function get_config_value(str, default_val) {
- return (typeof Nominatim_Config[str] !== 'undefined' ? Nominatim_Config[str] : default_val);
+ return (typeof Nominatim_Config[str] !== 'undefined' ? Nominatim_Config[str] : default_val);
function parse_and_normalize_geojson_string(part){
- // normalize places the geometry into a featurecollection, similar to
- // https://github.com/mapbox/geojson-normalize
- var parsed_geojson = {
- type: "FeatureCollection",
- features: [
- {
- type: "Feature",
- geometry: part,
- properties: {}
- }
- ]
- };
- return parsed_geojson;
+ // normalize places the geometry into a featurecollection, similar to
+ // https://github.com/mapbox/geojson-normalize
+ var parsed_geojson = {
+ type: "FeatureCollection",
+ features: [
+ {
+ type: "Feature",
+ geometry: part,
+ properties: {}
+ }
+ ]
+ };
+ return parsed_geojson;
function map_link_to_osm(){
- return "https://openstreetmap.org/#map=" + map.getZoom() + "/" + map.getCenter().lat + "/" + map.getCenter().lng;
+ return "https://openstreetmap.org/#map=" + map.getZoom() + "/" + map.getCenter().lat + "/" + map.getCenter().lng;
function map_viewbox_as_string() {
- var bounds = map.getBounds();
- var west = bounds.getWest();
- var east = bounds.getEast();
- if ((east - west) >= 360) { // covers more than whole planet
- west = map.getCenter().lng-179.999;
- east = map.getCenter().lng+179.999;
- }
- east = L.latLng(77, east).wrap().lng;
- west = L.latLng(77, west).wrap().lng;
- return [
- west.toFixed(5), // left
- bounds.getNorth().toFixed(5), // top
- east.toFixed(5), // right
- bounds.getSouth().toFixed(5) // bottom
- ].join(',');
+ var bounds = map.getBounds();
+ var west = bounds.getWest();
+ var east = bounds.getEast();
+ if ((east - west) >= 360) { // covers more than whole planet
+ west = map.getCenter().lng-179.999;
+ east = map.getCenter().lng+179.999;
+ }
+ east = L.latLng(77, east).wrap().lng;
+ west = L.latLng(77, west).wrap().lng;
+ return [
+ west.toFixed(5), // left
+ bounds.getNorth().toFixed(5), // top
+ east.toFixed(5), // right
+ bounds.getSouth().toFixed(5) // bottom
+ ].join(',');
function fetch_from_api(endpoint_name, params, callback) {
- // `&a=&b=&c=1` => '&c='
- for(var k in params) {
- if (typeof(params[k]) === 'undefined' || params[k] === '' || params[k] === null ) delete params[k];
- }
- var api_url = get_config_value('Nominatim_API_Endpoint') + endpoint_name + '.php?' + $.param(params);
- if (endpoint_name !== 'status') {
- $('#api-request-link').attr('href', api_url);
- }
- $.get(api_url, function(data){
- callback(data);
- });
+ // `&a=&b=&c=1` => '&c='
+ for(var k in params) {
+ if (typeof(params[k]) === 'undefined' || params[k] === '' || params[k] === null ) delete params[k];
+ }
+ var api_url = get_config_value('Nominatim_API_Endpoint') + endpoint_name + '.php?' + $.param(params);
+ if (endpoint_name !== 'status') {
+ $('#api-request-link').attr('href', api_url);
+ }
+ $.get(api_url, function(data){
+ callback(data);
+ });
function update_data_date() {
- fetch_from_api('status', {format: 'json'}, function(data){
- $('#data-date').text(data.data_updated);
- });
+ fetch_from_api('status', {format: 'json'}, function(data){
+ $('#data-date').text(data.data_updated);
+ });
function render_template(el, template_name, page_context) {
- var template_source = $('#' + template_name).text();
- var template = Handlebars.compile(template_source);
- var html = template(page_context);
- el.html(html);
+ var template_source = $('#' + template_name).text();
+ var template = Handlebars.compile(template_source);
+ var html = template(page_context);
+ el.html(html);
function show_error(html) {
- $('#error-overlay').html(html).show();
+ $('#error-overlay').html(html).show();
function hide_error() {
- $('#error-overlay').empty().hide();
+ $('#error-overlay').empty().hide();
$(document).ajaxError(function(event, jqXHR, ajaxSettings, thrownError) {
- // console.log(thrownError);
- // console.log(ajaxSettings);
- show_error('Error fetching results from <a href="' + ajaxSettings.url + '">' + ajaxSettings.url + '</a>');
+ // console.log(thrownError);
+ // console.log(ajaxSettings);
+ show_error('Error fetching results from <a href="' + ajaxSettings.url + '">' + ajaxSettings.url + '</a>');
- hide_error();
+ hide_error();
function init_map_on_detail_page(lat, lon, geojson) {
- map = new L.map('map', {
- // center: [nominatim_map_init.lat, nominatim_map_init.lon],
- // zoom: nominatim_map_init.zoom,
- attributionControl: (get_config_value('Map_Tile_Attribution') && get_config_value('Map_Tile_Attribution').length),
- scrollWheelZoom: true, // !L.Browser.touch,
- touchZoom: false,
- });
- L.tileLayer(get_config_value('Map_Tile_URL'), {
- // moved to footer
- attribution: (get_config_value('Map_Tile_Attribution') || null ) //'© <a href="https://osm.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'
- }).addTo(map);
- var layerGroup = new L.layerGroup().addTo(map);
- var circle = L.circleMarker([lat,lon], { radius: 10, weight: 2, fillColor: '#ff7800', color: 'blue', opacity: 0.75});
- map.addLayer(circle);
- if (geojson) {
- var geojson_layer = L.geoJson(
- // https://leafletjs.com/reference-1.0.3.html#path-option
- parse_and_normalize_geojson_string(geojson),
- {
- style: function(feature) {
- return { interactive: false, color: 'blue' };
- }
- }
- );
- map.addLayer(geojson_layer);
- map.fitBounds(geojson_layer.getBounds());
- } else {
- map.setView([lat,lon],10);
- }
