RewriteMap ip2region prg:/usr/local/bin/apache-s3-ip2region
# Direct, no redirect for the following
- RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} ^(127\.|10\.|192\.168\.)
+ RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} ^(127\.|10\.|192\.168\.)
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} nomirror
RewriteRule .* - [L]
- # Set ENV:REGION to AWS region closest to the user
- RewriteRule .* - [E=REGION:${ip2region:%{REMOTE_ADDR}|eu-central-1}]
# Use RewriteMap latestplanet to redirect -latest symlink to resolved file eg: planet-latest.osm.bz2 -> 2023/planet-230918.osm.bz2
RewriteRule ^(/planet/planet\-latest\.osm\.bz2(\.torrent)?)$ ${latestplanet:$1} [R,L]
RewriteRule ^(/planet/full\-history/history\-latest\.osm\.bz2(\.torrent)?)$ ${latestplanet:$1} [R,L]
RewriteRule ^(/notes/planet\-notes\-latest\.osn\.bz2)$ ${latestplanet:$1} [R,L]
- # Block an abusive fake user agent
- RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "=Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/34.0.1847.131 Safari/537.36"
- RewriteRule /.*$ - [F,L]
+ # Redirect minute/hour/day replication files to AWS S3 eu-central-1 bucket
+ RewriteRule ^/replication/((minute|hour|day)/state\.txt)$$1 [R,L]
+ RewriteRule ^/replication/((minute|hour|day)/\d{3}/\d{3}/\d{3}\.state\.txt)$$1 [R,L]
+ RewriteRule ^/replication/((minute|hour|day)/\d{3}/\d{3}/\d{3}\.osc\.gz)$$1 [R,L]
+ # Redirect changeset replication files to AWS S3 eu-central-1 bucket
+ RewriteRule ^/replication/changesets/(state\.yaml)$$1 [R,L]
+ RewriteRule ^/replication/changesets/(\d{3}/\d{3}/\d{3}\.state\.txt)$$1 [R,L]
+ RewriteRule ^/replication/changesets/(\d{3}/\d{3}/\d{3}\.osm\.gz)$$1 [R,L]
+ # Set ENV:REGION to AWS region closest to the user
+ RewriteRule .* - [E=REGION:${ip2region:%{REMOTE_ADDR}|eu-central-1}]
<% start_year = 2008 %>
<% current_year = %>
RewriteRule ^/planet/<%= year %>/(changesets\-<%= year_two %>[0-1][0-9][0-3][0-9]\.osm\.bz2(\.torrent|\.md5)?)$ https://osm-planet-%{ENV:REGION}.s3.dualstack.%{ENV:REGION}<%= year %>/$1 [R,L]
RewriteRule ^/planet/<%= year %>/(discussions\-<%= year_two %>[0-1][0-9][0-3][0-9]\.osm\.bz2(\.torrent|\.md5)?)$ https://osm-planet-%{ENV:REGION}.s3.dualstack.%{ENV:REGION}<%= year %>/$1 [R,L]
RewriteRule ^/planet/full\-history/<%= year %>/(history\-<%= year_two %>[0-1][0-9][0-3][0-9]\.osm\.bz2(\.torrent|\.md5)?)$ https://osm-planet-%{ENV:REGION}.s3.dualstack.%{ENV:REGION}<%= year %>/$1 [R,L]
- RewriteRule ^/tile_logs/(hosts\-<%= year %>\-[01][0-9]\-[0-3][0-9]\.csv) https://osm-planet-%{ENV:REGION}.s3.dualstack.%{ENV:REGION}<%= year %>/$1 [R,L]
- RewriteRule ^/tile_logs/(countries\-<%= year %>\-[01][0-9]\-[0-3][0-9]\.csv) https://osm-planet-%{ENV:REGION}.s3.dualstack.%{ENV:REGION}<%= year %>/$1 [R,L]
- RewriteRule ^/tile_logs/(apps\-<%= year %>\-[01][0-9]\-[0-3][0-9]\.csv) https://osm-planet-%{ENV:REGION}.s3.dualstack.%{ENV:REGION}<%= year %>/$1 [R,L]
- RewriteRule ^/tile_logs/(tiles\-<%= year %>\-[01][0-9]\-[0-3][0-9]\.txt\.xz) https://osm-planet-%{ENV:REGION}.s3.dualstack.%{ENV:REGION}<%= year %>/$1 [R,L]
+ RewriteRule ^/tile_logs/(hosts\-<%= year %>\-[01][0-9]\-[0-3][0-9]\.csv)$ https://osm-planet-%{ENV:REGION}.s3.dualstack.%{ENV:REGION}<%= year %>/$1 [R,L]
+ RewriteRule ^/tile_logs/(countries\-<%= year %>\-[01][0-9]\-[0-3][0-9]\.csv)$ https://osm-planet-%{ENV:REGION}.s3.dualstack.%{ENV:REGION}<%= year %>/$1 [R,L]
+ RewriteRule ^/tile_logs/(apps\-<%= year %>\-[01][0-9]\-[0-3][0-9]\.csv)$ https://osm-planet-%{ENV:REGION}.s3.dualstack.%{ENV:REGION}<%= year %>/$1 [R,L]
