1 require "chef/mixin/shell_out"
5 include Chef::Mixin::ShellOut
12 :select, :insert, :update, :delete, :truncate, :references, :trigger
16 :usage, :select, :update
19 def initialize(cluster)
24 @cluster.split("/").first.to_f
28 # Create argument array
32 args.push("--cluster")
36 args.push("--no-align") unless options.fetch(:align, true)
38 # Add any SQL command to execute
40 args.push("--command")
41 args.push(options[:command])
44 # Add any file to execute SQL commands from
47 args.push(options[:file])
50 # Add the database name
51 args.push(options[:database] || "template1")
53 # Get the user and group to run as
54 user = options[:user] || "postgres"
55 group = options[:group] || "postgres"
58 shell_out!("/usr/bin/psql", *args, :user => user, :group => group)
61 def query(sql, options = {})
63 result = execute(options.merge(:command => sql, :align => false))
65 # Split the output into lines
66 lines = result.stdout.split("\n")
68 # Remove the "(N rows)" line from the end
72 fields = lines.shift.split("|")
74 # Extract the record data
75 lines.collect do |line|
77 fields.zip(line.split("|")) { |name, value| record[name.to_sym] = value }
83 @users ||= query("SELECT *, ARRAY(SELECT groname FROM pg_group WHERE usesysid = ANY(grolist)) AS roles FROM pg_user").each_with_object({}) do |user, users|
84 users[user[:usename]] = {
85 :superuser => user[:usesuper] == "t",
86 :createdb => user[:usercreatedb] == "t",
87 :createrole => user[:usecatupd] == "t",
88 :replication => user[:userepl] == "t",
89 :roles => parse_array(user[:roles] || "{}")
95 @databases ||= query("SELECT d.datname, u.usename, d.encoding, d.datcollate, d.datctype FROM pg_database AS d INNER JOIN pg_user AS u ON d.datdba = u.usesysid").each_with_object({}) do |database, databases|
96 databases[database[:datname]] = {
97 :owner => database[:usename],
98 :encoding => database[:encoding],
99 :collate => database[:datcollate],
100 :ctype => database[:datctype]
105 def extensions(database)
107 @extensions[database] ||= query("SELECT extname, extversion FROM pg_extension", :database => database).each_with_object({}) do |extension, extensions|
108 extensions[extension[:extname]] = {
109 :version => extension[:extversion]
115 @tablespaces ||= query("SELECT spcname, usename FROM pg_tablespace AS t INNER JOIN pg_user AS u ON t.spcowner = u.usesysid").each_with_object({}) do |tablespace, tablespaces|
116 tablespaces[tablespace[:spcname]] = {
117 :owner => tablespace[:usename]
122 def schemas(database)
124 @schemas[database] ||= query("SELECT n.nspname, pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(n.nspowner) AS usename, n.nspacl FROM pg_namespace AS n WHERE n.nspname !~ '^pg_' AND n.nspname <> 'information_schema'", :database => database).each_with_object({}) do |schema, schemas|
125 name = "#{schema[:nspname]}"
128 :owner => schema[:usename],
129 :permissions => parse_acl(schema[:nspacl] || "{}")
136 @tables[database] ||= query("SELECT n.nspname, c.relname, u.usename, c.relacl FROM pg_class AS c INNER JOIN pg_user AS u ON c.relowner = u.usesysid INNER JOIN pg_namespace AS n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE n.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') AND c.relkind IN ('r', 'p')", :database => database).each_with_object({}) do |table, tables|
137 name = "#{table[:nspname]}.#{table[:relname]}"
140 :owner => table[:usename],
141 :permissions => parse_acl(table[:relacl] || "{}")
146 def sequences(database)
148 @sequences[database] ||= query("SELECT n.nspname, c.relname, u.usename, c.relacl FROM pg_class AS c INNER JOIN pg_user AS u ON c.relowner = u.usesysid INNER JOIN pg_namespace AS n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE n.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') AND c.relkind = 'S'", :database => database).each_with_object({}) do |sequence, sequences|
149 name = "#{sequence[:nspname]}.#{sequence[:relname]}"
152 :owner => sequence[:usename],
153 :permissions => parse_acl(sequence[:relacl] || "{}")
160 def parse_array(array)
161 array.sub(/^\{(.*)\}$/, "\\1").split(",")
165 parse_array(acl).each_with_object({}) do |entry, permissions|
166 entry = entry.sub(/^"(.*)"$/) { Regexp.last_match[1].gsub(/\\"/, '"') }.sub(%r{/.*$}, "")
167 user, privileges = entry.split("=")
169 user = user.sub(/^"(.*)"$/, "\\1")
170 user = "public" if user == ""
172 permissions[user] = {
173 "r" => :select, "a" => :insert, "w" => :update, "d" => :delete,
174 "D" => :truncate, "x" => :references, "t" => :trigger,
175 "C" => :create, "c" => :connect, "T" => :temporary,
176 "X" => :execute, "U" => :usage, "s" => :set, "A" => :alter_system
177 }.values_at(*privileges.chars).compact