1 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
3 # This file is part of Nominatim. (https://nominatim.org)
5 # Copyright (C) 2024 by the Nominatim developer community.
6 # For a full list of authors see the git log.
8 Implementation of query analysis for the ICU tokenizer.
10 from typing import Tuple, Dict, List, Optional, Iterator, Any, cast
14 from itertools import zip_longest
16 from icu import Transliterator
18 import sqlalchemy as sa
20 from ..errors import UsageError
21 from ..typing import SaRow
22 from ..sql.sqlalchemy_types import Json
23 from ..connection import SearchConnection
24 from ..logging import log
25 from . import query as qmod
26 from ..query_preprocessing.config import QueryConfig
27 from .query_analyzer_factory import AbstractQueryAnalyzer
28 from .postcode_parser import PostcodeParser
33 'w': qmod.TOKEN_PARTIAL,
35 'P': qmod.TOKEN_POSTCODE,
36 'C': qmod.TOKEN_COUNTRY
40 qmod.BREAK_START: 0.5,
42 qmod.BREAK_PHRASE: 0.5,
43 qmod.BREAK_SOFT_PHRASE: 0.5,
50 @dataclasses.dataclass
51 class ICUToken(qmod.Token):
52 """ Specialised token for ICU tokenizer.
55 info: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]
57 def get_category(self) -> Tuple[str, str]:
59 return self.info.get('class', ''), self.info.get('type', '')
61 def rematch(self, norm: str) -> None:
62 """ Check how well the token matches the given normalized string
63 and add a penalty, if necessary.
65 if not self.lookup_word:
68 seq = difflib.SequenceMatcher(a=self.lookup_word, b=norm)
70 for tag, afrom, ato, bfrom, bto in seq.get_opcodes():
71 if tag in ('delete', 'insert') and (afrom == 0 or ato == len(self.lookup_word)):
73 elif tag == 'replace':
74 distance += max((ato-afrom), (bto-bfrom))
76 distance += abs((ato-afrom) - (bto-bfrom))
77 self.penalty += (distance/len(self.lookup_word))
80 def from_db_row(row: SaRow, base_penalty: float = 0.0) -> 'ICUToken':
81 """ Create a ICUToken from the row of the word table.
83 count = 1 if row.info is None else row.info.get('count', 1)
84 addr_count = 1 if row.info is None else row.info.get('addr_count', 1)
86 penalty = base_penalty
90 if len(row.word_token) == 1 and row.word_token == row.word:
91 penalty += 0.2 if row.word.isdigit() else 0.3
93 penalty += sum(0.1 for c in row.word_token if c != ' ' and not c.isdigit())
94 if all(not c.isdigit() for c in row.word_token):
95 penalty += 0.2 * (len(row.word_token) - 1)
97 if len(row.word_token) == 1:
101 lookup_word = row.word
103 lookup_word = row.info.get('lookup', row.word)
105 lookup_word = lookup_word.split('@', 1)[0]
107 lookup_word = row.word_token
109 return ICUToken(penalty=penalty, token=row.word_id, count=max(1, count),
110 lookup_word=lookup_word,
111 word_token=row.word_token, info=row.info,
112 addr_count=max(1, addr_count))
115 class ICUQueryAnalyzer(AbstractQueryAnalyzer):
116 """ Converter for query strings into a tokenized query
117 using the tokens created by a ICU tokenizer.
119 def __init__(self, conn: SearchConnection) -> None:
121 self.postcode_parser = PostcodeParser(conn.config)
123 async def setup(self) -> None:
124 """ Set up static data structures needed for the analysis.
