏÏ
θμίÏÎµÎ¹Ï Î¼Î¿Ï
+ current email address: ΤÏÎÏοÏ
Ïα διεÏθÏ
νÏη ηλεκÏÏÎ¿Î½Î¹ÎºÎ¿Ï ÏαÏÏ
+ external auth: ÎξÏÏεÏική εÏαλήθεÏ
Ïη ÏαÏ
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: Ïι είναι αÏ
+ public editing:
+ heading: ÎημÏÏια εÏεξεÏγαÏία
+ enabled: ÎνεÏγοÏοιήθηκε. Îεν είÏÏε Ïια ανÏνÏ
μοι και μÏοÏείÏε να εÏεξεÏγαÏÏείÏε
+ δεδομÎνα.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: Ïι είναι αÏ
+ disabled: ÎÏενεÏγοÏοιήθηκε και δεν μÏοÏείÏε να εÏεξεÏγαÏÏείÏε δεδομÎνα, ÏλεÏ
+ οι ÏÏοηγοÏÎ¼ÎµÎ½ÎµÏ ÎµÏεξεÏγαÏÎ¯ÎµÏ ÎµÎ¯Î½Î±Î¹ ανÏνÏ
+ disabled link text: γιαÏί δεν μÏοÏÏ Î½Î± εÏεξεÏγαÏÏÏ Ïον ÏάÏÏη;
+ public editing note:
+ heading: ÎημÏÏια εÏεξεÏγαÏία
+ html: ÎÏ
Ïήν Ïη ÏÏιγμή οι εÏεξεÏγαÏÎ¯ÎµÏ ÏÎ±Ï ÎµÎ¯Î½Î±Î¹ ανÏνÏ
Î¼ÎµÏ ÎºÎ±Î¹ δεν μÏοÏεί κανείÏ
+ να ÏÎ±Ï ÏÏείλει μήνÏ
μα ή να δει Ïην ÏοÏοθεÏία ÏαÏ. Îια να δείξεÏε Ïι ÎÏεÏε
+ εÏεξεÏγαÏÏεί και να εÏιÏÏÎÏεÏε ÏÏοÏ
ν Ïε εÏαÏή μαζί ÏÎ±Ï Î¼ÎÏÏ
+ ÏοÏ
, ÏαÏήÏÏε Ïο κοÏ
μÏί αÏÏ ÎºÎ¬ÏÏ. ÎεÏά Ïην αλλαγή Ïε API 0.6,
+ μÏνο οι εÏÏνÏ
μοι ÏÏήÏÏÎµÏ Î¼ÏοÏοÏν να εÏεξεÏγαÏÏοÏν δεδομÎνα ÏοÏ
+ (μάθεÏε γιαÏί).
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: ÎÏοι ΣÏ
+ agreed: ÎÏεÏε αÏοδεÏÏεί ÏοÏ
+ not yet agreed: Îεν ÎÏεÏε αÏοδεÏÏεί ÏοÏ
+ review link text: ΠαÏακαλοÏμε ακολοÏ
θήÏÏε αÏ
ÏÏ Ïο ÏÏνδεÏμο, για Ïην ενημÎÏÏÏη
+ ÏÎ±Ï ÎºÎ±Î¹ Ïην αÏοδοÏή ÏÏν νÎÏν ÏÏÏν ÏÏ
+ agreed_with_pd: ÎηλÏÏαÏε εÏίÏÎ·Ï ÏÏι αÏοδÎÏεÏÏε ÏÏι οι ÏÏοÏοÏοιήÏÎµÎ¹Ï ÏÎ±Ï Î±Î½Î®ÎºÎ¿Ï
+ ÏÏον δημÏÏιο ÏομÎα.
+ link:
+ link text: Ïι είναι αÏ
+ save changes button: ÎÏοθήκεÏ
Ïη αλλαγÏν
+ make edits public button: Îα γίνοÏ
ν ÏÎ»ÎµÏ Î¿Î¹ εÏεξεÏγαÏÎ¯ÎµÏ Î¼Î¿Ï
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: Îι ÏληÏοÏοÏÎ¯ÎµÏ ÏοÏ
ÏÏήÏÏη ενημεÏÏθηκαν εÏιÏÏ
ÏÏÏ. ÎλÎγξÏε
+ Ïο ηλεκÏÏÎ¿Î½Î¹ÎºÏ ÏαÏÏ
δÏομείο ÏÎ±Ï Î³Î¹Î± μια ειδοÏοίηÏη εÏιβεβαίÏÏÎ·Ï ÏÎ·Ï Î½ÎÎ±Ï ÏαÏ
+ διεÏθÏ
νÏη ηλεκÏÏÎ¿Î½Î¹ÎºÎ¿Ï ÏαÏÏ
+ success: Îι ÏληÏοÏοÏÎ¯ÎµÏ ÏÏήÏÏη ενημεÏÏθηκαν με εÏιÏÏ
created: ÎημιοÏ
closed: ÎκλειÏε
@@ -2539,50 +2585,6 @@ el:
delete_user: ÎιαγÏαÏή αÏ
confirm: ÎÏιβεβαίÏÏη
report: ÎναÏοÏά αÏ
- account:
- title: ÎÏεξεÏγαÏία λογαÏιαÏμοÏ
- my settings: Îι ÏÏ
θμίÏÎµÎ¹Ï Î¼Î¿Ï
- current email address: ΤÏÎÏοÏ
Ïα διεÏθÏ
νÏη ηλεκÏÏÎ¿Î½Î¹ÎºÎ¿Ï ÏαÏÏ
- external auth: ÎξÏÏεÏική εÏαλήθεÏ
Ïη ÏαÏ
- openid:
- link:
- link text: Ïι είναι αÏ
- public editing:
- heading: ÎημÏÏια εÏεξεÏγαÏία
- enabled: ÎνεÏγοÏοιήθηκε. Îεν είÏÏε Ïια ανÏνÏ
μοι και μÏοÏείÏε να εÏεξεÏγαÏÏείÏε
- δεδομÎνα.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: Ïι είναι αÏ
- disabled: ÎÏενεÏγοÏοιήθηκε και δεν μÏοÏείÏε να εÏεξεÏγαÏÏείÏε δεδομÎνα, ÏλεÏ
- οι ÏÏοηγοÏÎ¼ÎµÎ½ÎµÏ ÎµÏεξεÏγαÏÎ¯ÎµÏ ÎµÎ¯Î½Î±Î¹ ανÏνÏ
- disabled link text: γιαÏί δεν μÏοÏÏ Î½Î± εÏεξεÏγαÏÏÏ Ïον ÏάÏÏη;
- public editing note:
- heading: ÎημÏÏια εÏεξεÏγαÏία
- html: ÎÏ
Ïήν Ïη ÏÏιγμή οι εÏεξεÏγαÏÎ¯ÎµÏ ÏÎ±Ï ÎµÎ¯Î½Î±Î¹ ανÏνÏ
Î¼ÎµÏ ÎºÎ±Î¹ δεν μÏοÏεί κανείÏ
- να ÏÎ±Ï ÏÏείλει μήνÏ
μα ή να δει Ïην ÏοÏοθεÏία ÏαÏ. Îια να δείξεÏε Ïι ÎÏεÏε
- εÏεξεÏγαÏÏεί και να εÏιÏÏÎÏεÏε ÏÏοÏ
ν Ïε εÏαÏή μαζί ÏÎ±Ï Î¼ÎÏÏ
- ÏοÏ
, ÏαÏήÏÏε Ïο κοÏ
μÏί αÏÏ ÎºÎ¬ÏÏ. ÎεÏά Ïην αλλαγή Ïε API 0.6,
- μÏνο οι εÏÏνÏ
μοι ÏÏήÏÏÎµÏ Î¼ÏοÏοÏν να εÏεξεÏγαÏÏοÏν δεδομÎνα ÏοÏ
- (μάθεÏε γιαÏί).
- contributor terms:
- heading: ÎÏοι ΣÏ
- agreed: ÎÏεÏε αÏοδεÏÏεί ÏοÏ
- not yet agreed: Îεν ÎÏεÏε αÏοδεÏÏεί ÏοÏ
- review link text: ΠαÏακαλοÏμε ακολοÏ
θήÏÏε αÏ
ÏÏ Ïο ÏÏνδεÏμο, για Ïην ενημÎÏÏÏη
- ÏÎ±Ï ÎºÎ±Î¹ Ïην αÏοδοÏή ÏÏν νÎÏν ÏÏÏν ÏÏ
- agreed_with_pd: ÎηλÏÏαÏε εÏίÏÎ·Ï ÏÏι αÏοδÎÏεÏÏε ÏÏι οι ÏÏοÏοÏοιήÏÎµÎ¹Ï ÏÎ±Ï Î±Î½Î®ÎºÎ¿Ï
- ÏÏον δημÏÏιο ÏομÎα.
- link:
- link text: Ïι είναι αÏ
- save changes button: ÎÏοθήκεÏ
Ïη αλλαγÏν
- make edits public button: Îα γίνοÏ
ν ÏÎ»ÎµÏ Î¿Î¹ εÏεξεÏγαÏÎ¯ÎµÏ Î¼Î¿Ï
- flash update success confirm needed: Îι ÏληÏοÏοÏÎ¯ÎµÏ ÏοÏ
ÏÏήÏÏη ενημεÏÏθηκαν
- εÏιÏÏ
ÏÏÏ. ÎλÎγξÏε Ïο ηλεκÏÏÎ¿Î½Î¹ÎºÏ ÏαÏÏ
δÏομείο ÏÎ±Ï Î³Î¹Î± μια ειδοÏοίηÏη εÏιβεβαίÏÏηÏ
νÏη ηλεκÏÏÎ¿Î½Î¹ÎºÎ¿Ï ÏαÏÏ
- flash update success: Îι ÏληÏοÏοÏÎ¯ÎµÏ ÏÏήÏÏη ενημεÏÏθηκαν με εÏιÏÏ
flash success: Î ÏοÏοθεÏία ÏÏιÏÎ¹Î¿Ï Î±ÏοθηκεÏÏηκε εÏιÏÏ
diff --git a/config/locales/en-GB.yml b/config/locales/en-GB.yml
index 47de3c431..6a7f2eb8d 100644
--- a/config/locales/en-GB.yml
+++ b/config/locales/en-GB.yml
@@ -253,6 +253,47 @@ en-GB:
comment: Comment
full: Full note
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Edit account
+ my settings: My settings
+ current email address: Current Email Address
+ external auth: External Authentication
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: what is this?
+ public editing:
+ heading: Public editing
+ enabled: Enabled. Not anonymous and can edit data.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: what is this?
+ disabled: Disabled and cannot edit data, all previous edits are anonymous.
+ disabled link text: why can't I edit?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: Public editing
+ html: Currently your edits are anonymous and people cannot send you messages
+ or see your location. To show what you edited and allow people to contact
+ you through the website, click the button below. Since the 0.6 API changeover,
+ only public users can edit map data. (find
+ out why).
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: Contributor Terms
+ agreed: You have agreed to the new Contributor Terms.
+ not yet agreed: You have not yet agreed to the new Contributor Terms.
+ review link text: Please follow this link at your convenience to review and
+ accept the new Contributor Terms.
+ agreed_with_pd: You have also declared that you consider your edits to be
+ in the Public Domain.
+ link:
+ link text: what is this?
+ save changes button: Save Changes
+ make edits public button: Make all my edits public
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: User information updated successfully. Check your email
+ for a note to confirm your new email address.
+ success: User information updated successfully.
created: Created
closed: Closed
@@ -2150,45 +2191,6 @@ en-GB:
unhide_user: Unhide this User
delete_user: Delete this User
confirm: Confirm
- account:
- title: Edit account
- my settings: My settings
- current email address: Current Email Address
- external auth: External Authentication
- openid:
- link:
- link text: what is this?
- public editing:
- heading: Public editing
- enabled: Enabled. Not anonymous and can edit data.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: what is this?
- disabled: Disabled and cannot edit data, all previous edits are anonymous.
- disabled link text: why can't I edit?
- public editing note:
- heading: Public editing
- html: Currently your edits are anonymous and people cannot send you messages
- or see your location. To show what you edited and allow people to contact
- you through the website, click the button below. Since the 0.6 API changeover,
- only public users can edit map data. (find
- out why).
- contributor terms:
- heading: Contributor Terms
- agreed: You have agreed to the new Contributor Terms.
- not yet agreed: You have not yet agreed to the new Contributor Terms.
- review link text: Please follow this link at your convenience to review and
- accept the new Contributor Terms.
- agreed_with_pd: You have also declared that you consider your edits to be
- in the Public Domain.
- link:
- link text: what is this?
- save changes button: Save Changes
- make edits public button: Make all my edits public
- flash update success confirm needed: User information updated successfully.
- Check your email for a note to confirm your new email address.
- flash update success: User information updated successfully.
flash success: Home location saved successfully
diff --git a/config/locales/eo.yml b/config/locales/eo.yml
index 3ca1a0b50..bf1d672dd 100644
--- a/config/locales/eo.yml
+++ b/config/locales/eo.yml
@@ -263,6 +263,47 @@ eo:
comment: Komento
full: Tuta rimarko
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Redakti konton
+ my settings: Miaj agordoj
+ current email address: Aktuala retpoÅta adreso
+ external auth: Ekstera aÅtentigo
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: kio estas tio?
+ public editing:
+ heading: Publika redaktado
+ enabled: Ebligita. Ne anonima kaj rajtas redakti.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: Kio estas tio ?
+ disabled: Malebligita kaj ne rajtas redakti, Äiuj antaÅaj redaktoj naÅ estas
+ publikaj.
+ disabled link text: kial mi ne povas redakti?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: Publika redaktado
+ html: Nuntempe viaj redaktoj estas anonimaj kaj aliuloj ne povas sendi mesaÄojn
+ al vi kaj vidi vian lokon. Por montri kion vi redaktis kaj ebligi al aliuloj
+ kontakti vin per la retejo, alklaku la butonon sube. Ekde la versio 0.6
+ de API, nur publikaj uzantoj povas redakti map-datumojn. (sciiÄi
+ kial).
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: Interkonsento pri kontribuado
+ agreed: Vi konsentis la novan interkonsenton pri kontribuado.
+ not yet agreed: Vi ankoraÅ ne konsentis la novan interkonsenton pri kontribuado.
+ review link text: Bonvolu sekvi Äi tiun ligilon por legi kaj akcepti la novan
+ interkonsenton pri uzado.
+ agreed_with_pd: Vi ankaŠdeklaris, ke viaj kontribuaĵoj estas en la publika
+ havaĵo.
+ link:
+ link text: kio estas tio?
+ save changes button: Konservi ÅanÄojn
+ make edits public button: Publikigu Äiujn miajn redaktojn.
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: Uzantinformoj sukcese freÅigitaj. Kontrolu vian retpoÅtilon
+ por iu mesaÄo kiu konfirmos vian novan retadreso.
+ success: Uzantinformoj sukcese freÅigitaj.
created: Kreita
closed: Fermita
@@ -2643,45 +2684,6 @@ eo:
delete_user: Forigi Äi tiun uzanton
confirm: Konfirmi
report: Raporti tiun Äi uzanton
- account:
- title: Redakti konton
- my settings: Miaj agordoj
- current email address: Aktuala retpoÅta adreso
- external auth: Ekstera aÅtentigo
- openid:
- link:
- link text: kio estas tio?
- public editing:
- heading: Publika redaktado
- enabled: Ebligita. Ne anonima kaj rajtas redakti.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: Kio estas tio ?
- disabled: Malebligita kaj ne rajtas redakti, Äiuj antaÅaj redaktoj naÅ estas
- publikaj.
- disabled link text: kial mi ne povas redakti?
- public editing note:
- heading: Publika redaktado
- html: Nuntempe viaj redaktoj estas anonimaj kaj aliuloj ne povas sendi mesaÄojn
- al vi kaj vidi vian lokon. Por montri kion vi redaktis kaj ebligi al aliuloj
- kontakti vin per la retejo, alklaku la butonon sube. Ekde la versio 0.6
- de API, nur publikaj uzantoj povas redakti map-datumojn. (sciiÄi
- kial).
- contributor terms:
- heading: Interkonsento pri kontribuado
- agreed: Vi konsentis la novan interkonsenton pri kontribuado.
- not yet agreed: Vi ankoraÅ ne konsentis la novan interkonsenton pri kontribuado.
- review link text: Bonvolu sekvi Äi tiun ligilon por legi kaj akcepti la novan
- interkonsenton pri uzado.
- agreed_with_pd: Vi ankaŠdeklaris, ke viaj kontribuaĵoj estas en la publika
- havaĵo.
- link:
- link text: kio estas tio?
- save changes button: Konservi ÅanÄojn
- make edits public button: Publikigu Äiujn miajn redaktojn.
- flash update success confirm needed: Uzantinformoj sukcese freÅigitaj. Kontrolu
- vian retpoÅtilon por iu mesaÄo kiu konfirmos vian novan retadreso.
- flash update success: Uzantinformoj sukcese freÅigitaj.
flash success: Pozicio de hejmo sukcese konservita
diff --git a/config/locales/es.yml b/config/locales/es.yml
index 9eec77526..c01437b97 100644
--- a/config/locales/es.yml
+++ b/config/locales/es.yml
@@ -324,6 +324,50 @@ es:
comment: Comentario
full: Nota completa
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Editar cuenta
+ my settings: Mis preferencias
+ current email address: Dirección de correo electrónico actual
+ external auth: Autenticación externa
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: ¿Qué es esto?
+ public editing:
+ heading: Edición pública
+ enabled: Activadas. No es anónimo y puede editar datos.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: ¿Qué es esto?
+ disabled: Desactivadas y no puede editar datos; todas las ediciones anteriores
+ son anónimas.
+ disabled link text: ¿Por qué no puedo editar?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: Edición pública
+ html: Actualmente, sus ediciones son anónimas y las personas no pueden enviarle
+ mensajes ni ver su ubicación. Para mostrar lo que editó y permitir que las
+ personas se comuniquen con usted a través del sitio web, haga clic en el
+ botón a continuación.Desde el cambio de API 0.6, solo los usuarios públicos
+ pueden editar los datos del mapa. (más
+ detalles aquÃ).
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: Términos de colaborador
+ agreed: Ha aceptado los nuevos Términos de colaborador.
+ not yet agreed: Aún no ha aceptado los nuevos Términos de Colaborador.
+ review link text: Siga este enlace cuando le resulte conveniente para revisar
+ y aceptar los nuevos Términos de colaborador.
+ agreed_with_pd: También ha declarado que considera que sus ediciones son de
+ Dominio Público.
+ link:
+ link text: ¿Qué es esto?
+ save changes button: Guardar cambios
+ make edits public button: Hacer que todas mis ediciones sean públicas
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: La información del usuario se ha actualizado correctamente.
+ Compruebe su correo electrónico para ver una nota sobre cómo confirmar su
+ nueva dirección de correo electrónico.
+ success: La información del usuario se ha actualizado correctamente.
created: Creado
closed: Cerrado
@@ -2742,48 +2786,6 @@ es:
delete_user: Eliminar este usuario
confirm: Confirmar
report: Denunciar a este usuario
- account:
- title: Editar cuenta
- my settings: Mis preferencias
- current email address: Dirección de correo electrónico actual
- external auth: Autenticación externa
- openid:
- link:
- link text: ¿Qué es esto?
- public editing:
- heading: Edición pública
- enabled: Activadas. No es anónimo y puede editar datos.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: ¿Qué es esto?
- disabled: Desactivadas y no puede editar datos; todas las ediciones anteriores
- son anónimas.
- disabled link text: ¿Por qué no puedo editar?
- public editing note:
- heading: Edición pública
- html: Actualmente, sus ediciones son anónimas y las personas no pueden enviarle
- mensajes ni ver su ubicación. Para mostrar lo que editó y permitir que las
- personas se comuniquen con usted a través del sitio web, haga clic en el
- botón a continuación.Desde el cambio de API 0.6, solo los usuarios públicos
- pueden editar los datos del mapa. (más
- detalles aquÃ).
- contributor terms:
- heading: Términos de colaborador
- agreed: Ha aceptado los nuevos Términos de colaborador.
- not yet agreed: Aún no ha aceptado los nuevos Términos de Colaborador.
- review link text: Siga este enlace cuando le resulte conveniente para revisar
- y aceptar los nuevos Términos de colaborador.
- agreed_with_pd: También ha declarado que considera que sus ediciones son de
- Dominio Público.
- link:
- link text: ¿Qué es esto?
- save changes button: Guardar cambios
- make edits public button: Hacer que todas mis ediciones sean públicas
- flash update success confirm needed: La información del usuario se ha actualizado
- correctamente. Compruebe su correo electrónico para ver una nota sobre cómo
- confirmar su nueva dirección de correo electrónico.
- flash update success: La información del usuario se ha actualizado correctamente.
flash success: Ubicación guardada correctamente
diff --git a/config/locales/et.yml b/config/locales/et.yml
index 8d08107eb..8fb814896 100644
--- a/config/locales/et.yml
+++ b/config/locales/et.yml
@@ -227,6 +227,47 @@ et:
comment: Kommentaar
full: Täielik tekst
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Konto muutmine
+ my settings: Minu sätted
+ current email address: Praegune e-posti aadress
+ external auth: Väline autentimine
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: mis see on?
+ public editing:
+ heading: Avalik toimetamine
+ enabled: Lubatud. Pole anonüümne ja saab andmeid muuta.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: mis see on?
+ disabled: Keelatud ja ei saa andmeid muuta, kõik varasemad muudatused on anonüümsed.
+ disabled link text: Miks ma ei saa kaarti töödelda?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: Avalik redigeerimine
+ html: Praegu on su muudatused anonüümsed ja inimesed ei saa saata sulle sõnumeid
+ ega näha sinu asukohta. Et näha, mida sa muutsid ja et võimaldada inimestel
+ selle veebilehe kaudu sinuga ühendust võtta, klõpsa alljärgneval nupul.
+ Pärast üleminekut API versioonile 0.6 võivad kaardiandmeid muuta ainult
+ avalikud kasutajad. (saa
+ teada, miks).
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: Kaastöötingimused
+ agreed: Oled nõustunud uute kaastöötingimustega.
+ not yet agreed: Sa ei ole veel nõustunud uute kaastöötingimustega.
+ review link text: Palun mine sulle sobival ajal lingitud leheküljele, et lugeda
+ uusi kaastöötingimusi ja et nendega nõustuda.
+ agreed_with_pd: Samuti oled deklareerinud oma kaastöö autoriõigustest vabaks
+ (Public Domain).
+ link text: mis see on?
+ save changes button: Salvesta muudatused
+ make edits public button: Tee kõik minu muudatused avalikuks
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: Kasutajateabe värskendamine õnnestus. Kontrolli e-kirju,
+ et kinnitada uus e-posti aadress.
+ success: Kasutaja informatsioon uuendatud edukalt.
created: Loodud
closed: Suletud
@@ -2070,45 +2111,6 @@ et:
delete_user: Kustuta see kasutaja
confirm: Kinnita
report: Teata sellest kasutajast
- account:
- title: Konto muutmine
- my settings: Minu sätted
- current email address: Praegune e-posti aadress
- external auth: Väline autentimine
- openid:
- link:
- link text: mis see on?
- public editing:
- heading: Avalik redigeerimine
- enabled: Lubatud. Pole anonüümne ja saab andmeid muuta.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: mis see on?
- disabled: Keelatud ja ei saa andmeid muuta, kõik varasemad muudatused on anonüümsed.
- disabled link text: Miks ma ei saa kaarti töödelda?
- public editing note:
- heading: Avalik toimetamine
- html: Praegu on su muudatused anonüümsed ja inimesed ei saa saata sulle sõnumeid
- ega näha sinu asukohta. Et näha, mida sa muutsid ja et võimaldada inimestel
- selle veebilehe kaudu sinuga ühendust võtta, klõpsa alljärgneval nupul.
- Pärast üleminekut API versioonile 0.6 võivad kaardiandmeid muuta ainult
- avalikud kasutajad. (saa
- teada, miks).
- contributor terms:
- heading: Kaastöötingimused
- agreed: Oled nõustunud uute kaastöötingimustega.
- not yet agreed: Sa ei ole veel nõustunud uute kaastöötingimustega.
- review link text: Palun mine sulle sobival ajal lingitud leheküljele, et lugeda
- uusi kaastöötingimusi ja et nendega nõustuda.
- agreed_with_pd: Samuti oled deklareerinud oma kaastöö autoriõigustest vabaks
- (Public Domain).
- link text: mis see on?
- save changes button: Salvesta muudatused
- make edits public button: Tee kõik minu muudatused avalikuks
- flash update success confirm needed: Kasutajateabe värskendamine õnnestus. Kontrolli
- e-kirju, et kinnitada uus e-posti aadress.
- flash update success: Kasutaja informatsioon uuendatud edukalt.
flash success: Kodukoht edukalt salvestatud
diff --git a/config/locales/eu.yml b/config/locales/eu.yml
index 16f235a93..af8261e7a 100644
--- a/config/locales/eu.yml
+++ b/config/locales/eu.yml
@@ -209,6 +209,48 @@ eu:
comment: Iruzkina
full: Ohar osoa
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Kontua aldatu
+ my settings: Nire aukerak
+ current email address: Egungo posta helbidea
+ external auth: Kanpoko Autentifikazioa
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: zer da hau?
+ public editing:
+ heading: Aldaketa publikoa
+ enabled: Gaituta. Ez da anonimoa eta datuak editatu ditzake.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: zer da hau?
+ disabled: Ezgaituta dago eta ezin ditu datuak editatu, aurreko aldaketa guztiak
+ anonimoak dira.
+ disabled link text: Zergatik ezin dut aldatu?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: Aldaketa publikoak
+ html: Gaur egun, zure aldaketak anonimoak dira eta jendeak ezin dizu mezurik
+ bidali edo zure kokapena ikusi. Editatu duzuna erakusteko eta webgunearen
+ bidez zurekin harremanetan jartzeko, hautatu beheko botoia. 0.6 API
+ aldaketaz geroztik, erabiltzaile publikoek soilik mapa datuak aldatu ditzakete
+ . ( jakin
+ zergatik ).
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: Kolaboratzaile Terminoak
+ agreed: Kolaboratzaile-termino berriak onartu dituzu.
+ not yet agreed: Oraindik ez duzu Laguntzaileen Baldintza berririk onartu.
+ review link text: Mesedez, jarraitu esteka hau zure Kolaboratzaile Terminoaen
+ erosotasuna berrikusteko eta onartzeko.
+ agreed_with_pd: Zure aldaketak domeinu publikoan egongo direla adierazi duzu.
+ link:
+ link text: zer da hau?
+ save changes button: Aldaketak gorde
+ make edits public button: Nire aldaketa guztiak publikoak egin
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: Erabiltzaile informazio igoera arrakastatsua. Zure email-a
+ begiratu posta elektroniko berria egiaztatzeko oharra ikusteko.
+ success: Erabiltzailearen informazioa behar bezala eguneratu da.
created: Sortua
closed: Itxita
@@ -2314,46 +2356,6 @@ eu:
delete_user: Erabiltzaile hau ezabatu
confirm: Berretsi
report: Salatu erabiltzaile hau
- account:
- title: Kontua aldatu
- my settings: Nire aukerak
- current email address: Egungo posta helbidea
- external auth: Kanpoko Autentifikazioa
- openid:
- link:
- link text: zer da hau?
- public editing:
- heading: Aldaketa publikoak
- enabled: Gaituta. Ez da anonimoa eta datuak editatu ditzake.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: zer da hau?
- disabled: Ezgaituta dago eta ezin ditu datuak editatu, aurreko aldaketa guztiak
- anonimoak dira.
- disabled link text: Zergatik ezin dut aldatu?
- public editing note:
- heading: Aldaketa publikoa
- html: Gaur egun, zure aldaketak anonimoak dira eta jendeak ezin dizu mezurik
- bidali edo zure kokapena ikusi. Editatu duzuna erakusteko eta webgunearen
- bidez zurekin harremanetan jartzeko, hautatu beheko botoia. 0.6 API
- aldaketaz geroztik, erabiltzaile publikoek soilik mapa datuak aldatu ditzakete
- . ( jakin
- zergatik ).
- contributor terms:
- heading: Kolaboratzaile Terminoak
- agreed: Kolaboratzaile-termino berriak onartu dituzu.
- not yet agreed: Oraindik ez duzu Laguntzaileen Baldintza berririk onartu.
- review link text: Mesedez, jarraitu esteka hau zure Kolaboratzaile Terminoaen
- erosotasuna berrikusteko eta onartzeko.
- agreed_with_pd: Zure aldaketak domeinu publikoan egongo direla adierazi duzu.
- link:
- link text: zer da hau?
- save changes button: Aldaketak gorde
- make edits public button: Nire aldaketa guztiak publikoak egin
- flash update success confirm needed: Erabiltzaile informazio igoera arrakastatsua.
- Zure email-a begiratu posta elektroniko berria egiaztatzeko oharra ikusteko.
- flash update success: Erabiltzailearen informazioa behar bezala eguneratu da.
flash success: Etxeko helbidea modu egokian gorde da.
diff --git a/config/locales/fa.yml b/config/locales/fa.yml
index 038d3c46f..28e78bdc0 100644
--- a/config/locales/fa.yml
+++ b/config/locales/fa.yml
@@ -278,6 +278,48 @@ fa:
comment: Ùظر
full: Ûادداشت کاÙ
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: ÙÛراÛØ´ Øساب
+ my settings: تÙظÛÙ
ات Ù
+ current email address: اÛÙ
+ external auth: اØراز ÙÙÛت خارجÛ
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: اÛÙ ÚÛستØ
+ public editing:
+ heading: ÙÛراÛØ´ عÙ
+ enabled: ÙعاÙ. Ú¯Ù
ÙÛستÛد Ù Ù
ÛâتÙاÙÛد داد٠را ÙÛراÛØ´ Ú©ÙÛد.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: اÛÙ ÚÛستØ
+ disabled: غÛرÙعا٠شد٠٠ÙÙ
ÛâتÙا٠داد٠را ÙÛراÛØ´ Ú©Ø±Ø¯Ø ÙÙ
+ Ú¯Ù
+ disabled link text: Úرا Ù
+ public editing note:
+ heading: ÙÛراÛØ´ عÙ
+ html: ÙÙ
ا Ú¯Ù
ÙستÙد Ù Ù
ÛâتÙاÙÙد Ù
ا را ببÛÙÙد
+ Ûا براÛتا٠پÛاÙ
بÙرستÙد. Ø¨Ø±Ø§Û ÙÙ
اÛØ´ Ø¢ÙÚÙ ÙÛراÛØ´ کردÙâاÛد ٠اجاز٠ب٠Ù
+ Ø¨Ø±Ø§Û ØªÙ
اس با Ø´Ù
ا از طرÛÙ ÙبâساÛØªØ Ø±ÙÛ Ø¯Ú©Ù
Ù٠زÛر Ú©ÙÛÚ© Ú©ÙÛد. از زÙ
+ کار Ø¢Ù
د٠0.6 APIØ ÙÙØ· کاربرا٠عÙ
ÛâتÙاÙÙد ÙÙش٠را ÙÛراÛØ´ Ú©ÙÙد.
+ (ÚراØ).
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: شراÛØ· Ù
+ agreed: Ø´Ù
ا شراÛØ· جدÛد Ù
شارکتâÚ©ÙÙد٠را پذÛرÙتÙâاÛد.
+ not yet agreed: Ø´Ù
ا ÙÙÙز شراÛØ· جدÛد Ù
شارکتâÚ©ÙÙد٠را ÙپذÛرÙتÙâاÛد.
+ review link text: ÙØ·Ùا٠در Ùرصت Ù
Ùاسب اÛÙ Ù¾ÛÙÙد را دÙبا٠کÙÛد ٠پس از Ù
+ شراÛØ· جدÛد Ù
شارکتâÚ©ÙÙدÙØ Ù
ÙاÙÙت Ø®Ùد را با آ٠اعÙاÙ
+ agreed_with_pd: Ø´Ù
ا ÙÙ
کردÙâاÛد Ú©Ù ÙÛراÛØ´âÙاÛتا٠در Ù
اÙÚ©Ûت عÙ
+ باشد.
+ link:
+ link text: اÛÙ ÚÛستØ
+ save changes button: ذخÛرÙâکرد٠تغÛÛرات
+ make edits public button: ÙÙ
٠را عÙ
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: اطÙاعات کاربر با Ù
د شد. Ø¨Ø±Ø§Û ØªØ£ÛÛد ÙشاÙÛ
+ اÛÙ
Û٠جدÛØ¯Ø Ûادداشت ارساÙâشد٠ب٠اÛÙ
ÛÙâتا٠را Ø¨Ø±Ø±Ø³Û Ú©ÙÛد.
+ success: اطÙاعات کاربر با Ù
د شد.
created: اÛجاد شد
closed: بست٠شد
@@ -2610,46 +2652,6 @@ fa:
delete_user: Øذ٠اÛ٠کاربر
confirm: تأÛÛد
report: گزارش اÛ٠کاربر
- account:
- title: ÙÛراÛØ´ Øساب
- my settings: تÙظÛÙ
ات Ù
- current email address: اÛÙ
- external auth: اØراز ÙÙÛت خارجÛ
- openid:
- link:
- link text: اÛÙ ÚÛستØ
- public editing:
- heading: ÙÛراÛØ´ عÙ
- enabled: ÙعاÙ. Ú¯Ù
ÙÛستÛد Ù Ù
ÛâتÙاÙÛد داد٠را ÙÛراÛØ´ Ú©ÙÛد.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: اÛÙ ÚÛستØ
- disabled: غÛرÙعا٠شد٠٠ÙÙ
ÛâتÙا٠داد٠را ÙÛراÛØ´ Ú©Ø±Ø¯Ø ÙÙ
- Ú¯Ù
- disabled link text: Úرا Ù
- public editing note:
- heading: ÙÛراÛØ´ عÙ
- html: ÙÙ
ا Ú¯Ù
ÙستÙد Ù Ù
ÛâتÙاÙÙد Ù
ا را ببÛÙÙد
- Ûا براÛتا٠پÛاÙ
بÙرستÙد. Ø¨Ø±Ø§Û ÙÙ
اÛØ´ Ø¢ÙÚÙ ÙÛراÛØ´ کردÙâاÛد ٠اجاز٠ب٠Ù
- Ø¨Ø±Ø§Û ØªÙ
اس با Ø´Ù
ا از طرÛÙ ÙبâساÛØªØ Ø±ÙÛ Ø¯Ú©Ù
Ù٠زÛر Ú©ÙÛÚ© Ú©ÙÛد. از زÙ
- کار Ø¢Ù
د٠0.6 APIØ ÙÙØ· کاربرا٠عÙ
ÛâتÙاÙÙد ÙÙش٠را ÙÛراÛØ´ Ú©ÙÙد.
- (ÚراØ).
- contributor terms:
- heading: شراÛØ· Ù
- agreed: Ø´Ù
ا شراÛØ· جدÛد Ù
شارکتâÚ©ÙÙد٠را پذÛرÙتÙâاÛد.
- not yet agreed: Ø´Ù
ا ÙÙÙز شراÛØ· جدÛد Ù
شارکتâÚ©ÙÙد٠را ÙپذÛرÙتÙâاÛد.
- review link text: ÙØ·Ùا٠در Ùرصت Ù
Ùاسب اÛÙ Ù¾ÛÙÙد را دÙبا٠کÙÛد ٠پس از Ù
- شراÛØ· جدÛد Ù
شارکتâÚ©ÙÙدÙØ Ù
ÙاÙÙت Ø®Ùد را با آ٠اعÙاÙ
- agreed_with_pd: Ø´Ù
ا ÙÙ
کردÙâاÛد Ú©Ù ÙÛراÛØ´âÙاÛتا٠در Ù
اÙÚ©Ûت عÙ
- باشد.
- link:
- link text: اÛÙ ÚÛستØ
- save changes button: ذخÛرÙâکرد٠تغÛÛرات
- make edits public button: ÙÙ
٠را عÙ
- flash update success confirm needed: اطÙاعات کاربر با Ù
د شد. براÛ
- تأÛÛد ÙشاÙÛ Ø§ÛÙ
Û٠جدÛØ¯Ø Ûادداشت ارساÙâشد٠ب٠اÛÙ
ÛÙâتا٠را Ø¨Ø±Ø±Ø³Û Ú©ÙÛد.
