+# DO NOT EDIT - This file is being maintained by Chef
+# Determines the bot's default nick.
+# Default value: supybot
+supybot.nick: osmbot
+# Determines what alternative nicks will be used if the primary nick
+# (supybot.nick) isn't available. A %s in this nick is replaced by the
+# value of supybot.nick when used. If no alternates are given, or if all
+# are used, the supybot.nick will be perturbed appropriately until an
+# unused nick is found.
+# Default value: %s` %s_
+supybot.nick.alternates: %s` %s_
+# Determines the bot's ident string, if the server doesn't provide one
+# by default.
+# Default value: supybot
+supybot.ident: supybot
+# Determines the user the bot sends to the server. A standard user using
+# the current version of the bot will be generated if this is left
+# empty.
+# Default value:
+# Determines what networks the bot will connect to.
+# Default value:
+supybot.networks: oftc
+# Determines what password will be used on oftc. Yes, we know that
+# technically passwords are server-specific and not network-specific,
+# but this is the best we can do right now.
+# Default value:
+# Determines what servers the bot will connect to for oftc. Each will be
+# tried in order, wrapping back to the first when the cycle is
+# completed.
+# Default value:
+supybot.networks.oftc.servers: irc.oftc.net:6667
+# Determines what channels the bot will join only on oftc.
+# Default value:
+supybot.networks.oftc.channels: #osm-dev
+# Determines what key (if any) will be used to join the channel.
+# Default value:
+# Determines whether the bot will attempt to connect with SSL sockets to
+# oftc.
+# Default value: False
+supybot.networks.oftc.ssl: False
+# Determines how timestamps printed for human reading should be
+# formatted. Refer to the Python documentation for the time module to
+# see valid formatting characters for time formats.
+# Default value: %I:%M %p, %B %d, %Y
+supybot.reply.format.time: %I:%M %p, %B %d, %Y
+# Determines whether elapsed times will be given as "1 day, 2 hours, 3
+# minutes, and 15 seconds" or as "1d 2h 3m 15s".
+# Default value: False
+supybot.reply.format.time.elapsed.short: False
+# Determines the absolute maximum length of the bot's reply -- no reply
+# will be passed through the bot with a length greater than this.
+# Default value: 131072
+supybot.reply.maximumLength: 131072
+# Determines whether the bot will break up long messages into chunks and
+# allow users to use the 'more' command to get the remaining chunks.
+# Default value: True
+supybot.reply.mores: True
+# Determines what the maximum number of chunks (for use with the 'more'
+# command) will be.
+# Default value: 50
+supybot.reply.mores.maximum: 50
+# Determines how long individual chunks will be. If set to 0, uses our
+# super-tweaked, get-the-most-out-of-an-individual-message default.
+# Default value: 0
+supybot.reply.mores.length: 0
+# Determines how many mores will be sent instantly (i.e., without the
+# use of the more command, immediately when they are formed). Defaults
+# to 1, which means that a more command will be required for all but the
+# first chunk.
+# Default value: 1
+supybot.reply.mores.instant: 1
+# Determines whether the bot will send multi-message replies in a single
+# message or in multiple messages. For safety purposes (so the bot is
+# less likely to flood) it will normally send everything in a single
+# message, using mores if necessary.
+# Default value: True
+supybot.reply.oneToOne: True
+# Determines whether the bot will reply with an error message when it is
+# addressed but not given a valid command. If this value is False, the
+# bot will remain silent, as long as no other plugins override the
+# normal behavior.
+# Default value: True
+supybot.reply.whenNotCommand: True
+# Determines whether error messages that result from bugs in the bot
+# will show a detailed error message (the uncaught exception) or a
+# generic error message.
+# Default value: False
+supybot.reply.error.detailed: False
+# Determines whether the bot will send error messages to users in
+# private. You might want to do this in order to keep channel traffic to
+# minimum. This can be used in combination with
+# supybot.reply.error.withNotice.
+# Default value: False
+supybot.reply.error.inPrivate: False
+# Determines whether the bot will send error messages to users via
+# NOTICE instead of PRIVMSG. You might want to do this so users can
+# ignore NOTICEs from the bot and not have to see error messages; or you
+# might want to use it in combination with supybot.reply.errorInPrivate
+# so private errors don't open a query window in most IRC clients.
+# Default value: False
+supybot.reply.error.withNotice: False
+# Determines whether the bot will send an error message to users who
+# attempt to call a command for which they do not have the necessary
+# capability. You may wish to make this True if you don't want users to
+# understand the underlying security system preventing them from running
+# certain commands.
+# Default value: False
+supybot.reply.error.noCapability: False
+# Determines whether the bot will reply privately when replying in a
+# channel, rather than replying to the whole channel.
+# Default value: False
+supybot.reply.inPrivate: False
+# Determines whether the bot will reply with a notice when replying in a
+# channel, rather than replying with a privmsg as normal.
+# Default value: False
+supybot.reply.withNotice: False
+# Determines whether the bot will reply with a notice when it is sending
+# a private message, in order not to open a /query window in clients.
+# This can be overridden by individual users via the user configuration
+# variable reply.withNoticeWhenPrivate.
+# Default value: False
+supybot.reply.withNoticeWhenPrivate: False
+# Determines whether the bot will always prefix the user's nick to its
+# reply to that user's command.
+# Default value: True
+supybot.reply.withNickPrefix: True
+# Determines whether the bot should attempt to reply to all messages
+# even if they don't address it (either via its nick or a prefix
+# character). If you set this to True, you almost certainly want to set
+# supybot.reply.whenNotCommand to False.
+# Default value: False
+supybot.reply.whenNotAddressed: False
+# Determines whether the bot will allow you to send channel-related
+# commands outside of that channel. Sometimes people find it confusing
+# if a channel-related command (like Filter.outfilter) changes the
+# behavior of the channel but was sent outside the channel itself.
+# Default value: False
+supybot.reply.requireChannelCommandsToBeSentInChannel: False
+# Supybot normally replies with the full help whenever a user misuses a
+# command. If this value is set to True, the bot will only reply with
+# the syntax of the command (the first line of the help) rather than the
+# full help.
+# Default value: False
+supybot.reply.showSimpleSyntax: False
+# Determines what prefix characters the bot will reply to. A prefix
+# character is a single character that the bot will use to determine
+# what messages are addressed to it; when there are no prefix characters
+# set, it just uses its nick. Each character in this string is
+# interpreted individually; you can have multiple prefix chars
+# simultaneously, and if any one of them is used as a prefix the bot
+# will assume it is being addressed.
+# Default value:
+supybot.reply.whenAddressedBy.chars: !
+# Determines what strings the bot will reply to when they are at the
+# beginning of the message. Whereas prefix.chars can only be one
+# character (although there can be many of them), this variable is a
+# space-separated list of strings, so you can set something like '@@ ??'
+# and the bot will reply when a message is prefixed by either @@ or ??.
+# Default value:
+# Determines whether the bot will reply when people address it by its
+# nick, rather than with a prefix character.
+# Default value: True
+supybot.reply.whenAddressedBy.nick: True
+# Determines whether the bot will reply when people address it by its
+# nick at the end of the message, rather than at the beginning.
+# Default value: False
+supybot.reply.whenAddressedBy.nick.atEnd: False
+# Determines what extra nicks the bot will always respond to when
+# addressed by, even if its current nick is something else.
+# Default value:
+# Determines whether the bot will unidentify someone when that person
+# changes his or her nick. Setting this to True will cause the bot to
+# track such changes. It defaults to False for a little greater
+# security.
+# Default value: False
+supybot.followIdentificationThroughNickChanges: False
+# Determines whether the bot will always join a channel when it's
+# invited. If this value is False, the bot will only join a channel if
+# the user inviting it has the 'admin' capability (or if it's explicitly
+# told to join the channel using the Admin.join command)
+# Default value: False
+supybot.alwaysJoinOnInvite: False
+# Determines what message the bot replies with when a command succeeded.
