default[:tile][:mapnik] = "3.1"
-default[:tile][:replication][:engine] = "osm2pgsql"
default[:tile][:replication][:url] = ""
default[:tile][:data] = {}
+++ /dev/null
-Expire meta tiles from a OSM change file by resetting their modified time.
-import argparse
-import os
-import osmium as o
-import pyproj
-EXPIRY_TIME = 946681200 # 2000-01-01 00:00:00
-# width/height of the spherical mercator projection
-SIZE = 40075016.6855784
-proj_transformer = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs('epsg:4326', 'epsg:3857', always_xy = True)
-class TileCollector(o.SimpleHandler):
- def __init__(self, node_cache, zoom):
- super(TileCollector, self).__init__()
- self.node_cache = o.index.create_map("dense_file_array," + node_cache)
- self.done_nodes = set()
- self.tile_set = set()
- self.zoom = zoom
- def add_tile_from_node(self, location):
- if not location.valid():
- return
- lat = max(-85, min(85.0,
- x, y = proj_transformer.transform(location.lon, lat)
- # renormalise into unit space [0,1]
- x = 0.5 + x / SIZE
- y = 0.5 - y / SIZE
- # transform into tile space
- x = x * 2**self.zoom
- y = y * 2**self.zoom
- # chop of the fractional parts
- self.tile_set.add((int(x), int(y), self.zoom))
- def node(self, node):
- # we put all the nodes into the hash, as it doesn't matter whether the node was
- # added, deleted or modified - the tile will need updating anyway.
- self.done_nodes.add(
- self.add_tile_from_node(node.location)
- def way(self, way):
- for n in way.nodes:
- if not n.ref in self.done_nodes:
- self.done_nodes.add(n.ref)
- try:
- self.add_tile_from_node(self.node_cache.get(n.ref))
- except KeyError:
- pass # no coordinate
-def xyz_to_meta(x, y, z, meta_size):
- """ Return the file name of a meta tile.
- This must match the definition of xyz to meta in mod_tile.
- """
- # mask off the final few bits
- x = x & ~(meta_size - 1)
- y = y & ~(meta_size - 1)
- # generate the path
- path = None
- for i in range(0, 5):
- part = str(((x & 0x0f) << 4) | (y & 0x0f))
- x = x >> 4
- y = y >> 4
- if path is None:
- path = (part + ".meta")
- else:
- path = os.path.join(part, path)
- return os.path.join(str(z), path)
-def expire_meta(meta):
- """Expire the meta tile by setting the modified time back.
- """
- exists = os.path.exists(meta)
- if exists:
- os.utime(meta, (EXPIRY_TIME, EXPIRY_TIME))
- return exists
-def expire_meta_tiles(options):
- proc = TileCollector(options.node_cache, options.max_zoom)
- proc.apply_file(options.inputfile)
- tile_set = proc.tile_set
- # turn all the tiles into expires, putting them in the set
- # so that we don't expire things multiple times
- for z in range(options.min_zoom, options.max_zoom + 1):
- meta_set = set()
- new_set = set()
- for xy in tile_set:
- meta = xyz_to_meta(xy[0], xy[1], xy[2], options.meta_size)
- for tile_dir in options.tile_dir:
- meta_set.add(os.path.join(tile_dir, meta))
- # add the parent into the set for the next round
- new_set.add((int(xy[0]/2), int(xy[1]/2), xy[2] - 1))
- # expire all meta tiles
- expired = 0
- for meta in meta_set:
- if expire_meta(meta):
- expired += 1
- print("Expired {0} tiles at zoom {1}".format(expired, z))
- # continue with parent tiles
- tile_set = new_set
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__,
- formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
- usage='%(prog)s [options] <inputfile>')
- parser.add_argument('--min', action='store', dest='min_zoom', default=13,
- type=int,
- help='Minimum zoom for expiry.')
- parser.add_argument('--max', action='store', dest='max_zoom', default=20,
- type=int,
- help='Maximum zoom for expiry.')
- parser.add_argument('-t', action='append', dest='tile_dir', default=None,
- required=True,
- help='Tile directory (repeat for multiple directories).')