- flash update success: اطÙاعات کاربر با Ù
د شد.
flash success: Ù
ÙÙعÛت خاÙ٠با Ù
ÙÙÙÛت ذخÛر٠شد
diff --git a/config/locales/fi.yml b/config/locales/fi.yml
index 00e5e7263..3cce47b35 100644
--- a/config/locales/fi.yml
+++ b/config/locales/fi.yml
@@ -285,6 +285,48 @@ fi:
comment: Kommentti
full: Koko karttailmoitus
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Asetusten muokkaus
+ my settings: Käyttäjäasetukset
+ current email address: Nykyinen sähköpostiosoite
+ external auth: Kolmannen osapuolen tunnukset kirjautuessa
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: Mitä tämä tarkoittaa?
+ public editing:
+ heading: Julkinen muokkaus
+ enabled: Kyllä. Karttatietojen muokkaus sallittu.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: Mitä tämä tarkoittaa?
+ disabled: Ei. Karttatietojen muokkaus estetty. Aiemmat karttamuutokset anonyymejä.
+ disabled link text: Miksen voi enää muokata karttaa?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: Muokkaukset julkisia
+ html: Tällä hetkellä muokkauksesi ovat yksityisiä ja ihmiset eivät voi lähettää
+ sinulle viestejä tai nähdä sijaintiasi. Nähdääksesi mitä olet muokannut
+ ja salliaksesi ihmisten lähettää sinulle viestejä nettisivun kautta, napsauta
+ alla olevaa painiketta. 0.6 API versioon siirtymisen jälkeen vain yleiset
+ käyttäjät voivat muokata kartan dataa.. (Katso
+ täältä miksi).
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: Osallistumisehdot
+ agreed: Olet hyväksynyt osallistumisehdot.
+ not yet agreed: Et ole vielä hyväksynyt osallistumisehtoja.
+ review link text: Lue ja hyväksy uudistuneet osallistumisehdot napsauttamalla
+ tätä linkkiä.
+ agreed_with_pd: Olet myös ilmaissut muokkaustesi olevan tekijänoikeudesta
+ vapaita (Public Domain).
+ link:
+ link text: Mitä tämä tarkoittaa?
+ save changes button: Tallenna muutokset
+ make edits public button: Tee muokkauksistani julkisia
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: Käyttäjätietojen muutokset on tallennettu. Vahvista
+ uusi sähköpostiosoite siihen lähetettyjen ohjeiden mukaisesti.
+ success: Käyttäjätietojen muutokset on tallennettu.
created: Luotu
closed: Ratkaistu
@@ -2566,46 +2608,6 @@ fi:
delete_user: Poista tämä käyttäjä
confirm: Vahvista
report: Ilmianna käyttäjä
- account:
- title: Asetusten muokkaus
- my settings: Käyttäjäasetukset
- current email address: Nykyinen sähköpostiosoite
- external auth: Kolmannen osapuolen tunnukset kirjautuessa
- openid:
- link:
- link text: Mitä tämä tarkoittaa?
- public editing:
- heading: Muokkaukset julkisia
- enabled: Kyllä. Karttatietojen muokkaus sallittu.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: Mitä tämä tarkoittaa?
- disabled: Ei. Karttatietojen muokkaus estetty. Aiemmat karttamuutokset anonyymejä.
- disabled link text: Miksen voi enää muokata karttaa?
- public editing note:
- heading: Julkinen muokkaus
- html: Tällä hetkellä muokkauksesi ovat yksityisiä ja ihmiset eivät voi lähettää
- sinulle viestejä tai nähdä sijaintiasi. Nähdääksesi mitä olet muokannut
- ja salliaksesi ihmisten lähettää sinulle viestejä nettisivun kautta, napsauta
- alla olevaa painiketta. 0.6 API versioon siirtymisen jälkeen vain yleiset
- käyttäjät voivat muokata kartan dataa.. (Katso
- täältä miksi).
- contributor terms:
- heading: Osallistumisehdot
- agreed: Olet hyväksynyt osallistumisehdot.
- not yet agreed: Et ole vielä hyväksynyt osallistumisehtoja.
- review link text: Lue ja hyväksy uudistuneet osallistumisehdot napsauttamalla
- tätä linkkiä.
- agreed_with_pd: Olet myös ilmaissut muokkaustesi olevan tekijänoikeudesta
- vapaita (Public Domain).
- link:
- link text: Mitä tämä tarkoittaa?
- save changes button: Tallenna muutokset
- make edits public button: Tee muokkauksistani julkisia
- flash update success confirm needed: Käyttäjätietojen muutokset on tallennettu.
- Vahvista uusi sähköpostiosoite siihen lähetettyjen ohjeiden mukaisesti.
- flash update success: Käyttäjätietojen muutokset on tallennettu.
flash success: Kodin sijainnin tallennus onnistui
diff --git a/config/locales/fit.yml b/config/locales/fit.yml
index 07e4b315c..9a36dce99 100644
--- a/config/locales/fit.yml
+++ b/config/locales/fit.yml
@@ -187,6 +187,19 @@ fit:
comment: Kommentti
full: Koko karttailmoitus
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Mookkaa konttua
+ my settings: Minun inställninkit
+ current email address: 'Nykynen e-postiatressi:'
+ public editing:
+ heading: Julkinen mookkaus
+ enabled: Joo. Karttatietojen mookkaus sallittu.
+ disabled link text: miksi en voi mookata?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: 'Mookkaukset julkisia:'
+ save changes button: Säästä muutokset
+ make edits public button: Tee mookkauksistani julkisia
created: Luotu
closed: Ratkaistu
@@ -982,18 +995,6 @@ fit:
add as friend: Lissää ystäväksi
latest edit: 'Viimeisin muutos (%{ago}):'
email address: 'E-postiatressi:'
- account:
- title: Mookkaa konttua
- my settings: Minun inställninkit
- current email address: 'Nykynen e-postiatressi:'
- public editing:
- heading: 'Mookkaukset julkisia:'
- enabled: Joo. Karttatietojen mookkaus sallittu.
- disabled link text: miksi en voi mookata?
- public editing note:
- heading: Julkinen mookkaus
- save changes button: Säästä muutokset
- make edits public button: Tee mookkauksistani julkisia
flash success: Kaikki tekemäsi mookkaukset ovat nyt julkisia.
diff --git a/config/locales/fr.yml b/config/locales/fr.yml
index 1400de2d0..7da05f45f 100644
--- a/config/locales/fr.yml
+++ b/config/locales/fr.yml
@@ -332,6 +332,53 @@ fr:
comment: Commentaire
full: Note complète
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Modifier le compte
+ my settings: Mes options
+ current email address: Adresse de courriel actuelle
+ external auth: Authentification externe
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: quâest-ce que ceciâ¯?
+ public editing:
+ heading: Modification publique
+ enabled: Activée. Non anonyme et peut modifier les données.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: quâest-ce que ceciâ¯?
+ disabled: Désactivée et ne peut pas modifier les donnéesâ¯; toutes les précédentes
+ modifications sont anonymes.
+ disabled link text: pourquoi ne puis-je pas modifier�
+ public editing note:
+ heading: Modification publique
+ html: Votre compte est actuellement en mode de «â¯modifications anonymesâ¯Â»
+ et les autres contributeurs ne peuvent pas vous envoyer de message ni connaître
+ votre localisation géographique. Pour quâil soit possible de lister vos
+ contributions et permettre aux autres personnes de vous contacter via ce
+ site, cliquez sur le bouton ci-dessous. Depuis le basculement de lâAPI
+ en version 0.6, seuls les utilisateurs en mode de «â¯modifications publiquesâ¯Â»
+ peuvent modifier les données des cartes (en
+ savoir plus).
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: Conditions de contribution
+ agreed: Vous avez accepté les nouvelles Conditions de contribution.
+ not yet agreed: Vous nâavez pas encore accepté les nouvelles Conditions de
+ contribution.
+ review link text: Veuillez suivre ce lien à votre convenance pour examiner
+ et accepter les nouvelles Conditions de contribution.
+ agreed_with_pd: Vous avez également déclaré que vous considériez vos modifications
+ comme relevant du domaine public.
+ link:
+ link text: quâest-ce que ceciâ¯?
+ save changes button: Enregistrer les modifications
+ make edits public button: Rendre toutes mes modifications publiques
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: Informations sur lâutilisateur mises à jour avec succès.
+ Consultez la boîte de réception de votre messagerie pour confirmer votre nouvelle
+ adresse de courriel.
+ success: Informations sur lâutilisateur mises à jour avec succès.
created: Créé
closed: Fermé
@@ -2792,51 +2839,6 @@ fr:
delete_user: Supprimer cet utilisateur ou cette utilisatrice
confirm: Confirmer
report: Signaler cet utilisateur ou cette utilisatrice
- account:
- title: Modifier le compte
- my settings: Mes options
- current email address: Adresse de courriel actuelle
- external auth: Authentification externe
- openid:
- link:
- link text: quâest-ce que ceciâ¯?
- public editing:
- heading: Modification publique
- enabled: Activée. Non anonyme et peut modifier les données.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: quâest-ce que ceciâ¯?
- disabled: Désactivée et ne peut pas modifier les donnéesâ¯; toutes les précédentes
- modifications sont anonymes.
- disabled link text: pourquoi ne puis-je pas modifier�
- public editing note:
- heading: Modification publique
- html: Votre compte est actuellement en mode de «â¯modifications anonymesâ¯Â»
- et les autres contributeurs ne peuvent pas vous envoyer de message ni connaître
- votre localisation géographique. Pour quâil soit possible de lister vos
- contributions et permettre aux autres personnes de vous contacter via ce
- site, cliquez sur le bouton ci-dessous. Depuis le basculement de lâAPI
- en version 0.6, seuls les utilisateurs en mode de «â¯modifications publiquesâ¯Â»
- peuvent modifier les données des cartes (en
- savoir plus).
- contributor terms:
- heading: Conditions de contribution
- agreed: Vous avez accepté les nouvelles Conditions de contribution.
- not yet agreed: Vous nâavez pas encore accepté les nouvelles Conditions de
- contribution.
- review link text: Veuillez suivre ce lien à votre convenance pour examiner
- et accepter les nouvelles Conditions de contribution.
- agreed_with_pd: Vous avez également déclaré que vous considériez vos modifications
- comme relevant du domaine public.
- link:
- link text: quâest-ce que ceciâ¯?
- save changes button: Enregistrer les modifications
- make edits public button: Rendre toutes mes modifications publiques
- flash update success confirm needed: Informations sur lâutilisateur mises Ã
- jour avec succès. Consultez la boîte de réception de votre messagerie pour
- confirmer votre nouvelle adresse de courriel.
- flash update success: Informations sur lâutilisateur mises à jour avec succès.
flash success: Lieu de domicile enregistré avec succès
diff --git a/config/locales/fur.yml b/config/locales/fur.yml
index 31b964176..2e1239105 100644
--- a/config/locales/fur.yml
+++ b/config/locales/fur.yml
@@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ fur:
create: Regjistre
update: Inzorne
+ doorkeeper_application:
+ create: Regjistre
+ update: Inzorne
create: Cjame
update: Salve cambiaments
@@ -75,6 +78,14 @@ fur:
way_node: Grop de vie
way_tag: Etichete de vie
+ client_application:
+ allow_read_prefs: lei lis sôs preferencis dal utent
+ allow_write_prefs: modificâ lis sôs preferencis dal utent
+ allow_write_diary: creâ vôs dal diari, comentâ e zontâ amîs
+ allow_write_api: modificâ la mape
+ allow_read_gpx: lei i siei percors GPS privâts
+ allow_write_gpx: cjamâ percors GPS
+ allow_write_notes: cambiâ lis notis
body: Cuarp
@@ -83,6 +94,9 @@ fur:
latitude: Latitudin
longitude: Longjitudin
language: Lenghe
+ doorkeeper/application:
+ name: Non
+ scopes: Permès
user: Utent
friend: Amì
@@ -207,6 +221,40 @@ fur:
comment: Coment
full: Note complete
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Modifiche profîl
+ my settings: Mês impostazions
+ current email address: Direzion di pueste eletroniche atuâl
+ external auth: Autenticazion esterne
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: ce isal chest?
+ public editing:
+ heading: Modifiche publiche
+ enabled: Ativâts. No anonims e si pues cambiâ i dâts.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: ce isal chest?
+ disabled: Disativâts e no si pues cambiâ i dâts, ducj i cambiaments precedents
+ a son anonims.
+ disabled link text: parcè no puedio cambiâ?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: Cambiaments publics
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: Tiermins par contribuî
+ agreed: Tu âs acetât i gnûfs tiermins di contribuzion.
+ not yet agreed: No tu âs ancjemò acetât i gnûfs tiermins di contribuzion.
+ review link text: Frache par plasê su chest leam par viodi e acetâ i gnûf
+ tiermins par contribuî.
+ agreed_with_pd: Tu âs ancje declarât di considerâ i tiei cambiaments intal
+ Public Domini.
+ link text: ce isal chest?
+ save changes button: Salve cambiaments
+ make edits public button: Rint publics ducj i miei cambiaments
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: Informazions dal utent inzornadis cun sucès. Controle
+ la tô pueste par confermâ la tô gnove direzion di pueste eletroniche.
+ success: Informazions dal utent inzornadis cun sucès.
created: Creât
closed: Sierât
@@ -375,6 +423,8 @@ fur:
comment: 'Gnûf coment sul grup di cambiaments #%{changeset_id} di %{author}'
commented_at_by_html: Inzornât %{when} di %{user}
+ comments:
+ comment: 'Gnûf coment sul grup di cambiaments #%{changeset_id} di %{author}'
title_all: Discussion sul grup di cambiaments di OpenStreetMap
title_particular: 'Discussion sul grup di cambiaments #%{changeset_id} di OpenStreetMap'
@@ -387,6 +437,8 @@ fur:
nearby mapper: Mapadôr dongje
friend: Amì
+ title: La mê pagjine iniziâl
+ edit_your_profile: Cambie il to profîl
my friends: I miei amîs
no friends: No tu âs ancjemò nissun amì.
nearby users: Altris utents dongje
@@ -460,6 +512,10 @@ fur:
title: Vôs dai diaris di OpenStreetMap
description: Lis ultimis vôs dai diaris dai utents di OpenStreetMap
+ title: Coments ai diaris zontâts par %{user}
+ heading: Coments ai diaris di %{user}
+ subheading_html: Coments ai diaris zontâts di %{user}
+ no_comments: Nissun coment ai diaris
post: Messaç
when: Cuant
comment: Coment
@@ -523,7 +579,9 @@ fur:
hospital: Ospedâl
ice_cream: Gjelato
kindergarten: Scuelute
+ language_school: Scuele di lenghis
library: Biblioteche
+ music_school: Scuele di musiche
nightclub: Club noturni
parking: Parcament
pharmacy: Farmacie
@@ -599,6 +657,11 @@ fur:
tertiary: Strade terziarie
tertiary_link: Strade terziarie
track: Piste
+ traffic_mirror: Spieli pal traffic
+ trunk: Strade rapide
+ trunk_link: Strade rapide
+ unclassified: Strade no classificade
+ "yes": Strade
archaeological_site: Sît archeologic
battlefield: Cjamp di bataie
@@ -611,9 +674,17 @@ fur:
memorial: Memoriâl
mine: Miniere
monument: Monument
+ roman_road: Strade romane
ruins: Ruvinà s
+ stone: Piere
tomb: Tombe
tower: Tor
+ wayside_chapel: Capele
+ wayside_cross: Crôs
+ wayside_shrine: Anconute
+ "yes": Lûc storic
+ junction:
+ "yes": Crosade
cemetery: Simiteri
commercial: Aree comerciâl
@@ -644,9 +715,15 @@ fur:
swimming_pool: Pissine
track: Piste pe corse
water_park: Parc acuatic
+ man_made:
+ bridge: Puint
+ bunker_silo: Bunker
+ tower: Tor
+ water_well: Poç
airfield: Cjamp di aviazion militâr
barracks: Caserme
+ bunker: Bunker
"yes": Pas di montagne
@@ -693,11 +770,13 @@ fur:
postcode: Codis postâl
region: Regjon
sea: Mâr
+ square: Place
state: Stât
subdivision: Sotdivision
suburb: Cuartîr
town: Citadine
village: Vilaç
+ "yes": Lûc
abandoned: Ferade bandonade
construction: Ferade in costruzion
@@ -753,9 +832,11 @@ fur:
river: Flum
level2: Confin di paîs
+ level3: Confin di regjon
level4: Confin di stât
level5: Confin di regjon
level6: Confin di contee
+ level7: Confine municipâl
level8: Confin di citât
level9: Confin di vilaç
@@ -768,6 +849,8 @@ fur:
reported_user: Utent segnalât
+ search: Cîr
+ status: Stât
reports: Segnalazions
last_updated_time_html: %{time}
last_updated_time_user_html: %{time} di %{user}
@@ -775,12 +858,21 @@ fur:
one: 1 segnalazion
other: '%{count} segnalazions'
+ states:
+ ignored: Ignorât
+ open: Viert
+ resolved: Risolt
new_report: La tô segnalazion e je stade registrade corretamentri
one: 1 segnalazion
other: '%{count} segnalazions'
+ resolve: Risolf
+ ignore: Ignore
+ helper:
+ reportable_title:
+ note: 'Note #%{note_id}'
title_html: Segnale %{link}
@@ -811,11 +903,13 @@ fur:
intro_text: OpenStreetMap e je une mape dal mont, creade di int come te e di ûs
libar sot di une licence vierte.
intro_2_create_account: Cree il to profîl utent
- hosting_partners_html: L'hosting al è sostignût di %{ucl}, %{bytemark} e altris
- %{partners}.
+ hosting_partners_html: L'hosting al è sostignût di %{ucl}, %{fastly}, %{bytemark}
+ e altris %{partners}.
partners_ucl: UCL
+ partners_fastly: Fastly
partners_bytemark: Bytemark Hosting
partners_partners: associâts
+ tou: Cundizions pal ûs
osm_offline: La base di dâts di OpenStreetMap e je par cumò fûr linie parcè che
o sin daûr a fâ lavôrs essenziâi di manutenzion de base di dâts.
osm_read_only: La base di dâts di OpenStreetMap e je par cumò dome in leture dilunc
@@ -865,6 +959,11 @@ fur:
il cambiament.
anonymous: Un utent anonim
+ changeset_comment_notification:
+ commented:
+ partial_changeset_with_comment: cun coment '%{changeset_comment}'
+ partial_changeset_with_comment_html: cun coment '%{changeset_comment}'
+ partial_changeset_without_comment: cence coment
heading: Controle la tô pueste!
@@ -961,11 +1060,28 @@ fur:
heading: Azere la password par %{user}
reset: Azere la password
flash changed: La tô password e je stade cambiade.
+ preferences:
+ show:
+ title: Preferencis
+ preferred_editor: Editôr preferît
+ preferred_languages: Lenghis preferidis
+ edit_preferences: Cambie lis preferencis
+ edit:
+ title: Cambie lis preferencis
+ save: Inzorna lis preferencis
+ cancel: Scancele
+ update_success_flash:
+ message: Preferencis inzornadis.
+ title: Cambie il profîl
+ save: Inzorne il profîl
+ cancel: Scancele
image: Figure
gravatar: Dopre Gravatar
+ link:
+ what_is_gravatar: Ce isal Gravatar?
new image: Zonte une figure
keep image: Ten la figure di cumò
delete image: Gjave la figure di cumò
@@ -975,6 +1091,8 @@ fur:
no home location: No tu âs configurât il lûc iniziâl.
update home location on click: Aio di inzornâ il lûc iniziâl cuant che o frachi
parsore la mape?
+ update:
+ success: Profîl inzornât
title: Jentre
@@ -1025,7 +1143,14 @@ fur:
heading: Va fûr di OpenStreetMap
logout_button: Jes
+ markdown_help:
+ link: Leam
+ text: Test
+ image: Figure
+ alt: Test alternatîf
+ url: URL
+ edit: Cambie
preview: Anteprime
@@ -1119,6 +1244,7 @@ fur:
title: IRC
+ url:
title: Pe organizazions
@@ -1128,6 +1254,8 @@ fur:
close: Siere
search: Cîr
+ get_directions: Cjate indicazions
+ get_directions_title: Cjate lis indicazions tra doi ponts
from: Di
to: A
where_am_i: Dulà soio?
@@ -1138,8 +1266,11 @@ fur:
motorway: Autostrade
+ main_road: Strade principâl
+ trunk: Strade rapide
primary: Strade primarie
secondary: Strade secondarie
+ unclassified: Strade no classificade
rail: Ferade
subway: Metropolitane
@@ -1193,9 +1324,12 @@ fur:
jessi zontât ae base di dâts. Chest al sucêt in gjenar jentri di une ore;
ti mandarìn un messaç cuant che il lavôr al sarà stât completât.
+ cancel: Scancele
title: Daûr a cambiâ il percors %{name}
heading: Daûr a cambiâ il percors %{name}
visibility_help: ce vuelial dî?
+ update:
+ updated: Percors inzornât
tags: Etichetis
@@ -1238,11 +1372,13 @@ fur:
in: in
public_traces: Percors GPS publics
- my_traces: I miei percors GPS
+ my_traces: I miei percors
public_traces_from: Percors GPS publics di %{user}
description: Viôt i percors GPS cjamâts sù tai ultins timps
tagged_with: ' etichetât cun %{tags}'
upload_trace: Cjame un percors
+ all_traces: Ducj i percors
+ traces_from: Percors publics di %{user}
title: Percors GPS di OpenStreetMap
@@ -1287,13 +1423,39 @@ fur:
no_apps_html: Ãstu une aplicazion web che tu volaressis regjistrâ par doprâ
ca di no cul standard %{oauth}? Tu scugnis regjistrâle prime che podedi fâ
richiestis OAuth a chest servizi.
+ oauth: OAuth
registered_apps: 'Tu âs chestis aplicazions client regjistradis:'
register_new: Regjistre la tô aplicazion
requests: 'Domande i permès ca sot al utent:'
+ index:
+ new: Regjistre une gnove aplicazion
+ name: Non
+ permissions: Permès
+ application:
+ edit: Cambie
+ delete: Elimine
+ confirm_delete: Vuelistu eliminâ cheste aplicazion?
title: Regjistre une gnove aplicazion
+ edit:
+ title: Cambie la tô aplicazion
+ show:
+ edit: Cambie
+ delete: Elimine
+ permissions: Permès
+ oauth2_authorizations:
+ new:
+ authorize: Autorize
+ deny: Dinee
+ show:
+ title: Codiç di autorizazion
+ oauth2_authorized_applications:
+ index:
+ title: Lis aplicazions che o ai autorizât
+ application: Aplicazion
+ permissions: Permès
title: Regjistriti
@@ -1341,8 +1503,11 @@ fur:
my profile: Il gno profîl
my settings: Impostazions
my comments: I mei coments
+ my_preferences: Preferencis
+ my_dashboard: La mê pagjine iniziâl
blocks on me: Blocs su di me
blocks by me: Blocs aplicâts di me
+ edit_profile: Cambie il profîl
send message: Mande messaç
diary: Diari
edits: Cambiaments
@@ -1376,38 +1541,6 @@ fur:
delete_user: elimine chest utent
confirm: Conferme
report: Segnale chest utent
- account:
- title: Modifiche profîl
- my settings: Mês impostazions
- current email address: Direzion di pueste eletroniche atuâl
- external auth: Autenticazion esterne
- openid:
- link:
- link text: ce isal chest?
- public editing:
- heading: Cambiaments publics
- enabled: Ativâts. No anonims e si pues cambiâ i dâts.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: ce isal chest?
- disabled: Disativâts e no si pues cambiâ i dâts, ducj i cambiaments precedents
- a son anonims.
- disabled link text: parcè no puedio cambiâ?
- public editing note:
- heading: Modifiche publiche
- contributor terms:
- heading: Tiermins par contribuî
- agreed: Tu âs acetât i gnûfs tiermins di contribuzion.
- not yet agreed: No tu âs ancjemò acetât i gnûfs tiermins di contribuzion.
- review link text: Frache par plasê su chest leam par viodi e acetâ i gnûf
- tiermins par contribuî.
- agreed_with_pd: Tu âs ancje declarât di considerâ i tiei cambiaments intal
- Public Domini.
- link text: ce isal chest?
- save changes button: Salve cambiaments
- make edits public button: Rint publics ducj i miei cambiaments
- flash update success confirm needed: Informazions dal utent inzornadis cun sucès.
- Controle la tô pueste par confermâ la tô gnove direzion di pueste eletroniche.
- flash update success: Informazions dal utent inzornadis cun sucès.
flash success: Lûc iniziâl salvât cun sucès
@@ -1423,6 +1556,8 @@ fur:
summary_no_ip_html: '%{name} creât ai %{date}'
confirm: Conferme i utents selezionâts
hide: Plate i utents selezionâts
+ suspended:
+ support: assistence
confirm: Conferme
@@ -1465,6 +1600,8 @@ fur:
title: '%{block_on} blocât di %{block_by}'
heading_html: '%{block_on} blocât di %{block_by}'
+ created: 'Creât:'
+ duration: 'Durade:'
status: 'Stât:'
show: Mostre
edit: Cambie
@@ -1517,6 +1654,8 @@ fur:
center_marker: Centre la mape sul marcadôr
paste_html: Tache l'HTML par inserîlu tal to sît web
view_larger_map: Viôt une mape plui grande
+ embed:
+ report_problem: Segnale un probleme
title: Leiende
tooltip: Leiende
@@ -1541,6 +1680,7 @@ fur:
title: Nivei
copyright: © Colaboradôrs di OpenStreetMap
donate_link_text: Fâs une donazion
+ terms: Sît web e tiermins di ûs des APIs
edit_tooltip: Cambie la mape
edit_disabled_tooltip: Cres il zoom par cambiâ la mape
@@ -1590,10 +1730,78 @@ fur:
no_place: No si à rivât a cjatâ "%{place}".
continue_without_exit: Continue su %{name}
+ slight_right_without_exit: Volte un ninin a diestre su %{name}
+ offramp_right: Cjape la rampe a diestre
+ offramp_right_with_exit: Cjape la jessude %{exit} a diestre
+ offramp_right_with_exit_name: Cjape la jessude %{exit} a diestre su %{name}
+ offramp_right_with_exit_directions: Cjape la jessude %{exit} a diestre bande
+ %{directions}
+ offramp_right_with_exit_name_directions: Cjape la jessude %{exit} a diestre
+ su %{name}, bande %{directions}
+ offramp_right_with_name: Cjape la rampe a diestre su %{name}
+ offramp_right_with_directions: Cjape la rampe a diestre bande %{directions}
+ offramp_right_with_name_directions: Cjape la rampe a diestre su %{name}, bande
+ %{directions}
+ onramp_right_without_exit: Volte a diestre su la rampe su %{name}
+ onramp_right_with_directions: Volte a diestre su la rampe bande %{directions}
+ onramp_right_with_name_directions: Volte a diestre su la rampe su %{name},
+ bande %{directions}
+ onramp_right_without_directions: Volte a diestre su la rampe
+ onramp_right: Volte a diestre su la rampe
+ endofroad_right_without_exit: Ae fin de strade volte a diestre su %{name}
+ merge_right_without_exit: Jentre a diestre su %{name}
+ fork_right_without_exit: Ae crosade volte a diestre su %{name}
+ turn_right_without_exit: Volte a diestre su %{name}
+ sharp_right_without_exit: Volte dut a diestre su %{name}
+ uturn_without_exit: Inversion a U dilunc %{name}
+ sharp_left_without_exit: Volte dut a çampe su %{name}
+ turn_left_without_exit: Volte a çampe su %{name}
+ offramp_left: Cjape la rampe a çampe
+ offramp_left_with_exit: Cjape la jessude %{exit} a çampe
+ offramp_left_with_exit_name: Cjape la jessude %{exit} a çampe su %{name}
+ offramp_left_with_exit_directions: Cjape la jessude %{exit} a çampe bande
+ %{directions}
+ offramp_left_with_exit_name_directions: Cjape la jessude %{exit} a çampe su
+ %{name}, bande %{directions}
+ offramp_left_with_name: Cjape la rampe a çampe su %{name}
+ offramp_left_with_directions: Cjape la rampe a çampe bande %{directions}
+ offramp_left_with_name_directions: Cjape la rampe a çampe su %{name}, bande
+ %{directions}
+ onramp_left_without_exit: Volte a çampe su la rampe su %{name}
+ onramp_left_with_directions: Volte a çampe su la rampe bande %{directions}
+ onramp_left_with_name_directions: Volte a çampe su la rampe su %{name}, bande
+ %{directions}
+ onramp_left_without_directions: Volte a çampe su la rampe
+ onramp_left: Volte a çampe su la rampe
+ endofroad_left_without_exit: Ae fin de strade volte a çampe su %{name}
+ merge_left_without_exit: Jentre a çampe su %{name}
+ fork_left_without_exit: Ae crosade volte a çampe su %{name}
+ slight_left_without_exit: Volte un ninin a çampe su %{name}
+ via_point_without_exit: (pal pont)
follow_without_exit: Seguìs %{name}
+ roundabout_without_exit: Ae taronde cjape la jessude su %{name}
+ leave_roundabout_without_exit: Lasse la taronde - %{name}
+ stay_roundabout_without_exit: Sta te taronde - %{name}
+ start_without_exit: Scomence su %{name}
destination_without_exit: Rive ae destinazion
+ against_oneway_without_exit: Va cuintri sens su %{name}
+ end_oneway_without_exit: Fin dal sens unic su %{name}
+ roundabout_with_exit: Ae taronde cjape la jessude %{exit} su %{name}
+ roundabout_with_exit_ordinal: Ae taronde cjape la %{exit} jessude su %{name}
+ exit_roundabout: Jes de taronde su %{name}
unnamed: cence non
courtesy: Indicazions furnidis di %{link}
+ exit_counts:
+ first: 1e
+ second: 2e
+ third: 3e
+ fourth: 4e
+ fifth: 5e
+ sixth: 6e
+ seventh: 7e
+ eighth: 8e
+ ninth: 9e
+ tenth: 10e
time: Timp
node: Grop
diff --git a/config/locales/fy.yml b/config/locales/fy.yml
index 6cea2b56c..c6ea5cc9d 100644
--- a/config/locales/fy.yml
+++ b/config/locales/fy.yml
@@ -210,6 +210,49 @@ fy:
comment: Reäksje
full: Folsleine notysje
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Akkount bewurkje
+ my settings: Myn ynstellings
+ current email address: Hjoeddeisk e-mailadres
+ external auth: Autentifikaasje om utens
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: wat is dat?
+ public editing:
+ heading: Iepenbier bewurkjen
+ enabled: Ynskeakele. Net anonym en kin data bewurkje.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: wat is dat?
+ disabled: Utskeakele en kin gjin data bewurkje, alle eardere bewurkings binne
+ anonym.
+ disabled link text: wêrom kin ik net bewurkje?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: Iepenbier bewurkjen
+ html: Op it stuit binne jo bewurkings anonym, en kinne minsken jo gjin berjochten
+ stjoere of jo lokaasje sjen. Klik de knop hjirûnder om sjen te litten wat
+ jo bewurke hawwe, en om minsken ta te stean op it webstee kontakt mei jo
+ op te nimmen. Sûnt de oergong nei API 0.6, kinne inkeld iepenbiere meidoggers
+ kaartdata bewurkje. (fyn
+ út wêrom).
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: Bydragersbetingsten
+ agreed: Jo binne akkoart gien mei de nije Bydragersbetingsten.
+ not yet agreed: Jo binne noch net akkoart gien mei de nije Bydragersbetingsten.
+ review link text: Folgje dizze keppeling wannear't it jo útkomt, om de nije
+ Bydragersbetingsten te besjen en te akseptearjen.
+ agreed_with_pd: Jo hawwe ek oanjûn dat jo jo bewurkings as part fan it Publyk
+ Domein beskôgje.
+ link:
+ link text: wat is dat?
+ save changes button: Feroarings bewarje
+ make edits public button: Al myn bewurkings iepenbier meitsje
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: Meidoggergegevens bywurkjen slagge. Besjoch jo e-mail
+ foar in berjocht om jo nije e-mailadres te befêstigjen.
+ success: Meidoggergegevens bywurkjen slagge.
created: Makke
closed: Ofdien
@@ -1887,47 +1930,6 @@ fy:
delete_user: Dizze meidogger wiskje
confirm: Befêstigje
report: Dizze meidogger melde
- account:
- title: Akkount bewurkje
- my settings: Myn ynstellings
- current email address: Hjoeddeisk e-mailadres
- external auth: Autentifikaasje om utens
- openid:
- link:
- link text: wat is dat?
- public editing:
- heading: Iepenbier bewurkjen
- enabled: Ynskeakele. Net anonym en kin data bewurkje.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: wat is dat?
- disabled: Utskeakele en kin gjin data bewurkje, alle eardere bewurkings binne
- anonym.
- disabled link text: wêrom kin ik net bewurkje?
- public editing note:
- heading: Iepenbier bewurkjen
- html: Op it stuit binne jo bewurkings anonym, en kinne minsken jo gjin berjochten
- stjoere of jo lokaasje sjen. Klik de knop hjirûnder om sjen te litten wat
- jo bewurke hawwe, en om minsken ta te stean op it webstee kontakt mei jo
- op te nimmen. Sûnt de oergong nei API 0.6, kinne inkeld iepenbiere meidoggers
- kaartdata bewurkje. (fyn
- út wêrom).
- contributor terms:
- heading: Bydragersbetingsten
- agreed: Jo binne akkoart gien mei de nije Bydragersbetingsten.
- not yet agreed: Jo binne noch net akkoart gien mei de nije Bydragersbetingsten.
- review link text: Folgje dizze keppeling wannear't it jo útkomt, om de nije
- Bydragersbetingsten te besjen en te akseptearjen.
- agreed_with_pd: Jo hawwe ek oanjûn dat jo jo bewurkings as part fan it Publyk
- Domein beskôgje.
- link:
- link text: wat is dat?
- save changes button: Feroarings bewarje
- make edits public button: Al myn bewurkings iepenbier meitsje
- flash update success confirm needed: Meidoggergegevens bywurkjen slagge. Besjoch
- jo e-mail foar in berjocht om jo nije e-mailadres te befêstigjen.
- flash update success: Meidoggergegevens bywurkjen slagge.
flash success: Fêste lokaasje bewarjen slagge
diff --git a/config/locales/ga.yml b/config/locales/ga.yml
index d5b6abef6..318df903a 100644
--- a/config/locales/ga.yml
+++ b/config/locales/ga.yml
@@ -193,6 +193,26 @@ ga:
comment: Nóta tráchta
full: An nóta iomlán
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Cuir an cuntas in eagar
+ my settings: Mo chuid socruithe
+ current email address: An seoladh rÃomhphoist reatha
+ external auth: FÃordheimhniú Seachtrach
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: céard é seo?
+ public editing:
+ enabled link text: céard é seo?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: Eagarthóireacht phoiblÃ
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: Téarmaà do RannchuiditheoirÃ
+ agreed: D'aontaigh tú leis na Téarmaà nua do RannchuiditheoirÃ.
+ not yet agreed: NÃor aontaigh tú leis na Téarmaà nua do RannchuiditheoirÃ
+ fós.
+ link text: céard é seo?
+ save changes button: Sábháil na hAthruithe
created: Cruthaithe ag
closed: Dúnta ag
@@ -2003,24 +2023,6 @@ ga:
unhide_user: Taispeáin an tÃsáideoir seo
delete_user: Scrios an tÃsáideoir seo
confirm: Deimhnigh
- account:
- title: Cuir an cuntas in eagar
- my settings: Mo chuid socruithe
- current email address: An seoladh rÃomhphoist reatha
- external auth: FÃordheimhniú Seachtrach
- openid:
- link:
- link text: céard é seo?
- public editing:
- heading: Eagarthóireacht phoiblÃ
- enabled link text: céard é seo?
- contributor terms:
- heading: Téarmaà do RannchuiditheoirÃ
- agreed: D'aontaigh tú leis na Téarmaà nua do RannchuiditheoirÃ.
- not yet agreed: NÃor aontaigh tú leis na Téarmaà nua do RannchuiditheoirÃ
- fós.
- link text: céard é seo?
- save changes button: Sábháil na hAthruithe
title: ÃsáideoirÃ
heading: ÃsáideoirÃ
diff --git a/config/locales/gcf.yml b/config/locales/gcf.yml
index 23d3f04a7..9e9b57ea7 100644
--- a/config/locales/gcf.yml
+++ b/config/locales/gcf.yml
@@ -12,6 +12,23 @@ gcf:
new_email: (Pa janmen maké piblikman)
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ my settings: Mes options
+ public editing:
+ enabled: Aktif. Y pa anonnim, y pé édité doné.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: Ka sa yé?
+ disabled: Inaktif y pé pa édité doné ; tout édision pasé anonim.