+ RewriteRule ^/tile_logs/(tiles\-<%= year %>\-[01][0-9]\-[0-3][0-9]\.txt\.xz)$ https://osm-planet-%{ENV:REGION}.s3.dualstack.%{ENV:REGION}<%= year %>/$1 [R,L]
<% end %>
<% end %>
it { should be_listening }
its("protocols") { should cmp "tcp" }
+describe http("http://localhost") do
+ its("status") { should cmp 200 }
+# Minutely Replication Diffs
+describe http("",
+ :headers => { "Host" => "" },
+ :ssl_verify => false) do
+ its("status") { should eq 302 }
+ its("headers.Location") { should eq "" }
+describe http("",
+ :headers => { "Host" => "" },
+ :ssl_verify => false) do
+ its("status") { should eq 302 }
+ its("headers.Location") { should eq "" }
+describe http("",
+ :headers => { "Host" => "" },
+ :ssl_verify => false) do
+ its("status") { should eq 302 }
+ its("headers.Location") { should eq "" }
+# Hourly Replication Diffs
+describe http("",
+ :headers => { "Host" => "" },
+ :ssl_verify => false) do
+ its("status") { should eq 302 }
+ its("headers.Location") { should eq "" }
+describe http("",
+ :headers => { "Host" => "" },
+ :ssl_verify => false) do
+ its("status") { should eq 302 }
+ its("headers.Location") { should eq "" }
+describe http("",
+ :headers => { "Host" => "" },
+ :ssl_verify => false) do
+ its("status") { should eq 302 }
+ its("headers.Location") { should eq "" }
+# Daily Replication Diffs
+describe http("",
+ :headers => { "Host" => "" },
+ :ssl_verify => false) do
+ its("status") { should eq 302 }
+ its("headers.Location") { should eq "" }
+describe http("",
+ :headers => { "Host" => "" },
+ :ssl_verify => false) do
+ its("status") { should eq 302 }
+ its("headers.Location") { should eq "" }
+describe http("",
+ :headers => { "Host" => "" },
+ :ssl_verify => false) do
+ its("status") { should eq 302 }
+ its("headers.Location") { should eq "" }
+# Changeset Replication Diffs
+describe http("",
+ :headers => { "Host" => "" },
+ :ssl_verify => false) do
+ its("status") { should eq 302 }
+ its("headers.Location") { should eq "" }
+describe http("",
+ :headers => { "Host" => "" },
+ :ssl_verify => false) do
+ its("status") { should eq 302 }
+ its("headers.Location") { should eq "" }
+describe http("",
+ :headers => { "Host" => "" },
+ :ssl_verify => false) do
+ its("status") { should eq 302 }
+ its("headers.Location") { should eq "" }
+# Planet File
+describe http("",
+ :headers => { "Host" => "" },
+ :ssl_verify => false) do
+ its("status") { should eq 302 }
+ its("headers.Location") { should eq "" }
+# Planet File MD5
+describe http("",
+ :headers => { "Host" => "" },
+ :ssl_verify => false) do
+ its("status") { should eq 302 }
+ its("headers.Location") { should eq "" }
+# Full History Planet File
+describe http("",
+ :headers => { "Host" => "" },
+ :ssl_verify => false) do
+ its("status") { should eq 302 }
+ its("headers.Location") { should eq "" }
+# Full History Planet File MD5
+describe http("",
+ :headers => { "Host" => "" },
+ :ssl_verify => false) do
+ its("status") { should eq 302 }
+ its("headers.Location") { should eq "" }
+# PBF planet file
+describe http("",
+ :headers => { "Host" => "" },
+ :ssl_verify => false) do
+ its("status") { should eq 302 }
+ its("headers.Location") { should eq "" }
+# PBF full history planet file
+describe http("",
+ :headers => { "Host" => "" },
+ :ssl_verify => false) do
+ its("status") { should eq 302 }
+ its("headers.Location") { should eq "" }
+# Tiles log
+describe http("",
+ :headers => { "Host" => "" },
+ :ssl_verify => false) do
+ its("status") { should eq 302 }
+ its("headers.Location") { should eq "" }