--- /dev/null
+namespace Nominatim;
+class Debug
+ public static function newFunction($sHeading)
+ {
+ echo "<pre><h2>Debug output for $sHeading</h2></pre>\n";
+ }
+ public static function newSection($sHeading)
+ {
+ echo "<hr><pre><h3>$sHeading</h3></pre>\n";
+ }
+ public static function printVar($sHeading, $mVar)
+ {
+ echo '<pre><b>'.$sHeading. ':</b> ';
+ Debug::outputVar($mVar, str_repeat(' ', strlen($sHeading) + 3));
+ echo "</pre>\n";
+ }
+ public static function fmtArrayVals($aArr)
+ {
+ return array('__debug_format' => 'array_vals', 'data' => $aArr);
+ }
+ public static function printDebugArray($sHeading, $oVar)
+ {
+ if ($oVar === null) {
+ Debug::printVar($sHeading, 'null');
+ } else {
+ Debug::printVar($sHeading, $oVar->debugInfo());
+ }
+ }
+ public static function printDebugTable($sHeading, $aVar)
+ {
+ echo '<b>'.$sHeading.":</b>\n";
+ echo '<table border="1">';
+ if (!empty($aVar)) {
+ echo '<tr>';
+ $aKeys = array();
+ $aInfo = reset($aVar);
+ if (!is_array($aInfo)) {
+ $aInfo = $aInfo->debugInfo();
+ }
+ foreach ($aInfo as $sKey => $mVal) {
+ echo '<th><small>'.$sKey.'</small></th>';
+ $aKeys[] = $sKey;
+ }
+ echo '</tr>';
+ foreach ($aVar as $oRow) {
+ $aInfo = $oRow;
+ if (!is_array($oRow)) {
+ $aInfo = $oRow->debugInfo();
+ }
+ echo '<tr>';
+ foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) {
+ echo '<td><pre>';
+ if (isset($aInfo[$sKey])) {
+ Debug::outputVar($aInfo[$sKey], '');
+ }
+ echo '</pre></td>';
+ }
+ echo '<tr>';
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</table>';
+ }
+ public static function printGroupTable($sHeading, $aVar)
+ {
+ echo '<b>'.$sHeading.":</b>\n";
+ echo '<table border="1">';
+ if (!empty($aVar)) {
+ echo '<tr><th><small>Group</small></th>';
+ $aKeys = array();
+ $aInfo = reset(reset($aVar));
+ if (!is_array($aInfo)) {
+ $aInfo = $aInfo->debugInfo();
+ }
+ foreach ($aInfo as $sKey => $mVal) {
+ echo '<th><small>'.$sKey.'</small></th>';
+ $aKeys[] = $sKey;
+ }
+ echo '</tr>';
+ foreach ($aVar as $sGrpKey => $aGroup) {
+ foreach ($aGroup as $oRow) {
+ $aInfo = $oRow;
+ if (!is_array($oRow)) {
+ $aInfo = $oRow->debugInfo();
+ }
+ echo '<tr><td><pre>'.$sGrpKey.'</pre></td>';
+ foreach ($aKeys as $sKey) {
+ echo '<td><pre>';
+ if (!empty($aInfo[$sKey])) {
+ Debug::outputVar($aInfo[$sKey], '');
+ }
+ echo '</pre></td>';
+ }
+ echo '<tr>';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ echo '</table>';
+ }
+ public static function printSQL($sSQL)
+ {
+ echo '<p><tt><font color="#aaa">'.$sSQL.'</font></tt></p>'."\n";
+ }
+ private static function outputVar($mVar, $sPreNL)
+ {
+ if (is_array($mVar) && !isset($mVar['__debug_format'])) {
+ $sPre = '';
+ foreach ($mVar as $mKey => $aValue) {
+ echo $sPre;
+ $iKeyLen = Debug::outputSimpleVar($mKey);
+ echo ' => ';
+ Debug::outputVar(
+ $aValue,
+ $sPreNL.str_repeat(' ', $iKeyLen + 4)
+ );
+ $sPre = "\n".$sPreNL;
+ }
+ } elseif (is_array($mVar) && isset($mVar['__debug_format'])) {
+ if (!empty($mVar[data])) {
+ $sPre = '';
+ foreach ($mVar[data] as $mValue) {
+ echo $sPre;
+ Debug::outputSimpleVar($mValue);
+ $sPre = ', ';
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ Debug::outputSimpleVar($mVar);
+ }
+ }
+ private static function outputSimpleVar($mVar)
+ {
+ if (is_bool($mVar)) {
+ echo '<i>'.($mVar ? 'True' : 'False').'</i>';
+ return $mVar ? 4 : 5;
+ }
+ if (is_string($mVar)) {
+ echo "'$mVar'";
+ return strlen($mVar) + 2;
+ }
+ echo (string)$mVar;
+ return strlen((string)$mVar);
+ }
--- /dev/null
+namespace Nominatim;
+class Debug
+ public static function __callStatic($name, $arguments)
+ {
+ // nothing
+ }
$aSearches = array_merge($aSearches, $aNewSearches);
if ($iSearchCount > 50) break;
- //if (CONST_Debug) _debugDumpGroupedSearches($aGroupedSearches, $aValidTokens);
// Revisit searches, drop bad searches and give penalty to unlikely combinations.