+ disabled link text: Poukwa an pé pa édité?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: 'Ãdision piblik:'
+ save changes button: Enrèjisré tout chanjman
+ make edits public button: Mèt tou sa an fè piblik
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: Enfowmasion asi itilisatè la bien anrèjistré. Gadé bwet
+ imél aw pou konfirmé adres nouvo imél aw
+ success: Efowmasion asi itilisatè la bien anrejistré.
changesetxml: Niméwo Chanjeman XML
@@ -154,20 +171,6 @@ gcf:
mapper since: 'Arpantè dèpi:'
description: Deskription
user location: Ola itilizatè yé
- account:
- my settings: Mes options
- public editing:
- heading: 'Ãdision piblik:'
- enabled: Aktif. Y pa anonnim, y pé édité doné.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: Ka sa yé?
- disabled: Inaktif y pé pa édité doné ; tout édision pasé anonim.
- disabled link text: Poukwa an pé pa édité?
- save changes button: Enrèjisré tout chanjman
- make edits public button: Mèt tou sa an fè piblik
- flash update success confirm needed: Enfowmasion asi itilisatè la bien anrèjistré.
- Gadé bwet imél aw pou konfirmé adres nouvo imél aw
- flash update success: Efowmasion asi itilisatè la bien anrejistré.
flash success: La ou ka rété la bien anrèjistré
diff --git a/config/locales/gd.yml b/config/locales/gd.yml
index 9946deaa5..9d68b797d 100644
--- a/config/locales/gd.yml
+++ b/config/locales/gd.yml
@@ -153,6 +153,51 @@ gd:
comment: Beachd
full: Nòta slà n
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Deasaich an cunntas
+ my settings: Na roghainnean agam
+ current email address: 'An seòladh puist-d là ithreach:'
+ external auth: 'Dearbhadh taobh a-muigh:'
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: dè th`ann?
+ public editing:
+ heading: Deasachadh poblach
+ enabled: An comas. Nochdaidh d' ainm agus faodaidh tu dà ta a dheasachadh.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: dè th`ann?
+ disabled: à comas agus chan fhaod thu dà ta a dheasachadh, bith gach deasachadh
+ a rinn thu roimhe gun urra.
+ disabled link text: Carson nach urrainn dhomh deasachadh?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: 'Deasachadh poblach:'
+ html: Cha nochd d' ainm leis na dheasaicheas tu aig an à m seo agus chan fhaodar
+ teachdaireachd a chur thugad no sealltainn far a bheil thu. Gus na dheasaich
+ thu a shealltainn agus cead a thoirt do chà ch gun cuir iad fios thugad air
+ an là rach-lìn, briog air a' phutan gu h-ìosal. O na ghluais sinn dha
+ tionndadh 0.6 dhen API, chan fhaod ach cleachdaichean poblach dà ta a' mhapa
+ a dheasachadh. (faigh
+ a-mach carson).
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: 'Teirmichean a'' chom-pà irtiche:'
+ agreed: Dh'aontaich thu ri teirmichean ùra a' chom-pà irtiche.
+ not yet agreed: Cha do dh'aontaich thu ri teirmichean ùra a' chom-pà irtiche
+ fhathast.
+ review link text: Lean air a' cheangal seo nuair a bhios e iomchaidh dhut
+ gus teirmichean ùra a' chom-pà irtiche a leughadh is gabhail riutha.
+ agreed_with_pd: Thuirt thu cuideachd gun dèid gach rud a dheasaicheas tu a
+ chur ris a' Public Domain.
+ link:
+ link text: Dè th`ann?
+ save changes button: SÃ bhail na dh'atharraich thu
+ make edits public button: Dèan fear poblach de gach deasachadh a rinn mi
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: Chaidh fiosrachadh a' chleachdaiche ùrachadh gu soirbheachail.
+ Thoir sùil air a' phost-d agad gus an seòladh puist-d ùr agad a dhearbhadh.
+ success: Chaidh fiosrachadh a' chleachdaiche ùrachadh gu soirbheachail.
created: Air a chruthachadh
closed: Dùinte
@@ -1937,50 +1982,6 @@ gd:
unhide_user: Neo-fhalaich an cleachdaiche seo
delete_user: Sguab às an cleachdaiche seo
confirm: Dearbhaich
- account:
- title: Deasaich an cunntas
- my settings: Na roghainnean agam
- current email address: 'An seòladh puist-d là ithreach:'
- external auth: 'Dearbhadh taobh a-muigh:'
- openid:
- link:
- link text: dè th`ann?
- public editing:
- heading: 'Deasachadh poblach:'
- enabled: An comas. Nochdaidh d' ainm agus faodaidh tu dà ta a dheasachadh.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: dè th`ann?
- disabled: à comas agus chan fhaod thu dà ta a dheasachadh, bith gach deasachadh
- a rinn thu roimhe gun urra.
- disabled link text: Carson nach urrainn dhomh deasachadh?
- public editing note:
- heading: Deasachadh poblach
- html: Cha nochd d' ainm leis na dheasaicheas tu aig an à m seo agus chan fhaodar
- teachdaireachd a chur thugad no sealltainn far a bheil thu. Gus na dheasaich
- thu a shealltainn agus cead a thoirt do chà ch gun cuir iad fios thugad air
- an là rach-lìn, briog air a' phutan gu h-ìosal. O na ghluais sinn dha
- tionndadh 0.6 dhen API, chan fhaod ach cleachdaichean poblach dà ta a' mhapa
- a dheasachadh. (faigh
- a-mach carson).
- contributor terms:
- heading: 'Teirmichean a'' chom-pà irtiche:'
- agreed: Dh'aontaich thu ri teirmichean ùra a' chom-pà irtiche.
- not yet agreed: Cha do dh'aontaich thu ri teirmichean ùra a' chom-pà irtiche
- fhathast.
- review link text: Lean air a' cheangal seo nuair a bhios e iomchaidh dhut
- gus teirmichean ùra a' chom-pà irtiche a leughadh is gabhail riutha.
- agreed_with_pd: Thuirt thu cuideachd gun dèid gach rud a dheasaicheas tu a
- chur ris a' Public Domain.
- link:
- link text: Dè th`ann?
- save changes button: SÃ bhail na dh'atharraich thu
- make edits public button: Dèan fear poblach de gach deasachadh a rinn mi
- flash update success confirm needed: Chaidh fiosrachadh a' chleachdaiche ùrachadh
- gu soirbheachail. Thoir sùil air a' phost-d agad gus an seòladh puist-d ùr
- agad a dhearbhadh.
- flash update success: Chaidh fiosrachadh a' chleachdaiche ùrachadh gu soirbheachail.
flash success: Chaidh far a bheil thu a' fuireach a shà bhaladh gu soirbheachail.
diff --git a/config/locales/gl.yml b/config/locales/gl.yml
index 71b1083d0..1870e19e9 100644
--- a/config/locales/gl.yml
+++ b/config/locales/gl.yml
@@ -260,6 +260,49 @@ gl:
comment: Comentario
full: Nota completa
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Editar a conta
+ my settings: Os meus axustes
+ current email address: Enderezo de correo electrónico actual
+ external auth: Autenticación externa
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: que é isto?
+ public editing:
+ heading: Edición pública
+ enabled: Activado. Non es anónimo e podes editar os datos.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: que é isto?
+ disabled: Desactivado e non pode editar os datos. Tódalas anteriores edicións
+ son anónimas.
+ disabled link text: por que non podo editar?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: Edición pública
+ html: Actualmente, as túas edicións son anónimas e a xente non che pode enviar
+ mensaxes ou ollar a túa localización. Para amosar o que editaches e permitir
+ que a xente se poña en contacto contigo mediante a páxina web, preme no
+ botón que aparece deseguido. Dende a migración da API á versión 0.6,
+ tan só os usuarios públicos poden editar os datos do mapa (máis
+ información).
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: Termos do contribuÃnte
+ agreed: Aceptaches os novos termos do contribuÃnte.
+ not yet agreed: AÃnda non aceptaches os novos termos do contribuÃnte.
+ review link text: Siga esta ligazón para revisar e aceptar os novos termos
+ do contribuÃnte.
+ agreed_with_pd: Tamén declarou que coida que as súas edicións pertencen ó
+ dominio público.
+ link:
+ link text: que é isto?
+ save changes button: Gardar as modificacións
+ make edits public button: Facer públicas tódalas miñas edicións
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: Información de usuario actualizada de xeito correcto.
+ Procura no teu correo electrónico unha mensaxe para confirmar o teu novo enderezo.
+ success: Información de usuario actualizada correctamente.
created: Creado
closed: Pechado
@@ -2686,48 +2729,6 @@ gl:
delete_user: Eliminar este usuario
confirm: Confirmar
report: Denunciar este usuario
- account:
- title: Editar a conta
- my settings: Os meus axustes
- current email address: Enderezo de correo electrónico actual
- external auth: Autenticación externa
- openid:
- link:
- link text: que é isto?
- public editing:
- heading: Edición pública
- enabled: Activado. Non es anónimo e podes editar os datos.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: que é isto?
- disabled: Desactivado e non pode editar os datos. Tódalas anteriores edicións
- son anónimas.
- disabled link text: por que non podo editar?
- public editing note:
- heading: Edición pública
- html: Actualmente, as túas edicións son anónimas e a xente non che pode enviar
- mensaxes ou ollar a túa localización. Para amosar o que editaches e permitir
- que a xente se poña en contacto contigo mediante a páxina web, preme no
- botón que aparece deseguido. Dende a migración da API á versión 0.6,
- tan só os usuarios públicos poden editar os datos do mapa (máis
- información).
- contributor terms:
- heading: Termos do contribuÃnte
- agreed: Aceptaches os novos termos do contribuÃnte.
- not yet agreed: AÃnda non aceptaches os novos termos do contribuÃnte.
- review link text: Siga esta ligazón para revisar e aceptar os novos termos
- do contribuÃnte.
- agreed_with_pd: Tamén declarou que coida que as súas edicións pertencen ó
- dominio público.
- link:
- link text: que é isto?
- save changes button: Gardar as modificacións
- make edits public button: Facer públicas tódalas miñas edicións
- flash update success confirm needed: Información de usuario actualizada de xeito
- correcto. Procura no teu correo electrónico unha mensaxe para confirmar o
- teu novo enderezo.
- flash update success: Información de usuario actualizada correctamente.
flash success: Gardouse o domicilio
diff --git a/config/locales/he.yml b/config/locales/he.yml
index eb0dd62ca..e61efbacf 100644
--- a/config/locales/he.yml
+++ b/config/locales/he.yml
@@ -299,6 +299,46 @@ he:
comment: ת××××
full: ××¢×¨× ××××
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: ער××ת ×ש×××
+ my settings: ××××ר×ת ש××
+ current email address: ×ת××ת ××××´× × ××××ת
+ external auth: ××××ת ××צ×× ×
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: ×× ××?
+ public editing:
+ heading: ער××× ×¦×××ר×ת
+ enabled: ××פע×ת. ×× ××××× × ××××× ×ער×× ××××¢.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: ×× ××?
+ disabled: ×× ××פע×ת, ××× ×פשר×ת ×ער×× × ×ª×× ×× ××× ×ער×××ת ×ק××××ת ××××× ××ת.
+ disabled link text: ××××¢ ××× × ×××× ×ער××?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: ער××× ×¦×××ר×ת
+ html: ×עת ×ער×××ת ש×× ××××× ××ת ××× ×©×× ×× ×××××× ×ש××× ×× ××××¢×ת ×× ×ר××ת ×ת
+ ×××ק×× ×©××. ××× ××צ×× ×× ×¢×¨×ת ×××פשר ××× ×©×× ××צ×ר ××ª× ×§×©×¨ ××¨× ××תר, ×ש ×××××¥
+ ×¢× ××פת×ר ××××. ××× ×ש×× ×× ×Ö¾API ×××¨×¡× 0.6, רק ×שת×ש×× ×¦×××ר××× ××××××
+ ×ער×× × ×ª×× × ×פ×. (×ס×ר
+ ××× ×× ×××).
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: ×ª× ×× ×ª×¨×××
+ agreed: ×ס××ת ××ª× ×× ×תר××× ×××ש××.
+ not yet agreed: ×¢×××× ×× ×ס××ת ××ª× ×× ×תר××× ×××ש××.
+ review link text: × × ××¢××ר ×ק×ש×ר ××× ×××× × ××¤× ×× ××× ×סק×ר ××ק×× ×ת ×ª× ××
+ ×תר××× ×××ש××.
+ agreed_with_pd: ×צ×רת ×× ×©××××× ×ª× ×ער×××ת ש×× ×××× ×× ××ת ××××.
+ link:
+ link text: ×× ××?
+ save changes button: ש××רת ×ש×× ××××
+ make edits public button: ××פ×× ×ת ×× ×¢×¨×××ת×× ×צ×××ר××ת
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: ××××¢ ×¢× ××שת×ש ×¢×××× ××צ×××. × × ××××ק ×ת ת××ת ××××"×
+ ××× ×××ת ×ת ××××"× ×××ש.
+ success: פר×× ××שת×ש ×¢×××× × ××צ×××.
created: × ×צר×
closed: × ×¡×ר×
@@ -2668,44 +2708,6 @@ he:
delete_user: ×××קת ×שת×ש ××
confirm: ××ש×ר
report: ××××× ×¢× ××שת×ש
- account:
- title: ער××ת ×ש×××
- my settings: ××××ר×ת ש××
- current email address: ×ת××ת ××××´× × ××××ת
- external auth: ××××ת ××צ×× ×
- openid:
- link:
- link text: ×× ××?
- public editing:
- heading: ער××× ×¦×××ר×ת
- enabled: ××פע×ת. ×× ××××× × ××××× ×ער×× ××××¢.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: ×× ××?
- disabled: ×× ××פע×ת, ××× ×פשר×ת ×ער×× × ×ª×× ×× ××× ×ער×××ת ×ק××××ת ××××× ××ת.
- disabled link text: ××××¢ ××× × ×××× ×ער××?
- public editing note:
- heading: ער××× ×¦×××ר×ת
- html: ×עת ×ער×××ת ש×× ××××× ××ת ××× ×©×× ×× ×××××× ×ש××× ×× ××××¢×ת ×× ×ר××ת ×ת
- ×××ק×× ×©××. ××× ××צ×× ×× ×¢×¨×ת ×××פשר ××× ×©×× ××צ×ר ××ª× ×§×©×¨ ××¨× ××תר, ×ש ×××××¥
- ×¢× ××פת×ר ××××. ××× ×ש×× ×× ×Ö¾API ×××¨×¡× 0.6, רק ×שת×ש×× ×¦×××ר××× ××××××
- ×ער×× × ×ª×× × ×פ×. (×ס×ר
- ××× ×× ×××).
- contributor terms:
- heading: ×ª× ×× ×ª×¨×××
- agreed: ×ס××ת ××ª× ×× ×תר××× ×××ש××.
- not yet agreed: ×¢×××× ×× ×ס××ת ××ª× ×× ×תר××× ×××ש××.
- review link text: × × ××¢××ר ×ק×ש×ר ××× ×××× × ××¤× ×× ××× ×סק×ר ××ק×× ×ת ×ª× ××
- ×תר××× ×××ש××.
- agreed_with_pd: ×צ×רת ×× ×©××××× ×ª× ×ער×××ת ש×× ×××× ×× ××ת ××××.
- link:
- link text: ×× ××?
- save changes button: ש××רת ×ש×× ××××
- make edits public button: ××פ×× ×ת ×× ×¢×¨×××ת×× ×צ×××ר××ת
- flash update success confirm needed: ××××¢ ×¢× ××שת×ש ×¢×××× ××צ×××. × × ××××ק ×ת
- ת××ת ××××"× ××× ×××ת ×ת ××××"× ×××ש.
- flash update success: פר×× ××שת×ש ×¢×××× × ××צ×××.
flash success: ××ק×× ×¨××©× × ×©×ר ××צ×××
diff --git a/config/locales/hi.yml b/config/locales/hi.yml
index 24fa33131..4cefa721e 100644
--- a/config/locales/hi.yml
+++ b/config/locales/hi.yml
@@ -237,6 +237,15 @@ hi:
comment: à¤à¤¿à¤ªà¥à¤ªà¤£à¥
full: पà¥à¤°à¤¾ नà¥à¤
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ public editing:
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: यह à¤à¥à¤¯à¤¾ हà¥?
+ disabled link text: मà¥à¤ नà¤à¥à¤·à¥ मà¥à¤ बदलाव à¤à¥à¤¯à¥à¤ नहà¥à¤ à¤à¤° पा रहा हà¥à¤?
+ contributor terms:
+ link text: यह à¤à¥à¤¯à¤¾ हà¥?
+ save changes button: बदलाव सहà¥à¤à¥à¤
created: बनाया à¤à¤¯à¤¾
closed: बà¤à¤¦ à¤à¤¿à¤¯à¤¾ à¤à¤¯à¤¾
@@ -1019,14 +1028,6 @@ hi:
deny: मना
- account:
- public editing:
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: यह à¤à¥à¤¯à¤¾ हà¥?
- disabled link text: मà¥à¤ नà¤à¥à¤·à¥ मà¥à¤ बदलाव à¤à¥à¤¯à¥à¤ नहà¥à¤ à¤à¤° पा रहा हà¥à¤?
- contributor terms:
- link text: यह à¤à¥à¤¯à¤¾ हà¥?
- save changes button: बदलाव सहà¥à¤à¥à¤
title: सदसà¥à¤¯
heading: सदसà¥à¤¯
diff --git a/config/locales/hr.yml b/config/locales/hr.yml
index 44c67f07e..3171356fc 100644
--- a/config/locales/hr.yml
+++ b/config/locales/hr.yml
@@ -234,6 +234,45 @@ hr:
comment: Komentar
full: Cijela bilješka
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Uredi korisniÄki raÄun
+ my settings: Moje postavke
+ current email address: 'Trenutna E-mail adresa:'
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: Å¡to je ovo?
+ public editing:
+ heading: Javno ureÄivanje
+ enabled: OmoguÄeno. Nije anonimno i mogu se ureÄivati podaci.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: Å¡to je ovo?
+ disabled: OnemoguÄno i ne mogu se ureÄivati podaci, sve prethodne promjene
+ su anonimne.
+ disabled link text: zaÅ¡to ne mogu ureÄivati?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: 'Javno ureÄivanje:'
+ html: Trenutno su vaše izmjene anonimne i ljudi vam ne mogu poslati poruke
+ ili vidjeti vašu lokaciju. Da bi pokazali vaše izmjene i dozvolili ljudima
+ da vas kontaktiraju preko website-a, kliknite gumb ispod Od promjene
+ 0.6 API-a, samo javni korisnici mogu ureÄivati karte. (saznajte
+ zašto).
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: 'Uvjeti doprinositelja:'
+ agreed: Prihvatio/la si nove Uvjete doprinositelja.
+ not yet agreed: Niste još uvijek prihvatili nove uvjete doprinositelja.
+ review link text: Molim slijedi ovu poveznicu kada budeš u prilici za pregled
+ i prihvati nove Uvjete doprinositelja.
+ agreed_with_pd: TakoÄer ste proglasili da Äe vaÅ¡e izmjene biti u javnom vlasniÅ¡tvu.
+ link text: Å¡to je ovo?
+ save changes button: Snimi promjene
+ make edits public button: Napravi sve moje promjene javnim
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: KorisniÄke informacije su uspjeÅ¡no ažurirane. Provjeri
+ email za poruku potvrde nove email adrese.
+ success: KorisniÄke informacije su uspjeÅ¡no ažurirane.
created: Stvoreno
closed: Zatvoreno
@@ -1805,43 +1844,6 @@ hr:
delete_user: Obriši ovog korisnika
confirm: Potvrdi
report: Prijavi ovog korisnika
- account:
- title: Uredi korisniÄki raÄun
- my settings: Moje postavke
- current email address: 'Trenutna E-mail adresa:'
- openid:
- link:
- link text: Å¡to je ovo?
- public editing:
- heading: 'Javno ureÄivanje:'
- enabled: OmoguÄeno. Nije anonimno i mogu se ureÄivati podaci.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: Å¡to je ovo?
- disabled: OnemoguÄno i ne mogu se ureÄivati podaci, sve prethodne promjene
- su anonimne.
- disabled link text: zaÅ¡to ne mogu ureÄivati?
- public editing note:
- heading: Javno ureÄivanje
- html: Trenutno su vaše izmjene anonimne i ljudi vam ne mogu poslati poruke
- ili vidjeti vašu lokaciju. Da bi pokazali vaše izmjene i dozvolili ljudima
- da vas kontaktiraju preko website-a, kliknite gumb ispod Od promjene
- 0.6 API-a, samo javni korisnici mogu ureÄivati karte. (saznajte
- zašto).
- contributor terms:
- heading: 'Uvjeti doprinositelja:'
- agreed: Prihvatio/la si nove Uvjete doprinositelja.
- not yet agreed: Niste još uvijek prihvatili nove uvjete doprinositelja.
- review link text: Molim slijedi ovu poveznicu kada budeš u prilici za pregled
- i prihvati nove Uvjete doprinositelja.
- agreed_with_pd: TakoÄer ste proglasili da Äe vaÅ¡e izmjene biti u javnom vlasniÅ¡tvu.
- link text: Å¡to je ovo?
- save changes button: Snimi promjene
- make edits public button: Napravi sve moje promjene javnim
- flash update success confirm needed: KorisniÄke informacije su uspjeÅ¡no ažurirane.
- Provjeri email za poruku potvrde nove email adrese.
- flash update success: KorisniÄke informacije su uspjeÅ¡no ažurirane.
flash success: Lokacija doma uspješno snimljena.
diff --git a/config/locales/hsb.yml b/config/locales/hsb.yml
index 446488987..4deb0fea8 100644
--- a/config/locales/hsb.yml
+++ b/config/locales/hsb.yml
@@ -234,6 +234,47 @@ hsb:
comment: Komentar
full: DospoÅna pokazka
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Konto wobdźÄÅaÄ
+ my settings: Moje nastajenja
+ current email address: Aktualna e-mejlowa adresa
+ external auth: Eksterna awtentifikacija
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: Å to to je?
+ public editing:
+ heading: Zjawne wobdźÄÅowanje
+ enabled: Zmóžnjene. Nic anonymne a daty hodźa so wobdźÄÅaÄ.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: Å to to je?
+ disabled: Znjemóžnjeny a daty njehodźa so wobdźÄÅaÄ, wÅ¡Ä prjedawÅ¡e zmÄny su
+ anonymne.
+ disabled link text: Äehodla njemóžu wobdźÄÅaÄ?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: Zjawne wobdźÄÅowanje
+ html: Tuchwilu twoje zmÄny su anonymne a ludźo njemóžeja Äi powÄsÄe pósÅaÄ
+ abo twoje stejniÅ¡Äo widźeÄ. Zo by pokazaÅ, Å¡tož sy wobdźÄÅaÅ a ludźom dowoliÅ,
+ so z tobu pÅez websydÅo do zwiska stajiÄ, klikÅ deleka na tÅóÄatko. Wot
+ pÅeÅdźenja do API 0.6, jenož zjawni wužiwarjo móžeja kartowe daty wobdźÄÅaÄ.
+ (hlej pÅiÄiny).
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: WumÄnjenja za sobuskutkowarjow
+ agreed: Sy do nowych wumÄnjenjow za sobuskutkowarjow zwoliÅ.
+ not yet agreed: HiÅ¡Äe njejsy do nowych wumÄnjenjow za sobuskutkowarjow zwoliÅ.
+ review link text: ProÅ¡u slÄduj nÄkajkižkuli wotkaz, zo by nowe wumÄnjenja
+ za sobuskutkowarjow pÅehladaÅ a akceptowaÅ.
+ agreed_with_pd: Sy tež deklarowaÅ, zo twoje zmÄny su zjawne.
+ link:
+ link text: Å¡to to je?
+ save changes button: ZmÄny skÅadowaÄ
+ make edits public button: WÅ¡Ä moje zmÄny zjawne ÄiniÄ
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: Wužiwarske informacije wuspÄÅ¡nje zaktualizowane. DóstanjeÅ¡
+ e-mejl z namoÅwu, swoju nowu e-mejlowu adresu wobkruÄiÄ.
+ success: Wužiwarske informacije wuspÄÅ¡nje zaktualizowane.
created: Wutworjeny
closed: 'ZaÄinjeny:'
@@ -2564,45 +2605,6 @@ hsb:
delete_user: Tutoho wužiwarja zhaÅ¡eÄ
confirm: WobkruÄiÄ
report: Tutoho wužiwarja zdźÄliÄ
- account:
- title: Konto wobdźÄÅaÄ
- my settings: Moje nastajenja
- current email address: Aktualna e-mejlowa adresa
- external auth: Eksterna awtentifikacija
- openid:
- link:
- link text: Å to to je?
- public editing:
- heading: Zjawne wobdźÄÅowanje
- enabled: Zmóžnjene. Nic anonymne a daty hodźa so wobdźÄÅaÄ.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: Å to to je?
- disabled: Znjemóžnjeny a daty njehodźa so wobdźÄÅaÄ, wÅ¡Ä prjedawÅ¡e zmÄny su
- anonymne.
- disabled link text: Äehodla njemóžu wobdźÄÅaÄ?
- public editing note:
- heading: Zjawne wobdźÄÅowanje
- html: Tuchwilu twoje zmÄny su anonymne a ludźo njemóžeja Äi powÄsÄe pósÅaÄ
- abo twoje stejniÅ¡Äo widźeÄ. Zo by pokazaÅ, Å¡tož sy wobdźÄÅaÅ a ludźom dowoliÅ,
- so z tobu pÅez websydÅo do zwiska stajiÄ, klikÅ deleka na tÅóÄatko. Wot
- pÅeÅdźenja do API 0.6, jenož zjawni wužiwarjo móžeja kartowe daty wobdźÄÅaÄ.
- (hlej pÅiÄiny).
- contributor terms:
- heading: WumÄnjenja za sobuskutkowarjow
- agreed: Sy do nowych wumÄnjenjow za sobuskutkowarjow zwoliÅ.
- not yet agreed: HiÅ¡Äe njejsy do nowych wumÄnjenjow za sobuskutkowarjow zwoliÅ.
- review link text: ProÅ¡u slÄduj nÄkajkižkuli wotkaz, zo by nowe wumÄnjenja
- za sobuskutkowarjow pÅehladaÅ a akceptowaÅ.
- agreed_with_pd: Sy tež deklarowaÅ, zo twoje zmÄny su zjawne.
- link:
- link text: Å¡to to je?
- save changes button: ZmÄny skÅadowaÄ
- make edits public button: WÅ¡Ä moje zmÄny zjawne ÄiniÄ
- flash update success confirm needed: Wužiwarske informacije wuspÄÅ¡nje zaktualizowane.
- DóstanjeÅ¡ e-mejl z namoÅwu, swoju nowu e-mejlowu adresu wobkruÄiÄ.
- flash update success: Wužiwarske informacije wuspÄÅ¡nje zaktualizowane.
flash success: Domjace stejniÅ¡Äo bu wuspÄÅ¡nje skÅadowany
diff --git a/config/locales/hu.yml b/config/locales/hu.yml
index 72ef09dd3..9fdef14e4 100644
--- a/config/locales/hu.yml
+++ b/config/locales/hu.yml
@@ -272,6 +272,49 @@ hu:
comment: Hozzászólás
full: Teljes jegyzet
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Fiók szerkesztése
+ my settings: Személyes beállÃtások
+ current email address: Jelenlegi e-mail-cÃm
+ external auth: KülsÅ hitelesÃtés
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: mi ez?
+ public editing:
+ heading: Nyilvános szerkesztés
+ enabled: Engedélyezve. Nem vagy névtelen, Ãgy szerkesztheted az adatokat.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: mi ez?
+ disabled: Tiltva, Ãgy nem szerkesztheted az adatokat, az összes eddigi szerkesztés
+ névtelen.
+ disabled link text: miért nem tudok szerkeszteni?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: Nyilvános szerkesztés
+ html: Jelenleg a szerkesztéseid névtelenek, és az emberek nem küldhetnek neked
+ üzeneteket, és nem láthatják a tartózkodási helyedet. Hogy megmutasd, mit
+ szerkesztettél, és megengedd az embereknek, hogy a webhelyen keresztül kapcsolatba
+ lépjenek veled, kattints az alábbi gombra. A 0.6 API-ra történt átállás
+ óta csak nyilvános felhasználók szerkeszthetik a térképadatokat. (nézz utána, miért).
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: Hozzájárulási feltételek
+ agreed: Elfogadtad az új hozzájárulási feltételeket.
+ not yet agreed: Még nem fogadtad el az új hozzájárulási feltételeket.
+ review link text: Kérjük, kövesd ezt a hivatkozást az új közreműködési feltételek
+ áttekintéséhez és elfogadásához.
+ agreed_with_pd: Azt is kijelentetted, hogy a szerkesztéseid közkincsnek tekinthetÅk.
+ link:
+ link text: mi ez?
+ save changes button: MódosÃtások mentése
+ make edits public button: Az összes szerkesztésem nyilvánossá tétele
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: Felhasználói információk sikeresen frissÃtve. Nézd meg
+ az e-mailjeidet az új e-mail cÃmedet megerÅsÃtÅ levélhez.
+ success: Felhasználói információk sikeresen frissÃtve.
created: Létrehozva
closed: Lezárva
@@ -545,6 +588,9 @@ hu:
title: OpenStreetMap naplóbejegyzések
description: Legutóbbi naplóbejegyzések az OpenStreetMap felhasználóitól
+ title: '%{user} naplóhozzászólásai'
+ heading: '%{user} naplóhozzászólásai'
+ subheading_html: '%{user} naplóhozzászólásai'
no_comments: Nincs naplóhozzászólás
post: Bejegyzés
when: Mikor
@@ -869,6 +915,7 @@ hu:
trailhead: Turistaút végpontja
trunk: Autóút
trunk_link: Autóút fel- vagy lehajtó
+ turning_circle: Megfordulókör
turning_loop: Megfordulóhurok
unclassified: Egyéb közút
"yes": Ãt
@@ -2464,6 +2511,8 @@ hu:
read_gpx: Magán nyomvonalak olvasása
write_gpx: GPS-nyomvonalak feltöltése
write_notes: Jegyzetek módosÃtása
+ read_email: Felhasználó e-mail-cÃmének elolvasása
+ skip_authorization: Alkalmazás automatikus jóváhagyása
title: Ãj alkalmazás regisztrálása
@@ -2674,47 +2723,6 @@ hu:
delete_user: felhasználó törlése
confirm: MegerÅsÃtés
report: Felhasználó bejelentése
- account:
- title: Fiók szerkesztése
- my settings: Személyes beállÃtások
- current email address: Jelenlegi e-mail-cÃm
- external auth: KülsÅ hitelesÃtés
- openid:
- link:
- link text: mi ez?
- public editing:
- heading: Nyilvános szerkesztés
- enabled: Engedélyezve. Nem vagy névtelen, Ãgy szerkesztheted az adatokat.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: mi ez?
- disabled: Tiltva, Ãgy nem szerkesztheted az adatokat, az összes eddigi szerkesztés
- névtelen.
- disabled link text: miért nem tudok szerkeszteni?
- public editing note:
- heading: Nyilvános szerkesztés
- html: Jelenleg a szerkesztéseid névtelenek, és az emberek nem küldhetnek neked
- üzeneteket, és nem láthatják a tartózkodási helyedet. Hogy megmutasd, mit
- szerkesztettél, és megengedd az embereknek, hogy a webhelyen keresztül kapcsolatba
- lépjenek veled, kattints az alábbi gombra. A 0.6 API-ra történt átállás
- óta csak nyilvános felhasználók szerkeszthetik a térképadatokat. (nézz utána, miért).
- contributor terms:
- heading: Hozzájárulási feltételek
- agreed: Elfogadtad az új hozzájárulási feltételeket.
- not yet agreed: Még nem fogadtad el az új hozzájárulási feltételeket.
- review link text: Kérjük, kövesd ezt a hivatkozást az új közreműködési feltételek
- áttekintéséhez és elfogadásához.
- agreed_with_pd: Azt is kijelentetted, hogy a szerkesztéseid közkincsnek tekinthetÅk.
- link:
- link text: mi ez?
- save changes button: MódosÃtások mentése
- make edits public button: Az összes szerkesztésem nyilvánossá tétele
- flash update success confirm needed: Felhasználói információk sikeresen frissÃtve.
- Nézd meg az e-mailjeidet az új e-mail cÃmedet megerÅsÃtÅ levélhez.
- flash update success: Felhasználói információk sikeresen frissÃtve.
flash success: Otthon helye sikeresen mentve
@@ -2750,6 +2758,7 @@ hu:
no_authorization_code: Nem engedély kód
unknown_signature_algorithm: Ismeretlen aláÃrási algoritmus
invalid_scope: Ãrvénytelen kód
+ unknown_error: A hitelesÃtés sikertelen
heading: Az azonosÃtódhoz még nem tartozik OpenStreetMap fiók.
option_1: Ha most vagy itt elÅször, készÃts magadnak egy OpenStreetMap-fiókot
diff --git a/config/locales/ia.yml b/config/locales/ia.yml
index 7d7ae3d15..5167146e8 100644
--- a/config/locales/ia.yml
+++ b/config/locales/ia.yml
@@ -248,6 +248,49 @@ ia:
comment: Commento
full: Nota complete
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Modificar conto
+ my settings: Mi configurationes
+ current email address: Adresse de e-mail actual
+ external auth: Authentication externe
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: que es isto?
+ public editing:
+ heading: Modification public
+ enabled: Activate. Non anonyme e pote modificar datos.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: que es isto?
+ disabled: Disactivate e non pote modificar datos, tote le previe modificationes
+ es anonyme.
+ disabled link text: proque non pote io modificar?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: Modification public
+ html: A iste momento tu modificationes es anonyme, e le gente non pote inviar
+ te messages ni vider tu position. Pro poter monstrar tu contributiones e
+ pro permitter al gente de contactar te per le sito web, clicca le button
+ ci infra. Post le cambio al API 0.6, solo le usatores public pote modificar
+ datos cartographic (lege
+ proque).
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: Conditiones de contributor
+ agreed: Tu ha acceptate le nove Conditiones de Contributor.
+ not yet agreed: Tu non ha ancora acceptate le nove Conditiones de Contributor.
+ review link text: Per favor seque iste ligamine a tu convenientia pro revider
+ e acceptar le nove Conditiones de Contributor.
+ agreed_with_pd: Tu ha anque declarate que tu considera tu modificationes como
+ liberate al Dominio Public.
+ link:
+ link text: que es isto?
+ save changes button: Salveguardar modificationes
+ make edits public button: Render tote mi modificationes public
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: Informationes del usator actualisate con successo. Tu
+ recipera in e-mail un nota pro confirmar tu nove adresse de e-mail.
+ success: Informationes del usator actualisate con successo.
created: Create a
closed: Claudite a
@@ -2667,47 +2710,6 @@ ia:
delete_user: Deler iste usator
confirm: Confirmar
report: Signalar iste usator
- account:
- title: Modificar conto
- my settings: Mi configurationes
- current email address: Adresse de e-mail actual
- external auth: Authentication externe
- openid:
- link:
- link text: que es isto?
- public editing:
- heading: Modification public
- enabled: Activate. Non anonyme e pote modificar datos.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: que es isto?
- disabled: Disactivate e non pote modificar datos, tote le previe modificationes
- es anonyme.
- disabled link text: proque non pote io modificar?
- public editing note:
- heading: Modification public
- html: A iste momento tu modificationes es anonyme, e le gente non pote inviar
- te messages ni vider tu position. Pro poter monstrar tu contributiones e
- pro permitter al gente de contactar te per le sito web, clicca le button
- ci infra. Post le cambio al API 0.6, solo le usatores public pote modificar
- datos cartographic (lege
- proque).
- contributor terms:
- heading: Conditiones de contributor
- agreed: Tu ha acceptate le nove Conditiones de Contributor.
- not yet agreed: Tu non ha ancora acceptate le nove Conditiones de Contributor.
- review link text: Per favor seque iste ligamine a tu convenientia pro revider
- e acceptar le nove Conditiones de Contributor.
- agreed_with_pd: Tu ha anque declarate que tu considera tu modificationes como
- liberate al Dominio Public.
- link:
- link text: que es isto?
- save changes button: Salveguardar modificationes
- make edits public button: Render tote mi modificationes public
- flash update success confirm needed: Informationes del usator actualisate con
- successo. Tu recipera in e-mail un nota pro confirmar tu nove adresse de e-mail.