+# If this configuration variable is empty, no success message will be
+# sent.
+supybot.replies.success: The operation succeeded.
+# Determines what error message the bot gives when it wants to be
+# ambiguous.
+supybot.replies.error: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please\
+ contact this bot's administrator for more\
+ information.
+# Determines what message the bot replies with when someone tries to use
+# a command that requires being identified or having a password and
+# neither credential is correct.
+supybot.replies.incorrectAuthentication: Your hostmask doesn't match or your\
+ password is wrong.
+# Determines what error message the bot replies with when someone tries
+# to accessing some information on a user the bot doesn't know about.
+supybot.replies.noUser: I can't find %s in my user database. If you didn't\
+ give a user name, then I might not know what your\
+ user is, and you'll need to identify before this\
+ command might work.
+# Determines what error message the bot replies with when someone tries
+# to do something that requires them to be registered but they're not
+# currently recognized.
+supybot.replies.notRegistered: You must be registered to use this command.\
+ If you are already registered, you must\
+ either identify (using the identify command)\
+ or add a hostmask matching your current\
+ hostmask (using the "hostmask add" command).
+# Determines what error message is given when the bot is telling someone
+# they aren't cool enough to use the command they tried to use.
+supybot.replies.noCapability: You don't have the %s capability. If you think\
+ that you should have this capability, be sure\
+ that you are identified before trying again.\
+ The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're\
+ identified.
+# Determines what generic error message is given when the bot is telling
+# someone that they aren't cool enough to use the command they tried to
+# use, and the author of the code calling errorNoCapability didn't
+# provide an explicit capability for whatever reason.
+supybot.replies.genericNoCapability: You're missing some capability you\
+ need. This could be because you\
+ actually possess the anti-capability\
+ for the capability that's required of\
+ you, or because the channel provides\
+ that anti-capability by default, or\
+ because the global capabilities include\
+ that anti-capability. Or, it could be\
+ because the channel or\
+ supybot.capabilities.default is set to\
+ False, meaning that no commands are\
+ allowed unless explicitly in your\
+ capabilities. Either way, you can't do\
+ what you want to do.
+# Determines what error messages the bot sends to people who try to do
+# things in a channel that really should be done in private.
+supybot.replies.requiresPrivacy: That operation cannot be done in a channel.
+# Determines what message the bot sends when it thinks you've
+# encountered a bug that the developers don't know about.
+supybot.replies.possibleBug: This may be a bug. If you think it is, please\
+ file a bug report at <http://sourceforge.net/tr\
+ acker/?func=add&group_id=58965&atid=489447>.
+# A floating point number of seconds to throttle snarfed URLs, in order
+# to prevent loops between two bots snarfing the same URLs and having
+# the snarfed URL in the output of the snarf message.
+# Default value: 10.0
+supybot.snarfThrottle: 10.0
+# Determines the number of seconds between running the upkeep function
+# that flushes (commits) open databases, collects garbage, and records
+# some useful statistics at the debugging level.
+# Default value: 3600
+supybot.upkeepInterval: 3600
+# Determines whether the bot will periodically flush data and
+# configuration files to disk. Generally, the only time you'll want to
+# set this to False is when you want to modify those configuration files
+# by hand and don't want the bot to flush its current version over your
+# modifications. Do note that if you change this to False inside the
+# bot, your changes won't be flushed. To make this change permanent, you
+# must edit the registry yourself.
+# Default value: True
+supybot.flush: True
+# Determines what characters are valid for quoting arguments to commands
+# in order to prevent them from being tokenized.
+# Default value: "
+supybot.commands.quotes: "
+# Determines whether the bot will allow nested commands, which rule. You
+# definitely should keep this on.
+# Default value: True
+supybot.commands.nested: True
+# Determines what the maximum number of nested commands will be; users
+# will receive an error if they attempt commands more nested than this.
+# Default value: 10
+supybot.commands.nested.maximum: 10
+# Supybot allows you to specify what brackets are used for your nested
+# commands. Valid sets of brackets include [], <>, and {} (). [] has
+# strong historical motivation, as well as being the brackets that don't
+# require shift. <> or () might be slightly superior because they cannot
+# occur in a nick. If this string is empty, nested commands will not be
+# allowed in this channel.
