1. Install the GDAL library and python bindings and the unzip tool
# Ubuntu:
- sudo apt-get install python-gdal unzip
- # CentOS:
- sudo yum install gdal-python unzip
+ sudo apt-get install python3-gdal unzip
2. Get the TIGER 2018 data. You will need the EDGES files
(3,233 zip files, 11GB total).
cd data-sources/us-tiger
./convert.sh <input-path> <output-path>
4. Maybe: package the created files
tar -czf tiger2018-nominatim-preprocessed.tar.gz tiger
\ No newline at end of file
# Tiger road data to OSM conversion script
# Creates Karlsruhe-style address ways beside the main way
# based on the Massachusetts GIS script by christopher schmidt
if (statefp != None) and (countyfp != None):
county_name = county_fips_data.get(statefp + '' + countyfp)
if county_name:
- tags["tiger:county"] = county_name.encode("utf-8")
+ tags["tiger:county"] = county_name
# tlid = poFeature.GetField("TLID")
# if tlid != None: