These tables have been copied verbatim from the old PHP code. For future
version a more flexible formatting is required.
-from typing import Tuple, Optional, Mapping
+from typing import Tuple, Optional, Mapping, Union
import nominatim.api as napi
return label.lower().replace(' ', '_')
-def bbox_from_result(result: napi.ReverseResult) -> napi.Bbox:
+def bbox_from_result(result: Union[napi.ReverseResult, napi.SearchResult]) -> napi.Bbox:
""" Compute a bounding box for the result. For ways and relations
a given boundingbox is used. For all other object, a box is computed
around the centroid according to dimensions dereived from the
@dispatch.format_func(napi.SearchResults, 'xml')
-def _format_reverse_xml(results: napi.SearchResults, options: Mapping[str, Any]) -> str:
+def _format_search_xml(results: napi.SearchResults, options: Mapping[str, Any]) -> str:
return format_xml.format_base_xml(results,
options, False, 'searchresults',
{'querystring': 'TODO'})
@dispatch.format_func(napi.SearchResults, 'geojson')
-def _format_reverse_geojson(results: napi.SearchResults,
+def _format_search_geojson(results: napi.SearchResults,
options: Mapping[str, Any]) -> str:
return format_json.format_base_geojson(results, options, False)
@dispatch.format_func(napi.SearchResults, 'geocodejson')
-def _format_reverse_geocodejson(results: napi.SearchResults,
+def _format_search_geocodejson(results: napi.SearchResults,
options: Mapping[str, Any]) -> str:
return format_json.format_base_geocodejson(results, options, False)
@dispatch.format_func(napi.SearchResults, 'json')
-def _format_reverse_json(results: napi.SearchResults,
+def _format_search_json(results: napi.SearchResults,
options: Mapping[str, Any]) -> str:
return format_json.format_base_json(results, options, False,
@dispatch.format_func(napi.SearchResults, 'jsonv2')
-def _format_reverse_jsonv2(results: napi.SearchResults,
+def _format_search_jsonv2(results: napi.SearchResults,
options: Mapping[str, Any]) -> str:
return format_json.format_base_json(results, options, False,
Helper functions for output of results in json formats.
-from typing import Mapping, Any, Optional, Tuple
+from typing import Mapping, Any, Optional, Tuple, Union
import nominatim.api as napi
import nominatim.api.v1.classtypes as cl
from nominatim.utils.json_writer import JsonWriter
+#pylint: disable=too-many-branches
def _write_osm_id(out: JsonWriter, osm_object: Optional[Tuple[str, int]]) -> None:
if osm_object is not None:
out.keyval_not_none('osm_type', cl.OSM_TYPE_NAME.get(osm_object[0], None))\
out.keyval('country_code', country_code)
-def format_base_json(results: napi.ReverseResults, #pylint: disable=too-many-branches
+def format_base_json(results: Union[napi.ReverseResults, napi.SearchResults],
options: Mapping[str, Any], simple: bool,
class_label: str) -> str:
""" Return the result list as a simple json string in custom Nominatim format.
return out()
-def format_base_geojson(results: napi.ReverseResults,
+def format_base_geojson(results: Union[napi.ReverseResults, napi.SearchResults],
options: Mapping[str, Any],
simple: bool) -> str:
""" Return the result list as a geojson string.
return out()
-def format_base_geocodejson(results: napi.ReverseResults,
+def format_base_geocodejson(results: Union[napi.ReverseResults, napi.SearchResults],
options: Mapping[str, Any], simple: bool) -> str:
""" Return the result list as a geocodejson string.
Helper functions for output of results in XML format.
-from typing import Mapping, Any, Optional
+from typing import Mapping, Any, Optional, Union
import datetime as dt
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import nominatim.api as napi
import nominatim.api.v1.classtypes as cl
+#pylint: disable=too-many-branches
def _write_xml_address(root: ET.Element, address: napi.AddressLines,
country_code: Optional[str]) -> None:
parts = {}
ET.SubElement(root, 'country_code').text = country_code
-def _create_base_entry(result: napi.ReverseResult, #pylint: disable=too-many-branches
+def _create_base_entry(result: Union[napi.ReverseResult, napi.SearchResult],
root: ET.Element, simple: bool,
locales: napi.Locales) -> ET.Element:
if result.address_rows:
return place
-def format_base_xml(results: napi.ReverseResults,
+def format_base_xml(results: Union[napi.ReverseResults, napi.SearchResults],
options: Mapping[str, Any],
simple: bool, xml_root_tag: str,
xml_extra_info: Mapping[str, str]) -> str:
def parse_geometry_details(self, fmt: str) -> napi.LookupDetails:
+ """ Create details strucutre from the supplied geometry parameters.