- parser.add_argument('--meta-tile-size', action='store', dest='meta_size',
- default=8, type=int,
- help='The size of the meta tile blocks.')
- parser.add_argument('--node-cache', action='store', dest='node_cache',
- default='/store/database/nodes',
- help='osm2pgsql flatnode file.')
- parser.add_argument('inputfile',
- help='OSC input file.')
- options = parser.parse_args()
- expire_meta_tiles(options)
+++ /dev/null
-require "rubygems"
-require "proj4"
-require "xml/libxml"
-require "set"
-require "time"
-module Expire
- # projection object to go from latlon -> spherical mercator
- PROJ =["+proj=merc", "+a=6378137", "+b=6378137",
- "+lat_ts=0.0", "+lon_0=0.0", "+x_0=0.0",
- "+y_0=0", "+k=1.0", "+units=m",
- "+nadgrids=@null", "+no_defs +over"])
- # width/height of the spherical mercator projection
- SIZE = 40075016.6855784
- # the size of the meta tile blocks
- # the directory root for meta tiles
- HASH_ROOT = "/tiles/default/".freeze
- # node cache file
- NODE_CACHE_FILE = "/store/database/nodes".freeze
- # turns a spherical mercator coord into a tile coord
- def self.tile_from_merc(point, zoom)
- # renormalise into unit space [0,1]
- point.x = 0.5 + point.x / SIZE
- point.y = 0.5 - point.y / SIZE
- # transform into tile space
- point.x = point.x * 2**zoom
- point.y = point.y * 2**zoom
- # chop of the fractional parts
- [point.x.to_int, point.y.to_int, zoom]
- end
- # turns a latlon -> tile x,y given a zoom level
- def self.tile_from_latlon(latlon, zoom)
- # first convert to spherical mercator
- point = PROJ.forward(latlon)
- tile_from_merc(point, zoom)
- end
- # this must match the definition of xyz_to_meta in mod_tile
- def self.xyz_to_meta(x, y, z)
- # mask off the final few bits
- x &= ~(METATILE - 1)
- y &= ~(METATILE - 1)
- # generate the path
- hash_path = (0..4).collect do |i|
- (((x >> 4 * i) & 0xf) << 4) | ((y >> 4 * i) & 0xf)
- end.reverse.join("/")
- z.to_s + "/" + hash_path + ".meta"
- end
- # time to reset to, some very stupidly early time, before OSM started
- EXPIRY_TIME = Time.parse("2000-01-01 00:00:00")
- # expire the meta tile by setting the modified time back
- def self.expire_meta(meta)
- puts "Expiring #{meta}"
- File.utime(EXPIRY_TIME, EXPIRY_TIME, meta)
- end
- def self.expire(change_file, min_zoom, max_zoom, tile_dirs)
- do_expire(change_file, min_zoom, max_zoom) do |set|
- new_set =
- meta_set =
- # turn all the tiles into expires, putting them in the set
- # so that we don't expire things multiple times
- set.each do |xy|
- # this has to match the routine in mod_tile
- meta = xyz_to_meta(xy[0], xy[1], xy[2])
- # check each style working out what needs expiring
- tile_dirs.each do |tile_dir|
- meta_set.add(tile_dir + "/" + meta) if File.exist?(tile_dir + "/" + meta)
- end
- # add the parent into the set for the next round
- new_set.add([xy[0] / 2, xy[1] / 2, xy[2] - 1])
- end
- # expire all meta tiles
- meta_set.each do |meta|
- expire_meta(meta)
- end
- # return the new set, consisting of all the parents
- new_set
- end
- end
- def self.do_expire(change_file, min_zoom, max_zoom, &_)
- # read in the osm change file
- doc = XML::Document.file(change_file)
- # hash map to contain all the nodes
- nodes = {}
- # we put all the nodes into the hash, as it doesn't matter whether the node was
- # added, deleted or modified - the tile will need updating anyway.
