2 # Cookbook Name:: hardware
5 # Copyright 2012, OpenStreetMap Foundation
7 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
11 # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
13 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17 # limitations under the License.
20 include_recipe "tools"
21 include_recipe "munin"
23 ohai_plugin "hardware" do
24 template "ohai.rb.erb"
27 case node[:cpu][:"0"][:vendor_id]
29 package "intel-microcode"
31 package "amd64-microcode"
34 if node[:dmi] && node[:dmi][:system]
35 case node[:dmi][:system][:manufacturer]
37 manufacturer = node[:dmi][:base_board][:manufacturer]
38 product = node[:dmi][:base_board][:product_name]
40 manufacturer = node[:dmi][:system][:manufacturer]
41 product = node[:dmi][:system][:product_name]
44 manufacturer = "Unknown"
50 if node[:roles].include?("bytemark") || node[:roles].include?("exonetric")
58 package "hp-health" do
60 notifies :restart, "service[hp-health]"
63 service "hp-health" do
64 action [:enable, :start]
65 supports :status => true, :restart => true
68 if product.end_with?("Gen8", "Gen9")
71 notifies :restart, "service[hp-ams]"
75 action [:enable, :start]
76 supports :status => true, :restart => true
83 when "TYAN Computer Corporation"
87 when "H8DGU", "X9SCD", "X7DBU", "X7DW3", "X9DR7/E-(J)LN4F", "X9DR3-F", "X9DRW", "SYS-1028U-TN10RT+", "SYS-2028U-TN24R4T+", "Super Server"
96 units.sort.uniq.each do |unit|
97 service "serial-getty@ttyS#{unit}" do
98 action [:enable, :start]
102 # if we need a different / special kernel version to make the hardware
103 # work (e.g: https://github.com/openstreetmap/operations/issues/45) then
104 # ensure that we have the package installed. the grub template will
105 # make sure that this is the default on boot.
106 if node[:hardware][:grub][:kernel]
107 kernel_version = node[:hardware][:grub][:kernel]
109 package "linux-image-#{kernel_version}-generic"
110 package "linux-image-extra-#{kernel_version}-generic"
111 package "linux-headers-#{kernel_version}-generic"
112 package "linux-tools-#{kernel_version}-generic"
114 boot_device = IO.popen(["df", "/boot"]).readlines.last.split.first
115 boot_uuid = IO.popen(["blkid", "-o", "value", "-s", "UUID", boot_device]).readlines.first.chomp
116 grub_entry = "gnulinux-advanced-#{boot_uuid}>gnulinux-#{kernel_version}-advanced-#{boot_uuid}"
121 if File.exist?("/etc/default/grub")
122 execute "update-grub" do
124 command "/usr/sbin/update-grub"
127 template "/etc/default/grub" do
132 variables :units => units, :entry => grub_entry
133 notifies :run, "execute[update-grub]"
137 execute "update-initramfs" do
139 command "update-initramfs -u -k all"
144 template "/etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/mdadm" do
145 source "initramfs-mdadm.erb"
149 notifies :run, "execute[update-initramfs]"
154 action [:enable, :start]
157 package "ipmitool" if node[:kernel][:modules].include?("ipmi_si")
161 template "/etc/default/irqbalance" do
162 source "irqbalance.erb"
168 service "irqbalance" do
169 action [:start, :enable]
170 supports :status => false, :restart => true, :reload => false
171 subscribes :restart, "template[/etc/default/irqbalance]"
174 # Link Layer Discovery Protocol Daemon
177 action [:start, :enable]
178 supports :status => true, :restart => true, :reload => true
184 node[:kernel][:modules].each_key do |modname|
187 tools_packages << "ssacli"
188 status_packages["cciss-vol-status"] ||= []
190 tools_packages << "ssacli"
191 status_packages["cciss-vol-status"] ||= []
193 tools_packages << "lsiutil"
194 status_packages["mpt-status"] ||= []
195 when "mpt2sas", "mpt3sas"
196 tools_packages << "sas2ircu"
197 status_packages["sas2ircu-status"] ||= []
199 tools_packages << "megactl"
200 status_packages["megaraid-status"] ||= []
202 tools_packages << "megacli"
203 status_packages["megaclisas-status"] ||= []
205 tools_packages << "arcconf"
206 status_packages["aacraid-status"] ||= []
208 tools_packages << "areca"
212 node[:block_device].each do |name, attributes|
213 next unless attributes[:vendor] == "HP" && attributes[:model] == "LOGICAL VOLUME"
215 if name =~ /^cciss!(c[0-9]+)d[0-9]+$/
216 status_packages["cciss-vol-status"] |= ["cciss/#{Regexp.last_match[1]}d0"]
218 Dir.glob("/sys/block/#{name}/device/scsi_generic/*").each do |sg|
219 status_packages["cciss-vol-status"] |= [File.basename(sg)]
224 %w[ssacli lsiutil sas2ircu megactl megacli arcconf].each do |tools_package|
225 if tools_packages.include?(tools_package)
226 package tools_package
228 package tools_package do
234 if tools_packages.include?("areca")
239 repository "https://git.openstreetmap.org/private/areca.git"
244 directory "/opt/areca" do
250 ["cciss-vol-status", "mpt-status", "sas2ircu-status", "megaraid-status", "megaclisas-status", "aacraid-status"].each do |status_package|
251 if status_packages.include?(status_package)
252 package status_package
254 template "/etc/default/#{status_package}d" do
255 source "raid.default.erb"
259 variables :devices => status_packages[status_package]
262 service "#{status_package}d" do
263 action [:start, :enable]
264 supports :status => false, :restart => true, :reload => false
265 subscribes :restart, "template[/etc/default/#{status_package}d]"
268 package status_package do
272 file "/etc/default/#{status_package}d" do
278 disks = if node[:hardware][:disk]
279 node[:hardware][:disk][:disks]
284 intel_ssds = disks.select { |d| d[:vendor] == "INTEL" && d[:model] =~ /^SSD/ }
286 nvmes = if node[:hardware][:pci]
287 node[:hardware][:pci].values.select { |pci| pci[:driver] == "nvme" }
292 intel_nvmes = nvmes.select { |pci| pci[:vendor_name] == "Intel Corporation" }
294 if !intel_ssds.empty? || !intel_nvmes.empty?
