When the changeset replication runs slow, a lot of processes queue up trying to get the lock. I'm not totally sure, but it looks like they then get woken up in a random order, resulting in weird out-of-order behaviour.
This patch simplifies that process in two ways:
1. If the lock isn't acquired, the process exits. This means much less (perhaps zero) lock queueing.
2. Using a separate `lockfile`, rather than the current state file. Since the new state file is moved into place over the old one, it was effectively unlocking at that point for _new_ processes. But would also unblock an old process which still had the old (now unlinked) file descriptor open.
Hopefully between these two changes, it resolves some of the brokenness that plagues changeset replication! :-)
# saves new state (including the changeset dump xml)
def save!
# saves new state (including the changeset dump xml)
def save!
- File.open(@config["state_file"], "r") do |fl|
- fl.flock(File::LOCK_EX)
+ File.open(@config["lock_file"], File::RDWR | File::CREAT, 0o600) do |fl|
+ # take the lock in non-blocking mode. if this process doesn't get the lock
+ # then another will be run from cron shortly. this prevents a whole bunch
+ # of processes queueing on the lock and causing weirdness if/when they
+ # get woken up in a random order.
+ got_lock = fl.flock(File::LOCK_EX | File::LOCK_NB)
+ return unless got_lock
# try and write the files to tmp locations and then
# move them into place later, to avoid in-progress
# try and write the files to tmp locations and then
# move them into place later, to avoid in-progress
+directory "/var/run/lock/changeset-replication/" do
+ owner "planet"
+ group "planet"
+ mode 0o750
template "/etc/replication/auth.conf" do
source "replication.auth.erb"
user "root"
template "/etc/replication/auth.conf" do
source "replication.auth.erb"
user "root"
state_file: /store/planet/replication/changesets/state.yaml
db: host=<%= node[:web][:database_host] %> dbname=openstreetmap user=planetdiff password=<%= @password %>
data_dir: /store/planet/replication/changesets
state_file: /store/planet/replication/changesets/state.yaml
db: host=<%= node[:web][:database_host] %> dbname=openstreetmap user=planetdiff password=<%= @password %>
data_dir: /store/planet/replication/changesets
+lock_file: /var/run/lock/changeset-replication/lockfile