1 .TH nominatim "1" Manual
6 [-h] [--version] {import,freeze,replication,special-phrases,add-data,index,refresh,admin,export,convert,serve,search,reverse,lookup,details,status} ...
8 Command\-line tools for importing, updating, administrating and
10 querying the Nominatim database.
17 Print Nominatim version and exit
22 \fBnominatim\fR \fI\,import\/\fR
23 Create a new Nominatim database from an OSM file.
25 \fBnominatim\fR \fI\,freeze\/\fR
26 Make database read-only.
28 \fBnominatim\fR \fI\,replication\/\fR
29 Update the database using an online replication service.
31 \fBnominatim\fR \fI\,special-phrases\/\fR
32 Import special phrases.
34 \fBnominatim\fR \fI\,add-data\/\fR
35 Add additional data from a file or an online source.
37 \fBnominatim\fR \fI\,index\/\fR
38 Reindex all new and modified data.
40 \fBnominatim\fR \fI\,refresh\/\fR
41 Recompute auxiliary data used by the indexing process.
43 \fBnominatim\fR \fI\,admin\/\fR
44 Analyse and maintain the database.
46 \fBnominatim\fR \fI\,export\/\fR
47 Export places as CSV file from the database.
49 \fBnominatim\fR \fI\,convert\/\fR
50 Convert an existing database into a different format. (EXPERIMENTAL)
52 \fBnominatim\fR \fI\,serve\/\fR
53 Start a simple web server for serving the API.
55 \fBnominatim\fR \fI\,search\/\fR
56 Execute a search query.
58 \fBnominatim\fR \fI\,reverse\/\fR
59 Execute API reverse query.
61 \fBnominatim\fR \fI\,lookup\/\fR
62 Execute API lookup query.
64 \fBnominatim\fR \fI\,details\/\fR
65 Execute API details query.
67 \fBnominatim\fR \fI\,status\/\fR
69 .SH OPTIONS 'nominatim import'
70 usage: nominatim import [-h] [-q] [-v] [--project-dir DIR] [-j NUM]
72 [--continue {import-from-file,load-data,indexing,db-postprocess}]
73 [--osm2pgsql-cache SIZE] [--reverse-only]
74 [--no-partitions] [--no-updates] [--offline]
75 [--ignore-errors] [--index-noanalyse]
78 Create a new Nominatim database from an OSM file.
82 This sub\-command sets up a new Nominatim database from scratch starting
84 with creating a new database in Postgresql. The user running this command
86 needs superuser rights on the database.
93 \fB\-q\fR, \fB\-\-quiet\fR
94 Print only error messages
97 \fB\-v\fR, \fB\-\-verbose\fR
98 Increase verboseness of output
101 \fB\-\-project\-dir\fR DIR
102 Base directory of the Nominatim installation (default:.)
105 \fB\-j\fR NUM, \fB\-\-threads\fR NUM
106 Number of parallel threads to use
109 \fB\-\-osm\-file\fR FILE
110 OSM file to be imported (repeat for importing multiple files)
113 \fB\-\-continue\fR {import\-from\-file,load\-data,indexing,db\-postprocess}
114 Continue an import that was interrupted
117 \fB\-\-osm2pgsql\-cache\fR SIZE
118 Size of cache to be used by osm2pgsql (in MB)
121 \fB\-\-reverse\-only\fR
122 Do not create tables and indexes for searching
125 \fB\-\-no\-partitions\fR
126 Do not partition search indices (speeds up import of single country extracts)
129 \fB\-\-no\-updates\fR
130 Do not keep tables that are only needed for updating the database later
134 Do not attempt to load any additional data from the internet
137 \fB\-\-ignore\-errors\fR
138 Continue import even when errors in SQL are present
141 \fB\-\-index\-noanalyse\fR
142 Do not perform analyse operations during index (expert only)
145 \fB\-\-prepare\-database\fR
146 Create the database but do not import any data
148 .SH OPTIONS 'nominatim freeze'
149 usage: nominatim freeze [-h] [-q] [-v] [--project-dir DIR] [-j NUM]