- flash update success: Informationes del usator actualisate con successo.
flash success: Position de origine confirmate con successo
diff --git a/config/locales/id.yml b/config/locales/id.yml
index 610cb7ccf..7fbec59a6 100644
--- a/config/locales/id.yml
+++ b/config/locales/id.yml
@@ -256,6 +256,49 @@ id:
comment: Komentar
full: Catatan lengkap
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Edit akun
+ my settings: Pengaturan saya
+ current email address: Alamat surel saat ini
+ external auth: Autentikasi Eksternal
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: Apa ini?
+ public editing:
+ heading: Mengedit secara publik
+ enabled: Diaktifkan. Tidak anonim dan dapat mengedit data.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: Apa ini?
+ disabled: Dinonaktifkan dan tidak dapat mengedit data, seluruh hasil edit
+ sebelumnya anonim.
+ disabled link text: mengapa saya tidak bisa mengedit?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: Menyunting secara publik
+ html: Saat ini suntingan Anda adalah tanpa nama dan orang tidak dapat mengirimkan
+ pesan atau melihat lokasi Anda. Untuk menunjukkan apa yang Anda telah edit
+ dan memungkinkan orang menghubungi Anda melalui situs web, klik tombol di
+ bawah ini. Sejak perubahan ke API 0.6 , hanya pengguna umum yang dapat
+ mengedit data peta. (Cari
+ tahu mengapa).
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: Syarat-syarat Kontributor
+ agreed: Anda telah menyetujui Persyaratan Kontributor yang baru.
+ not yet agreed: Anda belum menyetujui Persyaratan Kontributor yang baru.
+ review link text: Silahkan ikuti link ini untuk kenyamanan Anda untuk meninjau
+ dan menyetujui Persyaratan Kontributor yang baru.
+ agreed_with_pd: Anda juga telah menyatakan bahwa Anda mempertimbangkan suntingan
+ Anda berada dalam Domain publik.
+ link:
+ link text: Apa ini?
+ save changes button: Simpan Perubahan
+ make edits public button: Membuat seluruh suntingan saya menjadi publik
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: Informasi pengguna telah berhasil diperbarui. Periksa
+ email untuk melakukan konfirmasi alamat email.
+ success: Informasi mengenai pengguna sudah berhasil diperbarui.
created: Dibuat
closed: Ditutup
@@ -2435,47 +2478,6 @@ id:
delete_user: Hapus Pengguna Ini
confirm: Konfirmasi
report: Laporkan Pengguna Ini
- account:
- title: Edit akun
- my settings: Pengaturan saya
- current email address: Alamat surel saat ini
- external auth: Autentikasi Eksternal
- openid:
- link:
- link text: Apa ini?
- public editing:
- heading: Menyunting secara publik
- enabled: Diaktifkan. Tidak anonim dan dapat mengedit data.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: Apa ini?
- disabled: Dinonaktifkan dan tidak dapat mengedit data, seluruh hasil edit
- sebelumnya anonim.
- disabled link text: mengapa saya tidak bisa mengedit?
- public editing note:
- heading: Mengedit secara publik
- html: Saat ini suntingan Anda adalah tanpa nama dan orang tidak dapat mengirimkan
- pesan atau melihat lokasi Anda. Untuk menunjukkan apa yang Anda telah edit
- dan memungkinkan orang menghubungi Anda melalui situs web, klik tombol di
- bawah ini. Sejak perubahan ke API 0.6 , hanya pengguna umum yang dapat
- mengedit data peta. (Cari
- tahu mengapa).
- contributor terms:
- heading: Syarat-syarat Kontributor
- agreed: Anda telah menyetujui Persyaratan Kontributor yang baru.
- not yet agreed: Anda belum menyetujui Persyaratan Kontributor yang baru.
- review link text: Silahkan ikuti link ini untuk kenyamanan Anda untuk meninjau
- dan menyetujui Persyaratan Kontributor yang baru.
- agreed_with_pd: Anda juga telah menyatakan bahwa Anda mempertimbangkan suntingan
- Anda berada dalam Domain publik.
- link:
- link text: Apa ini?
- save changes button: Simpan Perubahan
- make edits public button: Membuat seluruh suntingan saya menjadi publik
- flash update success confirm needed: Informasi pengguna telah berhasil diperbarui.
- Periksa email untuk melakukan konfirmasi alamat email.
- flash update success: Informasi mengenai pengguna sudah berhasil diperbarui.
flash success: Lokasi rumah berhasil disimpan
diff --git a/config/locales/is.yml b/config/locales/is.yml
index c3540ca65..220c56794 100644
--- a/config/locales/is.yml
+++ b/config/locales/is.yml
@@ -235,6 +235,52 @@ is:
comment: Athugasemd
full: Allur minnispunkturinn
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Stillingar
+ my settings: MÃnar stillingar
+ current email address: Núverandi póstfang
+ external auth: Ytri auðkenning
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: hvað er openID?
+ public editing:
+ heading: Nafngreindar breytingar
+ enabled: Nei, nafngreindur og getur breytt gögnum.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: Hvað er þetta?
+ disabled: Ãvirkur og getur ekki breytt gögnum, allar fyrri breytingar eru
+ ónafngreindar.
+ disabled link text: hvà get ég ekki breytt neinu?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: Opinberar breytingar
+ html: Breytingarnar þÃnar eru núna ónafngreindar þannig að aðrir notendur
+ geta ekki sent þér skilaboð eða séð staðsetningu þÃna. Til þess að breytingar
+ þÃnar sjáist og að fólk geti haft samband við þig à gegnum vefsvæðið, smelltu
+ þá á hnappinn hér fyrir neðan. Eftir að breytingar urðu vegna 0.6 API
+ forritunarviðmótsins, geta einungis opinberir notendur breytt kortagögnum.
+ (sjáðu hvers
+ vegna).
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: Skilmálar vegna framlags
+ agreed: Ãú hefur samþykkt nýju skilmálana vegna framlags þÃns.
+ not yet agreed: Ãú hefur ekki ennþá samþykkt nýju skilmálana vegna framlags
+ þÃns.
+ review link text: Ãegar þér hentar skaltu endilega lesa og samþykkja nýju
+ skilmálana vegna framlags þÃns.
+ agreed_with_pd: Ãú hefur einnig lýst þvà yfir að breytingar þÃnar verði Ã
+ almenningseigu (Public Domain).
+ link:
+ link text: Hvað er þetta?
+ save changes button: Vista breytingar
+ make edits public button: Gera allar breytingarnar mÃnar opinberar
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: Stillingarnar þÃnar voru uppfærðar. Póstur var sendur
+ á netfangið þitt sem þú þarft að bregðast við til að netfangið þitt verði
+ staðfest.
+ success: Stillingarnar þÃnar voru uppfærðar.
created: Búið til
closed: Lokað
@@ -2515,50 +2561,6 @@ is:
delete_user: Eyða þessum notanda
confirm: Staðfesta
report: Tilkynna þennan notanda
- account:
- title: Stillingar
- my settings: MÃnar stillingar
- current email address: Núverandi póstfang
- external auth: Ytri auðkenning
- openid:
- link:
- link text: hvað er openID?
- public editing:
- heading: Opinberar breytingar
- enabled: Nei, nafngreindur og getur breytt gögnum.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: Hvað er þetta?
- disabled: Ãvirkur og getur ekki breytt gögnum, allar fyrri breytingar eru
- ónafngreindar.
- disabled link text: hvà get ég ekki breytt neinu?
- public editing note:
- heading: Nafngreindar breytingar
- html: Breytingarnar þÃnar eru núna ónafngreindar þannig að aðrir notendur
- geta ekki sent þér skilaboð eða séð staðsetningu þÃna. Til þess að breytingar
- þÃnar sjáist og að fólk geti haft samband við þig à gegnum vefsvæðið, smelltu
- þá á hnappinn hér fyrir neðan. Eftir að breytingar urðu vegna 0.6 API
- forritunarviðmótsins, geta einungis opinberir notendur breytt kortagögnum.
- (sjáðu hvers
- vegna).
- contributor terms:
- heading: Skilmálar vegna framlags
- agreed: Ãú hefur samþykkt nýju skilmálana vegna framlags þÃns.
- not yet agreed: Ãú hefur ekki ennþá samþykkt nýju skilmálana vegna framlags
- þÃns.
- review link text: Ãegar þér hentar skaltu endilega lesa og samþykkja nýju
- skilmálana vegna framlags þÃns.
- agreed_with_pd: Ãú hefur einnig lýst þvà yfir að breytingar þÃnar verði Ã
- almenningseigu (Public Domain).
- link:
- link text: Hvað er þetta?
- save changes button: Vista breytingar
- make edits public button: Gera allar breytingarnar mÃnar opinberar
- flash update success confirm needed: Stillingarnar þÃnar voru uppfærðar. Póstur
- var sendur á netfangið þitt sem þú þarft að bregðast við til að netfangið
- þitt verði staðfest.
- flash update success: Stillingarnar þÃnar voru uppfærðar.
flash success: Staðsetning þÃn hefur verið stillt
diff --git a/config/locales/it.yml b/config/locales/it.yml
index 7ded64ca5..1e4a1123e 100644
--- a/config/locales/it.yml
+++ b/config/locales/it.yml
@@ -299,6 +299,49 @@ it:
comment: Commento
full: Nota completa
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Modifica profilo
+ my settings: Impostazioni
+ current email address: Indirizzo email attuale
+ external auth: Autenticazione esterna
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: che cos'è questo?
+ public editing:
+ heading: Modifica pubblica
+ enabled: Abilitate. Non anonimo con il permesso di modificare i dati.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: che cos'è questo?
+ disabled: Disabilitate senza il permesso di modificare i dati, tutte le modifiche
+ precedenti sono anonime.
+ disabled link text: perché non posso modificare?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: Modifica pubblica
+ html: Al momento le tue modifiche sono anonime e le persone non possono inviarti
+ messaggi o vedere la tua posizione. Per rendere visibili le tue modifiche
+ e per permettere agli altri utenti di contattarti tramite il sito, clicca
+ sul pulsante sotto. Dalla versione 0.6 delle API, soltanto gli utenti
+ pubblici possono modificare i dati della mappa. (scopri
+ perché).
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: Regole per contribuire
+ agreed: Hai accettato le nuove regole per contribuire.
+ not yet agreed: Non hai ancora accettato le nuove regole per contribuire.
+ review link text: Quando puoi segui per favore questo link per leggere ed
+ accettare le nuove regole per contribuire.
+ agreed_with_pd: Hai anche dichiarato di considerare le tue modifiche come
+ fossero di pubblico dominio.
+ link:
+ link text: che cos'è questo?
+ save changes button: Salva modifiche
+ make edits public button: Rendi pubbliche tutte le mie modifiche
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: Informazioni sull'utente aggiornate con successo. Controllare
+ la propria email per la conferma del nuovo indirizzo di posta elettronica.
+ success: Informazioni sull'utente aggiornate con successo.
created: Creato
closed: Chiuso
@@ -2732,48 +2775,6 @@ it:
delete_user: Cancella questo utente
confirm: Conferma
report: Segnala questo utente
- account:
- title: Modifica profilo
- my settings: Impostazioni
- current email address: Indirizzo email attuale
- external auth: Autenticazione esterna
- openid:
- link:
- link text: che cos'è questo?
- public editing:
- heading: Modifica pubblica
- enabled: Abilitate. Non anonimo con il permesso di modificare i dati.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: che cos'è questo?
- disabled: Disabilitate senza il permesso di modificare i dati, tutte le modifiche
- precedenti sono anonime.
- disabled link text: perché non posso modificare?
- public editing note:
- heading: Modifica pubblica
- html: Al momento le tue modifiche sono anonime e le persone non possono inviarti
- messaggi o vedere la tua posizione. Per rendere visibili le tue modifiche
- e per permettere agli altri utenti di contattarti tramite il sito, clicca
- sul pulsante sotto. Dalla versione 0.6 delle API, soltanto gli utenti
- pubblici possono modificare i dati della mappa. (scopri
- perché).
- contributor terms:
- heading: Regole per contribuire
- agreed: Hai accettato le nuove regole per contribuire.
- not yet agreed: Non hai ancora accettato le nuove regole per contribuire.
- review link text: Quando puoi segui per favore questo link per leggere ed
- accettare le nuove regole per contribuire.
- agreed_with_pd: Hai anche dichiarato di considerare le tue modifiche come
- fossero di pubblico dominio.
- link:
- link text: che cos'è questo?
- save changes button: Salva modifiche
- make edits public button: Rendi pubbliche tutte le mie modifiche
- flash update success confirm needed: Informazioni sull'utente aggiornate con
- successo. Controllare la propria email per la conferma del nuovo indirizzo
- di posta elettronica.
- flash update success: Informazioni sull'utente aggiornate con successo.
flash success: Posizione personale salvata con successo
diff --git a/config/locales/ja.yml b/config/locales/ja.yml
index 2b24c77f4..d809f67eb 100644
--- a/config/locales/ja.yml
+++ b/config/locales/ja.yml
@@ -290,6 +290,40 @@ ja:
comment: ã³ã¡ã³ã
full: ã¡ã¢å
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: ã¢ã«ã¦ã³ãã®ç·¨é
+ my settings: è¨å®
+ current email address: ç¾å¨ã®ã¡ã¼ã« ã¢ãã¬ã¹
+ external auth: å¤é¨èªè¨¼
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: ããã¯ä½ã§ãã?
+ public editing:
+ heading: å
+ enabled: æå¹ãå¿åã§ã¯ãªãããã¼ã¿ãç·¨éã§ãã¾ãã
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: ããã¯ä½ã§ãã?
+ disabled: ç¡å¹ããã¼ã¿ãç·¨éã§ãããããã¾ã§ã®ç·¨éã¯ãã¹ã¦å¿åã§ãã
+ disabled link text: ãªãç·¨éã§ããªãã®ã§ãã?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: å
+ html: ç¾å¨ãããªãã®ç·¨éä½æ¥ã¯IPå©ç¨è
ããã¡ãã»ã¼ã¸ãåä¿¡ããããããªãã®å ´æãè¦ã¤ãã¦ããã£ãããããã¨ã¯ã§ãã¾ãããããªãã®ç·¨éçµæã表示ã§ããããã«ãã¦ãä»ã®äººã
ãã¦ã§ããµã¤ãçµç±ã§ããªãã«é£çµ¡ã§ããããã«ããã«ã¯ãä¸ã®ãã¿ã³ãã¯ãªãã¯ãã¦ãã ããã0.6
+ API æ´æ°ããå°å³ãã¼ã¿ã®ç·¨éã¯å
以å¤ãã§ããªããªãã¾ããã (ãã®çç±ã¯ãã¡ãã§)ã
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: ååè
+ agreed: ããªãã¯ãæ°ããååè
+ not yet agreed: ããªãã¯ã¾ã æ°ããæ稿è¦ç´ãæ¿è«¾ãã¦ãã¾ããã
+ review link text: ãé½åã®è¯ãæã«ãã®ãªã³ã¯ãã¯ãªãã¯ãã¦æ°ããååè
è¦ç´ã確èªã®ä¸ãæ¿è«¾ãã¦ãã¦ãã ããã
+ agreed_with_pd: ã¾ããããªãã¯ãèªåã®ç·¨éçµæããããªãã¯ãã¡ã¤ã³ã«ããã¹ãã ã¨èãã¦ããã¨ãããã¨ã宣è¨ãã¦ãã¾ãã
+ link:
+ link text: ããã¯ä½ã§ãã?
+ save changes button: å¤æ´ãä¿å
+ make edits public button: èªåã®ç·¨éããã¹ã¦å
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: å©ç¨è
å ±ãæ´æ°ãã¾ãããæ°çã¡ã¼ã«ã確èªãã¦æ°ããã¡ã¼ã« ã¢ãã¬ã¹ãæ¤è¨¼ãã¦ãã ããã
+ success: ã¦ã¼ã¶ã¼æ
å ±ãæ´æ°ãã¾ããã
created: ä½æ
closed: ã¯ãã¼ãº
@@ -2492,38 +2526,6 @@ ja:
delete_user: ãã®å©ç¨è
confirm: 確èª
report: ãã®å©ç¨è
ãéå ±
- account:
- title: ã¢ã«ã¦ã³ãã®ç·¨é
- my settings: è¨å®
- current email address: ç¾å¨ã®ã¡ã¼ã« ã¢ãã¬ã¹
- external auth: å¤é¨èªè¨¼
- openid:
- link:
- link text: ããã¯ä½ã§ãã?
- public editing:
- heading: å
- enabled: æå¹ãå¿åã§ã¯ãªãããã¼ã¿ãç·¨éã§ãã¾ãã
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: ããã¯ä½ã§ãã?
- disabled: ç¡å¹ããã¼ã¿ãç·¨éã§ãããããã¾ã§ã®ç·¨éã¯ãã¹ã¦å¿åã§ãã
- disabled link text: ãªãç·¨éã§ããªãã®ã§ãã?
- public editing note:
- heading: å
- html: ç¾å¨ãããªãã®ç·¨éä½æ¥ã¯IPå©ç¨è
ããã¡ãã»ã¼ã¸ãåä¿¡ããããããªãã®å ´æãè¦ã¤ãã¦ããã£ãããããã¨ã¯ã§ãã¾ãããããªãã®ç·¨éçµæã表示ã§ããããã«ãã¦ãä»ã®äººã
ãã¦ã§ããµã¤ãçµç±ã§ããªãã«é£çµ¡ã§ããããã«ããã«ã¯ãä¸ã®ãã¿ã³ãã¯ãªãã¯ãã¦ãã ããã0.6
- API æ´æ°ããå°å³ãã¼ã¿ã®ç·¨éã¯å
以å¤ãã§ããªããªãã¾ããã (ãã®çç±ã¯ãã¡ãã§)ã
- contributor terms:
- heading: ååè
- agreed: ããªãã¯ãæ°ããååè
- not yet agreed: ããªãã¯ã¾ã æ°ããæ稿è¦ç´ãæ¿è«¾ãã¦ãã¾ããã
- review link text: ãé½åã®è¯ãæã«ãã®ãªã³ã¯ãã¯ãªãã¯ãã¦æ°ããååè
è¦ç´ã確èªã®ä¸ãæ¿è«¾ãã¦ãã¦ãã ããã
- agreed_with_pd: ã¾ããããªãã¯ãèªåã®ç·¨éçµæããããªãã¯ãã¡ã¤ã³ã«ããã¹ãã ã¨èãã¦ããã¨ãããã¨ã宣è¨ãã¦ãã¾ãã
- link:
- link text: ããã¯ä½ã§ãã?
- save changes button: å¤æ´ãä¿å
- make edits public button: èªåã®ç·¨éããã¹ã¦å
- flash update success confirm needed: å©ç¨è
å ±ãæ´æ°ãã¾ãããæ°çã¡ã¼ã«ã確èªãã¦æ°ããã¡ã¼ã« ã¢ãã¬ã¹ãæ¤è¨¼ãã¦ãã ããã
- flash update success: ã¦ã¼ã¶ã¼æ
å ±ãæ´æ°ãã¾ããã
flash success: ãã¼ã å°ç¹ãä¿åãã¾ããã
diff --git a/config/locales/ka.yml b/config/locales/ka.yml
index a24d392f4..809078630 100644
--- a/config/locales/ka.yml
+++ b/config/locales/ka.yml
@@ -123,6 +123,20 @@ ka:
commented_at_by_html: áááááá®áá %{when} á¬áá áááá®ááá áááááá %{user}
comment: áááááá¢áá á
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: ááááá áá¨áá¡ á áááá¥á¢áá ááá
+ my settings: á©ááá ááá áááá¢á ááá
+ current email address: 'áá-á¤áá¡á¢áá¡ ááááááááááá ááá¡áááá áá:'
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: á á áá áá¡ áá¡?
+ public editing:
+ enabled link text: á á áá áá¡ áá¡?
+ disabled link text: á áá¢áá áá á¨áááá«ááá á áááá¥á¢áá ááá?
+ contributor terms:
+ link text: á á áá áá¡ áá¡?
+ save changes button: áªáááááááááá¡ á¨áááá®áá
created: á¨ááá¥ááá
closed: ááá®á£á á£ááá
@@ -1083,19 +1097,6 @@ ka:
unhide_user: áá áááá®ááá ááááá¡ ááááá©ááá
delete_user: áá áááá®ááá ááááá¡ á¬áá¨áá
confirm: ááááá¡á¢á£á ááá
- account:
- title: ááááá áá¨áá¡ á áááá¥á¢áá ááá
- my settings: á©ááá ááá áááá¢á ááá
- current email address: 'áá-á¤áá¡á¢áá¡ ááááááááááá ááá¡áááá áá:'
- openid:
- link:
- link text: á á áá áá¡ áá¡?
- public editing:
- enabled link text: á á áá áá¡ áá¡?
- disabled link text: á áá¢áá áá á¨áááá«ááá á áááá¥á¢áá ááá?
- contributor terms:
- link text: á á áá áá¡ áá¡?
- save changes button: áªáááááááááá¡ á¨áááá®áá
title: áááá®ááá áááááá
heading: áááá®ááá áááááá
diff --git a/config/locales/kab.yml b/config/locales/kab.yml
index bc150c54d..b777e9775 100644
--- a/config/locales/kab.yml
+++ b/config/locales/kab.yml
@@ -214,6 +214,28 @@ kab:
comment: Awennit
full: Tazmilt tummiá¸t
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: áºreg amiá¸an
+ my settings: IÉ£ewwaá¹en-iw
+ current email address: Tansa imayl n tura
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: d acu-t wa?
+ public editing:
+ heading: Taáºrigt tazayezt
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: d acu-t wa?
+ disabled link text: Acu zemreɣ ad beddleɣ?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: Taáºrigt tazayezt
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: 'Tiwtilin n iwiziw:'
+ link text: what is this?
+ save changes button: Sekles asnifel
+ make edits public button: Err akk tiáºrigin-iw s tizuyaz
+ update:
+ success: Talɣut n useqdac tettwasnifel akken iwata
created: Yettwarna
closed: Yemdel
@@ -1377,26 +1399,6 @@ kab:
unhide_user: Sken aseqdac-agi
delete_user: Kkes aseqdac-agi
confirm: Sentem
- account:
- title: áºreg amiá¸an
- my settings: IÉ£ewwaá¹en-iw
- current email address: Tansa imayl n tura
- openid:
- link:
- link text: d acu-t wa?
- public editing:
- heading: Taáºrigt tazayezt
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: d acu-t wa?
- disabled link text: Acu zemreɣ ad beddleɣ?
- public editing note:
- heading: Taáºrigt tazayezt
- contributor terms:
- heading: 'Tiwtilin n iwiziw:'
- link text: what is this?
- save changes button: Sekles asnifel
- make edits public button: Err akk tiáºrigin-iw s tizuyaz
- flash update success: Talɣut n useqdac tettwasnifel akken iwata
flash success: Adig n uxxam yettwasekles akken iwata
diff --git a/config/locales/km.yml b/config/locales/km.yml
index 90c9392fa..11b913d10 100644
--- a/config/locales/km.yml
+++ b/config/locales/km.yml
@@ -85,6 +85,15 @@ km:
description: ááá·áá¶áâ
languages: áá¶áá¶â
pass_crypt: áá¶áááâááááá¶áá
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: áááááááááá¸â
+ public editing:
+ disabled link text: áá¼áá ááá»á¢ááá¸â áááá»ááá·áá¢á¶á
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: áááááá¶áá¢ááááááá¾áááá¶ááâ áá¶áááááá¶áááááááááááááááâá áá¼ááá·áá·ááááá¾áá¢áá¸áááááááá¢ááá
+ áá¾áááá¸ááááá¶ááá¢á¶áááááá¶áá¢áá¸ááááááá¸ááááá¢áááá
+ success: áááááá¶áá¢ááááááá¾áááá¶ááâ áá¶áááááá¶áááááááááááááááâá
created: áá¶áâááááá¾áâ
closed: áá¶áâáá·á
@@ -793,13 +802,6 @@ km:
remove as friend: ááá
add as friend: áááááááá¶áá·áááâ
description: ááá·áá¶áâ
- account:
- title: áááááááááá¸â
- public editing:
- disabled link text: áá¼áá ááá»á¢ááá¸â áááá»ááá·áá¢á¶á
- flash update success confirm needed: áááááá¶áá¢ááááááá¾áááá¶ááâ áá¶áááááá¶áááááááááááááááâá
- áá¼ááá·áá·ááááá¾áá¢áá¸áááááááá¢ááá áá¾áááá¸ááááá¶ááá¢á¶áááááá¶áá¢áá¸ááááááá¸ááááá¢áááá
- flash update success: áááááá¶áá¢ááááááá¾áááá¶ááâ áá¶áááááá¶áááááááááááááááâá
report_problem: áá¶ááá¶áááâáááá á¶
diff --git a/config/locales/ko.yml b/config/locales/ko.yml
index b5fb28484..5eb7574d0 100644
--- a/config/locales/ko.yml
+++ b/config/locales/ko.yml
@@ -248,6 +248,42 @@ ko:
comment: ì견
full: ì ì²´ ì°¸ê³
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: ê³ì í¸ì§
+ my settings: íë¡í ì¤ì
+ current email address: íì¬ ì´ë©ì¼ 주ì
+ external auth: ì¸ë¶ ì¸ì¦
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: 무ìì¸ê°ì?
+ public editing:
+ heading: ê³µê° í¸ì§
+ enabled: íì±ííìµëë¤. ìµëª
ì´ ìëë©° ë°ì´í°ë¥¼ í¸ì§í ì ììµëë¤.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: 무ìì¸ê°ì?
+ disabled: ë°íì±íëì´ ë°ì´í°ë¥¼ í¸ì§í ì ìì¼ë©°, 모ë ì´ì í¸ì§ì ìµëª
+ disabled link text: ì í¸ì§í ì ìëì?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: ê³µê° í¸ì§
+ html: íì¬ í¸ì§ì ìµëª
ì¼ë¡ ëíëë©°, ë¤ë¥¸ ì¬ëìê²ì ë©ìì§ë¥¼ ë°ì ì ìê³ ìì ì ìì¹ê° ê³µê°ëì§ ììµëë¤. ìì ì´ í¸ì§í ê²ì
+ ëë¬ë´ê³ ë¤ë¥¸ ì¬ëì´ ì¹ ì¬ì´í¸ë¥¼ íµí´ ì°ë½í ì ìê² íë ¤ë©´ ìë ë²í¼ì í´ë¦íì¸ì. 0.6 API ê°í¸ ì´í ê³µê° ì¬ì©ìë§
+ ì§ë ë°ì´í°ë¥¼ í¸ì§í ì ììµëë¤. (ì´ì
+ ìì보기).
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: 기ì¬ì ì½ê´
+ agreed: ì 기ì¬ì ì½ê´ì ëìíìµëë¤.
+ not yet agreed: ìì§ ì 기ì¬ì ì½ê´ì ëìíì§ ìììµëë¤.
+ review link text: ê²í í ì¬ì©ìì í¸ìì ì´ ë§í¬ë¥¼ ë°ë¥´ê³ ì 기ì¬ì ì½ê´ì ëìíì¸ì.
+ agreed_with_pd: ëí ìì ì í¸ì§ì´ í¼ë¸ë¦ ëë©ì¸ì ìì´ì¼ íë¤ê³ ìê°íë ê²ë ì ì¸íê³ ììµëë¤.
+ link:
+ link text: 무ìì¸ê°ì?
+ save changes button: ë³ê²½ì¬í ì ì¥
+ make edits public button: ë´ í¸ì§ì ê³µê°í기
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: ì¬ì©ì ì 보를 ì±ê³µì ì¼ë¡ ì
ë°ì´í¸íìµëë¤. ì ì´ë©ì¼ 주ì를 íì¸í기 ìí´ ì´ë©ì¼ì íì¸íì¸ì.
+ success: ì¬ì©ì ì 보를 ì±ê³µì ì¼ë¡ ì
created: ë§ë¤ì´ì§
closed: ë«í
@@ -2408,41 +2444,6 @@ ko:
delete_user: ì´ ì¬ì©ì를 ìì
confirm: íì¸
report: ì´ ì¬ì©ì ë³´ê³
- account:
- title: ê³ì í¸ì§
- my settings: íë¡í ì¤ì
- current email address: íì¬ ì´ë©ì¼ 주ì
- external auth: ì¸ë¶ ì¸ì¦
- openid:
- link:
- link text: 무ìì¸ê°ì?
- public editing:
- heading: ê³µê° í¸ì§
- enabled: íì±ííìµëë¤. ìµëª
ì´ ìëë©° ë°ì´í°ë¥¼ í¸ì§í ì ììµëë¤.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: 무ìì¸ê°ì?
- disabled: ë°íì±íëì´ ë°ì´í°ë¥¼ í¸ì§í ì ìì¼ë©°, 모ë ì´ì í¸ì§ì ìµëª
- disabled link text: ì í¸ì§í ì ìëì?
- public editing note:
- heading: ê³µê° í¸ì§
- html: íì¬ í¸ì§ì ìµëª
ì¼ë¡ ëíëë©°, ë¤ë¥¸ ì¬ëìê²ì ë©ìì§ë¥¼ ë°ì ì ìê³ ìì ì ìì¹ê° ê³µê°ëì§ ììµëë¤. ìì ì´ í¸ì§í ê²ì
- ëë¬ë´ê³ ë¤ë¥¸ ì¬ëì´ ì¹ ì¬ì´í¸ë¥¼ íµí´ ì°ë½í ì ìê² íë ¤ë©´ ìë ë²í¼ì í´ë¦íì¸ì. 0.6 API ê°í¸ ì´í ê³µê° ì¬ì©ìë§
- ì§ë ë°ì´í°ë¥¼ í¸ì§í ì ììµëë¤. (ì´ì
- ìì보기).
- contributor terms:
- heading: 기ì¬ì ì½ê´
- agreed: ì 기ì¬ì ì½ê´ì ëìíìµëë¤.
- not yet agreed: ìì§ ì 기ì¬ì ì½ê´ì ëìíì§ ìììµëë¤.
- review link text: ê²í í ì¬ì©ìì í¸ìì ì´ ë§í¬ë¥¼ ë°ë¥´ê³ ì 기ì¬ì ì½ê´ì ëìíì¸ì.
- agreed_with_pd: ëí ìì ì í¸ì§ì´ í¼ë¸ë¦ ëë©ì¸ì ìì´ì¼ íë¤ê³ ìê°íë ê²ë ì ì¸íê³ ììµëë¤.
- link:
- link text: 무ìì¸ê°ì?
- save changes button: ë³ê²½ì¬í ì ì¥
- make edits public button: ë´ í¸ì§ì ê³µê°í기
- flash update success confirm needed: ì¬ì©ì ì 보를 ì±ê³µì ì¼ë¡ ì
ë°ì´í¸íìµëë¤. ì ì´ë©ì¼ 주ì를 íì¸í기
- ìí´ ì´ë©ì¼ì íì¸íì¸ì.
- flash update success: ì¬ì©ì ì 보를 ì±ê³µì ì¼ë¡ ì
flash success: ì§ ìì¹ë¥¼ ì±ê³µì ì¼ë¡ ì ì¥íìµëë¤
diff --git a/config/locales/ksh.yml b/config/locales/ksh.yml
index f824a33de..5a5a5f699 100644
--- a/config/locales/ksh.yml
+++ b/config/locales/ksh.yml
@@ -56,6 +56,10 @@ ksh:
display_name: Nahme för zem Aanzeije
languages: Schprohche
pass_crypt: PaÃwoot
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ external auth: 'Donn övver en anndere Schtäll de Dahte för et Enlogge pröhve
+ lasse:'
@@ -434,9 +438,6 @@ ksh:
hide_user: Donn heh dä Metmaacher verschteijsche
unhide_user: Donn heh dä Metmaacher nim_mih verschteijsche
delete_user: Donn heh dä Metmaacher fott schmiiÃe
- account:
- external auth: 'Donn övver en anndere Schtäll de Dahte för et Enlogge pröhve
- lasse:'
created: Aanjelaat
diff --git a/config/locales/ku-Latn.yml b/config/locales/ku-Latn.yml
index eff29dde6..11f3b7ea0 100644
--- a/config/locales/ku-Latn.yml
+++ b/config/locales/ku-Latn.yml
@@ -246,6 +246,50 @@ ku-Latn:
comment: Åîrove
full: Temamiya notê
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Hesabê biguherîne
+ my settings: Hevyazên min
+ current email address: NavnîÅana e-nameyê yê niha
+ external auth: Teyîdkirina xaricî
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: Ev çi ye?
+ public editing:
+ heading: Guherandina ji her kesê re vekirî
+ enabled: Ãalak e. Ne anonîm e û dikare daneyan biguherîne.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: Ev çiye?
+ disabled: Neçalak e û nikare daneyan biguherîne, hemû guherandinên berê anonîm
+ in.
+ disabled link text: Ez çima nikarim biguherînim?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: Guherandina ji her kesê re vekirî
+ html: Guherandinên ku tu vêga dikî anonîm in û lewma bikarhênerên din nikarin
+ ji te re peyaman biÅînin an jî cihê ku tu lê yî bibînin. Ji bo ku guherandinên
+ te werin xuyan ku te çêkiriye û însanên din ji ser malperê bikaribin bi
+ te re têkiliyê deynin bitikîne ser biÅkoka li jêr. Ji wextê ku me derbasî
+ 0.6 API'yê bû heta niha tenê bikarhênerên ji her kesê re vekirî dikarin
+ daneyên nexÅeyê biguherînin. (hîn
+ bibe ku çima wisa ye).
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: Åertên beÅdariyê
+ agreed: Te Åertên BeÅdariyê ya nû qebûl kir
+ not yet agreed: Te hêj Åertên BeÅdariyê ya nû qebûl nekiriye.
+ review link text: Gava ku tu misaîd bî, ji bo ku Åertên BeÅdariyê ya nû kontrol
+ bikî û qebûl bikî xêra xwe vê lînkê taqîb bike.
+ agreed_with_pd: Herwiha te beyan kir ku tu dixwazî guherandinên te wek Malê
+ GiÅtî were qebûlkirin.
+ link:
+ link text: Ev çi ye?
+ save changes button: Guherandinan qeyd bike
+ make edits public button: Hemû guherandinên min bila ji her kesê re vekirî be
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: Agahiyên bikarhêner bi awayekî serkeftî hate nûkirin.
+ Ji bo pejirandina navnîÅana e-nameya xwe ya nû e-nameya xwe kontrol bike.
+ success: Agahiya bikarhêner bi serkeftinî hate nûkirin.
created: Hate çêkirin
closed: Hate girtin
@@ -2625,49 +2669,6 @@ ku-Latn:
delete_user: Vî/ê bikarhênerî/ê jê bibe
confirm: Pesend bike
report: Vî/Vê bikarhênerî/ê gilî bike
- account:
- title: Hesabê biguherîne
- my settings: Hevyazên min
- current email address: NavnîÅana e-nameyê yê niha
- external auth: Teyîdkirina xaricî
- openid:
- link:
- link text: Ev çi ye?
- public editing:
- heading: Guherandina ji her kesê re vekirî
- enabled: Ãalak e. Ne anonîm e û dikare daneyan biguherîne.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: Ev çiye?
- disabled: Neçalak e û nikare daneyan biguherîne, hemû guherandinên berê anonîm
- in.
- disabled link text: Ez çima nikarim biguherînim?
- public editing note:
- heading: Guherandina ji her kesê re vekirî
- html: Guherandinên ku tu vêga dikî anonîm in û lewma bikarhênerên din nikarin
- ji te re peyaman biÅînin an jî cihê ku tu lê yî bibînin. Ji bo ku guherandinên
- te werin xuyan ku te çêkiriye û însanên din ji ser malperê bikaribin bi
- te re têkiliyê deynin bitikîne ser biÅkoka li jêr. Ji wextê ku me derbasî
- 0.6 API'yê bû heta niha tenê bikarhênerên ji her kesê re vekirî dikarin
- daneyên nexÅeyê biguherînin. (hîn
- bibe ku çima wisa ye).
- contributor terms:
- heading: Åertên beÅdariyê
- agreed: Te Åertên BeÅdariyê ya nû qebûl kir
- not yet agreed: Te hêj Åertên BeÅdariyê ya nû qebûl nekiriye.
- review link text: Gava ku tu misaîd bî, ji bo ku Åertên BeÅdariyê ya nû kontrol
- bikî û qebûl bikî xêra xwe vê lînkê taqîb bike.
- agreed_with_pd: Herwiha te beyan kir ku tu dixwazî guherandinên te wek Malê
- GiÅtî were qebûlkirin.
- link:
- link text: Ev çi ye?
- save changes button: Guherandinan qeyd bike
- make edits public button: Hemû guherandinên min bila ji her kesê re vekirî be
- flash update success confirm needed: Agahiyên bikarhêner bi awayekî serkeftî
- hate nûkirin. Ji bo pejirandina navnîÅana e-nameya xwe ya nû e-nameya xwe
- kontrol bike.
