+ async def create_class_tables(self) -> None:
+ """ Set up the table that serve class/type-specific geometries.
+ """
+ sql = sa.text("""SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables
+ WHERE tablename LIKE 'place_classtype_%'""")
+ for res in await self.src.execute(sql):
+ for db in (self.src, self.dest):
+ sa.Table(res[0], db.t.meta,
+ sa.Column('place_id', sa.BigInteger),
+ sa.Column('centroid', Geometry))
+ async def create_word_table(self) -> None:
+ """ Create the word table.
+ This table needs the property information to determine the
+ correct format. Therefore needs to be done after all other
+ data has been copied.
+ """
+ await make_query_analyzer(self.src)
+ await make_query_analyzer(self.dest)
+ src = self.src.t.meta.tables['word']
+ dest = self.dest.t.meta.tables['word']
+ await self.dest.connection.run_sync(dest.create)
+ LOG.warning("Copying word table")
+ async_result = await self.src.connection.stream(sa.select(src))
+ async for partition in async_result.partitions(10000):
+ data = [{k: getattr(r, k) for k in r._fields} for r in partition]
+ await self.dest.execute(dest.insert(), data)
+ await self.dest.connection.run_sync(sa.Index('idx_word_woken', dest.c.word_token).create)