151 Make database read\-only.
155 About half of data in the Nominatim database is kept only to be able to
157 keep the data up\-to\-date with new changes made in OpenStreetMap. This
159 command drops all this data and only keeps the part needed for geocoding
165 This command has the same effect as the `\-\-no\-updates` option for imports.
172 \fB\-q\fR, \fB\-\-quiet\fR
173 Print only error messages
176 \fB\-v\fR, \fB\-\-verbose\fR
177 Increase verboseness of output
180 \fB\-\-project\-dir\fR DIR
181 Base directory of the Nominatim installation (default:.)
184 \fB\-j\fR NUM, \fB\-\-threads\fR NUM
185 Number of parallel threads to use
187 .SH OPTIONS 'nominatim replication'
188 usage: nominatim replication [-h] [-q] [-v] [--project-dir DIR] [-j NUM]
189 [--init] [--no-update-functions]
190 [--check-for-updates] [--once] [--catch-up]
191 [--no-index] [--osm2pgsql-cache SIZE]
192 [--socket-timeout SOCKET_TIMEOUT]
194 Update the database using an online replication service.
198 An OSM replication service is an online service that provides regular
200 updates (OSM diff files) for the planet or update they provide. The OSMF
202 provides the primary replication service for the full planet at
204 https://planet.osm.org/replication/ but there are other providers of
206 extracts of OSM data who provide such a service as well.
210 This sub\-command allows to set up such a replication service and download
212 and import updates at regular intervals. You need to call '\-\-init' once to
214 set up the process or whenever you change the replication configuration
216 parameters. Without any arguments, the sub\-command will go into a loop and
218 continuously apply updates as they become available. Giving `\-\-once` just
220 downloads and imports the next batch of updates.
227 \fB\-q\fR, \fB\-\-quiet\fR
228 Print only error messages
231 \fB\-v\fR, \fB\-\-verbose\fR
232 Increase verboseness of output
235 \fB\-\-project\-dir\fR DIR
236 Base directory of the Nominatim installation (default:.)
239 \fB\-j\fR NUM, \fB\-\-threads\fR NUM
240 Number of parallel threads to use
244 Initialise the update process
247 \fB\-\-no\-update\-functions\fR
248 Do not update the trigger function to support differential updates (EXPERT)
251 \fB\-\-check\-for\-updates\fR
252 Check if new updates are available and exit
256 Download and apply updates only once. When not set, updates are continuously applied
260 Download and apply updates until no new data is available on the server
264 Do not index the new data. Only usable together with \-\-once
267 \fB\-\-osm2pgsql\-cache\fR SIZE
268 Size of cache to be used by osm2pgsql (in MB)
271 \fB\-\-socket\-timeout\fR \fI\,SOCKET_TIMEOUT\/\fR
272 Set timeout for file downloads
274 .SH OPTIONS 'nominatim special-phrases'
275 usage: nominatim special-phrases [-h] [-q] [-v] [--project-dir DIR] [-j NUM]
276 [--import-from-wiki] [--import-from-csv FILE]
279 Import special phrases.
283 Special phrases are search terms that narrow down the type of object
285 that should be searched. For example, you might want to search for
287 'Hotels in Barcelona'. The OSM wiki has a selection of special phrases
289 in many languages, which can be imported with this command.
293 You can also provide your own phrases in a CSV file. The file needs to have
295 the following five columns:
297 * phrase \- the term expected for searching
299 * class \- the OSM tag key of the object type
301 * type \- the OSM tag value of the object type
303 * operator \- the kind of search to be done (one of: in, near, name, \-)
305 * plural \- whether the term is a plural or not (Y/N)
309 An example file can be found in the Nominatim sources at
311 'test/testdb/full_en_phrases_test.csv'.
315 The import can be further configured to ignore specific key/value pairs.
317 This is particularly useful when importing phrases from the wiki. The
319 default configuration excludes some very common tags like building=yes.
