1 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
3 # This file is part of Nominatim. (https://nominatim.org)
5 # Copyright (C) 2022 by the Nominatim developer community.
6 # For a full list of authors see the git log.
8 Implementation of the 'replication' sub-command.
15 from nominatim.db import status
16 from nominatim.db.connection import connect
17 from nominatim.errors import UsageError
19 LOG = logging.getLogger()
21 # Do not repeat documentation of subcommand classes.
22 # pylint: disable=C0111
23 # Using non-top-level imports to make pyosmium optional for replication only.
24 # pylint: disable=C0415
26 class UpdateReplication:
28 Update the database using an online replication service.
30 An OSM replication service is an online service that provides regular
31 updates (OSM diff files) for the planet or update they provide. The OSMF
32 provides the primary replication service for the full planet at
33 https://planet.osm.org/replication/ but there are other providers of
34 extracts of OSM data who provide such a service as well.
36 This sub-command allows to set up such a replication service and download
37 and import updates at regular intervals. You need to call '--init' once to
38 set up the process or whenever you change the replication configuration
39 parameters. Without any arguments, the sub-command will go into a loop and
40 continuously apply updates as they become available. Giving `--once` just
41 downloads and imports the next batch of updates.
46 group = parser.add_argument_group('Arguments for initialisation')
47 group.add_argument('--init', action='store_true',
48 help='Initialise the update process')
49 group.add_argument('--no-update-functions', dest='update_functions',
51 help="Do not update the trigger function to "
52 "support differential updates (EXPERT)")
53 group = parser.add_argument_group('Arguments for updates')
54 group.add_argument('--check-for-updates', action='store_true',
55 help='Check if new updates are available and exit')
56 group.add_argument('--once', action='store_true',
57 help="Download and apply updates only once. When "
58 "not set, updates are continuously applied")
59 group.add_argument('--catch-up', action='store_true',
60 help="Download and apply updates until no new "
61 "data is available on the server")
62 group.add_argument('--no-index', action='store_false', dest='do_index',
63 help=("Do not index the new data. Only usable "
64 "together with --once"))
65 group.add_argument('--osm2pgsql-cache', metavar='SIZE', type=int,
66 help='Size of cache to be used by osm2pgsql (in MB)')
67 group = parser.add_argument_group('Download parameters')
68 group.add_argument('--socket-timeout', dest='socket_timeout', type=int, default=60,
69 help='Set timeout for file downloads')
72 def _init_replication(args):
73 from ..tools import replication, refresh
75 LOG.warning("Initialising replication updates")
76 with connect(args.config.get_libpq_dsn()) as conn:
77 replication.init_replication(conn, base_url=args.config.REPLICATION_URL)
78 if args.update_functions:
79 LOG.warning("Create functions")
80 refresh.create_functions(conn, args.config, True, False)
85 def _check_for_updates(args):
86 from ..tools import replication
88 with connect(args.config.get_libpq_dsn()) as conn:
89 return replication.check_for_updates(conn, base_url=args.config.REPLICATION_URL)
92 def _report_update(batchdate, start_import, start_index):
93 def round_time(delta):
94 return dt.timedelta(seconds=int(delta.total_seconds()))
96 end = dt.datetime.now(dt.timezone.utc)
97 LOG.warning("Update completed. Import: %s. %sTotal: %s. Remaining backlog: %s.",
98 round_time((start_index or end) - start_import),
99 f"Indexing: {round_time(end - start_index)} " if start_index else '',
100 round_time(end - start_import),
101 round_time(end - batchdate))
105 def _compute_update_interval(args):
109 update_interval = args.config.get_int('REPLICATION_UPDATE_INTERVAL')
110 # Sanity check to not overwhelm the Geofabrik servers.
111 if 'download.geofabrik.de' in args.config.REPLICATION_URL\
112 and update_interval < 86400:
113 LOG.fatal("Update interval too low for download.geofabrik.de.\n"
114 "Please check install documentation "
115 "(https://nominatim.org/release-docs/latest/admin/Import-and-Update#"
116 "setting-up-the-update-process).")
117 raise UsageError("Invalid replication update interval setting.")
119 return update_interval
124 from ..tools import replication
125 from ..indexer.indexer import Indexer
126 from ..tokenizer import factory as tokenizer_factory
128 update_interval = UpdateReplication._compute_update_interval(args)
130 params = args.osm2pgsql_options(default_cache=2000, default_threads=1)
131 params.update(base_url=args.config.REPLICATION_URL,
132 update_interval=update_interval,
133 import_file=args.project_dir / 'osmosischange.osc',
134 max_diff_size=args.config.get_int('REPLICATION_MAX_DIFF'),
135 indexed_only=not args.once)
138 if not args.do_index:
139 LOG.fatal("Indexing cannot be disabled when running updates continuously.")
140 raise UsageError("Bad argument '--no-index'.")
141 recheck_interval = args.config.get_int('REPLICATION_RECHECK_INTERVAL')
143 tokenizer = tokenizer_factory.get_tokenizer_for_db(args.config)
144 indexer = Indexer(args.config.get_libpq_dsn(), tokenizer, args.threads or 1)
147 with connect(args.config.get_libpq_dsn()) as conn:
148 start = dt.datetime.now(dt.timezone.utc)
149 state = replication.update(conn, params)
150 if state is not replication.UpdateState.NO_CHANGES:
151 status.log_status(conn, start, 'import')
152 batchdate, _, _ = status.get_status(conn)
155 if state is not replication.UpdateState.NO_CHANGES and args.do_index:
156 index_start = dt.datetime.now(dt.timezone.utc)
157 indexer.index_full(analyse=False)
159 with connect(args.config.get_libpq_dsn()) as conn:
160 status.set_indexed(conn, True)
161 status.log_status(conn, index_start, 'index')
166 if state is replication.UpdateState.NO_CHANGES and \
167 args.catch_up or update_interval > 40*60:
168 while indexer.has_pending():
169 indexer.index_full(analyse=False)
171 if LOG.isEnabledFor(logging.WARNING):
172 UpdateReplication._report_update(batchdate, start, index_start)
174 if args.once or (args.catch_up and state is replication.UpdateState.NO_CHANGES):
177 if state is replication.UpdateState.NO_CHANGES:
178 LOG.warning("No new changes. Sleeping for %d sec.", recheck_interval)
179 time.sleep(recheck_interval)
184 socket.setdefaulttimeout(args.socket_timeout)
187 return UpdateReplication._init_replication(args)
189 if args.check_for_updates:
190 return UpdateReplication._check_for_updates(args)
192 UpdateReplication._update(args)