## Essential
-* JS error on http://localhost:8000/reverse.html?format=html&lat=51.72702815704774&lon=8.701171874999998&zoom=
* test in MSIE https://github.com/WebReflection/url-search-params
* Nominatim backend API
* need /status to support &format=json
* need /details to support &format=json
* reverse: zoom not set
-* error message on API error or timeout
* search page: add pagination, moreurl
* search page: add viewbox
* details page: add "There are more child objects which are not shown" back in
* config vs config.local.js
* should it be possible to add comments to config?
* snake_case vs camelCase
-* support for proxy environment variables?
* support nearlat,nearlon parameters
* need a `<link href="nominatim.xml" rel="search" title="Nominatim Search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml">` file
* do we an /src/assets directory?