321 The configuration can be customized by putting a file `phrase\-settings.json`
323 with custom rules into the project directory or by using the `\-\-config`
325 option to point to another configuration file.
332 \fB\-q\fR, \fB\-\-quiet\fR
333 Print only error messages
336 \fB\-v\fR, \fB\-\-verbose\fR
337 Increase verboseness of output
340 \fB\-\-project\-dir\fR DIR
341 Base directory of the Nominatim installation (default:.)
344 \fB\-j\fR NUM, \fB\-\-threads\fR NUM
345 Number of parallel threads to use
348 \fB\-\-import\-from\-wiki\fR
349 Import special phrases from the OSM wiki to the database
352 \fB\-\-import\-from\-csv\fR FILE
353 Import special phrases from a CSV file
356 \fB\-\-no\-replace\fR
357 Keep the old phrases and only add the new ones
359 .SH OPTIONS 'nominatim add-data'
360 usage: nominatim add-data [-h] [-q] [-v] [--project-dir DIR] [-j NUM]
361 (--file FILE | --diff FILE | --node ID | --way ID | --relation ID | --tiger-data DIR)
362 [--use-main-api] [--osm2pgsql-cache SIZE]
363 [--socket-timeout SOCKET_TIMEOUT]
365 Add additional data from a file or an online source.
369 This command allows to add or update the search data in the database.
371 The data can come either from an OSM file or single OSM objects can
373 directly be downloaded from the OSM API. This function only loads the
375 data into the database. Afterwards it still needs to be integrated
377 in the search index. Use the `nominatim index` command for that.
381 The command can also be used to add external non\-OSM data to the
383 database. At the moment the only supported format is TIGER housenumber
385 data. See the online documentation at
387 https://nominatim.org/release\-docs/latest/customize/Tiger/
389 for more information.
396 \fB\-q\fR, \fB\-\-quiet\fR
397 Print only error messages
400 \fB\-v\fR, \fB\-\-verbose\fR
401 Increase verboseness of output
404 \fB\-\-project\-dir\fR DIR
405 Base directory of the Nominatim installation (default:.)
408 \fB\-j\fR NUM, \fB\-\-threads\fR NUM
409 Number of parallel threads to use
413 Import data from an OSM file or diff file
417 Import data from an OSM diff file (deprecated: use \-\-file)
421 Import a single node from the API
425 Import a single way from the API
428 \fB\-\-relation\fR ID
429 Import a single relation from the API
432 \fB\-\-tiger\-data\fR DIR
433 Add housenumbers from the US TIGER census database
436 \fB\-\-use\-main\-api\fR
437 Use OSM API instead of Overpass to download objects
440 \fB\-\-osm2pgsql\-cache\fR SIZE
441 Size of cache to be used by osm2pgsql (in MB)
444 \fB\-\-socket\-timeout\fR \fI\,SOCKET_TIMEOUT\/\fR
445 Set timeout for file downloads
447 .SH OPTIONS 'nominatim index'
448 usage: nominatim index [-h] [-q] [-v] [--project-dir DIR] [-j NUM]
449 [--boundaries-only] [--no-boundaries] [--minrank RANK]
452 Reindex all new and modified data.
456 Indexing is the process of computing the address and search terms for
458 the places in the database. Every time data is added or changed, indexing
460 needs to be run. Imports and replication updates automatically take care
462 of indexing. For other cases, this function allows to run indexing manually.
