import random
from ..errors import UsageError
-from ..db.connection import connect
+from ..db.connection import connect, table_exists
from .args import NominatimArgs
# Do not repeat documentation of subcommand classes.
tokenizer = tokenizer_factory.get_tokenizer_for_db(args.config)
with connect(args.config.get_libpq_dsn()) as conn:
- if conn.table_exists('search_name'):
+ if table_exists(conn, 'search_name'):
words = tokenizer.most_frequent_words(conn, 1000)
words = []
from pathlib import Path
from ..config import Configuration
-from ..db.connection import connect
+from ..db.connection import connect, table_exists
from ..tokenizer.base import AbstractTokenizer
from .args import NominatimArgs
with connect(args.config.get_libpq_dsn()) as conn:
# If the table did not exist before, then the importance code
# needs to be enabled.
- if not conn.table_exists('secondary_importance'):
+ if not table_exists(conn, 'secondary_importance'):
args.functions = True
LOG.warning('Import secondary importance raster data from %s', args.project_dir)
from typing import Dict, Any, Iterable, Tuple, Optional, Container, overload
from pathlib import Path
-import psycopg2.extras
from ..db import utils as db_utils
-from ..db.connection import connect, Connection
+from ..db.connection import connect, Connection, register_hstore
from ..errors import UsageError
from ..config import Configuration
from ..tokenizer.base import AbstractTokenizer
params.append((ccode, props['names'], lang, partition))
with connect(dsn) as conn:
+ register_hstore(conn)
with conn.cursor() as cur:
- psycopg2.extras.register_hstore(cur)
""" CREATE TABLE public.country_name (
country_code character varying(2),
return ':' not in key or not languages or \
key[key.index(':') + 1:] in languages
+ register_hstore(conn)
with conn.cursor() as cur:
- psycopg2.extras.register_hstore(cur)
cur.execute("""SELECT country_code, name FROM country_name
WHERE country_code is not null""")
Specialised connection and cursor functions.
-from typing import Optional, Any, Callable, ContextManager, Dict, cast, overload, Tuple, Iterable
+from typing import Optional, Any, Callable, ContextManager, Dict, cast, overload,\
+ Tuple, Iterable
import contextlib
import logging
import os
psycopg2.extras.execute_values(self, sql, argslist, template=template)
- def scalar(self, sql: Query, args: Any = None) -> Any:
- """ Execute query that returns a single value. The value is returned.
- If the query yields more than one row, a ValueError is raised.
- """
- self.execute(sql, args)
- if self.rowcount != 1:
- raise RuntimeError("Query did not return a single row.")
- result = self.fetchone()
- assert result is not None
- return result[0]
- def drop_table(self, name: str, if_exists: bool = True, cascade: bool = False) -> None:
- """ Drop the table with the given name.
- Set `if_exists` to False if a non-existent table should raise
- an exception instead of just being ignored. If 'cascade' is set
- to True then all dependent tables are deleted as well.
- """
- sql = 'DROP TABLE '
- if if_exists:
- sql += 'IF EXISTS '
- sql += '{}'
- if cascade:
- sql += ' CASCADE'
- self.execute(pysql.SQL(sql).format(pysql.Identifier(name)))
class Connection(psycopg2.extensions.connection):
""" A connection that provides the specialised cursor by default and
adds convenience functions for administrating the database.
return super().cursor(cursor_factory=cursor_factory, **kwargs)
- def table_exists(self, table: str) -> bool:
- """ Check that a table with the given name exists in the database.
- """
- with self.cursor() as cur:
- num = cur.scalar("""SELECT count(*) FROM pg_tables
- WHERE tablename = %s and schemaname = 'public'""", (table, ))
- return num == 1 if isinstance(num, int) else False
+def execute_scalar(conn: Connection, sql: Query, args: Any = None) -> Any:
+ """ Execute query that returns a single value. The value is returned.
+ If the query yields more than one row, a ValueError is raised.
+ """
+ with conn.cursor() as cur:
+ cur.execute(sql, args)
+ if cur.rowcount != 1:
+ raise RuntimeError("Query did not return a single row.")
- def table_has_column(self, table: str, column: str) -> bool:
- """ Check if the table 'table' exists and has a column with name 'column'.
- """
- with self.cursor() as cur:
- has_column = cur.scalar("""SELECT count(*) FROM information_schema.columns
- WHERE table_name = %s
- and column_name = %s""",
- (table, column))
- return has_column > 0 if isinstance(has_column, int) else False
- def index_exists(self, index: str, table: Optional[str] = None) -> bool:
- """ Check that an index with the given name exists in the database.
- If table is not None then the index must relate to the given
- table.
- """
- with self.cursor() as cur:
- cur.execute("""SELECT tablename FROM pg_indexes
- WHERE indexname = %s and schemaname = 'public'""", (index, ))
- if cur.rowcount == 0:
+ result = cur.fetchone()
+ assert result is not None
+ return result[0]
+def table_exists(conn: Connection, table: str) -> bool:
+ """ Check that a table with the given name exists in the database.
+ """
+ num = execute_scalar(conn,
+ """SELECT count(*) FROM pg_tables
+ WHERE tablename = %s and schemaname = 'public'""", (table, ))
+ return num == 1 if isinstance(num, int) else False
+def table_has_column(conn: Connection, table: str, column: str) -> bool:
+ """ Check if the table 'table' exists and has a column with name 'column'.
+ """
+ has_column = execute_scalar(conn,
+ """SELECT count(*) FROM information_schema.columns
+ WHERE table_name = %s and column_name = %s""",
+ (table, column))
+ return has_column > 0 if isinstance(has_column, int) else False
+def index_exists(conn: Connection, index: str, table: Optional[str] = None) -> bool:
+ """ Check that an index with the given name exists in the database.
+ If table is not None then the index must relate to the given
+ table.
+ """
+ with conn.cursor() as cur:
+ cur.execute("""SELECT tablename FROM pg_indexes
+ WHERE indexname = %s and schemaname = 'public'""", (index, ))
+ if cur.rowcount == 0:
+ return False
+ if table is not None:
+ row = cur.fetchone()
+ if row is None or not isinstance(row[0], str):
return False
+ return row[0] == table
- if table is not None:
- row = cur.fetchone()
- if row is None or not isinstance(row[0], str):
- return False
- return row[0] == table
+ return True
- return True
+def drop_tables(conn: Connection, *names: str,
+ if_exists: bool = True, cascade: bool = False) -> None:
+ """ Drop one or more tables with the given names.
+ Set `if_exists` to False if a non-existent table should raise
+ an exception instead of just being ignored. `cascade` will cause
+ depended objects to be dropped as well.
+ The caller needs to take care of committing the change.
+ """
+ sql = pysql.SQL('DROP TABLE%s{}%s' % (
+ ' IF EXISTS ' if if_exists else ' ',
+ ' CASCADE' if cascade else ''))
+ with conn.cursor() as cur:
+ for name in names:
+ cur.execute(sql.format(pysql.Identifier(name)))
- def drop_table(self, name: str, if_exists: bool = True, cascade: bool = False) -> None:
- """ Drop the table with the given name.
