+# Developing Nominatim-UI
+## Background
+The user interface used to be included in the geocoder. Thus the
+first version avoid being a redesign and still uses some of the
+same configuration values. For simplicity it's not a single
+page application (SPA) written in a framework though it could
+be in the future if complexity grows.
+Uses [jQuery](https://jquery.com/) for browser DOM interaction,
+[handlebar](http://handlebarsjs.com/) templates to build pages,
+[leaflet](https://leafletjs.com/) for map interaction,
+[bootstrap](https://getbootstrap.com/) for layout styling.
+## Building the frontend
+* Install dependencies
+ ```
+ yarn install
+ ```
+* After you change files in `src` directory run
+ ```
+ yarn build
+ ```
+* Start a webserver on port 8000 to preview changes
+ ```
+ yarn start
+ ```
+* Run code style check
+ ```
+ yarn lint
+ ```
+## Prepare a release
+1. Update version number in `package.json` file
+2. Update `CHANGES.md` file
+3. Commit your changes: `git add... `, `git commit ...`, `git push ...` etc
+4. Tag release: `git tag THE_VERSION_NUMBER`, `git push --tags`
+5. Upload release
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