- flash update success: Agahiya bikarhêner bi serkeftinî hate nûkirin.
flash success: Cihê malê bi awayekî serkeftî hate rojanekirin.
diff --git a/config/locales/lb.yml b/config/locales/lb.yml
index 6f46b7a72..3b92b5104 100644
--- a/config/locales/lb.yml
+++ b/config/locales/lb.yml
@@ -246,6 +246,23 @@ lb:
comment: Bemierkung
full: Vollstännegen Hiweis
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Benotzerkont änneren
+ my settings: Meng Astellungen
+ current email address: Aktuell E-Mail-Adress
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: wat ass dat?
+ public editing:
+ enabled link text: wat ass dëst?
+ disabled link text: Firwat kann ech net änneren?
+ contributor terms:
+ link text: wat ass dëst?
+ save changes button: Ãnnerunge späicheren
+ make edits public button: All meng Ãnnerunge ëffentlech maachen
+ update:
+ success: Benotzerinformatioun ass elo aktualiséiert.
created: Ugeluecht
closed: Zou
@@ -2291,21 +2308,6 @@ lb:
delete_user: Dëse Benotzer läschen
confirm: Confirméieren
report: Dëse Benotzer mellen
- account:
- title: Benotzerkont änneren
- my settings: Meng Astellungen
- current email address: Aktuell E-Mail-Adress
- openid:
- link:
- link text: wat ass dat?
- public editing:
- enabled link text: wat ass dëst?
- disabled link text: Firwat kann ech net änneren?
- contributor terms:
- link text: wat ass dëst?
- save changes button: Ãnnerunge späicheren
- make edits public button: All meng Ãnnerunge ëffentlech maachen
- flash update success: Benotzerinformatioun ass elo aktualiséiert.
flash success: All Ãr Ãnnerunge sinn elo ëffentlech, an Dir däerft elo änneren.
diff --git a/config/locales/lt.yml b/config/locales/lt.yml
index d0ff1549f..e9dd4fe2e 100644
--- a/config/locales/lt.yml
+++ b/config/locales/lt.yml
@@ -242,6 +242,50 @@ lt:
comment: Komentaras
full: Pilna pastaba
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Keisti paskyrÄ
+ my settings: Mano nustatymai
+ current email address: 'Dabartinis e-pašto adresas:'
+ external auth: 'IÅ¡orinÄ autentikacija:'
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: kas tai?
+ public editing:
+ heading: Viešas keitimas
+ enabled: Ä®jungtas. NÄra anoniminis ir gali keisti duomenis.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: kas tai?
+ disabled: Išjungtas ir negali keisti duomenų, visi ankstesni pakeitimai yra
+ anonimiški.
+ disabled link text: kodÄl aÅ¡ negaliu redaguoti?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: 'Viešas keitimas:'
+ html: Å iuo metu jÅ«sų keitimai yra anonimiÅ¡ki ir žmonÄs negali jums siųsti
+ praneÅ¡imų ar matyti jÅ«sų vietovÄs. Parodymui kÄ
jÅ«s keitÄte ir galimybei
+ kitiems žmonÄms su jumis susisiekti per Å¡iÄ
svetainÄ, spauskit nuorodÄ
+ Nuo 0.6 API pakeitimo, tik vieši naudotojai gali keisti duomenis.
+ (sužinokite
+ kodÄl).
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: 'Talkininkų sÄ
+ agreed: JÅ«s sutikote su naujomis talkininkų sÄ
+ not yet agreed: JÅ«s dar nesutikote su naujomis talkininkų sÄ
+ review link text: Sekite Å¡iÄ
, kad peržiÅ«rÄkite ir priimkite naujas
+ talkininkų sÄ
+ agreed_with_pd: JÅ«s taip pat pareiÅ¡kÄte, kad visi jÅ«sų pakeitimai yra vieÅ¡o
+ naudojimo.
+ link:
+ link text: kas tai?
+ save changes button: Įrašyti pakeitimus
+ make edits public button: Padaryti visus mano pakeitimus viešais
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: Naudotojo informacija sÄkmingai atnaujinta. Patikrinkite
+ savo el. paÅ¡to dÄžutÄ, kurioje turÄtų bÅ«ti praneÅ¡imas jÅ«sų naujo el. paÅ¡to
+ adreso patvirtinimui.
+ success: Naudotojo informacija sÄkmingai atnaujinta.
created: Sukurtas
closed: Uždarytas
@@ -2227,48 +2271,6 @@ lt:
delete_user: PaÅ¡alinti šį naudotojÄ
confirm: Patvirtinti
report: PraneÅ¡ti apie šį naudotojÄ
- account:
- title: Keisti paskyrÄ
- my settings: Mano nustatymai
- current email address: 'Dabartinis e-pašto adresas:'
- external auth: 'IÅ¡orinÄ autentikacija:'
- openid:
- link:
- link text: kas tai?
- public editing:
- heading: 'Viešas keitimas:'
- enabled: Ä®jungtas. NÄra anoniminis ir gali keisti duomenis.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: kas tai?
- disabled: Išjungtas ir negali keisti duomenų, visi ankstesni pakeitimai yra
- anonimiški.
- disabled link text: kodÄl aÅ¡ negaliu redaguoti?
- public editing note:
- heading: Viešas keitimas
- html: Å iuo metu jÅ«sų keitimai yra anonimiÅ¡ki ir žmonÄs negali jums siųsti
- praneÅ¡imų ar matyti jÅ«sų vietovÄs. Parodymui kÄ
jÅ«s keitÄte ir galimybei
- kitiems žmonÄms su jumis susisiekti per Å¡iÄ
svetainÄ, spauskit nuorodÄ
- Nuo 0.6 API pakeitimo, tik vieši naudotojai gali keisti duomenis.
- (sužinokite
- kodÄl).
- contributor terms:
- heading: 'Talkininkų sÄ
- agreed: JÅ«s sutikote su naujomis talkininkų sÄ
- not yet agreed: JÅ«s dar nesutikote su naujomis talkininkų sÄ
- review link text: Sekite Å¡iÄ
, kad peržiÅ«rÄkite ir priimkite naujas
- talkininkų sÄ
- agreed_with_pd: JÅ«s taip pat pareiÅ¡kÄte, kad visi jÅ«sų pakeitimai yra vieÅ¡o
- naudojimo.
- link:
- link text: kas tai?
- save changes button: Įrašyti pakeitimus
- make edits public button: Padaryti visus mano pakeitimus viešais
- flash update success confirm needed: Naudotojo informacija sÄkmingai atnaujinta.
- Patikrinkite savo el. paÅ¡to dÄžutÄ, kurioje turÄtų bÅ«ti praneÅ¡imas jÅ«sų naujo
- el. pašto adreso patvirtinimui.
- flash update success: Naudotojo informacija sÄkmingai atnaujinta.
flash success: Namų pozicija sÄkmingai įraÅ¡yta
diff --git a/config/locales/lv.yml b/config/locales/lv.yml
index 91529b17b..f73ad7697 100644
--- a/config/locales/lv.yml
+++ b/config/locales/lv.yml
@@ -176,6 +176,45 @@ lv:
comment: KomentÄrs
full: Pilna piezīme
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: RediÄ£Ät kontu
+ my settings: Mani iestatījumi
+ current email address: 'PaÅ¡reizÄjÄ e-pasta adrese:'
+ external auth: 'ÄrÄjÄ autentifikÄcija:'
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: Kas tas ir?
+ public editing:
+ heading: Publiska rediÄ£ÄÅ¡ana
+ enabled: IeslÄgts. Nav anonÄ«ms, un var rediÄ£Ät datus.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: Kas tas ir?
+ disabled: AtspÄjots un nevar labot datus, visi iepriekÅ¡Äjie labojumi ir anonÄ«mi.
+ disabled link text: KÄpÄc nevar rediÄ£Ät?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: 'Publiska rediÄ£ÄÅ¡ana:'
+ html: PaÅ¡laik tavi labojumi ir anonÄ«mi un cilvÄki nevar nosÅ«tÄ«t tev ziÅojumus
+ vai redzÄt tavu atraÅ¡anÄs vietu. Lai parÄdÄ«tu, ko tu esi labojis un ļautu
+ cilvÄkiem sazinÄties ar tevi caur mÄjaslapu, spied uz pogu zemÄk. KopÅ¡
+ 0.6 API nomaiÅas, tikai publiski lietotÄji var labot karti. (uzzini
+ kÄpÄc).
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: УÑлови за ÑÑеÑÑво
+ agreed: Се ÑоглаÑивÑе на новиÑе УÑлови за ÑÑеÑÑво.
+ not yet agreed: Сè ÑÑÑе Ñе немаÑе ÑоглаÑено Ñо новиÑе УÑлови за ÑÑеÑÑво.
+ review link text: ÐÑоÑледеÑе Ñа вÑÑкаÑа кога Ñе ÑакаÑе за да ги пÑегледаÑе
+ и пÑиÑаÑиÑе новиÑе УÑлови за ÑÑеÑÑво
+ agreed_with_pd: ÐÑÑо Ñака изÑавивÑе дека ваÑиÑе ÑÑедÑваÑа ги ÑмеÑаÑе за Ñавна
+ ÑопÑÑвеноÑÑ.
+ link:
+ link text: ÑÑо е ова?
+ save changes button: ÐаÑÑÐ²Ð°Ñ Ð³Ð¸ пÑомениÑе
+ make edits public button: ÐбÑавÑÐ²Ð°Ñ Ð¼Ð¸ ги ÑиÑе ÑÑедÑваÑа
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: ÐоÑиÑниÑкиÑе инÑоÑмаÑии Ñе ÑÑпеÑно подновени. ÐÑовеÑеÑе
+ Ñа ваÑаÑа е-поÑÑа за да Ñа поÑвÑдиÑе на адÑеÑаÑа.
+ success: ÐоÑиÑниÑкиÑе инÑоÑмаÑии Ñе ÑÑпеÑно подновени.
created: Создадено
closed: ÐаÑвоÑено
@@ -2674,47 +2717,6 @@ mk:
delete_user: ÐзбÑиÑи го коÑиÑников
confirm: ÐоÑвÑди
report: ÐÑиÑави го коÑиÑников
- account:
- title: УÑеди ÑмеÑка
- my settings: Ðои пÑилагодÑваÑа
- current email address: Тековна е-поÑÑа
- external auth: ÐадвоÑеÑна завеÑка
- openid:
- link:
- link text: ÑÑо е ова?
- public editing:
- heading: Ðавно ÑÑедÑваÑе
- enabled: Ðвозможено. Сега не е анонимно и може да Ñе ÑÑедÑÐ²Ð°Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð°ÑоÑи.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: ÑÑо е ова?
- disabled: Ðневозможено и не може да Ñе ÑÑедÑÐ²Ð°Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð°ÑоÑи, ÑиÑе пÑеÑÑ
- ÑÑедÑваÑа Ñе анонимни.
- disabled link text: зоÑÑо не можам да ÑÑедÑвам?
- public editing note:
- heading: Ðавно ÑÑедÑваÑе
- html: Ðо моменÑов ваÑиÑе ÑÑедÑваÑа Ñе анонимни и лÑÑеÑо не Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶Ð°Ñ Ð´Ð° ви пÑаÑаÑ
- поÑака или да ви Ñа Ð²Ð¸Ð´Ð°Ñ Ð¼ÐµÑÑоположбаÑа. Ðа да покажеÑе ÑÑо ÑÑедÑваÑе и
- да овозможиÑе коÑиÑниÑиÑе да ве конÑакÑиÑÐ°Ð°Ñ Ð¿ÑÐµÐºÑ Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð° ÑÑÑаниÑа, ÑÑиÑнеÑе
- на копÑеÑо подолÑ. Ðо пÑÐµÐ¾Ð´Ð¾Ñ Ð½Ð° 0.6 API, Ñамо Ñавни коÑиÑниÑи можаÑ
- да ÑÑедÑÐ²Ð°Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð°ÑоÑи на каÑÑи. (дознаÑÑе
- зоÑÑо).
- contributor terms:
- heading: УÑлови за ÑÑеÑÑво
- agreed: Се ÑоглаÑивÑе на новиÑе УÑлови за ÑÑеÑÑво.
- not yet agreed: Сè ÑÑÑе Ñе немаÑе ÑоглаÑено Ñо новиÑе УÑлови за ÑÑеÑÑво.
- review link text: ÐÑоÑледеÑе Ñа вÑÑкаÑа кога Ñе ÑакаÑе за да ги пÑегледаÑе
- и пÑиÑаÑиÑе новиÑе УÑлови за ÑÑеÑÑво
- agreed_with_pd: ÐÑÑо Ñака изÑавивÑе дека ваÑиÑе ÑÑедÑваÑа ги ÑмеÑаÑе за Ñавна
- ÑопÑÑвеноÑÑ.
- link:
- link text: ÑÑо е ова?
- save changes button: ÐаÑÑÐ²Ð°Ñ Ð³Ð¸ пÑомениÑе
- make edits public button: ÐбÑавÑÐ²Ð°Ñ Ð¼Ð¸ ги ÑиÑе ÑÑедÑваÑа
- flash update success confirm needed: ÐоÑиÑниÑкиÑе инÑоÑмаÑии Ñе ÑÑпеÑно подновени.
- ÐÑовеÑеÑе Ñа ваÑаÑа е-поÑÑа за да Ñа поÑвÑдиÑе на адÑеÑаÑа.
- flash update success: ÐоÑиÑниÑкиÑе инÑоÑмаÑии Ñе ÑÑпеÑно подновени.
flash success: ÐаÑиÑнаÑа меÑÑоположба е ÑÑпеÑно заÑÑвана
diff --git a/config/locales/mo.yml b/config/locales/mo.yml
index 0f57e08de..fb52375a9 100644
--- a/config/locales/mo.yml
+++ b/config/locales/mo.yml
@@ -79,6 +79,20 @@ mo:
new_email: (Ð½Ñ Ñе аÑиÑÑÐ·Ñ Ð¿Ñблик)
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ my settings: Реглажеле меле
+ current email address: 'ÐдÑеÑа де поÑÑÑ ÐµÐ»ÐµÐºÑÑÐ¾Ð½Ð¸ÐºÑ ÐºÑÑенÑÑ:'
+ external auth: 'ЫнÑÑаÑÑ Ñн ÐºÐ¾Ð½Ñ ÐµÐºÑÑеÑнÑ:'
+ openid:
+ link text: Ñе май еÑÑе Ñи аÑÑа?
+ public editing:
+ enabled link text: Ñе май еÑÑе Ñи аÑÑа?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: 'РедакÑаÑÑ Ð¿ÑбликÑ:'
+ contributor terms:
+ link text: Ñе май еÑÑе Ñи аÑÑа?
+ save changes button: ÐпликаÑÑ Ð¼Ð¾Ð´Ð¸ÑикÑÑилоÑ
created: ÐÑеаÑ
closed: ЫнкиÑ
@@ -640,16 +654,4 @@ mo:
my profile: ÐÑоÑилÑл меÑ
my settings: Реглажеле меле
my comments: ÐоменÑаÑииле меле
- account:
- my settings: Реглажеле меле
- current email address: 'ÐдÑеÑа де поÑÑÑ ÐµÐ»ÐµÐºÑÑÐ¾Ð½Ð¸ÐºÑ ÐºÑÑенÑÑ:'
- external auth: 'ЫнÑÑаÑÑ Ñн ÐºÐ¾Ð½Ñ ÐµÐºÑÑеÑнÑ:'
- openid:
- link text: Ñе май еÑÑе Ñи аÑÑа?
- public editing:
- heading: 'РедакÑаÑÑ Ð¿ÑбликÑ:'
- enabled link text: Ñе май еÑÑе Ñи аÑÑа?
- contributor terms:
- link text: Ñе май еÑÑе Ñи аÑÑа?
- save changes button: ÐпликаÑÑ Ð¼Ð¾Ð´Ð¸ÑикÑÑилоÑ
diff --git a/config/locales/mr.yml b/config/locales/mr.yml
index 2fb10fe2c..b7fe8e38c 100644
--- a/config/locales/mr.yml
+++ b/config/locales/mr.yml
@@ -109,6 +109,20 @@ mr:
name: सà¥à¤¦à¥à¤° नियà¤à¤¤à¥à¤°à¤£
description: सà¥à¤¦à¥à¤° नियà¤à¤¤à¥à¤°à¤£ (JOSM à¤
थवा Merkaartor)
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: à¤à¤¾à¤¤à¥ सà¤à¤ªà¤¾à¤¦à¤¾
+ my settings: माà¤à¥à¤¯à¤¾ माà¤à¤¡à¤£à¥à¤¯à¤¾
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: हॠà¤à¤¾à¤¯ à¤à¤¹à¥?
+ public editing:
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: हॠà¤à¤¾à¤¯ à¤à¤¹à¥?
+ disabled link text: मॠसà¤à¤ªà¤¾à¤¦à¤¨ à¤à¤¾à¤ à¤à¤°à¥ शà¤à¤¤ नाहà¥?
+ contributor terms:
+ link text: हॠà¤à¤¾à¤¯ à¤à¤¹à¥?
+ save changes button: बदल à¤à¤¤à¤¨ à¤à¤°à¤¾
created: बनविलà¥
closed: बà¤à¤¦ à¤à¥à¤²à¥
@@ -1270,19 +1284,6 @@ mr:
latest edit: 'नवà¥à¤¨à¤¤à¤® सà¤à¤ªà¤¾à¤¦à¤¨ %{ago}:'
status: 'सà¥à¤¥à¤¿à¤¤à¥:'
description: वरà¥à¤£à¤¨
- account:
- title: à¤à¤¾à¤¤à¥ सà¤à¤ªà¤¾à¤¦à¤¾
- my settings: माà¤à¥à¤¯à¤¾ माà¤à¤¡à¤£à¥à¤¯à¤¾
- openid:
- link:
- link text: हॠà¤à¤¾à¤¯ à¤à¤¹à¥?
- public editing:
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: हॠà¤à¤¾à¤¯ à¤à¤¹à¥?
- disabled link text: मॠसà¤à¤ªà¤¾à¤¦à¤¨ à¤à¤¾à¤ à¤à¤°à¥ शà¤à¤¤ नाहà¥?
- contributor terms:
- link text: हॠà¤à¤¾à¤¯ à¤à¤¹à¥?
- save changes button: बदल à¤à¤¤à¤¨ à¤à¤°à¤¾
title: सदसà¥à¤¯
heading: सदसà¥à¤¯
diff --git a/config/locales/ms.yml b/config/locales/ms.yml
index e90f3f707..cdbe37425 100644
--- a/config/locales/ms.yml
+++ b/config/locales/ms.yml
@@ -194,6 +194,47 @@ ms:
comment: Komen
full: Nota penuh
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Sunting akaun
+ my settings: Tetapan saya
+ current email address: 'Alamat E-Mel Sekarang:'
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: apakah ini?
+ public editing:
+ heading: Penyuntingan umum
+ enabled: Dihidupkan. Tidak tanpa nama, data boleh disunting.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: apakah ini?
+ disabled: Dimatikan, data tidak boleh disunting, semua suntingan yang sebelumnya
+ adalah tanpa nama.
+ disabled link text: mengapa tak boleh sunting?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: 'Penyuntingan umum:'
+ html: Kini, anda menyunting secara tanpa nama, maka orang lain tidak boleh
+ menghantar pesanan kepada anda atau melihat lokasi anda. Untuk menunjukkan
+ apa yang anda sunting serta membolehkan orang ramai berhubung dengan anda
+ melalui tapak web ini, sila klik butang di bawah. Semenjak peralihan
+ 0.6 API, hanya pengguna umum boleh menyunting data peta. (ketahui
+ sebabnya).
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: 'Terma-Terma Penyumbang:'
+ agreed: Anda telah bersetuju dengan Terma-Terma Penyumbang yang baru.
+ not yet agreed: Anda belum bersetuju dengan Terma-Terma Penyumbang yang baru.
+ review link text: Sila ikuti pautan ini bila-bila anda senang untuk meneliti
+ dan menerima Terma-Terma Penyumbang yang baru.
+ agreed_with_pd: Anda juga telah mengisytiharkan bahawa anda menganggap suntingan-suntingan
+ anda sebagai berada dalam Domain Awam.
+ link text: apakah ini?
+ save changes button: Simpan Perubahan
+ make edits public button: Umumkan semua suntingan saya
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: Maklumat pengguna berjaya dikemaskinikan. Semak e-mel
+ anda untuk pesanan untuk mengesahkan alamat e-mel baru anda.
+ success: Maklumat pengguna berjaya dikemaskinikan.
created: Dicipta
closed: Ditutup
@@ -2021,45 +2062,6 @@ ms:
unhide_user: tunjukkan pengguna ini
delete_user: hapuskan pengguna ini
confirm: Sahkan
- account:
- title: Sunting akaun
- my settings: Tetapan saya
- current email address: 'Alamat E-Mel Sekarang:'
- openid:
- link:
- link text: apakah ini?
- public editing:
- heading: 'Penyuntingan umum:'
- enabled: Dihidupkan. Tidak tanpa nama, data boleh disunting.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: apakah ini?
- disabled: Dimatikan, data tidak boleh disunting, semua suntingan yang sebelumnya
- adalah tanpa nama.
- disabled link text: mengapa tak boleh sunting?
- public editing note:
- heading: Penyuntingan umum
- html: Kini, anda menyunting secara tanpa nama, maka orang lain tidak boleh
- menghantar pesanan kepada anda atau melihat lokasi anda. Untuk menunjukkan
- apa yang anda sunting serta membolehkan orang ramai berhubung dengan anda
- melalui tapak web ini, sila klik butang di bawah. Semenjak peralihan
- 0.6 API, hanya pengguna umum boleh menyunting data peta. (ketahui
- sebabnya).
- contributor terms:
- heading: 'Terma-Terma Penyumbang:'
- agreed: Anda telah bersetuju dengan Terma-Terma Penyumbang yang baru.
- not yet agreed: Anda belum bersetuju dengan Terma-Terma Penyumbang yang baru.
- review link text: Sila ikuti pautan ini bila-bila anda senang untuk meneliti
- dan menerima Terma-Terma Penyumbang yang baru.
- agreed_with_pd: Anda juga telah mengisytiharkan bahawa anda menganggap suntingan-suntingan
- anda sebagai berada dalam Domain Awam.
- link text: apakah ini?
- save changes button: Simpan Perubahan
- make edits public button: Umumkan semua suntingan saya
- flash update success confirm needed: Maklumat pengguna berjaya dikemaskinikan.
- Semak e-mel anda untuk pesanan untuk mengesahkan alamat e-mel baru anda.
- flash update success: Maklumat pengguna berjaya dikemaskinikan.
flash success: Lokasi rumah berjaya disimpan
diff --git a/config/locales/my.yml b/config/locales/my.yml
index 90005f681..e701974c5 100644
--- a/config/locales/my.yml
+++ b/config/locales/my.yml
@@ -115,6 +115,10 @@ my:
comment: áá¾ááºáá»ááº
full: áá¾ááºá
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ current email address: áááºáá¾á á¡á®á¸áá±á¸ááºááááºá
+ save changes button: áá¼á±á¬ááºá¸áá²áá¾á¯áá»á¬á¸ááᯠááááºá¸áááº
created: áááºáá®á¸ááá¯ááºáááº
closed: ááááºááá¯ááºáááº
@@ -773,9 +777,6 @@ my:
comments: áá¾ááºáá»ááºáá»á¬á¸
create_block: á¤á¡áá¯á¶á¸áá¼á¯áá°ááᯠááááºáááºáááº
confirm: á¡áááºáá¼á¯
- account:
- current email address: áááºáá¾á á¡á®á¸áá±á¸ááºááááºá
- save changes button: áá¼á±á¬ááºá¸áá²áá¾á¯áá»á¬á¸ááᯠááááºá¸áááº
title: á¡áá¯á¶á¸áá¼á¯áá°áá»á¬á¸
heading: á¡áá¯á¶á¸áá¼á¯áá°áá»á¬á¸
diff --git a/config/locales/nb.yml b/config/locales/nb.yml
index df8799011..f848e3bf2 100644
--- a/config/locales/nb.yml
+++ b/config/locales/nb.yml
@@ -259,6 +259,48 @@ nb:
comment: Kommentar
full: Fullstendig merknad
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Rediger konto
+ my settings: Mine innstillinger
+ current email address: Nåværende e-postadresse
+ external auth: Ekstern autentisering
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: hva er dette?
+ public editing:
+ heading: Offentlig redigering
+ enabled: Aktivert. Ikke anonym og kan redigere data.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: hva er dette?
+ disabled: Deaktivert og kan ikke redigere data. Alle tidligere redigeringer
+ er anonyme.
+ disabled link text: hvorfor kan jeg ikke redigere?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: Offentlig redigering
+ html: For øyeblikket er redigeringene dine anonyme og folk kan ikke sende
+ deg meldinger eller se posisjonen din. For å vise hva du redigerte og tillate
+ folk å kontakte deg gjennom nettsiden, klikk på knappen nedenfor. Siden
+ overgangen til 0.6 API-et, kan kun offentlige brukere redigere kartdata.
+ (Finn ut hvorfor
+ ).
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: Bidragsytervilkår
+ agreed: Du har godkjent de nye Bidragsytervilkårene.
+ not yet agreed: Du har ennå ikke godkjent de nye bidragsytervilkårene.
+ review link text: Vennligst følg denne lenken når det passer deg, for å se
+ igjennom og godkjenne de nye bidragsytervilkårene.
+ agreed_with_pd: Du har også opplyst at du anser dine redigeringer for å være
+ offentlig eiendom (Public Domain).
+ link:
+ link text: hva er dette?
+ save changes button: Lagre endringer
+ make edits public button: Gjør alle mine redigeringer offentlig
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: Brukerinformasjon oppdatert. Sjekk eposten din for å
+ bekrefte din epostadresse.
+ success: Brukerinformasjon oppdatert.
created: Opprettet
closed: Lukket
@@ -2377,46 +2419,6 @@ nb:
delete_user: Slett denne brukeren
confirm: Bekreft
report: Rapporter denne brukeren
- account:
- title: Rediger konto
- my settings: Mine innstillinger
- current email address: Nåværende e-postadresse
- external auth: Ekstern autentisering
- openid:
- link:
- link text: hva er dette?
- public editing:
- heading: Offentlig redigering
- enabled: Aktivert. Ikke anonym og kan redigere data.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: hva er dette?
- disabled: Deaktivert og kan ikke redigere data. Alle tidligere redigeringer
- er anonyme.
- disabled link text: hvorfor kan jeg ikke redigere?
- public editing note:
- heading: Offentlig redigering
- html: For øyeblikket er redigeringene dine anonyme og folk kan ikke sende
- deg meldinger eller se posisjonen din. For å vise hva du redigerte og tillate
- folk å kontakte deg gjennom nettsiden, klikk på knappen nedenfor. Siden
- overgangen til 0.6 API-et, kan kun offentlige brukere redigere kartdata.
- (Finn ut hvorfor
- ).
- contributor terms:
- heading: Bidragsytervilkår
- agreed: Du har godkjent de nye Bidragsytervilkårene.
- not yet agreed: Du har ennå ikke godkjent de nye bidragsytervilkårene.
- review link text: Vennligst følg denne lenken når det passer deg, for å se
- igjennom og godkjenne de nye bidragsytervilkårene.
- agreed_with_pd: Du har også opplyst at du anser dine redigeringer for å være
- offentlig eiendom (Public Domain).
- link:
- link text: hva er dette?
- save changes button: Lagre endringer
- make edits public button: Gjør alle mine redigeringer offentlig
- flash update success confirm needed: Brukerinformasjon oppdatert. Sjekk eposten
- din for å bekrefte din epostadresse.
- flash update success: Brukerinformasjon oppdatert.
flash success: Hjemmeposisjon lagret
diff --git a/config/locales/nds.yml b/config/locales/nds.yml
index 812c30e35..cce633d60 100644
--- a/config/locales/nds.yml
+++ b/config/locales/nds.yml
@@ -64,6 +64,14 @@ nds:
new_email: (nich apen wiesen)
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Brukerkonto ännern
+ public editing:
+ enabled link text: Wat is dat?
+ disabled link text: Worüm kann ik nix ännern?
+ save changes button: Ãnnern spiekern
+ make edits public button: All mien Ãnnern apen wiesen
entry_role_html: '%{type} %{name} as %{role}'
@@ -599,13 +607,6 @@ nds:
mapper since: 'Koortenmaker sied:'
email address: 'E-Mail-Adress:'
description: Beschrieven
- account:
- title: Brukerkonto ännern
- public editing:
- enabled link text: Wat is dat?
- disabled link text: Worüm kann ik nix ännern?
- save changes button: Ãnnern spiekern
- make edits public button: All mien Ãnnern apen wiesen
flash success: Standoort is spiekert.
diff --git a/config/locales/ne.yml b/config/locales/ne.yml
index cb017e76c..63b58b0d8 100644
--- a/config/locales/ne.yml
+++ b/config/locales/ne.yml
@@ -130,6 +130,24 @@ ne:
comment: à¤à¤¿à¤ªà¥à¤ªà¤£à¥
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ my settings: मà¥à¤°à¥ à¤
+ openid:
+ link text: यॠà¤à¥ हॠ?
+ public editing:
+ heading: सारà¥à¤µà¤à¤¨à¤¿à¤ समà¥à¤ªà¤¾à¤¦à¤¨
+ enabled link text: यॠà¤à¥ हॠ?
+ disabled link text: म à¤à¤¿à¤¨ समà¥à¤ªà¤¾à¤¦à¤¨ à¤à¤°à¥à¤¨ सà¤à¥à¤¦à¤¿à¤¨?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: 'सारà¥à¤µà¤à¤¨à¤¿à¤ समà¥à¤ªà¤¾à¤¦à¤¨:'
+ contributor terms:
+ link text: यॠà¤à¥ हॠ?
+ save changes button: परिवरà¥à¤¤à¤¨à¤¹à¤°à¥ सà¤à¤à¥à¤°à¤¹ à¤à¤°à¥à¤¨à¥à¤¹à¥à¤¸à¥
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: पà¥à¤°à¤¯à¥à¤à¤à¤°à¥à¤¤à¤¾à¤à¥ à¤à¤¾à¤¨à¤à¤¾à¤°à¥à¤¹à¤°à¥ सफलतापà¥à¤°à¥à¤µà¤ à¤
धà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤µà¤§à¤¿à¤ à¤à¤°à¤¿à¤¯à¥à¥¤
+ Check your email for a note to confirm your new email address.
+ success: पà¥à¤°à¤¯à¥à¤à¤à¤°à¥à¤¤à¤¾à¤à¥ à¤à¤¾à¤¨à¤à¤¾à¤°à¥à¤¹à¤°à¥ सफलतापà¥à¤°à¥à¤µà¤ à¤
धà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤µà¤§à¤¿à¤ à¤à¤°à¤¿à¤¯à¥à¥¤
created: सà¥à¤à¤¨à¤¾ à¤à¤°à¤¿à¤à¤à¥
closed: समापन à¤à¤à¤à¥
@@ -1158,22 +1176,6 @@ ne:
administrator: यॠपà¥à¤°à¤¯à¥à¤à¤à¤°à¥à¤¤à¤¾ पà¥à¤°à¤¬à¤¨à¥à¤§à¤ हà¥à¤¨à¥à¤¹à¥à¤¨à¥à¤
comments: à¤à¤¿à¤ªà¥à¤ªà¤£à¥
confirm: निशà¥à¤à¤¿à¤¤ à¤à¤°à¥à¤¨à¥
- account:
- my settings: मà¥à¤°à¥ à¤
- openid:
- link text: यॠà¤à¥ हॠ?
- public editing:
- heading: 'सारà¥à¤µà¤à¤¨à¤¿à¤ समà¥à¤ªà¤¾à¤¦à¤¨:'
- enabled link text: यॠà¤à¥ हॠ?
- disabled link text: म à¤à¤¿à¤¨ समà¥à¤ªà¤¾à¤¦à¤¨ à¤à¤°à¥à¤¨ सà¤à¥à¤¦à¤¿à¤¨?
- public editing note:
- heading: सारà¥à¤µà¤à¤¨à¤¿à¤ समà¥à¤ªà¤¾à¤¦à¤¨
- contributor terms:
- link text: यॠà¤à¥ हॠ?
- save changes button: परिवरà¥à¤¤à¤¨à¤¹à¤°à¥ सà¤à¤à¥à¤°à¤¹ à¤à¤°à¥à¤¨à¥à¤¹à¥à¤¸à¥
- flash update success confirm needed: पà¥à¤°à¤¯à¥à¤à¤à¤°à¥à¤¤à¤¾à¤à¥ à¤à¤¾à¤¨à¤à¤¾à¤°à¥à¤¹à¤°à¥ सफलतापà¥à¤°à¥à¤µà¤ à¤
- à¤à¤°à¤¿à¤¯à¥à¥¤ Check your email for a note to confirm your new email address.
- flash update success: पà¥à¤°à¤¯à¥à¤à¤à¤°à¥à¤¤à¤¾à¤à¥ à¤à¤¾à¤¨à¤à¤¾à¤°à¥à¤¹à¤°à¥ सफलतापà¥à¤°à¥à¤µà¤ à¤
धà¥à¤¯à¤¾à¤µà¤§à¤¿à¤ à¤à¤°à¤¿à¤¯à¥à¥¤
flash success: तपाà¤à¤à¤à¤¾ सबॠसमà¥à¤ªà¤¾à¤¦à¤¨à¤¹à¤°à¥ सारà¥à¤µà¤¾à¤à¤¨à¤¿à¤ à¤à¤¨à¥ , तपाà¤à¤ à¤
ब समà¥à¤ªà¤¾à¤¦à¤¨ लायà¤
हà¥à¤¨à¥ à¤à¤¯à¥ ।
diff --git a/config/locales/nl.yml b/config/locales/nl.yml
index 3628b4d36..d9e3eb29f 100644
--- a/config/locales/nl.yml
+++ b/config/locales/nl.yml
@@ -299,6 +299,50 @@ nl:
comment: Opmerking
full: Volledige opmerking
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Account bewerken
+ my settings: Mijn instellingen
+ current email address: Huidig e-mailadres
+ external auth: Externe authenticatie
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: wat is dit?
+ public editing:
+ heading: Publiek bewerken
+ enabled: Ingeschakeld. U bent niet anoniem en u kunt bewerken.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: wat is dit?
+ disabled: Uitgeschakeld. U kunt niet bewerken en al uw eerdere bewerkingen
+ zijn anoniem.
+ disabled link text: waarom kan ik niets bewerken?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: Openbaar bewerken
+ html: Op dit moment zijn uw bewerkingen anoniem en kunnen andere gebruikers
+ u geen berichten sturen of uw locatie zien. Om uw bewerkingen weer te kunnen
+ geven en andere gebruikers in staat te stellen in contact met u te komen,
+ kunt u op de onderstaande knop klikken. Sinds de overgang naar versie
+ 0.6 van de API kunnen alleen publieke gebruikers de kaartgegevens bewerken.
+ (Meer informatie).
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: Bijdragers Voorwaarden
+ agreed: U bent akkoord gegaan met de nieuwe Bijdragersovereenkomst.
+ not yet agreed: U hebt nog niet ingestemd met de nieuwe Bijdragersovereenkomst.
+ review link text: Volg deze koppeling als u wilt om de nieuwe Bijdragersovereenkomst
+ te lezen en te accepteren.
+ agreed_with_pd: U hebt ook verklaard dat uw bijdragen onderdeel zijn van het
+ Publieke domein.
+ link:
+ link text: wat is dit?
+ save changes button: Wijzigingen opslaan
+ make edits public button: Al mijn wijzigingen openbaar maken
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: Gebruikersinformatie succesvol bijgewerkt. Controleer
+ uw e-mail om uw nieuwe e-mailadres te bevestigen.
+ success: De gebruikersinformatie is bijgewerkt.
created: Aangemaakt
closed: Gesloten
@@ -2735,48 +2779,6 @@ nl:
delete_user: Deze gebruiker verwijderen
confirm: Bevestigen
report: Rapporteer deze Gebruiker
- account:
- title: Account bewerken
- my settings: Mijn instellingen
- current email address: Huidig e-mailadres
- external auth: Externe authenticatie
- openid:
- link:
- link text: wat is dit?
- public editing:
- heading: Openbaar bewerken
- enabled: Ingeschakeld. U bent niet anoniem en u kunt bewerken.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: wat is dit?
- disabled: Uitgeschakeld. U kunt niet bewerken en al uw eerdere bewerkingen
- zijn anoniem.
- disabled link text: waarom kan ik niets bewerken?