public function lookup()
+ Debug::newFunction('Geocode::lookup');
if (!$this->sQuery && !$this->aStructuredQuery) return array();
+ Debug::printDebugArray('Geocode', $this);
$oCtx = new SearchContext();
if ($this->aRoutePoints) {
+ Debug::newSection('Query Preprocessing');
$sNormQuery = $this->normTerm($this->sQuery);
+ Debug::printVar('Normalized query', $sNormQuery);
$sLanguagePrefArraySQL = getArraySQL(
array_map('getDBQuoted', $this->aLangPrefOrder)
+ if (!empty($aSpecialTermsRaw)) {
+ Debug::printVar('Special terms', $aSpecialTermsRaw);
+ }
foreach ($aSpecialTermsRaw as $aSpecialTerm) {
$sQuery = str_replace($aSpecialTerm[0], ' ', $sQuery);
if (!$sSpecialTerm) {
$sSQL = 'SELECT class, type FROM word ';
$sSQL .= ' WHERE word_token in (\' '.$sToken.'\')';
$sSQL .= ' AND class is not null AND class not in (\'place\')';
- if (CONST_Debug) var_Dump($sSQL);
+ Debug::printSQL($sSQL);
$aSearchWords = chksql($this->oDB->getAll($sSQL));
$aNewSearches = array();
foreach ($aSearches as $oSearch) {
$bStructuredPhrases = false;
+ Debug::printDebugArray('Search context', $oCtx);
+ Debug::printDebugArray('Base search', $aSearches[0]);
+ Debug::printVar('Final query phrases', $aInPhrases);
// Convert each phrase to standard form
// Create a list of standard words
// Get all 'sets' of words
// Generate a complete list of all
+ Debug::newSection('Tokenization');
$aTokens = array();
$aPhrases = array();
foreach ($aInPhrases as $iPhrase => $sPhrase) {
+ Debug::printDebugTable('Phrases', $aPhrases);
+ Debug::printVar('Tokens', $aTokens);
if (!empty($aTokens)) {
// Check which tokens we have, get the ID numbers
$sSQL = 'SELECT word_id, word_token, word, class, type, country_code, operator, search_name_count';
$sSQL .= ' FROM word ';
$sSQL .= ' WHERE word_token in ('.join(',', array_map('getDBQuoted', $aTokens)).')';
- if (CONST_Debug) var_Dump($sSQL);
+ Debug::printSQL($sSQL);
$aValidTokens = array();
$aDatabaseWords = chksql(
$aWordFrequencyScores[$aToken['word_id']] = $aToken['search_name_count'] + 1;
- if (CONST_Debug) var_Dump($aPhrases, $aValidTokens);
// US ZIP+4 codes - if there is no token, merge in the 5-digit ZIP code
foreach ($aTokens as $sToken) {
$aValidTokens[' '.$sToken] = array(array('class' => 'place', 'type' => 'house', 'word_token' => ' '.$sToken));
+ Debug::printGroupTable('Valid Tokens', $aValidTokens);
// Any words that have failed completely?
