# Note that changes in the inspected code, or installation of new
# versions of RuboCop, may require this file to be generated again.
-# Offense count: 41
-# Cop supports --auto-correct.
-# Configuration parameters: Include.
-# Include: **/resources/*.rb
- Enabled: false
# Offense count: 1124
# Cop supports --auto-correct.
# Configuration parameters: .
# limitations under the License.
+unified_mode true
default_action [:create, :enable]
property :conf, :kind_of => String, :name_property => true
# limitations under the License.
+unified_mode true
default_action [:install, :enable]
property :module, :kind_of => String, :name_property => true
# limitations under the License.
+unified_mode true
default_action [:create, :enable]
property :site, :kind_of => String, :name_property => true
# limitations under the License.
+unified_mode true
default_action :create
property :filter, :kind_of => String, :name_property => true
# limitations under the License.
+unified_mode true
default_action :create
property :jail, :kind_of => String, :name_property => true
require "yaml"
+unified_mode true
default_action :create
property :layer, String, :name_property => true
require "yaml"
+unified_mode true
default_action :create
property :site, String, :name_property => true
# limitations under the License.
+unified_mode true
default_action :create
property :extension, :kind_of => String, :name_property => true
# limitations under the License.
+unified_mode true
default_action :create
property :site, :kind_of => String, :name_property => true
- execute "#{mediawiki_directory}/maintenance/install.php" do
- action :nothing
- # Use metanamespace as Site Name to ensure correct set namespace
- command "php maintenance/install.php --server '#{name}' --dbtype 'mysql' --dbname '#{new_resource.database_name}' --dbuser '#{new_resource.database_user}' --dbpass '#{new_resource.database_password}' --dbserver 'localhost' --scriptpath /w --pass '#{new_resource.admin_password}' '#{new_resource.metanamespace}' '#{new_resource.admin_user}'"
- cwd mediawiki_directory
- user node[:mediawiki][:user]
- group node[:mediawiki][:group]
- not_if do
- ::File.exist?("#{mediawiki_directory}/LocalSettings-install.php")
- end
- notifies :run, "ruby_block[rename-installer-localsettings]", :immediately
- end
- execute "#{mediawiki_directory}/maintenance/update.php" do
- action :nothing
- command "php maintenance/update.php --quick"
- cwd mediawiki_directory
- user node[:mediawiki][:user]
- group node[:mediawiki][:group]
- end
declare_resource :directory, site_directory do
owner node[:mediawiki][:user]
group node[:mediawiki][:group]
notifies :run, "execute[#{mediawiki_directory}/maintenance/update.php]"
+ template "#{mediawiki_directory}/composer.local.json" do
+ cookbook "mediawiki"
+ source "composer.local.json.erb"
+ owner node[:mediawiki][:user]
+ group node[:mediawiki][:group]
+ mode "664"
+ end
execute "#{mediawiki_directory}/composer.json" do
action :nothing
command "composer update --no-dev"
environment "COMPOSER_HOME" => site_directory
- template "#{mediawiki_directory}/composer.local.json" do
- cookbook "mediawiki"
- source "composer.local.json.erb"
- owner node[:mediawiki][:user]
+ execute "#{mediawiki_directory}/maintenance/install.php" do
+ action :nothing
+ # Use metanamespace as Site Name to ensure correct set namespace
+ command "php maintenance/install.php --server '#{name}' --dbtype 'mysql' --dbname '#{new_resource.database_name}' --dbuser '#{new_resource.database_user}' --dbpass '#{new_resource.database_password}' --dbserver 'localhost' --scriptpath /w --pass '#{new_resource.admin_password}' '#{new_resource.metanamespace}' '#{new_resource.admin_user}'"
+ cwd mediawiki_directory
+ user node[:mediawiki][:user]
+ group node[:mediawiki][:group]
+ not_if do
+ ::File.exist?("#{mediawiki_directory}/LocalSettings-install.php")
+ end
+ notifies :run, "ruby_block[rename-installer-localsettings]", :immediately
+ end
+ execute "#{mediawiki_directory}/maintenance/update.php" do
+ action :nothing
+ command "php maintenance/update.php --quick"
+ cwd mediawiki_directory
+ user node[:mediawiki][:user]
group node[:mediawiki][:group]
- mode "664"