+# Default value: []
+supybot.commands.nested.brackets: []
+# Supybot allows nested commands. Enabling this option will allow nested
+# commands with a syntax similar to UNIX pipes, for example: 'bot: foo |
+# bar'.
+# Default value: False
+supybot.commands.nested.pipeSyntax: False
+# Determines what commands have default plugins set, and which plugins
+# are set to be the default for each of those commands.
+supybot.commands.defaultPlugins.addcapability: Admin
+supybot.commands.defaultPlugins.capabilities: User
+supybot.commands.defaultPlugins.disable: Owner
+supybot.commands.defaultPlugins.enable: Owner
+supybot.commands.defaultPlugins.help: Misc
+supybot.commands.defaultPlugins.ignore: Admin
+# Determines what plugins automatically get precedence over all other
+# plugins when selecting a default plugin for a command. By default,
+# this includes the standard loaded plugins. You probably shouldn't
+# change this if you don't know what you're doing; if you do know what
+# you're doing, then also know that this set is case-sensitive.
+# Default value: Plugin Admin Misc User Owner Config Channel
+supybot.commands.defaultPlugins.importantPlugins: Plugin Admin Misc User Owner Config Channel
+supybot.commands.defaultPlugins.list: Misc
+supybot.commands.defaultPlugins.reload: Owner
+supybot.commands.defaultPlugins.removecapability: Admin
+supybot.commands.defaultPlugins.unignore: Admin
+# Determines what commands are currently disabled. Such commands will
+# not appear in command lists, etc. They will appear not even to exist.
+# Default value:
+# Determines whether the bot will defend itself against command-
+# flooding.
+# Default value: True
+supybot.abuse.flood.command: True
+# Determines how many commands users are allowed per minute. If a user
+# sends more than this many commands in any 60 second period, he or she
+# will be ignored for supybot.abuse.flood.command.punishment seconds.
+# Default value: 12
+supybot.abuse.flood.command.maximum: 12
+# Determines how many seconds the bot will ignore users who flood it
+# with commands.
+# Default value: 300
+supybot.abuse.flood.command.punishment: 300
+# Determines whether the bot will defend itself against invalid command-
+# flooding.
+# Default value: True
+supybot.abuse.flood.command.invalid: True
+# Determines how many invalid commands users are allowed per minute. If
+# a user sends more than this many invalid commands in any 60 second
+# period, he or she will be ignored for
+# supybot.abuse.flood.command.invalid.punishment seconds. Typically,
+# this value is lower than supybot.abuse.flood.command.maximum, since
+# it's far less likely (and far more annoying) for users to flood with
+# invalid commands than for them to flood with valid commands.
+# Default value: 5
+supybot.abuse.flood.command.invalid.maximum: 5
+# Determines how many seconds the bot will ignore users who flood it
+# with invalid commands. Typically, this value is higher than
+# supybot.abuse.flood.command.punishment, since it's far less likely
+# (and far more annoying) for users to flood witih invalid commands than
+# for them to flood with valid commands.
+# Default value: 600
+supybot.abuse.flood.command.invalid.punishment: 600
+# Determines the default length of time a driver should block waiting
+# for input.
+# Default value: 1.0
+supybot.drivers.poll: 1.0
+# Determines what driver module the bot will use. Socket, a simple
+# driver based on timeout sockets, is used by default because it's
+# simple and stable. Twisted is very stable and simple, and if you've
+# got Twisted installed, is probably your best bet.
+# Default value: default
+supybot.drivers.module: default
+# Determines the maximum time the bot will wait before attempting to
+# reconnect to an IRC server. The bot may, of course, reconnect earlier
+# if possible.
+# Default value: 300.0
+supybot.drivers.maxReconnectWait: 300.0
+# Determines what directory configuration data is put into.
+# Default value: conf
+supybot.directories.conf: /etc/supybot
+# Determines what directory data is put into.
