3 Feature: Geometries for reverse geocoding
4 Tests for returning geometries with reverse
7 Scenario: Polygons are returned fully by default
8 When sending v1/reverse at 47.13803,9.52264
13 | ^POLYGON\(\(9.5225302 47.138066, ?9.5225348 47.1379282, ?9.5226142 47.1379294, ?9.5226143 47.1379257, ?9.522615 47.137917, ?9.5226225 47.1379098, ?9.5226334 47.1379052, ?9.5226461 47.1379037, ?9.5226588 47.1379056, ?9.5226693 47.1379107, ?9.5226762 47.1379181, ?9.5226762 47.1379268, ?9.5226761 47.1379308, ?9.5227366 47.1379317, ?9.5227352 47.1379753, ?9.5227608 47.1379757, ?9.5227595 47.1380148, ?9.5227355 47.1380145, ?9.5227337 47.1380692, ?9.5225302 47.138066\)\) |
16 Scenario: Polygons can be slightly simplified
17 When sending v1/reverse at 47.13803,9.52264
18 | polygon_text | polygon_threshold |
22 | ^POLYGON\(\(9.5225302 47.138066, ?9.5225348 47.1379282, ?9.5226142 47.1379294, ?9.5226225 47.1379098, ?9.5226588 47.1379056, ?9.5226761 47.1379308, ?9.5227366 47.1379317, ?9.5227352 47.1379753, ?9.5227608 47.1379757, ?9.5227595 47.1380148, ?9.5227355 47.1380145, ?9.5227337 47.1380692, ?9.5225302 47.138066\)\) |
25 Scenario: Polygons can be much simplified
26 When sending v1/reverse at 47.13803,9.52264
27 | polygon_text | polygon_threshold |
31 | ^POLYGON\(\([0-9. ]+, ?[0-9. ]+, ?[0-9. ]+, ?[0-9. ]+(, ?[0-9. ]+)?\)\) |
34 Scenario: For polygons return the centroid as center point
35 When sending v1/reverse at 47.13836,9.52304
38 | 9.52271080 47.13818045 |
41 Scenario: For streets return the closest point as center point
42 When sending v1/reverse at 47.13368,9.52942
45 | 9.529431527 47.13368172 |