297 remote_file "#{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}/Intel_SSD_Data_Center_Tool_3.0.13_Linux.zip" do
298 source "https://downloadmirror.intel.com/28460/eng/Intel_SSD_Data_Center_Tool_3.0.17_Linux.zip"
301 execute "#{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}/Intel_SSD_Data_Center_Tool_3.0.13_Linux.zip" do
302 command "unzip Intel_SSD_Data_Center_Tool_3.0.13_Linux.zip isdct_3.0.13.400-17_amd64.deb"
303 cwd Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]
306 not_if { File.exist?("#{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}/isdct_3.0.13.400-17_amd64.deb") }
309 dpkg_package "isdct" do
310 version ""
311 source "#{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}/isdct_3.0.13.400-17_amd64.deb"
315 disks = disks.map do |disk|
316 next if disk[:state] == "spun_down" || %w[unconfigured failed].any?(disk[:status])
318 if disk[:smart_device]
319 controller = node[:hardware][:disk][:controllers][disk[:controller]]
321 if controller && controller[:device]
322 device = controller[:device].sub("/dev/", "")
323 smart = disk[:smart_device]
325 if device.start_with?("cciss/") && smart =~ /^cciss,(\d+)$/
326 array = node[:hardware][:disk][:arrays][disk[:arrays].first]
327 munin = "cciss-3#{array[:wwn]}-#{Regexp.last_match(1)}"
328 elsif smart =~ /^.*,(\d+)$/
329 munin = "#{device}-#{Regexp.last_match(1)}"
330 elsif smart =~ %r{^.*,(\d+)/(\d+)$}
331 munin = "#{device}-#{Regexp.last_match(1)}:#{Regexp.last_match(2)}"
335 device = disk[:device].sub("/dev/", "")
345 :hddtemp => munin.tr("-:", "_")
349 disks = disks.compact
351 if disks.count.positive?
352 package "smartmontools"
354 template "/usr/local/bin/smartd-mailer" do
355 source "smartd-mailer.erb"
361 template "/etc/smartd.conf" do
362 source "smartd.conf.erb"
366 variables :disks => disks
369 template "/etc/default/smartmontools" do
370 source "smartmontools.erb"
377 action [:enable, :start]
378 subscribes :reload, "template[/etc/smartd.conf]"
379 subscribes :restart, "template[/etc/default/smartmontools]"
382 # Don't try and do munin monitoring of disks behind
383 # an Areca controller as they only allow one thing to
384 # talk to the controller at a time and smartd will
385 # throw errors if it clashes with munin
386 disks = disks.reject { |disk| disk[:smart]&.start_with?("areca,") }
389 munin_plugin "smart_#{disk[:munin]}" do
391 conf "munin.smart.erb"
392 conf_variables :disk => disk
397 action [:stop, :disable]
401 if disks.count.positive?
402 munin_plugin "hddtemp_smartctl" do
403 conf "munin.hddtemp.erb"
404 conf_variables :disks => disks
407 munin_plugin "hddtemp_smartctl" do
409 conf "munin.hddtemp.erb"
413 plugins = Dir.glob("/etc/munin/plugins/smart_*").map { |p| File.basename(p) } -
414 disks.map { |d| "smart_#{d[:munin]}" }
416 plugins.each do |plugin|
417 munin_plugin plugin do
419 conf "munin.smart.erb"
423 if File.exist?("/etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf")
424 mdadm_conf = edit_file "/etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf" do |line|
425 line.gsub!(/^MAILADDR .*$/, "MAILADDR admins@openstreetmap.org")
430 file "/etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf" do
439 subscribes :restart, "file[/etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf]"
443 template "/etc/modules" do
452 subscribes :start, "template[/etc/modules]"
455 if node[:hardware][:watchdog]
458 template "/etc/default/watchdog" do
459 source "watchdog.erb"
463 variables :module => node[:hardware][:watchdog]
466 service "watchdog" do
467 action [:enable, :start]
471 unless Dir.glob("/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon*").empty?
474 Dir.glob("/sys/devices/platform/coretemp.*").each do |coretemp|
475 cpu = File.basename(coretemp).sub("coretemp.", "").to_i
476 chip = format("coretemp-isa-%04d", cpu)
478 temps = if File.exist?("#{coretemp}/name")
479 Dir.glob("#{coretemp}/temp*_input").map do |temp|
480 File.basename(temp).sub("temp", "").sub("_input", "").to_i
483 Dir.glob("#{coretemp}/hwmon/hwmon*/temp*_input").map do |temp|
484 File.basename(temp).sub("temp", "").sub("_input", "").to_i
489 node.default[:hardware][:sensors][chip][:temps][:temp1][:label] = "CPU #{cpu}"
493 temps.each_with_index do |temp, index|
494 node.default[:hardware][:sensors][chip][:temps]["temp#{temp}"][:label] = "CPU #{cpu} Core #{index}"
498 execute "/etc/sensors.d/chef.conf" do
500 command "/usr/bin/sensors -s"
505 template "/etc/sensors.d/chef.conf" do
506 source "sensors.conf.erb"
510 notifies :run, "execute[/etc/sensors.d/chef.conf]"