## Where e-mail to your forum should be sent. In general, it's perfectly fine
## to use the same domain as the forum itself here.
MAIL_DOMAIN: community.openstreetmap.org
-# uncomment these (and the volume below!) to support TLS
-# POSTCONF_smtpd_tls_key_file: /letsencrypt/discourse.example.com/discourse.example.com.key
-# POSTCONF_smtpd_tls_cert_file: /letsencrypt/discourse.example.com/fullchain.cer
-# POSTCONF_smtpd_tls_security_level: may
+ POSTCONF_smtpd_tls_key_file: /shared/ssl/ssl.key
+ POSTCONF_smtpd_tls_cert_file: /shared/ssl/ssl.crt
+ POSTCONF_smtpd_tls_security_level: may
## The URL of the mail processing endpoint of your Discourse forum.
## This is simply your forum's base URL, with `/admin/email/handle_mail`
- volume:
host: /srv/community.openstreetmap.org/shared/mail-receiver/postfix-spool
guest: /var/spool/postfix
-# uncomment to support TLS
-# - volume:
-# host: /var/discourse/shared/standalone/letsencrypt
-# guest: /letsencrypt
+ - volume:
+ host: /etc/ssl/certs/community.openstreetmap.org.pem
+ guest: /shared/ssl/ssl.crt
+ - volume:
+ host: /etc/ssl/private/community.openstreetmap.org.key
+ guest: /shared/ssl/ssl.key
- git fetch --depth=1 origin tag v2.8.1 --no-tags
- git checkout v2.8.1
- - file:
- path: "/etc/nginx/letsencrypt.conf"
- contents: |
- user www-data;
- worker_processes auto;
- daemon on;
- events {
- worker_connections 768;
- # multi_accept on;
- }
- http {
- sendfile on;
- tcp_nopush on;
- tcp_nodelay on;
- keepalive_timeout 65;
- types_hash_max_size 2048;
- access_log /var/log/nginx/access.letsencrypt.log;
- error_log /var/log/nginx/error.letsencrypt.log;
- server {
- listen 80;
- listen [::]:80;
- rewrite ^/\.well-known/acme-challenge/(.*)$ http://acme.openstreetmap.org/.well-known/acme-challenge/$1 permanent;
- }
- }
+ - replace:
+ filename: "/etc/nginx/conf.d/discourse.conf"
+ from: /listen 80;/
+ to: |
+ listen 80;
+ rewrite ^/\.well-known/acme-challenge/(.*)$ http://acme.openstreetmap.org/.well-known/acme-challenge/$1 permanent;
- replace:
filename: "/etc/nginx/conf.d/discourse.conf"