- public editing note:
- heading: Publiek bewerken
- html: Op dit moment zijn uw bewerkingen anoniem en kunnen andere gebruikers
- u geen berichten sturen of uw locatie zien. Om uw bewerkingen weer te kunnen
- geven en andere gebruikers in staat te stellen in contact met u te komen,
- kunt u op de onderstaande knop klikken. Sinds de overgang naar versie
- 0.6 van de API kunnen alleen publieke gebruikers de kaartgegevens bewerken.
- (Meer informatie).
- contributor terms:
- heading: Bijdragers Voorwaarden
- agreed: U bent akkoord gegaan met de nieuwe Bijdragersovereenkomst.
- not yet agreed: U hebt nog niet ingestemd met de nieuwe Bijdragersovereenkomst.
- review link text: Volg deze koppeling als u wilt om de nieuwe Bijdragersovereenkomst
- te lezen en te accepteren.
- agreed_with_pd: U hebt ook verklaard dat uw bijdragen onderdeel zijn van het
- Publieke domein.
- link:
- link text: wat is dit?
- save changes button: Wijzigingen opslaan
- make edits public button: Al mijn wijzigingen openbaar maken
- flash update success confirm needed: Gebruikersinformatie succesvol bijgewerkt.
- Controleer uw e-mail om uw nieuwe e-mailadres te bevestigen.
- flash update success: De gebruikersinformatie is bijgewerkt.
flash success: Thuislocatie succesvol opgeslagen
diff --git a/config/locales/nn.yml b/config/locales/nn.yml
index 0ecb71083..9ce5504a6 100644
--- a/config/locales/nn.yml
+++ b/config/locales/nn.yml
@@ -212,6 +212,48 @@ nn:
comment: Kommentar
full: Fullstendig merknad
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Rediger konto
+ my settings: Innstellingane mine
+ current email address: 'Noverande e-postadresse:'
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: kva er dette?
+ public editing:
+ heading: Offentleg redigering
+ enabled: Aktivert. Ikkje anonym og kan redigere data.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: kva er dette?
+ disabled: Deaktivert og kan ikkje redigere data. Alle tidlegare redigeringar
+ er anonyme.
+ disabled link text: kvifor can eg ikkje redigere?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: 'Offentleg redigering:'
+ html: For augneblunken er redigeringane dine anonyme og folk kan ikkje sende
+ deg meldingar eller sjå posisjonen din. For å vise kva du redigerte og tillate
+ folk å kontakte deg gjennom nettsiden, klikk på knappen nedanfor. Sidan
+ overgangen til 0.6 API-et, kan berre offentlege brukarar redigere kartdata.
+ ( Finn ut kvifor
+ ).
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: 'Bidragsytervilkår:'
+ agreed: Du har godkjent dei nye bidragsytervilkåra
+ not yet agreed: Du har endå ikkje godkjent dei nye bidragsytervilkåra.
+ review link text: Vennligst følg denne lenkja når det passar deg, for å sjå
+ igjennom og godkjenne dei nye bidragsytervilkåra.
+ agreed_with_pd: Du har òg opplyst at du ansar redigeringane dine for å vere
+ offentleg eigedom (Public Domain).
+ link:
+ link text: kva er dette?
+ save changes button: Lagre endringar
+ make edits public button: Gjer alle redigeringane mine offentleg
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: Brukerinformasjon oppdatert. Sjekk eposten din for å
+ stadfeste din epostadresse.
+ success: Brukerinformasjon oppdatert.
created: Oppretta
closed: Attlaten
@@ -1822,46 +1864,6 @@ nn:
delete_user: Slett denne brukaren
confirm: Stadfest
report: Rapporter denne brukaren
- account:
- title: Rediger konto
- my settings: Innstellingane mine
- current email address: 'Noverande e-postadresse:'
- openid:
- link:
- link text: kva er dette?
- public editing:
- heading: 'Offentleg redigering:'
- enabled: Aktivert. Ikkje anonym og kan redigere data.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: kva er dette?
- disabled: Deaktivert og kan ikkje redigere data. Alle tidlegare redigeringar
- er anonyme.
- disabled link text: kvifor can eg ikkje redigere?
- public editing note:
- heading: Offentleg redigering
- html: For augneblunken er redigeringane dine anonyme og folk kan ikkje sende
- deg meldingar eller sjå posisjonen din. For å vise kva du redigerte og tillate
- folk å kontakte deg gjennom nettsiden, klikk på knappen nedanfor. Sidan
- overgangen til 0.6 API-et, kan berre offentlege brukarar redigere kartdata.
- ( Finn ut kvifor
- ).
- contributor terms:
- heading: 'Bidragsytervilkår:'
- agreed: Du har godkjent dei nye bidragsytervilkåra
- not yet agreed: Du har endå ikkje godkjent dei nye bidragsytervilkåra.
- review link text: Vennligst følg denne lenkja når det passar deg, for å sjå
- igjennom og godkjenne dei nye bidragsytervilkåra.
- agreed_with_pd: Du har òg opplyst at du ansar redigeringane dine for å vere
- offentleg eigedom (Public Domain).
- link:
- link text: kva er dette?
- save changes button: Lagre endringar
- make edits public button: Gjer alle redigeringane mine offentleg
- flash update success confirm needed: Brukerinformasjon oppdatert. Sjekk eposten
- din for å stadfeste din epostadresse.
- flash update success: Brukerinformasjon oppdatert.
flash success: Heimelokasjon lagra
diff --git a/config/locales/nqo.yml b/config/locales/nqo.yml
index 6a40da417..a7e209a8e 100644
--- a/config/locales/nqo.yml
+++ b/config/locales/nqo.yml
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ nqo:
new_email: ߢßß¡ßßß߲߫ ßßß²ßßß« ßßßß
active: ßß߲߬ßßßßß²
display_name: ßßß® ßßßß߯ßßß«
- description: ߦßßßß ßß߯ߦßßß
+ description: ߦßßßß ßß߲߬ßßßßß
home_lat: ßßßßßß®
home_lon: ßßßßß²
languages: ßß߲߫ ßß߬ßß߬ߡß߲߬ßß ßß߬
@@ -193,6 +193,20 @@ nqo:
comment: ß¡ßßߣßß²
full: ߦßßß£ß ßßßߣßß²
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: ßß߬ßß߬ßß ß¡ßߦßß߬ߡß߲߬
+ my settings: ß ß ßß« ßß߬ßß߲߬ߢß߲߰ߡߦß߬ßß ßß߬
+ current email address: ßßß²ßßßß²ß ß¢ßß¡ßßß߲߫ ßßß²ßß
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: ß¡ß߲߬ ߦßß« ߣß߲߬ ßßß«Ø
+ public editing:
+ enabled link text: ߣß߲߬ ߦßß« ß¡ß߲߬ ßßß«Ø
+ disabled link text: ß¡ßß²ß¬ß ßß« ßß ß ßßß« ßßß« ßßß« ß¡ß߬ߦßß߬ߡßß²ß¬ß ß߲߫ ßßß« ßßß«Ø
+ contributor terms:
+ link text: ß¡ß߲߬ ߦßß« ߣß߲߬ ßßß«Ø
+ save changes button: ß¡ß߬ߦßß߬ߡßß²ß¬ß ßß² ß ß߬ ß ßßß߲߬ßß߬
created: ßßß²ßßߣßß²
closed: ßßßß߲߯ߣßß²
@@ -1573,19 +1587,6 @@ nqo:
delete_user: ßß߬ßßß°ßß߬ßß ß£ß߲߬ ßßß°ßßß«
confirm: ß߬ ßßßßßߦßß«
report: ßß߬ßßß°ßß߬ßß ß£ß߲߬ ß ßßßßßß«
- account:
- title: ßß߬ßß߬ßß ß¡ßߦßß߬ߡß߲߬
- my settings: ß ß ßß« ßß߬ßß߲߬ߢß߲߰ߡߦß߬ßß ßß߬
- current email address: ßßß²ßßßß²ß ß¢ßß¡ßßß߲߫ ßßß²ßß
- openid:
- link:
- link text: ß¡ß߲߬ ߦßß« ߣß߲߬ ßßß«Ø
- public editing:
- enabled link text: ߣß߲߬ ߦßß« ß¡ß߲߬ ßßß«Ø
- disabled link text: ß¡ßß²ß¬ß ßß« ßß ß ßßß« ßßß« ßßß« ß¡ß߬ߦßß߬ߡßß²ß¬ß ß߲߫ ßßß« ßßß«Ø
- contributor terms:
- link text: ß¡ß߲߬ ߦßß« ߣß߲߬ ßßß«Ø
- save changes button: ß¡ß߬ߦßß߬ߡßß²ß¬ß ßß² ß ß߬ ß ßßß߲߬ßß߬
unknown_error: ßß߬ߡß߬ߢßß²ß°ß¦ß ßßßß« ßßßß߲߫
diff --git a/config/locales/oc.yml b/config/locales/oc.yml
index 8176511a2..a08bd2011 100644
--- a/config/locales/oc.yml
+++ b/config/locales/oc.yml
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ oc:
friendly: '%e %B %Y a %H:%M'
+ file:
+ prompt: Seleccionatz un fichier
create: Sauvar
@@ -26,7 +28,10 @@ oc:
create: Mandar
create: Enregistrar
- update: Modificar
+ update: Actualizar
+ doorkeeper_application:
+ create: Enregistrar
+ update: Actualizar
create: Crear la redaccion
update: Sauvar la redaccion
@@ -79,8 +84,18 @@ oc:
way_tag: Balisa del camin
+ name: Nom (Obligatòri)
+ url: URL de l'aplicacion principala (Obligatòri)
callback_url: URL de rapèl
support_url: URL de supòrt
+ allow_read_prefs: consultar lei preferéncias d'utilizaire.
+ allow_write_prefs: modificar lei preferéncias d'utilizaire.
+ allow_write_diary: creatz d'intradas dins lo jornau, de comentaris e fasètz-vos
+ d'amics.
+ allow_write_api: modificar la mapa
+ allow_read_gpx: legir vòstrei traças GPS privadas.
+ allow_write_gpx: telecargar de traças GPS.
+ allow_write_notes: modificar lei nòtas.
body: Còrs
@@ -89,19 +104,24 @@ oc:
latitude: Latitud
longitude: Longitud
language: Lenga
+ doorkeeper/application:
+ name: Nom
+ redirect_uri: Redirigir URIs
+ confidential: Aplicacion confidenciala ?
+ scopes: Permissions
user: Utilizaire
friend: Amic
user: Utilizaire
visible: Visible
- name: Nom
+ name: Nom dau fichier
size: Mesura
latitude: Latitud
longitude: Longitud
public: Public
description: Descripcion
- gpx_file: 'Mandar un fichièr GPX :'
+ gpx_file: 'Mandar un fichier GPX :'
visibility: 'Visibilitat :'
tagstring: 'Balisas :'
@@ -110,26 +130,45 @@ oc:
body: Còrs
recipient: Destinatari
+ title: TÃtol
description: Descripcion
+ category: 'Seleccionatz una rason per la denóncia:'
details: Se vos plai, fornissètz mai de detalhs sus la dificultat (obligatòri).
+ auth_provider: Fornidor d'autenticacion
+ auth_uid: UID d'autentificacion
email: Adreça de corrièr electronic
- new_email: 'Novèla adreça de corrièr electronic :'
+ email_confirmation: Corrier electronic d'autentificacion
+ new_email: 'Novèla adreiça de corrier electronic :'
active: Actiu
display_name: Nom afichat
- description: Descripcion
+ description: Descripcion dau perfiu
home_lat: 'Latitud :'
home_lon: 'Longitud :'
- languages: Lengas
+ languages: Lengas preferidas
+ preferred_editor: 'Editor preferit :'
pass_crypt: Senhau
+ pass_crypt_confirmation: Confirmacion dau senhau
+ doorkeeper/application:
+ confidential: L'aplicacion serà utilizada se lo secrèt dau client se pòt garentir
+ (leis aplicacions nativas de mobile e leis aplicacions d'una sola pagina
+ son pas confidencialas)
+ redirect_uri: Usatz una linha per URI
tagstring: separadas per de virgulas
+ reason: Rason per la quala l'utilizator es blocat. Mercé d'èsser tant suau
+ e rasonable com possible, e de balhar tant de detalhs coma possible sus
+ la situacion. Doblidetz pas qu'aqueste messatge serà visible de totes. Sapiatz
+ que tot lo monde compren pas lo gergon de la comunautat, adonc utilizatz
+ de tèrmes simples e precÃs.
needs_view: Lâutilizaire se deu connectar abans qu'aqueste blocatge expire
+ email_confirmation: Vòstra adreiça se mostrarà pas publicament (vejatz la
+ nòstra politica de privadança</a> per mai d'informacion)
new_email: (pas jamai afichat publicament)
@@ -210,6 +249,42 @@ oc:
comment: Comentari
full: Nòta completa
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Modificar lo compte
+ my settings: Meis opcions
+ current email address: 'Adreiça de corrier electronic actuala:'
+ external auth: 'Autentificacion extèrna:'
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: quâes aquò ?
+ public editing:
+ heading: Modificacion publica
+ enabled: Activat. Pas anonim e pòt modificar las donadas.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: quâes aquò ?
+ disabled: Desactivadas e sensa permés per editar; lei modificacions anterioras
+ son anonimas.
+ disabled link text: perqué pòdi pas modificar ?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: 'Modificacion publica :'
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: Tèrmes de collaboracion
+ agreed: Avètz acceptat los novèls tèrmes del contributor.
+ not yet agreed: Avètz pas encara acceptat los novèls tèrmes del contributor.
+ review link text: Seguissètz aqueu ligame per revisar e acceptar lei tèrmes
+ novèus de collaboracion.
+ agreed_with_pd: Declaratz tanben que consideratz que vòstrei modificacions
+ son de domeni public.
+ link:
+ link text: quâes aquò ?
+ save changes button: Enregistrar las modificacions
+ make edits public button: Rendre totas mas modificacions publicas
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: Informacions sus l'utilizaire mesas a jorn amb succès.
+ Verificatz vòstra bóstia mail per tal de validar la verificacion de vòstre
+ novèla adreça e-mail.
+ success: Informacions sus l'utilizaire mesas a jorn amb succès.
created: Creat
closed: Plegat
@@ -224,6 +299,12 @@ oc:
anonymous: anonim
no_comment: (sens comentaris)
part_of: Partida de
+ part_of_relations:
+ one: 1 relacion
+ other: '%{count} relacions'
+ part_of_ways:
+ one: 1 linha
+ other: '%{count} linhas'
download_xml: Telecargar lo XML
view_history: Mostrar lâistoric
view_details: Mostrar lei detalhs
@@ -257,6 +338,9 @@ oc:
title_html: 'Linha : %{name}'
history_title_html: 'Istoric de la linha : %{name}'
nodes: Nos
+ nodes_count:
+ one: 1 nos
+ other: '%{count} nos'
one: partida de la linha %{related_ways}
other: partida dei linhas %{related_ways}
@@ -264,6 +348,9 @@ oc:
title_html: 'Relacion : %{name}'
history_title_html: 'Istoric de la relacion : %{name}'
members: Membres
+ members_count:
+ one: 1 membre
+ other: '%{count} membres'
entry_role_html: '%{type} %{name} amb lo ròtle %{role}'
@@ -274,6 +361,7 @@ oc:
entry_html: Relacion %{relation_name}
entry_role_html: Relacion %{relation_name} (en tant que %{relation_role})
+ title: S'es pas trobat
sorry: 'O planhèm, %{type} #%{id} a pas pogut èsser trobat.'
node: nos
@@ -282,6 +370,7 @@ oc:
changeset: grop de modificacions
note: nòta
+ title: Error de temps d'espèra despassat
sorry: O planhèm, las donadas pel tipe %{type} amb l'id %{id} prenon tròp de
temps per èsser recuperadas.
@@ -392,6 +481,10 @@ oc:
nearby mapper: Mapaire dins los environs
friend: Amic
+ title: Tablèu de bòrd
+ no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} E establissètz la posicion de vòstre
+ domicili per veire leis usatgiers vesins.'
+ edit_your_profile: Modificar lo perfiu
my friends: los mens amics
no friends: Avètz pas encara apondut cap d'amic
nearby users: Autres utilizaires a proximitat
@@ -416,6 +509,7 @@ oc:
in_language_title: Entradas de jornau en %{language}
new: Novèla entrada de jornau
new_title: Ajustar una novèla entrada dins vòstre jornau
+ my_diary: Mon jornau
no_entries: Ges d'entrada dins vòstre jornau
recent_entries: 'Entradas recentas de jornau :'
older_entries: Entradas pus ancianas
@@ -436,8 +530,9 @@ oc:
%{id}. Verificatz vòstra ortografia o la validitat dau ligam qu'avètz clicat.
posted_by_html: Postat per %{link_user} a %{created} en %{language_link}
+ updated_at_html: Darriera actualizacion de %{updated}
comment_link: Comentar aquesta entrada
- reply_link: Respòndre a aquesta entrada
+ reply_link: Respòndre a aquesta intrada
one: '%{count} comentari'
zero: Pas de comentari
@@ -469,11 +564,20 @@ oc:
title: Entradas de jornau d'OpenStreetMap
description: Entradas recentas de jornau deis utilizaires d'OpenStreetMap
+ title: Comentaris ajustats au jornau per %{user}
+ heading: Comentaris dau jornau de %{user}
+ subheading_html: Comentaris dau jornau ajustats per %{user}
+ no_comments: Ges de comentaris au jornau
post: Mandar
when: Quand
comment: Comentari
newer_comments: Comentaris pus recents
older_comments: Comentaris pus ancians
+ doorkeeper:
+ flash:
+ applications:
+ create:
+ notice: S'es enregistrat l'aplicacion.
heading: Ajustar %{user} per amic ?
@@ -481,6 +585,8 @@ oc:
success: d'ara enlà , %{name} es vòstre amic.
failed: O planhèm, fracàs al moment de l'apondon de %{name} coma vòstre amic
already_a_friend: Sètz ja amic amb %{name}.
+ limit_exceeded: Avètz enviat tròp de de messatges recentament, esperatz un moment
+ abans d'assajar tornarmai.
heading: Suprimir %{user} en tant quâamic ?
button: Suprimir en tant qu'amic
@@ -508,6 +614,7 @@ oc:
pylon: Pilòn
station: Gara de telecabina
t-bar: Montabarra en T
+ "yes": Vias per cables penjats
aerodrome: Aerodròm
airstrip: Pista dâaterrissatge
@@ -516,11 +623,15 @@ oc:
hangar: Cobèrt
helipad: Elipòrt
holding_position: Posicion dâespèra
+ navigationaid: Ajuda de Navigacion per l'Aviacion
parking_position: Plaça de parcatge
runway: Pista
+ taxilane: Via de taxi
taxiway: Via de manòbra
terminal: Terminal
+ windsock: Manega de vent
+ animal_boarding: Pension per animaus
animal_shelter: Refugi per animals
arts_centre: Centre artistic
atm: Distribuidor automatic de bilhets
@@ -530,7 +641,9 @@ oc:
bench: Banc
bicycle_parking: Aparcament per bicicletas
bicycle_rental: Logason de bicicletas
+ bicycle_repair_station: Estacion per rabobar lei bicicletas
biergarten: Braçariá a lâaire liure
+ blood_bank: Banca de sang
boat_rental: Barcas a renda
brothel: Bordèl
bureau_de_change: Burèu de cambi
@@ -547,6 +660,7 @@ oc:
clock: Relòtge
college: Collègi
community_centre: Sala polivalenta
+ conference_centre: Centre de conferéncias
courthouse: Palais de justÃcia
crematorium: Crematòri
dentist: Dentista
@@ -554,6 +668,7 @@ oc:
drinking_water: Aiga potabla
driving_school: Escòla de conduita
embassy: Embaissada
+ events_venue: Espaci per eveniments
fast_food: Restauracion rapida
ferry_terminal: Terminau maritim
fire_station: Casèrna de pompièrs
@@ -566,16 +681,24 @@ oc:
hospital: Espital
hunting_stand: Taulièr de tir
ice_cream: Glacet
+ internet_cafe: Cafè internet
kindergarten: Ensenhament preelementari
+ language_school: Escòla de lenga
library: Bibliotèca
+ loading_dock: Cai de carga
+ love_hotel: Ostalariá d'amor
marketplace: Plaça de mercat
+ mobile_money_agent: Agent de Sòus mobiles
monastery: Mostièr
+ money_transfer: Transferéncia de sòus
motorcycle_parking: Aparcament de bicicleta
+ music_school: Escòla de musica
nightclub: Discotèca
nursing_home: Ostal de santat
parking: Aparcament
parking_entrance: Entrada de lâaparcament
parking_space: Plaça dâaparcament
+ payment_terminal: Terminau de pagament
pharmacy: Farmà cia
place_of_worship: Luòc de culte
police: PolÃcia
@@ -583,9 +706,13 @@ oc:
post_office: Burèu de pòsta
prison: Preson
pub: Bar
+ public_bath: Banh public
+ public_bookcase: Biblioteca publica
public_building: Bastissa publica
+ ranger_station: Pòsta de gardabòsc
recycling: Ponch de reciclatge
restaurant: Restaurant
+ sanitary_dump_station: Estacion de descarga sanità ria
school: Escòla
shelter: Abric
shower: Docha
@@ -598,18 +725,27 @@ oc:
theatre: Teatre
toilets: Comuns
townhall: Ostau de vila
+ training: Installacions d'entraïnament
university: Universitat
+ vehicle_inspection: Inspeccion de veïcules
vending_machine: Distribuidor automatic
veterinary: Cirurgia veterinà ria
village_hall: Sala comunala
waste_basket: Escobilhièr
waste_disposal: Eliminacion de sobras
+ waste_dump_site: Site de descarga de curum
+ watering_place: Abeurador
water_point: Ponch d'aiga
+ weighbridge: Pònt bascula
+ "yes": Servici
+ aboriginal_lands: Tèrras aborigenas
administrative: Limit administratiu
census: Frontièra estatistica
national_park: Pargue nacional
+ political: Circonscripcion electorala
protected_area: Zòna protegida
+ "yes": Frontiera
aqueduct: Aqüeducte
boardwalk: Passejada
@@ -618,24 +754,93 @@ oc:
viaduct: Viaducte
"yes": Pont
+ apartment: Departement
+ apartments: Apartaments
+ barn: Feniera
+ bungalow: Bastidon
+ cabin: Cabanon
+ chapel: Capèla
+ church: Bastissa de la glèisa
+ civic: Edifici municipau
+ college: Bastissa università ria
+ commercial: Bastissa comerciala
+ construction: Bastissa en bastiment
+ detached: Ostau independent
+ dormitory: Residéncia Università ria
+ duplex: Ostau doble
+ farm: Tenement
+ farm_auxiliary: Dependéncias d'un tenement
+ garage: Garatge
+ garages: Garatges
+ greenhouse: Sèrra de cultura
+ hangar: Cobèrt
+ hospital: Bastissa espitaliera
+ hotel: Bastissa ostaliera
+ house: Ostau
+ houseboat: Ostau flotant
+ hut: Barraca
+ industrial: Bastissa industriala
+ kindergarten: Bastissa d'escòla mairala
+ manufacture: Fabrega
+ office: Bastissa de burèus
+ public: Bastissa publica
+ residential: Bastissa residenciala
+ retail: Venda de detalh
+ roof: Torre
+ ruins: Bastissa en roïnas
+ school: Bastissa escolara
+ service: Bastissa de servici
+ shed: Cabanon
+ stable: Estable
+ static_caravan: Caravana
+ temple: Bastissa d'un temple
+ terrace: Bastissa en terrassas
+ train_station: Edifici d'estacion de trens
+ university: Bastissa università ria
+ warehouse: Entrepaus
"yes": Bastissa
+ club:
+ sport: Club esportiu
+ "yes": Cèrcle
+ beekeeper: Apicultor
+ blacksmith: Faure
brewery: Braçariá
carpenter: Fustièr
+ caterer: Manjador
+ confectionery: Confiseria
+ dressmaker: Sartre
electrician: Electrician
+ electronics_repair: Radobament d'aparelhs electronics
gardener: Jardinièr
+ glaziery: Vitrier
+ handicraft: Artesanat
+ hvac: Fabricant de produchs de climatizacion
+ metal_construction: Construccions metalicas
painter: Pintre
photographer: Fotograf
plumber: Plombier
+ roofer: Teulissier
+ sawmill: Rèssa
shoemaker: Sabatièr
+ stonemason: Maçon
tailor: Sartre
+ window_construction: Construccion de fenèstras
+ winery: Domeni viticòla
"yes": Botiga d'artesanat
+ crossing: Crosament
+ access_point: Ponch d'accès
ambulance_station: Depaus d'ambulà ncia
assembly_point: Punt d'acampada
defibrillator: Desfibrillador
+ fire_extinguisher: Extintor de fòc
+ fire_water_pond: Bassin d'aiga per incendis
landing_site: Terren dâaterrissatge dâurgéncia
+ life_ring: Bòia sauvavidas
phone: Telefòn d'urgéncia
+ siren: Sirena d'urgéncia
+ suction_point: Ponch d'aspiracion d'urgéncia
water_tank: Cistèrna d'aiga d'urgéncia
abandoned: Autorota abandonada
@@ -647,6 +852,7 @@ oc:
cycleway: Pista ciclabla
elevator: Ascensor
emergency_access_point: Punt d'accès d'urgéncia
+ emergency_bay: Zòna d'urgéncia
footway: Camin piedonier
ford: Ga
give_way: Panèl de cedar lo passatge
@@ -677,35 +883,46 @@ oc:
tertiary: Rota tercià ria
tertiary_link: Rota tercià ria
track: Pista
+ traffic_mirror: Mirau de trafec
traffic_signals: Fuòcs de circulacion
+ trailhead: Ponch de partença
trunk: Via exprèssa
trunk_link: Via exprèssa
turning_loop: Virada en bocla
unclassified: Rota menora
"yes": Rota
+ aircraft: Avion istoric
archaeological_site: Site arqueologic
+ bomb_crater: Cratèr de bomba istoric
battlefield: Prat batalhier
boundary_stone: Bòrna frontiera
building: Bastiment istoric
bunker: Bunker
+ cannon: Canon istoric
castle: Castèl
+ charcoal_pile: Carboniera istorica
church: Glèisa
city_gate: Portau
citywalls: Muralhas de vila
fort: Fòrt
heritage: Site del patrimòni
+ hollow_way: Camins fons
house: Ostal
manor: Castelet
memorial: Memoriau
+ milestone: Boina istorica
mine: Mina
mine_shaft: Potz de mina
monument: Monument
+ railway: Camin de fèrre istoric
roman_road: Via romana
ruins: Roïnas
+ rune_stone: Pèira runica
stone: Pèira
tomb: Tombèu
tower: Torre
+ wayside_chapel: Capèla votiva
wayside_cross: Calvari
wayside_shrine: Orador
wreck: Varatge
@@ -714,6 +931,7 @@ oc:
"yes": Interseccion/Caireforc
allotments: Ãrts familials
+ aquaculture: Aquacultura
basin: Bacin
brownfield: Terren rasat, ermà s
cemetery: Cementèri
@@ -733,9 +951,11 @@ oc:
military: Zòna militara
mine: Mina
orchard: Vergier
+ plant_nursery: Abarbador
quarry: Peirièra
railway: Via ferrada
recreation_ground: Airal de jòcs
+ religious: Terren religiós
reservoir: Sèrva
reservoir_watershed: Bacin versant de sèrva
residential: Zòna residenciala
@@ -744,9 +964,15 @@ oc:
vineyard: Vinha
"yes": Usatge del terren
+ adult_gaming_centre: Centre recreatiu per adultes
+ amusement_arcade: Sala recreativa de jòcsvideo
+ bandstand: Quiòsc de la musica
beach_resort: Estacion balneara
bird_hide: Obsevatòri ornitologic
+ bleachers: Bancaus
+ bowling_alley: Pista de bòchas
common: Terrens comunals
+ dance: Balèti
dog_park: Parc canin
firepit: Fogau
fishing: Zòna de pesca
@@ -759,7 +985,9 @@ oc:
marina: Pòrt de plasença
miniature_golf: Gòlf miniatura
nature_reserve: Resèrva naturala
+ outdoor_seating: Assètis exteriors
park: Pargue
+ picnic_table: Taulas per manjar defòra
pitch: Terren d'espòrt
playground: Airal de jòcs
recreation_ground: Terren de jòcs
@@ -774,13 +1002,20 @@ oc:
"yes": Lesers
adit: Galariá d'accès
+ advertising: Publicitat
+ antenna: Antena
+ avalanche_protection: Proteccion còntra avalancas
beacon: Far
beehive: Bornhon
breakwater: Mòle
bridge: Pont
bunker_silo: Bunker
+ cairn: Clapà s
chimney: Chemenèia
+ clearcut: Deboscatge
+ communications_tower: Torre de comunicacions
crane: Grua
+ cross: Crotz
dolphin: Pòste dâamarratge
dyke: Levada
embankment: tèrraplen
@@ -789,6 +1024,7 @@ oc:
groyne: Espiga de plaja
kiln: Forn de terralha
lighthouse: Far
+ manhole: Tapa de toat
mast: Biga
mine: Mina
mineshaft: Potz de mina
@@ -796,12 +1032,19 @@ oc:
petroleum_well: Potz petrolifèr
pier: Peirada
pipeline: Pipeline
+ pumping_station: Estacion de pompatge
+ reservoir_covered: Depaus cobèrt
silo: Silò
+ snow_cannon: Canon de nèu
storage_tank: Cistèrna d'emmagazinatge
+ street_cabinet: Armari tecnic
surveillance: Susvelhança
+ telescope: Telescòpi
tower: Torre
+ utility_pole: Biga electrica
wastewater_plant: Estacion de tractament de las aigas usadas
watermill: Molin dâaiga
+ water_tap: Robinet d'aiga
water_tower: Torre d'aiga
water_well: Potz
water_works: Sistèma idrolic
@@ -812,15 +1055,20 @@ oc:
airfield: Terren d'aviacion militara
barracks: Casèrna
bunker: Bunker
+ checkpoint: Ponch de contraròtle
+ trench: Trencada
"yes": Armada
"yes": Còl de montanha
+ atoll: Atòl
+ bare_rock: Rocassiera
bay: Baia
beach: Plaja
cape: Cap
cave_entrance: Entrada dâespeluca
cliff: Bauç
+ coastline: Còsta
crater: Cratèr
dune: Duna
fell: Lana
@@ -831,12 +1079,15 @@ oc:
grassland: Prada
heath: Bruguièra
hill: Puèg
+ hot_spring: Fònt termala
island: Illa
+ isthmus: Friu
land: Tèrra
marsh: Sanha
moor: Tèrra gasta
mud: Nita
peak: Pic
+ peninsula: Peninsula
point: Poncha
reef: Estèu
ridge: Cresta
@@ -845,34 +1096,49 @@ oc:
sand: Sabla
scree: Esbudèl
scrub: Brossa
+ shingle: Còdol
spring: Sorgent
stone: Pèira
strait: Estrech
tree: Arbre
+ tree_row: Renguiera d'aubres
+ tundra: Tondra
valley: Vau
volcano: Volcan
water: Aiga
wetland: Zòna umida
wood: Bòsc
+ "yes": Element naturau
accountant: Comptable
administrative: Administracion
+ advertising_agency: Agéncia publicità ria
architect: Arquitècte
association: Associacion
company: Societat
+ diplomatic: Burèu diplomatic
educational_institution: Institucion educativa
employment_agency: Agéncia per l'emplec
+ energy_supplier: Burèu de fornitura d'energia
estate_agent: Agent immobilièr
+ financial: Burèu financier
government: Agéncia governamentala
insurance: Burèu d'assegurança
it: Burèu d'informacion
lawyer: Avocat
+ logistics: Burèu logistic
+ newspaper: Burèu de redaccion d'un jornau
ngo: Burèu d'una ONG
+ notary: Notari
+ religion: Burèu religiós
+ research: Burèu de recèrca
+ tax_advisor: Consultant fiscau
telecommunication: Burèus de telecomunicacion
travel_agent: Agéncia de viatge
"yes": Burèu
allotments: Ãrts familials
+ archipelago: Archipèla
city: Vila
city_block: Illa d'ostals
country: PaÃs
@@ -887,6 +1153,7 @@ oc:
locality: Localitat
municipality: Municipalitat
neighbourhood: Quartier forestier, escart
+ plot: Parcèla
postcode: Còdi postal
quarter: Quartièr
region: Region
@@ -923,11 +1190,16 @@ oc:
tram_stop: Arrèst de tram
yard: Via de triatge
+ agrarian: Botiga agricòla
alcohol: Magazin oficial d'alcoòl
antiques: Antiquari
+ appliance: Botiga d'aparelhs electrodomestics
art: Botiga d'art
+ baby_goods: Botiga d'articles per la mainada
bakery: Fornariá
+ bathroom_furnishing: Mòbles de banh
beauty: Botiga de produchs de beutat
+ bed: Matalassaria
beverages: Magazin de bevendas
bicycle: Botiga de bicicletas
bookmaker: Ostal d'escomesas
@@ -939,61 +1211,89 @@ oc:
car_repair: Reparacion d'automobilas
carpet: Botiga de tapÃs
charity: Magazin de benfasença
+ cheese: Fromatgier
chemist: Farmà cia
+ chocolate: Chocolatier
clothes: Botga de vestits
+ coffee: Cafeteria
computer: Magazin informatic
confectionery: Confisariá
convenience: Especiariá
copyshop: Magazin de fotocòpias
cosmetics: Botiga de cosmetics
+ craft: Fornidudas per l'artesanat
+ curtain: Botiga de cortinas
+ dairy: Lachariá
deli: Tractaire
department_store: Grand magazin
discount: Magazin discount
doityourself: Botiga de bricolatge
dry_cleaning: Netejatge a sec
+ e-cigarette: Botiga de cigaretas electronicas
electronics: Magazin d'electronica
+ erotic: Botiga erotica
estate_agent: Agent immobilièr
+ fabric: Botiga de teissuts
farm: Venda de produchs agricòlas
fashion: Magazin de mòda
+ fishing: Botiga d'accessòris de pesca
florist: Florista
food: Botiga d'alimentacion
funeral_directors: Pompas funèbras
furniture: Amòblament
garden_centre: Jardinariá
+ gas: Combustibles
general: Magazin generalista
gift: Botiga de presents
greengrocer: Mercand dâèrbas
grocery: Especiariá
hairdresser: Cofaire
hardware: Quicalhariá
+ health_food: Botiga d'alimentacion naturala
+ hearing_aids: Aparelhs auditius
+ herbalist: Erboristeria
hifi: Magazin Hi-Fi
houseware: Venda dâarticles per l'ostau
+ ice_cream: Glacier
interior_decoration: Decoracion d'interior
jewelry: Joielariá
kiosk: Quiòsque
kitchen: Botiga de cosina
laundry: Bugadariá
+ locksmith: Serralhier
lottery: Lotariá
mall: Galariá mercanda
massage: Massatge
+ medical_supply: Articles sanitaris
mobile_phone: Botiga de telefòns mobils
+ money_lender: Prestador de sòus
motorcycle: Magazin de mòto
+ motorcycle_repair: Botiga de radob per motocicletas
music: Magazin de musica
+ musical_instrument: Instruments de musica
newsagent: Mercand de jornaus
+ nutrition_supplements: Complements alimentaris
optician: Optician
organic: Magazin bio
outdoor: Venda dâarticles d'activitats de plen aire
paint: Galariá de pintura
+ pastry: Pastissariá
pawnbroker: Prestaire per gatges
+ perfumery: Perfumaria
pet: Animalariá
+ pet_grooming: Perruqueria per animaus
photo: Magazin de fotografia
seafood: Crustacèus e cauquilhatges de mar
second_hand: Botiga dâocasions
+ sewing: Merceria
shoes: Botiga de cauçaduras
sports: Magazin d'espòrt
stationery: Papetariá
+ storage_rental: Depaus de mòbles
supermarket: Supermercat
tailor: Sartre
+ tattoo: Botiga de tatoatges
+ tea: Botiga de te
ticket: Bilhetariá
tobacco: Burèu de tabat
toys: Botiga de joguets
@@ -1002,6 +1302,8 @@ oc:
vacant: Comèrci vacant
variety_store: Magasin de varietats
video: Botiga de vidèos
+ video_games: Botiga de jòcsvideo
+ wholesale: Grossista
wine: Cavista
"yes": Botiga
@@ -1011,6 +1313,7 @@ oc:
attraction: Atraccion
bed_and_breakfast: Aubèrga dâoste
cabin: Cabanon
+ camp_pitch: Terren de campatge
camp_site: Campatge
caravan_site: Site de caravana
chalet: Aberc
@@ -1024,6 +1327,7 @@ oc:
picnic_site: Site de picnic
theme_park: Pargue a tèma
viewpoint: Amirador
+ wilderness_hut: Sosta rurala
zoo: Zoo
building_passage: Passatge de bastiment
@@ -1050,12 +1354,15 @@ oc:
"yes": Via navegabla
level2: Frontièra del paÃs
+ level3: Limit regionau
level4: Frontièra de lâestat
level5: Frontièra de la region
level6: Frontièra del comtat
+ level7: Limit municipau
level8: Limit de la vila
level9: Limit del vilatge
level10: Limit de la banlèga
+ level11: Limit de quartier
cities: Vilas
towns: Vilas
@@ -1191,9 +1498,10 @@ oc:
intro_text: OpenStreetMap es una mapa del mond, creada per de personas coma vos
e liura dâutilizacion jos licéncia liura.
intro_2_create_account: Creatz un compte d'utilizaire
- hosting_partners_html: L'albergament es pres en carga per %{ucl}, %{bytemark},
+ hosting_partners_html: L'aubergament es pres en carga per %{ucl}, %{fastly}, %{bytemark},
e d'autres %{partners}.
partners_ucl: UCL
+ partners_fastly: Lèu
partners_bytemark: Albergament Bytemark
partners_partners: partenaris
tou: Condicions d'utilizacion
@@ -1224,6 +1532,7 @@ oc:
footer: Tanben podètz legir lo comentari sus %{readurl}, lo comentar sus %{commenturl}
o respondre sus %{replyurl}
+ subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{message_title}'
hi: Bonjorn %{to_user},
header: '%{from_user} vos a mandat un messatge dempuèi OpenStreetMap amb lo
subjècte %{subject}â¯:'
@@ -1234,11 +1543,23 @@ oc:
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} vos a apondut coma amic'
had_added_you: '%{user} vos a apondut coma amic dins OpenStreetMap.'
see_their_profile: 'Podètz veire son perfil aicà : %{userurl}.'
