+ Scenario Outline: Import of country
+ Given the osm nodes:
+ | id | tags
+ | 10 | 'place' : 'village', '<key>' : '<value>'
+ When loading osm data
+ Then table place contains
+ | object | class | type | country_code
+ | N10 | place | village | <value>
+ Examples:
+ | key | value
+ | country_code_iso3166_1_alpha_2 | gb
+ | country_code_iso3166_1 | UK
+ | country_code_iso3166 | de
+ | country_code | us
+ | iso3166-1:alpha2 | aU
+ | iso3166-1 | 12
+ | ISO3166-1 | XX
+ | iso3166 | Nl
+ | is_in:country_code | __
+ | addr:country | ..
+ | addr:country_code | cv
+ Scenario Outline: Ignore country codes with wrong length
+ Given the osm nodes:
+ | id | tags
+ | 10 | 'place' : 'village', 'country_code' : '<value>'
+ When loading osm data
+ Then table place contains
+ | object | class | type | country_code
+ | N10 | place | village | None
+ Examples:
+ | value
+ | X
+ | x
+ | ger
+ | dkeufr
+ | d e
+ Scenario: Import of house numbers
+ Given the osm nodes:
+ | id | tags
+ | 10 | 'building' : 'yes', 'addr:housenumber' : '4b'
+ | 11 | 'building' : 'yes', 'addr:conscriptionnumber' : '003'
+ | 12 | 'building' : 'yes', 'addr:streetnumber' : '2345'
+ | 13 | 'building' : 'yes', 'addr:conscriptionnumber' : '3', 'addr:streetnumber' : '111'
+ When loading osm data
+ Then table place contains
+ | object | class | type | housenumber
+ | N10 | place | house | 4b
+ | N11 | place | house | 003
+ | N12 | place | house | 2345
+ | N13 | place | house | 3/111
+ Scenario: Import of address interpolations
+ Given the osm nodes:
+ | id | tags
+ | 10 | 'addr:interpolation' : 'odd'
+ | 11 | 'addr:housenumber' : '10', 'addr:interpolation' : 'odd'
+ | 12 | 'addr:interpolation' : 'odd', 'addr:housenumber' : '23'
+ When loading osm data
+ Then table place contains
+ | object | class | type | housenumber
+ | N10 | place | houses | odd
+ | N11 | place | houses | odd
+ | N12 | place | houses | odd
+ Scenario: Shorten tiger:county tags
+ Given the osm nodes:
+ | id | tags
+ | 10 | 'place' : 'village', 'tiger:county' : 'Feebourgh, AL'
+ | 11 | 'place' : 'village', 'addr:state' : 'Alabama', 'tiger:county' : 'Feebourgh, AL'
+ When loading osm data
+ Then table place contains
+ | object | class | type | isin
+ | N10 | place | village | Feebourgh county
+ | N11 | place | village | Alabama,Feebourgh county
+ Scenario Outline: Import of address tags
+ Given the osm nodes:
+ | id | tags
+ | 10 | 'place' : 'village', '<key>' : '<value>'
+ When loading osm data
+ Then table place contains
+ | object | class | type | isin
+ | N10 | place | village | <value>
+ Examples:
+ | key | value
+ | is_in | Stockholm, Sweden
+ | is_in:country | Xanadu
+ | addr:suburb | hinein
+ | addr:county | le havre
+ | addr:city | Sydney
+ | addr:state | Jura
+ Scenario: Import of admin level
+ Given the osm nodes:
+ | id | tags
+ | 10 | 'amenity' : 'hospital', 'admin_level' : '3'
+ | 11 | 'amenity' : 'hospital', 'admin_level' : 'b'
+ When loading osm data
+ Then table place contains
+ | object | class | type | admin_level
+ | N10 | amenity | hospital | 3
+ | N11 | amenity | hospital | 0
+ Scenario: Import of extra tags
+ Given the osm nodes:
+ | id | tags
+ | 10 | 'tourism' : 'hotel', '<key>' : 'foo'
+ When loading osm data
+ Then table place contains
+ | object | class | type | extratags
+ | N10 | tourism | hotel | '<key>' : 'foo'
+ Examples:
+ | key
+ | tracktype
+ | traffic_calming
+ | service
+ | cuisine
+ | capital
+ | dispensing
+ | religion
+ | denomination
+ | sport
+ | internet_access
+ | lanes
+ | surface
+ | smoothness
+ | width
+ | est_width
+ | incline
+ | opening_hours
+ | food_hours
+ | collection_times
+ | service_times
+ | smoking_hours
+ | disused
+ | wheelchair
+ | sac_scale
+ | trail_visibility
+ | mtb:scale
+ | mtb:description
+ | wood
+ | drive_thru
+ | drive_in
+ | access
+ | vehicle
+ | bicyle
+ | foot
+ | goods
+ | hgv
+ | motor_vehicle
+ | motor_car
+ | access:foot
+ | contact:phone
+ | drink:mate
+ | oneway
+ | date_on
+ | date_off
+ | day_on
+ | day_off
+ | hour_on
+ | hour_off
+ | maxweight
+ | maxheight
+ | maxspeed
+ | disused
+ | toll
+ | charge
+ | population
+ | description
+ | image
+ | attribution
+ | fax
+ | email
+ | url
+ | website
+ | phone
+ | tel
+ | real_ale
+ | smoking
+ | food
+ | camera
+ | brewery
+ | locality
+ | wikipedia
+ | wikipedia:de
+ Scenario: buildings
+ Given the osm nodes:
+ | id | tags
+ | 10 | 'tourism' : 'hotel', 'building' : 'yes'
+ | 11 | 'building' : 'house'
+ | 12 | 'building' : 'shed', 'addr:housenumber' : '1'
+ | 13 | 'building' : 'yes', 'name' : 'Das Haus'
+ | 14 | 'building' : 'yes', 'addr:postcode' : '12345'
+ When loading osm data
+ Then table place contains
+ | object | class | type
+ | N10 | tourism | hotel
+ | N12 | place | house
+ | N13 | building| yes
+ | N14 | building| yes
+ And table place has no entry for N10:building
+ And table place has no entry for N11