+ AS $$
+ result BIGINT;
+ SELECT ST_Value(osm_views.rast, centroid)
+ FROM osm_views
+ WHERE ST_Intersects(ST_ConvexHull(osm_views.rast), centroid) LIMIT 1 INTO result;
+ return COALESCE(result, 0);
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION normalize_osm_views(views BIGINT)
+ AS $$
+ normalized_osm_views FLOAT;
+ max_views BIGINT;
+ IF views > 0 THEN
+ -- Get the highest view count to use it in normalizing the data
+ SELECT max_views_count FROM osm_views_stat INTO max_views;
+ normalized_osm_views := (LOG(views))/(LOG(max_views));
+ normalized_osm_views := 0.0;
+ RETURN normalized_osm_views;
+ END;
+LANGUAGE plpgsql;
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION compute_importance(extratags HSTORE,
country_code varchar(2),
- osm_type varchar(1), osm_id BIGINT)
+ osm_type varchar(1), osm_id BIGINT,
+ centroid GEOMETRY)
RETURNS place_importance
AS $$
match RECORD;
result place_importance;
+ osm_views_exists BIGINT;
+ views BIGINT;
+ -- check if osm_views table exists
+ SELECT COUNT(table_name)
+ INTO osm_views_exists
+ FROM information_schema.tables
+ WHERE table_schema LIKE 'public' AND
+ table_type LIKE 'BASE TABLE' AND
+ table_name = 'osm_views';
+ -- add importance by OSM views if osm_views table exists
+ IF osm_views_exists THEN
+ views := get_osm_views(centroid);
+ result.importance := normalize_osm_views(views) * 0.35;
+ -- add importance by wiki data if the place has one
FOR match IN SELECT * FROM get_wikipedia_match(extratags, country_code)
WHERE language is not NULL
- result.importance := match.importance;
+ result.importance := COALESCE(result.importance, 0) + match.importance * 0.65;
result.wikipedia := match.language || ':' || match.title;
RETURN result;
FOR match IN SELECT * FROM wikipedia_article
WHERE wd_page_title = extratags->'wikidata'
ORDER BY language = 'en' DESC, langcount DESC LIMIT 1 LOOP
- result.importance := match.importance;
+ result.importance := COALESCE(result.importance, 0) + match.importance * 0.65;
result.wikipedia := match.language || ':' || match.title;
RETURN result;
- RETURN null;
+ RETURN result;
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
NEW.importance := null;
SELECT wikipedia, importance
- FROM compute_importance(NEW.extratags, NEW.country_code, NEW.osm_type, NEW.osm_id)
+ FROM compute_importance(NEW.extratags, NEW.country_code, NEW.osm_type, NEW.osm_id, NEW.centroid)
INTO NEW.wikipedia,NEW.importance;
{% if debug %}RAISE WARNING 'Importance computed from wikipedia: %', NEW.importance;{% endif %}
SELECT wikipedia, importance
FROM compute_importance(location.extratags, NEW.country_code,
- 'N', location.osm_id)
+ 'N', location.osm_id, NEW.centroid)
INTO linked_wikipedia,linked_importance;
-- Use the maximum importance if one could be computed from the linked object.
if args.osm_views:
data_path = Path(args.project_dir)
LOG.warning('Import OSM views GeoTIFF data from %s', data_path)
- with connect(args.config.get_libpq_dsn()) as conn:
- if refresh.import_osm_views_geotiff(conn, data_path) == 1:
- LOG.fatal('FATAL: OSM views GeoTIFF file not found')
- return 1
- if refresh.import_osm_views_geotiff(conn, data_path) == 2:
- LOG.fatal('FATAL: PostGIS version number is less than 3')
- return 1
+ num = refresh.import_osm_views_geotiff(args.config.get_libpq_dsn(), data_path)
+ if num == 1:
+ LOG.fatal('FATAL: OSM views GeoTIFF file not found')
+ return 1
+ if num == 2:
+ LOG.fatal('FATAL: PostGIS version number is less than 3')
+ return 1
# Attention: importance MUST come after wiki data import.
if args.importance:
if refresh.import_wikipedia_articles(args.config.get_libpq_dsn(),
data_path) > 0:
LOG.error('Wikipedia importance dump file not found. '
- 'Calculating importance values of locations will not \
- use Wikipedia importance data.')
+ 'Calculating importance values of locations will not '
+ 'use Wikipedia importance data.')
LOG.warning('Importing OSM views GeoTIFF data')
data_path = Path(args.project_dir)
- with connect(args.config.get_libpq_dsn()) as conn:
- if refresh.import_osm_views_geotiff(conn, data_path) == 1:
- LOG.error('OSM views GeoTIFF file not found. '
- 'Calculating importance values of locations will not use OSM views data.')