- doc.find("//node").each do |node|
- lat = node["lat"].to_f
- lat = -85 if lat < -85
- lat = 85 if lat > 85
- point = * node["lon"].to_f / 180,
- Math::PI * lat / 180)
- nodes[node["id"].to_i] = tile_from_latlon(point, max_zoom)
- end
- # now we look for all the ways that have changed and put all of their nodes into
- # the hash too. this will add too many nodes, as it is possible a long way will be
- # changed at only a portion of its length. however, due to the non-local way that
- # mapnik does text placement, it may stil not be enough.
- #
- # also, we miss cases where nodes are deleted from ways where that node is not
- # itself deleted and the coverage of the point set isn't enough to encompass the
- # change.
- node_cache =
- doc.find("//way/nd").each do |node|
- node_id = node["ref"].to_i
- next if nodes.include? node_id
- # this is a node referenced but not added, modified or deleted, so it should
- # still be in the node cache.
- if (entry = node_cache[node_id])
- point =,
- nodes[node_id] = tile_from_merc(point, max_zoom)
- end
- end
- node_cache.close
- # create a set of all the tiles at the maximum zoom level which are touched by
- # any of the nodes we've collected. we'll create the tiles at other zoom levels
- # by a simple recursion.
- set = nodes.values
- # expire tiles and shrink to the set of parents
- max_zoom.downto(min_zoom) do |_|
- # allow the block to work on the set, returning the set at the next
- # zoom level
- set = yield set
- end
- end
- # wrapper to access the osm2pgsql node cache
- class NodeCache
- # node cache entry
- class Node
- attr_reader :lon, :lat
- def initialize(lon, lat)
- @lat = lat.to_f / 100.0
- @lon = lon.to_f / 100.0
- end
- end
- # open the cache
- def initialize(filename)
- @cache =, "r")
- throw "Unexpected format" unless @cache.sysread(4).unpack("l").first == 1
- throw "Unexpected ID size" unless @cache.sysread(4).unpack("l").first == 8
- @max_id = @cache.sysread(8).unpack("q").first
- end
- # close the cache
- def close
- @cache.close
- end
- # lookup a node
- def [](id)
- if id <= @max_id
- offset = 16 + id * 8
- @cache.sysseek(offset)
- lon, lat = @cache.sysread(8).unpack("ll")
- node =, lat) if lon != -2147483648 && lat != -2147483648
- end
- node
- end
- end
- python3-pyproj
-remote_directory "/usr/local/bin" do
- source "bin"
- owner "root"
- group "root"
- mode "755"
- files_owner "root"
- files_group "root"
- files_mode "755"
directory "/var/lib/replicate" do
owner "tile"
group "tile"
mode "755"
-if node[:tile][:replication][:engine] == "custom"
- template "/usr/local/bin/expire-tiles" do
- source "expire-tiles-custom.erb"
- owner "root"
- group "root"
- mode "755"
- end
- directory "/var/lib/replicate/expire-queue" do
- owner "tile"
- group "_renderd"
- mode "775"
- end
- template "/usr/local/bin/replicate" do
- source "replicate-custom.erb"
- owner "root"
- group "root"
- mode "755"
- variables :postgresql_version => postgresql_version.to_f
- end
- systemd_service "expire-tiles" do
- description "Tile dirtying service"
- type "simple"
- user "_renderd"
- exec_start "/usr/local/bin/expire-tiles"
- nice 10
- sandbox true
- read_write_paths tile_directories + [
- "/store/database/nodes",
- "/var/lib/replicate/expire-queue",
- "/var/log/tile"
- ]
- end
- systemd_path "expire-tiles" do
- description "Tile dirtying trigger"
- directory_not_empty "/var/lib/replicate/expire-queue"
- end
- service "expire-tiles.path" do
- action [:enable, :start]
- subscribes :restart, "systemd_path[expire-tiles]"
- end
- systemd_service "replicate" do
- description "Rendering database replication service"
- after "postgresql.service"
- wants "postgresql.service"
- user "tile"
- exec_start "/usr/local/bin/replicate"