- var osm2 = new L.TileLayer(get_config_value('Map_Tile_URL'), {minZoom: 0, maxZoom: 13, attribution: (get_config_value('Map_Tile_Attribution') || null )});
- var miniMap = new L.Control.MiniMap(osm2, {toggleDisplay: true}).addTo(map);
+ map = new L.map('map', {
+ // center: [nominatim_map_init.lat, nominatim_map_init.lon],
+ // zoom: nominatim_map_init.zoom,
+ attributionControl: (get_config_value('Map_Tile_Attribution') && get_config_value('Map_Tile_Attribution').length),
+ scrollWheelZoom: true, // !L.Browser.touch,
+ touchZoom: false,
+ });
+ L.tileLayer(get_config_value('Map_Tile_URL'), {
+ // moved to footer
+ attribution: (get_config_value('Map_Tile_Attribution') || null ) //'© <a href="https://osm.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'
+ }).addTo(map);
+ var layerGroup = new L.layerGroup().addTo(map);
+ var circle = L.circleMarker([lat,lon], { radius: 10, weight: 2, fillColor: '#ff7800', color: 'blue', opacity: 0.75});
+ map.addLayer(circle);
+ if (geojson) {
+ var geojson_layer = L.geoJson(
+ // https://leafletjs.com/reference-1.0.3.html#path-option
+ parse_and_normalize_geojson_string(geojson),
+ {
+ style: function(feature) {
+ return { interactive: false, color: 'blue' };
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ map.addLayer(geojson_layer);
+ map.fitBounds(geojson_layer.getBounds());
+ } else {
+ map.setView([lat,lon],10);
+ }
+ var osm2 = new L.TileLayer(get_config_value('Map_Tile_URL'), {minZoom: 0, maxZoom: 13, attribution: (get_config_value('Map_Tile_Attribution') || null )});
+ var miniMap = new L.Control.MiniMap(osm2, {toggleDisplay: true}).addTo(map);
- if ( !$('#details-page').length ){ return; }
+ if ( !$('#details-page').length ){ return; }
- var search_params = new URLSearchParams(location.search);
- // var place_id = search_params.get('place_id');
+ var search_params = new URLSearchParams(location.search);
+ // var place_id = search_params.get('place_id');
- var api_request_params = {
- place_id: search_params.get('place_id'),
- osmtype: search_params.get('osmtype'),
- osmid: search_params.get('osmid'),
- keywords: search_params.get('keywords'),
- addressdetails: 1,
- hierarchy: 1,
- group_hierarchy: 1,
- polygon_geojson: 1,
- format: 'json'
- };
+ var api_request_params = {
+ place_id: search_params.get('place_id'),
+ osmtype: search_params.get('osmtype'),
+ osmid: search_params.get('osmid'),
+ keywords: search_params.get('keywords'),
+ addressdetails: 1,
+ hierarchy: 1,
+ group_hierarchy: 1,
+ polygon_geojson: 1,
+ format: 'json'
+ };
- if (api_request_params.place_id || (api_request_params.osmtype && api_request_params.osmid )){
- fetch_from_api('details', api_request_params, function(aFeature){
+ if (api_request_params.place_id || (api_request_params.osmtype && api_request_params.osmid )){
+ fetch_from_api('details', api_request_params, function(aFeature){
- var context = { aPlace: aFeature };
+ var context = { aPlace: aFeature };
- render_template($('main'), 'detailspage-template', context);
+ render_template($('main'), 'detailspage-template', context);
- update_data_date();
+ update_data_date();
- var lat = aFeature.centroid.coordinates[1];
- var lon = aFeature.centroid.coordinates[0];
- init_map_on_detail_page(lat, lon, aFeature.geometry);
- });
- } else {
- render_template($('main'), 'detailspage-index-template');
- }
+ var lat = aFeature.centroid.coordinates[1];
+ var lon = aFeature.centroid.coordinates[0];
+ init_map_on_detail_page(lat, lon, aFeature.geometry);
+ });
+ } else {
+ render_template($('main'), 'detailspage-index-template');
+ }
- $('#form-by-type-and-id,#form-by-osm-url').on('submit', function(e){
- e.preventDefault();
+ $('#form-by-type-and-id,#form-by-osm-url').on('submit', function(e){
+ e.preventDefault();
- var val = $(this).find('input[type=edit]').val();
- var matches = val.match(/^\s*([NWR])(\d+)\s*$/i);
+ var val = $(this).find('input[type=edit]').val();
+ var matches = val.match(/^\s*([NWR])(\d+)\s*$/i);
- if (!matches) {
- matches = val.match(/\/(relation|way|node)\/(\d+)\s*$/);
- }
+ if (!matches) {
+ matches = val.match(/\/(relation|way|node)\/(\d+)\s*$/);
+ }
- if (matches) {
- $(this).find('input[name=osmtype]').val(matches[1].charAt(0).toUpperCase());
- $(this).find('input[name=osmid]').val(matches[2]);
- $(this).get(0).submit();
- } else {
- alert('invalid input');
- }
- });
+ if (matches) {
+ $(this).find('input[name=osmtype]').val(matches[1].charAt(0).toUpperCase());
+ $(this).find('input[name=osmid]').val(matches[2]);
+ $(this).get(0).submit();
+ } else {
+ alert('invalid input');
+ }
+ });
\ No newline at end of file
function display_map_position(mouse_lat_lng){
- if (mouse_lat_lng) {
- mouse_lat_lng = map.wrapLatLng(mouse_lat_lng);
- }
+ if (mouse_lat_lng) {
+ mouse_lat_lng = map.wrapLatLng(mouse_lat_lng);
+ }
- html_mouse = "mouse position " + (mouse_lat_lng ? [mouse_lat_lng.lat.toFixed(5), mouse_lat_lng.lng.toFixed(5)].join(',') : '-');
- html_click = "last click: " + (last_click_latlng ? [last_click_latlng.lat.toFixed(5),last_click_latlng.lng.toFixed(5)].join(',') : '-');
+ html_mouse = "mouse position " + (mouse_lat_lng ? [mouse_lat_lng.lat.toFixed(5), mouse_lat_lng.lng.toFixed(5)].join(',') : '-');
+ html_click = "last click: " + (last_click_latlng ? [last_click_latlng.lat.toFixed(5),last_click_latlng.lng.toFixed(5)].join(',') : '-');
- html_center =
- "map center: " +
- map.getCenter().lat.toFixed(5) + ',' + map.getCenter().lng.toFixed(5) +
- " <a target='_blank' href='" + map_link_to_osm() + "'>view on osm.org</a>";