+# Default value: data
+supybot.directories.data: /var/lib/supybot/data
+# Determines what directory temporary files are put into.
+# Default value: tmp
+supybot.directories.data.tmp: /var/tmp/supybot
+# Determines what directory backup data is put into.
+# Default value: backup
+supybot.directories.backup: /var/lib/supybot/backup
+# Determines what directories the bot will look for plugins in. Accepts
+# a comma-separated list of strings. This means that to add another
+# directory, you can nest the former value and add a new one. E.g. you
+# can say: bot: 'config supybot.directories.plugins [config
+# supybot.directories.plugins], newPluginDirectory'.
+# Default value:
+supybot.directories.plugins: /usr/local/lib/supybot/plugins
+# Determines what directory the bot will store its logfiles in.
+# Default value: logs
+supybot.directories.log: /var/log/supybot
+# Determines what plugins will be loaded.
+# Default value:
+supybot.plugins: Git Admin Misc Services User Owner Config Channel
+# Determines whether this plugin is loaded by default.
+supybot.plugins.Admin: True
+# Determines whether this plugin is publicly visible.
+# Default value: True
+supybot.plugins.Admin.public: True
+# Determines whether this plugin is loaded by default.
+supybot.plugins.Channel: True
+# Determines whether this plugin is publicly visible.
+# Default value: True
+supybot.plugins.Channel.public: True
+# Determines whether the bot will always try to rejoin a channel
+# whenever it's kicked from the channel.
+# Default value: True
+supybot.plugins.Channel.alwaysRejoin: True
+# Determines whether this plugin is loaded by default.
+supybot.plugins.Config: True
+# Determines whether this plugin is publicly visible.
+# Default value: True
+supybot.plugins.Config.public: True
+# Determines whether this plugin is loaded by default.
+supybot.plugins.Git: True
+# Determines whether this plugin is publicly visible.
+# Default value: True
+supybot.plugins.Git.public: True
+# The path to the repository configuration file.
+# Default value: git.ini
+supybot.plugins.Git.configFile: /etc/supybot/git.conf
+# The path where local copies of repositories will be kept.
+# Default value: git_repositories
+supybot.plugins.Git.repoDir: /var/lib/supybot/git
+# The frequency (in seconds) repositories will be polled for changes.
+# Set to zero to disable polling.
+# Default value: 120
+supybot.plugins.Git.pollPeriod: 120
+# How many commits are displayed at once from each repository.
+# Default value: 5
+supybot.plugins.Git.maxCommitsAtOnce: 10
+# Look for SHAs in user messages written to the channel, and reply with
+# the commit description if one is found.
+# Default value: True
+supybot.plugins.Git.shaSnarfing: True
+# Determines whether this plugin is loaded by default.
+supybot.plugins.Misc: True
+# Determines whether this plugin is publicly visible.
+# Default value: True
+supybot.plugins.Misc.public: True
+# Determines whether the bot will list private plugins with the list
+# command if given the --private switch. If this is disabled, non-owner
+# users should be unable to see what private plugins are loaded.
+# Default value: True
+supybot.plugins.Misc.listPrivatePlugins: True
+# Determines the format string for timestamps in the Misc.last command.
+# Refer to the Python documentation for the time module to see what
+# formats are accepted. If you set this variable to the empty string,
+# the timestamp will not be shown.
+# Default value: [%H:%M:%S]
+supybot.plugins.Misc.timestampFormat: [%H:%M:%S]
+# Determines whether or not the timestamp will be included in the output
+# of last when it is part of a nested command
+# Default value: False
+supybot.plugins.Misc.last.nested.includeTimestamp: False
+# Determines whether or not the nick will be included in the output of
+# last when it is part of a nested command
+# Default value: False
+supybot.plugins.Misc.last.nested.includeNick: False
+# Determines whether this plugin is loaded by default.
+supybot.plugins.Owner: True
+# Determines whether this plugin is publicly visible.
