--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import sys
+import os
+import geoip2.database
+import ipaddress
+# Constants
+DB_PATH = "<%= node[:geoipupdate][:directory] %>/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb"
+# Default region when continent doesn't match any in the dictionary
+DEFAULT_REGION = "eu-central-1"
+# Mapping of continents to AWS regions
+ "NA": "us-west-2", # North America
+ "OC": "us-west-2", # Oceania
+ "SA": "us-west-2", # South America
+# Global to store last known modification time and database reader
+last_mod_time = None
+reader = None
+def is_valid_ip(ip_str):
+ """Check if a string is a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address."""
+ try:
+ ipaddress.ip_address(ip_str)
+ return True
+ except ValueError:
+ return False
+def get_reader():
+ """Get the geoip2 database reader. Reload if the DB file has changed."""
+ global last_mod_time
+ global reader
+ if not os.path.exists(DB_PATH):
+ return None # Database file missing
+ current_mod_time = os.path.getmtime(DB_PATH)
+ # If file has changed or reader isn't initialized, reload it
+ if reader is None or current_mod_time != last_mod_time:
+ if reader:
+ reader.close() # Close the existing reader before reinitializing
+ reader = geoip2.database.Reader(DB_PATH)
+ last_mod_time = current_mod_time
+ return reader
+def get_continent_from_ip(ip_address):
+ """Return the continent for a given IP address."""
+ if not is_valid_ip(ip_address):
+ return None
+ reader = get_reader()
+ if reader is None:
+ return None # No continent as DB is missing
+ try:
+ response = reader.country(ip_address)
+ return response.continent.code
+ except:
+ return None # Indicates invalid IP address or other issues
+def determine_aws_region(continent_code):
+ """Determine AWS region based on the continent code using a dictionary."""
+ return CONTINENT_TO_AWS_REGION.get(continent_code, DEFAULT_REGION)
+def main():
+ """Main function to process IP addresses from stdin and return AWS regions."""
+ for line in sys.stdin:
+ ip_address = line.strip()
+ continent_code = get_continent_from_ip(ip_address)
+ aws_region = determine_aws_region(continent_code)
+ sys.stdout.write(f"{aws_region}\n")
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
RewriteEngine on
RewriteMap latestplanet prg:/usr/local/bin/apache-latest-planet-filename
+ RewriteMap ip2region prg:/usr/local/bin/apache-s3-ip2region
- #Direct, no redirect for the following
+ # Direct, no redirect for the following
RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} ^127\. [OR]
RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} ^10\. [OR]
- RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} ^193\.60\. [OR]
- RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} ^193\.61\. [OR]
- RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} ^193\.62\. [OR]
- RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} ^193\.63\. [OR]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} nomirror
- RewriteRule .* - [L]
+ RewriteRule .* - [L]
+ # Use RewriteMap latestplanet to redirect -latest symlink to resolved file eg: planet-latest.osm.bz2 -> 2023/planet-230918.osm.bz2
RewriteRule ^(/planet/planet\-latest\.osm\.bz2(\.torrent)?)$ ${latestplanet:$1} [R,L]
RewriteRule ^(/planet/full\-history/history\-latest\.osm\.bz2(\.torrent)?)$ ${latestplanet:$1} [R,L]
RewriteRule ^(/planet/changesets\-latest\.osm\.bz2(\.torrent)?)$ ${latestplanet:$1} [R,L]