+ html_center =
+ "map center: " +
+ map.getCenter().lat.toFixed(5) + ',' + map.getCenter().lng.toFixed(5) +
+ " <a target='_blank' href='" + map_link_to_osm() + "'>view on osm.org</a>";
- html_zoom = "map zoom: " + map.getZoom();
+ html_zoom = "map zoom: " + map.getZoom();
- html_viewbox = "viewbox: " + map_viewbox_as_string();
+ html_viewbox = "viewbox: " + map_viewbox_as_string();
- $('#map-position-inner').html([html_center,html_zoom,html_viewbox,html_click,html_mouse].join('<br/>'));
+ $('#map-position-inner').html([html_center,html_zoom,html_viewbox,html_click,html_mouse].join('<br/>'));
- var center_lat_lng = map.wrapLatLng(map.getCenter());
- var reverse_params = {
- lat: center_lat_lng.lat.toFixed(5),
- lon: center_lat_lng.lng.toFixed(5)
- // zoom: 2,
- // format: 'html'
- }
- $('#switch-to-reverse').attr('href', 'reverse.html?' + $.param(reverse_params));
+ var center_lat_lng = map.wrapLatLng(map.getCenter());
+ var reverse_params = {
+ lat: center_lat_lng.lat.toFixed(5),
+ lon: center_lat_lng.lng.toFixed(5)
+ // zoom: 2,
+ // format: 'html'
+ }
+ $('#switch-to-reverse').attr('href', 'reverse.html?' + $.param(reverse_params));
- $('input#use_viewbox').trigger('change');
+ $('input#use_viewbox').trigger('change');
function init_map_on_search_page(is_reverse_search, nominatim_results, request_lat, request_lon, init_zoom) {
- map = new L.map('map', {
- // center: [nominatim_map_init.lat, nominatim_map_init.lon],
- // zoom: nominatim_map_init.zoom,
- attributionControl: (get_config_value('Map_Tile_Attribution') && get_config_value('Map_Tile_Attribution').length),
- scrollWheelZoom: true, // !L.Browser.touch,
- touchZoom: false,
- });
+ map = new L.map('map', {
+ // center: [nominatim_map_init.lat, nominatim_map_init.lon],
+ // zoom: nominatim_map_init.zoom,
+ attributionControl: (get_config_value('Map_Tile_Attribution') && get_config_value('Map_Tile_Attribution').length),
+ scrollWheelZoom: true, // !L.Browser.touch,
+ touchZoom: false,
+ });
+ L.tileLayer(get_config_value('Map_Tile_URL'), {
+ // moved to footer
+ attribution: (get_config_value('Map_Tile_Attribution') || null ) //'© <a href="https://osm.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'
+ }).addTo(map);
+ // console.log(Nominatim_Config);
+ map.setView([request_lat, request_lon], init_zoom);
+ var osm2 = new L.TileLayer(get_config_value('Map_Tile_URL'), {minZoom: 0, maxZoom: 13, attribution: (get_config_value('Map_Tile_Attribution') || null )});
+ var miniMap = new L.Control.MiniMap(osm2, {toggleDisplay: true}).addTo(map);
+ if (is_reverse_search) {
+ // We don't need a marker, but an L.circle instance changes radius once you zoom in/out
+ var cm = L.circleMarker([request_lat, request_lon], { radius: 5, weight: 2, fillColor: '#ff7800', color: 'red', opacity: 0.75, clickable: false});
+ cm.addTo(map);
+ }
+ var MapPositionControl = L.Control.extend({
+ options: {
+ position: 'topright'
+ },
+ onAdd: function (map) {
+ var container = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'my-custom-control');
+ $(container).text('show map bounds').addClass('leaflet-bar btn btn-sm btn-default').on('click', function(e){
+ e.preventDefault();
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ $('#map-position').show();
+ $(container).hide();
+ });
+ $('#map-position-close a').on('click', function(e){
+ e.preventDefault();
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ $('#map-position').hide();
+ $(container).show();
+ });
+ return container;
+ }
+ });
+ map.addControl(new MapPositionControl());
- L.tileLayer(get_config_value('Map_Tile_URL'), {
- // moved to footer
- attribution: (get_config_value('Map_Tile_Attribution') || null ) //'© <a href="https://osm.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'
- }).addTo(map);
- // console.log(Nominatim_Config);
- map.setView([request_lat, request_lon], init_zoom);
- var osm2 = new L.TileLayer(get_config_value('Map_Tile_URL'), {minZoom: 0, maxZoom: 13, attribution: (get_config_value('Map_Tile_Attribution') || null )});
- var miniMap = new L.Control.MiniMap(osm2, {toggleDisplay: true}).addTo(map);
- if (is_reverse_search) {
- // We don't need a marker, but an L.circle instance changes radius once you zoom in/out
- var cm = L.circleMarker([request_lat, request_lon], { radius: 5, weight: 2, fillColor: '#ff7800', color: 'red', opacity: 0.75, clickable: false});
- cm.addTo(map);
- }
+ function update_viewbox_field(){
+ // hidden HTML field
+ $('input[name=viewbox]').val( $('input#use_viewbox').prop('checked') ? map_viewbox_as_string() : '');
+ }
- var MapPositionControl = L.Control.extend({
- options: {
- position: 'topright'
- },
- onAdd: function (map) {
- var container = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'my-custom-control');
- $(container).text('show map bounds').addClass('leaflet-bar btn btn-sm btn-default').on('click', function(e){
- e.preventDefault();
- e.stopPropagation();
- $('#map-position').show();
- $(container).hide();
- });
- $('#map-position-close a').on('click', function(e){
- e.preventDefault();
- e.stopPropagation();
- $('#map-position').hide();
- $(container).show();
- });
- return container;
- }
- });
+ map.on('move', function(e) {
+ display_map_position();
+ update_viewbox_field();
+ });
- map.addControl(new MapPositionControl());
+ map.on('mousemove', function(e) {
+ display_map_position(e.latlng);
+ });
+ map.on('click', function(e) {
+ last_click_latlng = e.latlng;
+ display_map_position();
+ });
+ map.on('load', function(e){