- sandbox :enable_network => true
- restrict_address_families "AF_UNIX"
- read_write_paths [
- "/store/database/nodes",
- "/var/lib/replicate",
- "/var/log/tile"
- ]
- restart "on-failure"
- end
- service "replicate" do
- action [:enable, :start]
- subscribes :restart, "template[/usr/local/bin/replicate]"
- subscribes :restart, "systemd_service[replicate]"
- end
-elsif node[:tile][:replication][:engine] == "osm2pgsql"
- template "/usr/local/bin/expire-tiles" do
- source "expire-tiles-osm2pgsql.erb"
- owner "root"
- group "root"
- mode "755"
- end
+template "/usr/local/bin/expire-tiles" do
+ source "expire-tiles.erb"
+ owner "root"
+ group "root"
+ mode "755"
- directory "/var/lib/replicate/expire-queue" do
- owner "tile"
- group "_renderd"
- mode "775"
- end
+directory "/var/lib/replicate/expire-queue" do
+ owner "tile"
+ group "_renderd"
+ mode "775"
- template "/usr/local/bin/replicate" do
- source "replicate-osm2pgsql.erb"
- owner "root"
- group "root"
- mode "755"
- end
+template "/usr/local/bin/replicate" do
+ source "replicate.erb"
+ owner "root"
+ group "root"
+ mode "755"
- systemd_service "expire-tiles" do
- description "Tile dirtying service"
- type "simple"
- user "_renderd"
- exec_start "/usr/local/bin/expire-tiles"
- nice 10
- sandbox true
- restrict_address_families "AF_UNIX"
- read_write_paths tile_directories + [
- "/var/lib/replicate/expire-queue"
- ]
- end
+systemd_service "expire-tiles" do
+ description "Tile dirtying service"
+ type "simple"
+ user "_renderd"
+ exec_start "/usr/local/bin/expire-tiles"
+ nice 10
+ sandbox true
+ restrict_address_families "AF_UNIX"
+ read_write_paths tile_directories + [
+ "/var/lib/replicate/expire-queue"
+ ]
- systemd_path "expire-tiles" do
- description "Tile dirtying trigger"
- directory_not_empty "/var/lib/replicate/expire-queue"
- end
+systemd_path "expire-tiles" do
+ description "Tile dirtying trigger"
+ directory_not_empty "/var/lib/replicate/expire-queue"
- service "expire-tiles.path" do
- action [:enable, :start]
- subscribes :restart, "systemd_path[expire-tiles]"
- end
+service "expire-tiles.path" do
+ action [:enable, :start]
+ subscribes :restart, "systemd_path[expire-tiles]"
- template "/usr/local/bin/replicate-post" do
- source "replicate-post.erb"
- owner "root"
- group "root"
- mode "755"
- end
+template "/usr/local/bin/replicate-post" do
+ source "replicate-post.erb"
+ owner "root"
+ group "root"
+ mode "755"
- osm2pgsql_arguments = %w[
+osm2pgsql_arguments = %w[
- osm2pgsql_arguments.append("--multi-geometry") if node[:tile][:database][:multi_geometry]
- osm2pgsql_arguments.append("--hstore") if node[:tile][:database][:hstore]
- osm2pgsql_arguments.append("--tag-transform-script=#{node[:tile][:database][:tag_transform_script]}") if node[:tile][:database][:tag_transform_script]
+osm2pgsql_arguments.append("--multi-geometry") if node[:tile][:database][:multi_geometry]
+osm2pgsql_arguments.append("--hstore") if node[:tile][:database][:hstore]
+osm2pgsql_arguments.append("--tag-transform-script=#{node[:tile][:database][:tag_transform_script]}") if node[:tile][:database][:tag_transform_script]
- systemd_service "replicate" do
- description "Rendering database replication service"
- after "postgresql.service"
- wants "postgresql.service"
- user "tile"
- exec_start "/usr/local/bin/replicate"
- sandbox :enable_network => true
- restrict_address_families "AF_UNIX"
- read_write_paths [
- "/store/database/nodes",
- "/var/lib/replicate"
- ]
- restart "on-failure"
- end
+systemd_service "replicate" do
+ description "Rendering database replication service"
+ after "postgresql.service"
+ wants "postgresql.service"
+ user "tile"
+ exec_start "/usr/local/bin/replicate"
