+# Adding nominatim-ui to a nominatim-docker container
+This document assumes you followed the [nominatim-docker](https://github.com/mediagis/nominatim-docker/) instructions.
+nominatim-ui is a separate project and it's not planned to add the UI to the nominatim-docker installation.
+The following instructions might still be useful and/or help futher automate such an installation.
+# Log into the running container
+docker exec -it nominatim /bin/bash
+# Download stable nominatim-ui release
+# available verions: https://github.com/osm-search/nominatim-ui/releases
+cd /tmp
+curl -L --fail -o nominatim-ui.tar.gz https://github.com/osm-search/nominatim-ui/releases/download/v${VERSION}/nominatim-ui-${VERSION}.tar.gz
+tar -xzf nominatim-ui.tar.gz && rm nominatim-ui.tar.gz
+mv nominatim-ui-$VERSION nominatim-ui
+# Set the configuration. In this case the UI website should access the API
+# from the same host and port
+tee nominatim-ui/dist/theme/config.theme.js << 'EOF'
+Nominatim_Config.Nominatim_API_Endpoint = '/';
+# Apache configuration has an entry 'DirectoryIndex search.php'. To make
+# /ui work we just create such a file. Alternatively change the entry for
+# /ui directory.
+# Apache configuration is in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf
+cd nominatim-ui/dist/ && ln -s index.html search.php && cd -
+# Move files to Apache webserver directory
+mkdir /nominatim/website/ui
+mv nominatim-ui/dist/* /nominatim/website/ui/
+rm -r nominatim-ui
+chown -R nominatim:nominatim /nominatim/website/ui/
+If the API runs on http://some-host.example.org:8080/ then http://some-host.example.org:8080/ui
+will now display a website including map and search box.
\ No newline at end of file