126 async def _make_normalizer() -> Any:
127 rules = await self.conn.get_property('tokenizer_import_normalisation')
128 return Transliterator.createFromRules("normalization", rules)
130 self.normalizer = await self.conn.get_cached_value('ICUTOK', 'normalizer',
133 async def _make_transliterator() -> Any:
134 rules = await self.conn.get_property('tokenizer_import_transliteration')
135 return Transliterator.createFromRules("transliteration", rules)
137 self.transliterator = await self.conn.get_cached_value('ICUTOK', 'transliterator',
138 _make_transliterator)
140 await self._setup_preprocessing()
142 if 'word' not in self.conn.t.meta.tables:
143 sa.Table('word', self.conn.t.meta,
144 sa.Column('word_id', sa.Integer),
145 sa.Column('word_token', sa.Text, nullable=False),
146 sa.Column('type', sa.Text, nullable=False),
147 sa.Column('word', sa.Text),
148 sa.Column('info', Json))
150 async def _setup_preprocessing(self) -> None:
151 """ Load the rules for preprocessing and set up the handlers.
154 rules = self.conn.config.load_sub_configuration('icu_tokenizer.yaml',
155 config='TOKENIZER_CONFIG')
156 preprocessing_rules = rules.get('query-preprocessing', [])
158 self.preprocessors = []
160 for func in preprocessing_rules:
161 if 'step' not in func:
162 raise UsageError("Preprocessing rule is missing the 'step' attribute.")
163 if not isinstance(func['step'], str):
164 raise UsageError("'step' attribute must be a simple string.")
166 module = self.conn.config.load_plugin_module(
167 func['step'], 'nominatim_api.query_preprocessing')
168 self.preprocessors.append(
169 module.create(QueryConfig(func).set_normalizer(self.normalizer)))
171 async def analyze_query(self, phrases: List[qmod.Phrase]) -> qmod.QueryStruct:
172 """ Analyze the given list of phrases and return the
175 log().section('Analyze query (using ICU tokenizer)')
176 for func in self.preprocessors:
177 phrases = func(phrases)
178 query = qmod.QueryStruct(phrases)
180 log().var_dump('Normalized query', query.source)
184 self.split_query(query)
185 log().var_dump('Transliterated query', lambda: query.get_transliterated_query())
186 words = query.extract_words(base_penalty=PENALTY_IN_TOKEN_BREAK[qmod.BREAK_WORD])
188 for row in await self.lookup_in_db(list(words.keys())):
189 for trange in words[row.word_token]:
190 token = ICUToken.from_db_row(row, trange.penalty or 0.0)
192 if row.info['op'] in ('in', 'near'):
193 if trange.start == 0:
194 query.add_token(trange, qmod.TOKEN_NEAR_ITEM, token)
196 if trange.start == 0 and trange.end == query.num_token_slots():
197 query.add_token(trange, qmod.TOKEN_NEAR_ITEM, token)
199 query.add_token(trange, qmod.TOKEN_QUALIFIER, token)
201 query.add_token(trange, DB_TO_TOKEN_TYPE[row.type], token)
203 self.add_extra_tokens(query)
204 for start, end, pc in self.postcode_parser.parse(query):
205 query.add_token(qmod.TokenRange(start, end),
207 ICUToken(penalty=0.1, token=0, count=1, addr_count=1,
208 lookup_word=pc, word_token=pc, info=None))
209 self.rerank_tokens(query)
211 log().table_dump('Word tokens', _dump_word_tokens(query))
215 def normalize_text(self, text: str) -> str:
216 """ Bring the given text into a normalized form. That is the
217 standardized form search will work with. All information removed
218 at this stage is inevitably lost.
220 return cast(str, self.normalizer.transliterate(text)).strip('-: ')
222 def split_query(self, query: qmod.QueryStruct) -> None:
223 """ Transliterate the phrases and split them into tokens.
225 for phrase in query.source:
226 query.nodes[-1].ptype = phrase.ptype
227 phrase_split = re.split('([ :-])', phrase.text)
228 # The zip construct will give us the pairs of word/break from
229 # the regular expression split. As the split array ends on the
230 # final word, we simply use the fillvalue to even out the list and
231 # add the phrase break at the end.
