def __getattr__(self, name):
name = 'NOMINATIM_' + name
- return self.environ.get(name) or self._config[name]
+ if name in self.environ:
+ return self.environ[name]
+ return self._config[name]
def get_bool(self, name):
""" Return the given configuration parameter as a boolean.
is loaded using this function and added at the position in the
configuration tree.
- configfile = self._find_config_file(filename, config)
+ assert Path(filename).suffix == '.yaml'
- if configfile.suffix != '.yaml':
- LOG.format("Format error while reading '%s': only YAML format supported.",
- configfile)
- raise UsageError("Cannot handle config file format.")
+ configfile = self._find_config_file(filename, config)
return self._load_from_yaml(configfile)
if cfg_filename:
cfg_filename = Path(cfg_filename)
- if not cfg_filename.is_absolute():
- cfg_filename = self.project_dir / cfg_filename
+ if cfg_filename.is_absolute():
+ cfg_filename = cfg_filename.resolve()
- cfg_filename = cfg_filename.resolve()
+ if not cfg_filename.is_file():
+ LOG.fatal("Cannot find config file '%s'.", cfg_filename)
+ raise UsageError("Config file not found.")
- if not cfg_filename.is_file():
- LOG.fatal("Cannot find config file '%s'.", cfg_filename)
- raise UsageError("Config file not found.")
+ return cfg_filename
- return cfg_filename
+ filename = cfg_filename
search_paths = [self.project_dir, self.config_dir]
configfile = self._find_config_file(loader.construct_scalar(node))
if configfile.suffix != '.yaml':
- LOG.format("Format error while reading '%s': only YAML format supported.",
- configfile)
+ LOG.fatal("Format error while reading '%s': only YAML format supported.",
+ configfile)
raise UsageError("Cannot handle config file format.")
return yaml.safe_load(configfile.read_text(encoding='utf-8'))
return _mk_config
+def make_config_path(src_dir, tmp_path):
+ """ Create a configuration object with project and config directories
+ in a temporary directory.
+ """
+ def _mk_config():
+ (tmp_path / 'project').mkdir()
+ (tmp_path / 'config').mkdir()
+ conf = Configuration(tmp_path / 'project', src_dir / 'settings')
+ conf.config_dir = tmp_path / 'config'
+ return conf
+ return _mk_config
def test_no_project_dir(make_config):
config = make_config()
assert config.DATABASE_WEBUSER == 'nobody'
+def test_prefer_os_environ_can_unset_project_setting(make_config, monkeypatch, tmp_path):
+ envfile = tmp_path / '.env'
+ envfile.write_text('NOMINATIM_DATABASE_WEBUSER=apache\n')
+ monkeypatch.setenv('NOMINATIM_DATABASE_WEBUSER', '')
+ config = make_config(tmp_path)
+ assert config.DATABASE_WEBUSER == ''
def test_get_os_env_add_defaults(make_config, monkeypatch):
config = make_config()
monkeypatch.setenv('NOMINATIM_IMPORT_STYLE', value)
assert str(config.get_import_style_file()) == value
+def test_load_subconf_from_project_dir(make_config_path):
+ config = make_config_path()
+ testfile = config.project_dir / 'test.yaml'
+ testfile.write_text('cow: muh\ncat: miau\n')
+ testfile = config.config_dir / 'test.yaml'
+ testfile.write_text('cow: miau\ncat: muh\n')
+ rules = config.load_sub_configuration('test.yaml')
+ assert rules == dict(cow='muh', cat='miau')
+def test_load_subconf_from_settings_dir(make_config_path):
+ config = make_config_path()
+ testfile = config.config_dir / 'test.yaml'
+ testfile.write_text('cow: muh\ncat: miau\n')
+ rules = config.load_sub_configuration('test.yaml')
+ assert rules == dict(cow='muh', cat='miau')
+def test_load_subconf_empty_env_conf(make_config_path, monkeypatch):
+ monkeypatch.setenv('NOMINATIM_MY_CONFIG', '')
+ config = make_config_path()
+ testfile = config.config_dir / 'test.yaml'
+ testfile.write_text('cow: muh\ncat: miau\n')
+ rules = config.load_sub_configuration('test.yaml', config='MY_CONFIG')
+ assert rules == dict(cow='muh', cat='miau')
+def test_load_subconf_env_absolute_found(make_config_path, monkeypatch, tmp_path):
