4 require_once(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/settings/settings.php');
5 require_once(CONST_BasePath.'/lib/init-cmd.php');
6 require_once(CONST_BasePath.'/lib/setup_functions.php');
7 require_once(CONST_BasePath.'/lib/setup/SetupClass.php');
9 ini_set('memory_limit', '800M');
11 use Nominatim\Setup\SetupFunctions as SetupFunctions;
13 // (long-opt, short-opt, min-occurs, max-occurs, num-arguments, num-arguments, type, help)
16 'Import / update / index osm data',
17 array('help', 'h', 0, 1, 0, 0, false, 'Show Help'),
18 array('quiet', 'q', 0, 1, 0, 0, 'bool', 'Quiet output'),
19 array('verbose', 'v', 0, 1, 0, 0, 'bool', 'Verbose output'),
21 array('init-updates', '', 0, 1, 0, 0, 'bool', 'Set up database for updating'),
22 array('check-for-updates', '', 0, 1, 0, 0, 'bool', 'Check if new updates are available'),
23 array('no-update-functions', '', 0, 1, 0, 0, 'bool', 'Do not update trigger functions to support differential updates (assuming the diff update logic is already present)'),
24 array('import-osmosis', '', 0, 1, 0, 0, 'bool', 'Import updates once'),
25 array('import-osmosis-all', '', 0, 1, 0, 0, 'bool', 'Import updates forever'),
26 array('no-index', '', 0, 1, 0, 0, 'bool', 'Do not index the new data'),
28 array('calculate-postcodes', '', 0, 1, 0, 0, 'bool', 'Update postcode centroid table'),
30 array('import-file', '', 0, 1, 1, 1, 'realpath', 'Re-import data from an OSM file'),
31 array('import-diff', '', 0, 1, 1, 1, 'realpath', 'Import a diff (osc) file from local file system'),
32 array('osm2pgsql-cache', '', 0, 1, 1, 1, 'int', 'Cache size used by osm2pgsql'),
34 array('import-node', '', 0, 1, 1, 1, 'int', 'Re-import node'),
35 array('import-way', '', 0, 1, 1, 1, 'int', 'Re-import way'),
36 array('import-relation', '', 0, 1, 1, 1, 'int', 'Re-import relation'),
37 array('import-from-main-api', '', 0, 1, 0, 0, 'bool', 'Use OSM API instead of Overpass to download objects'),
39 array('index', '', 0, 1, 0, 0, 'bool', 'Index'),
40 array('index-rank', '', 0, 1, 1, 1, 'int', 'Rank to start indexing from'),
41 array('index-instances', '', 0, 1, 1, 1, 'int', 'Number of indexing instances (threads)'),
43 array('deduplicate', '', 0, 1, 0, 0, 'bool', 'Deduplicate tokens'),
44 array('recompute-word-counts', '', 0, 1, 0, 0, 'bool', 'Compute frequency of full-word search terms'),
45 array('no-npi', '', 0, 1, 0, 0, 'bool', '(obsolete)'),
48 getCmdOpt($_SERVER['argv'], $aCMDOptions, $aResult, true, true);
50 if (!isset($aResult['index-instances'])) $aResult['index-instances'] = 1;
52 if (!isset($aResult['index-rank'])) $aResult['index-rank'] = 0;
54 date_default_timezone_set('Etc/UTC');
58 $aDSNInfo = DB::parseDSN(CONST_Database_DSN);
59 if (!isset($aDSNInfo['port']) || !$aDSNInfo['port']) $aDSNInfo['port'] = 5432;
61 // cache memory to be used by osm2pgsql, should not be more than the available memory
62 $iCacheMemory = (isset($aResult['osm2pgsql-cache'])?$aResult['osm2pgsql-cache']:2000);
63 if ($iCacheMemory + 500 > getTotalMemoryMB()) {
64 $iCacheMemory = getCacheMemoryMB();
65 echo "WARNING: resetting cache memory to $iCacheMemory\n";
67 $sOsm2pgsqlCmd = CONST_Osm2pgsql_Binary.' -klas --number-processes 1 -C '.$iCacheMemory.' -O gazetteer -d '.$aDSNInfo['database'].' -P '.$aDSNInfo['port'];
68 if (isset($aDSNInfo['username']) && $aDSNInfo['username']) {
69 $sOsm2pgsqlCmd .= ' -U ' . $aDSNInfo['username'];
71 if (isset($aDSNInfo['hostspec']) && $aDSNInfo['hostspec']) {