232 for word, breakchar in zip_longest(*[iter(phrase_split)]*2, fillvalue=','):
235 trans = self.transliterator.transliterate(word)
237 for term in trans.split(' '):
239 query.add_node(qmod.BREAK_TOKEN, phrase.ptype,
242 query.nodes[-1].adjust_break(breakchar,
243 PENALTY_IN_TOKEN_BREAK[breakchar])
245 query.nodes[-1].adjust_break(qmod.BREAK_END, PENALTY_IN_TOKEN_BREAK[qmod.BREAK_END])
247 async def lookup_in_db(self, words: List[str]) -> 'sa.Result[Any]':
248 """ Return the token information from the database for the
251 This function excludes postcode tokens
253 t = self.conn.t.meta.tables['word']
254 return await self.conn.execute(t.select()
255 .where(t.c.word_token.in_(words))
256 .where(t.c.type != 'P'))
258 def add_extra_tokens(self, query: qmod.QueryStruct) -> None:
259 """ Add tokens to query that are not saved in the database.
262 for i, node in enumerate(query.nodes):
263 is_full_token = node.btype not in (qmod.BREAK_TOKEN, qmod.BREAK_PART)
264 if need_hnr and is_full_token \
265 and len(node.term_normalized) <= 4 and node.term_normalized.isdigit():
266 query.add_token(qmod.TokenRange(i-1, i), qmod.TOKEN_HOUSENUMBER,
267 ICUToken(penalty=0.5, token=0,
268 count=1, addr_count=1,
269 lookup_word=node.term_lookup,
270 word_token=node.term_lookup, info=None))
272 need_hnr = is_full_token and not node.has_tokens(i+1, qmod.TOKEN_HOUSENUMBER)
274 def rerank_tokens(self, query: qmod.QueryStruct) -> None:
275 """ Add penalties to tokens that depend on presence of other token.
277 for i, node, tlist in query.iter_token_lists():
278 if tlist.ttype == qmod.TOKEN_POSTCODE:
279 for repl in node.starting:
280 if repl.end == tlist.end and repl.ttype != qmod.TOKEN_POSTCODE \
281 and (repl.ttype != qmod.TOKEN_HOUSENUMBER
282 or len(tlist.tokens[0].lookup_word) > 4):
283 repl.add_penalty(0.39)
284 elif (tlist.ttype == qmod.TOKEN_HOUSENUMBER
285 and len(tlist.tokens[0].lookup_word) <= 3):
286 if any(c.isdigit() for c in tlist.tokens[0].lookup_word):
287 for repl in node.starting:
288 if repl.end == tlist.end and repl.ttype != qmod.TOKEN_HOUSENUMBER:
289 repl.add_penalty(0.5 - tlist.tokens[0].penalty)
290 elif tlist.ttype not in (qmod.TOKEN_COUNTRY, qmod.TOKEN_PARTIAL):
291 norm = ' '.join(n.term_normalized for n in query.nodes[i + 1:tlist.end + 1]
292 if n.btype != qmod.BREAK_TOKEN)
294 # Can happen when the token only covers a partial term
295 norm = query.nodes[i + 1].term_normalized
296 for token in tlist.tokens:
297 cast(ICUToken, token).rematch(norm)
300 def _dump_word_tokens(query: qmod.QueryStruct) -> Iterator[List[Any]]:
301 yield ['type', 'from', 'to', 'token', 'word_token', 'lookup_word', 'penalty', 'count', 'info']
302 for i, node in enumerate(query.nodes):
303 for tlist in node.starting:
304 for token in tlist.tokens:
305 t = cast(ICUToken, token)
306 yield [tlist.ttype, str(i), str(tlist.end), t.token, t.word_token or '',
307 t.lookup_word or '', t.penalty, t.count, t.info]
310 async def create_query_analyzer(conn: SearchConnection) -> AbstractQueryAnalyzer:
311 """ Create and set up a new query analyzer for a database based
312 on the ICU tokenizer.
314 out = ICUQueryAnalyzer(conn)