+ display_map_position();
+ });
+ $('input#use_viewbox').on('change', function(){
+ update_viewbox_field();
+ });
- function update_viewbox_field(){
- // hidden HTML field
- $('input[name=viewbox]').val( $('input#use_viewbox').prop('checked') ? map_viewbox_as_string() : '');
- }
- map.on('move', function(e) {
- display_map_position();
- update_viewbox_field();
- });
- map.on('mousemove', function(e) {
- display_map_position(e.latlng);
- });
- map.on('click', function(e) {
- last_click_latlng = e.latlng;
- display_map_position();
- });
- map.on('load', function(e){
- display_map_position();
- });
- $('input#use_viewbox').on('change', function(){
- update_viewbox_field();
- });
+ function get_result_element(position){
+ return $('.result').eq(position);
+ }
+ function marker_for_result(result){
+ return L.marker([result.lat,result.lon], {riseOnHover:true,title:result.name });
+ }
+ function circle_for_result(result){
+ return L.circleMarker([result.lat,result.lon], { radius: 10, weight: 2, fillColor: '#ff7800', color: 'blue', opacity: 0.75, clickable: !is_reverse_search});
+ }
+ var layerGroup = new L.layerGroup().addTo(map);
+ function highlight_result(position, bool_focus){
+ var result = nominatim_results[position];
+ if (!result){ return }
+ var result_el = get_result_element(position);
+ $('.result').removeClass('highlight');
+ result_el.addClass('highlight');
+ layerGroup.clearLayers();
- function get_result_element(position){
- return $('.result').eq(position);
+ if (result.lat){
+ var circle = circle_for_result(result);
+ circle.on('click', function(){
+ highlight_result(position);
+ });
+ layerGroup.addLayer(circle);
- function marker_for_result(result){
- return L.marker([result.lat,result.lon], {riseOnHover:true,title:result.name });
- }
- function circle_for_result(result){
- return L.circleMarker([result.lat,result.lon], { radius: 10, weight: 2, fillColor: '#ff7800', color: 'blue', opacity: 0.75, clickable: !is_reverse_search});
- }
- var layerGroup = new L.layerGroup().addTo(map);
- function highlight_result(position, bool_focus){
- var result = nominatim_results[position];
- if (!result){ return }
- var result_el = get_result_element(position);
+ if (result.boundingbox){
- $('.result').removeClass('highlight');
- result_el.addClass('highlight');
+ var bounds = [[result.boundingbox[0]*1,result.boundingbox[2]*1], [result.boundingbox[1]*1,result.boundingbox[3]*1]];
+ map.fitBounds(bounds);
- layerGroup.clearLayers();
+ if (result.geojson && result.geojson.type.match(/(Polygon)|(Line)/) ){
- if (result.lat){
- var circle = circle_for_result(result);
- circle.on('click', function(){
- highlight_result(position);
- });
- layerGroup.addLayer(circle);
- }
- if (result.boundingbox){
- var bounds = [[result.boundingbox[0]*1,result.boundingbox[2]*1], [result.boundingbox[1]*1,result.boundingbox[3]*1]];
- map.fitBounds(bounds);
- if (result.geojson && result.geojson.type.match(/(Polygon)|(Line)/) ){
- var geojson_layer = L.geoJson(
- parse_and_normalize_geojson_string(result.geojson),
- {
- // https://leafletjs.com/reference-1.0.3.html#path-option
- style: function(feature) {
- return { interactive: false, color: 'blue' };
- }
- }
- );
- layerGroup.addLayer(geojson_layer);
+ var geojson_layer = L.geoJson(
+ parse_and_normalize_geojson_string(result.geojson),
+ {
+ // https://leafletjs.com/reference-1.0.3.html#path-option
+ style: function(feature) {
+ return { interactive: false, color: 'blue' };
- // else {
- // var layer = L.rectangle(bounds, {color: "#ff7800", weight: 1} );
- // layerGroup.addLayer(layer);
- // }
+ }
+ );
+ layerGroup.addLayer(geojson_layer);
+ }
+ // else {
+ // var layer = L.rectangle(bounds, {color: "#ff7800", weight: 1} );
+ // layerGroup.addLayer(layer);
+ // }
+ }
+ else {
+ var result_coord = L.latLng(result.lat, result.lon);
+ if ( result_coord ){
+ if ( is_reverse_search ){
+ // console.dir([result_coord, [request_lat, request_lon]]);
+ // make sure the search coordinates are in the map view as well
+ map.fitBounds([result_coord, [request_lat, request_lon]], {padding: [50,50], maxZoom: map.getZoom()});
+ // better, but causes a leaflet warning
+ // map.panInsideBounds([[result.lat,result.lon], [nominatim_map_init.lat,nominatim_map_init.lon]], {animate: false});
else {
- var result_coord = L.latLng(result.lat, result.lon);
- if ( result_coord ){
- if ( is_reverse_search ){
- // console.dir([result_coord, [request_lat, request_lon]]);
- // make sure the search coordinates are in the map view as well
- map.fitBounds([result_coord, [request_lat, request_lon]], {padding: [50,50], maxZoom: map.getZoom()});
- // better, but causes a leaflet warning
- // map.panInsideBounds([[result.lat,result.lon], [nominatim_map_init.lat,nominatim_map_init.lon]], {animate: false});
- }
- else {
- map.panTo(result_coord, result.zoom || get_config_value('Map_Default_Zoom'));
- }
- }
- }
- if (bool_focus){
- $('#map').focus();
+ map.panTo(result_coord, result.zoom || get_config_value('Map_Default_Zoom'));
+ }
+ }
+ if (bool_focus){
+ $('#map').focus();
+ }
- $('.result').on('click', function(e){
- highlight_result($(this).data('position'), true);
+ $('.result').on('click', function(e){
+ highlight_result($(this).data('position'), true);
+ });
+ if ( is_reverse_search ){
+ map.on('click', function(e){
+ $('form input[name=lat]').val( e.latlng.lat);
+ $('form input[name=lon]').val( e.latlng.wrap().lng);
+ $('form').submit();
- if ( is_reverse_search ){
- map.on('click', function(e){