72 $sOsm2pgsqlCmd .= ' -H ' . $aDSNInfo['hostspec'];
75 if (isset($aDSNInfo['password']) && $aDSNInfo['password']) {
76 $aProcEnv = array_merge(array('PGPASSWORD' => $aDSNInfo['password']), $_ENV);
79 if (!is_null(CONST_Osm2pgsql_Flatnode_File) && CONST_Osm2pgsql_Flatnode_File) {
80 $sOsm2pgsqlCmd .= ' --flat-nodes '.CONST_Osm2pgsql_Flatnode_File;
83 if ($aResult['init-updates']) {
84 // sanity check that the replication URL is correct
85 $sBaseState = file_get_contents(CONST_Replication_Url.'/state.txt');
86 if ($sBaseState === false) {
87 echo "\nCannot find state.txt file at the configured replication URL.\n";
88 echo "Does the URL point to a directory containing OSM update data?\n\n";
89 fail('replication URL not reachable.');
91 // sanity check for pyosmium-get-changes
92 if (!CONST_Pyosmium_Binary) {
93 echo "\nCONST_Pyosmium_Binary not configured.\n";
94 echo "You need to install pyosmium and set up the path to pyosmium-get-changes\n";
95 echo "in your local settings file.\n\n";
96 fail('CONST_Pyosmium_Binary not configured');
99 $sCmd = CONST_Pyosmium_Binary.' --help';
100 exec($sCmd, $aOutput, $iRet);
102 echo "Cannot execute pyosmium-get-changes.\n";
103 echo "Make sure you have pyosmium installed correctly\n";
104 echo "and have set up CONST_Pyosmium_Binary to point to pyosmium-get-changes.\n";
105 fail('pyosmium-get-changes not found or not usable');
108 if (!$aResult['no-update-functions']) {
109 // instantiate setupClass to use the function therein
110 $cSetup = new SetupFunctions(array(
111 'enable-diff-updates' => true,
112 'verbose' => $aResult['verbose']
115 $cSetup->createFunctions();
118 $sDatabaseDate = getDatabaseDate($oDB);
119 if ($sDatabaseDate === false) {
120 fail('Cannot determine date of database.');
122 $sWindBack = strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', strtotime($sDatabaseDate) - (3*60*60));
124 // get the appropriate state id
126 $sCmd = CONST_Pyosmium_Binary.' -D '.$sWindBack.' --server '.CONST_Replication_Url;
127 exec($sCmd, $aOutput, $iRet);
128 if ($iRet != 0 || $aOutput[0] == 'None') {
129 fail('Error running pyosmium tools');
132 pg_query($oDB->connection, 'TRUNCATE import_status');
133 $sSQL = "INSERT INTO import_status (lastimportdate, sequence_id, indexed) VALUES('";
134 $sSQL .= $sDatabaseDate."',".$aOutput[0].', true)';
135 if (!pg_query($oDB->connection, $sSQL)) {
136 fail('Could not enter sequence into database.');
139 echo "Done. Database updates will start at sequence $aOutput[0] ($sWindBack)\n";
142 if ($aResult['check-for-updates']) {
143 $aLastState = chksql($oDB->getRow('SELECT sequence_id FROM import_status'));
145 if (!$aLastState['sequence_id']) {
146 fail('Updates not set up. Please run ./utils/update.php --init-updates.');
149 system(CONST_BasePath.'/utils/check_server_for_updates.py '.CONST_Replication_Url.' '.$aLastState['sequence_id'], $iRet);
153 if (isset($aResult['import-diff']) || isset($aResult['import-file'])) {
154 // import diffs and files directly (e.g. from osmosis --rri)
155 $sNextFile = isset($aResult['import-diff']) ? $aResult['import-diff'] : $aResult['import-file'];
157 if (!file_exists($sNextFile)) {
158 fail("Cannot open $sNextFile\n");
162 $sCMD = $sOsm2pgsqlCmd.' '.$sNextFile;
164 $iErrorLevel = runWithEnv($sCMD, $aProcEnv);
167 fail("Error from osm2pgsql, $iErrorLevel\n");
170 // Don't update the import status - we don't know what this file contains
173 if ($aResult['calculate-postcodes']) {