+ monkeypatch.setenv('NOMINATIM_MY_CONFIG', str(tmp_path / 'other.yaml'))
+ config = make_config_path()
+ (config.config_dir / 'test.yaml').write_text('cow: muh\ncat: miau\n')
+ (tmp_path / 'other.yaml').write_text('dog: muh\nfrog: miau\n')
+ rules = config.load_sub_configuration('test.yaml', config='MY_CONFIG')
+ assert rules == dict(dog='muh', frog='miau')
+def test_load_subconf_env_absolute_not_found(make_config_path, monkeypatch, tmp_path):
+ monkeypatch.setenv('NOMINATIM_MY_CONFIG', str(tmp_path / 'other.yaml'))
+ config = make_config_path()
+ (config.config_dir / 'test.yaml').write_text('cow: muh\ncat: miau\n')
+ with pytest.raises(UsageError, match='Config file not found.'):
+ rules = config.load_sub_configuration('test.yaml', config='MY_CONFIG')
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("location", ['project_dir', 'config_dir'])
+def test_load_subconf_env_relative_found(make_config_path, monkeypatch, location):
+ monkeypatch.setenv('NOMINATIM_MY_CONFIG', 'other.yaml')
+ config = make_config_path()
+ (config.config_dir / 'test.yaml').write_text('cow: muh\ncat: miau\n')
+ (getattr(config, location) / 'other.yaml').write_text('dog: bark\n')
+ rules = config.load_sub_configuration('test.yaml', config='MY_CONFIG')
+ assert rules == dict(dog='bark')
+def test_load_subconf_env_relative_not_found(make_config_path, monkeypatch):
+ monkeypatch.setenv('NOMINATIM_MY_CONFIG', 'other.yaml')
+ config = make_config_path()
+ (config.config_dir / 'test.yaml').write_text('cow: muh\ncat: miau\n')
+ with pytest.raises(UsageError, match='Config file not found.'):
+ rules = config.load_sub_configuration('test.yaml', config='MY_CONFIG')
+def test_load_subconf_not_found(make_config_path):
+ config = make_config_path()
+ with pytest.raises(UsageError, match='Config file not found.'):
+ rules = config.load_sub_configuration('test.yaml')
+def test_load_subconf_include_absolute(make_config_path, tmp_path):
+ config = make_config_path()
+ testfile = config.config_dir / 'test.yaml'
+ testfile.write_text(f'base: !include {tmp_path}/inc.yaml\n')
+ (tmp_path / 'inc.yaml').write_text('first: 1\nsecond: 2\n')
+ rules = config.load_sub_configuration('test.yaml')
+ assert rules == dict(base=dict(first=1, second=2))
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("location", ['project_dir', 'config_dir'])
+def test_load_subconf_include_relative(make_config_path, tmp_path, location):
+ config = make_config_path()
+ testfile = config.config_dir / 'test.yaml'
+ testfile.write_text(f'base: !include inc.yaml\n')
+ (getattr(config, location) / 'inc.yaml').write_text('first: 1\nsecond: 2\n')
+ rules = config.load_sub_configuration('test.yaml')
+ assert rules == dict(base=dict(first=1, second=2))
+def test_load_subconf_include_bad_format(make_config_path):
+ config = make_config_path()
+ testfile = config.config_dir / 'test.yaml'
+ testfile.write_text(f'base: !include inc.txt\n')
+ (config.config_dir / 'inc.txt').write_text('first: 1\nsecond: 2\n')
+ with pytest.raises(UsageError, match='Cannot handle config file format.'):
+ rules = config.load_sub_configuration('test.yaml')
+def test_load_subconf_include_not_found(make_config_path):
+ config = make_config_path()
+ testfile = config.config_dir / 'test.yaml'
+ testfile.write_text(f'base: !include inc.txt\n')
+ with pytest.raises(UsageError, match='Config file not found.'):
+ rules = config.load_sub_configuration('test.yaml')
+def test_load_subconf_include_recursive(make_config_path):
+ config = make_config_path()
+ testfile = config.config_dir / 'test.yaml'
+ testfile.write_text(f'base: !include inc.yaml\n')
+ (config.config_dir / 'inc.yaml').write_text('- !include more.yaml\n- upper\n')
+ (config.config_dir / 'more.yaml').write_text('- the end\n')
+ rules = config.load_sub_configuration('test.yaml')
+ assert rules == dict(base=[['the end'], 'upper'])