- $('form input[name=lat]').val( e.latlng.lat);
- $('form input[name=lon]').val( e.latlng.wrap().lng);
- $('form').submit();
- });
- $('#switch-coords').on('click', function(e){
- e.preventDefault();
- e.stopPropagation();
- var lat = $('form input[name=lat]').val();
- var lon = $('form input[name=lon]').val();
- $('form input[name=lat]').val(lon);
- $('form input[name=lon]').val(lat);
- $('form').submit();
- });
- }
+ $('#switch-coords').on('click', function(e){
+ e.preventDefault();
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ var lat = $('form input[name=lat]').val();
+ var lon = $('form input[name=lon]').val();
+ $('form input[name=lat]').val(lon);
+ $('form input[name=lon]').val(lat);
+ $('form').submit();
+ });
+ }
- highlight_result(0, false);
+ highlight_result(0, false);
- // common mistake is to copy&paste latitude and longitude into the 'lat' search box
- $('form input[name=lat]').on('change', function(){
- var coords = $(this).val().split(',');
- if (coords.length == 2) {
- $(this).val(L.Util.trim(coords[0]));
- $(this).siblings('input[name=lon]').val(L.Util.trim(coords[1]));
- }
- });
+ // common mistake is to copy&paste latitude and longitude into the 'lat' search box
+ $('form input[name=lat]').on('change', function(){
+ var coords = $(this).val().split(',');
+ if (coords.length == 2) {
+ $(this).val(L.Util.trim(coords[0]));
+ $(this).siblings('input[name=lon]').val(L.Util.trim(coords[1]));
+ }
+ });
- if ( !$('#search-page,#reverse-page').length ){ return; }
- var is_reverse_search = !!( $('#reverse-page').length );
- var endpoint = is_reverse_search ? 'reverse' : 'search';
- var search_params = new URLSearchParams(location.search);
- // return view('search', [
- // 'sQuery' => $sQuery,
- // 'bAsText' => '',
- // 'sViewBox' => '',
- // 'aSearchResults' => $aSearchResults,
- // 'sMoreURL' => 'example.com',
- // 'sDataDate' => $this->fetch_status_date(),
- // 'sApiURL' => $url
- // ]);
- if (is_reverse_search) {
- var api_request_params = {
- // lat: typeof(search_params.get('lat') !== 'undefined') ? search_params.get('lat') : get_config_value('Map_Default_Lat'),
- // lon: typeof(search_params.get('lon') !== 'undefined') ? search_params.get('lon') : get_config_value('Map_Default_Lon'),
- lat: search_params.get('lat'),
- lon: search_params.get('lon'),
- zoom: (search_params.get('zoom') !== null ? search_params.get('zoom') : get_config_value('Reverse_Default_Search_Zoom')),
- format: 'jsonv2'
- }
- var context = {
- // aPlace: aPlace,
- fLat: api_request_params.lat,
- fLon: api_request_params.lon,
- iZoom: (search_params.get('zoom') !== null ? api_request_params.zoom : get_config_value('Reverse_Default_Search_Zoom'))
- };
+ if ( !$('#search-page,#reverse-page').length ){ return; }
+ var is_reverse_search = !!( $('#reverse-page').length );
+ var endpoint = is_reverse_search ? 'reverse' : 'search';
+ var search_params = new URLSearchParams(location.search);
+ // return view('search', [
+ // 'sQuery' => $sQuery,
+ // 'bAsText' => '',
+ // 'sViewBox' => '',
+ // 'aSearchResults' => $aSearchResults,
+ // 'sMoreURL' => 'example.com',
+ // 'sDataDate' => $this->fetch_status_date(),
+ // 'sApiURL' => $url
+ // ]);
+ if (is_reverse_search) {
+ var api_request_params = {
+ // lat: typeof(search_params.get('lat') !== 'undefined') ? search_params.get('lat') : get_config_value('Map_Default_Lat'),
+ // lon: typeof(search_params.get('lon') !== 'undefined') ? search_params.get('lon') : get_config_value('Map_Default_Lon'),
+ lat: search_params.get('lat'),
+ lon: search_params.get('lon'),
+ zoom: (search_params.get('zoom') !== null ? search_params.get('zoom') : get_config_value('Reverse_Default_Search_Zoom')),
+ format: 'jsonv2'
+ }
- if (api_request_params.lat && api_request_params.lon) {
+ var context = {
+ // aPlace: aPlace,
+ fLat: api_request_params.lat,
+ fLon: api_request_params.lon,
+ iZoom: (search_params.get('zoom') !== null ? api_request_params.zoom : get_config_value('Reverse_Default_Search_Zoom'))
+ };
- fetch_from_api('reverse', api_request_params, function(aPlace){
- if (aPlace.error) {
- aPlace = null;
- }
+ if (api_request_params.lat && api_request_params.lon) {
- context.aPlace = aPlace;
+ fetch_from_api('reverse', api_request_params, function(aPlace){
- render_template($('main'), 'reversepage-template', context);
+ if (aPlace.error) {
+ aPlace = null;
+ }
- init_map_on_search_page(is_reverse_search, [aPlace], api_request_params.lat, api_request_params.lon, api_request_params.zoom);
+ context.aPlace = aPlace;
- update_data_date();
- });
- } else {
- render_template($('main'), 'reversepage-template', context);
+ render_template($('main'), 'reversepage-template', context);
- init_map_on_search_page(is_reverse_search, [], get_config_value('Map_Default_Lat'), get_config_value('Map_Default_Lon'), get_config_value('Map_Default_Zoom'));
- }
+ init_map_on_search_page(is_reverse_search, [aPlace], api_request_params.lat, api_request_params.lon, api_request_params.zoom);
+ update_data_date();
+ });
} else {
- var api_request_params = {
- q: search_params.get('q'),
- polygon_geojson: search_params.get('polygon_geojson') ? 1 : 0,
- viewbox: search_params.get('viewbox'),
- format: 'jsonv2'
- };
+ render_template($('main'), 'reversepage-template', context);
- var context = {
- // aSearchResults: aResults,
- sQuery: api_request_params.q,
- sViewBox: '',
- env: Nominatim_Config,
- sMoreURL: ''
- };