469 \fB\-q\fR, \fB\-\-quiet\fR
470 Print only error messages
473 \fB\-v\fR, \fB\-\-verbose\fR
474 Increase verboseness of output
477 \fB\-\-project\-dir\fR DIR
478 Base directory of the Nominatim installation (default:.)
481 \fB\-j\fR NUM, \fB\-\-threads\fR NUM
482 Number of parallel threads to use
485 \fB\-\-boundaries\-only\fR
486 Index only administrative boundaries.
489 \fB\-\-no\-boundaries\fR
490 Index everything except administrative boundaries.
493 \fB\-\-minrank\fR RANK, \fB\-r\fR RANK
494 Minimum/starting rank
497 \fB\-\-maxrank\fR RANK, \fB\-R\fR RANK
498 Maximum/finishing rank
500 .SH OPTIONS 'nominatim refresh'
501 usage: nominatim refresh [-h] [-q] [-v] [--project-dir DIR] [-j NUM]
502 [--postcodes] [--word-tokens] [--word-counts]
503 [--address-levels] [--functions] [--wiki-data]
504 [--secondary-importance] [--importance] [--website]
505 [--data-object OBJECT] [--data-area OBJECT]
506 [--no-diff-updates] [--enable-debug-statements]
508 Recompute auxiliary data used by the indexing process.
512 This sub\-commands updates various static data and functions in the database.
514 It usually needs to be run after changing various aspects of the
516 configuration. The configuration documentation will mention the exact
518 command to use in such case.
522 Warning: the 'update' command must not be run in parallel with other update
524 commands like 'replication' or 'add\-data'.
531 \fB\-q\fR, \fB\-\-quiet\fR
532 Print only error messages
535 \fB\-v\fR, \fB\-\-verbose\fR
536 Increase verboseness of output
539 \fB\-\-project\-dir\fR DIR
540 Base directory of the Nominatim installation (default:.)
543 \fB\-j\fR NUM, \fB\-\-threads\fR NUM
544 Number of parallel threads to use
548 Update postcode centroid table
551 \fB\-\-word\-tokens\fR
552 Clean up search terms
555 \fB\-\-word\-counts\fR
556 Compute frequency of full\-word search terms
559 \fB\-\-address\-levels\fR
560 Reimport address level configuration
564 Update the PL/pgSQL functions in the database
568 Update Wikipedia/data importance numbers
571 \fB\-\-secondary\-importance\fR
572 Update secondary importance raster data
576 Recompute place importances (expensive!)
580 Refresh the directory that serves the scripts for the web API
583 \fB\-\-data\-object\fR OBJECT
584 Mark the given OSM object as requiring an update (format: [NWR]<id>)
587 \fB\-\-data\-area\fR OBJECT
588 Mark the area around the given OSM object as requiring an update (format: [NWR]<id>)
591 \fB\-\-no\-diff\-updates\fR
592 Do not enable code for propagating updates
595 \fB\-\-enable\-debug\-statements\fR
596 Enable debug warning statements in functions
598 .SH OPTIONS 'nominatim admin'
599 usage: nominatim admin [-h] [-q] [-v] [--project-dir DIR] [-j NUM]
600 (--warm | --check-database | --migrate | --analyse-indexing | --collect-os-info | --clean-deleted AGE)
601 [--search-only] [--reverse-only]
602 [--osm-id OSM_ID | --place-id PLACE_ID]
604 Analyse and maintain the database.
611 \fB\-q\fR, \fB\-\-quiet\fR
612 Print only error messages
615 \fB\-v\fR, \fB\-\-verbose\fR
616 Increase verboseness of output
619 \fB\-\-project\-dir\fR DIR
620 Base directory of the Nominatim installation (default:.)
623 \fB\-j\fR NUM, \fB\-\-threads\fR NUM
624 Number of parallel threads to use
628 Warm database caches for search and reverse queries
631 \fB\-\-check\-database\fR
632 Check that the database is complete and operational
636 Migrate the database to a new software version
639 \fB\-\-analyse\-indexing\fR
640 Print performance analysis of the indexing process
643 \fB\-\-collect\-os\-info\fR
644 Generate a report about the host system information
647 \fB\-\-clean\-deleted\fR AGE
648 Clean up deleted relations
651 \fB\-\-search\-only\fR
652 Only pre\-warm tables for search queries
655 \fB\-\-reverse\-only\fR
656 Only pre\-warm tables for reverse queries
659 \fB\-\-osm\-id\fR \fI\,OSM_ID\/\fR
660 Analyse indexing of the given OSM object
663 \fB\-\-place\-id\fR \fI\,PLACE_ID\/\fR
664 Analyse indexing of the given Nominatim object
666 .SH OPTIONS 'nominatim export'
667 usage: nominatim export [-h] [-q] [-v] [--project-dir DIR] [-j NUM]
668 [--output-type {country,state,county,city,suburb,street,path}]
669 [--output-format OUTPUT_FORMAT] [--language LANGUAGE]
670 [--restrict-to-country COUNTRY_CODE]
671 [--restrict-to-osm-node ID] [--restrict-to-osm-way ID]
672 [--restrict-to-osm-relation ID]
