3 * version 3.2.13 - 2023-06-26
4 * Reverse map: show search position (red circle) also when no search results
5 * test-suite: remove httpbin HTTP calls, server is unreliable
6 * NPM package updates (Bootstrap 5.3, Leaflet 1.9.4)
8 * version 3.2.12 - 2023-04-04
9 * Reverse page: remove uncommon zoom labels, align with Nominatim 4.x
12 * version 3.2.11 - 2023-03-08
13 * Configuration: You can now set Map_Default_Bounds als alternative to lat,lon, zoom. Thanks Piskvor
16 * version 3.2.10 - 2023-01-06
18 * Search page: When searching for OSM URL redirect to detail page automatically
19 * Reverse page: Search for "12.34%2C56.78" now also auto-splits into two fields
20 * Detail page: Another link to documentation about postcodes
23 * version 3.2.9 - 2022-11-16
25 * Fix: For places tagged bulding=yes display the formatted label 'Building', not 'Yes'
26 * migrate remaining modules to ESM style (import instead of require)
28 * test suite: use JSON files for mocha and eslint configuration
29 * test suite: update outdated Github Actions
31 * version 3.2.8 - 2022-09-26
33 * Use OSM's preferred tile URL for faster map loading
36 * version 3.2.7 - 2022-08-07
38 * Documentation: Add a config.theme.js.example file. Thanks coleman-rik
40 * version 3.2.6 - 2022-07-14
42 * Fix: New URL for postcode documentation. Thanks otbutz
44 * version 3.2.5 - 2022-05-24
46 * Reverse map: add tooltips to circles as hint what is the search and what is result position
48 * version 3.2.4 - 2022-05-05
50 * Configuration: Nominatim_API_Endpoint can now also be a callback
53 * version 3.2.3 - 2022-04-05
55 * Fix: On Search page the 'deduplication' checkbox needs to be checked by default
57 * version 3.2.2 - 2022-02-08
61 * version 3.2.1 - 2021-05-11
63 * Fix: some npm modules no longer support node version 10
65 * version 3.2.0 - 2021-05-10
67 * Upgrade layout framework to Bootstrap version 5
68 * Removed polygon parameters from debug URLs, rarely needed. Thanks darkshredder
69 * Fix: Search page didn't load when Nominatim_API_Endpoint was set to a relative path. Thanks darkshredder
70 * Fix: Detail search allows lowercase OSM types, e.g. n123. Thanks darkshredder
71 * Fix: Better deal with empty child place responses from the API
72 * Fix: Make sure a full build happens before running tests
74 * version 3.1.0 - 2021-04-26
76 * Configuration: new options to set API endpoint headers and additional paramters, thanks petoc
77 * Test suite: New test suite using a headless browser for UI interaction, thanks darkshredder
78 * Fix: Links to API URL weren't displayed after a search
79 * Fix: On result pages the map icons were not cleared between searches (caching issue)
80 * Fix: On reverse page switching empty coordinates no longer leads to string 'null' searches
82 * version 3.0.5 - 2021-04-14
84 * Details page: better indicate places having no name, thanks darkshredder
85 * Last updated: avoid race conditions, make less API requests
87 * version 3.0.4 - 2021-04-12
89 * Search page: when clicking to reverse page keep the map position
90 * Search page: automatically switch to structured form when URL contains structured fields
91 * Search page: validate country-codes fields with a regular expression before form submission, thanks otbutz
92 * Reverse page: validate latitude and longitude fields before form submission
93 * Details page: help text next to 'calculated postcode'
96 * version 3.0.3 - 2021-03-12
99 * fixed validation of polygon simplification form field
101 * version 3.0.2 - 2021-03-05
103 * Details page: don't print 'null' when postcode is missing
104 * Details page: make sure links to children,hierarcy update after pageload, thx LiteratimBi for the report
105 * Details page: in hierachy list all addresslines were marked unused (grayed out)
106 * Details page: API doesn't always return address keywords
107 * PageLinks/ReverseLink: fix warnings when properties not set
109 * version 3.0.1 - 2021-03-05
111 * Details page: table is now responsive, no longer overflows
112 * Documentation: fix link to theme configuration file
114 * version 3.0.0 - 2021-02-25
116 Version 3 add a new directory dist/theme/. It changes the default welcome, about and
117 help text, and moves the configuration into dist/theme/. Admins should review those
118 (explained in README.md) before deploying the nominatim-ui.
120 * Major change: Add theming
121 * Major change: Replace dist/config.js with dist/config.default.js and dist/theme/config.theme.js
122 * Refactored and added API error output
123 * Build: dist/build/bundle.* files are now created by a Github Action upon release, no longer in version control
124 * Documentation: removed TODO.md, we use github issues now
125 * Documentation: README.md is part of the release, moved some development content to CONTRIBUTE.md
126 * Documentation: badge showing latest release version in README.md
127 * Documentation: badge showing latest test (Github CI) output in CONTRIBUTE.md
129 * version 2.3.0 - 2021-02-19
131 * New top-level navigation: Search, Reverse, Search-by-id
132 * Details page: now has a search form, all 3 search fields merged into one
133 * Details page: add links for countries and postalcodes
134 * Last updated: now display as "x minutes/hours/days ago"
135 * Layout fixes for small browsers/mobile
136 * Simple automatic test setup (Github actions)
138 * version 2.2.0 - 2021-02-13
140 * Less page reloading
141 * Handle all page changes via page store
142 * Reverse search: click on map no longer triggers form submission
143 * Convert some lib/helpers that returned HTML into Svelte components
145 * version 2.1.0 - 2021-02-10
147 * Reverse search: better initial zoom when result found
148 * Reverse search: split value when copy&pasting a coordinate pair into first search field
149 * Further split reverse from search logic/templates
150 * Details page: display error when place not found
151 * replaced development webserver node-static with static-server
152 * Less page reloading
153 * LastUpdated is now its own component
154 * Add linting (run: yarn lint)
156 * version 2.0.2 - 2021-02-02
158 * Reverse search: click on map triggers new search
159 * Report-issue modal from version 1 was missing
160 * Removed search-url-params polyfill. Svelte doesnt support MSIE11 either
162 * version 2.0.1 - 2021-01-31
164 * removed debug files from dist/build/ [PR47]
166 * version 2.0.0 - 2021-01-29
168 * Complete refactor into Svelte framework
169 * Removed most of jQuery usage
171 * version 1.2.5 - 2021-03-04
173 * Another fix to make sure pages work when app is in a subdirectory
175 * version 1.2.4 - 2020-09-01
177 * All links to detail page should include the class parameter
179 * version 1.2.3 - 2020-09-01
181 * Favicon URLs did not work when app is installed in a subdirectory
182 * On detail page in parents and linked-places sections address lines were all grayed out
184 * version 1.2.2 - 2020-09-01
186 * Don't intercept link clicks when the target is the raw API output
188 * version 1.2.1 - 2020-08-04
190 * URL parsing now works if app is in a subdirectory
192 * version 1.2 - 2020-07-07
194 * Use window.history.pushState to minimize page reloads
196 * version 1.1 - 2020-06-19
198 * Configuration now optional with example file.
199 * New CONTRIBUTE.md documentation.
201 * version 1.0 - November 2019 during a hackweekend at Linuxhotel