# limitations under the License.
-include_recipe "git"
+node.default[:incron][:planetdump] = {
+ :user => "www-data",
+ :path => "/store/backup",
+ :events => [ "IN_CREATE", "IN_MOVED_TO" ],
+ :command => "/usr/local/bin/planetdump $#"
-db_passwords = data_bag_item("db", "passwords")
+include_recipe "git"
+include_recipe "incron"
package "gcc"
package "make"
-package "libpqxx3-dev"
+package "autoconf"
+package "automake"
+package "libxml2-dev"
+package "libboost-dev"
+package "libboost-program-options-dev"
+package "libboost-date-time-dev"
+package "libboost-filesystem-dev"
+package "libboost-thread-dev"
+package "libboost-iostreams-dev"
+package "libosmpbf-dev"
+package "libleveldb-dev"
+package "libsnappy-dev"
+package "libprotobuf-dev"
+package "osmpbf-bin"
-directory "/opt/planetdump" do
+directory "/opt/planet-dump-ng" do
owner "root"
group "root"
mode 0755
-git "/opt/planetdump" do
+git "/opt/planet-dump-ng" do
action :sync
- repository "git://git.openstreetmap.org/planetdump.git"
- revision "live"
+ repository "git://github.com/zerebubuth/planet-dump-ng.git"
+ revision "master"
user "root"
group "root"
-execute "/opt/planetdump/Makefile" do
+execute "/opt/planet-dump-ng/autogen.sh" do
action :nothing
- command "make planet06_pg"
- cwd "/opt/planetdump"
+ command "./autogen.sh"
+ cwd "/opt/planet-dump-ng"
user "root"
group "root"
- subscribes :run, "git[/opt/planetdump]"
+ subscribes :run, "git[/opt/planet-dump-ng]"
-template "/usr/local/bin/planetdump" do
- source "planetdump.erb"
- owner "root"
+execute "/opt/planet-dump-ng/configure" do
+ action :nothing
+ command "./configure --with-leveldb=/usr"
+ cwd "/opt/planet-dump-ng"
+ user "root"
group "root"
+ subscribes :run, "execute[/opt/planet-dump-ng/autogen.sh]"
+execute "/opt/planet-dump-ng/Makefile" do
+ action :nothing
+ command "make"
+ cwd "/opt/planet-dump-ng"
+ user "root"
+ group "root"
+ subscribes :run, "execute[/opt/planet-dump-ng/configure]"
+directory "/store/planetdump" do
+ owner "www-data"
+ group "www-data"
mode 0755
- variables :password => db_passwords["planetdump"]
-template "/etc/cron.d/planetdump" do
- source "planetdump.cron.erb"
+template "/usr/local/bin/planetdump" do
+ source "planetdump.erb"
owner "root"
group "root"
- mode 0644
+ mode 0755
-ulimit -m 4194304 -v 4194304
-set -e
-if [ -f /tmp/planetdump.lock ]; then
- if [ "$(ps -p `cat /tmp/planetdump.lock` | wc -l)" -gt 1 ]; then
- # process is still running
- echo Error: Another planetdump is running
- exit 1
- else
- # process not running, but lock file not deleted?
- rm /tmp/planetdump.lock
- fi
-#Create Lock
-echo $$ > /tmp/planetdump.lock
-cur_date=`date +%y%m%d`
-cur_year=`date +%Y`
-export CONNECTION_PARAMS='dbname=openstreetmap host=db user=planetdump password=<%= @password %>'
-export PATH='/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11'
+# Exit on error
+set -e
+# Get the name of the file and the expected pattern
-if [ \! -d ${planet_dir}/planet/ ]
- then
- echo ${planet_dir}planet/ does not exist
- exit 1
- fi
-if [ \! -d ${planet_dir}/planet/${cur_year}/ ]; then mkdir ${planet_dir}/planet/${cur_year}/; fi
-cd ${planet_dir}/planet/${cur_year}/
+# Give up now if the file isn't a database dump
+[[ $file =~ $pattern ]] || exit 0
-/opt/planetdump/planet06_pg | pbzip2 -p6 -6c > .${cur_planet}.bz2.new
-/opt/planetdump/planet06_pg --changesets | pbzip2 -p6 -9c > .${cur_changeset}.bz2.new
+# Save the date from the file name
-planet_size=$(du -sb .${cur_planet}.bz2.new | awk '{ print $1 }')
-changeset_size=$(du -sb .${cur_changeset}.bz2.new | awk '{ print $1 }')
-if ((planet_size<32000000000)); then
- echo Planet .${cur_planet}.bz2.new too small
- exit 1
-if ((changeset_size<720000000)); then
- echo Changeset .${cur_changeset}.bz2.new too small
+# Check the lock
+if [ -f /tmp/planetdump.lock ]; then
+ if [ "$(ps -p `cat /tmp/planetdump.lock` | wc -l)" -gt 1 ]; then
+ echo "Error: Another planetdump is running"
exit 1
+ else
+ rm /tmp/planetdump.lock
+ fi
-mv .${cur_planet}.bz2.new ${cur_planet}.bz2
-mv .${cur_changeset}.bz2.new ${cur_changeset}.bz2
-md5sum ${cur_planet}.bz2 > ${cur_planet}.bz2.md5
-md5sum ${cur_changeset}.bz2 > ${cur_changeset}.bz2.md5
-#link planet latest to the new file
-cd ${planet_dir}/planet/
-ln -fs ${cur_year}/${cur_planet}.bz2 planet-latest.osm.bz2
-ln -fs ${cur_year}/${cur_changeset}.bz2 changesets-latest.osm.bz2
-# mangle md5 files for 'latest' ones
-rm -f planet-latest.osm.bz2.md5
-rm -f changesets-latest.osm.bz2.md5
-sed -e "s/${cur_planet}.bz2/planet-latest.osm.bz2/" ${cur_year}/${cur_planet}.bz2.md5 > planet-latest.osm.bz2.md5
-sed -e "s/${cur_changeset}.bz2/changesets-latest.osm.bz2/" ${cur_year}/${cur_changeset}.bz2.md5 > changesets-latest.osm.bz2.md5
+# Create Lock
+echo $$ > /tmp/planetdump.lock
+# Change to working directory
+cd /store/planetdump
+# Cleanup
+rm -rf users
+rm -rf changesets changeset_tags
+rm -rf nodes node_tags
+rm -rf ways way_tags way_nodes
+rm -rf relations relation_tags relation_members
+# Run the dump
+time nice -n 19 /store/planet-dump-ng/planet-dump-ng \
+ -c "pbzip2 -c" -f "${file}" --dense-nodes=1 \
+ -C "changesets-${date}.osm.bz2" \
+ -x "planet-${date}.osm.bz2" -X "history-${date}.osm.bz2" \
+ -p "planet-${date}.osm.pbf" -P "history-${date}.osm.pbf"
+# Move XML dumps into place
+for file in "changesets-${date}.osm.bz2" "planet-${date}.osm.bz2" "history-${date}.osm.bz2"
+ md5sum "#{file}" > "#{file}.md5"
+ mv "${file}" "${file}.md5" "/store/planet/planet"
+# Move PBF dumps into place
+for file in "planet-${date}.osm.pbf" "history-${date}.osm.pbf"
+ md5sum "#{file}" > "#{file}.md5"
+ mv "${file}" "${file}.md5" "/store/planet/pbf"
+# Release lock
rm /tmp/planetdump.lock