- Set `if_exists` to False if a non-existent table should raise
- an exception instead of just being ignored.
- """
- with self.cursor() as cur:
- cur.drop_table(name, if_exists, cascade)
- self.commit()
+def server_version_tuple(conn: Connection) -> Tuple[int, int]:
+ """ Return the server version as a tuple of (major, minor).
+ Converts correctly for pre-10 and post-10 PostgreSQL versions.
+ """
+ version = conn.server_version
+ if version < 100000:
+ return (int(version / 10000), int((version % 10000) / 100))
- def server_version_tuple(self) -> Tuple[int, int]:
- """ Return the server version as a tuple of (major, minor).
- Converts correctly for pre-10 and post-10 PostgreSQL versions.
- """
- version = self.server_version
- if version < 100000:
- return (int(version / 10000), int((version % 10000) / 100))
+ return (int(version / 10000), version % 10000)
- return (int(version / 10000), version % 10000)
+def postgis_version_tuple(conn: Connection) -> Tuple[int, int]:
+ """ Return the postgis version installed in the database as a
+ tuple of (major, minor). Assumes that the PostGIS extension
+ has been installed already.
+ """
+ version = execute_scalar(conn, 'SELECT postgis_lib_version()')
- def postgis_version_tuple(self) -> Tuple[int, int]:
- """ Return the postgis version installed in the database as a
- tuple of (major, minor). Assumes that the PostGIS extension
- has been installed already.
- """
- with self.cursor() as cur:
- version = cur.scalar('SELECT postgis_lib_version()')
+ version_parts = version.split('.')
+ if len(version_parts) < 2:
+ raise UsageError(f"Error fetching Postgis version. Bad format: {version}")
- version_parts = version.split('.')
- if len(version_parts) < 2:
- raise UsageError(f"Error fetching Postgis version. Bad format: {version}")
+ return (int(version_parts[0]), int(version_parts[1]))
- return (int(version_parts[0]), int(version_parts[1]))
+def register_hstore(conn: Connection) -> None:
+ """ Register the hstore type with psycopg for the connection.
+ """
+ psycopg2.extras.register_hstore(conn)
class ConnectionContext(ContextManager[Connection]):
from typing import Optional, cast
-from .connection import Connection
+from .connection import Connection, table_exists
def set_property(conn: Connection, name: str, value: str) -> None:
""" Add or replace the property with the given name.
""" Return the current value of the given property or None if the property
is not set.
- if not conn.table_exists('nominatim_properties'):
+ if not table_exists(conn, 'nominatim_properties'):
return None
with conn.cursor() as cur:
from typing import Set, Dict, Any, cast
import jinja2
-from .connection import Connection
+from .connection import Connection, server_version_tuple, postgis_version_tuple
from .async_connection import WorkerPool
from ..config import Configuration
""" Set up a dictionary with various optional Postgresql/Postgis features that
depend on the database version.
- pg_version = conn.server_version_tuple()
- postgis_version = conn.postgis_version_tuple()
+ pg_version = server_version_tuple(conn)
+ postgis_version = postgis_version_tuple(conn)
pg11plus = pg_version >= (11, 0, 0)
ps3 = postgis_version >= (3, 0)
return {
import logging
import re
-from .connection import Connection
+from .connection import Connection, table_exists, execute_scalar
from ..utils.url_utils import get_url
from ..errors import UsageError
from ..typing import TypedDict
data base.
# If there is a date from osm2pgsql available, use that.
- if conn.table_exists('osm2pgsql_properties'):
+ if table_exists(conn, 'osm2pgsql_properties'):
with conn.cursor() as cur:
cur.execute(""" SELECT value FROM osm2pgsql_properties
WHERE property = 'current_timestamp' """)
raise UsageError("Cannot determine database date from data in offline mode.")
# Else, find the node with the highest ID in the database
- with conn.cursor() as cur:
- if conn.table_exists('place'):
- osmid = cur.scalar("SELECT max(osm_id) FROM place WHERE osm_type='N'")
- else:
- osmid = cur.scalar("SELECT max(osm_id) FROM placex WHERE osm_type='N'")
- if osmid is None:
- LOG.fatal("No data found in the database.")
- raise UsageError("No data found in the database.")
+ if table_exists(conn, 'place'):
+ osmid = execute_scalar(conn, "SELECT max(osm_id) FROM place WHERE osm_type='N'")
+ else:
+ osmid = execute_scalar(conn, "SELECT max(osm_id) FROM placex WHERE osm_type='N'")
+ if osmid is None:
+ LOG.fatal("No data found in the database.")
+ raise UsageError("No data found in the database.")"Using node id %d for timestamp lookup", osmid)
# Get the node from the API to find the timestamp when it was created.
from ..typing import DictCursorResults
from ..db.async_connection import DBConnection, WorkerPool
-from ..db.connection import connect, Connection, Cursor
+from ..db.connection import connect, Connection, Cursor, execute_scalar, register_hstore
from ..tokenizer.base import AbstractTokenizer
from .progress import ProgressLogger
from . import runners
self.conn: Optional[DBConnection] = DBConnection(dsn,
- with setup_conn.cursor() as cur:
- # need to fetch those manually because register_hstore cannot
- # fetch them on an asynchronous connection below.
- hstore_oid = cur.scalar("SELECT 'hstore'::regtype::oid")
- hstore_array_oid = cur.scalar("SELECT 'hstore[]'::regtype::oid")
+ # need to fetch those manually because register_hstore cannot
+ # fetch them on an asynchronous connection below.
+ hstore_oid = execute_scalar(setup_conn, "SELECT 'hstore'::regtype::oid")
+ hstore_array_oid = execute_scalar(setup_conn, "SELECT 'hstore[]'::regtype::oid")
psycopg2.extras.register_hstore(self.conn.conn, oid=hstore_oid,
def close(self) -> None:
""" Close the underlying asynchronous connection.
LOG.warning("Starting %s (using batch size %s)",, batch)
with connect(self.dsn) as conn:
- psycopg2.extras.register_hstore(conn)
- with conn.cursor() as cur:
- total_tuples = cur.scalar(runner.sql_count_objects())
- LOG.debug("Total number of rows: %i", total_tuples)
+ register_hstore(conn)
+ total_tuples = execute_scalar(conn, runner.sql_count_objects())
+ LOG.debug("Total number of rows: %i", total_tuples)
from pathlib import Path
from textwrap import dedent
-from ..db.connection import connect, Connection, Cursor
+from ..db.connection import connect, Connection, Cursor, server_version_tuple,\
+ drop_tables, table_exists, execute_scalar
from ..config import Configuration
from ..db.utils import CopyBuffer
from ..db.sql_preprocessor import SQLPreprocessor
""" Recompute frequencies for all name words.