+ see_their_profile_html: 'Podètz veire son perfiu aicà : %{userurl}.'
befriend_them: 'Tanben, lo podètz apondre coma amic aicà : %{befriendurl}.'
+ befriend_them_html: 'Tanben, lo podètz ajustar coma amic-ga aicà : %{befriendurl}.'
+ gpx_description:
+ description_with_tags_html: 'Sembla que vòstre fichier GPX %{trace_name} amb
+ la descripcion %{trace_description} e leis etiquetas seguentas: %{tags}'
+ description_with_no_tags_html: Sembla que vòstre fichier GPX %{trace_name} amb
+ la descripcion %{trace_description} e sensa etiquetas
+ hi: Bonjorn %{to_user},
failed_to_import: 'a pas pogut èsser importat. Aquà l''error :'
+ more_info_html: Podètz trobar mai informacion sus lei mancadas d'importacion
+ de GPX e coma leis evitar a %{url}.
+ import_failures_url:òrt_Failures
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Error al moment de l''impòrt GPX'
+ hi: Adieu %{to_user},
loaded_successfully: s'es cargat correctament amb %{trace_points} punch sus
subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Impòrt GPX capitat'
@@ -1275,13 +1596,19 @@ oc:
vos interessatz'
your_note: '%{commenter} a daissat un comentari sus una de vòstras nòtas de
mapa prèp de %{place}.'
+ your_note_html: '%{commenter} a laissat un comentari sus una de vòstrei nòtas
+ de mapa pròche de %{place}.'
commented_note: '%{commenter} a daissat un comentari sus una de vòstras nòtas
de mapa qu''avètz comentada. La nòta es pròcha de %{place}.'
+ commented_note_html: '%{commenter} A laissat un comentari en una nòta de mapa
+ qu''aviatz comentat. Aquela nòta es pròcha de %{place}.'
subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} a resolgut una de vòstras nòtas'
subject_other: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} que vis i interessà vetz.'
your_note: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} a resolgut una de vòstras nòtas prèp
de %{place}.'
+ your_note_html: '%{commenter} A reglat una de vòstrei nòtas de mapa pròche
+ de %{place}.'
commented_note: '%{commenter} a resolgut una nòta de mapa qu''avètz comentada.
La nòta es pròcha de %{place}.'
@@ -2088,35 +2415,6 @@ oc:
delete_user: Suprimir aqueste utilizaire
confirm: Confirmar
report: Denonciatz aquel usatgièr
- account:
- title: Modificar lo compte
- my settings: Meis opcions
- current email address: 'Adreça de corrièr electronic actuala:'
- external auth: 'Autenticacion extèrna:'
- openid:
- link:
- link text: quâes aquò ?
- public editing:
- heading: 'Modificacion publica :'
- enabled: Activat. Pas anonim e pòt modificar las donadas.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: quâes aquò ?
- disabled: Desactivadas e sensa permés per editar; lei modificacions anterioras
- son anonimas.
- disabled link text: perqué pòdi pas modificar ?
- public editing note:
- heading: Modificacion publica
- contributor terms:
- heading: 'Tèrmes del contributor :'
- agreed: Avètz acceptat los novèls tèrmes del contributor.
- not yet agreed: Avètz pas encara acceptat los novèls tèrmes del contributor.
- link text: quâes aquò ?
- save changes button: Enregistrar las modificacions
- make edits public button: Rendre totas mas modificacions publicas
- flash update success confirm needed: Informacions sus l'utilizaire mesas a jorn
- amb succès. Verificatz vòstra bóstia mail per tal de validar la verificacion
- de vòstre novèla adreça e-mail.
- flash update success: Informacions sus l'utilizaire mesas a jorn amb succès.
flash success: Emplaçament de mon domicili salvat amb succès
diff --git a/config/locales/pa.yml b/config/locales/pa.yml
index 5ce9af455..f52aff31c 100644
--- a/config/locales/pa.yml
+++ b/config/locales/pa.yml
@@ -135,6 +135,25 @@ pa:
comment: à¨à¨¿à©±à¨ªà¨£à© à¨à¨°à©
full: ਪà©à¨°à© à¨à¨¿à©±à¨ªà¨£à©
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: à¨à¨¾à¨¤à¨¾ ਸà©à¨§à©
+ my settings: ਮà©à¨°à©à¨à¨ ਸà©à¨à¨¿à©°à¨à¨¾à¨
+ current email address: 'ਮà©à¨à©à¨¦à¨¾ à¨à¨®à©à¨² ਪਤਾ:'
+ openid:
+ link text: à¨à¨¹ à¨à© ਹà©?
+ public editing:
+ heading: à¨à¨¨à¨¤à¨ ਸà©à¨§à¨¾à¨
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: à¨à¨¹ à¨à© ਹà©?
+ disabled link text: ਮà©à¨ ਸà©à¨§ à¨à¨¿à¨à¨ ਨਹà©à¨ à¨à¨° ਸà¨à¨¦à¨¾?
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: 'ਯà©à¨à¨¦à¨¾à¨¨à© ਦà©à¨à¨ ਸ਼ਰਤਾà¨:'
+ agreed: ਤà©à¨¸à©à¨ ਯà©à¨à¨¦à¨¾à¨¨à© ਦà©à¨à¨ ਨਵà©à¨à¨ ਸ਼ਰਤਾਠਨਾਲ਼ ਸਹਿਮਤ੠à¨à¨¤à¨¾à¨ ਹà©à¥¤
+ not yet agreed: ਤà©à¨¸à©à¨ ਯà©à¨à¨¦à¨¾à¨¨à© ਦà©à¨à¨ ਨਵà©à¨à¨ ਸ਼ਰਤਾਠਨਾਲ਼ ਸਹਿਮਤ੠ਨਹà©à¨ à¨à¨¤à¨¾à¨à¥¤
+ link text: à¨à¨¹ à¨à© ਹà©?
+ save changes button: ਤਬਦà©à¨²à©à¨à¨ ਸਾà¨à¨à©
+ make edits public button: ਮà©à¨°à©à¨à¨ ਸਾਰà©à¨à¨ ਸà©à¨§à¨¾à¨ à¨à¨¨à¨¤à¨ à¨à¨°à©
created: ਬਣਾà¨à¨ à¨à¨¿à¨
closed: ਬੰਦ ਹà©à¨à¨
@@ -1110,25 +1129,6 @@ pa:
unhide_user: à¨à¨¸ ਵਰਤà©à¨à¨à¨¾à¨° ਦਾ à¨à¨¹à¨²à¨¾ ਹà¨à¨¾à¨
delete_user: à¨à¨¸ ਵਰਤà©à¨à¨à¨¾à¨° ਨà©à©° ਮਿà¨à¨¾à¨
confirm: ਤਸਦà©à¨ à¨à¨°à©
- account:
- title: à¨à¨¾à¨¤à¨¾ ਸà©à¨§à©
- my settings: ਮà©à¨°à©à¨à¨ ਸà©à¨à¨¿à©°à¨à¨¾à¨
- current email address: 'ਮà©à¨à©à¨¦à¨¾ à¨à¨®à©à¨² ਪਤਾ:'
- openid:
- link text: à¨à¨¹ à¨à© ਹà©?
- public editing:
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: à¨à¨¹ à¨à© ਹà©?
- disabled link text: ਮà©à¨ ਸà©à¨§ à¨à¨¿à¨à¨ ਨਹà©à¨ à¨à¨° ਸà¨à¨¦à¨¾?
- public editing note:
- heading: à¨à¨¨à¨¤à¨ ਸà©à¨§à¨¾à¨
- contributor terms:
- heading: 'ਯà©à¨à¨¦à¨¾à¨¨à© ਦà©à¨à¨ ਸ਼ਰਤਾà¨:'
- agreed: ਤà©à¨¸à©à¨ ਯà©à¨à¨¦à¨¾à¨¨à© ਦà©à¨à¨ ਨਵà©à¨à¨ ਸ਼ਰਤਾਠਨਾਲ਼ ਸਹਿਮਤ੠à¨à¨¤à¨¾à¨ ਹà©à¥¤
- not yet agreed: ਤà©à¨¸à©à¨ ਯà©à¨à¨¦à¨¾à¨¨à© ਦà©à¨à¨ ਨਵà©à¨à¨ ਸ਼ਰਤਾਠਨਾਲ਼ ਸਹਿਮਤ੠ਨਹà©à¨ à¨à¨¤à¨¾à¨à¥¤
- link text: à¨à¨¹ à¨à© ਹà©?
- save changes button: ਤਬਦà©à¨²à©à¨à¨ ਸਾà¨à¨à©
- make edits public button: ਮà©à¨°à©à¨à¨ ਸਾਰà©à¨à¨ ਸà©à¨§à¨¾à¨ à¨à¨¨à¨¤à¨ à¨à¨°à©
title: ਵਰਤà©à¨à¨à¨¾à¨°
heading: ਵਰਤà©à¨à¨à¨¾à¨°
diff --git a/config/locales/pl.yml b/config/locales/pl.yml
index 42f419a72..0fbd0e24c 100644
--- a/config/locales/pl.yml
+++ b/config/locales/pl.yml
@@ -329,6 +329,48 @@ pl:
comment: Komentarz
full: PeÅna treÅÄ uwagi
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Zmiana ustawieÅ konta
+ my settings: Ustawienia
+ current email address: 'Aktualny adres e-mail:'
+ external auth: 'ZewnÄtrzne uwierzytelnienie:'
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: co to jest?
+ public editing:
+ heading: Publiczna edycja
+ enabled: WÅÄ
czone. Nieanonimowy i uprawniony do edycji danych.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: co to jest?
+ disabled: WyÅÄ
czone i nieuprawniony do edycji danych, wszystkie wczeÅniejsze
+ edycje sÄ
+ disabled link text: dlaczego nie mogÄ mapowaÄ?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: 'Edycje publiczne:'
+ html: Obecnie twoje edycje sÄ
anonimowe i ludzie nie mogÄ
wysyÅaÄ do ciebie
+ wiadomoÅci lub zobaczyÄ twojej lokalizacji. Aby pokazaÄ, co edytowaÅeÅ i
+ umożliwiÄ ludziom kontakt z tobÄ
za poÅrednictwem strony internetowej, kliknij
+ przycisk poniżej. W miÄdzyczasie API 0.6 zmieniÅ siÄ, jedynie publiczni
+ użytkownicy mogÄ
edytowaÄ dane mapy. . (dowiedz
+ siÄ dlaczego).
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: Termos do contribuidor
+ agreed: Você aceitou os novos termos do contribuidor.
+ not yet agreed: Você não aceitou os novos termos do contribuidor.
+ review link text: Por favor siga este link quando você puder para revisar
+ e aceitar os novos Termos de Contribuição.
+ agreed_with_pd: Você também declara que considera suas edições em DomÃnio
+ Público.
+ link:
+ link text: o que é isso?
+ save changes button: Salvar alterações
+ make edits public button: Tornar públicas todas as minhas edições
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: Informação de usuário atualizada com sucesso. Confira
+ o seu e-mail para confirmar seu novo endereço.
+ success: Sucesso ao atualizar informação de usuário.
created: Criado
closed: Fechado
@@ -2726,47 +2769,6 @@ pt-BR:
delete_user: Excluir este usuário
confirm: Confirmar
report: Denunciar este usuário
- account:
- title: Editar conta
- my settings: Minhas configurações
- current email address: Endereço de e-mail atual
- external auth: Autenticação externa
- openid:
- link:
- link text: o que é isto?
- public editing:
- heading: Edição pública
- enabled: Ativado. Não é anônimo e pode editar dados.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: o que é isso?
- disabled: Desativado e não pode editar dados, todas as edições anteriores
- são anônimas.
- disabled link text: porque não posso editar?
- public editing note:
- heading: Edição pública
- html: Neste momento as suas edições são anónimas e as outras pessoas não lhe
- podem enviar mensagens nem ver onde se encontra. Para mostrar as suas edições
- e permitir que o contactem através do OpenStreetMap, clique na ligação seguinte.
- Desde a migração 0.6 da API, apenas os usuários com edições públicas
- podem editar dados do mapa. (mais
- informações).
- contributor terms:
- heading: Termos do contribuidor
- agreed: Você aceitou os novos termos do contribuidor.
- not yet agreed: Você não aceitou os novos termos do contribuidor.
- review link text: Por favor siga este link quando você puder para revisar
- e aceitar os novos Termos de Contribuição.
- agreed_with_pd: Você também declara que considera suas edições em DomÃnio
- Público.
- link:
- link text: o que é isso?
- save changes button: Salvar alterações
- make edits public button: Tornar públicas todas as minhas edições
- flash update success confirm needed: Informação de usuário atualizada com sucesso.
- Confira o seu e-mail para confirmar seu novo endereço.
- flash update success: Sucesso ao atualizar informação de usuário.
flash success: Local principal salvo com sucesso
diff --git a/config/locales/pt-PT.yml b/config/locales/pt-PT.yml
index f7fca4aea..775fff87c 100644
--- a/config/locales/pt-PT.yml
+++ b/config/locales/pt-PT.yml
@@ -286,6 +286,49 @@ pt-PT:
comment: Comentário
full: Nota completa
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Editar conta
+ my settings: Definições
+ current email address: E-mail atual
+ external auth: Autenticação externa
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: o que é isto?
+ public editing:
+ heading: Edição pública
+ enabled: Ativado. Não é anónimo e pode editar dados.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: o que é isto?
+ disabled: Desativado e não pode editar. Todas as edições anteriores são anónimas.
+ disabled link text: porque não posso editar?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: Edição pública
+ html: Neste momento, as tuas edições são anónimas e as outras pessoas não
+ te podem enviar mensagens nem ver a tua localização. Para mostrares as tuas
+ edições e permitires que te contactem através do OpenStreetMap, clica na
+ ligação seguinte. Desde a migração 0.6 da API, apenas os utilizadores
+ com edições públicas podem editar dados do mapa. (mais
+ informações).
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: Termos de contribuidor
+ agreed: Aceitaste os novos Termos de Contribuidor.
+ not yet agreed: Ainda não aceitaste os novos Termos de Contribuidor.
+ review link text: Por favor, clica na ligação seguinte para reveres e aceitares
+ os novos Termos de Contribuidor.
+ agreed_with_pd: Também declaraste que as tuas edições são disponibilizadas
+ em DomÃnio Público.
+ link:
+ link text: o que é isto?
+ save changes button: Gravar alterações
+ make edits public button: Tornar todas as minhas edições públicas
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: As informações de utilizador foram atualizadas com sucesso.
+ Verifica o teu e-mail para confirmares o teu novo endereço eletrónico.
+ success: Informações de utilizador atualizadas com sucesso.
created: Criado
closed: Fechado
@@ -568,6 +611,9 @@ pt-PT:
title: Publicações no diário de mapeadores do OpenStreetMap
description: Publicações recentes no diário OpenStreetMap
+ title: Comentários no Diário feitos por %{user}
+ heading: Comentários no Diário de %{user}
+ subheading_html: Comentários no Diário feitos por %{user}
no_comments: Sem comentários no diário
post: Publicação
when: Quando
@@ -892,6 +938,7 @@ pt-PT:
trailhead: Marco de caminho
trunk: Via rápida
trunk_link: Via rápida
+ turning_circle: CÃrculo de viragem
turning_loop: Anel de viragem
unclassified: Estrada sem classificação
"yes": Estrada
@@ -2715,47 +2762,6 @@ pt-PT:
delete_user: Eliminar este utilizador
confirm: Confirmar
report: Denunciar este utilizador
- account:
- title: Editar conta
- my settings: Definições
- current email address: E-mail atual
- external auth: Autenticação externa
- openid:
- link:
- link text: o que é isto?
- public editing:
- heading: Edição pública
- enabled: Ativado. Não é anónimo e pode editar dados.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: o que é isto?
- disabled: Desativado e não pode editar. Todas as edições anteriores são anónimas.
- disabled link text: porque não posso editar?
- public editing note:
- heading: Edição pública
- html: Neste momento, as tuas edições são anónimas e as outras pessoas não
- te podem enviar mensagens nem ver a tua localização. Para mostrares as tuas
- edições e permitires que te contactem através do OpenStreetMap, clica na
- ligação seguinte. Desde a migração 0.6 da API, apenas os utilizadores
- com edições públicas podem editar dados do mapa. (mais
- informações).
- contributor terms:
- heading: Termos de contribuidor
- agreed: Aceitaste os novos Termos de Contribuidor.
- not yet agreed: Ainda não aceitaste os novos Termos de Contribuidor.
- review link text: Por favor, clica na ligação seguinte para reveres e aceitares
- os novos Termos de Contribuidor.
- agreed_with_pd: Também declaraste que as tuas edições são disponibilizadas
- em DomÃnio Público.
- link:
- link text: o que é isto?
- save changes button: Gravar alterações
- make edits public button: Tornar todas as minhas edições públicas
- flash update success confirm needed: As informações de utilizador foram atualizadas
- com sucesso. Verifica o teu e-mail para confirmares o teu novo endereço eletrónico.
- flash update success: Informações de utilizador atualizadas com sucesso.
flash success: Localização gravada com êxito
@@ -2790,6 +2796,7 @@ pt-PT:
no_authorization_code: Sem código de autorização
unknown_signature_algorithm: Algoritmo de assinatura desconhecido
invalid_scope: Ãmbito inválido
+ unknown_error: Falha na autenticação
heading: O teu ID ainda não está associado a uma conta do OpenStreetMap.
option_1: Se ainda não tens conta no OpenStreetMap, por favor, preenche o seguinte
diff --git a/config/locales/ro.yml b/config/locales/ro.yml
index 19c8bda54..0a53e5a37 100644
--- a/config/locales/ro.yml
+++ b/config/locales/ro.yml
@@ -265,6 +265,49 @@ ro:
comment: Comentariu
full: NotÄ completÄ
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Modificare cont
+ my settings: SetÄrile mele
+ current email address: Adresa de e-mail actualÄ
+ external auth: Autentificare externÄ
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: Ce este aceasta?
+ public editing:
+ heading: 'Editarea publicÄ:'
+ enabled: Activat. Nu este anonim Èi poate edita date.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: Ce este aceasta?
+ disabled: Dezactivat Èi nu poate edita date, toate editÄrile anterioare sunt
+ anonime.
+ disabled link text: de ce nu pot edita?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: Editare publicÄ
+ html: Ãn prezent, editÄrile dvs. sunt anonime, iar utilizatorii nu vÄ pot
+ trimite mesaje sau sÄ vÄ vadÄ locaÈia. Pentru a arÄta ceea ce aÈi editat
+ Èi a permite oamenilor sÄ vÄ contacteze prin intermediul site-ului, faceÈi
+ clic pe butonul de mai jos. De la schimbarea cu 0,6 API, numai utilizatorii
+ publici pot edita date de hartÄ. (find
+ out why).
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: Termenii contribuitorului
+ agreed: AÈi fost de acord cu noii Termeni ai Contributorului.
+ not yet agreed: ÃncÄ nu aÈi fost de acord cu noii Termeni de Contributor.
+ review link text: VÄ rugÄm sÄ urmaÈi acest link la comoditatea dvs. pentru
+ a revizui Èi accepta noii Termeni de Contributor.
+ agreed_with_pd: De asemenea, aÈi declarat cÄ consideraÈi cÄ editÄrile dvs.
+ sunt în Domeniul Public.
+ link:
+ link text: Ce este aceasta?
+ save changes button: SalveazÄ modificÄrile
+ make edits public button: FaceÈi toate editÄrile mele publice
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: InformaÈiile despre utilizator s-au actualizat cu succes.
+ VerificaÈi e-mailul pentru o notÄ pentru a confirma noua adresÄ de e-mail.
+ success: InformaÈiile despre utilizator s-au actualizat cu succes.
created: Creat
closed: Ãnchis
@@ -2588,48 +2631,6 @@ ro:
delete_user: Èterge acest utilizator
confirm: ConfirmÄ
report: ReclamÄ acest utilizator
- account:
- title: Modificare cont
- my settings: SetÄrile mele
- current email address: Adresa de e-mail actualÄ
- external auth: Autentificare externÄ
- openid:
- link:
- link text: Ce este aceasta?
- public editing:
- heading: Editare publicÄ
- enabled: Activat. Nu este anonim Èi poate edita date.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: Ce este aceasta?
- disabled: Dezactivat Èi nu poate edita date, toate editÄrile anterioare sunt
- anonime.
- disabled link text: de ce nu pot edita?
- public editing note:
- heading: 'Editarea publicÄ:'
- html: Ãn prezent, editÄrile dvs. sunt anonime, iar utilizatorii nu vÄ pot
- trimite mesaje sau sÄ vÄ vadÄ locaÈia. Pentru a arÄta ceea ce aÈi editat
- Èi a permite oamenilor sÄ vÄ contacteze prin intermediul site-ului, faceÈi
- clic pe butonul de mai jos. De la schimbarea cu 0,6 API, numai utilizatorii
- publici pot edita date de hartÄ. (find
- out why).
- contributor terms:
- heading: Termenii contribuitorului
- agreed: AÈi fost de acord cu noii Termeni ai Contributorului.
- not yet agreed: ÃncÄ nu aÈi fost de acord cu noii Termeni de Contributor.
- review link text: VÄ rugÄm sÄ urmaÈi acest link la comoditatea dvs. pentru
- a revizui Èi accepta noii Termeni de Contributor.
- agreed_with_pd: De asemenea, aÈi declarat cÄ consideraÈi cÄ editÄrile dvs.
- sunt în Domeniul Public.
- link:
- link text: Ce este aceasta?
- save changes button: SalveazÄ modificÄrile
- make edits public button: FaceÈi toate editÄrile mele publice
- flash update success confirm needed: InformaÈiile despre utilizator s-au actualizat
- cu succes. VerificaÈi e-mailul pentru o notÄ pentru a confirma noua adresÄ
- de e-mail.
- flash update success: InformaÈiile despre utilizator s-au actualizat cu succes.
flash success: LocaÈia locuinÈei a fost salvatÄ cu succes
diff --git a/config/locales/ru.yml b/config/locales/ru.yml
index 9ed958ebe..50ac79391 100644
--- a/config/locales/ru.yml
+++ b/config/locales/ru.yml
@@ -355,6 +355,49 @@ ru:
comment: ÐомменÑаÑий
full: ÐолнÑй ÑекÑÑ
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: ÐзмениÑÑ ÑÑеÑнÑÑ Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑ
+ my settings: Ðои наÑÑÑойки
+ current email address: ТекÑÑий адÑÐµÑ ÑлекÑÑонной поÑÑÑ
+ external auth: 'ÐнеÑнÑÑ Ð°ÑÑенÑиÑикаÑиÑ:'
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: ÑÑо ÑÑо?
+ public editing:
+ heading: ÐбÑедоÑÑÑÐ¿Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ñавка
+ enabled: ÐклÑÑено. Ðожно ÑедакÑиÑоваÑÑ. ÐÑавки не анонимнÑ.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: ÑÑо ÑÑо?
+ disabled: ÐÑклÑÑÑн и не Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶ÐµÑ Ð²Ð½Ð¾ÑиÑÑ Ð¿Ñавки, вÑе пÑедÑдÑÑие Ð¸Ð·Ð¼ÐµÐ½ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð°Ð½Ð¾Ð½Ð¸Ð¼Ð½Ñ.
+ disabled link text: поÑÐµÐ¼Ñ Ñ Ð½Ðµ Ð¼Ð¾Ð³Ñ Ð²Ð½Ð¾ÑиÑÑ Ð¸Ð·Ð¼ÐµÐ½ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: ÐбÑедоÑÑÑÐ¿Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ñавка
+ html: РнаÑÑоÑÑий Ð¼Ð¾Ð¼ÐµÐ½Ñ Ð²Ð°Ñи пÑавки Ð°Ð½Ð¾Ð½Ð¸Ð¼Ð½Ñ Ð¸ никÑо не Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶ÐµÑ Ð¾ÑпÑавлÑÑÑ
+ вам ÑообÑÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¸Ð»Ð¸ видеÑÑ Ð²Ð°Ñе меÑÑоположение. ЧÑÐ¾Ð±Ñ ÑказаÑÑ Ð°Ð²ÑоÑÑÑво ÑвоиÑ
+ пÑавок и позволиÑÑ Ð´ÑÑгим ÑвÑзÑваÑÑÑÑ Ñ Ð²Ð°Ð¼Ð¸ ÑеÑез вебÑайÑ, нажмиÑе на кнопкÑ
+ внизÑ. ÐоÑле пеÑеÑ
ода на API веÑÑии 0.6, ÑолÑко доÑÑÑпнÑе Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑвÑзи
+ полÑзоваÑели могÑÑ Ð¿ÑавиÑÑ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñе каÑÑÑ. (ÑзнайÑе,
+ поÑемÑ).
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: УÑÐ»Ð¾Ð²Ð¸Ñ ÑÑаÑÑиÑ
+ agreed: ÐÑ ÑоглаÑилиÑÑ Ñ Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ñми УÑловиÑми ÑÑаÑÑиÑ.
+ not yet agreed: ÐÑ ÐµÑÑ Ð½Ðµ ÑоглаÑилиÑÑ Ñ Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ñми УÑловиÑми ÑÑаÑÑиÑ.
+ review link text: ÐожалÑйÑÑа, пеÑейдиÑе по ÑÑой ÑÑÑлке в Ñдобное Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ð°Ñ Ð²ÑемÑ
+ и подÑвеÑдиÑе ÑоглаÑие Ñ Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ñми УÑловиÑми ÑÑаÑÑиÑ.
+ agreed_with_pd: ÐÑ Ñакже заÑвили, ÑÑо Ð²Ñ ÑÑиÑаеÑе Ñвои пÑавки наÑ
+ в обÑеÑÑвенном доÑÑоÑнии.
+ link:
+ link text: ÑÑо ÑÑо?
+ save changes button: СоÑ
ÑаниÑÑ Ð¸Ð·Ð¼ÐµÐ½ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ
+ make edits public button: СделаÑÑ Ð²Ñе мои пÑавки доÑÑÑпнÑми
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: ÐнÑоÑмаÑÐ¸Ñ Ð¾ полÑзоваÑеле ÑÑпеÑно обновлена. ÐÑовеÑÑÑе
+ ÑÐ²Ð¾Ñ ÑлекÑÑоннÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾ÑÑÑ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´ÑвеÑÐ¶Ð´ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð²Ð°Ñего нового адÑеÑа.
+ success: ÐнÑоÑмаÑÐ¸Ñ Ð¾ полÑзоваÑеле ÑÑпеÑно обновлена.
created: Создано
closed: ÐакÑÑÑо
@@ -553,7 +596,7 @@ ru:
nearby mapper: ÐлижайÑий каÑÑогÑаÑ
friend: ÐÑÑг
- title: ÐÐ¾Ñ ÑÑена
+ title: Ðой пÑлÑÑ
no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} и ÑÑÑановиÑе ваÑе меÑÑоположение,
edit_your_profile: ÐÑÑедакÑиÑÑйÑе Ñвой пÑоÑилÑ
@@ -2724,47 +2767,6 @@ ru:
delete_user: УдалиÑÑ ÑÑого полÑзоваÑелÑ
confirm: ÐодÑвеÑдиÑÑ
report: СообÑиÑÑ Ð¾Ð± ÑÑом полÑзоваÑеле
- account:
- title: ÐзмениÑÑ ÑÑеÑнÑÑ Ð·Ð°Ð¿Ð¸ÑÑ
- my settings: Ðои наÑÑÑойки
- current email address: ТекÑÑий адÑÐµÑ ÑлекÑÑонной поÑÑÑ
- external auth: 'ÐнеÑнÑÑ Ð°ÑÑенÑиÑикаÑиÑ:'
- openid:
- link:
- link text: ÑÑо ÑÑо?
- public editing:
- heading: ÐбÑедоÑÑÑÐ¿Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ñавка
- enabled: ÐклÑÑено. Ðожно ÑедакÑиÑоваÑÑ. ÐÑавки не анонимнÑ.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: ÑÑо ÑÑо?
- disabled: ÐÑклÑÑÑн и не Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶ÐµÑ Ð²Ð½Ð¾ÑиÑÑ Ð¿Ñавки, вÑе пÑедÑдÑÑие Ð¸Ð·Ð¼ÐµÐ½ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð°Ð½Ð¾Ð½Ð¸Ð¼Ð½Ñ.
- disabled link text: поÑÐµÐ¼Ñ Ñ Ð½Ðµ Ð¼Ð¾Ð³Ñ Ð²Ð½Ð¾ÑиÑÑ Ð¸Ð·Ð¼ÐµÐ½ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ?
- public editing note:
- heading: ÐбÑедоÑÑÑÐ¿Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ñавка
- html: РнаÑÑоÑÑий Ð¼Ð¾Ð¼ÐµÐ½Ñ Ð²Ð°Ñи пÑавки Ð°Ð½Ð¾Ð½Ð¸Ð¼Ð½Ñ Ð¸ никÑо не Ð¼Ð¾Ð¶ÐµÑ Ð¾ÑпÑавлÑÑÑ
- вам ÑообÑÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¸Ð»Ð¸ видеÑÑ Ð²Ð°Ñе меÑÑоположение. ЧÑÐ¾Ð±Ñ ÑказаÑÑ Ð°Ð²ÑоÑÑÑво ÑвоиÑ
- пÑавок и позволиÑÑ Ð´ÑÑгим ÑвÑзÑваÑÑÑÑ Ñ Ð²Ð°Ð¼Ð¸ ÑеÑез вебÑайÑ, нажмиÑе на кнопкÑ
- внизÑ. ÐоÑле пеÑеÑ
ода на API веÑÑии 0.6, ÑолÑко доÑÑÑпнÑе Ð´Ð»Ñ ÑвÑзи
- полÑзоваÑели могÑÑ Ð¿ÑавиÑÑ Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñе каÑÑÑ. (ÑзнайÑе,
- поÑемÑ).
- contributor terms:
- heading: УÑÐ»Ð¾Ð²Ð¸Ñ ÑÑаÑÑиÑ
- agreed: ÐÑ ÑоглаÑилиÑÑ Ñ Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ñми УÑловиÑми ÑÑаÑÑиÑ.
- not yet agreed: ÐÑ ÐµÑÑ Ð½Ðµ ÑоглаÑилиÑÑ Ñ Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ñми УÑловиÑми ÑÑаÑÑиÑ.
- review link text: ÐожалÑйÑÑа, пеÑейдиÑе по ÑÑой ÑÑÑлке в Ñдобное Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð²Ð°Ñ Ð²ÑемÑ
- и подÑвеÑдиÑе ÑоглаÑие Ñ Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ñми УÑловиÑми ÑÑаÑÑиÑ.
- agreed_with_pd: ÐÑ Ñакже заÑвили, ÑÑо Ð²Ñ ÑÑиÑаеÑе Ñвои пÑавки наÑ
- в обÑеÑÑвенном доÑÑоÑнии.
- link:
- link text: ÑÑо ÑÑо?
- save changes button: СоÑ
ÑаниÑÑ Ð¸Ð·Ð¼ÐµÐ½ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ
- make edits public button: СделаÑÑ Ð²Ñе мои пÑавки доÑÑÑпнÑми
- flash update success confirm needed: ÐнÑоÑмаÑÐ¸Ñ Ð¾ полÑзоваÑеле ÑÑпеÑно обновлена.
- ÐÑовеÑÑÑе ÑÐ²Ð¾Ñ ÑлекÑÑоннÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾ÑÑÑ Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´ÑвеÑÐ¶Ð´ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð²Ð°Ñего нового адÑеÑа.
- flash update success: ÐнÑоÑмаÑÐ¸Ñ Ð¾ полÑзоваÑеле ÑÑпеÑно обновлена.
flash success: ÐомаÑнее меÑÑоположение ÑоÑ
diff --git a/config/locales/sat.yml b/config/locales/sat.yml
index c3bdbbf21..1659a8f3d 100644
--- a/config/locales/sat.yml
+++ b/config/locales/sat.yml
@@ -126,6 +126,18 @@ sat:
comment: á±á± á±á±
full: á±á±á±´á± á± á±·á±á±´á±á±¹ á±á±
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: á± á±·á±á±á± á±¥á±á±¯á±²á±á±£ ᱢᱮ
+ my settings: ᱤᱧá±á± á±¥á±á±¡á±á±£á± á±
+ current email address: 'ᱱᱮá±á±á±-á±á± ᱤᱢᱮᱠᱴᱷᱤᱠá±á±¹á±¬á±:'
+ openid:
+ link text: ᱱᱤá±á±á±¹ ᱫᱠᱪᱮᱫ?
+ public editing:
+ enabled link text: ᱱᱤá±á±á±¹ ᱫᱠᱪᱮᱫ?
+ contributor terms:
+ link text: ᱱᱤá±á±á±¹ ᱫᱠᱪᱮᱫ?
+ save changes button: á±µá±á±«á±á±á± ᱠᱪá±á±ºá±ªá±á±£ ᱢᱮ
created: á±á±®á±á±á±¨á±±á±
closed: á±µá±á±¸á±«á±
@@ -660,17 +672,6 @@ sat:
user location: ᱵᱮᱵᱷá±á±¨á±¤á±¡-ᱠᱡá±á±á±á±
comments: á±á± á±á±á± á±
confirm: á±á±á±´á±á± ᱢᱮ
- account:
- title: á± á±·á±á±á± á±¥á±á±¯á±²á±á±£ ᱢᱮ
- my settings: ᱤᱧá±á± á±¥á±á±¡á±á±£á± á±
- current email address: 'ᱱᱮá±á±á±-á±á± ᱤᱢᱮᱠᱴᱷᱤᱠá±á±¹á±¬á±:'
- openid:
- link text: ᱱᱤá±á±á±¹ ᱫᱠᱪᱮᱫ?
- public editing:
- enabled link text: ᱱᱤá±á±á±¹ ᱫᱠᱪᱮᱫ?
- contributor terms:
- link text: ᱱᱤá±á±á±¹ ᱫᱠᱪᱮᱫ?
- save changes button: á±µá±á±«á±á±á± ᱠᱪá±á±ºá±ªá±á±£ ᱢᱮ
title: ᱵᱮᱵᱦá±á±¨á±¤á±¡á±½á± ᱩ
heading: ᱵᱮᱵᱦá±á±¨á±¤á±¡á±½á± ᱩ
diff --git a/config/locales/sc.yml b/config/locales/sc.yml
index 0d84368b8..a39142550 100644
--- a/config/locales/sc.yml
+++ b/config/locales/sc.yml
@@ -134,6 +134,9 @@ sc:
comment: Cummentu
full: Nota intrea
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ save changes button: Sarva sas modìficas
created: Creadu
closed: Serradu
@@ -931,8 +934,6 @@ sc:
edits: Modìficas
description: Descritzione
confirm: Cunfirma
- account:
- save changes button: Sarva sas modìficas
confirm: Cunfirma
diff --git a/config/locales/scn.yml b/config/locales/scn.yml
index 177275a22..1fe8faca9 100644
--- a/config/locales/scn.yml
+++ b/config/locales/scn.yml
@@ -182,6 +182,50 @@ scn:
comment: Cummentu
full: Nota cumpleta
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Cancia lu cuntu
+ my settings: Li mè mpustazzioni
+ current email address: Nnirizzu email attuali
+ external auth: Autinticazzioni esterna
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: chi voli diri?