674 Export places as CSV file from the database.
685 \fB\-q\fR, \fB\-\-quiet\fR
686 Print only error messages
689 \fB\-v\fR, \fB\-\-verbose\fR
690 Increase verboseness of output
693 \fB\-\-project\-dir\fR DIR
694 Base directory of the Nominatim installation (default:.)
697 \fB\-j\fR NUM, \fB\-\-threads\fR NUM
698 Number of parallel threads to use
701 \fB\-\-output\-type\fR {country,state,county,city,suburb,street,path}
702 Type of places to output (default: street)
705 \fB\-\-output\-format\fR \fI\,OUTPUT_FORMAT\/\fR
706 Semicolon\-separated list of address types (see \-\-output\-type). Additionally accepts:placeid,postcode
709 \fB\-\-language\fR \fI\,LANGUAGE\/\fR
710 Preferred language for output (use local name, if omitted)
713 \fB\-\-restrict\-to\-country\fR COUNTRY_CODE
714 Export only objects within country
717 \fB\-\-restrict\-to\-osm\-node\fR ID
718 Export only children of this OSM node
721 \fB\-\-restrict\-to\-osm\-way\fR ID
722 Export only children of this OSM way
725 \fB\-\-restrict\-to\-osm\-relation\fR ID
726 Export only children of this OSM relation
728 .SH OPTIONS 'nominatim convert'
729 usage: nominatim convert [-h] [-q] [-v] [--project-dir DIR] [-j NUM]
730 [--format {sqlite}] --output OUTPUT [--with-reverse]
731 [--with-search] [--with-details]
733 Convert an existing database into a different format. (EXPERIMENTAL)
737 Dump a read\-only version of the database in a different format.
739 At the moment only a SQLite database suitable for reverse lookup
747 \fB\-\-format\fR {sqlite}
748 Format of the output database (must be sqlite currently)
751 \fB\-\-output\fR \fI\,OUTPUT\/\fR, \fB\-o\fR \fI\,OUTPUT\/\fR
752 File to write the database to.
755 \fB\-q\fR, \fB\-\-quiet\fR
756 Print only error messages
759 \fB\-v\fR, \fB\-\-verbose\fR
760 Increase verboseness of output
763 \fB\-\-project\-dir\fR DIR
764 Base directory of the Nominatim installation (default:.)
767 \fB\-j\fR NUM, \fB\-\-threads\fR NUM
768 Number of parallel threads to use
771 \fB\-\-with\-reverse\fR, \fB\-\-without\-reverse\fR
772 Enable/disable support for reverse and lookup API (default: enabled)
775 \fB\-\-with\-search\fR, \fB\-\-without\-search\fR
776 Enable/disable support for search API (default: disabled)
779 \fB\-\-with\-details\fR, \fB\-\-without\-details\fR
780 Enable/disable support for details API (default: enabled)
782 .SH OPTIONS 'nominatim serve'
783 usage: nominatim serve [-h] [-q] [-v] [--project-dir DIR] [-j NUM]
784 [--server SERVER] [--engine {php,falcon,starlette}]
786 Start a simple web server for serving the API.
790 This command starts a built\-in webserver to serve the website
792 from the current project directory. This webserver is only suitable
794 for testing and development. Do not use it in production setups!
798 There are different webservers available. The default 'php' engine
800 runs the classic PHP frontend. The other engines are Python servers
802 which run the new Python frontend code. This is highly experimental
804 at the moment and may not include the full API.
