// General settings
@define('CONST_Debug', false);
@define('CONST_Database_DSN', 'pgsql://@/nominatim');
+ @define('CONST_Max_Word_Frequency', '50000');
// Paths
@define('CONST_Postgresql_Version', '9.1');
@define('CONST_Path_Postgresql_Contrib', '/usr/share/postgresql/'.CONST_Postgresql_Version.'/contrib');
@define('CONST_Path_Postgresql_Postgis', CONST_Path_Postgresql_Contrib.'/postgis-1.5');
@define('CONST_Osm2pgsql_Binary', CONST_BasePath.'/osm2pgsql/osm2pgsql');
- @define('CONST_Osmosis_Binary', CONST_BasePath.'/../osmosis-0.40.1/bin/osmosis');
+ @define('CONST_Osmosis_Binary', '/usr/bin/osmosis');
// Website settings
- @define('CONST_ClosedForIndexing', false);
- @define('CONST_ClosedForIndexingExceptionIPs', '');
@define('CONST_BlockedIPs', '');
+ @define('CONST_IPBanFile', CONST_BasePath.'/settings/ip_blocks');
+ @define('CONST_WhitelistedIPs', '');
+ @define('CONST_BlockedUserAgents', '');
+ @define('CONST_BlockReverseMaxLoad', 15);
@define('CONST_BulkUserIPs', '');
- @define('CONST_Website_BaseURL', 'http://'.php_uname('n').'/');
+ @define('CONST_Website_BaseURL', 'http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/');
@define('CONST_Tile_Default', 'Mapnik');
- @define('CONST_Default_Language', 'xx');
+ @define('CONST_Default_Language', 'en');
@define('CONST_Default_Lat', 20.0);
@define('CONST_Default_Lon', 0.0);
@define('CONST_Default_Zoom', 2);
echo "Please download and build osm2pgsql.\nIf it is already installed, check the path in your local settings (settings/local.php) file.\n";
fail("osm2pgsql not found in '$osm2pgsql'");
+ $osm2pgsql .= ' --tablespace-slim-index ssd --tablespace-main-index ssd --tablespace-main-data ssd --tablespace-slim-data data';
$osm2pgsql .= ' -lsc -O gazetteer --hstore';
- $osm2pgsql .= ' -C '.$iCacheMemory;
+ $osm2pgsql .= ' -C 16000';
$osm2pgsql .= ' -d '.$aDSNInfo['database'].' '.$aCMDResult['osm-file'];
if ($aCMDResult['load-data'] || $aCMDResult['all'])
- echo "Load Data\n";
+ echo "Drop old Data\n";
$bDidSomething = true;
$oDB =& getDB();
echo '.';
+ // used by getorcreate_word_id to ignore frequent partial words
+ if (!pg_query($oDB->connection, 'CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_maxwordfreq() RETURNS integer AS $$ SELECT '.CONST_Max_Word_Frequency.' as maxwordfreq; $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE')) fail(pg_last_error($oDB->connection));
+ echo ".\n";
// pre-create the word list
if (!$aCMDResult['disable-token-precalc'])
- if (!pg_query($oDB->connection, 'select count(make_keywords(v)) from (select distinct svals(name) as v from place) as w where v is not null;')) fail(pg_last_error($oDB->connection));
- echo '.';
- if (!pg_query($oDB->connection, 'select count(make_keywords(v)) from (select distinct postcode as v from place) as w where v is not null;')) fail(pg_last_error($oDB->connection));
- echo '.';
- if (!pg_query($oDB->connection, 'select count(getorcreate_housenumber_id(v)) from (select distinct housenumber as v from place where housenumber is not null) as w;')) fail(pg_last_error($oDB->connection));
- echo '.';
+ echo "Loading word list\n";
+ pgsqlRunScriptFile(CONST_BasePath.'/data/words.sql');
+ echo "Load Data\n";
$aDBInstances = array();
for($i = 0; $i < $iInstances; $i++)
echo '.';
echo "\n";
+ pgsqlRunScript('ALTER TABLE place SET TABLESPACE "data"');
echo "Reanalysing database...\n";
if (!file_exists(CONST_Osmosis_Binary)) fail("please download osmosis");
if (file_exists(CONST_BasePath.'/settings/configuration.txt')) echo "settings/configuration.txt already exists\n";
- else passthru(CONST_Osmosis_Binary.' --read-replication-interval-init '.CONST_BasePath.'/settings');
+ else
+ {
+ passthru(CONST_Osmosis_Binary.' --read-replication-interval-init '.CONST_BasePath.'/settings');
+ // server layout changed afer license change, fix path to minutely diffs
+ passthru("sed -i 's:minute-replicate:replication/minute:' ".CONST_BasePath.'/settings/configuration.txt');
+ }
$sDate = $aCMDResult['osmosis-init-date'];
$aDate = date_parse_from_format("Y-m-d\TH-i", $sDate);
foreach($aPairs as $aPair)
- if ($aPair[0] == 'yes') continue;
- if ($aPair[1] == 'yes') continue;
- if ($aPair[0] == 'highway') continue;
- if ($aPair[1] == 'highway') continue;
- echo "drop table if exists place_classtype_".pg_escape_string($aPair[0])."_".pg_escape_string($aPair[1]).";\n";
echo "create table place_classtype_".pg_escape_string($aPair[0])."_".pg_escape_string($aPair[1])." as ";
echo "select place_id as place_id,st_centroid(geometry) as centroid from placex where ";
echo "class = '".pg_escape_string($aPair[0])."' and type = '".pg_escape_string($aPair[1])."';\n";
echo "CREATE INDEX idx_place_classtype_".pg_escape_string($aPair[0])."_".pg_escape_string($aPair[1])."_centroid ";
- echo "ON place_classtype_".pg_escape_string($aPair[0])."_".pg_escape_string($aPair[1])." USING GIST (centroid);\n";
+ echo "ON place_classtype_".pg_escape_string($aPair[0])."_".pg_escape_string($aPair[1])." USING GIST (centroid) tablespace ssd;\n";
echo "CREATE INDEX idx_place_classtype_".pg_escape_string($aPair[0])."_".pg_escape_string($aPair[1])."_place_id ";
- echo "ON place_classtype_".pg_escape_string($aPair[0])."_".pg_escape_string($aPair[1])." USING btree(place_id);\n";
+ echo "ON place_classtype_".pg_escape_string($aPair[0])."_".pg_escape_string($aPair[1])." USING btree(place_id) tablespace ssd;\n";
- echo "GRANT SELECT ON place_classtype_".pg_escape_string($aPair[0])."_".pg_escape_string($aPair[1])." TO \"www-data\";";
+ echo "GRANT SELECT ON place_classtype_".pg_escape_string($aPair[0])."_".pg_escape_string($aPair[1])." TO \"www-data\";\n";
if (isset($aLangPrefOrder['name:de'])) $bReverseInPlan = true;
if (isset($aLangPrefOrder['name:ru'])) $bReverseInPlan = true;
if (isset($aLangPrefOrder['name:ja'])) $bReverseInPlan = true;
+ if (isset($aLangPrefOrder['name:pl'])) $bReverseInPlan = true;
$sLanguagePrefArraySQL = "ARRAY[".join(',',array_map("getDBQuoted",$aLangPrefOrder))."]";
$sQuery = str_replace($aSpecialTerm[0], ' ', $sQuery);
$sToken = $oDB->getOne("select make_standard_name('".$aSpecialTerm[1]."') as string");
$sSQL = 'select * from (select word_id,word_token, word, class, type, location, country_code, operator';
- $sSQL .= ' from word where word_token in (\' '.$sToken.'\')) as x where (class is not null and class not in (\'place\',\'highway\')) or country_code is not null';
+ $sSQL .= ' from word where word_token in (\' '.$sToken.'\')) as x where (class is not null and class not in (\'place\')) or country_code is not null';
if (CONST_Debug) var_Dump($sSQL);
$aSearchWords = $oDB->getAll($sSQL);
$aNewSearches = array();
// Check which tokens we have, get the ID numbers
$sSQL = 'select word_id,word_token, word, class, type, location, country_code, operator';
$sSQL .= ' from word where word_token in ('.join(',',array_map("getDBQuoted",$aTokens)).')';
- // (mis)using search_name_count to exclude words that return too many
- // search results. saerch_name_count is currently set to 1 by hand
- // because there is no fast way to extract this count from a live database.
- $sSQL .= ' and search_name_count = 0';
- // $sSQL .= ' and (class is null or class not in (\'highway\'))';
+ $sSQL .= ' and search_name_count < '.CONST_Max_Word_Frequency;
// $sSQL .= ' group by word_token, word, class, type, location, country_code';
if (CONST_Debug) var_Dump($sSQL);
$sSQL .= " limit ".$iLimit;
if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
+ $iStartTime = time();
$aViewBoxPlaceIDs = $oDB->getAll($sSQL);
if (PEAR::IsError($aViewBoxPlaceIDs))
failInternalError("Could not get places for search terms.", $sSQL, $aViewBoxPlaceIDs);
+ if (time() - $iStartTime > 60) {
+ file_put_contents(CONST_BasePath.'/log/long_queries.log', date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $iStartTime).' '.$sSQL."\n", FILE_APPEND);
+ }
// Did we have an viewbox matches?
$aPlaceIDs = array();