+ public editing:
+ heading: Canciamenti pùbblici
+ enabled: Attivati. Nun sî anònimu e poi canciari li dati.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: chi voli diri?
+ disabled: Disattivati, e nun poi canciari li dati, tutti li canciamenti pricidenti
+ sunnu anònimi.
+ disabled link text: pirchì nun pozzu fari canciamenti?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: Canciamenti pùbblici
+ html: Com'a ora li tò canciamenti sunnu anònimi e li genti nun ti ponnu mannari
+ missaggi o vìdiri unni sî. Pi fari vìdiri chiddu chi canci e pirmèttiri
+ ê genti di cuntattà riti pi menzu dû situ web, carca lu buttuni cassutta.
+ A pà rtiri dâ ntroduzzioni di l'API 0.6, sulu l'utenti pùbblici ponnu
+ canciari li dati dâ carta. (vidi
+ pirchì).
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: Cunnizzioni di cuntribbuzzioni
+ agreed: Accittasti li cunnizzioni di cuntribbuzzioni novi.
+ not yet agreed: Ancora nun accittasti li cunnizzioni di cuntribbuzzioni novi.
+ review link text: Quannu voi tu vai nta stu link pi lèggiri e accittari li
+ cunnizzioni di cuntribbuzzioni novi.
+ agreed_with_pd: Dichiarasti macari chi cunzìddiri li tò canciamenti ntô Duminiu
+ Pùbblicu.
+ link:
+ link text: chi voli diri?
+ save changes button: Sarva li canciamenti
+ make edits public button: Arrenni tutti li mè canciamenti pùbblici
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: Li nfurmazzioni di l'utenti foru aggiurnati boni. Cuntrolla
+ la tò posta elittrònica chi t'havi a arrivari nu missaggiu pi cunfirmari lu
+ nnirizzu di posta novu.
+ success: Li nfurmazzioni di l'utenti foru aggiurnati boni.
created: Criatu
closed: Chiudutu
@@ -234,6 +278,9 @@ scn:
title_html: 'Rilazzioni: %{name}'
history_title_html: 'Crunuluggìa dâ rilazzioni: %{name}'
members: Mèmmiri
+ members_count:
+ one: 1 mèmmiru
+ other: '%{count} mèmmiri'
entry_role_html: '%{type} %{name} comu %{role}'
@@ -1978,48 +2025,6 @@ scn:
unhide_user: Ammustra a st'utenti
delete_user: Cancella a st'utenti
confirm: Cunferma
- account:
- title: Cancia lu cuntu
- my settings: Li mè mpustazzioni
- current email address: Nnirizzu email attuali
- external auth: Autinticazzioni esterna
- openid:
- link:
- link text: chi voli diri?
- public editing:
- heading: Canciamenti pùbblici
- enabled: Attivati. Nun sî anònimu e poi canciari li dati.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: chi voli diri?
- disabled: Disattivati, e nun poi canciari li dati, tutti li canciamenti pricidenti
- sunnu anònimi.
- disabled link text: pirchì nun pozzu fari canciamenti?
- public editing note:
- heading: Canciamenti pùbblici
- html: Com'a ora li tò canciamenti sunnu anònimi e li genti nun ti ponnu mannari
- missaggi o vìdiri unni sî. Pi fari vìdiri chiddu chi canci e pirmèttiri
- ê genti di cuntattà riti pi menzu dû situ web, carca lu buttuni cassutta.
- A pà rtiri dâ ntroduzzioni di l'API 0.6, sulu l'utenti pùbblici ponnu
- canciari li dati dâ carta. (vidi
- pirchì).
- contributor terms:
- heading: Cunnizzioni di cuntribbuzzioni
- agreed: Accittasti li cunnizzioni di cuntribbuzzioni novi.
- not yet agreed: Ancora nun accittasti li cunnizzioni di cuntribbuzzioni novi.
- review link text: Quannu voi tu vai nta stu link pi lèggiri e accittari li
- cunnizzioni di cuntribbuzzioni novi.
- agreed_with_pd: Dichiarasti macari chi cunzìddiri li tò canciamenti ntô Duminiu
- Pùbblicu.
- link:
- link text: chi voli diri?
- save changes button: Sarva li canciamenti
- make edits public button: Arrenni tutti li mè canciamenti pùbblici
- flash update success confirm needed: Li nfurmazzioni di l'utenti foru aggiurnati
- boni. Cuntrolla la tò posta elittrònica chi t'havi a arrivari nu missaggiu
- pi cunfirmari lu nnirizzu di posta novu.
- flash update success: Li nfurmazzioni di l'utenti foru aggiurnati boni.
flash success: Pusizzioni basi sarvata bona.
diff --git a/config/locales/sco.yml b/config/locales/sco.yml
index c9d52bed9..491206ff9 100644
--- a/config/locales/sco.yml
+++ b/config/locales/sco.yml
@@ -90,6 +90,9 @@ sco:
name: Remote Control
description: Remote Control (JOSM or Merkaartor)
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Eedit accoont
created: Creatit
closed: Closed
@@ -1066,8 +1069,6 @@ sco:
edits: Eedits
created from: 'Creautit frae:'
user location: Uiser location
- account:
- title: Eedit accoont
diff --git a/config/locales/sk.yml b/config/locales/sk.yml
index b369d635b..2af89683e 100644
--- a/config/locales/sk.yml
+++ b/config/locales/sk.yml
@@ -178,6 +178,46 @@ sk:
comment: Komentár
full: Celá poznámka
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: UpraviÅ¥ úÄet
+ my settings: Moje nastavenia
+ current email address: Aktuálna e-mailová adresa
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: Äo to znamená?
+ public editing:
+ heading: Ãprava pre verejnosÅ¥
+ enabled: Zapnuté. Nie je anonym a môže upravovať údaje.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: Äo to znamená?
+ disabled: Vypnutý a nemôže upravovať údaje, všetky predchádzajúce úpravy sú
+ anonymné.
+ disabled link text: preÄo nemôžem upravovaÅ¥?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: 'Verejné úpravy:'
+ html: Teraz upravujete ako anonym a ostatnà Vám nemôžu poslať správy, alebo
+ vidieÅ¥ vaÅ¡e domovské miesto. Ukážte Äo upravujete a dovoľte ostatným kontaktovaÅ¥
+ Vás cez webovú stránku, kliknite na tlaÄÃtko dolu. Od API verzie 0.6,
+ iba použÃvateľ, ktorý povolil svoje úpravy verejnosti, môže upravovaÅ¥ mapové
+ údaje. (zistiť
+ preÄo).
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: 'Podmienky prispievania:'
+ agreed: Súhlasili ste s novými Podmienkami prispievania.
+ not yet agreed: Zatiaľ ste neodsúhlasili nové Podmienky prispievania.
+ review link text: KeÄ budete maÅ¥ Äas, pomocou tohoto odkazu si prosÃm preÄÃtajte
+ a odsúhlaste nové Podmienky prispievania.
+ agreed_with_pd: Deklarovali ste tiež, že svoje úpravy považujete za slobodné
+ dielo.
+ link text: Äo to znamená?
+ save changes button: Uložiť zmeny
+ make edits public button: Zverejniť všetky moje úpravy
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: PoužÃvateľské údaje boli úspeÅ¡ne aktualizované. Skontrolujte
+ si e-mail, mala by Vám prÃsÅ¥ výzva na potvrdenie novej e-mailovej adresy.
+ success: PoužÃvateľské údaje boli úspeÅ¡ne aktualizované.
created: Vytvorené
closed: Uzavreté
@@ -1877,45 +1917,6 @@ sk:
delete_user: OdstrániÅ¥ tohoto použÃvateľa
confirm: Potvrdiť
report: NahlásiÅ¥ tohto použÃvateľa
- account:
- title: UpraviÅ¥ úÄet
- my settings: Moje nastavenia
- current email address: Aktuálna e-mailová adresa
- openid:
- link:
- link text: Äo to znamená?
- public editing:
- heading: 'Verejné úpravy:'
- enabled: Zapnuté. Nie je anonym a môže upravovať údaje.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: Äo to znamená?
- disabled: Vypnutý a nemôže upravovať údaje, všetky predchádzajúce úpravy sú
- anonymné.
- disabled link text: preÄo nemôžem upravovaÅ¥?
- public editing note:
- heading: Ãprava pre verejnosÅ¥
- html: Teraz upravujete ako anonym a ostatnà Vám nemôžu poslať správy, alebo
- vidieÅ¥ vaÅ¡e domovské miesto. Ukážte Äo upravujete a dovoľte ostatným kontaktovaÅ¥
- Vás cez webovú stránku, kliknite na tlaÄÃtko dolu. Od API verzie 0.6,
- iba použÃvateľ, ktorý povolil svoje úpravy verejnosti, môže upravovaÅ¥ mapové
- údaje. (zistiť
- preÄo).
- contributor terms:
- heading: 'Podmienky prispievania:'
- agreed: Súhlasili ste s novými Podmienkami prispievania.
- not yet agreed: Zatiaľ ste neodsúhlasili nové Podmienky prispievania.
- review link text: KeÄ budete maÅ¥ Äas, pomocou tohoto odkazu si prosÃm preÄÃtajte
- a odsúhlaste nové Podmienky prispievania.
- agreed_with_pd: Deklarovali ste tiež, že svoje úpravy považujete za slobodné
- dielo.
- link text: Äo to znamená?
- save changes button: Uložiť zmeny
- make edits public button: Zverejniť všetky moje úpravy
- flash update success confirm needed: PoužÃvateľské údaje boli úspeÅ¡ne aktualizované.
- Skontrolujte si e-mail, mala by Vám prÃsÅ¥ výzva na potvrdenie novej e-mailovej
- adresy.
- flash update success: PoužÃvateľské údaje boli úspeÅ¡ne aktualizované.
flash success: Domáca poloha úspešne uložená
diff --git a/config/locales/sl.yml b/config/locales/sl.yml
index f7b05cca3..645c33275 100644
--- a/config/locales/sl.yml
+++ b/config/locales/sl.yml
@@ -249,6 +249,48 @@ sl:
comment: Komentar
full: Celotna opomba
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Urejanje uporabniÅ¡kega raÄuna
+ my settings: Moje nastavitve
+ current email address: Trenutni e-poštni naslov
+ external auth: 'Zunanje preverjanje pristnosti:'
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: kaj je to?
+ public editing:
+ heading: Javno urejanje
+ enabled: OmogoÄeno. Niste anonimni in lahko urejate podatke.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: Kaj je to?
+ disabled: OnemogoÄeno in ne morete urejati podatkov. Vsi vaÅ¡i prejÅ¡nji prispevki
+ so anonimni.
+ disabled link text: Zakaj ne morem urejati?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: Javno urejanje
+ html: Trenutno so vaše spremembe anonimne in ljudje vam ne morejo poslati
+ sporoÄil ali videti vaÅ¡e lokacije. Da prikažete, kar ste urejali in ljudem
+ omogoÄite, da vas kontaktirajo prek spletne strani, kliknite spodnji gumb.
+ Od prehoda na API 0.6 lahko zemljevid urejajo le javni uporabniki.
+ ( Ugotovite,
+ zakaj).
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: 'Pogoji sodelovanja:'
+ agreed: Sprejeli ste nove pogoje sodelovanja.
+ not yet agreed: Niste Å¡e sprejeli novih pogojev sodelovanja.
+ review link text: Prosimo sledite tej povezavi, ko imate Äas da pregledate
+ in sprejmete nove pogoje sodelovanja..
+ agreed_with_pd: Prav tako ste izjavili, da so vaša urejanja v javni lasti.
+ link:
+ link text: Kaj je to?
+ save changes button: Shrani spremembe
+ make edits public button: Naj bodo vsi moji prispevki javni
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: Podatki o uporabniku so bili uspešno posodobljeni. Preverite
+ svojo e-pošto in potrdite spremembo e-poštnega naslova.
+ success: Podatki o uporabniku so uspešno posodobljeni.
created: Ustvarjeno
closed: Zaprto
@@ -2153,46 +2195,6 @@ sl:
delete_user: Izbriši uporabnika
confirm: Potrdi
report: Prijavi tega uporabnika
- account:
- title: Urejanje uporabniÅ¡kega raÄuna
- my settings: Moje nastavitve
- current email address: Trenutni e-poštni naslov
- external auth: 'Zunanje preverjanje pristnosti:'
- openid:
- link:
- link text: kaj je to?
- public editing:
- heading: Javno urejanje
- enabled: OmogoÄeno. Niste anonimni in lahko urejate podatke.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: Kaj je to?
- disabled: OnemogoÄeno in ne morete urejati podatkov. Vsi vaÅ¡i prejÅ¡nji prispevki
- so anonimni.
- disabled link text: Zakaj ne morem urejati?
- public editing note:
- heading: Javno urejanje
- html: Trenutno so vaše spremembe anonimne in ljudje vam ne morejo poslati
- sporoÄil ali videti vaÅ¡e lokacije. Da prikažete, kar ste urejali in ljudem
- omogoÄite, da vas kontaktirajo prek spletne strani, kliknite spodnji gumb.
- Od prehoda na API 0.6 lahko zemljevid urejajo le javni uporabniki.
- ( Ugotovite,
- zakaj).
- contributor terms:
- heading: 'Pogoji sodelovanja:'
- agreed: Sprejeli ste nove pogoje sodelovanja.
- not yet agreed: Niste Å¡e sprejeli novih pogojev sodelovanja.
- review link text: Prosimo sledite tej povezavi, ko imate Äas da pregledate
- in sprejmete nove pogoje sodelovanja..
- agreed_with_pd: Prav tako ste izjavili, da so vaša urejanja v javni lasti.
- link:
- link text: Kaj je to?
- save changes button: Shrani spremembe
- make edits public button: Naj bodo vsi moji prispevki javni
- flash update success confirm needed: Podatki o uporabniku so bili uspešno posodobljeni.
- Preverite svojo e-pošto in potrdite spremembo e-poštnega naslova.
- flash update success: Podatki o uporabniku so uspešno posodobljeni.
flash success: DomaÄa lokacija uspeÅ¡no shranjena
diff --git a/config/locales/sq.yml b/config/locales/sq.yml
index 89d78ba6f..4d3b6f634 100644
--- a/config/locales/sq.yml
+++ b/config/locales/sq.yml
@@ -126,6 +126,39 @@ sq:
name: Kontroll nga Larg
description: Kontrollo nga larg (JOSM, Potlatch, Merkaartor)
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Redakto llogarinë
+ my settings: Preferencat e mia
+ current email address: Adresa e Tanishme e Emailit
+ openid:
+ link text: çfarë është kjo?
+ public editing:
+ heading: Redaktim publik
+ enabled: I aktivizuar. Jo anonim dhe mund të redaktojë të dhënat.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: çfarë është kjo?
+ disabled: I çaktivizuar dhe nuk mund të redaktojë të dhënat, të gjitha redaktimet
+ e mëparshme janë anonime.
+ disabled link text: pse nuk mund të redaktoj?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: Redaktim publik
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: Kushtet e kontribuesit
+ agreed: Ti je pajtuar me kushtet e reja për kontribues.
+ not yet agreed: Ti ende nuk je pajtuar me kushtet e reja për kontribues.
+ review link text: Të lutem ndiq i këtë link për të për të lexuar dhe pranuar
+ kushtet e kontribuesit.
+ agreed_with_pd: Ti gjithashtu ke deklaruar, që redaktimet e tua të jenë në
+ pronësi publike.
+ link:
+ link text: Ãka është kjo?
+ save changes button: Ruaj ndryshimet
+ make edits public button: Të gjitha redaktimet e mia bëjë publike
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: Informacioni i përdoruesit u përditësua me sukses. Kontrolloni
+ emailin tuaj për një shënim për të konfirmuar adresën e re të emailit tuaj.
+ success: Informacioni i përdoruesit u përditësua me sukses.
created: Krijuar
closed: Mbyllur
@@ -1483,38 +1516,6 @@ sq:
delete_user: fshi këtë përdorues
confirm: Konfirmo
report: Raporto ķëtë përdorues
- account:
- title: Redakto llogarinë
- my settings: Preferencat e mia
- current email address: Adresa e Tanishme e Emailit
- openid:
- link text: çfarë është kjo?
- public editing:
- heading: Redaktim publik
- enabled: I aktivizuar. Jo anonim dhe mund të redaktojë të dhënat.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: çfarë është kjo?
- disabled: I çaktivizuar dhe nuk mund të redaktojë të dhënat, të gjitha redaktimet
- e mëparshme janë anonime.
- disabled link text: pse nuk mund të redaktoj?
- public editing note:
- heading: Redaktim publik
- contributor terms:
- heading: Kushtet e kontribuesit
- agreed: Ti je pajtuar me kushtet e reja për kontribues.
- not yet agreed: Ti ende nuk je pajtuar me kushtet e reja për kontribues.
- review link text: Të lutem ndiq i këtë link për të për të lexuar dhe pranuar
- kushtet e kontribuesit.
- agreed_with_pd: Ti gjithashtu ke deklaruar, që redaktimet e tua të jenë në
- pronësi publike.
- link:
- link text: Ãka është kjo?
- save changes button: Ruaj ndryshimet
- make edits public button: Të gjitha redaktimet e mia bëjë publike
- flash update success confirm needed: Informacioni i përdoruesit u përditësua
- me sukses. Kontrolloni emailin tuaj për një shënim për të konfirmuar adresën
- e re të emailit tuaj.
- flash update success: Informacioni i përdoruesit u përditësua me sukses.
flash success: Lokacioni i shtëpisë është ruajtur me sukses
diff --git a/config/locales/sr-Latn.yml b/config/locales/sr-Latn.yml
index df8e73963..b5894c889 100644
--- a/config/locales/sr-Latn.yml
+++ b/config/locales/sr-Latn.yml
@@ -125,6 +125,46 @@ sr-Latn:
name: Daljinsko upravljanje
description: Daljinsko upravljanje (JOSM ili Merkaartor)
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: Uredi nalog
+ my settings: Postavke
+ current email address: 'Trenutna e-adresa:'
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: Å¡ta je ovo?
+ public editing:
+ heading: Javno ureÄivanje
+ enabled: OmoguÄeno. Nije anonimno i mogu se ureÄivati podaci.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: Å¡ta je ovo?
+ disabled: OnemoguÄeno i ne mogu se ureÄivati podaci. Sve prethodne izmene
+ su anonimne.
+ disabled link text: zaÅ¡to ne mogu da ureÄujem?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: 'Javno ureÄivanje:'
+ html: Trenutno su vaše izmene anonimne i ljudi vam ne mogu slati poruke ili
+ videti vašu lokaciju. Da biste pokazali vaše izmene i dozvolili ljudima
+ da vas kontaktiraju, kliknite na dugme ispod. Od promena API-ja 0.6,
+ samo javni korisnici mogu ureÄivati mape. (saznajte
+ zašto).
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: 'Uslovi ureÄivanja:'
+ agreed: Prihvatili ste nove uslove ureÄivanja.
+ not yet agreed: Niste prihvatili nove uslove ureÄivanja.
+ review link text: Pratite ovu vezu da biste pregledali i prihvatili nove uslove
+ ureÄivanja.
+ agreed_with_pd: TakoÄe se slažete da vaÅ¡e izmene budu u javnom vlasniÅ¡tvu.
+ link:
+ link text: Å¡ta je ovo?
+ save changes button: SaÄuvaj izmene
+ make edits public button: Neka sve moje izmene budu javne
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: Podaci o korisniku su uspešno ažurirani. Proverite e-poštu
+ da biste potvrdili svoju novu e-adresu.
+ success: Podaci o korisniku su uspešno ažurirani.
title: Skup izmena
@@ -1377,44 +1417,6 @@ sr-Latn:
unhide_user: otkrij ovog korisnika
delete_user: obriši ovog korisnika
confirm: Potvrdi
- account:
- title: Uredi nalog
- my settings: Postavke
- current email address: 'Trenutna e-adresa:'
- openid:
- link:
- link text: Å¡ta je ovo?
- public editing:
- heading: 'Javno ureÄivanje:'
- enabled: OmoguÄeno. Nije anonimno i mogu se ureÄivati podaci.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: Å¡ta je ovo?
- disabled: OnemoguÄeno i ne mogu se ureÄivati podaci. Sve prethodne izmene
- su anonimne.
- disabled link text: zaÅ¡to ne mogu da ureÄujem?
- public editing note:
- heading: Javno ureÄivanje
- html: Trenutno su vaše izmene anonimne i ljudi vam ne mogu slati poruke ili
- videti vašu lokaciju. Da biste pokazali vaše izmene i dozvolili ljudima
- da vas kontaktiraju, kliknite na dugme ispod. Od promena API-ja 0.6,
- samo javni korisnici mogu ureÄivati mape. (saznajte
- zašto).
- contributor terms:
- heading: 'Uslovi ureÄivanja:'
- agreed: Prihvatili ste nove uslove ureÄivanja.
- not yet agreed: Niste prihvatili nove uslove ureÄivanja.
- review link text: Pratite ovu vezu da biste pregledali i prihvatili nove uslove
- ureÄivanja.
- agreed_with_pd: TakoÄe se slažete da vaÅ¡e izmene budu u javnom vlasniÅ¡tvu.
- link:
- link text: Å¡ta je ovo?
- save changes button: SaÄuvaj izmene
- make edits public button: Neka sve moje izmene budu javne
- flash update success confirm needed: Podaci o korisniku su uspešno ažurirani.
- Proverite e-poštu da biste potvrdili svoju novu e-adresu.
- flash update success: Podaci o korisniku su uspešno ažurirani.
flash success: Mesto stanovanja je uspeÅ¡no saÄuvano
diff --git a/config/locales/sr.yml b/config/locales/sr.yml
index 6b586262f..68052a474 100644
--- a/config/locales/sr.yml
+++ b/config/locales/sr.yml
@@ -46,6 +46,9 @@ sr:
create: ÐÑвоÑи налог
update: ÐжÑÑиÑаÑ
+ doorkeeper_application:
+ create: РегиÑÑÑаÑиÑа
+ update: ÐжÑÑиÑаÑ
create: ÐапÑави ÑедакÑиÑÑ
update: СаÑÑÐ²Ð°Ñ ÑедакÑиÑÑ
@@ -59,6 +62,7 @@ sr:
invalid_email_address: не изгледа као важеÑа имеÑл адÑеÑа
+ email_address_not_routable: ниÑе повезÑив(а)
acl: ÐиÑÑа конÑÑоле пÑиÑÑÑпа
changeset: СкÑп пÑомена
@@ -98,6 +102,7 @@ sr:
name: Ðме (обавезно)
+ url: Ðлавна адÑеÑа апликаÑиÑе (обавезно)
callback_url: ÐовÑаÑна адÑеÑа
support_url: ÐдÑеÑа подÑÑке
allow_read_prefs: ÑиÑа ÑиÑ
ове коÑиÑниÑке поÑÑавке
@@ -115,6 +120,11 @@ sr:
latitude: ÐеогÑаÑÑка ÑиÑина
longitude: ÐеогÑаÑÑка дÑжина
language: Ðезик
+ doorkeeper/application:
+ name: Ðазив
+ redirect_uri: ÐдÑеÑа за пÑеÑÑмеÑаваÑе
+ confidential: ÐовеÑÑива апликаÑиÑа?
+ scopes: Ðозволе
user: ÐоÑиÑник
friend: ÐÑиÑаÑеÑ
@@ -157,6 +167,8 @@ sr:
pass_crypt: Ðозинка
pass_crypt_confirmation: ÐоÑвÑдиÑе лозинкÑ
+ doorkeeper/application:
+ redirect_uri: ÐоÑиÑÑиÑе ÑÐµÐ´Ð½Ñ Ð»Ð¸Ð½Ð¸ÑÑ Ð¿Ð¾ адÑеÑи
tagstring: ÑаздвоÑено запеÑама
@@ -208,6 +220,47 @@ sr:
comment: ÐоменÑаÑ
full: ÐоÑпÑна белеÑка
+ accounts:
+ edit:
+ title: УÑеди налог
+ my settings: ÐоÑÑавке
+ current email address: ТÑенÑÑна имеÑл адÑеÑа
+ external auth: СпоÑна аÑÑенÑиÑикаÑиÑа
+ openid:
+ link:
+ link text: ÑÑа Ñе ово?
+ public editing:
+ heading: Ðавно ÑÑеÑиваÑе
+ enabled: ÐмогÑÑено. ÐиÑе анонимно и Ð¼Ð¾Ð³Ñ Ñе ÑÑеÑиваÑи подаÑи.
+ enabled link:
+ enabled link text: ÑÑа Ñе ово?
+ disabled: ÐнемогÑÑено и не Ð¼Ð¾Ð³Ñ Ñе ÑÑеÑиваÑи подаÑи. Све пÑеÑÑ
одне измене
+ ÑÑ Ð°Ð½Ð¾Ð½Ð¸Ð¼Ð½Ðµ.
+ disabled link text: заÑÑо не Ð¼Ð¾Ð³Ñ Ð´Ð° ÑÑеÑÑÑем?
+ public editing note:
+ heading: Ðавно ÑÑеÑиваÑе
+ html: ТÑенÑÑно ÑÑ Ð²Ð°Ñе измене анонимне и ÑÑди вам не Ð¼Ð¾Ð³Ñ ÑлаÑи поÑÑке или
+ видеÑи ваÑÑ Ð»Ð¾ÐºÐ°ÑиÑÑ. Ðа биÑÑе показали ваÑе измене и дозволили ÑÑдима да
+ Ð²Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð½ÑакÑиÑаÑÑ, кликниÑе на дÑгме иÑпод. Ðд пÑомена ÐÐÐ-Ñа 0.6, Ñамо
+ Ñавни коÑиÑниÑи Ð¼Ð¾Ð³Ñ ÑÑеÑиваÑи мапе. (ÑазнаÑÑе
+ заÑÑо).
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: УÑлови ÑÑеÑиваÑа
+ agreed: ÐÑиÑ
ваÑили ÑÑе нове ÑÑлове ÑÑеÑиваÑа.
+ not yet agreed: ÐиÑÑе пÑиÑ
ваÑили нове ÑÑлове ÑÑеÑиваÑа.
+ review link text: ÐÑаÑиÑе Ð¾Ð²Ñ Ð²ÐµÐ·Ñ Ð´Ð° биÑÑе пÑегледали и пÑиÑ
ваÑили нове ÑÑлове
+ ÑÑеÑиваÑа.
+ agreed_with_pd: ТакоÑе Ñе ÑлажеÑе да ваÑе измене бÑÐ´Ñ Ñ Ñавном влаÑниÑÑвÑ.
+ link:
+ link text: ÑÑа Ñе ово?
+ save changes button: СаÑÑÐ²Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ñомене
+ make edits public button: Ðека Ñве моÑе измене бÑÐ´Ñ Ñавне
+ update:
+ success_confirm_needed: ÐодаÑи о коÑиÑÐ½Ð¸ÐºÑ ÑÑ ÑÑпеÑно ажÑÑиÑани. ÐÑовеÑиÑе имеÑл
+ да биÑÑе поÑвÑдили ÐаÑÑ Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ñ Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑл адÑеÑÑ.
+ success: ÐодаÑи о коÑиÑÐ½Ð¸ÐºÑ ÑÑ ÑÑпеÑно ажÑÑиÑани.
created: ÐапÑавÑено
closed: ÐаÑвоÑено
@@ -1471,7 +1524,7 @@ sr:
Ð²ÐµÐ·Ñ Ñ Ð¿Ð¾ÑÑÑи за поÑвÑÐ´Ñ Ðµ-поÑÑе да биÑÑе га акÑивиÑали или заÑÑажиÑе
account is suspended: ÐажалоÑÑ, Ð²Ð°Ñ Ð½Ð°Ð»Ð¾Ð³ Ñе ÑкинÑÑ Ð·Ð±Ð¾Ð³ ÑÑмÑиве акÑивноÑÑи.
ÐбÑаÑиÑе Ñе админиÑÑÑаÑоÑÑ Ð°ÐºÐ¾ желиÑе да поÑазговаÑаÑе
+ />ÐбÑаÑиÑе Ñе подÑÑÑи ако желиÑе да поÑазговаÑаÑе
о пÑоблемÑ.
auth failure: ÐиÑе могÑÑе пÑиÑавиÑи Ñе Ñа Ñим деÑаÑима.
openid_logo_alt: ÐÑиÑавиÑе Ñе Ñ OpenID-Ñем
@@ -1611,8 +1664,10 @@ sr:
Ðанд ФоÑаÑлбеÑг и
Ðанд ТиÑол (под лиÑенÑом CC-BY AT Ñа изменама и допÑнама).
contributors_au_html: |-
- ÐÑÑÑÑалиÑа: ÑадÑжи подаÑке о опÑÑинама
- на оÑÐ½Ð¾Ð²Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð´Ð°Ñака ÐÑÑÑÑалиÑÑког биÑоа за ÑÑаÑиÑÑикÑ.
+ ÐÑÑÑÑалиÑа: ÑадÑжи подаÑке о опÑÑинама ©
+ Geoscape ÐÑÑÑÑалиÑа
+ лиÑенÑиÑано од ÑÑÑане ÐомонвелÑа ÐÑÑÑÑалиÑе под
+ Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence (CC BY 4.0).
contributors_ca_html: |-
Ðанада: ÑадÑжи подаÑке из
Ðеобазе®, ÐеогÑаÑиÑа (© ÐдеÑеÑе за пÑиÑодне
@@ -1995,7 +2050,7 @@ sr:
in: Ñ
public_traces: Ðавни ÐÐС ÑÑагови
- my_traces: ÐоÑи GPS ÑÑагови
+ my_traces: ÐоÑи ÑÑагови
public_traces_from: Ðавни GPS ÑÑагови коÑиÑника %{user}
description: ÐÑеÑÑажиÑе недавне аплоÑде GPS пÑÑева
tagged_with: ' ознаÑени Ñа %{tags}'
@@ -2105,8 +2160,8 @@ sr:
title: РегиÑÑÑаÑиÑа
no_auto_account_create: ÐажалоÑÑ, ÑÑенÑÑно ниÑмо Ñ Ð¼Ð¾Ð³ÑÑноÑÑи да оÑвоÑимо нови
- contact_support_html: ÐонÑакÑиÑаÑÑе админиÑÑÑаÑоÑа
- за оÑваÑаÑе новог налога. ÐбÑадиÑемо заÑ
Ñев ÑÑо Ñе пÑе могÑÑе.
+ contact_support_html: ÐонÑакÑиÑаÑÑе подÑÑÐºÑ Ð·Ð° оÑваÑаÑе
+ новог налога - обÑадиÑемо заÑ
Ñев ÑÑо Ñе пÑе могÑÑе.
header: Слободно и изменÑиво
html: |-
@@ -2201,45 +2256,6 @@ sr:
delete_user: ÐзбÑиÑи коÑиÑника
confirm: ÐоÑвÑди
report: ÐÑиÑави овог коÑиÑника
- account:
- title: УÑеди налог
- my settings: ÐоÑÑавке
- current email address: ТÑенÑÑна имеÑл адÑеÑа
- external auth: СпоÑна аÑÑенÑиÑикаÑиÑа
- openid:
- link:
- link text: ÑÑа Ñе ово?
- public editing:
- heading: Ðавно ÑÑеÑиваÑе
- enabled: ÐмогÑÑено. ÐиÑе анонимно и Ð¼Ð¾Ð³Ñ Ñе ÑÑеÑиваÑи подаÑи.
- enabled link:
- enabled link text: ÑÑа Ñе ово?
- disabled: ÐнемогÑÑено и не Ð¼Ð¾Ð³Ñ Ñе ÑÑеÑиваÑи подаÑи. Све пÑеÑÑ
одне измене
- ÑÑ Ð°Ð½Ð¾Ð½Ð¸Ð¼Ð½Ðµ.
- disabled link text: заÑÑо не Ð¼Ð¾Ð³Ñ Ð´Ð° ÑÑеÑÑÑем?
- public editing note:
- heading: Ðавно ÑÑеÑиваÑе
- html: ТÑенÑÑно ÑÑ Ð²Ð°Ñе измене анонимне и ÑÑди вам не Ð¼Ð¾Ð³Ñ ÑлаÑи поÑÑке или
- видеÑи ваÑÑ Ð»Ð¾ÐºÐ°ÑиÑÑ. Ðа биÑÑе показали ваÑе измене и дозволили ÑÑдима да
- Ð²Ð°Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð½ÑакÑиÑаÑÑ, кликниÑе на дÑгме иÑпод. Ðд пÑомена ÐÐÐ-Ñа 0.6, Ñамо
- Ñавни коÑиÑниÑи Ð¼Ð¾Ð³Ñ ÑÑеÑиваÑи мапе. (ÑазнаÑÑе
- заÑÑо).
- contributor terms:
- heading: УÑлови ÑÑеÑиваÑа
- agreed: ÐÑиÑ
ваÑили ÑÑе нове ÑÑлове ÑÑеÑиваÑа.
- not yet agreed: ÐиÑÑе пÑиÑ
ваÑили нове ÑÑлове ÑÑеÑиваÑа.
- review link text: ÐÑаÑиÑе Ð¾Ð²Ñ Ð²ÐµÐ·Ñ Ð´Ð° биÑÑе пÑегледали и пÑиÑ
ваÑили нове ÑÑлове
- ÑÑеÑиваÑа.
- agreed_with_pd: ТакоÑе Ñе ÑлажеÑе да ваÑе измене бÑÐ´Ñ Ñ Ñавном влаÑниÑÑвÑ.
- link:
- link text: ÑÑа Ñе ово?
- save changes button: СаÑÑÐ²Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ñомене
- make edits public button: Ðека Ñве моÑе измене бÑÐ´Ñ Ñавне
- flash update success confirm needed: ÐодаÑи о коÑиÑÐ½Ð¸ÐºÑ ÑÑ ÑÑпеÑно ажÑÑиÑани.
- ÐÑовеÑиÑе имеÑл да биÑÑе поÑвÑдили ÐаÑÑ Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ñ Ð¸Ð¼ÐµÑл адÑеÑÑ.
- flash update success: ÐодаÑи о коÑиÑÐ½Ð¸ÐºÑ ÑÑ ÑÑпеÑно ажÑÑиÑани.
flash success: ÐеÑÑо ÑÑановаÑа Ñе ÑÑпеÑно ÑаÑÑвано
@@ -2265,7 +2281,7 @@ sr:
ÐÐ²Ñ Ð¾Ð´Ð»ÑÐºÑ Ñе ÑбÑзо ÑазмоÑÑиÑи админиÑÑÑаÑоÑ. ТакоÑе, - можеÑе конÑакÑиÑаÑи %{webmaster}а ако желиÑе да Ñе жалиÑе. + можеÑе конÑакÑиÑаÑи %{webmaster} ако желиÑе да ово пÑокоменÑаÑиÑеÑе.
auth_failure: connection_failed: ÐовезиваÑе до аÑÑенÑиÑикаÑионог пÑоваÑдеÑа неÑÑпеÑно diff --git a/config/locales/sv.yml b/config/locales/sv.yml index 624c70f87..740b92403 100644 --- a/config/locales/sv.yml +++ b/config/locales/sv.yml @@ -290,6 +290,49 @@ sv: entry: comment: Kommentar full: Hela anteckningen + accounts: + edit: + title: Redigera konto + my settings: Mina inställningar + current email address: Nuvarande e-postadress + external auth: Extern autentisering + openid: + link: + link text: vad är detta? + public editing: + heading: Offentlig redigering + enabled: Aktiverat, du är inte anonym och kan redigera data. + enabled link: + enabled link text: vad är detta? + disabled: Avstängt och kan inte redigera data, alla redigeringar som gjorts + är anonyma. + disabled link text: varför kan jag inte redigera? + public editing note: + heading: Offentlig redigering + html: Dina redigeringar är för tillfället anonyma och andra användare kan + inte skicka meddelanden till dig eller se din position. För att visa andra + vad du redigerat och för att tillÃ¥ta andra att kontakta dig genom webbplatsen, + klicka pÃ¥ knappen nedan. Sedan bytet till API av version 0.6 kan bara + publika användare redigera kartdata. (ta + reda pÃ¥ varför (engelska)).