+ """
details = napi.LookupDetails(address_details=True,
- geometry_simplification=self.get_float('polygon_threshold', 0.0))
+ geometry_simplification=
+ self.get_float('polygon_threshold', 0.0))
numgeoms = 0
if self.get_bool('polygon_geojson', False):
details.geometry_output |= napi.GeometryFormat.GEOJSON
details = params.parse_geometry_details(fmt)
places = []
- for oid in params.get('osm_ids', '').split(','):
+ for oid in (params.get('osm_ids') or '').split(','):
oid = oid.strip()
if len(oid) > 1 and oid[0] in 'RNWrnw' and oid[1:].isdigit():
places.append(napi.OsmID(oid[0], int(oid[1:])))
def run(self, args: NominatimArgs) -> int:
- params: Dict[str, object] = dict(osm_ids=','.join(args.ids), format=args.format)
+ api = napi.NominatimAPI(args.project_dir)
- for param, _ in EXTRADATA_PARAMS:
- if getattr(args, param):
- params[param] = '1'
- if args.lang:
- params['accept-language'] = args.lang
- if args.polygon_output:
- params['polygon_' + args.polygon_output] = '1'
- if args.polygon_threshold:
- params['polygon_threshold'] = args.polygon_threshold
+ details = napi.LookupDetails(address_details=True, # needed for display name
+ geometry_output=args.get_geometry_output(),
+ geometry_simplification=args.polygon_threshold or 0.0)
+ places = [napi.OsmID(o[0], int(o[1:])) for o in args.ids]
+ results = api.lookup(places, details)
- return _run_api('lookup', args, params)
+ output = api_output.format_result(
+ results,
+ args.format,
+ {'locales': args.get_locales(api.config.DEFAULT_LANGUAGE),
+ 'extratags': args.extratags,
+ 'namedetails': args.namedetails,
+ 'addressdetails': args.addressdetails})
+ if args.format != 'xml':
+ # reformat the result, so it is pretty-printed
+ json.dump(json.loads(output), sys.stdout, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)
+ else:
+ sys.stdout.write(output)
+ sys.stdout.write('\n')
+ return 0
class APIDetails:
@pytest.mark.parametrize("params", [('search', '--query', 'new'),
- ('search', '--city', 'Berlin'),
- ('lookup', '--id', 'N1')])
+ ('search', '--city', 'Berlin')])
class TestCliApiCallPhp:
assert out['name'] == 'Nom'
- 'search': ('--query', 'somewhere'),
- 'reverse': ('--lat', '20', '--lon', '30'),
- 'lookup': ('--id', 'R345345'),
- 'details': ('--node', '324')
+class TestCliLookupCall:
+ @pytest.fixture(autouse=True)
+ def setup_lookup_mock(self, monkeypatch):
+ result = napi.SearchResult(napi.SourceTable.PLACEX, ('place', 'thing'),
+ napi.Point(1.0, -3.0),
+ names={'name':'Name', 'name:fr': 'Nom'},
+ extratags={'extra':'Extra'})
+ monkeypatch.setattr(napi.NominatimAPI, 'lookup',
+ lambda *args: napi.SearchResults([result]))
+ def test_lookup_simple(self, cli_call, tmp_path, capsys):
+ result = cli_call('lookup', '--project-dir', str(tmp_path),
+ '--id', 'N34')
+ assert result == 0
+ out = json.loads(capsys.readouterr().out)
+ assert len(out) == 1
+ assert out[0]['name'] == 'Name'
+ assert 'address' not in out[0]
+ assert 'extratags' not in out[0]
+ assert 'namedetails' not in out[0]
-@pytest.mark.parametrize("endpoint", (('search', 'lookup')))
class TestCliApiCommonParameters:
- def setup_website_dir(self, cli_call, project_env, endpoint):
- self.endpoint = endpoint
+ def setup_website_dir(self, cli_call, project_env):
self.cli_call = cli_call
self.project_dir = project_env.project_dir
(self.project_dir / 'website').mkdir()
def expect_param(self, param, expected):
- (self.project_dir / 'website' / (self.endpoint + '.php')).write_text(f"""<?php
+ (self.project_dir / 'website' / ('search.php')).write_text(f"""<?php
exit($_GET['{param}'] == '{expected}' ? 0 : 10);
def call_nominatim(self, *params):
- return self.cli_call(self.endpoint, *QUERY_PARAMS[self.endpoint],
+ return self.cli_call('search', '--query', 'somewhere',
'--project-dir', str(self.project_dir), *params)
exit($_GET['bounded'] == '1' ? 0 : 10);
- assert cli_call('search', *QUERY_PARAMS['search'], '--project-dir', str(project_env.project_dir),
+ assert cli_call('search', '--query', 'somewhere', '--project-dir', str(project_env.project_dir),
'--bounded') == 0
exit($_GET['dedupe'] == '0' ? 0 : 10);
- assert cli_call('search', *QUERY_PARAMS['search'], '--project-dir', str(project_env.project_dir),
+ assert cli_call('search', '--query', 'somewhere', '--project-dir', str(project_env.project_dir),
'--no-dedupe') == 0