7 * test in MSIE https://github.com/WebReflection/url-search-params
8 * Nominatim backend API
9 * need /status to support &format=json
10 * need /details to support &format=json
11 * reverse: zoom not set
12 http://localhost:8000/reverse.html?format=html&lat=52.3755991766591&lon=7.646484374999999&zoom=
13 * !search page: add pagination, moreurl
14 * details page: add "There are more child objects which are not shown" back in
15 * set acceptlanguage to API request
16 * move this TODO.txt to github issues
17 * write install instructions
18 * check output of /dist into repository
19 * use polygon_geojson, not polygon parameter
24 * config vs config.local.js
25 * should it be possible to add comments to config?
26 * snake_case vs camelCase
27 * support nearlat,nearlon parameters
28 * need a `<link href="nominatim.xml" rel="search" title="Nominatim Search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml">` file
29 * do we an /src/assets directory?
30 * in which repository should the images/mapicons/ live?
35 * don't show unset parameters in URL, e.g. `&a=&b=&c=1` => '&c='
36 * different content for official OSM, e.g. github urls
38 * cache `update_data_date` result
39 * a new search causes a new pageview
40 * webpack or grunt build framework
41 * don't copy jquery/leaflet in /src, use dependency manager instead, e.g. https://bower.io/
42 * add tests with fixtures
43 * concatenate/minify JS and CSS
48 * we have marker-icon twice
49 * remove Perl dependency from build
50 * show map bounds section => move to handlebar template, map to partial
51 * make sure we use https URL to external sites where possible
52 * aResults vs aPlace vs aFeature variable naming
53 * use CSS preprocessor and linter