with connect(self.dsn) as conn:
- if not conn.table_exists('search_name'):
+ if not table_exists(conn, 'search_name'):
with conn.cursor() as cur:
cur.execute('SET max_parallel_workers_per_gather TO %s',
(min(threads, 6),))
- if conn.server_version_tuple() < (12, 0):
+ if server_version_tuple(conn) < (12, 0):'Computing word frequencies')
- cur.drop_table('word_frequencies')
- cur.drop_table('addressword_frequencies')
+ drop_tables(conn, 'word_frequencies', 'addressword_frequencies')
cur.execute("""CREATE TEMP TABLE word_frequencies AS
SELECT unnest(name_vector) as id, count(*)
FROM search_name GROUP BY id""")
""")'Update word table with recomputed frequencies')
- cur.drop_table('tmp_word')
+ drop_tables(conn, 'tmp_word')
cur.execute("""CREATE TABLE tmp_word AS
SELECT word_id, word_token, type, word,
word_freq_update(word_id, info) as info
FROM word
- cur.drop_table('word_frequencies')
- cur.drop_table('addressword_frequencies')
+ drop_tables(conn, 'word_frequencies', 'addressword_frequencies')
else:'Computing word frequencies')
- cur.drop_table('word_frequencies')
+ drop_tables(conn, 'word_frequencies')
CREATE TEMP TABLE word_frequencies AS
cur.execute('CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON word_frequencies(id) INCLUDE(info)')
cur.execute('ANALYSE word_frequencies')'Update word table with recomputed frequencies')
- cur.drop_table('tmp_word')
+ drop_tables(conn, 'tmp_word')
cur.execute("""CREATE TABLE tmp_word AS
SELECT word_id, word_token, type, word,
FROM word LEFT JOIN word_frequencies wf
ON word.word_id =
- cur.drop_table('word_frequencies')
+ drop_tables(conn, 'word_frequencies')
with conn.cursor() as cur:
cur.execute('SET max_parallel_workers_per_gather TO 0')
""" Remove unused house numbers.
with connect(self.dsn) as conn:
- if not conn.table_exists('search_name'):
+ if not table_exists(conn, 'search_name'):
with conn.cursor(name="hnr_counter") as cur:
cur.execute("""SELECT DISTINCT word_id, coalesce(info->>'lookup', word_token)
with connect(self.dsn) as conn:
- with conn.cursor() as cur:
- cur.drop_table('word')
+ drop_tables(conn, 'word')
sqlp = SQLPreprocessor(conn, config)
sqlp.run_string(conn, """
""" Rename all tables and indexes used by the tokenizer.
with connect(self.dsn) as conn:
+ drop_tables(conn, 'word')
with conn.cursor() as cur:
- cur.drop_table('word')
cur.execute(f"ALTER TABLE {old} RENAME TO word")
for idx in ('word_token', 'word_id'):
cur.execute(f"""ALTER INDEX idx_{old}_{idx}
if norm_name:
result = self._cache.housenumbers.get(norm_name, result)
if result[0] is None:
- with self.conn.cursor() as cur:
- hid = cur.scalar("SELECT getorcreate_hnr_id(%s)", (norm_name, ))
+ hid = execute_scalar(self.conn, "SELECT getorcreate_hnr_id(%s)", (norm_name, ))
- result = hid, norm_name
- self._cache.housenumbers[norm_name] = result
+ result = hid, norm_name
+ self._cache.housenumbers[norm_name] = result
# Otherwise use the analyzer to determine the canonical name.
# Per convention we use the first variant as the 'lookup name', the
if result[0] is None:
variants = analyzer.compute_variants(word_id)
if variants:
- with self.conn.cursor() as cur:
- hid = cur.scalar("SELECT create_analyzed_hnr_id(%s, %s)",
+ hid = execute_scalar(self.conn, "SELECT create_analyzed_hnr_id(%s, %s)",
(word_id, list(variants)))
- result = hid, variants[0]
- self._cache.housenumbers[word_id] = result
+ result = hid, variants[0]
+ self._cache.housenumbers[word_id] = result
return result
from icu import Transliterator
import psycopg2
-import psycopg2.extras
from ..errors import UsageError
-from ..db.connection import connect, Connection
+from ..db.connection import connect, Connection, drop_tables, table_exists,\
+ execute_scalar, register_hstore
from ..config import Configuration
from ..db import properties
from ..db import utils as db_utils
* Can be accessed by the database user?
with connect(self.dsn) as conn:
- with conn.cursor() as cur:
- try:
- out = cur.scalar("SELECT make_standard_name('a')")
- except psycopg2.Error as err:
- return hint.format(error=str(err))
+ try:
+ out = execute_scalar(conn, "SELECT make_standard_name('a')")
+ except psycopg2.Error as err:
+ return hint.format(error=str(err))
if out != 'a':
return hint.format(error='Unexpected result for make_standard_name()')
""" Recompute the frequency of full words.
with connect(self.dsn) as conn:
- if conn.table_exists('search_name'):
+ if table_exists(conn, 'search_name'):
+ drop_tables(conn, "word_frequencies")
with conn.cursor() as cur:
- cur.drop_table("word_frequencies")"Computing word frequencies")
cur.execute("""CREATE TEMP TABLE word_frequencies AS
SELECT unnest(name_vector) as id, count(*)
cur.execute("""UPDATE word SET search_name_count = count
FROM word_frequencies
WHERE word_token like ' %' and word_id = id""")
- cur.drop_table("word_frequencies")
+ drop_tables(conn, "word_frequencies")
self.conn: Optional[Connection] = connect(dsn).connection
self.conn.autocommit = True
self.normalizer = normalizer
- psycopg2.extras.register_hstore(self.conn)
+ register_hstore(self.conn)
self._cache = _TokenCache(self.conn)
def add_names(self, conn: Connection, names: Mapping[str, str]) -> None:
""" Add token information for the names of the place.
- with conn.cursor() as cur:
- # Create the token IDs for all names.
-['names'] = cur.scalar("SELECT make_keywords(%s)::text",
+ # Create the token IDs for all names.
+['names'] = execute_scalar(conn, "SELECT make_keywords(%s)::text",
(names, ))
""" Add addr:street match terms.
def _get_street(name: str) -> Optional[str]:
- with conn.cursor() as cur:
- return cast(Optional[str],
- cur.scalar("SELECT word_ids_from_name(%s)::text", (name, )))
+ return cast(Optional[str],
+ execute_scalar(conn, "SELECT word_ids_from_name(%s)::text", (name, )))
tokens = self.cache.streets.get(street, _get_street)['street'] = tokens or '{}'
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Any, cast
import logging
-from psycopg2.extras import Json, register_hstore
+from psycopg2.extras import Json
from psycopg2 import DataError
from ..typing import DictCursorResult
from ..config import Configuration
-from ..db.connection import connect, Cursor
+from ..db.connection import connect, Cursor, register_hstore
from ..errors import UsageError
from ..tokenizer import factory as tokenizer_factory
from import PlaceInfo
from textwrap import dedent
from ..config import Configuration
-from ..db.connection import connect, Connection
+from ..db.connection import connect, Connection, server_version_tuple,\
+ index_exists, table_exists, execute_scalar
from ..db import properties
from ..errors import UsageError
from ..tokenizer import factory as tokenizer_factory
- if conn.table_exists('search_name'):
+ if table_exists(conn, 'search_name'):
- if conn.server_version_tuple() >= (11, 0, 0):
+ if server_version_tuple(conn) >= (11, 0, 0):
- if conn.table_exists('place'):
+ if table_exists(conn, 'place'):
* Are you connecting to the correct database?
