+Functions for setting up and importing a new Nominatim database.
+import logging
+import os
+import time
+import tarfile
+import selectors
+from ..db.connection import connect
+from ..db.async_connection import DBConnection
+from ..db.sql_preprocessor import SQLPreprocessor
+LOG = logging.getLogger()
+def add_tiger_data(dsn, data_dir, threads, config, sqllib_dir):
+ """ Import tiger data from directory or tar file
+ """
+ # Handling directory or tarball file.
+ is_tarfile = False
+ if(data_dir.endswith('.tar.gz')):
+ is_tarfile = True
+ tar = tarfile.open(data_dir)
+ sql_files = [i for i in tar.getmembers() if i.name.endswith('.sql')]
+ LOG.warning(f'Found {len(sql_files)} SQL files in tarfile with path {data_dir}')
+ if(not len(sql_files)):
+ LOG.warning(f'Tiger data import selected but no files found in tarfile with path {data_dir}')
+ return
+ else:
+ files = os.listdir(data_dir)
+ sql_files = [i for i in files if i.endswith('.sql')]
+ LOG.warning(f'Found {len(sql_files)} SQL files in path {data_dir}')
+ if(not len(sql_files)):
+ LOG.warning(f'Tiger data import selected but no files found in path {data_dir}')
+ return
+ with connect(dsn) as conn:
+ sql = SQLPreprocessor(conn, config, sqllib_dir)
+ sql.run_sql_file(conn, 'tiger_import_start.sql')
+ # Reading sql_files and then for each file line handling
+ # sql_query in <threads - 1> chunks.
+ sel = selectors.DefaultSelector()
+ place_threads = max(1, threads - 1)
+ for sql_file in sql_files:
+ if(not is_tarfile):
+ file_path = os.path.join(data_dir, sql_file)
+ file = open(file_path)
+ else:
+ file = tar.extractfile(sql_file)
+ lines = 0
+ end_of_file = False
+ total_used_threads = place_threads
+ while(True):
+ if(end_of_file):
+ break
+ for imod in range(place_threads):
+ conn = DBConnection(dsn)
+ conn.connect()
+ sql_query = file.readline()
+ lines+=1
+ if(not sql_query):
+ end_of_file = True
+ total_used_threads = imod
+ break
+ conn.perform(sql_query)
+ sel.register(conn, selectors.EVENT_READ, conn)
+ if(lines==1000):
+ print('. ', end='', flush=True)
+ lines=0
+ todo = min(place_threads,total_used_threads)
+ while todo > 0:
+ for key, _ in sel.select(1):
+ try:
+ conn = key.data
+ sel.unregister(conn)
+ conn.wait()
+ conn.close()
+ todo -= 1
+ except:
+ todo -=1
+ if(is_tarfile):
+ tar.close()
+ print('\n')
+ LOG.warning("Creating indexes on Tiger data")
+ with connect(dsn) as conn:
+ sql = SQLPreprocessor(conn, config, sqllib_dir)
+ sql.run_sql_file(conn, 'tiger_import_finish.sql')
\ No newline at end of file