+ init_map_on_search_page(is_reverse_search, [], get_config_value('Map_Default_Lat'), get_config_value('Map_Default_Lon'), get_config_value('Map_Default_Zoom'));
+ }
- if (api_request_params.q) {
+ } else {
+ var api_request_params = {
+ q: search_params.get('q'),
+ polygon_geojson: search_params.get('polygon_geojson') ? 1 : 0,
+ viewbox: search_params.get('viewbox'),
+ format: 'jsonv2'
+ };
- fetch_from_api('search', api_request_params, function(aResults){
+ var context = {
+ // aSearchResults: aResults,
+ sQuery: api_request_params.q,
+ sViewBox: '',
+ env: Nominatim_Config,
+ sMoreURL: ''
+ };
- context.aSearchResults = aResults;
+ if (api_request_params.q) {
- render_template($('main'), 'searchpage-template', context);
+ fetch_from_api('search', api_request_params, function(aResults){
- init_map_on_search_page(is_reverse_search, aResults, get_config_value('Map_Default_Lat'), get_config_value('Map_Default_Lon'), get_config_value('Map_Default_Zoom'));
+ context.aSearchResults = aResults;
- $('#q').focus();
+ render_template($('main'), 'searchpage-template', context);
- update_data_date();
- });
- } else {
- render_template($('main'), 'searchpage-template', context);
+ init_map_on_search_page(is_reverse_search, aResults, get_config_value('Map_Default_Lat'), get_config_value('Map_Default_Lon'), get_config_value('Map_Default_Zoom'));
- init_map_on_search_page(is_reverse_search, [], get_config_value('Map_Default_Lat'), get_config_value('Map_Default_Lon'), get_config_value('Map_Default_Zoom'));
- }
+ $('#q').focus();
+ update_data_date();
+ });
+ } else {
+ render_template($('main'), 'searchpage-template', context);
+ init_map_on_search_page(is_reverse_search, [], get_config_value('Map_Default_Lat'), get_config_value('Map_Default_Lon'), get_config_value('Map_Default_Zoom'));
+ }
var Nominatim_Config = {
- // "Nominatim_API_Endpoint": 'http://localhost:8089/nominatim/',
- "Nominatim_API_Endpoint": 'https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/',
- "Images_Base_Url": 'http://localhost:8089/',
- "Search_AreaPolygons": 1,
- "Reverse_Default_Search_Zoom": 18,
- "Map_Default_Lat": 20.0,
- "Map_Default_Lon": 0.0,
- "Map_Default_Zoom": 2,
- "Map_Tile_URL": "https://{s}.tile.osm.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png",
- "Map_Tile_Attribution": ""
+ // "Nominatim_API_Endpoint": 'http://localhost:8089/nominatim/',
+ "Nominatim_API_Endpoint": 'https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/',
+ "Images_Base_Url": 'http://localhost:8089/',
+ "Search_AreaPolygons": 1,
+ "Reverse_Default_Search_Zoom": 18,
+ "Map_Default_Lat": 20.0,
+ "Map_Default_Lon": 0.0,
+ "Map_Default_Zoom": 2,
+ "Map_Tile_URL": "https://{s}.tile.osm.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png",
+ "Map_Tile_Attribution": ""
function formatOSMType(sType, bExcludeExternal)
- if (sType == 'N') return 'node';
- if (sType == 'W') return 'way';
- if (sType == 'R') return 'relation';
+ if (sType == 'N') return 'node';
+ if (sType == 'W') return 'way';
+ if (sType == 'R') return 'relation';
- if (!bExcludeExternal) return '';
+ if (!bExcludeExternal) return '';
- if (sType == 'T') return 'way';
- if (sType == 'I') return 'way';
+ if (sType == 'T') return 'way';
+ if (sType == 'I') return 'way';
- return '';
+ return '';
- isaddresses_unused: function(aAddressLine) {
- return ((aAddressLine.isaddress && aAddressLine.isaddress == 'f') ? 'notused' : '');
- },
- // { osm_type: 'R', osm_id: 12345 }
- // <a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/12345">relation 12345</a
- osmLink: function(aPlace) {
- if (!aPlace.osm_type) return '';
- var sOSMType = formatOSMType(aPlace.osm_type, false);
- if (!sOSMType) return '';
- return new Handlebars.SafeString(
- '<a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/' + sOSMType + '/' + aPlace.osm_id + '">' + sOSMType + ' ' + aPlace.osm_id + '</a>'
- );
- },
- /* en:London_Borough_of_Redbridge => https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/London_Borough_of_Redbridge */
- wikipediaLink: function(aPlace) {
- if (! aPlace.calculated_wikipedia) return '';
- var parts = aPlace.calculated_wikipedia.split(':', 2);
- var sTitle = Handlebars.escapeExpression(aPlace.calculated_wikipedia),
- sLanguage = Handlebars.escapeExpression(parts[0]),
- sArticle = Handlebars.escapeExpression(parts[1]);
- return new Handlebars.SafeString(
- '<a href="https://' + sLanguage + '.wikipedia.org/wiki/' + sArticle + '" target="_blank">' + sTitle + '</a>'
- );
- },
- // { osm_type: 'R', osm_id: 12345 }
- // <a href="details.html?place_id=12345">details</a>
- detailsLink: function(aFeature, sTitle) {
- if (!aFeature) return '';
- if (!aFeature.place_id) return '';
- sTitle = Handlebars.escapeExpression(sTitle || 'details >');
- return new Handlebars.SafeString(
- '<a href="details.html?place_id=' + aFeature.place_id + '">' + sTitle + '</a>'
- );
- },
- detailsPermaLink: function(aFeature, sTitle) {
- if (!aFeature) return '';
- var sOSMType = formatOSMType(aFeature.osm_type, false);
- if (!sOSMType) return '';
- sTitle = Handlebars.escapeExpression(sTitle || sOSMType + ' ' + aFeature.osm_id);
- return new Handlebars.SafeString(
- '<a href="details.html?osmtype=' + aFeature.osm_type + '&osmid=' + aFeature.osm_id + '&class=' + aFeature.category + '">' + sTitle + '</a>'
- );
- },
- coverageType: function(aPlace) {
- return (aPlace.isarea ? 'Polygon' : 'Point');
- },
- // fDistance is in meters
- formatDistance: function(fDistanceMeters) {
- if (fDistanceMeters < 1) return '0';
- var formatted = (fDistanceMeters >= 1000) ?