808 By the default, the webserver can be accessed at:
815 \fB\-q\fR, \fB\-\-quiet\fR
816 Print only error messages
819 \fB\-v\fR, \fB\-\-verbose\fR
820 Increase verboseness of output
823 \fB\-\-project\-dir\fR DIR
824 Base directory of the Nominatim installation (default:.)
827 \fB\-j\fR NUM, \fB\-\-threads\fR NUM
828 Number of parallel threads to use
831 \fB\-\-server\fR \fI\,SERVER\/\fR
832 The address the server will listen to.
835 \fB\-\-engine\fR {php,falcon,starlette}
836 Webserver framework to run. (default: falcon)
838 .SH OPTIONS 'nominatim search'
839 usage: nominatim search [-h] [-q] [-v] [--project-dir DIR] [-j NUM]
840 [--query QUERY] [--amenity AMENITY] [--street STREET]
841 [--city CITY] [--county COUNTY] [--state STATE]
842 [--country COUNTRY] [--postalcode POSTALCODE]
843 [--format {xml,geojson,geocodejson,json,jsonv2,debug}]
844 [--addressdetails] [--extratags] [--namedetails]
846 [--polygon-output {geojson,kml,svg,text}]
847 [--polygon-threshold TOLERANCE] [--countrycodes CC,..]
848 [--exclude_place_ids ID,..] [--limit LIMIT]
849 [--viewbox X1,Y1,X2,Y2] [--bounded] [--no-dedupe]
851 Execute a search query.
855 This command works exactly the same as if calling the /search endpoint on
857 the web API. See the online documentation for more details on the
861 https://nominatim.org/release\-docs/latest/api/Search/
868 \fB\-q\fR, \fB\-\-quiet\fR
869 Print only error messages
872 \fB\-v\fR, \fB\-\-verbose\fR
873 Increase verboseness of output
876 \fB\-\-project\-dir\fR DIR
877 Base directory of the Nominatim installation (default:.)
880 \fB\-j\fR NUM, \fB\-\-threads\fR NUM
881 Number of parallel threads to use
884 \fB\-\-query\fR \fI\,QUERY\/\fR
885 Free\-form query string
888 \fB\-\-amenity\fR \fI\,AMENITY\/\fR
889 Structured query: name and/or type of POI
892 \fB\-\-street\fR \fI\,STREET\/\fR
893 Structured query: housenumber and street
896 \fB\-\-city\fR \fI\,CITY\/\fR
897 Structured query: city, town or village
900 \fB\-\-county\fR \fI\,COUNTY\/\fR
901 Structured query: county
904 \fB\-\-state\fR \fI\,STATE\/\fR
905 Structured query: state
908 \fB\-\-country\fR \fI\,COUNTRY\/\fR
909 Structured query: country
912 \fB\-\-postalcode\fR \fI\,POSTALCODE\/\fR
913 Structured query: postcode
916 \fB\-\-format\fR {xml,geojson,geocodejson,json,jsonv2,debug}
920 \fB\-\-addressdetails\fR
921 Include a breakdown of the address into elements
925 Include additional information if available (e.g. wikipedia link, opening hours)
928 \fB\-\-namedetails\fR
929 Include a list of alternative names
932 \fB\-\-lang\fR LANGS, \fB\-\-accept\-language\fR LANGS
933 Preferred language order for presenting search results
936 \fB\-\-polygon\-output\fR {geojson,kml,svg,text}
937 Output geometry of results as a GeoJSON, KML, SVG or WKT
940 \fB\-\-polygon\-threshold\fR TOLERANCE
941 Simplify output geometry.Parameter is difference tolerance in degrees.
944 \fB\-\-countrycodes\fR CC,..
945 Limit search results to one or more countries
948 \fB\-\-exclude_place_ids\fR ID,..
