+async def deletable_endpoint(api: napi.NominatimAPIAsync, params: ASGIAdaptor) -> Any:
+ """ Server glue for /deletable endpoint.
+ This is a special endpoint that shows polygons that have been
+ deleted or are broken in the OSM data but are kept in the
+ Nominatim database to minimize disruption.
+ """
+ fmt = params.parse_format(RawDataList, 'json')
+ async with api.begin() as conn:
+ sql = sa.text(""" SELECT p.place_id, country_code,
+ name->'name' as name, i.*
+ FROM placex p, import_polygon_delete i
+ WHERE p.osm_id = i.osm_id AND p.osm_type = i.osm_type
+ AND p.class = i.class AND p.type = i.type
+ """)
+ results = RawDataList(r._asdict() for r in await conn.execute(sql))
+ return params.build_response(formatting.format_result(results, fmt, {}))