+ sandbox :enable_network => true
+ restrict_address_families "AF_UNIX"
+ read_write_paths [
+ "/store/database/nodes",
+ "/var/lib/replicate"
+ ]
+ restart "on-failure"
- service "replicate" do
- action [:enable, :start]
- subscribes :restart, "template[/usr/local/bin/replicate]"
- subscribes :restart, "systemd_service[replicate]"
- end
+service "replicate" do
+ action [:enable, :start]
+ subscribes :restart, "template[/usr/local/bin/replicate]"
+ subscribes :restart, "systemd_service[replicate]"
template "/usr/local/bin/render-lowzoom" do
+++ /dev/null
-# DO NOT EDIT - This file is being maintained by Chef
-args = [
-<% node[:tile][:styles].each do |name,details| -%>
- "-t", "/srv/<%= name %>",
-<% end -%>
- "--min", "13",
- "--max", "<%= node[:tile][:styles].collect { |n,d| d[:max_zoom] }.max %>"
-Dir.glob("/var/lib/replicate/expire-queue/changes-*.gz").sort.each do |f|
- system("/usr/local/bin/expire-tiles-single", *args, f) && File::unlink(f)
+++ /dev/null
-# DO NOT EDIT - This file is being maintained by Chef
-# Before running updates, the replication needs to be set up with the timestamp
-# set to the day of the latest planet dump. Setting to midnight ensures we get
-# conistent data after first run. osmosis --read-replication-interval-init is
-# used to initially create the state file
-# Define exit handler
-function onexit {
- [ -f sequence-prev.txt ] && mv sequence-prev.txt sequence.txt
-# Change to the replication state directory
-cd /var/lib/replicate
-# Install exit handler
-trap onexit EXIT
-# Loop indefinitely
-while true
- # Work out the name of the next file
- file="changes-$(cat sequence.txt).osc.gz"
- # Save sequence file so we can rollback if an error occurs
- cp sequence.txt sequence-prev.txt
- # Fetch the next set of changes
- pyosmium-get-changes --server=<%= node[:tile][:replication][:url] %> --sequence-file=sequence.txt --outfile=${file}
- # Save exit status
- status=$?
- # Check for errors
- if [ $status -eq 0 ]
- then
- # Enable exit on error
- set -e
- # Log the new data
- echo "Fetched new data from $(cat sequence-prev.txt) to $(cat sequence.txt) into ${file}"
- # Apply the changes to the database
- osm2pgsql --database gis --slim --append --number-processes=1 --log-progress=false \
-<% if node[:tile][:database][:node_file] -%>
- --flat-nodes=<%= node[:tile][:database][:node_file] %> \
-<% end -%>
-<% if node[:tile][:database][:multi_geometry] -%>
- --multi-geometry \
-<% end -%>
-<% if node[:tile][:database][:hstore] -%>
- --hstore \
-<% end -%>
-<% if node[:tile][:database][:style_file] -%>
- --style=<%= node[:tile][:database][:style_file] %> \
-<% end -%>
-<% if node[:tile][:database][:tag_transform_script] -%>
- --tag-transform-script=<%= node[:tile][:database][:tag_transform_script] %> \
-<% end -%>
- ${file}
- # No need to rollback now
- rm sequence-prev.txt
- # Get buffer count
- buffers=$(osmium fileinfo --extended --get=data.buffers.count ${file})
- # If this diff has content mark it as the latest diff
- if [ $buffers -gt 0 ]
- then
- ln -f ${file} changes-latest.osc.gz
- fi
- # Queue these changes for expiry processing
- ln ${file} expire-queue/${file}
- # Delete old downloads
- find . -name 'changes-*.gz' -mmin +300 -exec rm -f {} \;
- # Disable exit on error
- set +e
- elif [ $status -eq 3 ]
- then
- # Log the lack of data
- echo "No new data available. Sleeping..."
- # Remove file, it will just be an empty changeset
- rm ${file}
- # Sleep for a short while
- sleep 30
- else
- # Log our failure to fetch changes
- echo "Failed to fetch changes - waiting a few minutes before retry"
- # Remove any output that was produced
- rm -f ${file}
- # Wait five minutes and have another go
- sleep 300
- fi