This bumps the version of `planet-dump-ng` to 1.1.0, the first
version capable of dumping changeset comments. The comments are
included with the changesets, but for the moment dumped to a
separate file called "discussions" while we give anyone who
depends on the old format a chance to update their parsers.
git "/opt/planet-dump-ng" do
action :sync
repository "git://"
- revision "v1.0.1"
+ revision "v1.1.0"
user "root"
group "root"
time nice -n 19 /opt/planet-dump-ng/planet-dump-ng \
-c "pbzip2 -c" -f "/store/backup/${file}" --dense-nodes=1 \
-C "changesets-${date}.osm.bz2" \
+ -D "discussions-${date}.osm.bz2" \
-x "planet-${date}.osm.bz2" -X "history-${date}.osm.bz2" \
-p "planet-${date}.osm.pbf" -P "history-${date}.osm.pbf"
# Move dumps into place
install_dump "changesets" "bz2" "<%= node[:planet][:dump][:xml_directory] %>" "${year}"
+install_dump "discussions" "bz2" "<%= node[:planet][:dump][:xml_directory] %>" "${year}"
install_dump "planet" "bz2" "<%= node[:planet][:dump][:xml_directory] %>" "${year}"
install_dump "history" "bz2" "<%= node[:planet][:dump][:xml_history_directory] %>" "${year}"
install_dump "planet" "pbf" "<%= node[:planet][:dump][:pbf_directory] %>"