RewriteRule ^(/cc\-by\-sa/changesets\-latest\.osm\.bz2)$ ${latestplanet:$1} [R,L]
RewriteRule ^(/cc\-by\-sa/relations\-latest\.osm\.bz2)$ ${latestplanet:$1} [R,L]
+ RewriteRule ^(/notes/planet\-notes\-latest\.osn\.bz2)$ ${latestplanet:$1} [R,L]
# Block an abusive fake user agent
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "=Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/34.0.1847.131 Safari/537.36"
RewriteRule /.*$ - [F,L]
+ <% start_year = 2008 %>
+ <% current_year = Time.now.year %>
+ <% (start_year..current_year).each do |year| %>
+ <% year_two = sprintf('%02d', year % 100) %>
+ <% if year == current_year %>
+ RewriteRule ^/pbf/(planet\-<%= year_two %>[0-1][0-9][0-3][0-9]\.osm\.pbf(\.torrent|\.md5)?)$ https://osm-planet-eu-central-1.s3.amazonaws.com/planet/pbf/<%= year %>/$1 [R,L]
+ RewriteRule ^/pbf/full\-history/(history\-<%= year_two %>[0-1][0-9][0-3][0-9]\.osm\.pbf(\.torrent|\.md5)?)$ https://osm-planet-eu-central-1.s3.amazonaws.com/planet-full-history/pbf/<%= year %>/$1 [R,L]
+ RewriteRule ^/planet/<%= year %>/(planet\-<%= year_two %>[0-1][0-9][0-3][0-9]\.osm\.bz2(\.torrent|\.md5)?)$ https://osm-planet-eu-central-1.s3.amazonaws.com/planet/osm/<%= year %>/$1 [R,L]
+ RewriteRule ^/planet/<%= year %>/(changesets\-<%= year_two %>[0-1][0-9][0-3][0-9]\.osm\.bz2(\.torrent|\.md5)?)$ https://osm-planet-eu-central-1.s3.amazonaws.com/changesets/osm/<%= year %>/$1 [R,L]
+ RewriteRule ^/planet/<%= year %>/(discussions\-<%= year_two %>[0-1][0-9][0-3][0-9]\.osm\.bz2(\.torrent|\.md5)?)$ https://osm-planet-eu-central-1.s3.amazonaws.com/discussions/osm/<%= year %>/$1 [R,L]
+ RewriteRule ^/planet/<%= year %>/full\-history/(history\-<%= year_two %>[0-1][0-9][0-3][0-9]\.osm\.bz2(\.torrent|\.md5)?)$ https://osm-planet-eu-central-1.s3.amazonaws.com/planet-full-history/osm/<%= year %>/$1 [R,L]
+ <% else %>
+ RewriteRule ^/pbf/(planet\-<%= year_two %>[0-1][0-9][0-3][0-9]\.osm\.pbf(\.torrent|\.md5)?)$ https://osm-planet-${ip2region:%{REMOTE_ADDR}|eu-central-1}.s3.amazonaws.com/planet/pbf/<%= year %>/$1 [R,L]
+ RewriteRule ^/pbf/full\-history/(history\-<%= year_two %>[0-1][0-9][0-3][0-9]\.osm\.pbf(\.torrent|\.md5)?)$ https://osm-planet-${ip2region:%{REMOTE_ADDR}|eu-central-1}.s3.amazonaws.com/planet-full-history/pbf/<%= year %>/$1 [R,L]
+ RewriteRule ^/planet/<%= year %>/(planet\-<%= year_two %>[0-1][0-9][0-3][0-9]\.osm\.bz2(\.torrent|\.md5)?)$ https://osm-planet-${ip2region:%{REMOTE_ADDR}|eu-central-1}.s3.amazonaws.com/planet/osm/<%= year %>/$1 [R,L]
+ RewriteRule ^/planet/<%= year %>/(changesets\-<%= year_two %>[0-1][0-9][0-3][0-9]\.osm\.bz2(\.torrent|\.md5)?)$ https://osm-planet-${ip2region:%{REMOTE_ADDR}|eu-central-1}.s3.amazonaws.com/changesets/osm/<%= year %>/$1 [R,L]
+ RewriteRule ^/planet/<%= year %>/(discussions\-<%= year_two %>[0-1][0-9][0-3][0-9]\.osm\.bz2(\.torrent|\.md5)?)$ https://osm-planet-${ip2region:%{REMOTE_ADDR}|eu-central-1}.s3.amazonaws.com/discussions/osm/<%= year %>/$1 [R,L]
+ RewriteRule ^/planet/<%= year %>/full\-history/(history\-<%= year_two %>[0-1][0-9][0-3][0-9]\.osm\.bz2(\.torrent|\.md5)?)$ https://osm-planet-${ip2region:%{REMOTE_ADDR}|eu-central-1}.s3.amazonaws.com/planet-full-history/osm/<%= year %>/$1 [R,L]
+ <% end %>
+ <% end %>
# Temporary download rate limit due to upstream fibre connection issues. - 13 Jan 2020
<FilesMatch ".+\.(7z|bz2|gz|pbf|tgz|xz)$">
SetOutputFilter RATE_LIMIT