--- /dev/null
+ DO NOT EDIT - This file is being maintained by Chef
+ planet-mirror-redirect
+ Check if planet file exists on mirror and link if not yet linked
+ Modifies .htaccess
+$_YEAR = date('Y');
+$_PLANET_FOLDER = '/store/planet/planet/'.$_YEAR.'/';
+$_PLANET_REGEX = "/^(planet|changesets)\-\d{6}(\-nolt)?\.osm\.(bz2|gz)$/";
+$_MIRROR = 'http://ftp.heanet.ie/mirrors/openstreetmap.org/planet/'.$_YEAR.'/';
+$_PLANET_HTACCESS = $_PLANET_FOLDER.'../../.htaccess';
+function _MIRROR_FILE_SIZE($url) {
+ $ch = @curl_init();
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, TRUE);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, FALSE);
+ $curl_response = @curl_exec($ch);
+ $curl_result = curl_getinfo($ch);
+ if ($curl_result['http_code']!='200') return FALSE;
+ return ($curl_result['download_content_length']);
+if (posix_getuid() !== fileowner($_PLANET_HTACCESS)) die('User ID of process does not match .htaccess owner'."\n");
+if (is_dir($_PLANET_FOLDER)) {
+ $htaccess_contents = file_get_contents($_PLANET_HTACCESS);
+ $htaccess_handle = fopen($_PLANET_HTACCESS, 'a');
+ if ($dh = opendir($_PLANET_FOLDER)) {
+ while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false ) {
+ if (preg_match($_PLANET_REGEX,$file)) {
+ $file_slashed = 'planet/'.$_YEAR.'/'.str_replace(array('.','-'), array('\.','\-'), $file);
+ if (strpos($htaccess_contents,$file_slashed) === false) {
+ //PHP IS BRAINDEAD filesize borked >4GB
+ //$file_size = $file_stats['size'];
+ $file_size = trim(`stat -c%s $_PLANET_FOLDER$file`);
+ sleep(rand(2,5));
+ $file_mirror_size = _MIRROR_FILE_SIZE($_MIRROR.$file);
+ if ($file_size==$file_mirror_size) {
+ echo 'Adding: '.$file."\n";
+ fwrite($htaccess_handle, 'RewriteRule'."\t".
+ '^('.$file_slashed.')$'."\t".
+ 'http://ftp.heanet.ie/mirrors/openstreetmap.org/$1'."\t".
+ '[R,L]'."\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ closedir($dh);
+ fclose($htaccess_handle);
+ }
--- /dev/null
+# DO NOT EDIT - This file is being maintained by Chef
+set -e
+if [ "$user" != "www-data" ];
+ then
+ echo 'Error: run as www-data'
+ exit 1
+ fi
+if [ -f /tmp/planet2pbf.lock ]; then
+ if [ "$(ps -p `cat /tmp/planet2pbf.lock` | wc -l)" -gt 1 ]; then
+ echo planet2pbf process is still running
+ exit 1
+ else
+ # process not running, but lock file not deleted?
+ rm /tmp/planet2pbf.lock
+ fi
+echo $$ >/tmp/planet2pbf.lock
+YEARFULL=`TZ=GMT+24 date +%Y`
+cd /store/planet/planet/
+if [ -z $1 ]
+ YEAR=`TZ=GMT+24 date +%y`
+ MONTH=`TZ=GMT+24 date +%m`
+ DAY=`TZ=GMT+24 date +%d`
+ if [ -f ${YEARFULL}/planet-${YEAR}${MONTH}${DAY}.osm.bz2 -o -f ${YEARFULL}/.planet-${YEAR}${MONTH}${DAY}.osm.bz2.new ];
+ then
+ planet=planet-${YEAR}${MONTH}${DAY}.osm
+ else
+ echo Error /store/planet/planet/${YEARFULL}/planet-${YEAR}${MONTH}${DAY}.osm.bz2 not available
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ planet=$1
+while [ -f ${YEARFULL}/.${planet}.bz2.new ];
+ echo sleeping - ${planet}.bz2
+ sleep 300
+if [ -f /store/planet/planet/${YEARFULL}/${planet}.bz2 ]
+ echo $planet
+ if [ -f /store/planet/pbf/${planet}.pbf ];
+ then
+ echo Error: file /store/planet/pbf/${planet}.pbf exists
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ pbzip2 -dc /store/planet/planet/${YEARFULL}/${planet}.bz2 | /home/grant/code/osmosis-0.43/bin/osmosis --read-xml - --buffer bufferCapacity=18000 --write-pbf /store/planet/pbf/${planet}.pbf
+ cd /store/planet/pbf/
+ md5sum ${planet}.pbf >${planet}.pbf.md5
+ ln -fs ${planet}.pbf planet-latest.osm.pbf
+ ln -fs ${planet}.pbf.md5 planet-latest.osm.pbf.md5
+ echo Error no file - ${planet}.bz2
+rm /tmp/planet2pbf.lock