- Math.round(fDistanceMeters/1000, 1) + ' km' :
- Math.round(fDistanceMeters, 0) + ' m';
- return new Handlebars.SafeString(
- '<abbr class="distance" title="' + fDistanceMeters + '">~' + formatted + '</abbr>'
- );
- },
- // mark partial tokens (those starting with a space) with a star for readability
- formatKeywordToken: function(sToken) {
- return (sToken[0] == ' ' ? '*' : '') + Handlebars.escapeExpression(sToken);
- },
- // Any over 15 are invalid data in OSM anyway
- formatAdminLevel: function(iLevel) {
- return (iLevel < 15 ? iLevel : '');
- },
- formatMapIcon: function(sIcon) {
- if (!sIcon) return;
- var url = sIcon;
- if (!url.match(/^http/)) url = get_config_value('Images_Base_Url') + url;
- return new Handlebars.SafeString(
- '<img class="mapicon" src="' + url + '" alt="' + sIcon + '"/>'
- );
- },
- formatLabel: function(aPlace) {
- if (aPlace.label) return aPlace.label;
- function capitalize(s)
- {
- return s && s[0].toUpperCase() + s.slice(1);
- }
- if (aPlace.type && aPlace.type === 'yes') {
- return capitalize(aPlace.class.replace(/_/g, ' '));
- } else {
- return capitalize(aPlace.type.replace(/_/g, ' '));
- }
- },
- formatSearchRank: function(iRank) {
- // same as
- // https://github.com/openstreetmap/Nominatim/blob/master/sql/functions.sql
- // get_searchrank_label()
- if (iRank < 2) {
- return 'continent';
- } else if (iRank < 4) {
- return 'sea';
- } else if (iRank < 8) {
- return 'country';
- } else if (iRank < 12) {
- return 'state';
- } else if (iRank < 16) {
- return 'county';
- } else if (iRank == 16) {
- return 'city';
- } else if (iRank == 17) {
- return 'town / island';
- } else if (iRank == 18) {
- return 'village / hamlet';
- } else if (iRank == 20) {
- return 'suburb';
- } else if (iRank == 21) {
- return 'postcode area';
- } else if (iRank == 22) {
- return 'croft / farm / locality / islet';
- } else if (iRank == 23) {
- return 'postcode area';
- } else if (iRank == 25) {
- return 'postcode point';
- } else if (iRank == 26) {
- return 'street / major landmark';
- } else if (iRank == 27) {
- return 'minory street / path';
- } else if (iRank == 28) {
- return 'house / building';
- } else {
- return 'other: ' + iRank;
- }
- },
- tooManyHierarchyLinesWarning: function(aPlace) {
- if (!aPlace.hierarchy) return;
- var c = 0;
- for (var type in aPlace.hierarchy) {
- c = c + type.length+1;
- }
- if (c < 500) return;
- return new Handlebars.SafeString(
- '<p>There are more child objects which are not shown.</p>'
- );
- },
- zoomLevels: function(iSelectedZoom) {
- var aZoomLevels = [
- /* 0 */ 'Continent / Sea',
- /* 1 */ '',
- /* 2 */ '',
- /* 3 */ 'Country',
- /* 4 */ '',
- /* 5 */ 'State',
- /* 6 */ 'Region',
- /* 7 */ '',
- /* 8 */ 'County',
- /* 9 */ '',
- /* 10 */ 'City',
- /* 11 */ '',
- /* 12 */ 'Town / Village',
- /* 13 */ '',
- /* 14 */ 'Suburb',
- /* 15 */ '',
- /* 16 */ 'Street',
- /* 17 */ '',
- /* 18 */ 'Building',
- /* 19 */ '',
- /* 20 */ '',
- /* 21 */ ''
- ];
- var select = $('<select>');
- var option = jQuery('<option>', { value: '', text: '--'});
- if (typeof(iSelectedZoom) === 'undefined') option.attr('selected', 'selected');
- option.appendTo(select);
- jQuery.each(aZoomLevels, function(i, title) {
- var option = jQuery('<option>', { value: i, text: i + ' ' + title });
- if (i == iSelectedZoom) option.attr('selected', 'selected');
- option.appendTo(select);
- });
- return new Handlebars.SafeString(select.html());
+ isaddresses_unused: function(aAddressLine) {
+ return ((aAddressLine.isaddress && aAddressLine.isaddress == 'f') ? 'notused' : '');
+ },
+ // { osm_type: 'R', osm_id: 12345 }
+ // <a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/12345">relation 12345</a
+ osmLink: function(aPlace) {
+ if (!aPlace.osm_type) return '';
+ var sOSMType = formatOSMType(aPlace.osm_type, false);
+ if (!sOSMType) return '';
+ return new Handlebars.SafeString(
+ '<a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/' + sOSMType + '/' + aPlace.osm_id + '">' + sOSMType + ' ' + aPlace.osm_id + '</a>'
+ );
+ },
+ /* en:London_Borough_of_Redbridge => https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/London_Borough_of_Redbridge */
+ wikipediaLink: function(aPlace) {
+ if (! aPlace.calculated_wikipedia) return '';
+ var parts = aPlace.calculated_wikipedia.split(':', 2);
+ var sTitle = Handlebars.escapeExpression(aPlace.calculated_wikipedia),
+ sLanguage = Handlebars.escapeExpression(parts[0]),
+ sArticle = Handlebars.escapeExpression(parts[1]);
+ return new Handlebars.SafeString(
+ '<a href="https://' + sLanguage + '.wikipedia.org/wiki/' + sArticle + '" target="_blank">' + sTitle + '</a>'
+ );
+ },
+ // { osm_type: 'R', osm_id: 12345 }
+ // <a href="details.html?place_id=12345">details</a>
+ detailsLink: function(aFeature, sTitle) {
+ if (!aFeature) return '';
+ if (!aFeature.place_id) return '';
+ sTitle = Handlebars.escapeExpression(sTitle || 'details >');
+ return new Handlebars.SafeString(
+ '<a href="details.html?place_id=' + aFeature.place_id + '">' + sTitle + '</a>'
+ );
+ },
+ detailsPermaLink: function(aFeature, sTitle) {
+ if (!aFeature) return '';
+ var sOSMType = formatOSMType(aFeature.osm_type, false);
+ if (!sOSMType) return '';
+ sTitle = Handlebars.escapeExpression(sTitle || sOSMType + ' ' + aFeature.osm_id);
+ return new Handlebars.SafeString(
+ '<a href="details.html?osmtype=' + aFeature.osm_type + '&osmid=' + aFeature.osm_id + '&class=' + aFeature.category + '">' + sTitle + '</a>'
+ );
+ },
+ coverageType: function(aPlace) {
+ return (aPlace.isarea ? 'Polygon' : 'Point');
+ },
+ // fDistance is in meters
+ formatDistance: function(fDistanceMeters) {
+ if (fDistanceMeters < 1) return '0';
+ var formatted = (fDistanceMeters >= 1000) ?
