Feature: XML output for Reverse API
Testing correctness of xml output (API version v1).
| way | 396009653 | 30 | 30 |
And results contain
| centroid | boundingbox |
- | -86.4808553258 32.4753580256 | ^32.475308025\d*,32.475408025\d*,-86.480905325\d*,-86.480805325\d* |
+ | -86.4808553 32.4753580 | ^32.4753080\d*,32.4754080\d*,-86.4809053\d*,-86.4808053\d* |
And results contain
| display_name |
| 707, Upper Kingston Road, Upper Kingston, Prattville, Autauga County, 36067, United States |
| way | 1 | 30 | 30 |
And results contain
| centroid | boundingbox |
- | 9.57054676 47.118545392 | 47.118495392,47.118595392,9.57049676,9.57059676 |
+ | 9.57054676 47.118545392 | ^47.118495\d*,47.118595\d*,9.570496\d*,9.570596\d* |
And results contain
| display_name |
| 1019, Grosssteg, Sücka, Triesenberg, Oberland, 9497, Liechtenstein |
| polygon_text | 1 |
Then results contain
| geotext |
- | LINESTRING(9.5039353 47.0657546,9.5040437 47.0657781,9.5040808 47.065787,9.5054298 47.0661407) |
+ | ^LINESTRING\(9.5039353 47.0657546, ?9.5040437 47.0657781, ?9.5040808 47.065787, ?9.5054298 47.0661407\) |
Scenario: Output of SVG