active: "{{ with printf \"node_md_disks{instance='%s',device='%s',state='active'}\" $labels.instance $labels.device | query }}{{ . | first | value | humanize }} disks{{end}}"
failed: "{{ with printf \"node_md_disks{instance='%s',device='%s',state='failed'}\" $labels.instance $labels.device | query }}{{ . | first | value | humanize }} disks{{end}}"
spare: "{{ with printf \"node_md_disks{instance='%s',device='%s',state='spare'}\" $labels.instance $labels.device | query }}{{ . | first | value | humanize }} disks{{end}}"
+ - alert: mdadm array degraded
+ expr: sum (node_md_disks{state="active"}) without (state) < node_md_disks_required
+ for: 0m
+ labels:
+ alertgroup: "{{ $labels.instance }}"
+ annotations:
+ required: "{{ with printf \"node_md_disks_required{instance='%s',device='%s'}\" $labels.instance $labels.device | query }}{{ . | first | value | humanize }} disks{{end}}"
+ active: "{{ with printf \"node_md_disks{instance='%s',device='%s',state='active'}\" $labels.instance $labels.device | query }}{{ . | first | value | humanize }} disks{{end}}"
+ failed: "{{ with printf \"node_md_disks{instance='%s',device='%s',state='failed'}\" $labels.instance $labels.device | query }}{{ . | first | value | humanize }} disks{{end}}"
+ spare: "{{ with printf \"node_md_disks{instance='%s',device='%s',state='spare'}\" $labels.instance $labels.device | query }}{{ . | first | value | humanize }} disks{{end}}"
- alert: mdadm disk failed
expr: node_md_disks{state="failed"} > 0
for: 0m
alertgroup: "{{ $labels.instance }}"
skew: "{{ with printf \"node_timex_offset_seconds{instance='%s'}\" $labels.instance | query }} {{ . | humanizeDuration }}{{ end }}"
+ - name: web
+ rules:
+ - alert: web error rate
+ expr: sum(rate(api_call_count_total{status=~"5.*"}[5m])) by (instance) / sum(rate(api_call_count_total[5m])) by (instance) > 0.002
+ for: 5m
+ labels:
+ alertgroup: web
+ annotations:
+ error_rate: "{{ $value | humanizePercentage }}"