174 info('Update postcodes centroids');
175 $sTemplate = file_get_contents(CONST_BasePath.'/sql/update-postcodes.sql');
176 runSQLScript($sTemplate, true, true);
179 $sTemporaryFile = CONST_BasePath.'/data/osmosischange.osc';
181 $bUseOSMApi = isset($aResult['import-from-main-api']) && $aResult['import-from-main-api'];
183 if (isset($aResult['import-node']) && $aResult['import-node']) {
185 $sContentURL = 'https://www.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/node/'.$aResult['import-node'];
187 $sContentURL = 'https://overpass-api.de/api/interpreter?data=node('.$aResult['import-node'].');out%20meta;';
191 if (isset($aResult['import-way']) && $aResult['import-way']) {
193 $sContentURL = 'https://www.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/way/'.$aResult['import-way'].'/full';
195 $sContentURL = 'https://overpass-api.de/api/interpreter?data=(way('.$aResult['import-way'].');node(w););out%20meta;';
199 if (isset($aResult['import-relation']) && $aResult['import-relation']) {
201 $sContentURLsModifyXMLstr = 'https://www.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/relation/'.$aResult['import-relation'].'/full';
203 $sContentURL = 'https://overpass-api.de/api/interpreter?data=((rel('.$aResult['import-relation'].');way(r);node(w));node(r));out%20meta;';
208 file_put_contents($sTemporaryFile, file_get_contents($sContentURL));
213 // import generated change file
214 $sCMD = $sOsm2pgsqlCmd.' '.$sTemporaryFile;
216 $iErrorLevel = runWithEnv($sCMD, $aProcEnv);
218 fail("osm2pgsql exited with error level $iErrorLevel\n");
222 if ($aResult['deduplicate']) {
225 if (getPostgresVersion($oDB) < 9.3) {
226 fail('ERROR: deduplicate is only currently supported in postgresql 9.3');
229 $sSQL = 'select partition from country_name order by country_code';
230 $aPartitions = chksql($oDB->getCol($sSQL));
233 // we don't care about empty search_name_* partitions, they can't contain mentions of duplicates
234 foreach ($aPartitions as $i => $sPartition) {
235 $sSQL = 'select count(*) from search_name_'.$sPartition;
236 $nEntries = chksql($oDB->getOne($sSQL));
237 if ($nEntries == 0) {
238 unset($aPartitions[$i]);
242 $sSQL = "select word_token,count(*) from word where substr(word_token, 1, 1) = ' '";
243 $sSQL .= ' and class is null and type is null and country_code is null';
244 $sSQL .= ' group by word_token having count(*) > 1 order by word_token';
245 $aDuplicateTokens = chksql($oDB->getAll($sSQL));
246 foreach ($aDuplicateTokens as $aToken) {
247 if (trim($aToken['word_token']) == '' || trim($aToken['word_token']) == '-') continue;
248 echo 'Deduping '.$aToken['word_token']."\n";
249 $sSQL = 'select word_id,';
250 $sSQL .= ' (select count(*) from search_name where nameaddress_vector @> ARRAY[word_id]) as num';
251 $sSQL .= " from word where word_token = '".$aToken['word_token'];
252 $sSQL .= "' and class is null and type is null and country_code is null order by num desc";
253 $aTokenSet = chksql($oDB->getAll($sSQL));
255 $aKeep = array_shift($aTokenSet);
256 $iKeepID = $aKeep['word_id'];
258 foreach ($aTokenSet as $aRemove) {
259 $sSQL = 'update search_name set';
260 $sSQL .= ' name_vector = array_replace(name_vector,'.$aRemove['word_id'].','.$iKeepID.'),';
261 $sSQL .= ' nameaddress_vector = array_replace(nameaddress_vector,'.$aRemove['word_id'].','.$iKeepID.')';
262 $sSQL .= ' where name_vector @> ARRAY['.$aRemove['word_id'].']';
263 chksql($oDB->query($sSQL));