949 List of search object to be excluded
952 \fB\-\-limit\fR \fI\,LIMIT\/\fR
953 Limit the number of returned results
956 \fB\-\-viewbox\fR X1,Y1,X2,Y2
957 Preferred area to find search results
961 Strictly restrict results to viewbox area
965 Do not remove duplicates from the result list
967 .SH OPTIONS 'nominatim reverse'
968 usage: nominatim reverse [-h] [-q] [-v] [--project-dir DIR] [-j NUM] --lat LAT
969 --lon LON [--zoom ZOOM] [--layer LAYER]
970 [--format {xml,geojson,geocodejson,json,jsonv2,debug}]
971 [--addressdetails] [--extratags] [--namedetails]
973 [--polygon-output {geojson,kml,svg,text}]
974 [--polygon-threshold TOLERANCE]
976 Execute API reverse query.
980 This command works exactly the same as if calling the /reverse endpoint on
982 the web API. See the online documentation for more details on the
986 https://nominatim.org/release\-docs/latest/api/Reverse/
993 \fB\-q\fR, \fB\-\-quiet\fR
994 Print only error messages
997 \fB\-v\fR, \fB\-\-verbose\fR
998 Increase verboseness of output
1001 \fB\-\-project\-dir\fR DIR
1002 Base directory of the Nominatim installation (default:.)
1005 \fB\-j\fR NUM, \fB\-\-threads\fR NUM
1006 Number of parallel threads to use
1009 \fB\-\-lat\fR \fI\,LAT\/\fR
1010 Latitude of coordinate to look up (in WGS84)
1013 \fB\-\-lon\fR \fI\,LON\/\fR
1014 Longitude of coordinate to look up (in WGS84)
1017 \fB\-\-zoom\fR \fI\,ZOOM\/\fR
1018 Level of detail required for the address
1021 \fB\-\-layer\fR LAYER
1022 OSM id to lookup in format <NRW><id> (may be repeated)
1025 \fB\-\-format\fR {xml,geojson,geocodejson,json,jsonv2,debug}
1029 \fB\-\-addressdetails\fR
1030 Include a breakdown of the address into elements
1034 Include additional information if available (e.g. wikipedia link, opening hours)
1037 \fB\-\-namedetails\fR
1038 Include a list of alternative names
1041 \fB\-\-lang\fR LANGS, \fB\-\-accept\-language\fR LANGS
1042 Preferred language order for presenting search results
1045 \fB\-\-polygon\-output\fR {geojson,kml,svg,text}
1046 Output geometry of results as a GeoJSON, KML, SVG or WKT
1049 \fB\-\-polygon\-threshold\fR TOLERANCE
1050 Simplify output geometry.Parameter is difference tolerance in degrees.
1052 .SH OPTIONS 'nominatim lookup'
1053 usage: nominatim lookup [-h] [-q] [-v] [--project-dir DIR] [-j NUM] --id OSMID
1054 [--format {xml,geojson,geocodejson,json,jsonv2,debug}]
1055 [--addressdetails] [--extratags] [--namedetails]
1057 [--polygon-output {geojson,kml,svg,text}]
1058 [--polygon-threshold TOLERANCE]