Check the Migration chapter of the Administration Guide.
""" Checking database_version matches Nominatim software version
- if conn.table_exists('nominatim_properties'):
+ if table_exists(conn, 'nominatim_properties'):
db_version_str = properties.get_property(conn, 'database_version')
db_version_str = None
def check_placex_table(conn: Connection, config: Configuration) -> CheckResult:
""" Checking for placex table
- if conn.table_exists('placex'):
+ if table_exists(conn, 'placex'):
return CheckState.OK
return CheckState.FATAL, dict(config=config)
def check_placex_size(conn: Connection, _: Configuration) -> CheckResult:
""" Checking for placex content
- with conn.cursor() as cur:
- cnt = cur.scalar('SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT * FROM placex LIMIT 100) x')
+ cnt = execute_scalar(conn, 'SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT * FROM placex LIMIT 100) x')
return CheckState.OK if cnt > 0 else CheckState.FATAL
def check_existance_wikipedia(conn: Connection, _: Configuration) -> CheckResult:
""" Checking for wikipedia/wikidata data
- if not conn.table_exists('search_name') or not conn.table_exists('place'):
+ if not table_exists(conn, 'search_name') or not table_exists(conn, 'place'):
return CheckState.NOT_APPLICABLE
- with conn.cursor() as cur:
- if conn.table_exists('wikimedia_importance'):
- cnt = cur.scalar('SELECT count(*) FROM wikimedia_importance')
- else:
- cnt = cur.scalar('SELECT count(*) FROM wikipedia_article')
+ if table_exists(conn, 'wikimedia_importance'):
+ cnt = execute_scalar(conn, 'SELECT count(*) FROM wikimedia_importance')
+ else:
+ cnt = execute_scalar(conn, 'SELECT count(*) FROM wikipedia_article')
- return CheckState.WARN if cnt == 0 else CheckState.OK
+ return CheckState.WARN if cnt == 0 else CheckState.OK
def check_indexing(conn: Connection, _: Configuration) -> CheckResult:
""" Checking indexing status
- with conn.cursor() as cur:
- cnt = cur.scalar('SELECT count(*) FROM placex WHERE indexed_status > 0')
+ cnt = execute_scalar(conn, 'SELECT count(*) FROM placex WHERE indexed_status > 0')
if cnt == 0:
return CheckState.OK
Low counts of unindexed places are fine."""
return CheckState.WARN, dict(count=cnt, index_cmd=index_cmd)
- if conn.index_exists('idx_placex_rank_search'):
+ if index_exists(conn, 'idx_placex_rank_search'):
# Likely just an interrupted update.
index_cmd = 'nominatim index'
missing = []
for index in _get_indexes(conn):
- if not conn.index_exists(index):
+ if not index_exists(conn, index):
if missing:
if not config.get_bool('USE_US_TIGER_DATA'):
return CheckState.NOT_APPLICABLE
- if not conn.table_exists('location_property_tiger'):
+ if not table_exists(conn, 'location_property_tiger'):
return CheckState.FAIL, dict(error='TIGER data table not found.')
- with conn.cursor() as cur:
- if cur.scalar('SELECT count(*) FROM location_property_tiger') == 0:
- return CheckState.FAIL, dict(error='TIGER data table is empty.')
+ if execute_scalar(conn, 'SELECT count(*) FROM location_property_tiger') == 0:
+ return CheckState.FAIL, dict(error='TIGER data table is empty.')
return CheckState.OK
import subprocess
import sys
from pathlib import Path
-from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing import List, Optional, Union
import psutil
-from psycopg2.extensions import make_dsn, parse_dsn
+from psycopg2.extensions import make_dsn
from ..config import Configuration
-from ..db.connection import connect
+from ..db.connection import connect, server_version_tuple, execute_scalar
from ..version import NOMINATIM_VERSION
-def convert_version(ver_tup: Tuple[int, int]) -> str:
- """converts tuple version (ver_tup) to a string representation"""
- return ".".join(map(str, ver_tup))
def friendly_memory_string(mem: float) -> str:
"""Create a user friendly string for the amount of memory specified as mem"""
mem_magnitude = ("bytes", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB")
storage, and database configuration."""
with connect(make_dsn(config.get_libpq_dsn(), dbname='postgres')) as conn:
- postgresql_ver: str = convert_version(conn.server_version_tuple())
+ postgresql_ver: str = '.'.join(map(str, server_version_tuple(conn)))
with conn.cursor() as cur:
- num = cur.scalar("SELECT count(*) FROM pg_catalog.pg_database WHERE datname=%s",
- (parse_dsn(config.get_libpq_dsn())['dbname'], ))
- nominatim_db_exists = num == 1 if isinstance(num, int) else False
+ cur.execute("SELECT datname FROM pg_catalog.pg_database WHERE datname=%s",
+ (config.get_database_params()['dbname'], ))
+ nominatim_db_exists = cur.rowcount > 0
if nominatim_db_exists:
with connect(config.get_libpq_dsn()) as conn:
- postgis_ver: str = convert_version(conn.postgis_version_tuple())
+ postgis_ver: str = execute_scalar(conn, 'SELECT postgis_lib_version()')
postgis_ver = "Unable to connect to database"
from ..errors import UsageError
from ..config import Configuration
-from ..db.connection import connect, get_pg_env, Connection
+from ..db.connection import connect, get_pg_env, Connection, server_version_tuple,\
+ postgis_version_tuple, drop_tables, table_exists, execute_scalar
from ..db.async_connection import DBConnection
from ..db.sql_preprocessor import SQLPreprocessor
from .exec_utils import run_osm2pgsql
""" Check that the database has the required plugins installed."""
with connect(dsn) as conn:
_require_version('PostgreSQL server',
- conn.server_version_tuple(),
+ server_version_tuple(conn),
- conn.postgis_version_tuple(),
+ postgis_version_tuple(conn),
_require_loaded('hstore', conn)
with connect(dsn) as conn:
_require_version('PostgreSQL server',
- conn.server_version_tuple(),
+ server_version_tuple(conn),
if rouser is not None:
- with conn.cursor() as cur:
- cnt = cur.scalar('SELECT count(*) FROM pg_user where usename = %s',
+ cnt = execute_scalar(conn, 'SELECT count(*) FROM pg_user where usename = %s',
(rouser, ))
- if cnt == 0:
- LOG.fatal("Web user '%s' does not exist. Create it with:\n"
- "\n createuser %s", rouser, rouser)
- raise UsageError('Missing read-only user.')
+ if cnt == 0:
+ LOG.fatal("Web user '%s' does not exist. Create it with:\n"
+ "\n createuser %s", rouser, rouser)
+ raise UsageError('Missing read-only user.')
