2 Feature: Searches in Japan
3 Test specifically for searches of Japanese addresses and in Japanese language.
4 Scenario: A block house-number is parented to the neighbourhood
5 Given the grid with origin JP
11 | osm | class | type | name | geometry |
12 | W1 | highway | residential | 雉子橋通り | 1,2 |
14 | osm | class | type | housenr | addr+block_number | addr+neighbourhood | geometry |
15 | N3 | amenity | restaurant | 2 | 6 | 2丁目 | 3 |
17 | osm | class | type | name | geometry |
18 | N9 | place | neighbourhood | 2丁目 | 9 |
20 | osm | class | type | name | geometry |
21 | N6 | place | quarter | 加瀬 | 6 |
24 | object | parent_place_id |
26 When sending search query "2丁目 6-2"