| N2 | W1 |
When searching for "4 galoo"
Then results contain
- | ID | osm_type | osm_id | langaddress
- | 0 | N | 1 | 4, galoo, 12345
+ | ID | osm_type | osm_id | langaddress |
+ | 0 | N | 1 | 4, galoo, 12345 |
When searching for "5 galoo"
Then results contain
- | ID | osm_type | osm_id | langaddress
- | 0 | N | 2 | 5, galoo, 99999
+ | ID | osm_type | osm_id | langaddress |
+ | 0 | N | 2 | 5, galoo, 99999 |
Scenario: Address without tags, closest street
Given the scene roads-with-pois
n2 Tplace=locality,name=spotty
Then place contains
- | object | type | name
- | N1:tourism | hotel | 'name' : 'foo'
- | N1:amenity | restaurant | 'name' : 'foo'
- | N2:place | locality | 'name' : 'spotty'
+ | object | type | name+name |
+ | N1:tourism | hotel | foo |
+ | N1:amenity | restaurant | foo |
+ | N2:place | locality | spotty |
When updating osm data
n1 dV Ttourism=hotel,name=foo
Then place has no entry for N1:amenity
And place has no entry for N2
And place contains
- | object | class | type | name
- | N1:tourism | tourism | hotel | 'name' : 'foo'
+ | object | class | type | name |
+ | N1:tourism | tourism | hotel | 'name' : 'foo' |