# Create extensions.
with conn.cursor() as cur:
cur.execute('CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS hstore')
cur.execute('CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS postgis')
- postgis_version = conn.postgis_version_tuple()
+ postgis_version = postgis_version_tuple(conn)
if postgis_version[0] >= 3:
cur.execute('CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS postgis_raster')
- conn.postgis_version_tuple(),
+ postgis_version_tuple(conn),
raise UsageError('No data imported by osm2pgsql.')
if drop:
- conn.drop_table('planet_osm_nodes')
+ drop_tables(conn, 'planet_osm_nodes')
+ conn.commit()
if drop and options['flatnode_file']:
cur.execute('TRUNCATE location_property_tiger')
cur.execute('TRUNCATE location_property_osmline')
cur.execute('TRUNCATE location_postcode')
- if conn.table_exists('search_name'):
+ if table_exists(conn, 'search_name'):
cur.execute('TRUNCATE search_name')
cur.execute('DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS seq_place')
cur.execute('CREATE SEQUENCE seq_place start 100000')
from psycopg2 import sql as pysql
-from ..db.connection import Connection
+from ..db.connection import Connection, drop_tables, table_exists
+ pysql.SQL(' or ').join(parts))
tables = [r[0] for r in cur]
- for table in tables:
- cur.drop_table(table, cascade=True)
+ drop_tables(conn, *tables, cascade=True)
""" Returns true if database is in a frozen state
- return conn.table_exists('place') is False
+ return table_exists(conn, 'place') is False
from ..errors import UsageError
from ..config import Configuration
from ..db import properties
-from ..db.connection import connect, Connection
+from ..db.connection import connect, Connection, server_version_tuple,\
+ table_has_column, table_exists, execute_scalar, register_hstore
from ..version import NominatimVersion, NOMINATIM_VERSION, parse_version
from ..tokenizer import factory as tokenizer_factory
from . import refresh
if necesssary.
with connect(config.get_libpq_dsn()) as conn:
- if conn.table_exists('nominatim_properties'):
+ register_hstore(conn)
+ if table_exists(conn, 'nominatim_properties'):
db_version_str = properties.get_property(conn, 'database_version')
db_version_str = None
Only migrations for 3.6 and later are supported, so bail out
when the version seems older.
- with conn.cursor() as cur:
- # In version 3.6, the country_name table was updated. Check for that.
- cnt = cur.scalar("""SELECT count(*) FROM
- (SELECT svals(name) FROM country_name
- WHERE country_code = 'gb')x;
- """)
- if cnt < 100:
- LOG.fatal('It looks like your database was imported with a version '
- 'prior to 3.6.0. Automatic migration not possible.')
- raise UsageError('Migration not possible.')
+ # In version 3.6, the country_name table was updated. Check for that.
+ cnt = execute_scalar(conn, """SELECT count(*) FROM
+ (SELECT svals(name) FROM country_name
+ WHERE country_code = 'gb')x;
+ """)
+ if cnt < 100:
+ LOG.fatal('It looks like your database was imported with a version '
+ 'prior to 3.6.0. Automatic migration not possible.')
+ raise UsageError('Migration not possible.')
return NominatimVersion(3, 5, 0, 99)
def add_nominatim_property_table(conn: Connection, config: Configuration, **_: Any) -> None:
""" Add nominatim_property table.
- if not conn.table_exists('nominatim_properties'):
+ if not table_exists(conn, 'nominatim_properties'):
with conn.cursor() as cur:
cur.execute(pysql.SQL("""CREATE TABLE nominatim_properties (
property TEXT,
configuration for the backwards-compatible legacy tokenizer
if properties.get_property(conn, 'tokenizer') is None:
- with conn.cursor() as cur:
- for table in ('placex', 'location_property_osmline'):
- has_column = cur.scalar("""SELECT count(*) FROM information_schema.columns
- WHERE table_name = %s
- and column_name = 'token_info'""",
- (table, ))
- if has_column == 0:
+ for table in ('placex', 'location_property_osmline'):
+ if not table_has_column(conn, table, 'token_info'):
+ with conn.cursor() as cur:
cur.execute(pysql.SQL('ALTER TABLE {} ADD COLUMN token_info JSONB')
tokenizer = tokenizer_factory.create_tokenizer(config, init_db=False,
The inclusion is needed for efficient lookup of housenumbers in
full address searches.
- if conn.server_version_tuple() >= (11, 0, 0):
+ if server_version_tuple(conn) >= (11, 0, 0):
with conn.cursor() as cur:
Also converts the data into the stricter format which requires that
startnumbers comply with the odd/even requirements.
- if conn.table_has_column('location_property_osmline', 'step'):
+ if table_has_column(conn, 'location_property_osmline', 'step'):
with conn.cursor() as cur:
def add_step_column_for_tiger(conn: Connection, **_: Any) -> None:
""" Add a new column 'step' to the tiger data table.
- if conn.table_has_column('location_property_tiger', 'step'):
+ if table_has_column(conn, 'location_property_tiger', 'step'):
with conn.cursor() as cur:
""" Add a new column 'derived_name' which in the future takes the
country names as imported from OSM data.
- if not conn.table_has_column('country_name', 'derived_name'):
+ if not table_has_column(conn, 'country_name', 'derived_name'):
with conn.cursor() as cur:
cur.execute("ALTER TABLE country_name ADD COLUMN derived_name public.HSTORE")
""" Names from the country table should be marked as internal to prevent
them from being deleted. Only necessary for ICU tokenizer.
- import psycopg2.extras # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
tokenizer = tokenizer_factory.get_tokenizer_for_db(config)
with tokenizer.name_analyzer() as analyzer:
with conn.cursor() as cur:
- psycopg2.extras.register_hstore(cur)
cur.execute("SELECT country_code, name FROM country_name")
for country_code, names in cur:
The table is only necessary when updates are possible, i.e.
the database is not in freeze mode.
- if conn.table_exists('place'):
+ if table_exists(conn, 'place'):
with conn.cursor() as cur:
cur.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS place_to_be_deleted (
osm_type CHAR(1),
def split_pending_index(conn: Connection, **_: Any) -> None:
""" Reorganise indexes for pending updates.
- if conn.table_exists('place'):
+ if table_exists(conn, 'place'):
with conn.cursor() as cur:
cur.execute("""CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_placex_rank_address_sector
ON placex USING BTREE (rank_address, geometry_sector)
def enable_forward_dependencies(conn: Connection, **_: Any) -> None:
""" Create indexes for updates with forward dependency tracking (long-running).
- if conn.table_exists('planet_osm_ways'):
+ if table_exists(conn, 'planet_osm_ways'):
with conn.cursor() as cur:
cur.execute("""SELECT * FROM pg_indexes
WHERE tablename = 'planet_osm_ways'
def create_postcode_parent_index(conn: Connection, **_: Any) -> None:
""" Create index needed for updating postcodes when a parent changes.
