+ require_once(CONST_BasePath.'/lib/leakybucket.php');
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc())
--- /dev/null
+ function getBucketMemcache()
+ {
+ static $m;
+ if (!CONST_ConnectionBucket_MemcacheServerAddress) return null;
+ if (!isset($m))
+ {
+ $m = new Memcached();
+ $m->addServer(CONST_ConnectionBucket_MemcacheServerAddress, CONST_ConnectionBucket_MemcacheServerPort);
+ }
+ return $m;
+ }
+ function doBucket($asKey, $iRequestCost, $iLeakPerSecond, $iThreshold)
+ {
+ $m = getBucketMemcache();
+ if (!$m) return 0;
+ $iMaxVal = 0;
+ $t = time();
+ foreach($asKey as $sKey)
+ {
+ $aCurrentBlock = $m->get($sKey);
+ if (!$aCurrentBlock)
+ {
+ $aCurrentBlock = array($iRequestCost, $t);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // add RequestCost
+ // remove leak * the time since the last request
+ $aCurrentBlock[0] += $iRequestCost - ($t - $aCurrentBlock[1])*$iLeakPerSecond;
+ $aCurrentBlock[1] = $t;
+ }
+ if ($aCurrentBlock[0] <= 0)
+ {
+ $m->delete($sKey);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // If we have hit the threshold stop and record this to the block list
+ if ($aCurrentBlock[0] >= $iThreshold)
+ {
+ $aCurrentBlock[0] = $iThreshold;
+ // Make up to 10 attempts to record this to memcache (with locking to prevent conflicts)
+ $i = 10;
+ for($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++)
+ {
+ $aBlockedList = $m->get('blockedList', null, $hCasToken);
+ if (!$aBlockedList)
+ {
+ $aBlockedList = array();
+ $m->add('blockedList', $aBlockedList);
+ $aBlockedList = $m->get('blockedList', null, $hCasToken);
+ }
+ if (!isset($aBlockedList[$sKey]))
+ {
+ $aBlockedList[$sKey] = array(1, $t);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $aBlockedList[$sKey][0]++;
+ $aBlockedList[$sKey][1] = $t;
+ }
+ if (sizeof($aBlockedList) > CONST_ConnectionBucket_MaxBlockList)
+ {
+ uasort($aBlockedList, 'byValue1');
+ $aBlockedList = array_slice($aBlockedList, 0, CONST_ConnectionBucket_MaxBlockList);
+ }
+ $x = $m->cas($hCasToken, 'blockedList', $aBlockedList);
+ if ($x) break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Only keep in memcache until the time it would have expired (to avoid clutering memcache)
+ $m->set($sKey, $aCurrentBlock, $t + 1 + $aCurrentBlock[0]/$iLeakPerSecond);
+ }
+ // Bucket result in the largest bucket we find
+ $iMaxVal = max($iMaxVal, $aCurrentBlock[0]);
+ }
+ return $iMaxVal;
+ }
+ function byValue1($a, $b)
+ {
+ if ($a[1] == $b[1])
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return ($a[1] > $b[1]) ? -1 : 1;
+ }
+ function byLastBlockTime($a, $b)
+ {
+ if ($a['lastBlockTimestamp'] == $b['lastBlockTimestamp'])
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return ($a['lastBlockTimestamp'] > $b['lastBlockTimestamp']) ? -1 : 1;
+ }
+ function getBucketBlocks()
+ {
+ $m = getBucketMemcache();
+ if (!$m) return null;
+ $t = time();
+ $aBlockedList = $m->get('blockedList', null, $hCasToken);
+ if (!$aBlockedList) $aBlockedList = array();
+ foreach($aBlockedList as $sKey => $aDetails)
+ {
+ $aCurrentBlock = $m->get($sKey);
+ if (!$aCurrentBlock) $aCurrentBlock = array(0, $t);
+ $iCurrentBucketSize = max(0, $aCurrentBlock[0] - ($t - $aCurrentBlock[1])*CONST_ConnectionBucket_LeakRate);
+ $aBlockedList[$sKey] = array(
+ 'totalBlocks' => $aDetails[0],
+ 'lastBlockTimestamp' => $aDetails[1],
+ 'currentBucketSize' => $iCurrentBucketSize,
+ 'currentlyBlocked' => $iCurrentBucketSize + (CONST_ConnectionBucket_Cost_Reverse) >= CONST_ConnectionBucket_BlockLimit,
+ );
+ }
+ uasort($aBlockedList, 'byLastBlockTime');
+ return $aBlockedList;
+ }
+ function clearBucketBlocks()
+ {
+ $m = getBucketMemcache();
+ if (!$m) return false;
+ $m->delete('blockedList');
+ return true;
+ }
// Connection buckets to rate limit people being nasty
@define('CONST_ConnectionBucket_MemcacheServerAddress', false);
@define('CONST_ConnectionBucket_MemcacheServerPort', 11211);
+ @define('CONST_ConnectionBucket_MaxBlockList', 100);
@define('CONST_ConnectionBucket_LeakRate', 1);
@define('CONST_ConnectionBucket_BlockLimit', 10);
@define('CONST_ConnectionBucket_WaitLimit', 6);
array('verbose', 'v', 0, 1, 0, 0, 'bool', 'Verbose output'),
array('list', 'l', 0, 1, 0, 0, 'bool', 'List recent blocks'),
array('delete', 'd', 0, 1, 0, 0, 'bool', 'Clear recent blocks list'),
+ array('flush', '', 0, 1, 0, 0, 'bool', 'Flush all blocks / stats'),
getCmdOpt($_SERVER['argv'], $aCMDOptions, $aResult, true, true);
$aBlocks = getBucketBlocks();
echo "\n";
- printf(" %-40s | %12s | %7s | %13s | %16s | %31s\n", "Key", "Total Blocks", "Current", "Still Blocked", "Last Req Blocked", "Last Block Time");
- printf(" %'--40s-|-%'-12s-|-%'-7s-|-%'-13s-|-%'-16s-|-%'-31s\n", "", "", "", "", "", "");
+ printf(" %-40s | %12s | %7s | %13s | %31s\n", "Key", "Total Blocks", "Current", "Still Blocked", "Last Block Time");
+ printf(" %'--40s-|-%'-12s-|-%'-7s-|-%'-13s-|-%'-31s\n", "", "", "", "", "");
foreach($aBlocks as $sKey => $aDetails)
- printf(" %-40s | %12s | %7s | %13s | %16s | %31s\n", $sKey, $aDetails['totalBlocks'], (int)$aDetails['currentBucketSize'], $aDetails['lastRequestBlocked']?'Y':'N', $aDetails['currentlyBlocked']?'Y':'N', date("r", $aDetails['lastBlockTimestamp']));
+ printf(" %-40s | %12s | %7s | %13s | %31s\n", $sKey, $aDetails['totalBlocks'],
+ (int)$aDetails['currentBucketSize'], $aDetails['currentlyBlocked']?'Y':'N',
+ date("r", $aDetails['lastBlockTimestamp']));
echo "\n";
$m->set('sleepCounter', 0);
+ if ($aResult['flush'])
+ {
+ $m->flush();
+ }
+ @define('CONST_ConnectionBucket_PageType', 'Details');
+ @define('CONST_ConnectionBucket_PageType', 'Reverse');
+ @define('CONST_ConnectionBucket_PageType', 'Search');