1 <h2 class="my-4">About & Help</h2>
4 This website is based on <a href="https://github.com/osm-search/nominatim-ui">Nominatim UI</a>,
5 a debugging interface for the <a href="https://nominatim.org/">Nominatim</a> geocoding software.
9 The Nominatim API is installed at <code>Nominatim_API_Endpoint</code> and for questions you
10 should contact their administrators.
14 Nominatim is a search engine for <a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/">OpenStreetMap</a> data.
15 You may search for a name or address (forward search) or look up data by its geographic coordinate
16 (reverse search). Each result comes with a link to a details page where you can inspect what data
17 about the object is saved in the database and investigate how the address of the object has been
22 <p class="alert alert-secondary my-4">
23 If you're the adminstrator of this website you can edit the text above in
24 <code>dist/branding/about-and-help.html</code>