// TODO: suggestions
+ Debug::newSection('Search candidates');
$aGroupedSearches = $this->getGroupedSearches($aSearches, $aPhrases, $aValidTokens, $bStructuredPhrases);
$aFilteredIDs = array();
if ($aFilterSql) {
$sSQL = join(' UNION ', $aFilterSql);
- if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
+ Debug::printSQL($sSQL);
$aFilteredIDs = chksql($this->oDB->getCol($sSQL));
$oLookup = $oReverse->lookupPoint($oCtx->sqlNear, false);
- if (CONST_Debug) var_dump('Reverse search', $aLookup);
+ Debug::printVar('Reverse search', $oLookup);
if ($oLookup) {
$aResults = array($oLookup->iId => $oLookup);
if (!preg_match('/[\pL\pN]/', $sWord)) unset($aRecheckWords[$i]);
- if (CONST_Debug) {
- echo '<i>Recheck words:<\i>';
- var_dump($aRecheckWords);
- }
+ Debug::printVar('Recheck words', $aRecheckWords);
foreach ($aSearchResults as $iIdx => $aResult) {
// Default
$aResult['foundorder'] += 0.01;
- if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($aResult);
$aSearchResults[$iIdx] = $aResult;
uasort($aSearchResults, 'byImportance');
+ Debug::printVar('Pre-filter results', $aSearchResults);
$aOSMIDDone = array();
$aClassTypeNameDone = array();
$aToFilter = $aSearchResults;
$aSearchResults = array();
- if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($aToFilter);
$bFirst = true;
foreach ($aToFilter as $aResult) {
$this->aExcludePlaceIDs[$aResult['place_id']] = $aResult['place_id'];
if (count($aSearchResults) >= $this->iFinalLimit) break;
- if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($aSearchResults);
+ Debug::printVar('Post-filter results', $aSearchResults);
return $aSearchResults;
} // end lookup()
+ public function debugInfo()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'Query' => $this->sQuery,
+ 'Structured query' => $this->aStructuredQuery,
+ 'Name keys' => Debug::fmtArrayVals($this->aLangPrefOrder),
+ 'Include address' => $this->bIncludeAddressDetails,
+ 'Excluded place IDs' => Debug::fmtArrayVals($this->aExcludePlaceIDs),
+ 'Try reversed query'=> $this->bReverseInPlan,
+ 'Limit (for searches)' => $this->iLimit,
+ 'Limit (for results)'=> $this->iFinalLimit,
+ 'Country codes' => Debug::fmtArrayVals($this->aCountryCodes),
+ 'Bounded search' => $this->bBoundedSearch,
+ 'Viewbox' => Debug::fmtArrayVals($this->aViewBox),
+ 'Route points' => Debug::fmtArrayVals($this->aRoutePoints),
+ 'Route width' => $this->aRouteWidth,
+ 'Max rank' => $this->iMaxRank,
+ 'Min address rank' => $this->iMinAddressRank,
+ 'Max address rank' => $this->iMaxAddressRank,
+ 'Address rank list' => Debug::fmtArrayVals($this->aAddressRankList)
+ );
+ }
} // end class
return $aResult;
+ public function debugInfo()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'Type' => $this->sPhraseType,
+ 'Phrase' => $this->sPhrase,
+ 'Words' => $this->aWords,
+ 'WordSets' => $this->aWordSets
+ );
+ }
public function lookup($aResults, $iMinRank = 0, $iMaxRank = 30)
+ Debug::newFunction('Place lookup');
if (empty($aResults)) {
return array();
$aSubSelects = array();
$sPlaceIDs = Result::joinIdsByTable($aResults, Result::TABLE_PLACEX);
- if (CONST_Debug) var_dump('PLACEX', $sPlaceIDs);
if ($sPlaceIDs) {
+ Debug::printVar('Ids from placex', $sPlaceIDs);
$sSQL = 'SELECT ';
$sSQL .= ' osm_type,';
$sSQL .= ' osm_id,';
// postcode table
$sPlaceIDs = Result::joinIdsByTable($aResults, Result::TABLE_POSTCODE);
if ($sPlaceIDs) {
+ Debug::printVar('Ids from location_postcode', $sPlaceIDs);
$sSQL .= " 'P' as osm_type,";
$sSQL .= ' (SELECT osm_id from placex p WHERE p.place_id = lp.parent_place_id) as osm_id,';
if (CONST_Use_US_Tiger_Data) {
$sPlaceIDs = Result::joinIdsByTable($aResults, Result::TABLE_TIGER);
if ($sPlaceIDs) {
+ Debug::printVar('Ids from Tiger table', $sPlaceIDs);
$sHousenumbers = Result::sqlHouseNumberTable($aResults, Result::TABLE_TIGER);
// Tiger search only if a housenumber was searched and if it was found
// (realized through a join)
// osmline - interpolated housenumbers
$sPlaceIDs = Result::joinIdsByTable($aResults, Result::TABLE_OSMLINE);
if ($sPlaceIDs) {
+ Debug::printVar('Ids from interpolation', $sPlaceIDs);
$sHousenumbers = Result::sqlHouseNumberTable($aResults, Result::TABLE_OSMLINE);
// interpolation line search only if a housenumber was searched
// (realized through a join)
- if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($aSubSelects);
if (empty($aSubSelects)) {
return array();
- $aPlaces = chksql(
- $this->oDB->getAll(join(' UNION ', $aSubSelects)),
- 'Could not lookup place'
- );
+ $sSQL = join(' UNION ', $aSubSelects);
+ Debug::printSQL($sSQL);
+ $aPlaces = chksql($this->oDB->getAll($sSQL), 'Could not lookup place');
$aClassType = getClassTypes();
foreach ($aPlaces as &$aPlace) {
$aPlace['addresstype'] = $sAddressType;
- if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($aPlaces);
+ Debug::printVar('Places', $aPlaces);
return $aPlaces;
/// Subranking within the results (the higher the worse).