265 $sSQL = 'update search_name set';
266 $sSQL .= ' nameaddress_vector = array_replace(nameaddress_vector,'.$aRemove['word_id'].','.$iKeepID.')';
267 $sSQL .= ' where nameaddress_vector @> ARRAY['.$aRemove['word_id'].']';
268 chksql($oDB->query($sSQL));
270 $sSQL = 'update location_area_country set';
271 $sSQL .= ' keywords = array_replace(keywords,'.$aRemove['word_id'].','.$iKeepID.')';
272 $sSQL .= ' where keywords @> ARRAY['.$aRemove['word_id'].']';
273 chksql($oDB->query($sSQL));
275 foreach ($aPartitions as $sPartition) {
276 $sSQL = 'update search_name_'.$sPartition.' set';
277 $sSQL .= ' name_vector = array_replace(name_vector,'.$aRemove['word_id'].','.$iKeepID.')';
278 $sSQL .= ' where name_vector @> ARRAY['.$aRemove['word_id'].']';
279 chksql($oDB->query($sSQL));
281 $sSQL = 'update location_area_country set';
282 $sSQL .= ' keywords = array_replace(keywords,'.$aRemove['word_id'].','.$iKeepID.')';
283 $sSQL .= ' where keywords @> ARRAY['.$aRemove['word_id'].']';
284 chksql($oDB->query($sSQL));
287 $sSQL = 'delete from word where word_id = '.$aRemove['word_id'];
288 chksql($oDB->query($sSQL));
293 if ($aResult['recompute-word-counts']) {
294 info('Recompute frequency of full-word search terms');
295 $sTemplate = file_get_contents(CONST_BasePath.'/sql/words_from_search_name.sql');
296 runSQLScript($sTemplate, true, true);
299 if ($aResult['index']) {
300 $sCmd = CONST_InstallPath.'/nominatim/nominatim -i -d '.$aDSNInfo['database'].' -P '.$aDSNInfo['port'].' -t '.$aResult['index-instances'].' -r '.$aResult['index-rank'];
301 if (isset($aDSNInfo['hostspec']) && $aDSNInfo['hostspec']) {
302 $sCmd .= ' -H ' . $aDSNInfo['hostspec'];
304 if (isset($aDSNInfo['username']) && $aDSNInfo['username']) {
305 $sCmd .= ' -U ' . $aDSNInfo['username'];
308 runWithEnv($sCmd, $aProcEnv);
311 if ($aResult['import-osmosis'] || $aResult['import-osmosis-all']) {
313 if (strpos(CONST_Replication_Url, 'download.geofabrik.de') !== false && CONST_Replication_Update_Interval < 86400) {
314 fail('Error: Update interval too low for download.geofabrik.de. ' .
315 "Please check install documentation (http://nominatim.org/release-docs/latest/Import-and-Update#setting-up-the-update-process)\n");
318 $sImportFile = CONST_InstallPath.'/osmosischange.osc';
319 $sCMDDownload = CONST_Pyosmium_Binary.' --server '.CONST_Replication_Url.' -o '.$sImportFile.' -s '.CONST_Replication_Max_Diff_size;
320 $sCMDImport = $sOsm2pgsqlCmd.' '.$sImportFile;
321 $sCMDIndex = CONST_InstallPath.'/nominatim/nominatim -i -d '.$aDSNInfo['database'].' -P '.$aDSNInfo['port'].' -t '.$aResult['index-instances'];
322 if (isset($aDSNInfo['hostspec']) && $aDSNInfo['hostspec']) {
323 $sCMDIndex .= ' -H ' . $aDSNInfo['hostspec'];
325 if (isset($aDSNInfo['username']) && $aDSNInfo['username']) {
326 $sCMDIndex .= ' -U ' . $aDSNInfo['username'];
330 $fStartTime = time();
331 $aLastState = chksql($oDB->getRow('SELECT *, EXTRACT (EPOCH FROM lastimportdate) as unix_ts FROM import_status'));
333 if (!$aLastState['sequence_id']) {
334 echo "Updates not set up. Please run ./utils/update.php --init-updates.\n";
338 echo 'Currently at sequence '.$aLastState['sequence_id'].' ('.$aLastState['lastimportdate'].') - '.$aLastState['indexed']." indexed\n";
340 $sBatchEnd = $aLastState['lastimportdate'];
341 $iEndSequence = $aLastState['sequence_id'];
343 if ($aLastState['indexed'] == 't') {
344 // Sleep if the update interval has not yet been reached.