- if conn.table_exists('planet_osm_ways'):
+ if table_exists(conn, 'planet_osm_ways'):
with conn.cursor() as cur:
from psycopg2 import sql as pysql
-from ..db.connection import connect, Connection
+from ..db.connection import connect, Connection, table_exists
from ..utils.centroid import PointsCentroid
from import PostcodeFormatter, CountryPostcodeMatcher
from ..tokenizer.base import AbstractAnalyzer, AbstractTokenizer
postcodes can be computed.
with connect(dsn) as conn:
- return conn.table_exists('place')
+ return table_exists(conn, 'place')
from psycopg2 import sql as pysql
from ..config import Configuration
-from ..db.connection import Connection, connect
+from ..db.connection import Connection, connect, postgis_version_tuple,\
+ drop_tables, table_exists
from ..db.utils import execute_file, CopyBuffer
from ..db.sql_preprocessor import SQLPreprocessor
from ..version import NOMINATIM_VERSION
for entry in levels:
_add_address_level_rows_from_entry(rows, entry)
- with conn.cursor() as cur:
- cur.drop_table(table)
+ drop_tables(conn, table)
+ with conn.cursor() as cur:
cur.execute(pysql.SQL("""CREATE TABLE {} (
country_code varchar(2),
class TEXT,
wd_done = set()
with connect(dsn) as conn:
+ drop_tables(conn, 'wikipedia_article', 'wikipedia_redirect', 'wikimedia_importance')
with conn.cursor() as cur:
- cur.drop_table('wikipedia_article')
- cur.drop_table('wikipedia_redirect')
- cur.drop_table('wikimedia_importance')
cur.execute("""CREATE TABLE wikimedia_importance (
language TEXT NOT NULL,
return 1
with connect(dsn) as conn:
- postgis_version = conn.postgis_version_tuple()
+ postgis_version = postgis_version_tuple(conn)
if postgis_version[0] < 3:
LOG.error('PostGIS version is too old for using OSM raster data.')
return 2
template = "\nrequire_once(CONST_LibDir.'/website/{}');\n"
- search_name_table_exists = bool(conn and conn.table_exists('search_name'))
+ search_name_table_exists = bool(conn and table_exists(conn, 'search_name'))
for script in WEBSITE_SCRIPTS:
if not search_name_table_exists and script == 'search.php':
from ..errors import UsageError
from ..db import status
-from ..db.connection import Connection, connect
+from ..db.connection import Connection, connect, server_version_tuple
from .exec_utils import run_osm2pgsql
# Consume updates with osm2pgsql.
options['append'] = True
- options['disable_jit'] = conn.server_version_tuple() >= (11, 0)
+ options['disable_jit'] = server_version_tuple(conn) >= (11, 0)
# Handle deletions
from ...typing import Protocol
from ...config import Configuration
-from ...db.connection import Connection
+from ...db.connection import Connection, drop_tables, index_exists
from .importer_statistics import SpecialPhrasesImporterStatistics
from .special_phrase import SpecialPhrase
from ...tokenizer.base import AbstractTokenizer
index_prefix = f'idx_place_classtype_{phrase_class}_{phrase_type}_'
base_table = _classtype_table(phrase_class, phrase_type)
# Index on centroid
- if not self.db_connection.index_exists(index_prefix + 'centroid'):
+ if not index_exists(self.db_connection, index_prefix + 'centroid'):
with self.db_connection.cursor() as db_cursor:
db_cursor.execute(SQL("CREATE INDEX {} ON {} USING GIST (centroid) {}")
.format(Identifier(index_prefix + 'centroid'),
# Index on place_id
- if not self.db_connection.index_exists(index_prefix + 'place_id'):
+ if not index_exists(self.db_connection, index_prefix + 'place_id'):
with self.db_connection.cursor() as db_cursor:
db_cursor.execute(SQL("CREATE INDEX {} ON {} USING btree(place_id) {}")
.format(Identifier(index_prefix + 'place_id'),
def _remove_non_existent_tables_from_db(self) -> None:
Remove special phrases which doesn't exist on the wiki anymore.
# Delete place_classtype tables corresponding to class/type which
# are not on the wiki anymore.
- with self.db_connection.cursor() as db_cursor:
- for table in self.table_phrases_to_delete:
- self.statistics_handler.notify_one_table_deleted()
- db_cursor.drop_table(table)
+ drop_tables(self.db_connection, *self.table_phrases_to_delete)
+ for _ in self.table_phrases_to_delete:
+ self.statistics_handler.notify_one_table_deleted()
-def test_simple_query(conn, temp_db_conn):
+def test_simple_query(conn, temp_db_cursor):
conn.perform('CREATE TABLE foo (id INT)')
- temp_db_conn.table_exists('foo')
+ assert temp_db_cursor.table_exists('foo')
def test_wait_for_query(conn):
import pytest
import psycopg2
-from nominatim_db.db.connection import connect, get_pg_env
+import nominatim_db.db.connection as nc
def db(dsn):
- with connect(dsn) as conn:
+ with nc.connect(dsn) as conn:
yield conn
def test_connection_table_exists(db, table_factory):
- assert not db.table_exists('foobar')
+ assert not nc.table_exists(db, 'foobar')
- assert db.table_exists('foobar')
+ assert nc.table_exists(db, 'foobar')
def test_has_column_no_table(db):
- assert not db.table_has_column('sometable', 'somecolumn')
+ assert not nc.table_has_column(db, 'sometable', 'somecolumn')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('name,result', [('tram', True), ('car', False)])
def test_has_column(db, table_factory, name, result):
table_factory('stuff', 'tram TEXT')
- assert db.table_has_column('stuff', name) == result
+ assert nc.table_has_column(db, 'stuff', name) == result
def test_connection_index_exists(db, table_factory, temp_db_cursor):
- assert not db.index_exists('some_index')
+ assert not nc.index_exists(db, 'some_index')
temp_db_cursor.execute('CREATE INDEX some_index ON foobar(id)')
- assert db.index_exists('some_index')
- assert db.index_exists('some_index', table='foobar')
- assert not db.index_exists('some_index', table='bar')
+ assert nc.index_exists(db, 'some_index')
+ assert nc.index_exists(db, 'some_index', table='foobar')
+ assert not nc.index_exists(db, 'some_index', table='bar')
def test_drop_table_existing(db, table_factory):
- assert db.table_exists('dummy')
+ assert nc.table_exists(db, 'dummy')
- db.drop_table('dummy')
- assert not db.table_exists('dummy')
+ nc.drop_tables(db, 'dummy')
+ assert not nc.table_exists(db, 'dummy')
-def test_drop_table_non_existsing(db):
- db.drop_table('dfkjgjriogjigjgjrdghehtre')
+def test_drop_table_non_existing(db):
+ nc.drop_tables(db, 'dfkjgjriogjigjgjrdghehtre')
+def test_drop_many_tables(db, table_factory):
+ tables = [f'table{n}' for n in range(5)]
+ for t in tables:
+ table_factory(t)
+ assert nc.table_exists(db, t)
+ nc.drop_tables(db, *tables)
+ for t in tables:
+ assert not nc.table_exists(db, t)
def test_drop_table_non_existing_force(db):
with pytest.raises(psycopg2.ProgrammingError, match='.*does not exist.*'):
- db.drop_table('dfkjgjriogjigjgjrdghehtre', if_exists=False)
+ nc.drop_tables(db, 'dfkjgjriogjigjgjrdghehtre', if_exists=False)
def test_connection_server_version_tuple(db):
- ver = db.server_version_tuple()
+ ver = nc.server_version_tuple(db)
assert isinstance(ver, tuple)
assert len(ver) == 2
def test_connection_postgis_version_tuple(db, temp_db_with_extensions):
- ver = db.postgis_version_tuple()
+ ver = nc.postgis_version_tuple(db)
assert isinstance(ver, tuple)
assert len(ver) == 2
def test_cursor_scalar(db, table_factory):
- with db.cursor() as cur:
- assert cur.scalar('SELECT count(*) FROM dummy') == 0
+ assert nc.execute_scalar(db, 'SELECT count(*) FROM dummy') == 0
def test_cursor_scalar_many_rows(db):
- with db.cursor() as cur:
- with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
- cur.scalar('SELECT * FROM pg_tables')
+ with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match='Query did not return a single row.'):
+ nc.execute_scalar(db, 'SELECT * FROM pg_tables')
def test_cursor_scalar_no_rows(db, table_factory):
- with db.cursor() as cur:
- with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
- cur.scalar('SELECT id FROM dummy')
+ with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match='Query did not return a single row.'):
+ nc.execute_scalar(db, 'SELECT id FROM dummy')
def test_get_pg_env_add_variable(monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.delenv('PGPASSWORD', raising=False)
- env = get_pg_env('user=fooF')
+ env = nc.get_pg_env('user=fooF')
assert env['PGUSER'] == 'fooF'
assert 'PGPASSWORD' not in env
def test_get_pg_env_overwrite_variable(monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setenv('PGUSER', 'some default')
- env = get_pg_env('user=overwriter')
+ env = nc.get_pg_env('user=overwriter')
assert env['PGUSER'] == 'overwriter'
def test_get_pg_env_ignore_unknown():
- env = get_pg_env('client_encoding=stuff', base_env={})
+ env = nc.get_pg_env('client_encoding=stuff', base_env={})
assert env == {}
Legacy word table for testing with functions to prefil and test contents
of the table.