public $iResultRank = 0;
+ public function debugInfo()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'Table' => $this->iTable,
+ 'ID' => $this->iId,
+ 'House number' => $this->iHouseNumber,
+ 'Exact Matches' => $this->iExactMatches,
+ 'Result rank' => $this->iResultRank
+ );
+ }
public function __construct($sId, $iTable = Result::TABLE_PLACEX)
return '';
+ public function debugInfo()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'Near radius' => $this->fNearRadius,
+ 'Near point (SQL)' => $this->sqlNear,
+ 'Bounded viewbox' => $this->bViewboxBounded,
+ 'Viewbox (SQL, small)' => $this->sqlViewboxSmall,
+ 'Viewbox (SQL, large)' => $this->sqlViewboxLarge,
+ 'Viewbox (SQL, centre)' => $this->sqlViewboxCentre,
+ 'Countries (SQL)' => $this->sqlCountryList,
+ 'Excluded IDs (SQL)' => $this->sqlExcludeList
+ );
+ }
/// Index of phrase currently processed.
private $iNamePhrase = -1;
* Create an empty search description.
- if (CONST_Debug) {
- echo '<br><b>Place IDs:</b> ';
- var_dump(array_keys($aResults));
- }
+ Debug::printDebugTable('Place IDs', $aResults);
if (!empty($aResults) && $this->sPostcode) {
$sPlaceIds = Result::joinIdsByTable($aResults, Result::TABLE_PLACEX);
$sSQL = 'SELECT place_id FROM placex';
$sSQL .= ' WHERE place_id in ('.$sPlaceIds.')';
$sSQL .= " AND postcode = '".$this->sPostcode."'";
- if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
+ Debug::printSQL($sSQL);
$aFilteredPlaceIDs = chksql($oDB->getCol($sSQL));
if ($aFilteredPlaceIDs) {
$aNewResults = array();
$aNewResults[$iPlaceId] = $aResults[$iPlaceId];
$aResults = $aNewResults;
- if (CONST_Debug) {
- echo '<br><b>Place IDs after postcode filtering:</b> ';
- var_dump(array_keys($aResults));
- }
+ Debug::printVar('Place IDs after postcode filtering', $aResults);
$sSQL .= ' ORDER BY st_area(geometry) DESC LIMIT 1';
- if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
+ Debug::printSQL($sSQL);
$aResults = array();
foreach (chksql($oDB->getCol($sSQL)) as $iPlaceId) {
$sSQL .= ' ORDER BY '.$this->oContext->distanceSQL('ct.centroid').' ASC';
$sSQL .= " limit $iLimit";
- if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
+ Debug::printSQL($sSQL);
$aDBResults = chksql($oDB->getCol($sSQL));
$sSQL .= ' ORDER BY '.$this->oContext->distanceSQL('centroid').' ASC';
$sSQL .= " LIMIT $iLimit";
- if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
+ Debug::printSQL($sSQL);
$aDBResults = chksql($oDB->getCol($sSQL));
$sSQL .= $this->oContext->excludeSQL(' AND p.place_id');
$sSQL .= " LIMIT $iLimit";
- if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
+ Debug::printSQL($sSQL);
$aResults = array();
foreach (chksql($oDB->getCol($sSQL)) as $iPlaceId) {
$sSQL .= ' ORDER BY '.join(', ', $aOrder);
$sSQL .= ' LIMIT '.$iLimit;
- if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
+ Debug::printSQL($sSQL);
$aDBResults = chksql(
$sSQL .= $this->oContext->excludeSQL(' AND place_id');
$sSQL .= " LIMIT $iLimit";
- if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
+ Debug::printSQL($sSQL);
// XXX should inherit the exactMatches from its parent
foreach (chksql($oDB->getCol($sSQL)) as $iPlaceId) {
$sSQL .= $this->oContext->excludeSQL(' AND place_id');
