if (isset($aResultPlaceIDs) && sizeof($aResultPlaceIDs) && ($this->iMinAddressRank != 0 || $this->iMaxAddressRank != 30))
// Need to verify passes rank limits before dropping out of the loop (yuk!)
- // reduces the number of place id, like a filter
+ // reduces the number of place ids, like a filter
$sSQL = "select place_id from placex where place_id in (".join(',',array_keys($aResultPlaceIDs)).") ";
$sSQL .= "and (placex.rank_address between $this->iMinAddressRank and $this->iMaxAddressRank ";
if (14 >= $this->iMinAddressRank && 14 <= $this->iMaxAddressRank) $sSQL .= " OR (extratags->'place') = 'city'";
- function getAddressDetails(&$oDB, $sLanguagePrefArraySQL, $iPlaceID, $sCountryCode = false, $housenumber, $bRaw = false)
+ function getAddressDetails(&$oDB, $sLanguagePrefArraySQL, $iPlaceID, $sCountryCode = false, $housenumber =-1, $bRaw = false)
$sSQL = "select *,get_name_by_language(name,$sLanguagePrefArraySQL) as localname from get_addressdata($iPlaceID, $housenumber)";
if (!$bRaw) $sSQL .= " WHERE isaddress OR type = 'country_code'";
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS location_property_tiger_import;
-CREATE TABLE location_property_tiger_import (linegeo GEOMETRY, place_id BIGINT, partition INTEGER, parent_place_id BIGINT, startnumber INTEGER, endnumber INTEGER, interpolationtype TEXT, street TEXT, isin TEXT, postcode TEXT);
+CREATE TABLE location_property_tiger_import (linegeo GEOMETRY, place_id BIGINT, partition INTEGER, parent_place_id BIGINT, startnumber INTEGER, endnumber INTEGER, interpolationtype TEXT, postcode TEXT);
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION tiger_line_import(linegeo GEOMETRY, in_startnumber INTEGER,
in_endnumber INTEGER, interpolationtype TEXT,
--insert street(line) into import table
-insert into location_property_tiger_import (linegeo, place_id, partition, parent_place_id, startnumber, endnumber, interpolationtype, street, isin, postcode)
-values (linegeo, nextval('seq_place'), out_partition, out_parent_place_id, startnumber, endnumber, interpolationtype, in_street, in_isin, in_postcode);
+insert into location_property_tiger_import (linegeo, place_id, partition, parent_place_id, startnumber, endnumber, interpolationtype, postcode)
+values (linegeo, nextval('seq_place'), out_partition, out_parent_place_id, startnumber, endnumber, interpolationtype, in_postcode);
$fLoadAvg = getLoadAverage();
if ($fLoadAvg > 3)
- echo "Page temporarily blocked due to high server load\n";
+ echo "Page temporarily blocked due to high server load\n";F
// Address
- $aAddressLines = getAddressDetails($oDB, $sLanguagePrefArraySQL, $iPlaceID, $aPointDetails['country_code'], true);
+ $aAddressLines = getAddressDetails($oDB, $sLanguagePrefArraySQL, $iPlaceID, $aPointDetails['country_code'], -1, true);
// Linked places
$sSQL = "select placex.place_id, osm_type, osm_id, class, type, housenumber, admin_level, rank_address, ST_GeometryType(geometry) in ('ST_Polygon','ST_MultiPolygon') as isarea, ST_Distance_Spheroid(geometry, placegeometry, 'SPHEROID[\"WGS 84\",6378137,298.257223563, AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"7030\"]]') as distance, ";