+# Default value: True
+supybot.plugins.Owner.public: True
+# Determines what quit message will be used by default. If the quit
+# command is called without a quit message, this will be used. If this
+# value is empty, the nick of the person giving the quit command will be
+# used.
+# Default value:
+# Determines whether this plugin is loaded by default.
+supybot.plugins.Services: True
+# Determines whether this plugin is publicly visible.
+# Default value: True
+supybot.plugins.Services.public: True
+# Determines what nicks the bot will use with services.
+# Default value:
+supybot.plugins.Services.nicks: osmbot
+# Determines what networks this plugin will be disabled on.
+# Default value: QuakeNet
+supybot.plugins.Services.disabledNetworks: QuakeNet
+# Determines whether the bot will not join any channels until it is
+# identified. This may be useful, for instances, if you have a vhost
+# that isn't set until you're identified, or if you're joining +r
+# channels that won't allow you to join unless you identify.
+# Default value: False
+supybot.plugins.Services.noJoinsUntilIdentified: False
+# Determines how many seconds the bot will wait between successive GHOST
+# attempts.
+# Default value: 60
+supybot.plugins.Services.ghostDelay: 60
+# Determines what nick the 'NickServ' service has.
+# Default value:
+supybot.plugins.Services.NickServ: NickServ
+# Determines what password the bot will use with NickServ.
+# Default value:
+supybot.plugins.Services.NickServ.password: <%= @passwords["nickserv"] %>
+supybot.plugins.Services.NickServ.password.osmbot: <%= @passwords["nickserv"] %>
+# Determines what nick the 'ChanServ' service has.
+# Default value:
+# Determines what password the bot will use with ChanServ.
+# Default value:
+# Determines whether the bot will request to get opped by the ChanServ
+# when it joins the channel.
+# Default value: False
+supybot.plugins.Services.ChanServ.op: False
+# Determines whether the bot will request to get half-opped by the
+# ChanServ when it joins the channel.
+# Default value: False
+supybot.plugins.Services.ChanServ.halfop: False
+# Determines whether the bot will request to get voiced by the ChanServ
+# when it joins the channel.
+# Default value: False
+supybot.plugins.Services.ChanServ.voice: False
+# Determines whether this plugin is loaded by default.
+supybot.plugins.User: True
+# Determines whether this plugin is publicly visible.
+# Default value: True
+supybot.plugins.User.public: True
+# Determines whether the bot will always load important plugins (Admin,
+# Channel, Config, Misc, Owner, and User) regardless of what their
+# configured state is. Generally, if these plugins are configured not to
+# load, you didn't do it on purpose, and you still want them to load.
+# Users who don't want to load these plugins are smart enough to change
+# the value of this variable appropriately :)
+# Default value: True
+supybot.plugins.alwaysLoadImportant: True
+# Determines what databases are available for use. If this value is not
+# configured (that is, if its value is empty) then sane defaults will be
+# provided.
+# Default value: anydbm cdb flat pickle
+# Determines what filename will be used for the users database. This
+# file will go into the directory specified by the
+# supybot.directories.conf variable.
+# Default value: users.conf
+supybot.databases.users.filename: users.conf
+# Determines how long it takes identification to time out. If the value
+# is less than or equal to zero, identification never times out.
+# Default value: 0
+supybot.databases.users.timeoutIdentification: 0
+# Determines whether the bot will allow users to unregister their users.
+# This can wreak havoc with already-existing databases, so by default we
+# don't allow it. Enable this at your own risk. (Do also note that this
+# does not prevent the owner of the bot from using the unregister
+# command.)
+# Default value: False
+supybot.databases.users.allowUnregistration: False
+# Determines what filename will be used for the ignores database. This
+# file will go into the directory specified by the
+# supybot.directories.conf variable.
+# Default value: ignores.conf
+supybot.databases.ignores.filename: ignores.conf
+# Determines what filename will be used for the channels database. This
+# file will go into the directory specified by the
+# supybot.directories.conf variable.
