-* unreleased
- * Add theming
- * Replace config.js with config.default.js and theme/config.theme.js
+* version 3.0.0 - 2021-02-25
+ Version 3 add a new directory dist/theme/. It changes the default welcome, about and
+ help text, and moves the configuration into dist/theme/. Admins should review those
+ (explained in README.md) before deploying the nominatim-ui.
+ * Major change: Add theming
+ * Major change: Replace dist/config.js with dist/config.default.js and dist/theme/config.theme.js
+ * Refactored and added API error output
+ * Build: dist/build/bundle.* files are now created by a Github Action upon release, no longer in version control
+ * Documentation: removed TODO.md, we use github issues now
+ * Documentation: README.md is part of the release, moved some development content to CONTRIBUTE.md
+ * Documentation: badge showing latest release version in README.md
+ * Documentation: badge showing latest test (Github CI) output in CONTRIBUTE.md
* version 2.3.0 - 2021-02-19
2. Update `CHANGES.md` file
-3. Run `yarn build` to make sure the `dist/build/` files don't contain lifereload.js
+3. Commit your changes: `git add... `, `git commit ...`, `git push ...` etc
-4. Commit your changes: `git add... `, `git commit ...`, `git push ...` etc
+4. Tag release: `git tag THE_VERSION_NUMBER`, `git push --tags`
-5. Tag release: `git tag THE_VERSION_NUMBER`, `git push --tags`
-6. Upload release
\ No newline at end of file
+5. Create release on https://github.com/osm-search/nominatim-ui/releases
+ This (a triggered Github Action) will run `yarn build` and add the `dist/build/bundle.*` files.
# Nominatim-UI
Debugging user interface for [Nominatim](https://nominatim.org/)
([source](https://github.com/osm-search/Nominatim/)) geocoder.