345 $fNextUpdate = $aLastState['unix_ts'] + CONST_Replication_Update_Interval;
346 if ($fNextUpdate > $fStartTime) {
347 $iSleepTime = $fNextUpdate - $fStartTime;
348 echo "Waiting for next update for $iSleepTime sec.";
352 // Download the next batch of changes.
354 $fCMDStartTime = time();
355 $iNextSeq = (int) $aLastState['sequence_id'];
357 echo "$sCMDDownload -I $iNextSeq\n";
358 if (file_exists($sImportFile)) {
359 unlink($sImportFile);
361 exec($sCMDDownload.' -I '.$iNextSeq, $aOutput, $iResult);
364 echo 'No new updates. Sleeping for '.CONST_Replication_Recheck_Interval." sec.\n";
365 sleep(CONST_Replication_Recheck_Interval);
366 } elseif ($iResult != 0) {
367 echo 'ERROR: updates failed.';
370 $iEndSequence = (int)$aOutput[0];
374 // get the newest object from the diff file
377 exec(CONST_BasePath.'/utils/osm_file_date.py '.$sImportFile, $sBatchEnd, $iRet);
379 echo "Diff file is empty. skipping import.\n";
380 if (!$aResult['import-osmosis-all']) {
387 fail('Error getting date from diff file.');
389 $sBatchEnd = $sBatchEnd[0];
392 $fCMDStartTime = time();
393 echo $sCMDImport."\n";
395 $iErrorLevel = runWithEnv($sCMDImport, $aProcEnv);
397 echo "Error executing osm2pgsql: $iErrorLevel\n";
401 // write the update logs
402 $iFileSize = filesize($sImportFile);
403 $sSQL = 'INSERT INTO import_osmosis_log';
404 $sSQL .= '(batchend, batchseq, batchsize, starttime, endtime, event)';
405 $sSQL .= " values ('$sBatchEnd',$iEndSequence,$iFileSize,'";
406 $sSQL .= date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $fCMDStartTime)."','";
407 $sSQL .= date('Y-m-d H:i:s')."','import')";
409 chksql($oDB->query($sSQL));
412 $sSQL = "UPDATE import_status SET lastimportdate = '$sBatchEnd', indexed=false, sequence_id = $iEndSequence";
414 chksql($oDB->query($sSQL));
415 echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s')." Completed download step for $sBatchEnd in ".round((time()-$fCMDStartTime)/60, 2)." minutes\n";
419 if (!$aResult['no-index']) {
420 $sThisIndexCmd = $sCMDIndex;
421 $fCMDStartTime = time();
423 echo "$sThisIndexCmd\n";
424 $iErrorLevel = runWithEnv($sThisIndexCmd, $aProcEnv);
426 echo "Error: $iErrorLevel\n";
430 $sSQL = 'INSERT INTO import_osmosis_log';
431 $sSQL .= '(batchend, batchseq, batchsize, starttime, endtime, event)';
432 $sSQL .= " values ('$sBatchEnd',$iEndSequence,$iFileSize,'";
433 $sSQL .= date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $fCMDStartTime)."','";
434 $sSQL .= date('Y-m-d H:i:s')."','index')";
437 echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s')." Completed index step for $sBatchEnd in ".round((time()-$fCMDStartTime)/60, 2)." minutes\n";
439 $sSQL = 'update import_status set indexed = true';
443 $fDuration = time() - $fStartTime;
444 echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s')." Completed all for $sBatchEnd in ".round($fDuration/60, 2)." minutes\n";
445 if (!$aResult['import-osmosis-all']) exit(0);