+# Default value: channels.conf
+supybot.databases.channels.filename: channels.conf
+# Determines whether database-based plugins that can be channel-specific
+# will be so. This can be overridden by individual channels. Do note
+# that the bot needs to be restarted immediately after changing this
+# variable or your db plugins may not work for your channel; also note
+# that you may wish to set
+# supybot.databases.plugins.channelSpecific.link appropriately if you
+# wish to share a certain channel's databases globally.
+# Default value: True
+supybot.databases.plugins.channelSpecific: True
+# Determines what channel global (non-channel-specific) databases will
+# be considered a part of. This is helpful if you've been running
+# channel-specific for awhile and want to turn the databases for your
+# primary channel into global databases. If
+# supybot.databases.plugins.channelSpecific.link.allow prevents linking,
+# the current channel will be used. Do note that the bot needs to be
+# restarted immediately after changing this variable or your db plugins
+# may not work for your channel.
+# Default value: #
+supybot.databases.plugins.channelSpecific.link: #
+# Determines whether another channel's global (non-channel-specific)
+# databases will be allowed to link to this channel's databases. Do note
+# that the bot needs to be restarted immediately after changing this
+# variable or your db plugins may not work for your channel.
+# Default value: True
+supybot.databases.plugins.channelSpecific.link.allow: True
+# Determines whether CDB databases will be allowed as a database
+# implementation.
+# Default value: True
+supybot.databases.types.cdb: True
+# Determines how often CDB databases will have their modifications
+# flushed to disk. When the number of modified records is greater than
+# this part of the number of unmodified records, the database will be
+# entirely flushed to disk.
+# Default value: 0.5
+supybot.databases.types.cdb.maximumModifications: 0.5
+# Determines what will be used as the default banmask style.
+# Default value: host user
+supybot.protocols.irc.banmask: host user
+# Determines whether the bot will strictly follow the RFC; currently
+# this only affects what strings are considered to be nicks. If you're
+# using a server or a network that requires you to message a nick such
+# as services@this.network.server then you you should set this to False.
+# Default value: False
+supybot.protocols.irc.strictRfc: False
+# Determines what user modes the bot will request from the server when
+# it first connects. Many people might choose +i; some networks allow
+# +x, which indicates to the auth services on those networks that you
+# should be given a fake host.
+# Default value:
+# Determines what vhost the bot will bind to before connecting to the
+# IRC server.
+# Default value:
+# Determines how many old messages the bot will keep around in its
+# history. Changing this variable will not take effect until the bot is
+# restarted.
+# Default value: 1000
+supybot.protocols.irc.maxHistoryLength: 1000
+# A floating point number of seconds to throttle queued messages -- that
+# is, messages will not be sent faster than once per throttleTime
+# seconds.
+# Default value: 1.0
+supybot.protocols.irc.throttleTime: 1.0
+# Determines whether the bot will send PINGs to the server it's
+# connected to in order to keep the connection alive and discover
+# earlier when it breaks. Really, this option only exists for debugging
+# purposes: you always should make it True unless you're testing some
+# strange server issues.
+# Default value: True
+supybot.protocols.irc.ping: True
+# Determines the number of seconds between sending pings to the server,
+# if pings are being sent to the server.
+# Default value: 120
+supybot.protocols.irc.ping.interval: 120
+# Determines whether the bot will refuse duplicate messages to be queued
+# for delivery to the server. This is a safety mechanism put in place to
+# prevent plugins from sending the same message multiple times; most of
+# the time it doesn't matter, unless you're doing certain kinds of
+# plugin hacking.
+# Default value: False
+supybot.protocols.irc.queuing.duplicates: False
+# Determines how many seconds must elapse between JOINs sent to the
+# server.
+# Default value: 0.0
+supybot.protocols.irc.queuing.rateLimit.join: 0.0
+# Determines how many bytes the bot will 'peek' at when looking through
+# a URL for a doctype or title or something similar. It'll give up after
+# it reads this many bytes, even if it hasn't found what it was looking
+# for.
+# Default value: 4096
+supybot.protocols.http.peekSize: 4096
+# Determines what proxy all HTTP requests should go through. The value
+# should be of the form 'host:port'.