# Safety catch if git doesn't update but install.php hasn't run
# limitations under the License.
+unified_mode true
default_action :create
property :skin, :kind_of => String, :name_property => true
# limitations under the License.
+unified_mode true
default_action :create
property :plugin, :kind_of => String, :name_property => true
# limitations under the License.
+unified_mode true
default_action :create
property :plugin_conf, :kind_of => String, :name_property => true
# limitations under the License.
+unified_mode true
default_action :create
property :database, :kind_of => String, :name_property => true
# limitations under the License.
+unified_mode true
default_action :create
property :user, :kind_of => String, :name_property => true
resource_name :firewall_rule
provides :firewall_rule
+unified_mode true
default_action :nothing
property :rule, :kind_of => String, :name_property => true
# limitations under the License.
+unified_mode true
default_action :create
property :site, :kind_of => String, :name_property => true
require "json"
+unified_mode true
default_action :install
property :package, :kind_of => String, :name_property => true
# limitations under the License.
+unified_mode true
default_action :create
property :plugin, :kind_of => String, :name_property => true
# limitations under the License.
+unified_mode true
default_action :restart
property :application, String, :name_property => true
# limitations under the License.
+unified_mode true
default_action :create
property :pool, :kind_of => String, :name_property => true
# limitations under the License.
+unified_mode true
default_action :create
property :database, :kind_of => String, :name_property => true
# limitations under the License.
+unified_mode true
default_action :run
property :command, :kind_of => String, :name_property => true
# limitations under the License.
+unified_mode true
default_action :create
property :extension, :kind_of => String, :name_property => true
# limitations under the License.
+unified_mode true
default_action :create
property :munin, :kind_of => String, :name_property => true
# limitations under the License.
+unified_mode true
default_action :create
property :table, :kind_of => String, :name_property => true
# limitations under the License.
+unified_mode true
default_action :create
property :tablespace, :kind_of => String, :name_property => true
require "shellwords"
+unified_mode true
default_action :create
property :user, :kind_of => String, :name_property => true
# limitations under the License.
+unified_mode true
default_action :create
property :collector, :kind_of => String, :name_property => true
# limitations under the License.
+unified_mode true
default_action :create
property :exporter, :kind_of => String, :name_property => true
# limitations under the License.
+unified_mode true
default_action :install
property :package_name, :kind_of => String, :name_property => true
# limitations under the License.
+unified_mode true
default_action :create
property :virtualenv_directory, :kind_of => String, :name_property => true
# limitations under the License.
+unified_mode true
default_action :create
property :fragment, :kind_of => String, :name_property => true
# limitations under the License.
+unified_mode true
default_action :create
property :certificate, String, :name_property => true
# limitations under the License.
+unified_mode true
default_action :create
property :path, String, :name_property => true
# limitations under the License.
+unified_mode true
default_action :create
property :service, String, :name_property => true
# limitations under the License.
+unified_mode true
default_action :create
property :timer, String, :name_property => true
# limitations under the License.
+unified_mode true
default_action :create
property :type, String, :required => [:create]
resource_name :rails_port
provides :rails_port
+unified_mode true
default_action :create
property :site, String, :name_property => true
# limitations under the License.
+unified_mode true
default_action :create
property :plugin, :kind_of => String, :name_property => true
require "securerandom"
+unified_mode true
default_action :create
property :site, :kind_of => String, :name_property => true
# limitations under the License.
+unified_mode true
default_action :create
property :theme, :kind_of => String, :name_property => true