3 # Plugin to monitor the age of the imported data in the rendering db
8 # autoconf (optional - used by munin-config)
11 if [ "$1" = "config" ]; then
13 echo 'graph_title Data import lag'
14 echo 'graph_args --base 1000 -l 0'
15 echo 'graph_vlabel minutes'
16 echo 'graph_category renderd'
17 echo 'age.label DB import age'
19 echo 'age.cdef age,60,/'
20 echo 'age.warning :600'
21 echo 'age.critical :3600'
25 latest_changes=$(ls /var/lib/replicate/changes-*.osc.gz | sort --version-sort | tail -1)
26 tstamp=$(osmium fileinfo --extended --get=data.timestamp.last ${latest_changes})
27 tstampsec=$(date --date=${tstamp} +%s)
30 echo "age.value " `expr $nowsec - $tstampsec`