+from nominatim_db.db.connection import execute_scalar
class MockIcuWordTable:
""" A word table for testing using legacy word table structure.
def count(self):
- with self.conn.cursor() as cur:
- return cur.scalar("SELECT count(*) FROM word")
+ return execute_scalar(self.conn, "SELECT count(*) FROM word")
def count_special(self):
- with self.conn.cursor() as cur:
- return cur.scalar("SELECT count(*) FROM word WHERE type = 'S'")
+ return execute_scalar(self.conn, "SELECT count(*) FROM word WHERE type = 'S'")
def count_housenumbers(self):
- with self.conn.cursor() as cur:
- return cur.scalar("SELECT count(*) FROM word WHERE type = 'H'")
+ return execute_scalar(self.conn, "SELECT count(*) FROM word WHERE type = 'H'")
def get_special(self):
Legacy word table for testing with functions to prefil and test contents
of the table.
+from nominatim_db.db.connection import execute_scalar
class MockLegacyWordTable:
""" A word table for testing using legacy word table structure.
def count(self):
- with self.conn.cursor() as cur:
- return cur.scalar("SELECT count(*) FROM word")
+ return execute_scalar(self.conn, "SELECT count(*) FROM word")
def count_special(self):
- with self.conn.cursor() as cur:
- return cur.scalar("SELECT count(*) FROM word WHERE class != 'place'")
+ return execute_scalar(self.conn, "SELECT count(*) FROM word WHERE class != 'place'")
def get_special(self):
assert test_content == set((('1133', ), ))
-def test_finalize_import(tokenizer_factory, temp_db_conn,
- temp_db_cursor, test_config, sql_preprocessor_cfg):
+def test_finalize_import(tokenizer_factory, temp_db_cursor,
+ test_config, sql_preprocessor_cfg):
tok = tokenizer_factory()
- assert not temp_db_conn.index_exists('idx_word_word_id')
+ assert not temp_db_cursor.index_exists('word', 'idx_word_word_id')
- assert temp_db_conn.index_exists('idx_word_word_id')
+ assert temp_db_cursor.index_exists('word', 'idx_word_word_id')
def test_check_database(test_config, tokenizer_factory,
-def test_import_osm_data_drop(table_factory, temp_db_conn, tmp_path, osm2pgsql_options):
+def test_import_osm_data_drop(table_factory, temp_db_cursor, tmp_path, osm2pgsql_options):
table_factory('place', content=((1, ), ))
database_import.import_osm_data(Path('file.pbf'), osm2pgsql_options, drop=True)
assert not flatfile.exists()
- assert not temp_db_conn.table_exists('planet_osm_nodes')
+ assert not temp_db_cursor.table_exists('planet_osm_nodes')
def test_import_osm_data_default_cache(table_factory, osm2pgsql_options, capfd):
assert isinstance(black_list, dict) and isinstance(white_list, dict)
-def test_create_place_classtype_indexes(temp_db_with_extensions, temp_db_conn,
+def test_create_place_classtype_indexes(temp_db_with_extensions,
+ temp_db_conn, temp_db_cursor,
table_factory, sp_importer):
Test that _create_place_classtype_indexes() create the
table_factory(table_name, 'place_id BIGINT, centroid GEOMETRY')
sp_importer._create_place_classtype_indexes('', phrase_class, phrase_type)
+ temp_db_conn.commit()
- assert check_placeid_and_centroid_indexes(temp_db_conn, phrase_class, phrase_type)
+ assert check_placeid_and_centroid_indexes(temp_db_cursor, phrase_class, phrase_type)
-def test_create_place_classtype_table(temp_db_conn, placex_table, sp_importer):
+def test_create_place_classtype_table(temp_db_conn, temp_db_cursor, placex_table, sp_importer):
Test that _create_place_classtype_table() create
the right place_classtype table.
phrase_class = 'class'
phrase_type = 'type'
sp_importer._create_place_classtype_table('', phrase_class, phrase_type)
+ temp_db_conn.commit()
- assert check_table_exist(temp_db_conn, phrase_class, phrase_type)
+ assert check_table_exist(temp_db_cursor, phrase_class, phrase_type)
-def test_grant_access_to_web_user(temp_db_conn, table_factory, def_config, sp_importer):
+def test_grant_access_to_web_user(temp_db_conn, temp_db_cursor, table_factory,
+ def_config, sp_importer):
Test that _grant_access_to_webuser() give
right access to the web user.
sp_importer._grant_access_to_webuser(phrase_class, phrase_type)
+ temp_db_conn.commit()
- assert check_grant_access(temp_db_conn, def_config.DATABASE_WEBUSER, phrase_class, phrase_type)
+ assert check_grant_access(temp_db_cursor, def_config.DATABASE_WEBUSER, phrase_class, phrase_type)
def test_create_place_classtype_table_and_indexes(
- temp_db_conn, def_config, placex_table,
- sp_importer):
+ temp_db_cursor, def_config, placex_table,
+ sp_importer, temp_db_conn):
Test that _create_place_classtype_table_and_indexes()
create the right place_classtype tables and place_id indexes
pairs = set([('class1', 'type1'), ('class2', 'type2')])
+ temp_db_conn.commit()
for pair in pairs:
- assert check_table_exist(temp_db_conn, pair[0], pair[1])
- assert check_placeid_and_centroid_indexes(temp_db_conn, pair[0], pair[1])
- assert check_grant_access(temp_db_conn, def_config.DATABASE_WEBUSER, pair[0], pair[1])
+ assert check_table_exist(temp_db_cursor, pair[0], pair[1])
+ assert check_placeid_and_centroid_indexes(temp_db_cursor, pair[0], pair[1])
+ assert check_grant_access(temp_db_cursor, def_config.DATABASE_WEBUSER, pair[0], pair[1])
def test_remove_non_existent_tables_from_db(sp_importer, default_phrases,
- temp_db_conn):
+ temp_db_conn, temp_db_cursor):
Check for the remove_non_existent_phrases_from_db() method.