+# Default value:
+# Determines whether the bot will ignore unregistered users by default.
+# Of course, that'll make it particularly hard for those users to
+# register or identify with the bot, but that's your problem to solve.
+# Default value: False
+supybot.defaultIgnore: False
+# A string that is the external IP of the bot. If this is the empty
+# string, the bot will attempt to find out its IP dynamically (though
+# sometimes that doesn't work, hence this variable).
+# Default value:
+# Determines what the default timeout for socket objects will be. This
+# means that *all* sockets will timeout when this many seconds has gone
+# by (unless otherwise modified by the author of the code that uses the
+# sockets).
+# Default value: 10
+supybot.defaultSocketTimeout: 10
+# Determines what file the bot should write its PID (Process ID) to, so
+# you can kill it more easily. If it's left unset (as is the default)
+# then no PID file will be written. A restart is required for changes to
+# this variable to take effect.
+# Default value:
+# Determines whether the bot will automatically thread all commands.
+# Default value: False
+supybot.debug.threadAllCommands: False
+# Determines whether the bot will automatically flush all flushers
+# *very* often. Useful for debugging when you don't know what's breaking
+# or when, but think that it might be logged.
+# Default value: False
+supybot.debug.flushVeryOften: False
+# Determines what the bot's logging format will be. The relevant
+# documentation on the available formattings is Python's documentation
+# on its logging module.
+# Default value: %(levelname)s %(asctime)s %(name)s %(message)s
+supybot.log.format: %(levelname)s %(asctime)s %(name)s %(message)s
+# Determines what the minimum priority level logged to file will be. Do
+# note that this value does not affect the level logged to stdout; for
+# that, you should set the value of supybot.log.stdout.level. Valid
+# values are DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and CRITICAL, in order of
+# increasing priority.
+# Default value: INFO
+supybot.log.level: INFO
+# Determines the format string for timestamps in logfiles. Refer to the
+# Python documentation for the time module to see what formats are
+# accepted. If you set this variable to the empty string, times will be
+# logged in a simple seconds-since-epoch format.
+# Default value: %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S
+supybot.log.timestampFormat: %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S
+# Determines whether the bot will log to stdout.
+# Default value: True
+supybot.log.stdout: True
+# Determines whether the bot's logs to stdout (if enabled) will be
+# colorized with ANSI color.
+# Default value: False
+supybot.log.stdout.colorized: False
+# Determines whether the bot will wrap its logs when they're output to
+# stdout.
+# Default value: True
+supybot.log.stdout.wrap: True
+# Determines what the bot's logging format will be. The relevant
+# documentation on the available formattings is Python's documentation
+# on its logging module.
+# Default value: %(levelname)s %(asctime)s %(message)s
+supybot.log.stdout.format: %(levelname)s %(asctime)s %(message)s
+# Determines what the minimum priority level logged will be. Valid
+# values are DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and CRITICAL, in order of
+# increasing priority.
+# Default value: INFO
+supybot.log.stdout.level: INFO
+# Determines whether the bot will separate plugin logs into their own
+# individual logfiles.
+# Default value: False
+supybot.log.plugins.individualLogfiles: False
+# Determines what the bot's logging format will be. The relevant
+# documentation on the available formattings is Python's documentation
+# on its logging module.
+# Default value: %(levelname)s %(asctime)s %(message)s
+supybot.log.plugins.format: %(levelname)s %(asctime)s %(message)s
+# These are the capabilities that are given to everyone by default. If
+# they are normal capabilities, then the user will have to have the
+# appropriate anti-capability if you want to override these
+# capabilities; if they are anti-capabilities, then the user will have
+# to have the actual capability to override these capabilities. See
+# docs/CAPABILITIES if you don't understand why these default to what
+# they do.
+# Default value: -owner -admin -trusted
+supybot.capabilities: -owner -admin -trusted
+# Determines whether the bot by default will allow users to have a
+# capability. If this is disabled, a user must explicitly have the
+# capability for whatever command he wishes to run.
+# Default value: True
+supybot.capabilities.default: True