BDD tests will now use whatever osm2pgsql they find in the PATH.
For testing against legacy tokenizer, use -DSERVER_MODULE_PATH
to point to the module. This will no longer work out of the box.
* [mkdocstrings]( >= 0.25
* [mkdocs-material](
+Please be aware that tests always run against the globally installed
+osm2pgsql, so you need to have this set up. If you want to test against
+the vendored version of osm2pgsql, you need to set the PATH accordingly.
### Installing prerequisites on Ubuntu/Debian
The Python tools should always be run with the most recent version.
The tests can be configured with a set of environment variables (`behave -D key=val`):
- * `BUILDDIR` - build directory of Nominatim installation to test
* `TEMPLATE_DB` - name of template database used as a skeleton for
the test databases (db tests)
* `TEST_DB` - name of test database (db tests)
* `DB_USER` - (optional) username of database login
* `DB_PASS` - (optional) password for database login
* `SERVER_MODULE_PATH` - (optional) path on the Postgres server to Nominatim
- module shared library file
+ module shared library file (only needed for legacy tokenizer)
* `REMOVE_TEMPLATE` - if true, the template and API database will not be reused
during the next run. Reusing the base templates speeds
up tests considerably but might lead to outdated errors
# Copyright (C) 2024 by the Nominatim developer community.
# For a full list of authors see the git log.
from pathlib import Path
+import sys
from behave import *
+sys.path.insert(1, str(Path(__file__, '..', '..', '..', 'src').resolve()))
from steps.geometry_factory import GeometryFactory
from steps.nominatim_environment import NominatimEnvironment
-TEST_BASE_DIR = Path(__file__) / '..' / '..'
+TEST_BASE_DIR = Path(__file__, '..', '..').resolve()
userconfig = {
- 'BUILDDIR' : (TEST_BASE_DIR / '..' / 'build').resolve(),
'KEEP_TEST_DB' : False,
'DB_HOST' : None,
'TEMPLATE_DB' : 'test_template_nominatim',
'TEST_DB' : 'test_nominatim',
'API_TEST_DB' : 'test_api_nominatim',
- 'API_TEST_FILE' : (TEST_BASE_DIR / 'testdb' / 'apidb-test-data.pbf').resolve(),
+ 'API_TEST_FILE' : TEST_BASE_DIR / 'testdb' / 'apidb-test-data.pbf',
'TOKENIZER' : None, # Test with a custom tokenizer
'STYLE' : 'extratags',
# For a full list of authors see the git log.
from pathlib import Path
import importlib
-import sys
import tempfile
import psycopg
from psycopg import sql as pysql
-sys.path.insert(1, str((Path(__file__) / '..' / '..' / '..' / '..'/ 'src').resolve()))
from nominatim_db import cli
from nominatim_db.config import Configuration
from nominatim_db.db.connection import Connection, register_hstore, execute_scalar
def __init__(self, config):
- self.build_dir = Path(config['BUILDDIR']).resolve()
self.src_dir = (Path(__file__) / '..' / '..' / '..' / '..').resolve()
self.db_host = config['DB_HOST']
self.db_port = config['DB_PORT']
raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown API engine '{config['API_ENGINE']}'")
self.api_engine = getattr(self, f"create_api_request_func_{config['API_ENGINE']}")()
+ if self.tokenizer == 'legacy' and self.server_module_path is None:
+ raise RuntimeError("You must set -DSERVER_MODULE_PATH when testing the legacy tokenizer.")
def connect_database(self, dbname):
""" Return a connection to the database with the given name.
Uses configured host, user and port.
self.test_env['NOMINATIM_DATADIR'] = str((self.src_dir / 'data').resolve())
self.test_env['NOMINATIM_SQLDIR'] = str((self.src_dir / 'lib-sql').resolve())
self.test_env['NOMINATIM_CONFIGDIR'] = str((self.src_dir / 'settings').resolve())
- self.test_env['NOMINATIM_DATABASE_MODULE_SRC_PATH'] = str((self.build_dir / 'module').resolve())
- self.test_env['NOMINATIM_OSM2PGSQL_BINARY'] = str((self.build_dir / 'osm2pgsql' / 'osm2pgsql').resolve())
if self.tokenizer is not None:
self.test_env['NOMINATIM_TOKENIZER'] = self.tokenizer
if self.import_style is not None:
if self.server_module_path:
self.test_env['NOMINATIM_DATABASE_MODULE_PATH'] = self.server_module_path
- else:
- # avoid module being copied into the temporary environment
- self.test_env['NOMINATIM_DATABASE_MODULE_PATH'] = str((self.build_dir / 'module').resolve())
if self.website_dir is not None:
def get_test_config(self):
cfg = Configuration(Path(, environ=self.test_env)
- cfg.set_libdirs(module=self.build_dir / 'module',
- osm2pgsql=self.build_dir / 'osm2pgsql' / 'osm2pgsql')
+ cfg.set_libdirs(module=self.server_module_path)
return cfg
def get_libpq_dsn(self):
if self.website_dir is not None:
cmdline = list(cmdline) + ['--project-dir',]
- cli.nominatim(module_dir='',
- osm2pgsql_path=str(self.build_dir / 'osm2pgsql' / 'osm2pgsql'),
+ cli.nominatim(module_dir=self.server_module_path,
+ osm2pgsql_path=None,
def get_osm2pgsql_options(nominatim_env, fname, append):
return dict(import_file=fname,
- osm2pgsql=str(nominatim_env.build_dir / 'osm2pgsql' / 'osm2pgsql'),
+ osm2pgsql='osm2pgsql',