+ Math.round(fDistanceMeters/1000, 1) + ' km' :
+ Math.round(fDistanceMeters, 0) + ' m';
+ return new Handlebars.SafeString(
+ '<abbr class="distance" title="' + fDistanceMeters + '">~' + formatted + '</abbr>'
+ );
+ },
+ // mark partial tokens (those starting with a space) with a star for readability
+ formatKeywordToken: function(sToken) {
+ return (sToken[0] == ' ' ? '*' : '') + Handlebars.escapeExpression(sToken);
+ },
+ // Any over 15 are invalid data in OSM anyway
+ formatAdminLevel: function(iLevel) {
+ return (iLevel < 15 ? iLevel : '');
+ },
+ formatMapIcon: function(sIcon) {
+ if (!sIcon) return;
+ var url = sIcon;
+ if (!url.match(/^http/)) url = get_config_value('Images_Base_Url') + url;
+ return new Handlebars.SafeString(
+ '<img class="mapicon" src="' + url + '" alt="' + sIcon + '"/>'
+ );
+ },
+ formatLabel: function(aPlace) {
+ if (aPlace.label) return aPlace.label;
+ function capitalize(s)
+ {
+ return s && s[0].toUpperCase() + s.slice(1);
+ if (aPlace.type && aPlace.type === 'yes') {
+ return capitalize(aPlace.class.replace(/_/g, ' '));
+ } else {
+ return capitalize(aPlace.type.replace(/_/g, ' '));
+ }
+ },
+ formatSearchRank: function(iRank) {
+ // same as
+ // https://github.com/openstreetmap/Nominatim/blob/master/sql/functions.sql
+ // get_searchrank_label()
+ if (iRank < 2) {
+ return 'continent';
+ } else if (iRank < 4) {
+ return 'sea';
+ } else if (iRank < 8) {
+ return 'country';
+ } else if (iRank < 12) {
+ return 'state';
+ } else if (iRank < 16) {
+ return 'county';
+ } else if (iRank == 16) {
+ return 'city';
+ } else if (iRank == 17) {
+ return 'town / island';
+ } else if (iRank == 18) {
+ return 'village / hamlet';
+ } else if (iRank == 20) {
+ return 'suburb';
+ } else if (iRank == 21) {
+ return 'postcode area';
+ } else if (iRank == 22) {
+ return 'croft / farm / locality / islet';
+ } else if (iRank == 23) {
+ return 'postcode area';
+ } else if (iRank == 25) {
+ return 'postcode point';
+ } else if (iRank == 26) {
+ return 'street / major landmark';
+ } else if (iRank == 27) {
+ return 'minory street / path';
+ } else if (iRank == 28) {
+ return 'house / building';
+ } else {
+ return 'other: ' + iRank;
+ }
+ },
+ tooManyHierarchyLinesWarning: function(aPlace) {
+ if (!aPlace.hierarchy) return;
+ var c = 0;
+ for (var type in aPlace.hierarchy) {
+ c = c + type.length+1;
+ }
+ if (c < 500) return;
+ return new Handlebars.SafeString(
+ '<p>There are more child objects which are not shown.</p>'
+ );
+ },
+ zoomLevels: function(iSelectedZoom) {
+ var aZoomLevels = [
+ /* 0 */ 'Continent / Sea',
+ /* 1 */ '',
+ /* 2 */ '',
+ /* 3 */ 'Country',
+ /* 4 */ '',
+ /* 5 */ 'State',
+ /* 6 */ 'Region',
+ /* 7 */ '',
+ /* 8 */ 'County',
+ /* 9 */ '',
+ /* 10 */ 'City',
+ /* 11 */ '',
+ /* 12 */ 'Town / Village',
+ /* 13 */ '',
+ /* 14 */ 'Suburb',
+ /* 15 */ '',
+ /* 16 */ 'Street',
+ /* 17 */ '',
+ /* 18 */ 'Building',
+ /* 19 */ '',
+ /* 20 */ '',
+ /* 21 */ ''
+ ];
+ var select = $('<select>');
+ var option = jQuery('<option>', { value: '', text: '--'});
+ if (typeof(iSelectedZoom) === 'undefined') option.attr('selected', 'selected');
+ option.appendTo(select);
+ jQuery.each(aZoomLevels, function(i, title) {
+ var option = jQuery('<option>', { value: i, text: i + ' ' + title });
+ if (i == iSelectedZoom) option.attr('selected', 'selected');
+ option.appendTo(select);
+ });
+ return new Handlebars.SafeString(select.html());
+ }