+ temp_db_conn.commit()
- # Changes are not committed yet. Use temp_db_conn for checking results.
- with temp_db_conn.cursor(cursor_factory=CursorForTesting) as cur:
- assert cur.row_set(query_tables) \
+ assert temp_db_cursor.row_set(query_tables) \
== {('place_classtype_testclasstypetable_to_keep', )}
@pytest.mark.parametrize("should_replace", [(True), (False)])
-def test_import_phrases(monkeypatch, temp_db_conn, def_config, sp_importer,
+def test_import_phrases(monkeypatch, temp_db_cursor, def_config, sp_importer,
placex_table, table_factory, tokenizer_mock,
xml_wiki_content, should_replace):
class_test = 'aerialway'
type_test = 'zip_line'
- assert check_table_exist(temp_db_conn, class_test, type_test)
- assert check_placeid_and_centroid_indexes(temp_db_conn, class_test, type_test)
- assert check_grant_access(temp_db_conn, def_config.DATABASE_WEBUSER, class_test, type_test)
- assert check_table_exist(temp_db_conn, 'amenity', 'animal_shelter')
+ assert check_table_exist(temp_db_cursor, class_test, type_test)
+ assert check_placeid_and_centroid_indexes(temp_db_cursor, class_test, type_test)
+ assert check_grant_access(temp_db_cursor, def_config.DATABASE_WEBUSER, class_test, type_test)
+ assert check_table_exist(temp_db_cursor, 'amenity', 'animal_shelter')
if should_replace:
- assert not check_table_exist(temp_db_conn, 'wrong_class', 'wrong_type')
+ assert not check_table_exist(temp_db_cursor, 'wrong_class', 'wrong_type')
- assert temp_db_conn.table_exists('place_classtype_amenity_animal_shelter')
+ assert temp_db_cursor.table_exists('place_classtype_amenity_animal_shelter')
if should_replace:
- assert not temp_db_conn.table_exists('place_classtype_wrongclass_wrongtype')
+ assert not temp_db_cursor.table_exists('place_classtype_wrongclass_wrongtype')
-def check_table_exist(temp_db_conn, phrase_class, phrase_type):
+def check_table_exist(temp_db_cursor, phrase_class, phrase_type):
Verify that the place_classtype table exists for the given
phrase_class and phrase_type.
- return temp_db_conn.table_exists('place_classtype_{}_{}'.format(phrase_class, phrase_type))
+ return temp_db_cursor.table_exists('place_classtype_{}_{}'.format(phrase_class, phrase_type))
-def check_grant_access(temp_db_conn, user, phrase_class, phrase_type):
+def check_grant_access(temp_db_cursor, user, phrase_class, phrase_type):
Check that the web user has been granted right access to the
place_classtype table of the given phrase_class and phrase_type.
table_name = 'place_classtype_{}_{}'.format(phrase_class, phrase_type)
- with temp_db_conn.cursor() as temp_db_cursor:
- temp_db_cursor.execute("""
- SELECT * FROM information_schema.role_table_grants
- WHERE table_name='{}'
- AND grantee='{}'
- AND privilege_type='SELECT'""".format(table_name, user))
- return temp_db_cursor.fetchone()
+ temp_db_cursor.execute("""
+ SELECT * FROM information_schema.role_table_grants
+ WHERE table_name='{}'
+ AND grantee='{}'
+ AND privilege_type='SELECT'""".format(table_name, user))
+ return temp_db_cursor.fetchone()
-def check_placeid_and_centroid_indexes(temp_db_conn, phrase_class, phrase_type):
+def check_placeid_and_centroid_indexes(temp_db_cursor, phrase_class, phrase_type):
Check that the place_id index and centroid index exist for the
place_classtype table of the given phrase_class and phrase_type.
+ table_name = 'place_classtype_{}_{}'.format(phrase_class, phrase_type)
index_prefix = 'idx_place_classtype_{}_{}_'.format(phrase_class, phrase_type)
return (
- temp_db_conn.index_exists(index_prefix + 'centroid')
+ temp_db_cursor.index_exists(table_name, index_prefix + 'centroid')
- temp_db_conn.index_exists(index_prefix + 'place_id')
+ temp_db_cursor.index_exists(table_name, index_prefix + 'place_id')
from import migration
from nominatim_db.errors import UsageError
+from nominatim_db.db.connection import server_version_tuple
import nominatim_db.version
from mock_legacy_word_table import MockLegacyWordTable
WHERE property = 'database_version'""")
-def test_already_at_version(def_config, property_table):
+def test_already_at_version(temp_db_with_extensions, def_config, property_table):
assert migration.migrate(def_config, {}) == 0
-def test_run_single_migration(def_config, temp_db_cursor, property_table,
- monkeypatch, postprocess_mock):
+def test_run_single_migration(temp_db_with_extensions, def_config, temp_db_cursor,
+ property_table, monkeypatch, postprocess_mock):
oldversion = [x for x in nominatim_db.version.NOMINATIM_VERSION]
oldversion[0] -= 1
- if temp_db_conn.server_version_tuple() >= (11, 0, 0):
+ if server_version_tuple(temp_db_conn) >= (11, 0, 0):
assert temp_db_cursor.index_exists('location_property_tiger',
import pytest
from import refresh
+from nominatim_db.db.connection import postgis_version_tuple
def test_refresh_import_wikipedia_not_existing(dsn):
assert refresh.import_wikipedia_articles(dsn, Path('.')) == 1
def test_refresh_import_secondary_importance_testdb(dsn, src_dir, temp_db_conn, temp_db_cursor):
temp_db_cursor.execute('CREATE EXTENSION postgis')
- if temp_db_conn.postgis_version_tuple()[0] < 3:
+ if postgis_version_tuple(temp_db_conn)[0] < 3:
assert refresh.import_secondary_importance(dsn, src_dir / 'test' / 'testdb') > 0
temp_db_cursor.execute('CREATE EXTENSION postgis_raster')
assert refresh.import_secondary_importance(dsn, src_dir / 'test' / 'testdb') == 0
- assert temp_db_conn.table_exists('secondary_importance')
+ assert temp_db_cursor.table_exists('secondary_importance')
@pytest.mark.parametrize("replace", (True, False))
import pytest
+from nominatim_db.db.connection import execute_scalar
from import tiger_data, freeze
from nominatim_db.errors import UsageError
cur.execute("CREATE TABLE place (number INTEGER)")
def count(self):
- with self.conn.cursor() as cur:
- return cur.scalar("SELECT count(*) FROM tiger")
+ return execute_scalar(self.conn, "SELECT count(*) FROM tiger")
def row(self):
with self.conn.cursor() as cur: