acl osmtileScrapers browser MSIE.5.5
acl osmtileScrapers browser ^LoadOSM\.exe$
acl osmtileScrapers browser ^app_name$
+acl osmtileScrapers browser ^osmdroid$ # app using osmdroid library not setting app-specific User-Agent
+acl osmtileScrapers browser ^Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1)$ # Faked User-Agent
http_access deny osmtile_sites osmtileScrapers
http_access deny osmtile_sites osmtileOverusers
+# Block when neither the referer nor User-Agent is set - policy requires some identification of the site / app.
+acl has_referer referer_regex .
+acl has_user_agent browser_regex .
+http_access deny osmtile_sites !has_referer !has_user_agent
acl whitelist_path urlpath_regex ^/cgi-bin/(export|debug)
acl blacklist_path urlpath_regex ^/cgi-bin/
acl blacklist_path urlpath_regex ^/MyAdmin/