$sSQL .= " limit $iLimit";
- if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
+ Debug::printSQL($sSQL);
foreach (chksql($oDB->getCol($sSQL)) as $iPlaceId) {
$oResult = new Result($iPlaceId, Result::TABLE_OSMLINE);
$sSQL .= $this->oContext->excludeSQL(' AND place_id');
$sSQL .= " limit $iLimit";
- if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
+ Debug::printSQL($sSQL);
foreach (chksql($oDB->getCol($sSQL)) as $iPlaceId) {
$aResults[$iPlaceId] = new Result($iPlaceId, Result::TABLE_AUX);
$sSQL .= $this->oContext->excludeSQL(' AND place_id');
$sSQL .= " limit $iLimit";
- if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
+ Debug::printSQL($sSQL);
foreach (chksql($oDB->getCol($sSQL)) as $iPlaceId) {
$oResult = new Result($iPlaceId, Result::TABLE_TIGER);
$sSQL .= ' ORDER BY rank_search ASC ';
$sSQL .= " LIMIT $iLimit";
- if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
+ Debug::printSQL($sSQL);
foreach (chksql($oDB->getCol($sSQL)) as $iPlaceId) {
$aResults[$iPlaceId] = new Result($iPlaceId);
$bCacheTable = (bool) chksql($oDB->getOne($sSQL));
$sSQL = "SELECT min(rank_search) FROM placex WHERE place_id in ($sPlaceIDs)";
- if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
+ Debug::printSQL($sSQL);
$iMaxRank = (int)chksql($oDB->getOne($sSQL));
// For state / country level searches the normal radius search doesn't work very well
$sSQL .= " AND ST_GeometryType(geometry) in ('ST_Polygon','ST_MultiPolygon')";
$sSQL .= ' ORDER BY rank_search ASC ';
$sSQL .= ' LIMIT 1';
- if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
+ Debug::printSQL($sSQL);
$sPlaceGeom = chksql($oDB->getOne($sSQL));
$iMaxRank += 5;
$sSQL = 'SELECT place_id FROM placex';
$sSQL .= " WHERE place_id in ($sPlaceIDs) and rank_search < $iMaxRank";
- if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
+ Debug::printSQL($sSQL);
$aPlaceIDs = chksql($oDB->getCol($sSQL));
$sPlaceIDs = join(',', $aPlaceIDs);
$sSQL .= " limit $iLimit";
- if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
+ Debug::printSQL($sSQL);
foreach (chksql($oDB->getCol($sSQL)) as $iPlaceId) {
$aResults[$iPlaceId] = new Result($iPlaceId);
$sSQL .= " limit $iLimit";
- if (CONST_Debug) var_dump($sSQL);
+ Debug::printSQL($sSQL);
foreach (chksql($oDB->getCol($sSQL)) as $iPlaceId) {
$aResults[$iPlaceId] = new Result($iPlaceId);
//////////// Debugging functions
+ public function debugInfo()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'Search rank' => $this->iSearchRank,
+ 'Country code' => $this->sCountryCode,
+ 'Name terms' => $this->aName,
+ 'Name terms (stop words)' => $this->aNameNonSearch,
+ 'Address terms' => $this->aAddress,
+ 'Address terms (stop words)' => $this->aAddressNonSearch,
+ 'Address terms (full words)' => $this->aFullNameAddress,
+ 'Special search' => $this->iOperator,
+ 'Class' => $this->sClass,
+ 'Type' => $this->sType,
+ 'House number' => $this->sHouseNumber,
+ 'Postcode' => $this->sPostcode
+ );
+ }
public function dumpAsHtmlTableRow(&$aWordIDs)
$kf = function ($k) use (&$aWordIDs) {
// handle http proxy when using file_get_contents
if (CONST_HTTP_Proxy) {
+require_once(CONST_Debug ? 'DebugHtml.php' : 'DebugNone.php');