1 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
3 # This file is part of Nominatim. (https://nominatim.org)
5 # Copyright (C) 2025 by the Nominatim developer community.
6 # For a full list of authors see the git log.
8 Tests for the deletable v1 API call.
14 from fake_adaptor import FakeAdaptor
16 import nominatim_api.v1.server_glue as glue
19 class TestDeletableEndPoint:
21 @pytest.fixture(autouse=True)
22 def setup_deletable_table(self, temp_db_cursor, table_factory, temp_db_with_extensions):
23 table_factory('import_polygon_delete',
24 definition='osm_id bigint, osm_type char(1), class text, type text',
25 content=[(345, 'N', 'boundary', 'administrative'),
26 (781, 'R', 'landuse', 'wood'),
27 (781, 'R', 'landcover', 'grass')])
30 definition="""place_id bigint, osm_id bigint, osm_type char(1),
31 class text, type text, name HSTORE, country_code char(2)""",
32 content=[(1, 345, 'N', 'boundary', 'administrative', {'old_name': 'Former'}, 'ab'),
33 (2, 781, 'R', 'landuse', 'wood', {'name': 'Wood'}, 'cd'),
34 (3, 781, 'R', 'landcover', 'grass', None, 'cd')])
37 async def test_deletable(self, api):
40 resp = await glue.deletable_endpoint(api, a)
41 results = json.loads(resp.output)
43 results.sort(key=lambda r: r['place_id'])
45 assert results == [{'place_id': 1, 'country_code': 'ab', 'name': None,
46 'osm_id': 345, 'osm_type': 'N',
47 'class': 'boundary', 'type': 'administrative'},
48 {'place_id': 2, 'country_code': 'cd', 'name': 'Wood',
49 'osm_id': 781, 'osm_type': 'R',
50 'class': 'landuse', 'type': 'wood'},
51 {'place_id': 3, 'country_code': 'cd', 'name': None,
52 'osm_id': 781, 'osm_type': 'R',
53 'class': 'landcover', 'type': 'grass'}]