1060 Execute API lookup query.
1064 This command works exactly the same as if calling the /lookup endpoint on
1066 the web API. See the online documentation for more details on the
1070 https://nominatim.org/release\-docs/latest/api/Lookup/
1077 \fB\-q\fR, \fB\-\-quiet\fR
1078 Print only error messages
1081 \fB\-v\fR, \fB\-\-verbose\fR
1082 Increase verboseness of output
1085 \fB\-\-project\-dir\fR DIR
1086 Base directory of the Nominatim installation (default:.)
1089 \fB\-j\fR NUM, \fB\-\-threads\fR NUM
1090 Number of parallel threads to use
1094 OSM id to lookup in format <NRW><id> (may be repeated)
1097 \fB\-\-format\fR {xml,geojson,geocodejson,json,jsonv2,debug}
1101 \fB\-\-addressdetails\fR
1102 Include a breakdown of the address into elements
1106 Include additional information if available (e.g. wikipedia link, opening hours)
1109 \fB\-\-namedetails\fR
1110 Include a list of alternative names
1113 \fB\-\-lang\fR LANGS, \fB\-\-accept\-language\fR LANGS
1114 Preferred language order for presenting search results
1117 \fB\-\-polygon\-output\fR {geojson,kml,svg,text}
1118 Output geometry of results as a GeoJSON, KML, SVG or WKT
1121 \fB\-\-polygon\-threshold\fR TOLERANCE
1122 Simplify output geometry.Parameter is difference tolerance in degrees.
1124 .SH OPTIONS 'nominatim details'
1125 usage: nominatim details [-h] [-q] [-v] [--project-dir DIR] [-j NUM]
1126 (--node NODE | --way WAY | --relation RELATION | --place_id PLACE_ID)
1127 [--class OBJECT_CLASS] [--addressdetails]
1128 [--keywords] [--linkedplaces] [--hierarchy]
1129 [--group_hierarchy] [--polygon_geojson]
1132 Execute API details query.
1136 This command works exactly the same as if calling the /details endpoint on
1138 the web API. See the online documentation for more details on the
1142 https://nominatim.org/release\-docs/latest/api/Details/
1149 \fB\-q\fR, \fB\-\-quiet\fR
1150 Print only error messages
1153 \fB\-v\fR, \fB\-\-verbose\fR
1154 Increase verboseness of output
1157 \fB\-\-project\-dir\fR DIR
1158 Base directory of the Nominatim installation (default:.)
1161 \fB\-j\fR NUM, \fB\-\-threads\fR NUM
1162 Number of parallel threads to use
1165 \fB\-\-node\fR \fI\,NODE\/\fR, \fB\-n\fR \fI\,NODE\/\fR
1166 Look up the OSM node with the given ID.
1169 \fB\-\-way\fR \fI\,WAY\/\fR, \fB\-w\fR \fI\,WAY\/\fR
1170 Look up the OSM way with the given ID.
1173 \fB\-\-relation\fR \fI\,RELATION\/\fR, \fB\-r\fR \fI\,RELATION\/\fR
1174 Look up the OSM relation with the given ID.
1177 \fB\-\-place_id\fR \fI\,PLACE_ID\/\fR, \fB\-p\fR \fI\,PLACE_ID\/\fR
1178 Database internal identifier of the OSM object to look up
1181 \fB\-\-class\fR \fI\,OBJECT_CLASS\/\fR
1182 Class type to disambiguated multiple entries of the same object.
1185 \fB\-\-addressdetails\fR
1186 Include a breakdown of the address into elements
1190 Include a list of name keywords and address keywords
1193 \fB\-\-linkedplaces\fR
1194 Include a details of places that are linked with this one
1198 Include details of places lower in the address hierarchy
1201 \fB\-\-group_hierarchy\fR
1202 Group the places by type
1205 \fB\-\-polygon_geojson\fR
1206 Include geometry of result
1209 \fB\-\-lang\fR LANGS, \fB\-\-accept\-language\fR LANGS
1210 Preferred language order for presenting search results
1212 .SH OPTIONS 'nominatim status'
1213 usage: nominatim status [-h] [-q] [-v] [--project-dir DIR] [-j NUM]
1214 [--format {text,json}]
1216 Execute API status query.
1220 This command works exactly the same as if calling the /status endpoint on
1222 the web API. See the online documentation for more details on the
1226 https://nominatim.org/release\-docs/latest/api/Status/
1233 \fB\-q\fR, \fB\-\-quiet\fR
1234 Print only error messages
1237 \fB\-v\fR, \fB\-\-verbose\fR
1238 Increase verboseness of output
1241 \fB\-\-project\-dir\fR DIR
1242 Base directory of the Nominatim installation (default:.)
1245 \fB\-j\fR NUM, \fB\-\-threads\fR NUM
1246 Number of parallel threads to use
1249 \fB\-\-format\fR {text,json}
1254 was written by the Nominatim developer community <info@nominatim.org>.
1256 The latest version of Nominatim may be downloaded from
1257 .UR https://nominatim.org