Thus, while you may split or join phrases, you should not reorder them
unless you really know what you are doing.
-Phrase types (``) can further help narrowing
-down how the tokens in the phrase are interpreted. The following phrase types
-are known:
- options:
- heading_level: 6
+Phrase types can further help narrowing down how the tokens in the phrase
+are interpreted. The following phrase types are known:
+| Name | Description |
+| PHRASE_ANY | No specific designation (i.e. source is free-form query) |
+| PHRASE_AMENITY | Contains name or type of a POI |
+| PHRASE_STREET | Contains a street name optionally with a housenumber |
+| PHRASE_CITY | Contains the postal city |
+| PHRASE_COUNTY | Contains the equivalent of a county |
+| PHRASE_STATE | Contains a state or province |
+| PHRASE_POSTCODE| Contains a postal code |
+| PHRASE_COUNTRY | Contains the country name or code |
## Custom sanitizer modules