- elif refresh.import_osm_views_geotiff(conn, data_path) == 2:
- LOG.error('PostGIS version number is less than 3. '
- 'Calculating importance values of locations will not use OSM views data.')
+ num = refresh.import_osm_views_geotiff(args.config.get_libpq_dsn(), data_path)
+ if num == 1:
+ LOG.error('OSM views GeoTIFF file not found. '
+ 'Calculating importance values of locations will not use OSM views data.')
+ elif num == 2:
+ LOG.error('PostGIS version number is less than 3. '
+ 'Calculating importance values of locations will not use OSM views data.')
if args.continue_at is None or args.continue_at == 'load-data':
LOG.warning('Initialise tables')
from psycopg2 import sql as pysql
from nominatim.config import Configuration
-from nominatim.db.connection import Connection
+from nominatim.db.connection import Connection, connect
from nominatim.db.utils import execute_file
from nominatim.db.sql_preprocessor import SQLPreprocessor
from nominatim.version import version_str
return 0
-def import_osm_views_geotiff(conn: Connection, data_path: Path) -> int:
+def import_osm_views_geotiff(dsn: str, data_path: Path) -> int:
""" Replaces the OSM views table with new data.
Returns 0 if all was well and 1 if the OSM views GeoTIFF file could not
be found. Throws an exception if there was an error reading the file.
datafile = data_path / 'osmviews.tiff'
if not datafile.exists():
return 1
- postgis_version = conn.postgis_version_tuple()
- if postgis_version[0] < 3:
- return 2
- with conn.cursor() as cur:
- cur.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "osm_views"')
- conn.commit()
- cmd = f"raster2pgsql -s 4326 -I -C -t 100x100 {datafile} \
- public.osm_views | psql nominatim > /dev/null"
-["/bin/bash", "-c" , cmd], check=True)
+ with connect(dsn) as conn:
+ postgis_version = conn.postgis_version_tuple()
+ if postgis_version[0] < 3:
+ return 2
+ with conn.cursor() as cur:
+ cur.drop_table("osm_views")
+ cur.drop_table("osm_views_stat")
+ # -ovr: 6 -> zoom 12, 5 -> zoom 13, 4 -> zoom 14, 3 -> zoom 15
+ reproject_geotiff = f"gdalwarp -q -multi -ovr 3 -overwrite \
+ -co COMPRESS=LZW -tr 0.01 0.01 -t_srs EPSG:4326 {datafile} raster2import.tiff"
+["/bin/bash", "-c" , reproject_geotiff], check=True)
+ tile_size = 256
+ import_geotiff = f"raster2pgsql -I -C -Y -t {tile_size}x{tile_size} raster2import.tiff \
+ public.osm_views | psql {dsn} > /dev/null"
+["/bin/bash", "-c" , import_geotiff], check=True)
+ cleanup = "rm raster2import.tiff"
+["/bin/bash", "-c" , cleanup], check=True)
+ # To normalize osm views data, the max view value is needed
+ cur.execute(f"""
+ CREATE TABLE osm_views_stat AS (
+ SELECT MAX(ST_Value(osm_views.rast, 1, x, y)) AS max_views_count
+ FROM osm_views CROSS JOIN
+ generate_series(1, {tile_size}) As x
+ CROSS JOIN generate_series(1, {tile_size}) As y
+ WHERE x <= ST_Width(rast) AND y <= ST_Height(rast));
+ """)
+ conn.commit()
return 0
UPDATE placex SET (wikipedia, importance) =
(SELECT wikipedia, importance
- FROM compute_importance(extratags, country_code, osm_type, osm_id))
+ FROM compute_importance(extratags, country_code, osm_type, osm_id, centroid))
UPDATE placex s SET wikipedia = d.wikipedia, importance = d.importance
assert cf_mock.called > 1
for mock in mocks:
- assert mock.called > 0, "Mock '{}' not called".format(mock.func_name)
+ assert mock.called == 1, "Mock '{}' not called".format(mock.func_name)
def test_import_continue_load_data(self, mock_func_factory):
func_mock = mock_func_factory(, func)
assert self.call_nominatim('refresh', '--' + command) == 0
- assert func_mock.called > 0
+ assert func_mock.called == 1
def test_refresh_word_count(self):
temp_db_cursor.execute("""CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION compute_importance(extratags HSTORE,
country_code varchar(2),
osm_type varchar(1), osm_id BIGINT,
+ centroid GEOMETRY,
OUT importance FLOAT,
OUT wikipedia TEXT)
AS $$ SELECT 0.1::float, 'foo'::text $$ LANGUAGE SQL""")